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DIIS Working Papers guide - DK (English see page 3)

DIIS Working Papers er "procespapirer," det vil sige materiale, som i princippet ikke har
fundet sin endelige form: udkast til artikler, bogkapitler, konferenceoplæg og andet
materiale, der er til diskussion typisk med henblik på egentlig publicering eksternt.
(Hvis du planlægger udgivelse i et tidsskrift, så undersøg om de vil udgive din tekst, hvis offentliggjort
på, da det kan betragtes som en tidligere udgivelse)

Planlægning: Meld ind til så snart du har aftalt at producere et DIIS
Working Paper, så du er sikker på, at der bliver booket tid til korrektur, opsætning og publicering.

Produktionstid: Ca. 2 uger, længere i perioder med mange publikationer.

Økonomi: Udgift til korrektur og evt. foto. Oplys Alias nummer til Jette Mariboe

Lancering: DIIS Working Papers udgives som pdf på, og udsendes med DIIS’ Nyhedsbrev.

Målgruppe: Er ofte akademisk; forskere eller studerende.

DIIS Working Papers skrevet af DIIS-medarbejdere er ikke underkastet forhåndsvurdering eller
godkendelse, men det vil være oplagt, at arbejdet har været præsenteret for kolleger i afdelingen.
Forskningsenhederne kan have forskellige praksisser på dette punkt, fx aftale om en eller anden
form for intern godkendelse, så tjek med din enhedsleder.
DIIS Working Papers skrevet af eksterne samarbejdspartnere: Enhedslederen skal sikre sig, at teksten
er gennemlæst af/diskuteret sammen med en DIIS-medarbejder i enheden.

Evt. kan enhedens studentermedhjælper hjælpe dig med at indsætte din tekst, tabeller og grafik i
DIIS Working Paper skabelonen.
Sådan finder du skabelonen: Åbn WORD, klik NY, klik DIIIS og vælg skabelonen ”DIIS Working
Paper template”.
Sådan udfylder du skabelonen: Klik på ”F11” for at udfylde de forskellige felter.
Skrifttyper og linjeafstand er allerede i skabelonen, og skal ikke ændres.
Indsæt kapiteltitler (uden nummerering) i felterne ”Heading 1, 2 eller 3”, kun Heading 1 og 2 vises i
indholdsfortegnelsen, som dannes automatisk. Indsæt teksten i feltet ”Text normal”.

Acknowledgements: på indersiden af titelbladet står denne standardtekst:
Working Papers make DIIS researchers’ and partners’ work in progress available to readers prior to
formal publication. They may include documentation which is not necessarily published elsewhere.
DIIS Working Papers are published under the responsibility of the author alone.

Hvis dit Working Paper er finansieret af Udenrigsministeriet (FEB2, Alias: 20339-13600), så skal
følgende formulering indsættes (iflg. Lars Engberg, marts 2022):
Denne publikation har modtaget økonomisk støtte fra Udenrigsministeriet. Rapportens konklusioner
er udelukkende forfatterens/forfatternes.
Hvis dit Working Paper er en del af de Forsvars- og Sikkerhedspolitiske Studier på DIIS (FSPS), så
skal følgende tekst indsættes nederst i WP’et:
Denne publikation er en del af de Forsvars- og Sikkerhedspolitiske Studier på DIIS

Forfatter: Navn, titel og mail indsættes i kolofonen. Der kan tilføjes ekstra linje her med tekst om

Abstract: Husk et abstract på maks. 150 ord.

Footnotes/References: I DIIS Working Papers bruges footnotes nederst på hver side. Referencer
indsættes bagerst.

Grafik/fotos: Husk at indsætte kilde under evt. grafik og fotos. Du skal selv få skriftligt OK fra kilden
til at måtte bruge grafik, fotos i dit Working Paper.


• Korrektur: send din færdige tekst til Jette Mariboe, som sender videre til
korrektur. Du får den korrekturlæste tekst retur til endelig godkendelse.
• Opsætning i skabelon: den clean tekst skal derefter opsættes i DIIS Working Paper-
skabelonen. Enhedens studentermedhjælper kan evt. hjælpe dig med dette.
Sådan finder du skabelon: Åbn WORD, klik NY, klik DIIIS og vælg skabelonen ”DIIS Working
Paper template”. Klik på ”F11” for at udfylde de forskellige felter.
• Færdiggørelse af WP: send derefter dit opsatte Working Paper til Jette Mariboe, som gør det
klart til publicering på layout tjekkes, forside indsættes, isbn tilføjes mm. (forsiden er
normalt ensfarvet m logo, foto kan købes og indsættes i stedet). Du godkender final Word-
version af dit Working Paper. Derefter laves en final pdf.
• Pure & Nyhed til Du skal oploade final pdf af dit Working Paper i Pure og sende en
nyhedsformular til Kommunikation. Tænk i Google søgeord og i key findings i dit Working
Paper, når du udfylder nyhedsformularen. Hvis du ikke sender en nyhedsformular, så vil dit
Working Paper kun kunne ses på din egen profil på
DIIS Working Papers: UK guide

DIIS Working Papers are ‘works in process’, i.e. in principle they consist of material that is
not yet in its final form: drafts of articles, book chapters, conference presentations and other
material that is to be presented for discussion, typically in order to be published externally
(NB: If you are planning a later publication in an external journal, find out whether they will publish
your text if it has already been published at

Planning. Inform as soon as you have agreed to publish a DIIS Working
Paper to be sure that time is booked for proofreading, set-up and publication.

Production time. A minimum of two weeks, and longer in periods with many publications.

Finance. Expenses for proofreading, graphics, illustrations, graphs and photos must be covered by
a project or a requester. Provide an alias number to Jette Mariboe

Launch. DIIS Working Papers are published at and are included in DIIS's weekly Newsletter.

Target group/readership. Usually academics, researchers or students.

Pre-approval and quality control

DIIS Working Papers written by DIIS employees are not subject to any pre-review or pre-approval,
but they will normally have been presented to colleagues in the research unit. Research units have
different best practices on this point, such as an agreement to have some form of internal pre-
approval of a Working Paper, so check with your unit leader.
DIIS Working Papers written by external partners. The unit leader must ensure that the text has
been read by and discussed together with a colleague in the research unit.

If necessary, the research unit's student assistant can help you insert your text, tables and graphics
into the DIIS Working Paper template.
How to find the template. Open WORD, click on NEW, click on DIIIS and choose ‘DIIS Working
Paper template’.
How to fill in the template. Use ‘F11’ to fill in.
Fonts and line-spacing are already inserted in the template and should not be changed.
Insert chapter titles (without numbering) in the fields ‘Heading 1, 2 or 3’ (only Headings 1 and 2
will appear in the table of contents, which will be formed automatically). Fill in your text in the ‘Text
normal’ field.

The inside of the title page contains the following standard text:
Working Papers make DIIS researchers’ and partners’ works in progress available to readers prior to
formal publication. They may include documentation which is not necessarily published elsewhere.
DIIS Working Papers are published under the responsibility of the author(s) alone.

If the Working Paper has been or is being funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the following
wording should be inserted:
This publication has received financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. It
reflects the views of the author(s) alone.
If your Working Paper is part of the Defence and Security Policy Studies at DIIS (FSPS), then the
following text should be inserted:
This publication is part of the Defence and Security Policy Studies at DIIS

Author(s). Must be identified by name, title and e-mail. An extra line can be added here with text
about the author.

Abstract. The first block of text should be an abstract of a maximum 150 words that sums up the
essence of your findings. It should be separate from the main text and not form a section thereof.

Footnotes/references. In DIIS Working Papers, footnotes are placed at the bottom of each page.
Endnotes are not used. References are inserted at the back.

Photos and other illustrations. Remember to provide sources and be sure that you have obtained
the necessary rights to your photos and illustrations.

The procedure in outline

• Proofreading. Send your final text to Jette Mariboe, who will forward it for
proofreading. You will receive back the revised text for final approval.
• Fill in the template. Your student assistant may be able to help you with this.
How to find the template: open WORD, click on NEW, click on DIIIS and choose ‘DIIS
Working Paper template’. Use ‘F11’ to fill in.
• When the template is filled in, send your Working Paper to Jette Mariboe, who will help
prepare it for publication (check layout, insert cover, supply ISBN etc. It is possible to buy
and insert a cover photo). You will approve the final Word version of your Working Paper
before it is finally converted into a pdf.
• Pure & news form for You must upload the final pdf of your Working Paper in Pure
and send a news form to Remember to insert Google keywords
and key findings in your Working Paper when filling out the news form: if you do not send
your news form to Communications, your Working Paper will only appear on your own
profile at

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