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The frame 1 shows the independent variable which consist of motivation and the dependent
variable is job performance. The arrow represents the relationship between the two variables.

The independent variable is the factor that is manipulated or controlled by the researcher. In this
case, the independent variable is motivation. Motivation refers to the internal or external factors
that drive a person to behave in a certain way or take certain actions. It could be intrinsic motivation
(such as personal interest or satisfaction) or extrinsic motivation (such as rewards or recognition).

Dependent Variable (DV): The dependent variable is the outcome or response that is measured in
the study. In this case, the dependent variable is job performance. Job performance refers to how
well an individual performs tasks and responsibilities associated with their job role.

Arrow Representation: The arrow between the independent variable (motivation) and the
dependent variable (job performance) indicates the direction of the relationship being hypothesized
or observed in the study. In this context, it suggests that motivation is believed to influence or
impact job performance.

So, the interpretation of the arrow is that changes in motivation are expected to lead to changes in
job performance. For example, higher levels of motivation might be expected to result in better job
performance, while lower levels of motivation might lead to poorer job performance. This
relationship between motivation and job performance is a common subject of study in fields such as
psychology, organizational behavior, and human resource management.

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