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Question 7

Your town council is proposing to build a marina in your area.

Here are some comments from the public.

More tourists will come to our town due to

the marina.
I am worried about the damage to the
environment this would cause.

Building a Marina: A Big Yes!

Undeniably, a marina is synonymous with prosperity and affluence. The

prospect of inexorable development building a marina will bring about means a vast
majority of our town is longing for it to actualise and I am no exception.
In the first place, it is my strong belief that constructing a marina will promote
tourism in our town. It is a no brainer that building a marina will open a gateway to
our second-to-none natural beauty to moneyed travellers’ yachts. As a consequence,
our economy will boost as these foreigners bring in mammoth amounts of foreign
currency to our souvenir shops, restaurants, for example. As a result, our standard of
living will enhance by leaps and bounds. Building a marina will indeed boost the influx
of tourists.
Another reason why I support the notion is that
it will offer numerous employment opportunities. What a marina will provide is jobs
like dock master or dockhand for dynamic job seekers in our area. This means that the
youth can enjoy a stable source of income, thereby reducing social problems like
crimes. This will pave way for felicity and harmony in the locality. A marina is surely the
answer to the joblessness in town.
To conclude, it is my strident contention that the project of building a
marina should be given the go-ahead as it will encourage tourism and provide the
much-needed job opportunities for youngsters. Ever wondered how to rally your
country’s economy? Try building a marina!


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