Ex 1 Voixpassive Anglais

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Exercice 1 voix passive : Complète la phrase en entourant la proposition qui convient.

1. Two kids went missing. They have found/ were found / found last night.
2. Someone is cooking breakfast  Breakfast cooking/ has cooked/ is being cooked.
3. She elected/ was elected/ is elected last month.
4. They don’t held you.  You is not helped/ don’t help/ are not helped by them.
5. My bag is stealing / was stolen / has stolen.
6. She loved / is loved / is love by everybody.
7. The keys has lost / lost / were lost.
8. They speak English in this family.  English speaks / is speaking / is spoken in this family.

Exercice 2 voix passive : Segregation in the USA. Complète les verbes à la voix passive.

In 1955, Rosa Parks ………………………………… (ask) to give her seat to a white

man. She ………………………….. (arrest) in a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. A bus boycott

……………………………………….. (organize) by Martin Luther King in protest for her arrest. Black

people ………………………………………. (forbid) to sit at the front of

buses. Segregation ……………………………………… (end) in buses thanks to the

boycott. Segregation ……………………………………………… (condemn) by most people during the last 50

years. Today, black people and white people ………………………………………………… (consider)

equal. Ruby Bridges ………………………………………………….. (receive) at the White House last

year. Barack Obama ………………………………………… (elect) president twice. Martin Luther

King ……………………………………………………………….. (remember) every year in January.

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