Is Bring Your Own Device An Institutional Information Security Risk For Small-Scale Business Organisations

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Is Bring Your Own Device an institutional

information security risk for small-scale business


Kudakwashe Madzima Moses Mayo Hanifa Abdullah

Computer Science Dept School of Computing School of Computing
University of Venda, University of South Africa University of South Africa
South Africa South Africa South Africa
kmadzima@univen. mosesm50@gmail. com

devices to company devices, and is called bring your own

Abstract - The use of employees' own mobile devices, under the device (BYOD).
pretext of 'bring your own device' (BYOn), to access vital
Given the capabilities and functionalities offered by mobile
information assets has far reaching implications for an
organisation's information security. BYOn is a potential solution
devices, most employees who own these devices also feel they
to information technology budget constraints and also a means to
can rely on these devices just like they traditionally would rely
increase employee satisfaction regarding the usage of one's own
on their work computers. Some organisations actually provide
devices at the work place. This practice challenges the employees with mobile devices to use at home, others actively
conventional philosophy that only an organisation's devices or passively encourage employees to bring their own devices to
should be used to access critical organisational information. use at work and even use them to access critical information
However, BYOn practice has security concerns associated with assets such as the network, databases and other applications.
it. An organisation that adopts BYOn may find it difficult to This promotes the practice "Bring your own device" BYOD in
account for and manage the various devices employees may use, many organisations today.
and control how those devices are used. There are fears that some
small-scale organisations may adopt the BYOn strategy too soon
This increase in the adoption of computing devices, from
placing themselves and their data at risk. BYOn could be an
laptops to smartphones and tablets by individuals, and their
additional security problem which an organisation has to contend influx into the workplace might bring convenience and
with. increased productivity to individual employees but with this
This paper acknowledges the positive contributions that BYOn BYOD trend also surfaces new range of security challenges for
could make to organisations. It also discusses the bases on which organisations. Hence the use of employees' own mobile
BYOn could be treated as an institutionalised information devices, under the pretext of 'bring your own device' (BYOD),
security risk for many small-scale organisations which adopt it. to access vital information assets such as e-mails, databases
The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse and assess both and networks has far reaching implications for an
the benefits and risks associated with BYOn that may militate organisation's information security. Securing corporate
against its adoption by small-scale organisations in emerging networks and data, mobile device management, and
economies. The paper also seeks to establish whether BYOn is an implementing security controls and policies that cater for
institutionalised information security risk or not.
corporate and employee devices becomes a real headache for
the IT administrators and it can be worse for those who work
Keywords - Bring your own devices (BYOD), small-scale on small scale organisations.
organisations, information security, risks and institutional risks.
Besides the larger companies realising the value of the
1. INTRODUCTION BYOD concept, smaller companies or start-ups are also buying
In today's world, mobile devices such as smartphones and into this idea and incorporating it into their business strategy
tablets are the most common medium used all over the world to [I]. However, these small scale organisations may lack the
access all sorts of electronic systems for corporate or personal technical know-how in implementing proper security strategies
use. The quest for enterprises to increase collaboration among and the adoption of BYOD presents real security challenges
its employees and their productivity is now practically and this may really compromise their information systems
achievable through the use of laptops and mobile devices that security. The new risks this ecosystem poses need to be studied
employees can easily access. Given the affordability of mobile and understood in order to create security strategies that can
devices, they are increasingly finding their way into people's effectively protect 1) the users, their devices and their data and
lives and hence into the work place. This has also resulted in a information and 2) corporate systems, devices, data and
rise in the number of employees who use their own devices to information.
do their personal work or even company work. This is a new Tn the next section we give a brief definition of BYOD, in
trend that has developed in which employees prefer their own section III we s ummarise the factors favouring BYOD

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on October 07,2023 at 08:18:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
adoption, section IV looks at the promises, section V presents always being connected and of always having access to all of
the key issues and challenges of BYOD, section VI then looks their work-related and personal content on a mobile device or
at the resonating questions of BYOD, and lastly, we present in the cloud. Hence, the increased number of requests to IT
our conclusions. departments, for personal devices to be connected to corporate
networks. Some IT departments, as pointed out in [4] are
IT. BYOD DEFINED embracing BYOD tactically and using it as an opportunity to
BYOD (bring your own device) sometimes called BYOT have more diverse, multiple mobile operating system
(bring your own technology) or "the con�umerisation of IT" �s environments in their organisations. Another important
the practice of allowing employees to brmg to workplace theIr contributing factor is the continuously increasing number and
own mobile devices that are capable of connectmg to the availability of personally deployed and managed applications
Internet. BYOD allows employees to use personal devices for for mobile devices. Users can easily access these applications
work-related activities. The devices can include laptops, with ease.
netbooks, tablets, smartphones, Portable Digital Assistance, e­ McGuire in [5] argues that many of these tools (cloud based
readers and gaming devices [2]. BYOD also refers to apps, mobile apps and other tools) permit employ��� to be
company policies drawn out to enable employees to bring their more efficient or they provide supplementary capablhtles that
personal mobile devices, such as smartphones, laptops and IT departments cannot or will not implement. Some services
tablets, to their place of work and also make use of them to provided by these tools include email��d file
access data and information exclusive to the company they storage and synchronisation, content collaboratIOn, ablhty to
work for [3]. Basically BYOD is an approach whereby transfer large files, etc. IT departments may not deploy or
employees of an organisation use their own IC ! equipment to support such services usually due to a constrained by budget or
do their job rather than equipment provIded by theIr due to bandwidth limitations.
Osterman Research in [4] found out that some organisations
BYOD is increasingly gaining popularity across all sizes of are using the BYOD hype as part of their corporate stra �egy to
business, from small scale organisations to large corporates and deal with their competition on issues of employee recrUItment,
this is mainly due to the fact that BYOD enables employees to retention and satisfaction by being 'Employer of choice'. This
use mobile devices of their choice. This leads to a reduced IT way BYOD could to some extent help them to win "the war on
investment on the part of the business. Most small scale talent". In justifYing the popularity of cloud- based tools
organisations usually have very small IT budge�s and so Osterman Research [4] argued that some users are simply not
BYOD seems a very attractive approach to solvmg device satisfied with the capabilities offered by their IT departments
problems. and so want to provide their own superset of features and
Ill. FACTORS DRIVING BYOD ADOPTION functions that will make them more efficient and productive.

These days many employees own better and more capable IV. THE BYOD PROMISE
devices than what can be found in their offices or what can be BYOD can be a good thing [4]. BYOD has a high potential
made available to them by their IT departments. There is a of reducing costs for IT equipment, increasing employee
growing trend of employees always going for the latest mobile satisfaction and productivity and catalysing the rate of
technology on the market. The devices are now seen more and technology adoption in the enterprise [4], [6]. Brooks in [7]
more as fashionable or trending. They are now somehow cites three major reasons for an organisation to encourage
influencing people's perceptions on lifestyle. Some people see BYOD, namely, boosting productivity, cost reduction and
the devices as a reflection or definition of one's social class or improving employees' morale. For smaller organisations that
status and Osterman Research in [4] uses the term 'Executive may not be able to afford latest technology, BYOD enables
Jewellery' to refer to these devices. For example by mid April employees to still use technology without cost to the company
20 14, some employees already had the Samsung S5 that was [8]. With the BYOD environment, mostly the employees
recently launched here in South Africa. However in small scale willingly supply the devices (smartphones and tablets) and also
organisations the devices can be seen as luxury items. .
the applications that they will use in doing their work a.nd �hIS
Osterman Research in [4] argue that many IT departments in turn greatly reduces the overall IT costs for the orgamsatlOn.
cannot afford the latest and greatest hardware because of tight It is assumed that when small scale organisations adopt and
IT budgets. This means that the IT departments are somehow implement a BYOD strategy they technologically empower
caught in between forcing employees to stick to the use of old their employees.
corporate computing equipment versus allowing them to use The aspect of employee working efficiently is possible �
their latest technology. According to McQuire in [5] many the BYOD era because they are continuously connected to theIr
companies are realising that the BYOD practice is already work anytime and from anywhere. A contributing factor to this
happening and the perception is that it cannot be stopped. The is that employees will no longer need to stay behind in their
same author argues that organisations feel that BYOD, If offices till late because they want to fmish their work. They can
deployed to the correct work style, can expand mobility access leave office early and still be able to work from anywhere as
to a wider number of workers thus enabling the organisation to long as they can connect. This leads to improved employee
capture productivity and agility benefits on a greater scale. productivity. Most users can be more efficient and effective in
As pointed out in [5] another important contributing factor their work if they have capabilities that give then access to all
is the growing trend for employees to have an expectatIOn of

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on October 07,2023 at 08:18:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
their files, communication tools and other services from any privacy concern to the end-user. The fact that most of these
platform or any location [4]. devices are employee owned means that the employers may not
have full control over these devices yet they want to allow
BYOD adoption allows for a diversity of mobile operating
organisational data to be on these devices. Any fonn of control
system environments within organisations. There is evidence
may lead to employees feeling uneasy and worrying about
[4], [9], [ 10],[5] that in today's world mobile technologies are
being watched.
changing the way people work. Mobile technologies are now
assuming a new role as they are now the primary platfonn for However, small to medium scale organisations that adopt
many employees, enabling them to get their work done faster this practice are bound to face more security challenges in their
and probably better through access to the right tools and daily operations. Most small scale organisation lack technical
technologies from wherever they are. BYOD has a competitive know-how in implementing security techniques and as a result
advantage appeal. Some organisations would want to be their information systems security may be compromised with
amongst the first adopters or leaders. Osterman Research found BYOD adoption. Tn the section below we discuss some of the
in [4] that one-half of companies surveyed saw mobile as truly challenges and possible approaches.
transformative, a way to get ahead of the competition and
maintain competitive advantage. This means that companies VI. RESONATING QUESTIONS ABOUT BYOD
are probably viewing the adoption of BYOD or mobile devices Unlike other strategies that arise from enterprise demands,
as an aspect of innovation. BYOD is driven by consumerisation and hence presents a new
With the BYOD environment employees have some power dilemma that requires new approaches to an organisation's
and freedom to select the device and possibly application infonnation security risks. Therefore, this paper addresses the
which they will use to do their work unlike having to use a following questions about BYOD which will give the reader a
device with which they are not comfortable or familiar. This clearer insight into the issues lying deep below this new
can positively boost employee morale and retention. practice.
Employees who are permitted to use their own devices and A. To what extent should ByaD be practised in small scale
applications will likely have higher morale and will be less organisations?
likely to seek employment elsewhere [4]. Employees who are
BYOD is now a common practice in different organisations
comfortable are more productive and efficient [I].
regardless of their sizes. However, the extent to which BYOD
v. KEY ISSUES AND CHALLENGES POSED BY THE is utilised productively is a matter of speculation. An
BYOD CONCEPT organisation can utilised BYOD in a number of ways as
discussed below:
Today, businesses and their IT managers must balance the
desire to give employees the freedom to use a range of devices, • ByaD - corporate devices hybridisation: Tn this
including ones they own (BYOD), to access company network situation, employees are given a chance to choose the
resources against the very real threats those devices pose to the device that the employer provides them with. The fact
health and safety of the network and its data assets [9]. that employees already own some devices that they use
According to [6], the BYOD trend is one of the more dramatic at home, and have found them reliable may make them
results of the consumerisation of information technology (IT), see no need to get the same devices from the
in which consumer preference, not corporate initiative, drives organisation. Instead they advise the organisation to
the adoption of technologies in the enterprise. The danger is buy alternative devices. A good case is a situation
that most of such technologies were not designed with where an employee owns a laptop but does not have a
enterprise requirements in mind; therefore, information smartphone; the employee may ask the employer to
technology teams are sceptical about security and buy the smartphone. In this case hybridisation takes
supportability of these platforms. place in that the employer owns the smartphone and
the employee owns the laptop. The owner is expected
From an infonnation security standpoint, BYOD has some to responsibly use the smartphone and the laptop as if
security implications for an organisation. Enterprises that adopt they are all theirs.
BYOD face challenges on how to manage employee owned
devices [ 10] . This may compel enterprises to put in place • ByaD adding to corporate devices: Some employees
mechanisms on how to distinguish employee-owned devices hardly have access to corporate devices because the
from those of the organisation and manage them separately. corporate cannot provide adequate devices. To
The portability, communication and storage features supported alleviate shortages, the corporate may permit the use of
by hardware and software components of mobile devices may employee-owned devices for individual employees
give a sense of privacy, and even anonymity, to the millions of who cannot have exclusive access to an enterprise
users that every day share family pictures, activity calendars, device. The corporate may also pool available devices
professional profiles and other personal information online but and redeploy its devices to those employees who do
this sharing is not without the risk of the user's privacy and not bring their devices. This helps to optimise the
security being compromised [ 1 1]. utilisation of devices in the corporate as those devices
which were underutilised will be redeployed to those
The use of a single smartphone or tablet to store and
who need them. Allowing employees to use their own
process personal as well as business information presents a
devices and applications may also create a range of
serious security challenge to the employer and potential
problems for the IT department. Many IT departments

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have not implemented the processes and tools information and data. The Cisco Security in [ 14] argues that
necessary to support users who are employing their cybercriminals and their targets share a common challenge for
own devices and applications [4]. they both try to fmd out how best to use BYOD and mobility
trends for business advantage. However, the criminals have an
• BYOD replacing corporate devices: An enterprise can advantage due to two factors namely: the maturation of mobile
replace its own devices with employee-owned devices. platforms that make mobile devices to resemble traditional
This has implications to the organisation and to the desktops and laptops that makes it easier for cybercriminals to
employees whose devices are being used. When a design malware for them; and the frequent downloading of
corporate replaces its own devices with those owned mobile apps by users without thinking about underlying
by its workers, it runs a big risk of control. Control of security issues [ 14]. Viruses and worms intended to access
devices is easier when the devices are owned by confidential data from various mobile platforms are always
employers, although the employee is free to use the being developed. Most of the mobile devices are exposed to
device for private use as well issues of privacy and these security risks by ignorant users. Small-scale organisations
monitoring will still arise. will certainly fail to cope with such challenges. Under these
B. What information security risks will BYOD bring to an security risk situations it becomes extremely difficult for a
enterprise? small scale organisation to manage all the types of mobile
devices considering their budget constraints. This makes
Proponents of BYOD strongly argue that BYOD trend is
BYOD an institutionalised security risk which small scale
likely to change the hardware and security landscape in the
organisations need to assess and evaluate before blindly
enterprise world permanently [ 12]. By embracing BYOD,
embracing the practice.
small scale organisations increase the use of mobile devices
and mobility of their workforce, this situation raises new 2) Data theft and leakage
security concerns and requirements. This means that demand BYOD always brings about changes in the manner a
for remote access to organisations' data and information grows corporate stores data and how it is likely to be accessed by non­
forcing organisations to safeguard off-premises applications corporate devices. This means that BYOD and mobility now
and data, as well as an array of new client devices [ 13]. BYOD offer new ways users and data could be compromised. For
practice allows more flexible access to the corporate network devices on the network, criminals can use many hacking tricks
and data, something that makes most IT administrators feel to break into the system and compromise the whole data. Lack
uncomfortable with and as a result are obliged to protect data of proper security techniques to detect and deter hackers might
and information blocking the adoption of workers bringing hamper the organisation's reputation and cause a great loss to
their own devices to work. it. Under such circumstances an organisation can easily lose
intellectual property and sensitive data if an unsecured
Ruggero Contu in [ 13] also argues that the evolution of new
employee owned device is lost or stolen. A laptop with
threats and working practices, such as BYOD, is driving
corporate data can easily be stolen or the authorised users give
spending on security. This puts organisations with budget
access to unauthorised users whose intentions are to sabotage
constraints at a worse financial position than before adoption as
an organisation. Employees can forget mobile devices in public
more funds will be channelled towards securing information
places during rush hours. It is reasonable for enterprises to
systems. Tn this instance, organisations that provide security
expect a lot of data leakages that may occur due to BYOD but
thrive at the expense of those they are supposed to secure.
some of the damages may be irreparable to an organisation.
BYOD practice is likely to complicate the existing security
This makes mobile devices and BYOD be liabilities from a
situations in small scale organisation where there is already a
corporate standpoint owing to theft and potential loss.
shortage of information security personnel.
Therefore, corporate data stored on BYOD is highly
We discuss the security risks associated with BYOD below. susceptible to espionage.
1) Malware 3) Software bugs
Mobile devices in an enterprise are always prone to a Mobile devices and laptops require regular software
variety of information security threats if left unmanaged in a updates for operating systems and applications. This could be
networked environment. Cisco Security in [ 14] argue that the least thing for employees to worry about. The implication is
online attackers have devised new methods for embedding their that these devices will lag behind in software updates thereby
malware in networks, remaining undetected for long periods, creating security loopholes. Secondly, employees may install
and stealing or disrupting critical systems. Such threats may as many applications as they want on their devices. There is a
include exploits by malware targeted at the device's operating security risk in that employees may install applications with
system or applications; unauthorised connections; exploitation undetected bugs or malware. In this way BYOD exposes an
of software vulnerabilities by malware that exposes data or organisation to information security risks that will compromise
causes unexpected behaviour; and compromise or irrecoverable the availability of data and information through system crashes
loss of corporate data. Some of the employee owned devices or malware infections.
are used to access the internet and social network sites, emails,
downloading data from the internet, etc. Therefore, BYOD 4) Network access
practice is likely to expose an enterprise to malware attacks Small scale organisations that embrace BYOD end up
which are difficult to detect in time. These security risks can opening access to their networks for non-corporate devices. An
affect the integrity, availability and confidentiality of corporate increase in the number of employee owned devices that get
connected to an enterprise network may also imply an increase

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on October 07,2023 at 08:18:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
in network security risks. In the first, place it is difficult for a C. What constraints could militate against the implementation
small scale organisation to decide which employees can use of BYOD by small-scale organisations?
own devices to access the enterprise network, and also what Small and medium enterprises are struggling to keep IT
they can access once on the network. These BYOD devices infrastructure up to date with mobile working and the
will become the security weak link through which increasing volume and sophistication of cyber threats [ 15]. As
cybercriminals will launch attacks to an enterprise information small scale organisations increase their adoption of
system. Some of the devices connected to the network may technologies such as mobile devices and the cloud they
have flaws. Therefore, if an enterprise network has many realistically face more security challenges from cyber criminals
operating devices, it becomes difficult for IT personnel to who use malware that are dormant while entering a secured
detect those devices which have flaws [ 14]. network and then become active. BYOD exposes an
5) No control over what is on employee devices organisation to more security challenges and complexities [ 16].
An enterprise may have no control over the types of Small scale enterprises that want to implement BYOD may
applications on their employees' owned device making it face the following constraints:
somehow difficult to enforce security. The enterprise has no • Lack of control on what to let users access when they
power to stop an employee from downloading numerous types use their own devices. Instead of using the BYOD
of personal applications on their device. BYOD makes it devices for corporate purposes, employees could be
difficult for an organisation to enforce standard security as using them for social networking purposes.
device owners may be not prepared to cooperate with the
organisation in areas of security. Despite the promising benefits • Lack of control on the number of employee owned
of BYOD, this practice is likely to pose significant threats to devices each user may bring can be a headache to the
small scale organisation's information security. Personal enterprise. Employees may start to compete in the
devices for BYOD use a variety of technology, applications number and types of devices to bring to work.
and operating systems, therefore their security is not
guaranteed. It could be argued that an enterprise which
• Inconsistencies in the devices which employees may
embraces BYOD practice is relinquishing control of its data bring can give an organisation some unanticipated
and creating a potential security nightmare [ 15]. problems. Employees may borrow their friends'
devices which are used in other BYOD settings. This
6) Bandwidth problems may also lead to compromises of data and information
Bandwidth is another problematic area in an organisation of an organisation.
where BYOD is practiced. Most employees will want to use
• Lack of trust on who will access the device away from
Wi-Fi for BYOD connectivity to the enterprise network. The
work and what corporate information will be accessed.
network may fail to cope with the amount of devices connected
Employee owned devices cannot be trusted with
to it making some essential devices slow thereby affecting an
corporate information. They are more exposed to abuse
enterprise's business objectives. For an enterprise which
at home than at work. Data integrity and confidentiality
depends own 30/40, coverage and performance become real
are more likely to be compromised at home than at
issues of concern due to connectivity problems.
7) BYOD practice's overlooked security risks
• An enterprise has little control over employee owned
BYOD practice can increase the risk of having a security
devices. For example, an employee who has access to
breach on an enterprise's important data. Small scale
key enterprise data and information may leave the
organisations tend to overlook important security issues that
device at home, sell it, give it to a friend or have it
will arise in the event that employees leave the organisation. If
employees leave the enterprises that have adopted BYOD, the
employees take with them their personal devices. An enterprise • Data and information can be stolen from mobile
may not have time to remove corporate data and applications devices while in transit or left unattended, or through
from these devices. This implies that the enterprise's data is no deliberate switching of devices by thieves.
longer secure. The ex-employees can still use their devices to
access their former employees' data and information using • Most employees lack information security awareness
their devices making the enterprise data unsecure. By allowing and as a result most of the personally owned devices
many BYOD devices an organisation may fail to comply with that they may bring to work are often used in ways that
essential regulations governing the use of electronic devices by would never be acceptable if they were enterprise­
business organisations. owned devices.

In light of the foregone discussions on security issues • Inability of small scale enterprises to provide proper
related to BYOD practice, there are constraints that may risk management for fast changing computing
militate a small scale organisation from implementing BYOD. environment is another challenging aspect of BYOD
The following subsection discusses the constraints that may BYOD functionality may leave the organisations exposed
militate against the implementation of BYOD in small scale to many risks. Regardless of the mentioned constraints, BYOD
organisations. has caught up with the majority of the organisations. Small
scale enterprises should strive to overcome these constraints in
order to implement BYOD in the most appropriate way they

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on October 07,2023 at 08:18:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
see fit. The following subsection discusses ways by which 2. Amnesty - the Enterprise IT personnel tell
small scale enterprises can implement BYOD. employees which personally owned devices they
D. How best would small scale enterprises adopt ByaD should bring to be added to the enterprise networks
without compromising their information security postures? and security features.
According to Solomon in [ 17] , mobile security has become 3. Adding security - Enterprise IT personnel
the mainstream problem and mobile device users expect more configure all employee owned to devices to meet
from their IT and security progr ammes. This calls for enterprise security requirements.
concerned organisations to exert some fonn of control over
how employees use their personal devices in the workplace and • Tolerate, provide or clamp-down approach to BYOD
at home. An enterprise could put in place a number of
strategies that can possibly make the use of BYOD security The final discussion of possible ways of adoption
friendly to the concerned enterprise. These include the BYOD by small scale organisations could take the
following: fonn of the model suggested by Deloitte in [20],
tolerate unmanaged BYOD, provide a managed BYOD
• Training employees on ByaD
programme and attempt a clamp down on unmanaged
Data security may remain one of the key challenges of BYOD. The basic underlying principle of this model is
BYOD but there are other equally significant barriers to bring order to BYOD practice in an organisation. An
that enterprises should address [ 18]. Time for training organisation such as an academic institution can
employees has never been a priority for small scale tolerate unmanaged BYOD to some of its non-critical
organisations. There is a dire need for enterprises to areas like accessing the Internet using students'
train employees on BYOD-related security risks [ 18]. personal devices. The institution can provide managed
BYOD for a group of workers in some critical areas.
• Designing and implementing a ByaD policy Any unmanaged BYOD could be clamped if it
Policies have always been regarded as the good attempts to access critical assets like account
starting points for gaining and exerting control on an information systems or records management
enterprise for they provide the framework for infonnation systems. However, the problem with
formalising guidelines for BYOD adoption and the use clamping down is that it drives BYOD underground
of employees owned devices. According to Burgess in thereby increasing the risk the unmanaged BYOD
[ 19], technological solutions can hardly stand alone; infiltrating the critical information systems of the
there is a need to combine them with appropriate organisation.
BYOD policies, those policies that protect the Contrary to this, Lui in [2 1] argues that for BYOD policy to
enterprise's intellectual property, trade secrets and function effectively there should be no restrictions placed on
customer data. A good policy should neither be overly which device employees can bring into the company but
restrictive on how employees may use their device nor specity the minimum requirement that all personally owned
overly relaxed to the extent of granting the enterprise devices have to meet.
access to the employee's personal data. A BYOD
policy will specity the types of devices that an It is our view that at the stage of BYOD policy fonnulation,
enterprise permits, procedures followed to authorise there is need for the enterprise to understand how employees
the use of the devices. owned devices will be used and how they will be linked to the
corporate networks. There is also need to clarity in the BYOD
Armed with a policy, an enterprise would know what policy how the employee owned devices to be connected on the
to do in the event that a device is lost, an employee network will interact with the corporate's existing IT
resigns from the company, and also how to manage infrastructure and systems. Information security risks
data and network access for all the BYOD devices. A envisaged should be identified so that the enterprise
BYOD risk policy is likely to improve compliance by develops security practices that best reflect the risk
educating employees the risks associated with their management profile which is compatible with the needs of the
devices. It will be easy to implement certain rules and business to operate effectively. An enterprise which anticipates
practices. Overall, a good policy is an aid that helps to adopting BYOD needs to provide sufficient training to its
clarity pending risks and to govern employee-owned managers and employees so that they are well informed of the
devices [ 18]. risk, aware of the boundaries set on the employees and on the
BYOD policy can be supplemented by Terry Greer­ employer in the agreed policy. This is intended to make sure
King's three-step process: audit, anmesty and adding that the parties involved act consistently and act appropriately
security [ 12]. According to Gebreel in [ 12], this to any risk situation likely to occur.
process can be implemented as following: Finally, we suggest that the BYOD policy should provide
1. Auditing devices - this is intended to establish all evidence of employees' knowledge and agreement to the use of
their personal devices to perform enterprise work. It is also
devices it uses to handle corporate data including
important that the enterprise BYOD Policy covers areas of
those owned by its employees. potential conflicts between the employees and employers.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on October 07,2023 at 08:18:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
VII. IMPLlCA nONS OF THE PAPER that their sensitive corporate data does not become vulnerable
to a variety of breaches [8]. The bottom line is that, through
Although BYOD may have overwhelming advantages to an
enterprise, it remains an institutionalised information security BYOD, employees are significantly influencing the tools that
for small scale organisations. By accepting BYOD practice, an are deployed in the enterprise and this brings with it more
enterprise implicitly accepts the risks associated with it. It can satisfaction on the part of employees and in tum more
be assumed that all risks likely to be experienced due to BYOD productivity in their work [4].
are "official risks". Basically, it is assumed that when small scale organisations
Organisations should put thorough considerations prior to adopt and implement a BYOD strategy they technological
empower their employees thus simultaneously
the adoption of BYOD so that whatever consequences that are
likely to arise from the practice cannot be apportioned to institutionalising inherent BYOD security risks. However,
employees. It has been demonstrated that the big risk factor for many organisations are still sceptical about adopting BYOD
organisations with BYOD practice is the loss of control over although it may be practised with or without the management's
the devices being used by employees to access corporate
information systems something which the organisation would By adopting BYOD, an organisation will be compromising
have implicitly institutionalised. Most enterprises are left in the security of its systems to a large extent. At the same time, IT
dark pertaining to what data are stored on the employee owned departments are forced to make major adjustments in order to
devices, the type of data security vulnerabilities and risks they support the strategy. Rather than support a predictable set of
are exposed to, and how to secure access to their networks. standard devices and applications, they must now cope with
Once an enterprise loses control over its networks, through rapidly changing hardware, operating systems, applications,
devices accessing its data through the BYOD practice, it and even an array of service providers and plans. Increasingly,
becomes automatically prone to a host of privacy and data their approach must be to guide and influence rather than to
security issues. Overall, data confidentiality, integrity and dictate and control.
availability are compromised.
Given the rate at which people are adopting and using
On the other hand, all employees who voluntarily bring mobile devices (smart phones, tablets, etc. ) organisations need
their personal devices for use at work should share control of to carefully re-design their security policies so that they
these personally-owned devices with an enterprise so that both incorporate strategies such as our proposed device
the device and data are protected by the enterprise. The hybridisation (see section VI A). Clamping down and forcing
employees may be obliged to allow the enterprise to access the employees to stick to the use of organisation IT infrastructure
employee owned device without compensation. There, and applications might also not be the best way to deal with the
however, could be a risk in that the enterprise may access an problem. Osterman Research in [4] found out that many
employees' private information, or change configurations to leading "consumer focused" applications had been deployed by
lock the owner out of the device or even delete all employee IT, but quite often they are deployed without IT's knowledge
data from the device. or consent.
Once an enterprise adopts BYOD the IT and Security There is no single agreed model to BYOD adoption that an
personnel should be compelled to review security measures organisation can implement, therefore, a BYOD practice
frequently and thoroughly. The enterprise should ensure that its should be influenced by an organisation's technology culture.
data is well protected by frequently monitoring its active email There are many constraints that can prevent an organisation to
accounts, virtual private networks, intranet applications and prematurely adopt BYOD as demonstrated above. Organisation
databases to detect unauthorised access and suspicious activity. should put paid BYOD strategies before institutionalising
Access to confidential data whether for an enterprise or inherent information security risks.
employee owned device should be secured and only accessed
through proper authorisation and authentication procedures. REFERENCES
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978-1-4799-3384-6/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Johannesburg. Downloaded on October 07,2023 at 08:18:40 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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