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T-5b - Safety at the Workplace (1 hour 15 minutes)

Description: This session introduces participants to the precautions that F&B Stewards need
to take in order to maintain safety for guests, employers, and themselves in the workplace.
Participants will learn how to comply with safety measures to ensure a safe working

Participant Learning Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, I will be able to:
● Describe the importance of maintaining safety at the workplace for guests, employers,
and yourself.
● Describe potential safety hazards and explain how to avoid these from occurring.

Key points:
● Ensuring safety in the workplace is an important aspect of working as an F&B
Steward. To promote a safe working environment, stewards must know and comply
with the restaurant’s security procedures.
● Three types of hazards F&B Stewards need to be aware of are (1) electrical, (2) fire-
related, and (3) accidental or environmental.
● Some tips to follow electrical safety measures are:
○ use electrical equipment for the intended purpose only
○ keep electrical equipment away from sinks or other sources of water
○ make sure all appliances are in good working order before using
○ use plugs and outlets with a ground when possible
● Fire measures must always be followed. All hotel and restaurant personnel should
know what to do to prevent and react to a fire emergency.
● Some accidental or environmental concerns that staff should take precautions to
avoid are the following:
○ Trips/falls
○ Cuts
○ Strains
● In the case of any safety or emergency situation, F&B Stewards should follow the
restaurant’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently.

Behavioral ● Proactiveness Mindsets ● Future Orientation


Key Terms ● Safety Materials ● T-5b - Safety at the

● Electrical Workplace Participant
● Fire Handout (one per
● Accidental
● Environmental
● Chart paper (3 pieces)

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

Session ● This session builds upon information from T-5.

Performance ● a. Consistently meet professionalism standards of appearance

Goals timeliness and employer protocols.

Session ● During Practice - Case Studies, listen to participant answers to

Assessment make sure they are identifying ways to prevent or respond to the
situation presented in each scenario.

Icons ☞ Activity ⟲ Debrief ✔ Assessment

Time Activity

5 minutes Opening

45 minutes Content: Steward Safety

● Gallery Walk
● Debrief
● Safety Measures
● Debrief

20 minutes Practice: Case Studies

● Case Studies
● Debrief

5 minutes Closing

● Ask a participant to write the learning objectives on the board.
● Post three pieces of chart paper around the room, one for each safety measure:
○ (1) Electric
○ (2) Fire
○ (3) Accidental/Environmental

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

OPENING (5 minutes)
Instructor note: In this section, participants listen to a scenario and reflect on the importance of
safety in the workplace.

● Tell participants that the topic of this session is safety in workplace and specifically how
to keep yourself, your co-workers, and your guests safe.

● Read the following scenario aloud.

Instructor note: You can adapt this scenario as needed as long as it illustrates a F&B Steward
not following safety measures.

Ravi has just started working as an F&B Steward at a local restaurant. He is very
enthusiastic about the job and enjoys interacting with guests and co-workers. One day,
Ravi’s supervisor asks him to use the vacuum cleaner to clean up the rugs that were
put out so that guests do not slip. Ravi has never used this appliance before but he
plugs it and starts using it. Apparently, the vacuum cleaner isn’t in a good working
condition and sparks come out. Suddenly a spark falls on on of the rugs, and it quickly
lights up! Ravi gets very scared and doesn't know what to do. “Fire!” he yells in panic.
Ravi runs out of the restaurant and starts looking for a fire alarm in the hotel lobby. He
doesn’t know where one is, so he doesn’t find one, but then he realizes that he didn’t
check on any of his co-workers or guests! When he returns to the restaurant, one of
his co-workers, an experienced steward, has already taken over the situation. She
used a fire extinguisher to stop the fire on the rug, and she is going around and talking
to the guests to make sure they are safe and calm. “Everything is under control now,
Ravi but you must definitely be more careful” the steward says sternly and with a
raised voice.

● Ask the following questions. Turn and Talk FT and then Share Out.FT
○ What mistakes did Ravi make in this scenario?
○ What are potential consequences for Ravi’s mistakes?
○ What could he have done differently?
○ Why do you think it is so important for an F&B Steward to learn how to comply with
a hotel or restaurant’s safety measures?

● Highlight that ensuring safety in the workplace is an important responsibility they will
have as F&B Stewards. Therefore, they should be prepared to avoid accidents that
can injure themselves, the guests, or their co-workers.
● Explain that this session will focus on 3 types of safety measures: electric, fire, and
● Objectives: Review objectives and provide rationale for the value of the session.

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

CONTENT - Steward safety (45 minutes)
Instructor note: In this section, participants will do a Gallery Walk to brainstorm important
safety measures in a restaurant. Then, they will learn about electric, fire, and accidental/
environment safety measures.

● Explain that participants will now do a Gallery Walk to brainstorm important safety
measures in a hotel or restaurant.

☞ Gallery Walk FT

● Give Directions:
❏ Explain that there are three pieces of chart paper posted around the
room, one for each of the following safety measures.
❏ Electric Safety Measures
❏ Fire Safety Measures
❏ Accidental/Environmental Safety Measures
❏ Tell participants that they will have 4-5 minutes total to move around
the room and write down examples of safety measures they can think of
for each type. They can also read examples suggested by their peers.
❏ Give an example of a safety measure before starting the gallery walk
(e.g. Electric Safety Measure: use electrical equipment for the intended
purpose only, Fire Safety Measure: locate and know how to use fire
alarms; Accidental/Environmental Safety Measure: be aware of hot
appliances or liquids).
❏ Ask participants to stand up and divide themselves equally across
all three posters. Tell them to bring a pen.

● Monitor time and call out for the rotations every minute. Walk Around FT to read
participants’ answers. Try to assess how much they already know about safety

⟲ Debrief
● Ask participants to return to their seats.Then, ask the following questions. Share
○ Which type of safety measure do you feel like our group knows the most about?
○ Which type of safety measure do you feel like our group knows the least about?
○ What is one example you read that surprised you or you hadn’t thought of

● Mention that now they will learn about each type of safety measure with more detail.

Safety Measures
● Review the examples that participants wrote down and and highlight 3-5 strong
examples for each type of safety measure.

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

● Distribute one copy of the T-5b - Safety at the Workplace Participant Handout to each
● Use the table below to describe potential hazards and measures that F&B Stewards
should take to avoid those hazards that participants did not already brainstorm.
○ Direct participants to take notes on any items their groups did not brainstorm or
other items they think they will have trouble remembering.

Safety Hazard Measures to Take to Prevent Hazard

Electrical ● Never touch electrical equipment with wet hands or while near
● Unplug equipment before cleaning or disassembling
● Report damaged and worn plugs and cords to supervisor
● Use electrical equipment for the intended purpose only
● Keep electrical equipment and appliances away from sinks and
other sources of water
● Test all appliances before using to make sure they are in a good
working order
● Read the manufacturer’s manual carefully before use of any
● Remove a plug from a wall socket by grasping the plug, not the
● Use plugs/outlets with a ground and do not overload electrical
● Don’t use faulty equipment. If an appliance overheats, or produces
a sock, remove appliance from the area

Fire/Burns ● Locate and know how to use fire alarms

● Locate and know how to use fire extinguishers
● Locate emergency exits
● Be familiar with the hotel and restaurant facility’s evacuation
● Make sure guests know where smoking is permitted (if at all)
● If fire occurs, follow these steps:
○ Activate fire alarms
○ Turn off lights and any electrical equipment
○ Notify supervisor of the location of the fire, and call for
emergency assistance if needed
○ Close windows and doors to reduce ventilation
○ Assist guests who are in danger
○ Post a guard to direct the fire department
● Pay attention when working around hot equipment
● Use dry potholders or towels when handling hot equipment
● Open lids of pots and doors of steamers away from you
● Warn others of hot surfaces
● Wear appropriate shoes and uniform
● Warn guests of hot dishes
● Use equipment appropriately

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

Environmental/ Trips/Falls
Accidental ● Wipe up spills immediately
● Keep floors free from grease
● Display safety signs in places where it is necessary for people to
be cautious
● Use non-slip liquids and waxes to clean and polish floors
● Use rubber mats on places where floors are typically wet
● Wear appropriate shoes
● Walk (do not run)
● Walk only in aisles
● Keep drawers clothes
● Do not carry anything that blocks vision
● Warn guests when floors are wet/slippery

● Pay attention when using, cleaning and storing sharp equipment -
use flat surfaces, secure holding techniques, and protective wear
● Always use equipment properly
● Never touch edges of sharp blades
● Carry dishes and glassware carefully
● Sweep up broken glass (do not use hands)
● Remove can lids entirely, and dispose properly
● Know location of first aid kit

● Do not lift anything too heavy
● Ensure safe techniques while moving furniture and fixtures
● If lifting something, bend from the knees (not from the back)
● Do not carry too many items at once
● Stack items in an organized way and use safe lifting techniques to
reduce risk of injuries from handling procedures at the storage

Other ● Communicate maintenance and repair schedule proactively to

your superior
● Check and review the storage areas frequently
● Ensure to be safe while using handling materials, tools, acids,
chemicals, detergents, etc.
● Store chemicals and acids in well-ventilated and locked areas with
warning signs not to touch
● Document all the first aid treatments, inspections, etc. conducted
to keep track of the safety measures undertaken
● Know the use of personal protective equipment and safety gear
● Know safety signs for hazards (flammable materials, toxic,
explosion risk, corrosive, biohazard, radiation hazard, general
danger sign, high voltage, Danger Watch Your Step signs, Danger
Under Construction signs)

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

● Tell participants that it is important that F&B stewards use health and safety
practices for storing, cleaning, and maintaining tools, equipment, and supplies, for
their well-being, as well as for the well-being of guests and other staff.
● Highlight adhering to safety standards helps the restaurant to ensure there is no
unnecessary material damage.

⟲ Debrief
● Ask the following questions. Share Out.FT
○ Why is learning how to prevent and respond to certain safety emergencies in the
workplace important for an F&B Steward?
○ Which safety measures do you think could be more challenging to execute, and
how could you anticipate that challenge?
○ How might the behavioral skill proactiveness help you to follow these safety
■ Possible answer: Thinking proactively means that I am likely preventing
possible safety risks rather than reacting to them once they arrive. If I wait
until there is a concern, then it will already be too late. If I keep this in
mind, I will be more likely to follow all of the measures even if there is no
immediate concern.
○ As you think about safety, how might future orientation guide your actions while
working as an F&B Steward?
■ Possible answer: Future orientation will encourage me to always be
thinking ahead in terms of my actions. I cannot always do the quickest or
easiest thing. Rather, I need to think about the potential effects of my
actions to make sure that I am always thinking about ways to keep myself
and my guests safe.
● Highlight the importance of the following:
○ Assessing risks and understanding the causes of those risks
○ Taking the steps to mitigate or eliminate the risks
○ Suggesting measures to improve the conditions
● Emphasize that it is impossible to prevent accidents completely, however by following
these safety measures they can avoid serious damages.

PRACTICE: Case Studies (20 minutes)

Instructor note: Participants listen to several scenarios in which safety measures were not
properly met. In groups, they should identify ways to prevent or respond to these situations

☞ ✔ Case Studies
● Give Directions:
❏ Ask participants to get into groups of 3.
❏ Tell participants that you will read aloud several scenarios in which safety
measures were not properly met.

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

❏ Explain that after you read each scenario, participants will have 3-4 minutes
to work in groups and identify safety measures to prevent or respond to each
situation effectively.
❏ Tell participants that they should avoid using their handout at this point.
❏ Tell participants that after the 2-minute discussion, some groups will be asked
to Share Out.FT

● Read each of the following scenarios aloud. Give participants 2 minutes to discuss their
responses in their groups, and then ask 1-2 groups to Share Out FT their ideas.
● Instructor note: You can adapt the scenarios below as needed as long as they illustrate
F&B Stewards not following safety measures.

Scenarios Possible Answers

A F&B Steward is serving an elderly couple. The man The F&B Steward should have
has asked for extra hot chamomile tea. As soon as the placed the hot tea where the
steward arrives at the table, he notices that the woman guest could have reached it safely
dropped her napkin. He places the tea at the edge of the to prevent it from spilling and
table near the woman so that he can quickly help her. burning the man’s hand.
The steward doesn’t realize that the man is stretching to The F&B Steward should have put
grab the cup of tea and suddenly, he spills the tea all a warning sign when the tea spill
over the floor! “Ouch!” the man yells. The guest's hand is on the floor to prevent other
red and burning hot. While the steward is assisting the guests or staff members from
guest, another patron walks by and slips on the slippery falling.
floor, injuring her back.

An F&B Steward is walking into the kitchen when he The F&B Steward should locate
hears one of the chefs yell, “Ouch!” The steward goes up the first aid kit and bring it to the
to him to ask what happened, and the chef explains that chef.
he cut himself on a bottle that had a chip in it. When he The F&B Steward should sweet
cut himself, he dropped the bottle on the floor. The F&B up the broken glass.
Steward stands there, saying, “Oh, I’m sorry, that must
really hurt!”

An F&B Steward is doing dishes in the kitchen. As she is The F&B Steward should not
working, she hears one of the blenders making a terrible, touch electrical equipment with
screeching noise. She doesn’t want the appliance to wet hands or while near water.
break or cause a more significant problem, so she The F&B Steward should not pull
decides to reach over and unplug it. She grabs the chord out the plug by the cord.
and pulls hard, causing the blender to nearly fall in the The F&B Steward should report
sink! any potentially damaged items to
a supervisor.
The appliance should not have
been placed so close to the sink.

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

A F&B Steward is helping a guest in the dining room The F&B Steward should work
when suddenly he smells like something is burning and with the other employees to
sees smoke coming out of the kitchen. When the F&B ensure their safety, activate the
Steward enters the kitchen, he sees that the oven is on fire alarm, and exit the kitchen.
fire. The workers in that kitchen are turned away from the The F&B Steward should ensure
oven and haven’t realized that it caught on fire. The F&B that the guests are safe and help
Steward gets very scared and doesn’t know what to do. evacuate them if needed.
He starts screaming and telling the kitchen workers to The F&B Steward should ask for
save their lives. Then, he runs out of the kitchen in panic support and call the fire
and runs into the dining room, scaring several guests. department for help.

⟲ Debrief
● Ask the following questions. Share Out.FT
○ How would you explain the importance of complying with safety measures in a
restaurant to somebody that isn’t familiar with them?
○ Why do you think safety measures aren’t always followed?
○ What will do you as an F&B Steward to make sure you comply with the hotel or
restaurant’s safety measures and promote a safe working environment?

● Highlight that on the job, F&B Stewards should use their skills and experience to
mitigate risks and respond to emergencies, however they should also call for appropriate
help when needed.

CLOSING (5 minutes)
Instructor note: During this section, participants review the learning objectives to remember
what they learned in the session.

● Review the sessions objectives and tell participants they will now summarize what they
have learned during the session through a brief exercise.

● Give Directions:

❏ Tell participants to imagine they are interviewing for an F&B Steward position.
❏ Ask participants to Turn and Talk FT with a partner near them and to take turns
playing the role of interviewer and interviewee.
❏ The interviewer will ask the following questions and the interviewee must
explain the answers clearly and confidently.
❏ Question 1: As a F&B Steward, why do you think it is important to
promote a safe working environment?
❏ Question 2: Could you give me 3 clear examples of safety measures
that you would take to promote safety in the workplace?
❏ Each interviewee will have 1 minute to answer both questions.

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.

● Monitor time and Walk around FT to listen in and praise clear, concise, confident
answers. Warm Call FT two participants to Share Out.FT

-- End of Session --

© 2018 Generation: You Employed, Inc.


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