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Goeiemôre Mevrou en klasmaats

Wat sou ek doen om die planeet Aarde te red?

Aangesien ek in Suid-Afrika woon, gaan ek net fokus
op wat ons regering kan doen. So, kom ons verbeel ons
dat president Ramaphosa na my toe gekom het en my
volle regte gegee het om die land te verander om meer
eko-vriendelik te wees. Dit is een van daardie situasies
as jy dit deurmekaar maak, dan is alles verby. Niks sal
kan groei nie, alles sal stadig sterf, en dit sal 'n baie
stadige dood vir die volgende generasie wees.
Die gesondheid van ons planeet hang aansienlik af van
die klein optrede van mense en daarom sal ek fokus op
Suid-Afrika se sleutelareas van kommer, naamlik
beurtkrag, oseane en skole.

Morning Ladies and gents

What would I do to save planet Earth? Since I live in South Africa, I'm just going to focus
on what our government can do. So, let's imagine that President Ramaphosa came to
me and gave me full rights to change the country to be more eco-friendly. It's one of
those situations if you mess it up, it's all over. Nothing will be able to grow, everything
will die slowly, and it will be a very slow death for the next generation.

The health of our planet depends significantly on the small actions of humans and
therefore I will be focusing on South Africa’s key areas of concern which is load
shedding, oceans and schools.
In Suid-Afrika het ons baie beurtkrag. Terwyl
beurtkrag 'n risiko vir Suid-Afrika se ekonomie is, kan
dit ook 'n geleentheid wees om die land se oorgang na
hernubare energie en ontkoling te bespoedig. Hoewel
beurtkrag die omgewing help, veroorsaak dit ook meer
probleme as wat dit regstel. In plaas daarvan is
hernubare energiebronne ’n beter oplossing vir Suid-
Afrika, wat ons land in oorvloed het. Nie net nie meer
beurtkrag nie, maar ons kan ook die aarde red. Om te
speel na Suid-Afrika se sterkpunte wat wind- en
sonkrag is. Suid-Afrika het goeie sonlig vir die grootste
deel van die jaar en het groot oop ruimtes. Ons het ook
hoë windstrome in die see wat konsekwent deur die
jaar waai. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die
gebruik van hernubare energiebronne soos son-, wind-
en hidrokrag kan help om die behoefte aan beurtkrag te
verminder en die omgewingsgevolge daarvan te
Load shedding

In South Africa have a lot of load shedding. While power shedding is a risk to South
Africa's economy, it could also be an opportunity to speed up the country's transition to
renewable energy and decarbonisation. Although load shedding helps the environment,
it also causes more problems than it fixes. Instead, renewable energy sources are a
better solution for South Africa, which our country has in abundance. Not only no more
load shedding, but we can also save the earth. To play to South Africa's strengths which
are wind and solar power. South Africa has good sunlight for most of the year and has
large open spaces. We also have high wind currents in the ocean that blow consistently
throughout the year. It is important to note that the use of renewable energy sources
such as solar, wind and hydropower can help reduce the need for load shedding and
mitigate its environmental consequences.

Om na Suid-Afrika se oseane te kyk is belangrik

aangesien water noodsaaklik is vir lewe. Almal weet
dat Durban en selfs Kaapstad se oseane nie die beste is
nie. Dit is 'n verlies vir toerisme van ons strande en vir
die seelewe. Skadelike chemikalieë in water en baie
plastiek is die redes waarom ons oseane onder
standaard is; dit maak seelewe dood. Ons kan begin
met plastiek as strandskoonmaak in die plaaslike area,
hulle het net fondse nodig, maar 'n nog makliker
manier word deur die bron afgesny. Die oseane het
riviere, wind en mense wat plastiek skenk, dit moet
ook skoon bly. Waterbehandeling kan meer 'n
probleem wees, maar mettertyd. Seelewe word die
meeste deur ons oseane aangeval, aangesien ons 'n baie
wye verskeidenheid seelewe het, en ons moet hulle

Looking at South Africa’s oceans is important as water, is essential for life. Everyone knows that
Durban and even Cape Town’s oceans aren’t the best. This is a loss for tourism of our beaches
and for marine life. Harmful chemicals in water and a lot of plastic are the reasons our oceans are
below standard; this kills marine life. We can start with plastic as beach cleanup in local area,
they just need funds, but an even easier way is cut off by the source. The oceans have rivers,
wind and people donating plastic, this where need also keep clean. Water treatment might be
more of an issue but with time. Marine life is most under attack by our oceans as we have a very
wide variety of marine life, and we need to protect them.

Nou sal jy seker vra hoekom skole 'n fokus is om die

planeet te red? Robert Swan het gesê: Ek haal aan.
"Die grootste bedreiging vir ons planeet is die
oortuiging dat iemand anders dit sal red." —
As jy enige kans wil hê om die planeet reg te maak,
moet jy die jonger geslag verander. Die regering het
baie geleenthede in skole om hulle te leer hoe om die
planeet te red. Dit begin hulle wys hoe. Dit beteken
Lewensvaardighede is nie genoeg nie, ons het iets beter
as dit nodig, wat kinders prakties leer hoe om die
planeet te red. Enkele eenvoudige maniere is om
vullisherwinning, kompostering en
tuinmaakvaardighede aan te leer. Die belangrikste is,
plant 'n boom ten minste een keer per jaar om
moederaarde te red.


Now you would probably ask why schools is a focus in saving the planet? Robert Swan said , I
quote. "The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it." —

If you want any chance to fix the planet you must change the younger generation. Government
has many opportunities in schools to teach them how to save the planet. It begins showing them
how. That means Life Skills isn’t enough, we need something better than that , which teaches
children practically how to save the planet. Some simple ways are having bin recycling,
composting and teaching gardening skills. Most importantly, plant a tree at least once year to
save mother earth.

Om die minste te sê Suid-Afrika het 'n lang pad om te

gaan. Dit is moeilik om te sien hoe 'n klein land soos
Suid-Afrika 'n verskil as 'n derdewêreldland kan maak
om planeet aarde te red. Soos aanvanklik gesê, hang dit
egter aansienlik af van die klein optrede van mense wat
ons planeet aarde sal red. Ons benadering sal nie net
die aarde red nie, maar ook ons lewens. Boonop kan
ons die nalatenskap aan ons toekomstige generasie
oordra, 'n gesonde omgewing waarin ons kan woon.

To say the least South Africa has long way to go. It is hard to see how a small country like South
Africa could make a difference as a third world country to save planet earth. However, as
initially stated, it depends significantly on the small actions of humans that will save our planet
earth. Our approach will not only save the earth but our lives as well. Moreover, we can pass on
the legacy to our future generation, a healthy environment in which to live in.

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