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🍷 😘 😊


Game date

Dinner date

Smash plate challenge / clubbing

Ice creame and pizza date

Beach date

Make friendship bracelet

Night party(clubbing,anybody birthday party or house party no worry we go find ).

Gifting eachother

Go for a night swimming

Amusement park date

Deep talk

Movie marathon

Street food date

Karaoke room

Picnic date

Do the challenge that we will ( Text a radom person and ask them for a sex, Text your
ex telling him you miss him, call your sis and tell her you re pregnant etc…..)

Same nails and hair style, same outfit different colour with bag

Water park date

Paint pottery

Go bowling (that ball stuff at ruffles and bee)

Night drive

Long drive with you

Earning money together

Alcohol game

Go to gym together

Buy matching sunglasses

Paint mugs outside

Learn a new dancing step and make video on TikTok

Learn a new dancing step and make video on TikTok

Make a friendship playlist

Have a water balloon fight

Go horseback riding

Do a Pinterest craft together

See an action movie

Take selfies in cutest pajamas

Help eachother reach our goals

Cry it out together

Cook a dinner together

Say YES DAY ( everything anything we ask we must not say No it’s a YES)

Recreate our first date

Stay awake for 24hours

Fake Tattoos (tattoo sticker)

Do TikTok together

Mall date

Zoo date


Museum date

Write a letter to our future self

Do a face mask


Manifest all that you desire

Praying together for 2hours ( each person should list their prayer point).

Write down what you are grateful for

Meet each-others parent

Come up with names for our future children

Face our fear together

Church date

Ankara date
Ankara date

Cinema date

Unusual date

We will repeat them and also do anyone we want..

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