Speaking Part 2

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1. Your youth club is supposed to invite a speaker to talk about his/ her life
experience. 3 options are suggested: a famous singer, a company president, an
excellent student.

2. You just won 1 billion vnd in a lottery. You are considering how to spend your
money buying gold, buying a house, saving it in a bank.

3. Your sister’s classmates speak ill of her on Facebook. 3 options are suggested:
deactivating her Facebook, telling her teacher, having a talk with those friends.

4. Planning a surprise present for 30th wedding anniversary. 3 options are

suggested: organizing a vacation abroad, buying couple watches, taking family

5. 10 km away from home. 3 means of transportation: taxi, motorbike, bus

6. Your cousin is a freshman in university; whether to live in: university dormitory,

rent a flat with friends, stay with a relative.

7. Teachers at your child’s primary school are asking you about how to assess
students. 3 options are suggested: marks only, comments only, both marks and

8. A group of foreign students is studying Vietnamese history. There are 3 sources

of learning suggested: going to the museum, watching documentaries, reading
history books.

9. Your friend, an animal-lover, is celebrating her 18th birthday next month. 3

options for a present: a puppy, a kitten, a rabbit

10. Buy his mother a birthday gift: a plant, a bottle of perfume, a piece of

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