Speaking Q, Puzzles & Madlib

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INSIDE-ME puzzle INSIDE-ME puzzle

a month clothing A PLACE a month clothing A PLACE

a day
a day



Madlib - introducing yourself
Name: Date:

Hello, I'm (1) ________ (your name), and I'm (2) ________ (age) years old. I live in (3) ________
(city or town) with my (4) ________ (family member) and our (5) ________.
I have (6) ________ (color) hair and (7) ________ (color) eyes. People say I'm (8) ________
(adjective). On (9) ________ (day of the week), I usually (10) ________ (morning routine).
I work/study at (11) ________ (place of work/school), where I (12) ________ (job or study activity). I
have a lot of (13) ________ (noun) to do, but I enjoy it.
My favorite season is (14) ________, and my birthday is in (15) ________. I love the color (16)
________. On weekends, I like to (17) ________ (favorite weekend activity).
During my free time, I enjoy (18) ________ (hobby or interest). I also like (19) ________ (another
hobby or interest), especially in (20) ________ (favorite month).
I have (21) ________ (number) close friends, and we often (22) ________ (activity with friends)
together. We have a lot of fun!
So, that's a bit about me. I hope to (23) ________ (future goal), and I'm excited about what the future
holds. Thanks for getting to know me!

Madlib - introducing yourself

Name: Date:

Hello, I'm (1) ________ (your name), and I'm (2) ________ (age) years old. I live in (3) ________
(city or town) with my (4) ________ (family member) and our (5) ________.
I have (6) ________ (color) hair and (7) ________ (color) eyes. People say I'm (8) ________
(adjective). On (9) ________ (day of the week), I usually (10) ________ (morning routine).
I work/study at (11) ________ (place of work/school), where I (12) ________ (job or study activity). I
have a lot of (13) ________ (noun) to do, but I enjoy it.
My favorite season is (14) ________, and my birthday is in (15) ________. I love the color (16)
________. On weekends, I like to (17) ________ (favorite weekend activity).
During my free time, I enjoy (18) ________ (hobby or interest). I also like (19) ________ (another
hobby or interest), especially in (20) ________ (favorite month).
I have (21) ________ (number) close friends, and we often (22) ________ (activity with friends)
together. We have a lot of fun!
So, that's a bit about me. I hope to (23) ________ (future goal), and I'm excited about what the future
holds. Thanks for getting to know me!
Introducing yourself
What is your What is your Where are you What is your
name? surname? from? nationality?
My name My surname I am from I am...
is... is... (Pamplona, Spain) (Spanish)

How old are Where do you Who do you live with? When is your
you? live? I live with my... birthday?
I am... I live in a...(town, (partner, parents, My birthday is in...
(31 years old) city) named... children) (January)

What is your Do you like Do you practice What is the best

favourite hobby? watching TV? any sports? food for you?
My favourite hobby Yes, I do / No, I Yes, I do / No, I The best food for
is... don’t don’t (I practice...) me is...

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