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Near: dekat Beside: sebelah

The book is near the glass. Stand beside the statue, you’ll see the most
Jonathan won’t go near the river. beautiful sunset.
There are restaurants near here. Walk slowly beside me, don’t run.
The guy beside my dad was wearing a black

Inside: di dalam Under: di bawah

There’s a treasure inside the cave! There are still a lot of secrets we have yet to
Inside the box, you’ll find my ring. find under the seas.
She has to write a note inside the book. The cat sleeps under the chair.
Do you have to put your shoes under your

On: di atas menempel

The cat sits on the table. Behind: di belakang
Don’t jump on the bed! The squirrel is hiding behind the tree.
Put the pillows on the sofa. You have to stand behind me.
Someone grabbed Melissa from behind. The earth goes around the sun.

In between: di antara
In between the bread, you can either place
jam, salad and meat, or eggs to make a
I learned how to skateboard between the age Above: di atas tidak menempel
of 9 and 12. The plane is flying above the clouds.
The sweater came up in different colors, The people above my apartment are my
black, blue, red, yellow, and everything in childhood friends.
between. Henry scored above average in the Spanish

In front: di depan
Can you walk in front of me?
The temperature is so hot it’s like standing in
front of the sun. Out of: dari (keluar)
You can’t park your car in front of the garage. Samantha just walked out of the library.
Get out of there! It’s dangerous!
Mike’ll be out of town for several months.

Around: di sekeliling
Angelina had a scarf around her neck.
They sat around the table.

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