Ethics Questions

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What does the word morality mean to you?

How do you decide what is moral and what is not?

Is there a moral obligation to help the less fortunate? If so, what is it? How
much should you help? How much should our country help its own poor
citizens versus the poor citizens of other countries?

Is it moral to pay your taxes even if you don’t agree with how the government
spends it? Why or why not?

What is the best moral approach to our environment? Is there a monetary limit
to how much we can really spend to clean everything up? If third world
countries can become richer by building factories that harm the environment,
is it OK to do that? Why or why not?

Is it ever OK to lie? If so, under what circumstances?

If a family is hungry and has no other way to get food, is it OK to steal food
from a rich store owner? Why or why not?

Is it right to ever kill someone? Why or why not?

What does conscience mean? Can it ever be wrong?

What obligations should parents have to their children? And children to their

Is what the majority of people decide always right or can it be wrong?

If Country A says it’s okay to steal and Country B says stealing is wrong,
which one is right? Can they both be right? If so, how?
1. Can you describe a time when you faced an ethical dilemma
in your work? How did you handle it?

2. What is your definition of ethical behaviour? How do you

ensure you act ethically in your work?

3. Can you describe a time when you witnessed someone else

acting unethically in the workplace? What did you do about it?

4. How do you handle situations where you disagree with a

colleague or supervisor's ethical decision?

5. What steps do you take to ensure you maintain

confidentiality and respect the privacy of individuals in your

6. How do you handle conflicts of interest in your work?

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