6.1. Protection of Children

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World Vision International – Pakistan

National Staff Policy Manual

Category: 6. WV Policies
Document title: 6.1. Protection of Children
Effective date: 1 May 2006
Approved by: Sigurd Hanson
Country Director
Dineen Tupa, Central Asia
Sub Regional Director

6.1. Protection of Children

Purpose: To establish and outline World Vision International's policy on its

responsibility and commitment to the protection of children and families which it
serves. To maintain a work force that is committed to the welfare of children around
the world.

Scope: This policy applies to all WVI expatriate and contract employees in the
Partnership Offices (Regional and Sub-regional), covering all employment categories
including without limitation consultants, independent contractors, seconded, part-time
and temporary employees, National Board members, interns and volunteers. It also
applies to WVI Branch Offices outside the United States.

For WVI branches outside the United States, WVI will also take into consideration
national laws relating to protection of children where applicable and permissible and
consult appropriate local legal counsel as to the applicability of the national law. To
the extent that the WVI policy is inconsistent with national law on this issue, the
national law should prevail. Where the national law is consistent with the WVI
policy or is silent, the WVI policy will apply.

Policy: This policy is based upon the WVI Board Policy entitled "World Vision
Partnership Standards on Child Protection" adopted on March 2, 2000.

For the purpose of this policy and World Vision's work, the definition of
children will be any person under the age of 18 years.

World Vision International (WVI) is an international partnership committed to the

welfare of children around the world. World Vision opposes all forms of child
exploitation and child abuse, including child sexual abuse. Any person who has
knowledge of a potential child protection issue involving the World Vision
organization is to immediately contact the Child Protection Coordinator.

World Vision International Behavior Protocol Guidelines

All WVI employees, applicants, volunteers, interns, independent contractors and

National Board Members will be expected to read, understand and abide by the
defined guidelines for behavior. WVI will require each individual to sign a document
indicating his/her understanding of the behavior Protocols. Anyone who fails to
follow the WVI Behavior Protocols as stated below will be confronted and corrective
action will be taken per Corrective Action Policy.

WVI staff must not stay overnight alone with one or more non-related children or
minors whether in the staff member's home or elsewhere.
Although it should be the exception rather than the rule, there may be some
circumstances when it might be appropriate for WVI staff to spend time alone
with a minor. Under such circumstances, WVI staff must obtain written
permission from the child's parents or guardians before spending time alone with
minors in an unsupervised situation. In cases of child-headed households, there
will be at least two staff members, one of each sex.
WVI staff should not hire minors as "house help" or provide shelter for project or
sponsored minors in the staff member's home. Even though providing
employment for a minor may be culturally acceptable and provide benefits not
otherwise available to the child, the hiring of minors may lead to
misunderstandings and is inconsistent with World Vision's efforts to ban
exploitative child labor. For purposes of this policy, "house help" refers to hiring
children to serve as maids, housekeepers, etc. on a daily basis and not to the
casual hiring of minors to serve as baby-sitters.
WVI staff must not fondle, hold, kiss, cuddle, or touch minors in an inappropriate
or culturally insensitive way.
Two or more adults must supervise all activities where project minors or children
are involved. At least two adults must be present at all times.
WVI staff must notify the appropriate supervisor before spending time alone with
a minor in an unsupervised situation with written permission from the child's
parent or guardian.
WVI staff must avoid flirting, unwelcome flattering, or making suggestive
comments to minors.
WVI staff must obtain parental or guardian permission in writing prior to the
involvement of children or minors in World Vision sponsored programs or
activities, where applicable.
WVI staff must be entirely professional in their relationship with minors and
children, while at the same time demonstrating Christian love, compassion, and
caring in both word and deed.
WVI staff must be concerned about perception and appearance in their
relationships with minors and children. WVI staff should seek to live-up to the
World Vision Mission Statement and Core Values in all relationships with others.

The following inappropriate conduct towards children will not be tolerated.

Verbal conduct such as derogatory comments or sexual advances, invitations, or

using power and authority to persuade a child to act in ways that may sexually
gratify the adult.
Visual conduct such as derogatory posters, pornography of any kind, cartoons,
drawings or gestures, any form of written/verbal communication.
Physical conduct such as uninvited or unwanted touching, hugging, blocking
normal movement as well as taking a child off the project site unauthorized.
Threats or demands to the child to submit to sexual requests in order to receive
project benefits. With the exception of professionally and clinically trained
counselors who work for World Vision, staff should avoid involvement with one-
on-one counseling with minors and children concerning personal problems.

Procedure: I. Guidelines on Screening and Selection

In order to safeguard the children involved in our projects, World Vision will screen
all current employees, potential employees, volunteers, interns, consultants, and all
National Board Members. This screening will consist of a background check for any
convictions for child abuse, pedophilia or related offenses. The background check
will be done by:

The respective WVI Branch, Regional, Sub-Regional or National/Country

In countries where only the national is allowed by law to request a
background check, the applicant will be requested to get a background check
and provide a certified copy.

All individuals will be advised that any convictions for child abuse, pedophilia or
related offenses will result in non-selection for a position or clearance to visit a
project. World Vision will use the following processes:

a. At time of application, applicants will be asked to sign a "Preemployment Inquiry

Release Form", where applicable, as part of his/her application process:


b. All candidates being considered for a paid or unpaid position will have a
background check prior to employment. If a prospective applicant refuses to submit
to a background check, this will result in disqualification for employment with World
Vision. Clearance to move forward with the assignment of the successful candidate
will be dependent on the outcome of this background check.

c. All volunteers, interns, consultants, independent contractors and National Board

Members will be requested to consent to a background check.

d. All current staff will be asked to submit to a background check. Any convictions
for child abuse, pedophilia, or related offenses will subject the employee to re-
assignment or termination. If a current employee refuses to submit to a background
check, the employee will be subject to termination. If an employee refuses to
authorize a background screening required prior to a potential promotion or
reassignment, the employee automatically removes his or her candidacy.
e. All staff who may be in contact with others who are involved in World Vision
projects will be provided with training by a member of the Human Resources team or
an appropriate designee relating to:

Awareness and indicators of child abuse

Procedure to adopt if abuse is alleged or suspected
Security of information

2. Guidelines on Conducting/Reporting Background Checks

World Vision will obtain background reports that have been designed only for
employment as the permissible purpose. WVI reserves the right to deny employment
based upon such background check results. WVI's decision will make a decision after
reviewing all of the information obtained (including the job interview).

a. Before requesting a background check, an authorized person in the Human

Resources Department (the Recruiter in the case of Support and Regional Offices or
the Human Resources Representative in the case of National or Sub-Regional
Offices) must sign and have on file a written certification form. The certification
form requires the user of the report to certify as to the permissible purpose intended.
Employment is a permissible purpose.

b. Information obtained will be locked in confidential files in the Human Resources

Department in the hiring office.

c. The WVI Child Protection Coordinator or the Head of Human Resources

Department or an appropriate designee will handle any information for convictions
for child abuse, pedophiliia, or related offenses.

3. Visits to World Vision Projects

Any staff member, board member, or guest of WVI who will be visiting a World
Vision project must be advised of the behavior protocols as stated above. The office
coordinating the visit is responsible for educating the sponsor/visitor and coordinating
with the host office. When a WVI staff member takes guests (sponsors, donors,
constituents) to a project, the guests must be accompanied by a World Vision staff
member at all times. Visits to projects are to be prearranged and pre-approved.
Unannounced or unplanned visitors may be denied access to the project. WVI does
not facilitate visits by children to the donor/sponsor's home. WVI does not facilitate
adoptions. WVI staff must not stay overnight alone with non-related children
whether in the staff member's home or elsewhere. Although it should be the exception
rather than the rule, there may be some circumstances when it might be appropriate
for WVI staff to spend time alone with a child. WVI staff must notify the appropriate
supervisor before spending time alone with a child in an unsupervised situation with
written permission from the child's parent or guardian. Two or more adults must
supervise all activities where project children are involved. At least two adults must
be present at all times.

4. Communication about Children

a. All visual communications about children must use pictures that are decent and
respectful, not presenting them as victims. Children should be adequately clothed and
poses that could be interpreted as sexually suggestive avoided. Language that implies
a relationship of power should also be avoided.

b. World Vision's web site will not use scanned images of children without formal,
written permission of the national office responsible for the project and the
family/community of the child. The same applies to other promotionals such as

c. Child personal and physical information that could be used to identify the location
of a child within a country must not be used on World Vision's web site or in any
other form of communication about a child.

d. Any outside organization, group, or individual requesting the use of World

Vision's resources such as videos or photographs must sign an agreement with the
WVI office involved in collaboration with WVI Legal as to the proper use of such
materials. This agreement will include a statement that any use of such materials for
purposes other than what is agreed upon will subject the borrowing organization,
group, or individual to legal action. In addition, failure to adhere to the agreed upon
use of the material will result in the immediate termination of World Vision's
permission to use the subject materials and/or require immediate return of all
materials provided by World Vision as well as any copies of such materials.

e. WVI requires that any communication with the media on protection of children
issues be coordinated by the Head of the Communications Department or designee.
Employees who are asked questions by the media will be expected to refer the media
to the Head of the Communications Department. Any employee who communicates
about protection of children issues without proper authority is subject to corrective
action up to and including termination.

5. Reporting Procedures for Alleged Sexual Misconduct

All misconduct with children will immediately result in an investigation and

resolution. All investigations will be coordinated through the office of the
Partnership Child Protection Coordinator.

a. Any suspicion or allegation of any such misconduct is to be reported immediately

to the Partnership Offices' Child Protection Coordinator by the National Child
protection Coordinator. If there is no national Child Protection Coordinator, then
notify the national office Director and the WVI Child Protection Coordinator. An
internal investigation will be initiated by the WVI Child Protection Coordinator in
conjunction with the Human Resources Department, the National Office's Legal
Advisor and the employee's supervisor. Anyone in the field who experiences a
situation that raises concern for the children involved is to immediately report such
concerns to the National Director or his/her designee. The details of the situation
should be put into writing and a copy sent to the Regional Human Resources, WVI
Human Resources Director and the WVI Legal Department.

b. An investigation will consist of interview notes, pertinent documents, witness

statements, hard copy cc-Mail messages, and in some cases audio or videotape. The
documents will be gathered in a timely manner. At all times WVI will use the most
efficient and confidential manner for handling investigation documents. Faxing of
information is discouraged unless absolutely necessary.

c. The investigation and the team conducting the investigations will maintain strict
confidentiality on the part of the person(s) filing the report and/or conducting an

d. Treatment of the complainant (for the alleged minor victim and/or for any
individual who has witnessed inappropriate conduct): The complainant will be
treated respectfully and statements made by the complainant will be kept in
appropriate confidentiality. The complainant will be:

Subject to an internal investigation of all relevant facts.

Given the opportunity to provide relevant facts.
Given the opportunity to participate in the investigation by providing
names/identities of other witnesses and also recommend questions to be asked by
the investigators during the investigation.
Be provided information on the results of the investigation.
WVI Employee Services will work with the National Office to follow-up with the
complainant and offer counseling services as appropriate.

e. Treatment of the Alleged Perpetrator

World Vision International will notify the individual (i.e. employee, donor,
applicant, volunteer, or Board Member) of the allegation and investigation.
Opportunity to respond with a written document.
Provide other pertinent information and witnesses.
Receive a written memorandum of WVI final determination at the conclusion of
an investigation in which may include, but not limited to, notification of
corrective action to be taken by WVI up to and including suspension or
An employee who is dismissed as a result of misconduct with a child(ren) is not
eligible for rehire with any WV entity.
6. General Confidentiality
People will be informed of a child protection incident on a "need to know" basis.
Names and identities are not to be disclosed outside the group designated as "need to
know" unless cleared by the Head of the Office. All complaints will be treated
seriously and impartially and appropriate confidentiality will be maintained. The
Child Protection Coordinator will be responsible for determining a list of individuals
who have a "need to know" in each situation. This includes communication with the

WVI reserves the right to disclose such information as termination for child
protection incidents to other NGOs as applicable law and customs allow. WVI will
respond to questions such as "Would you rehire?"

7. Statement of Responsibility for the Protection of Children

World Vision International will present periodic mandatory training session/seminar

for all Partnership Offices (PO) staff to raise awareness of issues related to protecting
children from exploitation. This training will be mandatory for all paid and unpaid
staff. Training will be tailored depending on the area of responsibility. Child
Protection Coordinator, in collaboration with Legal and Human Resources will
review the policy and hold training sessions on an as needed basis.

All World Vision employees, volunteers, interns, consultants, independent

contractors, and National Board Members involved with World Vision Regional and
Sub-Regional Offices are asked to sign a statement of responsibility regarding their
behavior toward children. Failure to sign the statement will result in non-selection for
a position, or in some cases, possible reassignment.

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