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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)

Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 388-391 ISSN: 2395-5252

Misrepresentation in Prospectus: An
Analysis of Civil and Criminal Liabilities
Soumya Mishra
Department of Law, Amity University

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Date of Submission: 01-04-2023 Date of Acceptance: 10-04-2023
A prospectus is a legal document that being offered for sale. It allows investors to make
provides detailed information about a financial informed decisions about whether or not to invest
security or investment opportunity that is being in a particular security. The prospectus also helps
offered for sale to the public. It typically includes to ensure transparency and fairness in the securities
information such as the terms and conditions of the market, which is important for investor protection
offering, the risks associated with the investment, and the overall health of the economy.
the financial statements of the issuer, and any other Misrepresentation refers to a false
relevant information that potential investors may statement of fact made by one party to another,
need to make an informed decision about whether which induces the other party to enter into a
or not to invest. contract or take some other action. In the context of
Misrepresentation in a prospectus refers to a prospectus, misrepresentation can occur when the
the act of making a false statement, omitting information contained in the document is
material information, or providing misleading inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading.
information in a prospectus. This is a serious Types of Misrepresentation in Prospectus:
offense because a prospectus is a legal document Innocent Misrepresentation: It occurs
that investors rely on to make informed decisions when a false statement is made by mistake or
about whether or not to invest in a security. If a without any intention to deceive.
company or its directors are found to have made a Negligent Misrepresentation: It occurs
misrepresentation in a prospectus, they may face when a false statement is made due to the failure of
both civil and criminal liability. the company to exercise reasonable care in
Under the Indian Companies Act, 2013, verifying the accuracy of the information.
any person who is responsible for the Fraudulent Misrepresentation: It occurs
misrepresentation in a prospectus can be held when a false statement is made with the intention to
liable. This includes the company, its directors, and deceive or with reckless disregard for the truth.
any other person who has authorized the issue of Factual misrepresentation: This occurs
the prospectus. Civil liability may result in a when a prospectus contains inaccurate information,
lawsuit being brought against the company or its such as incorrect financial statements, false
directors by investors who suffered a loss as a statements about the company's business operations
result of the misrepresentation. The court may or assets, or other incorrect facts.
order the company to pay damages to the investors Omission of material facts: This happens
to compensate them for their losses. when a prospectus fails to include important
In addition to civil liability, there may also information that would impact an investor's
be criminal liability. The Indian Companies Act, decision to invest, such as a pending lawsuit or
2013 provides for criminal penalties for anyone regulatory action.
who makes a false statement or misrepresentation Forward-looking statements: These are
in a prospectus. The penalties may include statements about future events, such as projections
imprisonment and/or a fine. The severity of the about the company's future financial performance.
penalty will depend on the nature and extent of the If these statements are not based on reasonable
misrepresentation. assumptions or if they turn out to be inaccurate,
The prospectus is an important document investors may be misled.
in the securities market as it provides information Exaggerated claims: These are statements
to potential investors about the company, its that overstate the company's potential or the
operations, financial position, and the securities benefits of investing in the company.

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504388391 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 388
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 388-391 ISSN: 2395-5252

Insider trading: This occurs when Any person who is a legal representative
individuals with inside knowledge of a company's of a person who could have sued for damages if he
affairs use that knowledge to trade securities in the had been alive.
company before the information becomes public. Under company law, a prospectus is a
It is important for companies and legal document that provides details about the
organizations to ensure that their prospectus company and its securities to potential investors. If
accurately and completely discloses all relevant a prospectus contains any misstatement or omission
information to potential investors to avoid of material facts, it may result in civil or criminal
misrepresentations that can result in legal liability. liability for the company and its officers.

Top of Form Remedies for Misstatements in Prospectus:

Examples of Misrepresentation in Prospectus: Civil Liability: If a prospectus contains
Overstating the company's financial any misstatement or omission of material facts, the
performance by inflating revenue or understating investors who have suffered loss or damage as a
expenses. result of such misstatement can file a civil suit
Concealing material facts, such as ongoing against the company, its directors, and other
litigation or regulatory investigations, that could persons who authorized the issue of the prospectus.
have a significant impact on the company's future The remedies available to the investors in such
prospects. cases include damages, rescission of the contract,
Making false statements about the and an injunction against further sales of securities.
company's products or services, such as their safety Criminal Liability: If a prospectus
or effectiveness. contains any false statement or misrepresentation of
Consequences of Misrepresentation in material facts, the company and its officers may be
Prospectus: held criminally liable under the provisions of the
Civil Liability: Any person who suffers a Companies Act. The penalties for such offenses
loss as a result of misrepresentation in a prospectus may include fines, imprisonment, or both.
can sue the company for damages.
Criminal Liability: The company and its Remedies for Criminal Liability:
officers can also face criminal charges for making Criminal Proceedings: The Securities and
false statements in a prospectus, which can result in Exchange Board of India (SEBI) can initiate
fines and imprisonment. criminal proceedings against the company and its
Regulatory Action: The Securities and officers for any misstatement or false statement
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) can take action made in the prospectus. The proceedings can result
against the company for violating disclosure norms, in imprisonment, fines, or both.
including imposing fines and banning the Imposition of Penalty: SEBI may also
company's directors from accessing the capital impose penalties on the company and its officers
markets. for any violation of the securities laws, including
Misrepresentation in a prospectus refers to the making of false statements or
providing false or misleading information to misrepresentations in the prospectus.
investors in the prospectus. This is a serious Debarment from Securities Market: SEBI
offense and can lead to civil and criminal liability has the power to debar the company and its officers
for the company and its directors. from the securities market if they are found to have
Civil Liability for Misrepresentation in violated the securities laws. This can result in the
Prospectus: company and its officers being prevented from
Section 34 of the Indian Companies Act raising funds from the capital markets.
2013 deals with civil liability for misrepresentation
in a prospectus. According to this section, any In conclusion, misrepresentation in a
person who has subscribed to securities or prospectus is a serious offense that can lead to civil
purchased them from the company can sue for and criminal liability for the company and its
damages if the prospectus includes any untrue directors. Investors who have been misled by false
statement or omits any material fact. or misleading statements in a prospectus can sue
The following persons can also sue for for damages under Section 34 of the Indian
damages under this section: Companies Act 2013.
Any person who has acquired securities In India, the Companies Act of 2013
with the consent of the company. imposes both civil and criminal liability for
misrepresentation in a prospectus. Civil liability

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504388391 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 389
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 388-391 ISSN: 2395-5252

refers to the legal responsibility for damages or criminal charges under Section 447 of the
losses incurred by an aggrieved party, while Companies Act 2013. If convicted, the director
criminal liability refers to the legal responsibility may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term
for committing a crime. ranging from six months to ten years, and may also
Section 447 of the Companies Act, 2013 be fined.
provides for punishment for fraud, which includes Exceptions to Director’s Liability: There
any act of deception or misrepresentation with the are certain exceptions to director’s liability for
intent to deceive, whether by omission or misrepresentation in prospectus, which are as
commission, committed by a person or company in follows:
the course of its business. The section prescribes a The director had reasonable grounds to
minimum imprisonment of six months, which may believe that the statement was true.
extend to ten years, and a fine of at least the The statement was immaterial or irrelevant
amount involved in the fraud or up to three times to the prospectus.
the amount of the fraud, whichever is higher. The director withdrew his or her consent
In cases of misrepresentation in a to the prospectus before it was issued, and gave
prospectus, if the misrepresentation is found to be reasonable public notice of such withdrawal.
fraudulent, the person or company responsible may The prospectus was issued without his or
face criminal liability under Section 447 of the her knowledge or consent, and on becoming aware
Companies Act, 2013. The consequences may of it, he or she immediately withdrew his or her
include imprisonment and hefty fines. consent and gave reasonable public notice of such
On the other hand, civil liability arises withdrawal.
from a breach of contract or a duty of care owed to Case Laws: Some notable cases related to
the aggrieved party. In the context of misrepresentation in prospectus and director’s
misrepresentation in a prospectus, civil liability liability in India are:
may arise if a person or company makes a false Sahara India Real Estate Corp. Ltd. and
statement or omits material information from the Ors. v. Securities and Exchange Board of India and
prospectus, causing loss or damage to investors Anr. (2012): The Supreme Court held that the
who relied on that information. In such cases, the directors of a company are responsible for ensuring
aggrieved party may sue the person or company the accuracy of the information contained in the
responsible for damages. prospectus, and that they cannot escape liability
One notable case in this regard is the merely by delegating the task to others.
Satyam Computer Services scam, where the Satyam Computers Services Ltd. (2009):
company's founder and chairman, Ramalinga Raju, The Satyam scandal involved the largest corporate
was found guilty of financial fraud, including fraud in Indian history. The directors of the
misrepresentation in the company's prospectus. company were held liable for making false
Raju was sentenced to seven years in prison and statements in the company’s prospectus, and were
was ordered to pay a fine of Rs. 5.5 crores. The also charged with criminal offenses.
case highlighted the seriousness of These cases demonstrate the importance of
misrepresentation in a prospectus and the legal accurate disclosure in prospectuses and the
consequences that may follow. potential consequences for directors who fail to
Section 35 of the Indian Companies Act ensure the accuracy of the information contained
2013 imposes duties on directors to ensure that the therein.
information contained in a prospectus is accurate In the Indian Companies Act 2013,
and not misleading. If a director makes a misrepresentation in a prospectus can lead to both
misrepresentation in a prospectus, he or she may be civil and criminal liability. Civil liability may result
held civilly and criminally liable for any losses in the company being sued for damages by
suffered by investors as a result. investors who suffered losses due to the
Civil Liability: If a director is found to misrepresentation. Criminal liability may result in
have made a misrepresentation in a prospectus, he fines and imprisonment for the company's directors
or she may be sued by investors who suffered and officers who were involved in the
losses as a result. Under Section 35, the director misrepresentation.
may be required to pay damages to compensate the Compliance with regulations is crucial for
investors for their losses. companies to avoid liability and maintain trust with
Criminal Liability: If the investors. It is important for companies to ensure
misrepresentation in the prospectus is found to be that all information disclosed in the prospectus is
fraudulent or reckless, the director may face accurate, complete, and not misleading. Companies

DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504388391 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 390
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 5, Issue 4 April 2023, pp: 388-391 ISSN: 2395-5252

should also review and update their prospectus

disclosures regularly to reflect any material
changes in the business or industry.
To improve prospectus disclosures,
companies should focus on providing clear and
concise information that is easy to understand.
They should also disclose all relevant information,
even if it may be unfavorable or negative. This
includes information about risks and uncertainties
associated with the business, as well as any legal or
regulatory issues.
Further research could be done to explore
the effectiveness of current regulations and
enforcement mechanisms in preventing
misrepresentation in prospectuses. It would also be
useful to study the impact of improved prospectus
disclosures on investor confidence and market

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DOI: 10.35629/5252-0504388391 |Impact Factorvalue 6.18| ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 391

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