ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-009-00 HSE Preformance Measurement & Monitoring Procedure

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure

Rev 00







00 14.02.23 Mohammad Shahid Ansari Gerardo Alvarez Xiong Gaoxia ISSUED FOR APPROVAL



DOCUMENT TITLE : HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure



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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00

Rev. Date Section Page Modification

00 14.03.2023 First Issue

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00

Table of Contents

1. PURPOSE.................................................................................................................................................4
2. SCOPE......................................................................................................................................................4
3. REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................................4
4. RESPONSIBILITY..................................................................................................................................4
4.1 PROJECT MANAGER........................................................................................................................4
4.2 DEPUTY PROJECT MANAGER.......................................................................................................5
4.3 HSE MANAGER/TEAM....................................................................................................................5
4.4 DEPARTMENT MANAGER/PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISOR......................................................5

5. DEFINITIONS.........................................................................................................................................5
6. PROCEDURE..........................................................................................................................................8
6.1 HSE DATA COLLECTION................................................................................................................8
6.2 HSE PERFORMANCE........................................................................................................................9
6.3 CONFORMANCE WITH OPERATIONAL CONTROLS................................................................9
6.5 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS..............................................................................................9
6.6 TREND ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................13

7. REPORTS...............................................................................................................................................13
8. RECORDS..............................................................................................................................................13

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00


To define mechanism and responsibilities for monitor and measure Health, Safety and Environmental
performance to determine compliance with policies, procedures, legislation, and requirements of HSSE
Management System in the Al-Shuaibah Solar PV IPP. CORRECT THIS TYPE OF ERRORS
To collect accurate HSE statistical information to track the overall effectiveness of the Health, Safety,
Security Management Plan (HSSMP) in controlling health and safety risks and environmental impacts.
The process includes monitoring and measuring conformance with operational controls, compliance with
HSE regulations and other obligations, and organization HSSMP requirements as well as progress toward
achieving HSE objectives and targets. The monitoring and measuring process considers both proactive
and reactive measures.


This procedure applies to all activities and processes related to HSSMP.


3.1. Owner’s References

 Al Faisaliyah Solar PV Park – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
 Appendix A – Part A PV Owner’s Technical Specifications Al Shuaibah 1 & 2 PV Project in
Saudi Arabia
 ACWA Power – Annexure – EPC Contract HSSE & SM Standard Requirements
 AP-HSSE-SYS-MN-002-Rev00 Construction Projects-HSSE Management Manual
 AP-HSE-SYS-MN-001 – ACWA Power – Environmental & Social Management System
Implementation Manual
 App Z – ACWA Power – Contractor Management HSSE Standard

3.2. EPC Contractor’s References

 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PL-001-02, Health Safety Security Management Plan
 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PL-005-00, Construction Environmental & Social Management Plan
 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PL-008-00, Project Emergency Response Plan
 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-016-00, HSE Training Procedure
 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-003-00-Incident Investigation & Reporting Procedure
 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-021-00-Hazard and Risk Assessment Procedure
ASB-CEEC-HSE-PL-003-00-Logistics and Traffic Management Plan



 Accountable for the overall HSE performance of the organization.

 Establish an appropriate system for HSE performance monitoring and measurement.
 Responsible for assuring HSE performance is regularly monitored, and necessary reports and
communication are made to all concerned.

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00

 Review regularly the HSSMP performance of the organization and provide directives for
enhancing the HSE performance as required.
 Providing the necessary resources to ensure the implementation of the required monitoring and
measurement processes, and corresponding actions to improve the HSE performance, as


Provide technical support and guidance to HSE management performance monitoring and
measurement to ensure effective implementation of HSE performance monitoring and measurement.

 Presentation of HSS performance measures of all projects to the top management during HSS
management review.
 Provide information to HSE TEAM.
 HSE TEAM will conduct on the high priority/ key issues from the trend analysis along with
corrective/preventive measures on controlling and maintaining the significant HSE
impacts/issues and/or improving HSE performance.
 Provide the HSE monitoring and measurement data to the respective Department heads and
 Collection and Submission of HSE performance information to meet regulatory and other
external reporting requirements.
 Establishing, and maintaining appropriate HSE performance metrics for monitoring and
measuring significant HSE aspects/issues.
 Compiling and studying the trends (Trend Analysis) from project sites on significant HSE
aspects/issues and advising measures to control and maintain them within acceptable limits.
 Preparing and presenting the trend analysis on the significant occupational health and
environmental aspects/issues to the HSSMP Management Committee.


Review the status of high-priority/key issues from the monitoring and measurement trend analysis on a
quarterly basis and provide directives for improving the performance, as required.


 Monitoring the implementation of the HSE requirements.

 Review the HSE performance of his project or department, minimum quarterly, and provide
directives for improving the performance, as required.
 Provide the HSE monitoring and measurement data to the respective site HSE team.


 Hazard: Any substance, physical effect, or condition with the potential to harm people,
property, or the environment.
 Incident: An event or chain of events that has caused or could have caused fatality, injury,
illness, and/or damage.

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00


 Injury: Physical harm or damage to a person resulting from traumatic contact between the body
of the person and an outside agency or from exposure to environmental factors.
 Near Miss: An unplanned event, event series, or condition that occurred at the workplace
which, although not resulting in any injury, illnesses, or environmental damage, had the
potential to do so.
 Dangerous Occurrence (Reportable): A significant incident arising out of pr in the course of
work that did not result in injuries and/or fatalities but had the potential to have done so as per
schedule A of OSHAD-SF Mechanism 11.0: Incident Notification, Investigation, and
 Reportable Incident: A work-related incident consisting of or resulting in a fatality, reportable
serious injury, reportable dangerous occurrence; reportable occupational illness/disease; and/or
major or moderate environment incident.
 Restricted Workday Cases (Light Duties): a work-related injury or illness other than fatality
or LTI that results in limitations on work activity that prevent an employee from doing any task
of his/her normal job or from doing all of the jobs for any part of the day as a result of his/her
An injury to a person shall be considered a work-related injury if
 It occurs on the way to or from work.
 It occurs at work or.
 arises from a work practice or.
 arises from the conditions in a workplace, or.
 by an employee during and because of carrying out their duties.
This includes, but is not limited to, injuries to any person present at an organization site, including
direct employees, contractors, visitors, customers, and members of the public.
Injuries include the recurrence, aggravation, or exacerbation of previous work-related injuries. For
example, if a person had previously had a work-related knee injury and the injury happens again
because of work, the new injury shall be reported.
 Environmental Incident: An incident or set of circumstances during or because of which there
is likely to be a leak, spill, or other escape or deposit of a substance, as a result of which
pollution has occurred, is occurring, or is likely to occur. It includes an incident or set of
circumstances in which a substance has been placed or disposed of on the premises.

 Environmental Incident (Major): Irreversible or long-term environmental impacts have

occurred or are likely to occur to the environment and/or there is a significant health risk to
employees and/or the community.
Significant, long-term remediation and regulatory intervention will be required. Substances or
materials may have escaped the site causing significant pollution of adjoining areas which will
require containment, clean up, and/or remediation involving other agencies and/or additional
resources not available to local site management.

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00

 Environmental Incident (Moderate): Moderate reversible environmental impact has occurred

or is likely to occur to the environment and/or there is a moderate health risk to employees
and/or the community. Moderate, medium-term remediation and regulatory intervention may
be required. Substances or materials may have escaped the site causing pollution of adjoining
areas which may require containment, clean up, and/or remediation involving other agencies
and/or additional resources not available to local site management.
 Environmental Incident (Minor): Minor, reversible damage requiring little or no remediation.
No material has escaped the local site or caused significant harm to the environment and/or pose
a health risk to employees or the community. It can be contained, cleaned up, and/or disposed
of legally without additional assistance.
 First Aid Case: It is an incident that requires first aid treatment only e.g., using wound
coverings such as bandages gauze pads etc. It does not result in lost time from work or work
 Medical Treatment Case: Any work-related injury that involves neither LTI nor RWDC, but
which requires treatment by or under the specific order of a physician or could be considered
being in the presence of a physician. E.g., Treatment for infections, second-degree burns,
removal of foreign bodies in the eye or wound.
 Restricted Workday Case (RWDC): Any work-related injury other than fatality or LTI which
results in an employee being reassigned to other duties, cannot perform the full range of his
normally assigned duties, or cannot complete an entire work shift because of his injury.
 Permanent Total Disabilities (PTD): Any work-related injury, which results in the complete
loss, or permanent loss of use, of any part of the body or any permanent impairment of the
function of parts of the body, regardless of any pre-existing disability of the injured member or
impaired body.
 Property Damage: Incident that results in no injury but damage to property.
 Fatality (Work Related): Work-related fatality is a death resulting from an injury or illness
contracted while working on the project regardless of the time intervening between injury and
 Reportable Incident: It is an incident that resulted in the death of an employee, serious head
injury, serious eye injury, or loss of a distinct part or organ of the injured person’s body
including any amputation of any part of the body or that requires immediate medical treatment
as an in-patient in a hospital or an employee absent from work for more than 6 normal
 Total Man Hours: The total man hours worked on the project including all subcontractors for
the period in question.
 Lost Time Injury (LTI): It is a work-related incident or injury that resulted in an injured
person being temporarily unable to work on a subsequent day scheduled workday or shift.
 Lost Workdays: is the total number of lost workdays on which the injured person was
temporarily unable to work as a result of a lost workday case or permanent partial disability (In
cases of fatalities or permanent total disability not lost workdays are recorded).
 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR): The total number of LTI per 1,000,000 man-
hours worked during the reporting period.

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
Rev 00

LTIFR = No of LTI X 1,000,000

Working hours
Lost Time Injury Severity Rate (LTISR): the total number of lost workdays per million hours
of working.
LTISR = No of Lost work days X 1,000,000
Working hours
 Note: to calculate the average time lost rate, occurrences that result in a fatality or a
permanent total disability that results in the employee is not able to return to work shall be
assigned a time loss of 12 month loss 64 standard working days). CORRECT THIS TYPE OF


The HSSMP and associated processes, when fully implemented and functioning, are designed to result in
increased overall HSE performance. To track the effectiveness of elements of the HSSMP, EPC
Contractor will implement monitoring and measurement programs that focus not only on the achievement
of final performance targets but also gauge the effectiveness of the systematic processes in place to reach
performance goals.
The monitoring and measuring systems, processes, programs, and their frequencies shall be established
based on the significance of the respective occupational health, safety, and environmental aspects
determined from the risk assessment results and pertinent legal and other obligatory requirements.


HSE teams are responsible for ensuring the continuous monitoring and measuring of the HSE data, as
needed, including environmental releases, energy (electricity, fuel, etc.), and resources (water, paper,
HSE performance data are collected, analyzed, and reported every month or more frequently if
appropriate (e.g., for significant incidents) to monitor and evaluate the ongoing HSE performance and
drive continual improvement. The reported data is collated and analyzed, as appropriate, and reported to
HSE Committee.
Reporting of consolidated data including key HSE performance indicators carried out at the site level,
department level, and for the whole of the organization, as the basis for decision making.
The Safety department provides HSE reporting requirements and processes and maintains a database
containing what is required for both internal performance evaluation and external reports.
All equipment and instruments utilized for the monitoring and measuring shall be ensured to be calibrated
and the calibration always maintained valid. The quality and effectiveness of the processes for monitoring
and measuring the HSE data shall be reviewed periodically by the safety department, minimally on an
annual basis.

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 On monthly basis, Department heads/Managers/ professional superiors shall review the HSE
performance report submitted by their respective Site HSE team to monitor and measure the level of
implementation of HSSMP within their project or department.

 HSE Manager will conduct HSE performance audits periodically utilizing the performance reports
submitted by department heads/managers/professional superiors from projects for their quality and
effectiveness of the processes for monitoring and measuring the HSE performance.

 The safety department is responsible for establishing and maintaining HSE performance metrics for
the organization. HSE performance metrics are to provide top management with information regarding
the level of control of HSE risks and impacts associated with organization activities, and the
effectiveness of HSE management processes and procedures in achieving their stated objectives.

 Information collection activities will be planned to satisfy pre-determined information

requirements. Information shall not be collected without sufficient cause or plan for analysis or future
reporting needs.


Monitoring and measurement of conformance and effectiveness of specific operational controls shall
be conducted at the project site which developed and/or is using the operational control. Department
Heads/Managers/professional superiors are responsible for conducting regular site inspections to
ensure that acceptable work practices are being followed and workplace conditions are satisfactory as
defined within applicable operating procedures, work instructions, or other applicable HSE procedures
or standards.

Site HSE teams are responsible to carry out daily HSE site observations that are used as a tool for
regular monitoring of the implementation of HSE procedures and unsafe acts/conditions.


Department Heads/Managers/professional superiors are responsible for regularly monitoring progress

towards achievement of stated HSE objectives and targets, as well as overall HSE performance in their
department or project site.

HSE objectives and targets which are set at the beginning of the year for the organization and each
project are well documented. If available data indicates inadequate progress toward achieving the
objectives and targets, the safety department, after coordination with the Department heads/Managers,
shall adjust management programs appropriately, request additional resources, or take other action(s),
as needed, to ensure the HSE objectives and targets will be met.

HSE Committee will review the assigned HSE objectives and targets for the organization on a
quarterly basis during the HSSMP management review and advice actions as required.


These are measures to review whether objectives and targets have been met. They include.

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Rev 00

rates, ratios, or indices which reflect how well the HSSMP, or its elements are operating. The HSE
performance is measured by establishing appropriate qualitative and quantitative measures of
performance (KPIs). There are two types of statistical techniques being used to validate HSE

 Proactive measures performance (positive)

 Reactive measures performance (negative)



These are actions performed to prevent work-related injury and illness as part of the HSEMS. It
monitors and measures the HSE performance of the workplace or planned activities that include but
are not limited to:

(1) HSE Training

Performance indicators:

 The number of trainings delivered or coordinated.

 The number of hours for training courses delivered.

 The number of participants in training courses delivered.

(2) Hazards and incidents Reporting

 Number of hazards identified and reported through Site HSE Observation reports (unsafe acts and
unsafe conditions)

 Number of near miss reporting

(3) Safe System of work

 The number of toolbox talks delivered.

 Number of PTWs (issued and closed)

 Number of Isolations

 Number of safety tours and inspections

 The number of risk assessments developed.

(4) Consultation and Communication

 Number of Daily Safety meetings/talks

 Number of HSE meetings conducted.

 Number of senior managers site visits


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These are carried out in one or more of the following ways according to the needs of the organization:

 Direct observation by site HSE team to monitor various activities for the achievement of HSE
standards and/ or objectives.

 Periodic inspections of HSEMS documents through internal audits

 Joint Inspection or safety tours by carry out by department heads/managers/professional superiors

to inspect project site(s), plant, and equipment.

 Health surveillance, as appropriate

 Environmental monitoring: air, noise, and other relevant work amenities (e.g. lighting and

 Waste management etc.


Monitoring and measuring management system failures or deviations from planned, expected or intended
management system results. They are carried out in one or more of the following ways according to the
needs of the organization.


 First aid injury, illness, and medical treatment analysis

 Examination of other losses e.g., property damage

 Reporting incidents with the potential to cause injury, illness, or loss (including environment)

 Identification of weaknesses or omissions in the performance standards


 Lost time injuries through Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)

 Lost time injuries severity rate

 Total reportable case frequency

The details of KPIs include the following:

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HSE Performance Measurement and Monitoring Procedure
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S/No Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

1 Fatality

2 Manpower engaged and Worked hours

3 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)

4 Lost Time Injury Severity Rate (LTISR)

5 Near Miss

6 First Aid Injury

7 Medical Treatment Cases

8 Restricted Work cases

9 Reportable Serious Injury

10 Reportable Dangerous Occurrence

11 HSE Induction Training

12 HSE training as per training matrix

13 Emergency Response mock drills

14 HSE Internal Audits

15 Environmental incidents (Minor/Moderate/Major)

16 Energy, Water, Paper and Fuel Consumption

17 Non-Hazardous Waste Disposed of/Recycled

18 Non-Hazardous Waste Disposed of/Recycled

19 Non-Conformance

20 HSE Meetings

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21 HSE Inspections

22 Toolbox meetings

23 Penalties/Fines/Notices


The process of analyzing HSE performance data to determine and understand current and past conditions
of performance used to predict and improve future results, e.g., incident investigation data identifying
numerous and similar root causes.

The organization shall conduct and document periodic trend analysis on HSE monitoring and
measurement results. As a minimum trend analysis shall be conducted quarterly. Results of the
organization’s monitoring and measurement reports as well as trend analysis results would be
incorporated into the organization management review process, aspects and impacts assessment,
objectives planning, and development of corrective/ preventive actions.


 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-003-00 Incident Investigation & Reporting Procedure

 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-015-00 HSE Audit Procedure

 ASB-CEEC-HSE-RP-006-00 HSE Audit Report

 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-005-00 HSE Committee Work Procedure

 ASB-CEEC-HSE-PR-019-00 HSE Inspection Procedure


The following report is to be used for the purpose of this procedure. Any project requirements are
additional to this and do not replace project procedures.

Record Name Maintained by

First Aid Injury Analysis Report First Aider/HSE Manager

HSE Performance Statistics HSE Manager/Project Manager

Monthly Man Hour Format HSE Manager/Project Manager

HSE Statistics Report HSE Manager/Project Manager

Subcontractor HSE Performance HSE Manager/Project Manager

HSE Manager/Project Manager/HR

Staff HSE Performance

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All records / documentation relating to these procedures shall be maintained will be made available for
auditing purpose at all times.

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