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Key Point(s):

The self-OSA document* shows the results of the self-review done by the supplier during project phases, depending on process risk level. It allows
to monitor and judge the convergence of process robustness throughout the project:
- During phase 2: it ensures that organization of supplier and its project understanding are consistent with the objectives of the project
(Quality, Milestones).
- During phase 3: It ensures that robustness of manufacturing process is on-line with compliance convergence and industrialization planning.
- During phase 4: It qualifies that process & production line deliver according to compliant parts requirements. It is done prior to the Product-
Process confirmation (before PSW agreement).
- During phase 5: It ensures that production-line keeps compliance and stability during Ramp-up, firewall activities are taken into account.

Minimum Content Requirement(s):

The supplier shall use the preformatted file provided by Renault.

Output Document Description:

For each question, guidelines are available for each quotation. Answer among the 4 possibilities:
- Quotation 5: Compliant,
- Quotation -1: Some deviations with “5” quotation, compliant with “-1“ guideline. For some questions, this quotation is not available,
- Quotation -5: Not compliant with “-1” expectation.
- NA: If the question is not applicable.

Each quotation have to be justified in findings area.

Countermeasure actions including timing, responsibilities and confirmation activities must be documented for all issues.

* Self-OSA document includes:

- Core grid: generic questions list matching with project phase, S/R, CL, OP number, FW(Ph5).
- Optional sheet with questions linked to specific technology process or commodity items


For any question about Self-OSA (file, guidelines, other), feel free to contact your SSD.

Renault Group Product Quality Procedure (RGPQP)

Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system. Copyright © Renault Group
Self-OSA file completion

Home sheet
Item Completion Instructions
Supplier name
Project Preformatted with Renault team
Part name
Nb of operation(s) To be discussed with evaluator during kick-off meeting
Preformatted with Renault team
Language Can be changed at any moment
Firewall (Phase 5) Preformatted with Renault team
From OP10 to OPxx: according “Nb of operation(s)” data: Preformatted with Renault
Index table team
Designation Preformatted with Renault team

Renault Group Product Quality Procedure (RGPQP)

Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system. Copyright © Renault Group
Summary sheet
Evaluation date Date of the quotation
OSA Version Enter “V0”
Report Issue date Date of the report emission
RGPQP active phase Enter RGPQP phase
Index (Phase 5) Begin with an A at first audit in phase 5 then move to next letter when new evaluation
Context Define the perimeter of the evaluation. Describe the limits of what is evaluated.
Plant name Add plant name
Supplier Code + site Add COFOR + Site (eg. 65893214-01)
Plant location Add plant city
Country Add plant country
Part number Add Renault reference of the pilot part
Commodity code Add Commodity code
Supplier Attendees Enter name of the different person in charge of the self-evaluation
Renault Attendees Leave blank
Nom. TGA. OTOP. PSW Dates Enter milestones dates
Conformity level for each phase
Automatically filled
Nb of each quotation
NJ Number of not judged questions automatically filled: if not 0: conformity index is not
Quotation section available
SSD Opinion / Ki result / New date if NOK Leave blank
Comments Add any comment
SSD Comments Leave blank
NOTA : All blue cells have to be filled.

Renault Group Product Quality Procedure (RGPQP)

Printed versions of this document are not controlled by the version management system. Copyright © Renault Group

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