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Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

Introducing me Reyhan Daffa Muzaki, I am here as the mastermind behind the film The Raid will
bring you to an action film show

Deep in the heart of Jakarta's slums stands an impenetrable derelict apartment building that is a safe
home for the most dangerous gangsters, criminals and killers. The rundown apartment block has
been deemed untouchable by the rivals of notorious drug kingpin Tama Riyadi (), even to the bravest
of police officers. Everything changed when a special weapons and tactics police team of 20 was
assigned to storm the building and end Tama's terror once and for all.

a new elite police officer, in a squad led by Sergeant Jaka(), arrives at Tama's apartment block with
the lead of Lieutenant Wahyu (). After crossing paths with Gofar (), one of the residents of the
apartment, they broke in and carefully secured the resident criminals.

Sergeant Jaka : Listen, everyone! Our target is Tama Riyadi. I'm sure everyone is here

If you know who he is, his base has become a police-free zone. I don't care who's behind it.

and how much influence! Because now he dared to rent out

the rooms in his apartment building As a hiding place for all

criminals we are on the run our task is simple. We go in, catch and drag him out

POLICE: Ready!

Sergeant Jaka: Tama is not alone. The intelligence information that I got is that there is a fairly large
narcotics lab. And a number of mobs who are willing to do anything to protect that place. He has
two confidants. One is named Mad Dog. anything, and willing to die for him. Another one named
Andi The brain of all Tama's business And he's the only person who can hold Mad Dog's tail I ask you
to watch out for these two people. If you let your guard down, you will be slaughtered. IMPORTANT

Yuda: Why us? Why today?

bowo: Why not?

yuda : Oh, that's a legitimate question!

bowo : as valid as my question

Sergeant Jaka: Already finished? Can I continue? Yeah? hmm? Attention! The people we are dealing
with are people who have been trained, who are ready for war. Check equipment again! I don't want
empty seats when I go home. Let's get rid of this city trash

Starting from the ground floor and moving up, they planned to infiltrate the apartment blocks until
they reached the sixth floor, but then the team was seen by a boy scout, who ran to tell his friend a
second before he was shot and killed by a rifle bullet Lieutenant Revelation. The warning reached
Tama and his executioner, Mad Dog () over the intercom. Tama immediately called for

letnan wahyu : Who are they?

Sergeant Jaka : They are new members. My responsibilities. I guarantee. Won't bother.
lieutenant Wahyu: But you haven't forgotten about our assignment, have you?

Sergeant Jaka : Lieutenant, you should know that to cover such a large area, we need more troops

lieutenant revelation: Broad also with errors. These are rookies! This is not a training ground!

Sergeant Jaka : Okay. I put them behind.

lieutenant revelation: Behind? Rear

(setelah itu polisi menggerebek apartemen kumuh tersebut)

bowo: Shut up! Do not move!

Gopher: What's the matter? I have to go up.

bowo : I don't care even if you go to sea

gofar : My wife is alone at the top. He's been waiting for this medicine so I have to go upstairs.

bowo: Yes! One more step you take, it is your last step!

(Yuda langsung mendorong Bowo)

bowo: what is this?

Yuda: Never mind.

Sergeant Jaka : Bowo, enough!

bowo : want to be a champion please don't come near!

Yuda : what number is your room?

gofar : 726

Yoda: Calm down. Later I will take you to the room but you still have to calm down, until this area is

gofar : Then, what about my wife above?

yuda : I understand, but you still have to calm down.

Gofar: Nonsense!

Yoda: Listen! There are only two choices. With me, or him.

Sergeant Jaka : Okay, everyone! We're in now! You keep an eye on him and keep him glued!

(penggerebekan dimulai dan beberapa buronan ditangkap oleh pasukan polisi)

sergeant jaka : don't move, don't be stupid sis, stay where you are, it's good now...

(anak itu melarikan diri)

the little boy : policeiiiiii!!!!

then all the occupants of the apartment knew the whereabouts of the police force, all moved to grab
their weapons and then the bullets fell so that many people died, especially from the police camp.

(mulai menembak satu sama lain)

Tama : Good morning, friends! Maybe you have heard, we have uninvited guests. I didn't invite you.
And of course we don't welcome them here. For the benefit of all of us..You can offer your
assistance in getting rid of these vermin. And you will be rewarded...staying free of charge.You can
meet this uninvited guest on the sixth floor.Congratulations work! And don't forget to have fun.
(berbicara ke mic)

Sergeant Jaka : Lieutenant, we need reinforcements now.

lieutenant Wahyu : We can still handle this ourselves

sergeant jaka : With all due respect, Lieutenant, this bastard is going to burn us alive at this rate. We
need backups now

lieutenant revelation: No way

Sergeant Jaka: Bastard you are a lieutenant

(salah satu polisi menembak ke arah pintu sehingga menyebabkan lampu menyala dan kemudian
para penjahat mengetahuinya, dan terjadilah baku tembak yang memakan korban, sehingga petugas
polisi harus bersembunyi)

sergeant jaka : to the room all of them

Police officers were also required to hide in one of the apartment rooms with a reduced number.
They had to protect themselves as much as possible from the crowds of people who preyed on

(baku tembak kembali sambil mencari tempat yang aman untuk bersembunyi)

Sergeant Jaka : Close immediately!

yuda : As soon as I throw it, spin it fast. One two three. (duarrrr gas meledak ke arah penjahat)

(lalu Yuda dan Sersan Jaka menyebar, Sersan Jaka pergi ke toilet sedangkan Yuda pergi ke kamar
Ghofar, lalu Sersan Jaka bersembunyi di toilet dan hampir ketahuan oleh pimpinan Parang Gang,
setelah mencari Yuda, ia ketahuan oleh anggota geng Parang dan berjuang sampai bertemu dengan
kakak laki-lakinya)

Andy : Hey! Calm! Calm! What are you doing here? Stay here. They're dead.

Yuda : I want to kill that bastard bastard

Andy: Are you crazy?! you are now with me

(kemudian Serka Jaka dan Letnan Wahyu datang mengobrol)

letna Wahyu : They are dead

Sergeant Jaka: We don't know that for sure

lieutenant Wahyu: Think Jaka, one is crippled, the other is a minor. How could they have survived?!
I'm not willing to sacrifice myself just to save their lives.

Sergeant Jaka : Listen, bastard! Anything related to the life and death of my men, you don't
interfere! Whose command is this raid?

lieutenant revelation: What?

Sergeant Jaka: What's clear is not you. Nobody wants to get their hands dirty on their own dirty
work, that doesn't exist.

lieutenant revelation: Remember, Jaka. What's your rank?

Sergeant Jaka : Rank? To hell with the ranks! Once we're out of here....your next job, mopping piss in
prison for the rest of your life. We're back up. Find all survivors.

(lalu anjing gila datang dan berkelahi dengan sersan jaka)

Sergeant Jaka : Take care of him! Now!

mad dog : Actually it's less like this. There's no excitement. All you have to do is pull the trigger, just
like ordering delivery (put the gun away). This is just getting excited.

(Akhirnya terjadilah pertarungan antara Sersan Jaka dan Mad Dog hingga Mad Dog memenangkan
pertarungan tersebut)

andi : you shouldn't be here, yuda

Yuda: You are also the same, who are they?

andi : no one, they don't have any data, do they?

if we are...

yuda: They have no evidence. We only have first names in our files. Nobody knows about us. You
have to get out of here.

Andy: I can't.

Yuda: What? But you know the situation right?

Andy: I know. Not me either

who live here. I'm fine, yud Lu don't bother coming here.

You just call me.

Yuda: Huh? All day I just listen to my friends who want to blow your head! I can help you get out of
here. Without having to be handcuffed in front of my friends!

Andi : What did you say earlier, huh?! You want to save me?! What I know is, the people here have
almost finished collecting your friends' uniforms.

Yuda: Just do what I ask!

Andy: Where are you going? Go home?! This cave is the biggest failure for him, yud. And I'm sure he
will be very proud, once he knows what I have become now.

Yuda: I just want you to go home. We want you to come home.

andi : You don't understand, Yud The cave that you see now is not the old cave.

Yuda: Soon you will be uncle.

Andy : What?

yuda : Yes, boy, 2 more months

andi : aren't you saying this because you want me to go back home?

Yuda: I say this, because you are my brother!

andi : And you think not?! You choose to live here, huh?! You sacrificed your life! Soon you will be a

yuda : I'm thinking And I've been thinking since I got this assignment! I have to go.

I don't have much time.

Andi : Well, you change your clothes first before you go.

Yuda: It's okay. This fits me

andi : I'll go first. After it's safe, I'll leave.

after the many victims became a delicious dish for the criminals, Yuda now with great confidence
wants to destroy the Tama kingdom with the help of his older brother but is different from
Lieutenant Wahyu who wants to lead Tama to kill his own comrades.

chin : Rama Enter.

Yuda: Where's Bowo?

Chin : It's safe, we don't find Sergeant...

yuda : They were already dead, the bastard dragged him along the floor like an animal. Why is it?
Why separated?

chin : We're ambushed. They came in. And he ran. The sergeant told me to look after him.

yuda : Now we don't have a choice to think about how to do it congratulations we have to get out
quickly Now you have no choice Follow us every step of the way no matter how until this nightmare
is over.

Chin: So?

Yuda: We're going up. Attack and we pull the target and we use him to get us out of here.

lieutenant Wahyu : the bastard is on the 15th floor, where their strategic center is. It's a bit difficult
to get in there. Even if we can get in there, what do you want to do? Hah? What?

yuda: We forced him.

lieutenant revelation: How?

yuda: People like him can only be held at gunpoint and immediately fall to their knees.

lieutenant revelation: Use what?

yuda : Knives, chair legs, bare hands, whatever, just do what makes him obey us, we still have time
to get out.

(setelah itu ketiga orang itu naik ke lantai 15 tapi baru selesai tempat pembuatan narkotika 15
mereka bertemu dengan anjing gila dan berkelahi)

mad dog : ahh... finally found you, I'm also curious about you, come here
Yuda: Your lieutenant & chin up first, this is my business.

(pertarungan antara Yuda dan Mad Dog hingga kakaknya datang membela Yuda)

dani : heyy, you still have my debt

mad dog : ohh, there is a smell of betrayal here

(fight again 2 vs 1 until mad dog dies then they both walk until they meet Lieutenant Wahyu who is
holding Tama)

(duaarrr... suara tembakan ke arah Yuda dan Andi)

Yuda: What the hell?! Chin!

lieutenant revelation: He is less responsive.

yuda : Bastard, dog! Why?!

lieutenant revelation: Never mind. Soon this will all be okay.

Tama : You can't get out of here.

Yuda: Shut up!

Tama : You think it's easy to get in here without being noticed?! What do you think we are stupid?
Everyone is also waiting. Let me catch you.

lieutenant revelation: Unfortunately it didn't work.

Tama : Not sure. 18 of your men, dead now. Add your car. Your army is few, you know? I have more
troops, boss.

lieutenant Wahyu : I only need one bullet to shoot your skull, you know that?

Tama : You don't know that you're already dead? Died after Reza called me. Why are you surprised?

Hear the name? Yes, you were sent to die! Die! Dog, bitch! Listen to me! You will not be considered!
You can only look up! You think once this is all over, you'll get the Satyalencana?! Be a hero?! No,
you bastard! You'll be chased by stray bullets, you can't sleep, huh? Your breath in the pillow! Your
career is over! Just wait time!

lieutenant revelation : Dog! Shut up. (sambil menarik pelatuk dan menembak kepala Tama)

(kemudian letnan wahyu ditangkap oleh yuda lalu mereka pergi meninggalkan apartemen)

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