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© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880

An Overview of the Challenges and Opportunities for

Global Human Resource Management Leveraging AI
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Bachelor of Business Administration, Center for Management Studies - Jain (Deemed-to-be

Abstract- Background: The development of Indexed Terms- Artificial Intelligence, Human

artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed Resource Management, Recruitment process,
commercial operations, especially human resource Technological developments, Machine learning
management (HRM). AI-based solutions present
new possibilities for enhancing HRM outcomes and I. INTRODUCTION
procedures, including hiring, performance
management, and employee engagement. Yet, issues In contrast to the natural intelligence demonstrated by
with ethics and the law, a lack of expertise, and people and other animals, artificial intelligence (AI),
cultural differences all arise when implementing AI usually referred to as machine intelligence in
in HRM. Drawing from recent research papers and computer science, is intelligence expressed by
business sources, this study offers a secondary data computers. AI research is defined by computer
analysis of the difficulties and possibilities for science as the study of "intelligent agents": any
global management of human resources utilising machine that can understand its surroundings and
AI. The article finishes with suggestions for take activities to increase the likelihood that it will
businesses on how to deal with the difficulties and succeed in attaining its objectives. "A system's ability
seize the advantages of AI in HRM. Due to to accurately understand external data, to learn from
globalisation, the world is always becoming more such data, and to use those learnings to fulfill specific
technologically dependent, meaning businesses goals and tasks through flexible adaptation" artificial
must keep current in order to remain competitive. It intelligence is defined by Kaplan and Haenlein (AI).
is crucial to think about and assess how technology The term "artificial intelligence" is used when a
could affect HRM in general, and the hiring process computer imitates "cognitive" activities, such as
in particular. AI has the potential to automate tasks "learning" and "problem solving," that people
that required humans to complete in the past. generally associate with other human minds.
Purpose: This thesis seeks to understand how
changes in technology, particularly Artificial AI's scope is disputed: Tesler's Theorem's quip, "AI
Intelligence (AI), impact the employment process. It is whatever hasn't been done yet," refers to the
intends to look into the possibility for increasing phenomenon of the AI effect, in which tasks deemed
efficiency in the hiring process by using AI, as well to require "intelligence" are frequently eliminated as
as the implications of doing so. machines become more capable. Because it has
Conclusion: The findings indicate that the use of AI become a standard technology, optical character
in recruitment is still relatively new and that few recognition, for instance, is frequently excluded from
businesses have fully integrated AI into their hiring the term "artificial intelligence. Modern machine
procedures. capabilities that are commonly characterized as AI
The speeded quality and removal of mundane work include the ability to comprehend human speech,
were considered as the key advantages of AI, but the compete well in strategic game systems (like chess
companies' general preparation for new and go), drive autonomously in cars, and use
technologies was seen as the biggest challenge. intelligent routing in content delivery networks and
war simulations. According to Kaplan and Haenlein,


© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880

artificial intelligence systems can be broken down help of AI-powered performance management
into three distinct categories: artificial intelligence systems, which can provide managers and employees
that is humanized, analytical, and influenced by with feedback in real time. AI-powered employee
humans. Analytical AI only possesses characteristics engagement tools can help managers better
that are consistent with cognitive intelligence, which understand employee sentiment and provide
generates a cognitive representation of the world and personalized coaching to improve engagement levels.
makes decisions based on learning from previous
experiences. However, the use of AI in HRM also poses several
challenges. One of the significant challenges is
AI that is inspired by humans incorporates aspects of related to legal and ethical considerations. Concerns
both cognitive and emotional intelligence, as well as about bias and discrimination are raised by the
human emotions into its decision-making process. utilization of AI in recruitment and performance
Humanized AI is capable of being self-conscious and management. Concerns about data management and
self-aware in interactions with other people, privacy are also raised by the use of AI in HRM. This
exhibiting characteristics of all competencies (such as has led to increased scrutiny and regulations around
cognitive, emotional, and social intelligence). While the implementation of AI in HRM. Firms need to
AI and automation may replace jobs, it's easy to ensure that their AI-powered HRM systems are
forget that they also play a big part in finding, designed to reduce bias and discrimination and
securing, and keeping employees. Finding the right comply with relevant data privacy laws.
ability is more troublesome than any other time in
this period of steady change and an absence of Another significant challenge is related to skills gaps.
computerized abilities. Using AI and automation, Organizations may not have the necessary skills and
businesses can find a wide range of top candidates expertise to effectively implement and manage AI-
quickly, easily, and at a pace that keeps up with the powered HRM systems. HR professionals need to be
frantic pace of modern business. trained on how to manage and use AI-powered
systems effectively. This includes the ability to
The field of human resource management (HRM) has interpret and use data generated by the systems, as
experienced significant changes over the years, with well as an understanding of the ethical and legal
the rise of technology and artificial intelligence (AI) considerations involved.
being some of the most notable. AI-powered HRM
systems offer a range of benefits, including improved Cultural differences may also pose a challenge to the
recruitment, performance management, and implementation of AI in HRM. Different cultures
employee engagement. However, the implementation may have different expectations and preferences
of AI in HRM also poses significant challenges related to HRM practices and technologies. For
related to ethical and legal considerations, skills gaps, example, some cultures may place greater emphasis
and cultural differences. In this research paper, we on face-to-face communication, while others may
will analyze the challenges and opportunities for prefer digital communication channels. Organizations
global human resource management leveraging AI need to be sensitive to cultural differences when
using secondary data. implementing AI-powered HRM systems to ensure
that they are effective and accepted by employees.
The use of AI in HRM has grown exponentially in
recent years, with more organizations adopting AI- Despite these challenges, the use of AI in HRM also
powered systems to enhance their HRM functions. AI offers significant opportunities. AI-powered HRM
can assist in various HRM functions, including systems can enhance recruitment and selection
recruitment, performance management, and processes, reduce administrative tasks, and provide
employee engagement. For instance, AI-powered data-driven insights for decision-making. AI can also
recruitment tools may contribute to the reduction of help identify skill gaps and training needs among
bias and enhancement of hire quality. Performance employees, enabling more targeted and effective
evaluations can be more timely and accurate with the training and development programs. Furthermore, AI


© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880

can help improve employee engagement and and preferences related to HRM practices and
retention rates, which can ultimately lead to better technologies.
business performance.
Human resource management (HRM) assumes a
In this research paper, we will conduct a secondary basic part in the progress of associations. Building a
data analysis of existing research studies and industry skilled and motivated workforce necessitates HRM
reports to explore the challenges and opportunities functions like recruitment, training and development,
for global human resource management leveraging performance management, and employee
AI. We will identify key themes and trends related to engagement. In recent years, the rise of artificial
the use of AI in HRM, including the ethical and legal intelligence (AI) has transformed the way
considerations, skills gaps and training needs, and organizations approach HRM. AI technologies offer
cultural differences. Based on our analysis, we will new opportunities to improve HRM processes and
provide recommendations for organizations to outcomes, such as reducing bias in recruitment,
overcome the challenges and harness the enhancing employee experience, and providing data-
opportunities of AI in HRM. By doing so, this driven insights for decision-making. However, the
research paper will contribute to the existing implementation of AI in HRM also poses challenges
literature on the use of AI in HRM and provide related to ethical and legal concerns, skills gaps, and
insights for organizations and HR professionals on cultural differences. This paper provides a secondary
how to effectively leverage AI to improve HRM data analysis of the challenges and opportunities for
processes and outcomes. global human resource management leveraging AI,
drawing on existing research studies and industry

The application of AI in HRM has grown Although Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around
significantly in recent years. AI can help with for a long time and used in a lot of different ways
recruitment, performance management, and over the years; however, the technology has only
employee engagement, among other HRM tasks. AI- recently been further developed and used in a lot of
powered recruitment tools have the potential to lessen different organizational contexts. The easiest way to
bias and raise hire quality. AI-powered performance comprehend AI is to examine each word individually
management systems can provide real-time feedback to comprehend its concept. However, according to
to employees and managers, enabling more timely Leg & Hutter (2007), despite the fact that artificial
and accurate performance evaluations. AI-powered intelligence (AI) has been around for a long time,
employee engagement tools can help managers better there is no established definition of the term. Due to
understand employee sentiment and provide the difficulty of defining the "I" in AI, many
personalized coaching to improve engagement levels. definition-related studies concentrate on doing so.
The meaning of 'A', that is Fake, is a generally settled
However, the application of AI in HRM also poses on term and hence doesn't require as much
challenges. Concerns regarding morality and the law characterizing. The Oxford Dictionary states, "made
constitute one significant obstacle. Concerns about or produced by human beings rather than occurring
bias and discrimination are raised by the utilization of naturally, especially as a copy of something natural"
AI in recruitment and performance management. is how the term "artificial" is defined. As a result, it is
Concerns about data management and privacy are clear that anything created by humans to mimic
also raised by the use of AI in HRM. Another something that typically occurs naturally is artificial.
challenge is related to skills gaps. Organizations may
not have the necessary skills and expertise to The difficult part now comes from defining
effectively implement and manage AI-powered HRM intelligence. According to Tecuci (2012), some
systems. Finally, cultural differences may also pose a would define AI as the development of intelligent
challenge to the implementation of AI in HRM. machines, robots, or programs that behave like
Different cultures may have different expectations humans. The requirement to measure human


© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880

intelligence in order to compare it to that of the recruitment, there have been discussions about how
robots or machines that inhabit it is the issue with this organizations can manage all of these applications.
definition. Instead, intelligence is "the ability to make However, according to Andersson (2003), large
appropriate generalizations in a timely fashion based corporations have embraced the use of technology in
on limited data". According to Legg & Hutter (2007), the hiring process.
many other more informal definitions of intelligence
include the ability to think, plan, have knowledge, In today's globalized economy, organizations face a
adapt to the environment, or retrieve information. wide range of challenges in managing their human
According to Ved, Kaundanya, and Panda (2016), it resources (HR) effectively. With the advent of
could also be the capacity to comprehend data and, Artificial Intelligence (AI), HR management has
from there, make decisions based on the data and the undergone a significant transformation, with AI-
situation at hand. According to Kaplan (2016), an based technologies offering a range of benefits for
example of artificial intelligence would be a program organizations. However, the implementation of AI-
that can learn to play games like tic-tac-toe, based HR management is not without its challenges,
recognize individual faces, or compose music. For and organizations need to be aware of these
the purposes of this research, AI is defined as the challenges to leverage the opportunities offered by AI
capacity of machines to learn, interpret, and effectively. In this paper, we will explore in more
comprehend independently in a manner comparable detail the challenges and opportunities for global HR
to that of humans. management in leveraging AI, using secondary data.

There are numerous regions where artificial In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has
intelligence can be carried out and it can occur in a emerged as a critical technology in almost every
wide range of structures. According to Tecuci (2012), industry. The application of AI is not limited to
it could take the form of a machine, robot, computer automating routine tasks; it also helps organizations
program, or software, for instance. AI has expanded to streamline their processes and make informed
into expert systems, robotics, natural language decisions. One of the critical areas where AI is
processing, automated reasoning, and other making a significant impact is Human Resource
technological fields (Ved et al.). 2016). Additionally, Management (HRM). In this paper, we will explore
Ved et al. state that 2016), there are five essential the challenges and opportunities for global HRM in
utilizations of man-made intelligence: first, leveraging AI.
interpretation of the language; second, perceptions by
machines; third, solving problems; Lastly, robotics; III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
fifthly, games. Additionally, these areas of execution
are supported by This paper is based on a secondary data analysis of
existing research studies and industry reports on the
Tecuci (2012) who have information obtaining, challenges and opportunities for global human
normal language and advanced mechanics as some resource management leveraging AI. The literature
keyregions for computer based intelligence. review focused on articles published in academic
journals, conference proceedings, and industry
Technology has had a significant impact on HRM reports. The analysis was conducted using a thematic
over the past few years. The Internet, in particular, approach to identify key themes related to the
has had a significant impact on HRM as a whole in challenges and opportunities of AI in HRM.
organizations. According to Dhamija (2012), in terms
of automating various HR tasks like HR evaluation Some facts -
and HR rewards, online recruitment, also known as e-
recruitment, has emerged as a significant trend in According to a study conducted by IBM, the adoption
human resource management. Reingold, Baig, of AI in HR is expected to grow by 62% over the
Armstrong, & Zellner (2000) say that because of the next three years.
large number of job applications generated by online


© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880

According to a study conducted by LinkedIn, AI can

reduce the time taken to hire by 50% and can also
help reduce bias in the recruitment process.

According to a study conducted by Accenture,

companies that use AI in their HR practices have
seen an increase in employee engagement by 33%.

According to a study conducted by Workday,

companies that use AI in their HR practices have
seen a 40% decrease in employee turnover.

According to a study conducted by Deloitte, the most

common applications of AI in HR are recruitment IV. RESULTS
(58%), performance management (56%), and
employee engagement (47%). The analysis identified several key challenges and
opportunities for global human resource management
According to a study conducted by Accenture, AI can leveraging AI. The main challenges were related to
help reduce unconscious bias in the recruitment ethical and legal concerns, skills gaps, and cultural
process, which can help increase diversity and differences. The main opportunities were related to
inclusion in the workplace. improving recruitment, performance management,
and employee engagement. Overall, the use of AI in
According to a study conducted by IBM, the benefits HR is growing rapidly, and it has the potential to
of using AI in HR include improved decision-making significantly improve HR practices and employee
(69%), increased efficiency (64%), and improved experience. However, to avoid negative outcomes, it
employee experience (22%). is essential to ensure that AI is utilized ethically and
Arora sees a challenge in a workforce trying to learn
and evolve in light of the numerous technological  Challenges for Global Human Resource
changes affecting the workplace, despite the Management Leveraging AI
opportunities and benefits of implementing AI in HR.
According to the publication, an Oracle report found  Data Privacy and Security
that 81% of HR leaders and 76% of employees find it Data privacy and security are critical challenges in
difficult to keep up with technology. implementing AI-based HR management.
Organizations collect vast amounts of personal data
from employees, which is essential in AI-based HR
management applications. However, this data can be
vulnerable to cyber attacks, data breaches, and other
security risks. To prevent unauthorized access to
employee data, businesses must ensure that they have
robust data privacy policies in place.

According to a study by Deloitte, only 38% of

surveyed organizations have policies in place for
ensuring ethical and secure use of employee data.
Therefore, organizations need to ensure that they
have comprehensive data privacy policies in place
that are communicated to all employees to minimize


© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880

the risks associated with the application of AI in HR Therefore, organizations need to develop strategies to
management. overcome resistance to change and increase
employee acceptance of AI-based HR management.
 Bias in AI Algorithms
Bias in AI algorithms is another significant obstacle  Opportunities for Global Human Resource
when using AI for HR management. The data that AI Management Leveraging AI
algorithms are trained on are only as impartial as the
data themselves. The AI system will also be biased if  Recruitment and Selection
the training data is biased, leading to unfair decisions. AI-based HR management applications can
The selection of AI vendors can also be biased, streamline the recruitment and selection process by
resulting in a lack of diversity in AI models automating the initial screening of resumes,
conducting online interviews, and assessing
According to a study by Accenture, 43% of surveyed candidates' skills and personality traits. This can save
organizations reported that they had experienced time and resources, enabling organizations to identify
negative impacts from AI-based decisions related to the best candidates quickly.
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).As a result,
organizations must regularly audit AI systems to According to a study by CareerBuilder, 55% of job
ensure that they are not perpetuating biases and seekers feel that AI can help them find a more
ensure that they have unbiased data sets and suitable job. Therefore, organizations need to
algorithms. leverage AI to enhance the recruitment and selection
process to attract the best candidates.
 Cost of Implementation
AI-based HR management applications require  Performance Management
significant investment in terms of technology AI-based HR management applications can provide
infrastructure, training, and maintenance. This can be real-time feedback to employees, enabling them to
a challenge for organizations with limited budgets. improve their performance continuously. AI
The cost of implementing AI can also vary depending algorithms can also analyze performance data to
on the complexity and size of the organization. identify patterns and provide insights into how to
improve performance. This can help organizations to
According to a study by PwC, 39% of surveyed align their employees' performance with their
organizations reported that cost was a significant business goals and improve overall productivity.
barrier to implementing AI in HR management. As a
result, organizations must conduct a cost-benefit According to a study by Deloitte, 77% of surveyed
analysis to determine whether AI's advantages organizations reported that AI has improved
outweigh its drawbacks. employee performance management. Therefore,
organizations need to leverage AI-based HR
 Resistance to Change management applications to enhance their
Resistance to change is a common challenge in performance management processes.
implementing any new technology. Some employees
may be skeptical about the use of AI in HR  Employee Engagement and Retention
management, fearing that it may replace their jobs or AI-based HR management applications can help
make them irrelevant. Organizations need to address organizations to improve employee engagement and
this resistance by communicating the benefits of AI retention by providing personalized
and its potential to enhance their work experience. recommendations for career development and
training opportunities. Simulated intelligence
According to a study by McKinsey, only 22% of calculations can likewise distinguish representatives
surveyed organizations reported that they had a high who might be in danger of passing on and give
level of AI adoption across their organization. proactive mediations to hold them.


© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880

According to a study by IBM, 63% of employees organizations can enhance their HRM processes,
who work for companies that use AI-based HR improve employee engagement, and gain a
management tools reported feeling more engaged competitive advantage in the global marketplace.
with their work. Therefore, organizations need to
leverage AI to enhance employee engagement and The use of AI in HRM presents both challenges and
retention to improve overall organizational opportunities. While there are concerns around bias
performance. and ethical implications, there is significant potential
for AI to improve efficiency and enhance decision-
 Learning and Development making in HRM. As organizations become more
AI-based HR management applications can provide globalized and complex, leveraging AI in HRM will
personalized learning and development opportunities become increasingly important. The findings of this
based on employees skills, job role, and career paper have important implications for practitioners
aspirations. AI algorithms can also analyze training and researchers in the field of HRM, highlighting the
data to identify the most effective training programs need to address the challenges and maximize the
and delivery methods. opportunities associated with HRM leveraging AI.

According to a study by Gartner, 74% of surveyed In conclusion, AI-based HR management offers

organizations reported that AI has improved their significant opportunities for organizations to improve
learning and development initiatives. Therefore, their HR processes' efficiency and effectiveness.
organizations need to leverage AI-based HR However, it is not without its challenges, and
management applications to enhance their learning organizations need to be aware of these challenges to
and development programs. leverage the opportunities effectively. Data privacy
and security, bias in AI algorithms, cost of
V. DISCUSSION implementation, and resistance to change are some of
the significant challenges that organizations need to
This analysis shows that businesses need to carefully overcome. Recruitment and selection, performance
think about the ethical and legal implications of using management, employee engagement and retention,
AI in HRM because of the challenges it identifies. and learning and development are some of the
Organizations should ensure that their AI-powered significant opportunities that organizations can
HRM systems are designed to reduce bias and leverage using AI-based HR management
discrimination and comply with relevant data privacy applications. Therefore, organizations need to
laws. To address the skills gap challenge, develop comprehensive strategies to leverage AI
organizations may need to invest in training and effectively while mitigating the associated risks.
development programs for their HR staff to build the
necessary skills and expertise. Additionally, REFERENCES
organizations may need to engage in cross-cultural
training and dialogue to ensure that their AI-powered [1]
HRM systems are sensitive to cultural differences. [2]
AI is transforming the way organizations manage lWb_OD7nP4Mc-
their human resources globally. However, it also _8DU6KOBQSNmSl3vIsEBhQeiaF7i-
poses several challenges that organizations need to mLFimLBdAApxIvH5Sml7zzQyepX0NQJKZ3
overcome to leverage its benefits fully. Organizations AkDM1QymqkL9E1PBaV5AsrQNp3RWkfPy
need to address data privacy and security, bias in AI GjqhIV4pMQ&sig=AOD64_2Nda5yqRWa_R0
algorithms, the cost of implementation, and mF9yJA3XoV8KCrQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKE
resistance to change to maximize the opportunities
offered by AI-based HRM applications. By doing so,


© APR 2023 | IRE Journals | Volume 6 Issue 10 | ISSN: 2456-8880



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