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Glezy Patungan



For this activity (individual), refer to the uploaded material, Linking Science and Human
Rights: Facts and Figures by Mukherjee (2012), and then answer the following questions
1. What is a human rights-based approach to science, technology, and development?
 Ensuring that all scientific and technological developments respect and uphold
human rights is a key component of a human rights-based approach to
development, research, and technology. This entails eliminating all forms of
discrimination, ensuring that everyone has equal access to benefits, and enabling
people to engage and hold others accountable.
2. Where do these documents and their key principles place human rights at the intersection
of technology and humanity?
 Mukherjee’s materials emphasize how crucial it is to keep human rights in mind
as we develop and employ technology. They emphasize how important it is for
technology to support individuals, protect their privacy, be open and honest, and
treat everyone equally.
3. In your opinion, in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think a human rights-based
approach to science, technology, and development is being implemented? Why? Or why
not? Site a particular example.
 I believe that there have been inconsistent attempts during the COVID-19
epidemic to apply a human rights-based perspective to science, technology, and
development. Although there has been progress in guaranteeing fair access to
vaccines, privacy rights in contact tracing and surveillance methods continue to
raise concerns. For example, some governments may have violated people’s rights
by hurriedly implementing digital contact tracing programs without sufficient
privacy and data protection measures. This emphasizes how important it is that
human rights values be incorporated into our pandemic response efforts in a more
deliberate and consistent manner.

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