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Name Ruth Wood
Learner registration number JZZ9970
Centre name and number Southwark Council (072912)
Programme Senior Business Manager (ILM Level 5 Certificate)
Group: [20]
Units covered in this submission 8607 – 521 Managing own continuous professional
Period covered Nov 2023 – July 2024
Submission date 13/1/24
Tutor/Coach Adina Bozga

Statement of authenticity:
By the act of making this submission, the learner declares that this is the work of the learner named
above. The work has not, in whole or in part, been knowingly presented elsewhere for assessment, or
where assessment has been built on a previous assessment, this has been identified. Where materials
have been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged. If this statement is untrue, the
learner acknowledges that an assessment offence has been committed.

Attention is drawn to the plagiarism and cheating policies of both the centre and of ILM. Plagiarism can
result in a learner being withdrawn from a qualification.

Signed ____________________________________ Date___13/1/24_____________

Contents page


SWOT analysis
reviewing personal and work related development experiences, aims, objectives and priorities Page 4

Activity planner (1)

aims, objectives, learning needs and future needs Page 9

Activity planner (2)

priorities and strategies for the next 12 months (Short, mid and long term goals) Page 13

Record of activities
undertaking and evaluate planned development activities

Activity review
Review and reflect on learning and its effect on workplace performance

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Guidance: Add a short introduction to yourself, job role, a short overview of responsibility, years of service, reporting line and a short statement why you are
undertaking the ILM Level 5 certificate qualification.

I competed a Law Degree, in 1994 at John Moores University Liverpool, progressing into a career working with Children and young people shortly after this. In 2002 I
completed a degree in Youth Work, whilst working running a Youth Advice and Information Centre in a deprived area of South East London.

I have worked in children and young people’s services for nearly 30 years in a variety of settings. I have experience of frontline delivery in residential settings working
with the most vulnerable and at risk young people. I have provided specialist advice and legal representation to young people whilst working as an advice and
advocacy worker in a specialist young person’s law centre. I designed managed and delivered responsive programmes of social and informal education as a fulltime
youth worker and have overseen the development of Youth Services, as an Operational manager of both local authority youth services and voluntary sector services.
I transitioned to managing the delivery of Early Help Services in 2016 and have worked as a Team Manager in three local authorities.

I am employed presently as a Team Manager in Southwark’s Family Early Help Service, having joined Southwark in June 2020. Early Help is an approach to
providing support to children, young people and their families when problems have emerged but do not yet meet the threshold for statutory intervention; or where
families have been supported by a statutory intervention but it is deemed through assessment that they no longer need this level of support, but may need some level
of ongoing support to enable them to continue to make or sustain improvements for themselves. We support families utilising a systemic model, working
collaboratively with families, to understand their family system and relationships in order to help the family resolve issues they are experiencing. We develop family
led plans , working within a wider community network and building sustainability with families prior to closure. I manage a team of approximately five Family Early
Help Practitioners and one Senior Practitioner. I am one of four Team Managers in the 11+ service, managed directly by the Service Manager, alongside this there is
an under 11 service with a service manager and four Team managers. In addition the service has specialist teams for Parenting, Education, Help and Support all
managed by an FEH (Family Early Help) Head of Service. (See appendix 1).

My primary areas of responsibilities are-

 To provide exemplary leadership, management, and professional guidance to a team of early help practitioners, both directly and within their team
 To ensure the delivery of an ‘outstanding’ Family Early Help Service driving high quality, comprehensive, integrated, systemically-informed practice with
families where children have been identified as at risk of poor outcomes and to provide early help for emerging problems in order to improve impact, engage
families better and avoid escalation
 To support continued progress of families who have transferred from statutory services and work with a high level of complexity

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 To promote and govern excellent family early help practice, including assessing need, planning and working purposefully with families, support networks and
other professionals to prevent escalation to higher levels of statutory intervention, safeguard and promote positive outcomes for children
 To ensure the delivery of an early help service which is both relationship-based and responsive to the needs of children and their families in a timely manner
and within service or statutory guidelines
 To promote, lead and manage the development of excellent and confident early help practitioners

(Southwark Job Description, Family Early Help Team Manager)

It is worth noting that I started my role in Southwark in the midst of Global Pandemic, my first four months in post were all ‘virtual’. I met my manager, team and
colleagues only via ‘Teams’ or ‘Zoom’. Whilst in March 2021 we began a ‘phased exit from lockdown’, there has still not been a full return to the office as per pre
pandemic ways of working. I do feel this has affected my integration into Southwark and in particular the service as ‘ways of working’ have changed, how we make
relationships is different. This continues to be something we all have to adapt to and find different ways of working to manage.

I believe I have the ability to self-manage, demonstrate a high level of self-awareness and good motivational skills. These all contribute and support my development
of resilience and emotional intelligence. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to develop these skills though personal and professional development, reflective
practice and a desire to succeed. I believe I have a capacity for flexible and resourceful adaptation to external and internal stressors, which enables me to respond to
situations in an appropriate and mindful fashion. I have experience of working across demanding services, which at times has meant I have had to manage crisis
intervention requiring measured, thought out, and supportive responses. I believe I am an adaptive manager who tries to ensure that my management style is flexible,
to meet the needs of those I am managing. I actively seek to consider the individual learning needs, learning styles and the social GRACES (see appendix 3) of the
people I am managing and supporting. In addition, I am mindful of my own self-development, with a recognition that we are always learning seeking to build my
human capital

I am commencing the ILM -5 course with mixed feelings. I am keen to continue to develop personally and as a leader and manager. I am always eager to improve
the support I am able to provide to those I manage as well as to seek opportunities for my own professional development, to strive to improve service delivery and
performance ensuring the best service for the families we work with. However, I no longer feel a drive to seek out, personally, a more senior role, as I progress in my
career I have recognised the benefit of work / life balance and the value this holds for me. I am however keen to seek out the opportunities afforded via a programme
of study which enables me to reflect on my own self-awareness, contextually challenge some of my own established ways of working and encourage me to create
and explore opportunities for self-development and learning.

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SWOT Analysis [explain how it has been derived]

During November and December 2023 I undertook a number of development assessment tools, (self and peer) to provide insights into my strengths and weakness to
support planning and thinking for this ILM-5 programme of study. In addition, I have discussed the SWOT with my line manager and considered this discussion as
part of the SWOT below.

The assessments completed are as follows:

1. 360 Appraisal Survey ( completed by 14 participants – sent to my team alongside internal and external colleagues) Appendix 2
2. Personal Development discussion with Line manager and review of most recent Annual Performance review and plan (2023-24)
3. Chartered Management Institute’s Testing for Managerial Effectiveness self-assessment
4. Self-assessment against ‘leadership behaviours’ in Southwark Ways of Working
5. Self-assessment: Rotter’s locus of control test
6. Self-assessment against the Hersey and Blanchard Situational model
7. Self-assessment: Adaptive Leadership strategies - Heifetz and Linsky
8. Self-assessment using Honey and Mumford’s Learning Styles Questionnaire
9. Self-assessment using questionnaire based on Costa and McCrae’s Big Five Model of Personality:
10. Self-audit of the five practices of exemplary leadership based on Kouzes and Posner’s The Leadership Challenge
11. Self-assessment against Hay and McBer’s Styles of Leadership

The SWOT below identified my personal strengths and challenges and supports my learning and development activity planner on pages 7-8

Strengths Weaknesses
S1 Communication 1,2,3,6, 8.9 and 11 I believe I have good W1 Delegation 1,2,5,6,7,9 I am a fast thinker and often
communication skills. The and 11 struggle to slow things down.
exploration of this in the tools has This can mean others can
shown that this forms a particular struggle with my pace – this can
strength. My role relies on me lead to both becoming frustrated.
being able to communicate in As a result, I sometimes struggle
different styles being responsive to delegate work as can become
and adaptive to the audience and frustrated with the process and
the evidence suggest I am able the time this takes. This means I
to do this mindfully and do not always afford other the
sensitively. 71% of respondents opportunity to develop skills,
(10 people) identified my which would support their own
communication skills as progression. 360 appraisal
excellent, with 3 identifying as response (source 1) “Ruth need
good and 1 noted as poor to delegate more - she often
(source 1) assumes too much responsibility

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- this would support team to be
I take a high level of personal more independent at times.”
responsibility for the work we Self-assessment against the
undertake as a team. . I believe I Hersey and Blanchard Situational
S2 Responsibility 1,2,3, 4, 8,9 10
take accountability for my model (Source 6) I noted a 0
and 11
decisions and actions. I believe I score against ‘delegating’ style.
work reflectively – backing my
team, even when things do not
I work in a multi-cultural service
always go as desired, seizing the
1 and 2 with a team of staff from a variety
opportunity to learn from
W2 Equality & of cultural backgrounds, I am of
experiences and consider what
Diversity White British descent and whilst I
we may do differently in the
try to remain mindful and
future. I work conscientiously to
consider social GRACES in my
deadlines and believe in an
management and leadership my
accountability for my
360 appraisal (source 1) has
performance as an individual as
raised some areas of concern,
well as that of my team and the
which I need to consider. Of the
service. 11/14 respondents
14 respondents, 1 participant
‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ that I
disagreed and 2 strongly
‘support the team and individuals
disagreed that I was ‘mindful, in
in their decision making’. Using
(my) practice of equality and
Costa and McCrae’s Big Five
diversity within the work, the
Model of Personality (Source 9) I
team, the service and the families
scored high in Emotional stability
we support.’ Whilst 6
(96) , agreeableness (89) and
respondents strongly disagreed
conscientiousness (94)
and 4 agreed that, I was mindful
of this. I feel I need to consider
how I can continue improve my
I offer consistent formal and proactive in this area and work
informal supervision and support more constructively to address
to my team; supporting them to the concerns.
S3 Supervision and 1,2, 3, 4, 10 and seek opportunities for own
support 11 personal and professional
development. I am able to
recognise the personal and
professional stressors of the role 2, 3, 9 and I feel I can easily become lost in
and consider that I support staff Promotion and 10 operational management and shy
to navigate these appropriately in Innovation away from participation in more
terms of self-care and access of strategic decision making, feeling
internal and external support. frustrated by the differing political,
Source 1 – 100% of responded resource and structural issues,

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agreed/ strongly I ‘provide which influence this area of work.
regular formal and informal I recognise that I have a limited
supervision and support’ With input into this area of work and
77% of respondents feeling I will, at times, remain a silent
‘respond to team and individual observer minimising exposure
concerns, worries and views with and risk. Source 9, Costa and
consideration, fairness and McCrae’s Big Five Model of
equality’. Personality I scored significantly
lower for Extroversion (41) and
Intellect/ Imagination (52) than
the other areas. Considering Hay
I believe, as a manager, I am and McBer’s Styles of Leadership
honest and approachable. I (Source 11) I very much leaned
embrace and engage with towards ‘affiliative and ‘coaching’
S4 Honest and 1,2, 6, 8, 9 and 10 empathy whilst remaining styles and struggles to identify
Approachable realistic with my team and with the ‘authoritative’ style.
colleagues. I believe I remain
curious, asking many questions
and seeking views whilst being
realistic about individual spheres
of influence and our ability of
bring about change in particular 1, 2 and 11 Whilst this is also one of my
areas. I feel that my
W4 Performance strengths, I recognise the aspect
approachability supports a
and data of this, which can present
culture of open communication
Driven challenge for individuals. I can
and collaborative problem
sometimes be inconsistent in my
solving. I truly believe I operate
approach to ensuring members of
an ‘open door’ policy with my
the team are afforded the space
staff – which has had to adapt to
to explore the impact of the work.
the new ways of working since
To enable them to have space to
COVID and have considered
fully explore this. I have reflected
different ways of being available
that I become embroiled in a
and engaged with my team.
senior management data driven
28.6% of respondents to 360 narrative which can leave staff
appraisal (1) identified as my feeling unappreciated and
number 1 priority ‘ Build(ing) uncared for. Source 11 - I can
relationships with staff to sometimes over use ‘pace-
encourage open and honest setting’ and strive towards
communication’ as one of the continual drive for high
things I do best with 28.6% performance. I need to consider
identifying this as their 2nd choice the balance, in how I respond to
and address performance both

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I have a strong commitment to with my management and with
providing the best service for the my team. I want to strive to
families with which we work and provide a more considered
S5 Outcomes 1,2, 3,4, 8 and 9
supporting staff to have the skills, narrative and rationale both in
resources and tools which enable defence of and in response to
them to do this. I have ensured challenges, difficulties and
my team have access and individual experiences whilst also
understand how they can self- seeking to address poor
manage performance with performance manage in a
access to data performance tools consistent and collaborative way
and ensure them to utilise this to with individuals, in line with
self-manage. I seek to encourage Southwark Policies and
them not to be driven by data to Procedures.
utilise this to inform their work
and plan delivery to support the
service defines outcomes and
outputs. Source 4, Southwark
Ways of Working – I believe I
‘identify problems and focus ion
solutions’, Source 3 CBI Testing
for Managerial Effectiveness I
consider I ‘consistently seek
quality results in my own
performance’ and seek to
‘motivate my team to achieve
high quality standards’.
Opportunities Threats

O1 ILM 5 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 The programme, to date, has T1 Staff absence 1, 2 and 9 The service has a long history of
and 11 afforded me the time and an difficulties with absence, which
expectation to self-reflect and has impacted service delivery
think about key areas for over a period. However more
improvement. It has enabled me recently there has been a shift
to think more strategically about into responding to this very much
my practice both operationally in the context of service
and strategically. I have often performance and delivery which
just thought of myself as a ‘good maintaining a more strict
manager’, without thinking about adherence to Southwark Policy.
the skills which contribute to this. This has been challenging in
Through the process to date, I ensuring a cross departmental

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have been able to be approach and is a significant
retrospective and reflective about change in culture within family
what I do well and what I need early help
do better. It has been a positive
experience to seek anonymous
feedback from my team and
colleagues to facilitate my best There is a fractured
T2 Management 2,6,7 and 10
thinking about this and consider management team. Whilst FEH
a thought out development plan, is one service it has become
which enable a wider breadth of defined by the over 11 service
consideration and development and the under 11 service with
opportunities. inconsistent management and
leadership across the two. There
is no ‘one service approach’ –
with the service manager of the
under 11-service taking an
O2 Management I have built some positive autonomous approach, which is
Group (11+) relationships both within my appears is not always in line with
1,2, 4, 6, 7 and 10 a wider service vision or
team and amongst my peers, the
majority of whom appear to trust perspective of the head of
me and value my support. My service. There are apparent
manager expresses a high level difficulties in the relationships
of trust in my ability and the work within the senior management
I deliver. There has been a team which have been observed
recent recognition that as a to ‘play out’ in wider service
management team (particularly meetings etc. and have led to
for the 11+ service) we are not inconsistencies and tensions
necessarily being as productive
as we could be. As a result, we
have been reviewing our
Resources and 2. 4.6.7 and FEH is a not statutory element of
management meeting, its
demand 10 Children’s Social care. Local
function, terms of reference etc.
authorities are facing increasing
This provides an opportunity to
demand of services with a
change systemically and look at
diminishing level of resource.
how we can function more
The demand from FEH is
consistently and collaboratively. I
increasing both as a result
have started to think more
external demands for service –
realistically about my role in this
i.e. the cost of living crisis, post
group – through the process of
pandemic challenges and
self-assessment I have
difficulties faced by schools,
considered the ’comfort zones’ I
mental health providers and
automatically assume and the
families. Southwark is having

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areas in which I need to develop. trouble in recruitment and
retention of social work staff
leading to an increased demand
O3 Demand for Acknowledging the potential
internally for stepdown support
Service 2. 4.6.7 and 10 threat the increased demand for
from FEH. Failure to meet these
service provides, particularly in
demands in a timely way risks a
the current climate it also could
loss of reputation with key
provide a real opportunity. It will
partners. Options to address this
potentially ‘force’ the service to
disparity puts more pressure on
think realistically about the
operational staff and middle
criteria, to think how we can
managers leading to high
support universal services to
incidents of staff absence and
work in ways, which may be able
stress related difficulties.
to ‘fill the gaps’. It affords the
opportunity for FEH to work
alongside key partners to
support utilising a wider breath of
support. I could provide the
opportunity to strengthen
partnerships, build supportive
relationships. On a more
personal level, it will support me
to build relationships with local
services who use and are able to
support the work of FEH.

1. Activity planner
Cross reference you activity planner with your SWOT analysis

Planning Professional Outcome

MY aims

A1 - I would like to re – evaluate my work life I feel this would make me a more productive manager. I often - SMARTer working practices
balance. To utilise some of the learning from work long hours and can at times be resentful of this. I hold - Create a calmer environment and
my self-assessment (1) to consider ways I am myself to a high level of accountability – which I want to

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able to work SMARTer – (see W1) maintain however as identified the SWOT I have a improve team dynamics
predominantly good team around me who are able to take on - Develop skills of the team
task. I need to utilise ‘coaching skills’ (11) to support their - Result in a reduction of my stress level
development and increase my confidence in delegating tasks. and encourage me to ‘slow down’
thinking at times, giving more space for

A2 - I am fully aware that my natural state is

‘introvert’ (9:- Extroversion score of 41). I have I feel this is important not only thinking about A1, but also in - Build relationships with key partners
been aware of this for some time and whilst addressing T3 and O3. Working with these opportunities and both internal and external.
this often surprises colleagues and I think I threats requires me to be more ‘outward facing’. Building and - Develop shared understanding , with
have adapted to ‘fake it till I make it’. I would navigating relationships with key partners and external related services i.e. Children’s Social
like to explore this further. To think about how I services. Feeling confident to have some of the more difficult care and schools
can develop this more to alleviate some of the conversations in T2 and T1 as well as addressing some of the - Increase knowledge of other services
daily stressors which the ‘faking it’ can changes identified in W3 - Improve communication and dialog
produce. overall.

Learning needs

A3- I am keen to increase my knowledge, I am keen to continue my journey of education in antiracist - To continue to build my own awareness
understanding, and application of anti- practice, to navigate ways in which I can be more transparent of my biases
discriminatory practice, ensuring a progress in this in my everyday practice to ensure I am approachable - To enable me to gain confidence in
toward active anti-racist practice and allyship/ and hope fully an ally to those I manage as well as those I having the difficult and uncomfortable
coalition. work with. I enjoy living and working in a multicultural conversation
environment, hope fully with a recognition of a need to - -To support my team to feel able to
examine continuously my own values, beliefs and social challenge me and each other
GRACES. In my time working in children’s service, I have - To think more systemically about some
seen the shift from ‘equal opportunities’ to a more proactive of the GRACES and how they impact
need for antiracist. I want to continue to understand/ explore day to day
my own bias and think about personal action to address… I - To provide better and more considered
want to be transparent with my team about this journey so they

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feel safe and able to challenge me. service for the families.
- To support global majority staff to feel
more supported and global majority staff
to explore the issues for themselves
- To engender a safer and more open
environment and dialogue for all
- To develop my own self awareness

A4 – To ensure I fully understand the I have managed sickness/ absence over a number of years in
Southwark ’Absence’ management policy and both the private and local government sectors. I recognise this
procedures. To build my confidence in always has challenged. Within Southwark the access and - To communicate transparent and open
practicing within this with transparency, consistently of good HR support has proved challenging at processes
accountability alongside a sense of equity. times, however as a service we have also not been consistent - To support the management of staff
with staff. The increased levels of absence and the impact on absence fairly and equitable across the
the service has resulted in a need to adress this further service
affected by T3/O3.

Planning Professional Outcome

Work skills

A5 – I would like to think about honing my time I have a strong sense of accountability to my team, my - To build better relationship with schools
management and this about key priorities. I manager, the families we work with and the service. - To have a greater understanding of
have always considered myself good at this. Realistically this can at times feel like ‘juggling frogs’. If I work voluntary and community sector support
However, through this process I have as improving W1 and W3 , accepting that this will mean a time services available in Southwark
recognised that this has been to the detriment commitment from myself this may enable me to work - To support Children’s Social care to
of other aspects of my development (A1), with SMARTer and do less whilst also supporting the development develop a greater understanding of the
a view that I just need to do it all! This has of my team. In addition, I need to accept that I cannot do it all breadth of early help work and the role
been reflected by some of the feedback in self- – realistically because of T3 and O3 there will be a need to do of FEH
assessment (1) things differently to enable managers to have the capacity to - To raise the profile of the service with
lead in these areas. Key partners – Schools, mental health
services, Children’s Social care etc.

Future Learning Needs

A6 As stated above (introduction) I do not have It is likely that 2024 will see a general election, which is likely - To continue to develop a responsive
a desire for career progression. However, I do to bring about legislative changes – and given the current service
want to be the best I can be at what I do. This stressors of children’s services, both financially and with - - to encourage dynamic thinking working
in mind, I constantly strive to ensure I stay increased demand. within a political environment
abreast of industry developments – legislative - To maintain up to date knowledge of

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changes alongside challenges and There has been significant focus on recent ‘child deaths’ which strategic development opportunities
opportunities. has resulted in negative public opinion of Children’s Social - To understand the political environment
care particularly, by the mass media. A Koutsounia recently and drivers at play
Consequently any plan needs to be dynamic wrote in Community Care that almost “two-thirds of social - To maintain a working knowledge of
and adaptable to the change. In terms of my workers have been influenced by fear of adverse media emerging legislation and policy.
identified aims, these appear applicable to coverage when approaching cases” and noting that “a 2022 - To support the staff and the service to
development regardless of direction of travel study of over 700 UK national newspaper articles that undertake future planning
and should not need to be adapted. However I mentioned ‘social worker’ in a three-month period during 2019
am mindful that there could be emerging aims found four times as many negative mentions as positive ones”.
and objectives which arise in the next twelve This not only affects Social workers but also Early Help
months which may become greater priorities practitioners. It affects the work we do with families and the
and will been to be balanced against these relationships we build however; it also affects the local political
identified learning needs. environment.

We are seeing the development of family Hubs and Adolescent

SureStart in Southwark and have yet to see how this will
develop to ‘dovetail’ with family early help services to ensure
joint up delivery to residents/ citizens and build capacity.

Funding and budgets will always remain an area which could

mean a change of delivery. A change or restructure of service
always need to be considered. Local authorities have
developed into a change environment - which can result in
regular changes in strategies, priorities, funding, roles and
responsibilities. This can be unsettling for staff and managers.

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2. Activity Planner
Priorities and strategies: Which is the top priority, second priority and so on? When would you like to achieve each? How might you achieve this
learning (e.g. self study, course attendance)

Your priorities (learning How will you do this? What help and resources When do you hope When was this
needs and skills do you need? to do this by? accomplished?

1 Anti-Racist training and Southwark Learning – training - White Privilege and This is a longer-
practice Fragility Training term goal – which
- Completed – Anti Racist Training 25/1/24 I will work on over
( see W2, addressing A3 - Completed Antiracism – Action to liberation - Exploration of further next 6 -12
but also considering A6) training months.
- Identified further
training re To be reviewed
unconscious bias by September

Personal Learning –
- Further self-evaluation – utilising Groups Identified reading to date There is also a
supervision process, action learning set and - Reid, N. (2022a) The recognition this is
own supervision good ally: A guided an omnipresent
- Reading anti-racism journey learning goal
- Ted talks by Nova Reid , Susan Long Walsh from bystander to
, Sophie Williams and Ibram X. Kendi changemaker.
( identified to date) London: HQ.
- Paper Research in practice Anti-Racist - Kendi, I.X. (2023)
Supervision Matters How to be an
(ttps:// antiracist. Random
tent-pages/psw-main-landing-page/adults- House UK.
network-landing-page/blogs-news-and- - Dabiri, E. (2021)
information/anti-racist-supervision-matters/) What white people
can do next.

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 13

Southwark Stands Together – work Programme -
Review the work programme.
- Consider how this
Familiarise self with SSTAR Programme: Children affects my work and
and families. what I do. Utilise this
to further develop my
learning plan

On the job training and development – though

conversations with my team, colleagues and
manager. Exploration of own GRACEs. Revisit ideas
of Unconscious bias

2 Delegate more tasks as To revisit with my Senior Family Early Help Short to medium term
appropriate. Practitioner their roles and responsibilities. To think
with them about what support they need to enable - Short term by
(A2 and A1, considers them to manage and respond to these tasks, March 2024
O2, T2 and T2 whilst Formulate a learning/ development plan to support
addressing W3 and W4. this.
It will also support A5 )
To review the ‘day to day task’ that I pick up for my
team. To undertake discussion with them about how
they can be supported to work SMARTer to be able - Medium
to manage these tasks within service expectations. Term by May
To review this and consider where there are 2024
particular challenges

- Work with individuals to identify gaps which Regular 1:1 supervision and
may need training or support to develop performance review with my
- Agree plans to address these. To consider manager/ Head of Service
service expectations – where these cause
specific challenge to discuss with my line
management. To utilise my supervsvuion
and Service 1:1 performance space to ‘Buy in’ from the team
unpick some of the difficulties
Southwark Performance and
- Utilise Group and individual supervision
Appraisal scheme – (April
sessions to think about team.

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 14

- Individuals own personal development and 2024) to support target
areas of interest, which could be supported setting and recognising
through their own professional development. understanding supported.

3 To develop my own - Southwark Learning Consider – Coaching/ further Medium Term - May
confidence, thus Coaching training 2024
reducing the personal
impact of having the Exploration with my manager
more difficult - To explore this within my own 1:1
conversation within the supervision
team, with external
services and with Key - Utilise Action Learning Set – for self-learning
Partners. This will overall and learning from others.
reduce a significant
proportion of the stress I - To continue develop strategies to enable me
experience day to day. In develop this way of working. Finding
effect this requires me to effective ways to manage stress.
explore and identify ways
to Increase my - To utilise support of colleagues ,
Extroversion and undertaking peer observation and using
Openness to Experience peer support to assist

( source 10 , see A5, A2,

A1 and W1, W3 and T3)

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 15

Your priorities (learning How will you do this? What help and resources When do you hope When was this
needs and skills do you need? to do this by? accomplished?

4 To review Group and 1: 1 Individual discussions and revisit Supervision Team participation Medium Term June
supervisions with team – Contacts. 2024
to support team and
myself to think about Utilise Managers Family Model Training Group
what they need from (group of Team managers, supported by Clinical Managers Family Model
meet to support their Practitioner used to explore team dynamics, Sessions – bimestrial
practice. To also explore challenges, effective supervision application, of our
stressors which impacts model of practice etc.). This also includes sharing
them and how these can group sessions, via recordings and discussion what
be best support in work worked well etc.

( source 1 , thinking
about A5 and A3, wh8ilst
addressing T1,T3 and To use the Southwark Performance and appraisal to
W4) support development plans ( this will be due review
March and new plans in April 20234)

Southwark Learning and Development/ Children and - Identify relevant

families Practice Development week ( Quarterly learning.
these weeks across children service lead by QA ) - Review my own prior
learning – I
Evaluate the tool I am currently utilising and revisit completed Systemic
prior learning Management and
Supervision Course
Utilise the Action Learning Set discussions and in 2021 and
dilemmas to reflect on own practice previously completed
professional Practice
in supervsvuion with
- Review material from
Oct/ Sept Practice
Development Week
materials which had a
theme of ‘Supervision

Your priorities (learning How will you do this? What help and resources When do you hope When was this

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 16

needs and skills do you need? to do this by? accomplished?

5 To familiarise myself with Southwark Learning – Identify and Managing Short Term – Feb
the HR sickness policy Sickness absence training 2024
and procedures and to available
utilise the effectively in
management of staff
To work, alongside my HR consultation to consider In place
(considering A5 and next steps and navigate the sickness management
addressing T1 and T3) procedure.

To seek support from my line manager in thinking

about maintaining team cohesion through the
process and balancing my role as a supportive Via my own 1:1 supervision
manger with what can be a difficult process for the
staff member.

To support staff to understand and familiarise this

process. Accepting and honestly acknowledging the
challenge this provides whilst seeking to identify the
support mechanisms it offers.

6 To successfully complete Southwark Learning – The ILM Programme Programme commenced Nov Longer term goal
the ILM Programme and 2023
apply learning in my work
Regular Action Learning sets
Experiential Learning via participation in Action ( these have been agreed 6 Reviewed on
Learning Sets weekly) submission of
(Considers O1 whilst Managing own
addressing A5 and A6) Identification of extension learning activities: continuous
- Develop greater understanding of leadership Personal learning time/space development * (8607
styles and exploration of personal style and reflection. – 521) Final
- Further exploration of coaching as a submission Nov 2024
leadership style in Children’s Social Care

Possible reading ( further reading to be identified).

This will support contextualising the ILM learning into Will remain and on-

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 17

1. Record of activities
my service area : going Goal for my
own CPD
- Rofuth, T.W. and Piepenbring, J.M. (2020)
Management and leadership in Social Work:
A competency based approach. New York,
NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
- Holroyd, J. (2012a) Performance coaching
skills for social work. Learning Matters.
- Gallop, L. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. (2012)
How to become a better manager in Social
Work and social care: Essential skills for
managing care. London: Jessica Kingsley

Through my 1:1 Supervision and Performance Plan


Undertaking and evaluating planned development activities

Date Activity Duration Development Potential application Usefulness Development hours

The date What type of development How long did the Explain what you gained in one of Where do you think this On a scale of 1 Claimed Cumulative
the activity have you activity take? these terms: development will have (very useful) to 5
activity undertaken? It may be a - Skills: something you can now do the most impact, and (not at all useful).
took place course or an event or a - Knowledge: Something you now when will you be able to How would you
work related task know use it? rate this
- Experience: Something that development
reinforced what you know or
understand or introduced you to

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 18

something new

Date Activity Duration Development Potential application Usefulness Development hours

The date What type of development How long did the Explain what you gained in one of Where do you think this On a scale of 1 Claimed Cumulative
the activity have you activity take? these terms: development will have (very useful) to 5
activity undertaken? It may be a - Skills: something you can now do the most impact, and (not at all useful).
took place course or an event or a - Knowledge: Something you now when will you be able to How would you
work related task know use it? rate this
- Experience: Something that development
reinforced what you know or
understand or introduced you to
something new

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 19

Date Activity Duration Development Potential application Usefulness Development hours

The date What type of development How long did the Explain what you gained in one of Where do you think this On a scale of 1 Claimed Cumulative
the activity have you activity take? these terms: development will have (very useful) to 5
activity undertaken? It may be a - Skills: something you can now do the most impact, and (not at all useful).
took place course or an event or a - Knowledge: Something you now when will you be able to How would you
work related task know use it? rate this
- Experience: Something that development
reinforced what you know or
understand or introduced you to
something new

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 20

Date Activity Duration Development Potential application Usefulness Development hours

The date What type of development How long did the Explain what you gained in one of Where do you think this On a scale of 1 Claimed Cumulative
the activity have you activity take? these terms: development will have (very useful) to 5
activity undertaken? It may be a - Skills: something you can now do the most impact, and (not at all useful).
took place course or an event or a - Knowledge: Something you now when will you be able to How would you
work related task know use it? rate this
- Experience: Something that development
reinforced what you know or
understand or introduced you to
something new

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 21

2. Activity review

Review and reflect on learning and its effect on workplace performance

Planning Professional Outcomes
Review comments – achievements
What has been your greatest achievement
What does it mean for you professionally and

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 22

What did you learn from your experience?
Review comments
What have you not achieved and why?
How have your development plans changed as
a result?
What new learning needs has this generated?
Activities to be carried forward
What activities would you like to carry forward
into next year?
What activities need further development?
Moment of realisation
What has been this year’s ‘light bulb moment’
when you have learnt on experienced
something that has helped to make sense of
everything else or which was truly
inspirational? It could be a phrase, a quote, or
a brilliant idea.
Review date Proposed Actual Proposed Actual
Set a date for when you will look at your plan 1st 1st 1st 1st
again and revise it. Make room for at least two 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
reviews before the end of the year
Cross conference
Some or most of the activities you plan may be
requirements of other bodies you belong to.
Make a note here.

Wider notes during the development journey

Southwark Leadership Development Programme • • Page 23


 Koutsounia, A. (2023) Two-thirds of social workers say their practice is influenced by fear of the
media, finds survey, Community Care. Available at:
(Accessed: 12 January 2024).



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