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Electric line of force or field line: The path a free test charge follows due to source charge is called

a line
of force or field line.

Electric field: It is a region around a charged particle within which a force would be exerted on other
charged particle. The direction of an electric field line is the direction a positive test charge would move

Electric field strength: It is defined as the force due to source charge per unit positive test charge.

Electric current: It is the rate of flow of charge due to the passage of charge carriers.

Resistance: Resistance of a component in a circuit is the measure of the difficulty of making current
pass through the component.

p . d across the component

Resistance of any component =
current thorugh¿ ¿
Ohms law:It states that the potential difference across a metallic conductor is proportional to the
current through it provided that temperature does not change.

Ohm : Resistance in a conductor will be 1 ohm if potential difference of 1 volt is across it when current
through it 1 ampere.

Volt : If work done of 1 Joule is done by charge of 1 Coulomb across a load, the potential difference is 1

Charge : It is the product of electric current and time.

Coulomb : If current of 1 Ampere flows through a conductor in time of 1 second , the charge flowing will
be 1 Coulomb.

emf : It is defined as the energy supplied per unit charge by the source to drive the charge round a
complete circuit including the internal battery. It represents the conversion of chemical energy to
electrical energy per unit charge.

p.d : It is defined as the energy spent per unit charge between two points across the load .It represents
the conversion of electrical energy to non-electrical energy per unit charge .

Formulas Q=xt W= V x Q V=  x R P=  x V E=V x  x t

E= 2 x R x t E= V 2 xt / R P=V2/R P =  2x R
For series R= R1 + R2 ,  stays same , V= V1 + V2 , V and R are directly proportional

For parallel R=product /sum, V stays same , = 1 + 2 ,  and R are Inversely proportional

Resistance of wire is directly proportional to length

Resistance of wire is inversely proportional to area
Resistance of wire is inversely proportional to square of diameter
Resistance of wire is inversely proportional to square of radius

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