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18 Tweets • 2020-09-14 •  See on 

How to Activate Monk Mode.


- Read
- No sugar
- Lift heavy
- Study hard
- Meditation
- Isolate yourself
- Wake up earlier
- Know your vision
- Learn martial arts
- View failure as a lesson
- Drink nothing but water
- Obsess with self improvement
Monk Mode is about detatching yourself from
opportunity-poor environments.

Many get entagled in the status game of social media.

Find themselves engaging in erotic content.

Or filling their faces with shit food.

"There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet:
human unconsciousness. That realization is true
forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity
dissolves, and your true power emerges–the power of
Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring
in the light.”

The Basics of Monk Mode.

Monk Mode is intended to take your attention and

direct it inward.

Resulting in curiosity of your inner mental and

emotional landscape.
Monk Mode is has five main objectives:

1. Enhancing equanimity

2. Increasing output and productivity

3. Magnifying self-awareness

4. Reducing mental instability

5. Creating a foundation for self-sustaining good


There's 3 types of Monk Mode.

Complete Isolation – Withdrawal from society.

Rhythmic – Periods of near or completely-near

isolation from stimulation provoking activites.

Engaged Selectivity – Forgoing objects entirely or

practice shrewdness in relationship to them.

Refrain from:

- Social media use

- Needless conversation
- Purposeless Internet browsing
- Sexual gratification of any kind
- Alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicants
- Intermittent checking of smartphones
- Junk food and empty calorie food – Sugars, sweets,
salty foods

Engage in:

- Meditation/mindfulness
- Completing backlogged tasks
- Getting into good physical shape
- Purposeful and selective isolation
- Spending deep work sessions on important projects
- Skill-based learning intended to increase standing in
Keep a journal.

Journaling allows you to observe day to day feelings

and moods.

You can also write down any changes you notice in

your internal and external disposition.

Decide how long you want to be in the state of Monk


The best results are seen when activated for 1 to 3


Choose how deep you want to go.

If you find yourself getting into a ton of social

engagements, you need to learn how to be alone.

If you want the maximum benefits, you’re going to

have to get comfortable with being with yourself and
your thoughts.
When you return to your normal life, stay away from
things that offer instant gratification.

Drinking, sexual pleasure, social media etc. are things

that have a high threshold for compulsion.

These offer instant ways to feel good and avoid

deeper plumbing into thoughts.

A great framework for implementing Monk Mode is

@JamesClear's Atomic Habits.

He says that good habits must be implemented for

bad habits to be removed.

If you want to spend less time on social media, use a

social media filter.

If you want to eat less junk food, throw it out and buy
healthy food.

If you want to meditate more, start with 5 minutes a

day and add 1 minute increments as you progress.
The main reason for Monk Mode is increasing the
friction between detrimental behaviors and reducing
the space between beneficial behaviors.

When I did Monk Mode I noticed a ton of benefits.

- Focus
- Empathy
- Confidence
- Mental clarity
- Less attraction to cheap dopamine
- Greater desire for social interactions

I advise anyone who's life is filled with mental clutter to

go into a state of Monk Mode.

It allows you to focus on what's really important.

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