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Cavalry to the Rescue: Drones Fleet to Help Rescuers Operations over Disasters

Conference Paper · November 2014

DOI: 10.1109/CAMA.2014.7003421


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Cavalry to the Rescue: Drones Fleet to Help Rescuers
Operations over Disasters Scenarios
Daniel Câmara
Institut Mines-Telecom - Telecom ParisTech. LTCI UMR 5141 CNRS
Sophia Antipolis, Alpes Maritimes, France

Abstract— This paper proposes a drone based solution to help on Another advantage of flying drones, is that they may
the search and rescue activities over disaster scenarios. The perform a series of different tasks at the same time. For
proposed architecture is composed of specialized drones to example, not only they can find the specific position where the
accomplish specific tasks and an internal modules organization to received signal of a portable device is stronger, but, at the same
grant they will be able to accomplish their objectives. Among the time, they can map the region and even make an infrared scans
tasks we believe drones could excel performing over disaster of it. However, to accomplish all of these drones need to act as
scenarios we can highlight: providing a temporary fast as possible and in a self-organizing. The smaller the time
communication structure, creating up-to-date maps of the we take to evaluate the damages and identify victims the bigger
affected region and searching for hot spots where the rescue
are the chances to save lives. To increase the efficiency of
teams may have more chances of finding victims. For example,
drones, and decreasing the time required to cover the target
drones may be equipped with infrared cameras, deep penetration
radars, or even detect the radio signal from portable devices. All region, we can multiply the number of drones and,
these activities require specific competences, and thus more than autonomously, parallelize the work to be done. Even though
one kind of drone and sensor equipment are required to the information drones are capable of provide it is unlikely that
accomplish all of them. This drone based fleet, to be efficient and people in the terrain will have the time, and human resources
useful in the terrain needs to be autonomous and capable of self- available to control drones and guarantee the full perfect
organization. coverage of a given area. Much less if we are talking about a
fleet of distinct and purpose specific drones, which would
require different and specialized skills. This work tackles
I. INTRODUCTION exactly this subject, the required mechanisms to provide a
In a catastrophe scenario the first couple of hours are useful and autonomous drone fleet.
crucial. It is when we have the highest probability of rescue The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. In
people alive, is also when the available human resources are section II, we introduce the related work. In section III, we
scarcer. In many disaster scenarios such as earthquakes, discuss some possible applications of drones over disaster
avalanches, mudslides and explosions it is common for people scenarios. In section IV, we present the internal mechanisms
to be injured and covered by debriefs. These people require fast that all drones should implement. In section V we present the
attention and all the available human resources need to fleet architecture and the different tasks that each one of the
concentrate on the search and rescue task. Nevertheless, the drones are more prone to execute and finally in section VI we
rescue efforts need to be coordinated and the disaster’s impact conclude the paper.
need to be characterized as fast as possible. The time pressure,
scarcity of human resources and urgent need for information
are more than enough reasons that justify the use of II. RELATED WORK
autonomous drones to collect the maximum of information and
provide communication over the affected areas. The number of use cases where drones have already being
However, drones utility may go beyond the data gathering. useful in humanitarian settings are many; the ones described
Flying drones can be used, for example, to evaluate if a search here are just a small subset of these. Danoffice IT, has a
spot presents a danger or not for the rescue team or monitor the commercial drone solution for disaster response [2]. It was
rescue activities, e.g. sometimes dogs may be used in the already used in real operation sites such as the typhoon
search and rescue operations. Drones can follow these dogs and Yolanda at Tacloban, Philipines, where it helped on the
warn when these find a new searching place. Drones can also planning of the operations site, and on the identification of
perform more active, such as the identification of hotspot areas, which roads were usable after the typhoon. In the same
i.e. areas where we can find victims. For example, if during the disaster, the CorePhil DSI team [4] used a fixed wing drone,
disaster people are with their mobile phones, even if they are eBee, to capture aerial imagery of downtown Tacloban. This
unable to call for help, it is possible to use the signal of the images where further analyzed through crowdsourcing and
mobile phone to find the place where it is most probable to find helped on the generation of the most detailed and up-to-date
people [1]. maps of the region. These maps were used by different
humanitarian organizations and even by the Filipino done. The layers organization proposed in the Fig. 1, represent
Government for the planning of the relief efforts. this common internal organization. Even though the
The control of drones’ fleets is not really a new theme. In implementation may change to consider the specificities of the
fact, it is a well-studied subject on the military context. drone, each one of the activities represented at Fig. 1 needs to
However, even there the fleet control proposals focus mainly be implemented by all the drones.
on how to help humans to control the fleet, not in having an The role of each one of these boxes are the following, the
autonomous fleet. For example, Cummings et al. [6] proposed MAC (Medium Access Control) layer provides the network
an automation architecture to help humans on the supervision abstraction to all the other modules. It hides the specifics of the
of a drone fleet. However, the drones are not fully autonomous network technology to be used and can be interchanged to
and is the human operator who always decide the drones evolve or adapt to local regulations and standards. The radio
mission. The same comments are valid for other works in the management sub-system is responsible for controlling the
field, e.g. the work of Arslan and Inalhan [7], where the whole power of the radio and optimizing the communication with the
effort relies on helping one operator to control multiple other drones. The self-organizing network module is
drones. responsible for exchanging messages with the nearby drones
and for coordinating the efforts. The information relying
III. EXAMPLES OF DRONES APPLICATIONS module is responsible for receiving data from the other drones
In a disaster scenario drones can perform a number of and either forward it to the next drone in the direction of the
different tasks to help on the relief effort. Tasks may vary from destination, or relay the data until the drone find either the
providing communication to the creation of high-resolution destination, or some other drone that is going on its direction.
maps of the area and the autonomous search for victims.
Maintaining the communication over disaster areas is
challenging. One cannot just rely over the public
communication network, first because it may be unavailable in
remote areas and, second, because even if it is available the
network may be damaged or destroyed. Nevertheless, the
coordination of the relief efforts requires communication.
Drones can work as temporary mobile access points for
extending the coverage on affected areas. This service may be
offered not only for the rescuers, but also for the general Fig. 1. Layered organization of modules common to all drones,
population with the creation of small picocells. For example, independently of their type.
after hurricane Katrina, at New Orleans, the public network
was out of service and Verizon, the local provider, granted to The mobility management module is responsible for
the first responders the right to use their frequencies. planning the mobility of the drone considering the objectives
and the probable actions of the other drones on the region. The
Other important task, that can be autonomously performed, navigation and flying control module is responsible for
is the creation of high-resolution maps of the affected area. implementing the planning done by the mobility management
Disasters may change drastically the affected region, which module. Based on geographic information, e.g. Global
may void previous maps completely. Drones can fly over the Positioning System (GPS) data, it controls the route and the
region with 3D cameras and, with the help of GPSs and power of the engines. This is the component of the architecture
publicly available relief maps of the region, automatically responsible for controlling the flight direction and speed. The
create up-to-date 3D maps of the area. These maps can be used energy management module is in charge of keeping track of the
to understand the impact of the disaster over the region and, for remaining energy and warning when it is time for the drone to
example, decide which roads need to be closed, find the best return to the base. In case the energy gets critically low, this
paths to reach the most damaged areas or even plan the module starts the emergency procedure. The emergency
delivery of delivery of relief supplies. procedure, among other actions, consists of sending a distress
As active roles they can play to help on the search and message, with the current position, safely landing the drone and
rescue operations, we can highlight the infrared scan of the repeat the distress message at regular intervals.
region, trying to find people on/under the debris. The use of The application layer is dependent on the task to be done at
ground penetration radars, to try to find people under the debris the time, the kind of drone and the type of sensors available.
and the scan of the portable devices, which may be a signal that The application should also be interchangeable, since the tasks
some people may be on that region. for the drones may evolve during the rescue operation effort.
The cognitive module, vertical to all the others, provides
IV. DRONE ARCHITECTURE generic AI algorithms that can help on the decision making
Independently from the mapping, sensing or scanning activities of all other modules. For example, the mobility
methods one wants to apply, autonomous drones need to management module may use it to try to infer the actions other
communicate to organize themselves. All drones, regardless drones will take to optimize the coverage of the area. The
their type, should be able to communicate with others and energy management module may use it to decide the best
autonomously coordinate the actions to divide the tasks to be moment to return to the base. I.e. based on the energy
consumption, how much energy the drone should spend to fly provide an important advantage. The covered area can be
from the point he is to the base. extended by interconnecting multiple blimps. To avoid
interferences backbone nodes should have two interfaces, one
V. FLEET ARCHITECTURE to work as access point to other nodes, and a second interface
dedicated to handle the backbone traffic. I.e. routing other
Considering the work they are capable to perform, even one backbone nodes traffic and accessing the backhaul.
drone alone may already represents a great help to the relief
effort activities. However, to be effective, and fully explore the Fixed wing drones have a lower autonomy than blimps, but
drones potential, more than one kind of drone would be they can cover a given region much faster. The fixed wing
required. This section proposes an autonomous drones can coordinate themselves directly, through the blimp
communication, and coordination, architecture to enable the backbone, or even through the ground backhaul, if they are in
efficient use of different kinds of drones, and their specific its communication range. This coordination is important to
characteristics, over disaster scenarios. The main architecture grant a full and optimal coverage of the region by the fixed
is depicted in Fig 2. wings drones. Given its flying characteristics the most rational
way to divide the area for fixed wing drones is in strips, see
The proposed drones organization is composed of three Fig. 3.
different specialized drones, performing different tasks over the
first hours after the crisis outbreak. The three categories of
drones we target are: blimps, fixed wings (horizontal axis) and
rotary blade (vertical axis) drones. We consider that drones are
constantly aware of its autonomy and the required energy to
reach the closest recharging station. When they perceive the
amount of remaining energy is getting close to the limit, they
warn the nearby drones that it needs to leave the formation.
This warning also implies that, depending on the activity it is
performing, someone else will need to take over its duties.
Nearby drones will then organize themselves, and, if required,
elect the one who will take over the interrupted task. This is a
basic principle and applicable for all three types of drones.

Fig. 3. Fixed wing drones mapping area division. For fixed wings
drones it makes sense divide the target area in strips so that they can
go over the divided areas one by one doing only one turn at the end.
The advantage of dividing the area is to be able to divide the work
among different drones, if available.
Vertical axis drones have, typically, a smaller autonomy
than blimps and fixed wings drones. However, they have other
advantages, they are able to fly in every direction, horizontally
and vertically, as well as hover in a fixed position. They can
also steady fly close to the ground, to provide high fidelity data
Fig. 2. Multi layer organization of the drones fleet, highlighting the from Ground Penetrating Radars (GPR) and the sensing of
instantaneous communication links. (A) represents the blimps that can weak portable devices signals. Giving its characteristics and
have a higher autonomy and stability. For these reasons, blimps can be limited autonomy, to be effective, horizontal blade drones
used to form a communication backbone. Fixed wing drones present should concentrate their efforts over the interest spots, e.g.
also good tradeoff energy/speed and can be used to provide collapsed buildings, avalanche and mudslides runout zones.
opportunistic communication links. These drones can go high their The interest spots for these drones can be provided by the
vision angle (B) is higher than vertical axis drones (C). Finally, we rescue teams or even automatically detected from the high
have the vertical axis drones that, even though present a lower fidelity maps created by the fixed wing drones. It is also
energetic efficiency, have better maneuverability and can adapt their
speed to the characteristics of the terrain.
important for these drones to coordinate themselves for
providing a full, non overlapping, coverage of the target area.
One of the main tasks drones may perform is to provide As depicted in Fig. 4., taking into account the high fidelity
temporary communication infrastructure. Stable and low maps, we can automatically generate a grid attributing an
energy hungry devices should compose the main backbone identification to each zone, e.g. D2, after covering a zone the
infrastructure. Ideally, blimps could perform this role quite drone can warn others about it, transmit the data to the
well. They are stable and, given its characteristics, present a operations center and reserve another non covered area nearby.
much larger autonomy than the average drone. For example, The advantage of this technique is that areas with low or no
the X-Tower from Stratxx can fly for 23 days broadcasting 12 interest, e.g. G1 on Fig. 4., can be scanned much faster than
channels of digital TV during all this time [3]. Flying also at a other areas, eg. C2, which have much higher density of interest
relatively high altitude the coverage footprint a blimp may spots. These high dense areas can even be further divided, since
the objective is to divide fairly the work to be done, not the VI. CONCLUSION
area itself. It is expected that some areas will be covered faster Surely enough, search and rescue operations can make
than others. Drones that decide to subdivide their zones into a usage of drones for a fair amount of activities. However, if not
smaller granularity grid, inform this to other drones that are autonomous and capable of self-organization these elements
now aware they have more areas to work on, e.g. C2.A3, that can be more a burden than a help in a catastrophe scenario.
require also their attention. To choose one area, drones can Rescuers must focus on the activity they have at hand, that is
base their decision on a number of factors that may include, saving lives. It is not productive make them spend their time
distance from the present position, flight plan, amount of handling drones and their tasks. The proposed architecture
interest spots, available energy level and other drones probable intends to provide the organization required to a fleet of drones
route. If a drone is constraint to leave an area before being able to autonomously, in a push-button way, scan the region and
to fully cover it, e.g. low energy, it divides the area and warns provide useful information. Other intention of the proposed
other drones about the sub-areas it already covered. The architecture is to use this fleet to provide communication over
remaining areas go to the “work to be done” pool and will be disaster areas, even for severely affected areas.
later cover by other drones.
It is important to notice also that drones should be able to
perform opportunistic communication and coordinate with the
nearby nodes. In a disaster scenario store-carry-and-forward
techniques may be the only way to convey important
information among the computational elements. Drones can
exchange information with each other about the route, and
strategies, they are taking and if they are moving in the
direction of the operations center, they can carry the messages
of other drones until their final delivery at the destination. In
the same way message ferries are designed [5].
Different kinds of drones may provide different services
and, ideally, should play the roles they fit the best. Even though
we could exchange some of the tasks among the different
drones, it would have an impact on the end results. For
example, we could without a doubt, use fixed wing drones to
create a mobile backbone. However, not only the organization
of the drones to provide constant full coverage would be more
complex, but also the lifetime of the backbone would be much
Fig. 4. The sensing drones can divide the target area into smaller sub-
objectives. Each one of these is covered by one drone. The negotiation
over which areas were already covered and which are the next should REFERENCES
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