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Identifying the Inquiry and

Stating the Problem
Lesson 1: The subject Matter of the Research

Subject Area and Grade Level: Practical Research 1 G11

Activity Sheet No. 3
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 8 – Division of Samar

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Development Team of English Activity Sheet

Writer: Suanie T. Llego – SHST - II
Igot National High School - Villareal 1 District

Illustrator: _________________________

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Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem

Lesson 1: The subject Matter of the Research

I. Introduction
Developing a good research topic may not be easy for you but it is an
important skill. Your teacher may assign you a particular topic but often
requires you to choose a topic that interests you .In this lesson you are given
the guidelines in choosing a topic when you begin your research work. These
pointers will guide you in selecting a good topic. Other factors affecting in
choosing and writing your research are topics that need to be avoided this will
help you focus clearly on your subjects. Likewise the sources of information are
important for you to know where your research topic may come from.

II. MELC with code

Designs a research project related to daily life
Writes a research title
Provides the justification / reasons for conducting the research

III. Strategy

A. Explore

Direction: Identify how a research project is described on the following

statements. Write the letter of the correct answer on a sheet of paper (answer

1. A business student plans a research project of an online business. Due to its

limited information (the title) on the nature of the business, which one of these
best applies to the idea?
a. It is too broad.
b. It is a highly technical subject.
c. It has an acceptable method.
d. It has an acceptable purpose.
2. What is the main advantage of producing a written research project?
a. Helps with liability.
b. Helps the society.
c. Informs all interested parties.
d. Helps keep people employed.
3. Good research proposals will always:
a. focus on the written style.
b. provides respondent names and addresses.
c. consider all possible research previously been done on the topic.
d. focus on addressing the research objectives.
4. What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or
reviews in the initial stages of identifying a research topic?
a. They are readily available.
b. They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic.
c. They are primary sources.
d. They avoid reporting statistical data to interpret the results more
5. Which of the following are excellent sources for research topics?
a. Theory
b. Personal experience
c. Replication of prior research
d. All of the above
6. Mr. Santos identified his research topic as "classroom assessment." He
recognized very quickly his topic was far too broad. Which of the following is
likely to have led to that conclusion?
a. There was far too much written on the topic to understand it all.
b. It was difficult to organize the material collected in an effective
c. The potential problems he began thinking would be next to impossible
d. All of the above.
7. What is a research project?
a. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory.
b. A choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods.
c. A style in which you present your research findings, e.g. a graph.
d. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data.
8. Which of these would be assured by you when selecting factors for a study
in general?
a. They have been investigated before
b. They are available to investigate
c. They are not of interest to you
d. They do not lead to another question
9. Which of the following is a good way to find a research topic?
a. Personal experience
b. Getting an idea from your advisor
c. Looking for the next step in the research process
d. All of the above
10. What is not true of a research title?
a. Read the most, and it is usually read first
b. Least important element that defines the research problem.
c. Contains few words that describe the purpose of the research
d. All of the above

B. Learn

I. What is Research Title?

1. The most important element that defines the research problem.

2. It is usually read first and the most read part of the research.
3. It contains the least words enough to describe the contents and the
purpose of your research paper.
4. It can be revised any and many times as the research develops and reach
its final phase. It becomes final on its final defence before the panel of

 Elements of a Research Title

The research title does not need to be entertaining but informative.

A part of a research title has the following information:
1. The subject matter or topic to be investigated. (“What?”)
2. The place or locale where the research is to be conducted. (“Where?”)
3. The population like the respondents’ interviewees. (“Who”?)
4. The time period of the study during which the data are to be collected.


Subject matter: The teaching of English

Place or locale: Igot National High School, Barangay Igot, Villareal
Time period: during the school year 2019 - 2020
Population: as perceived by teachers and students

Subject matter: The effects of the use of cell phones on the academic
Population to senior high school students
Place or locale: at Igot National High School
Time period: during the first semester, school year 2020-2021
II. Rules in Choosing a Research Topic1

1. Interest in the subject matter. Interest in a subject drives you to research,

investigate, or inquire about it with full motivation, enthusiasm, and energy.

2. Availability of information. Information will serve as evidence to support

your claims about your subject matter from varied forms of literature like
books, journals, and newspapers, among others, is a part and parcel of any
research work.

What to include in the investigation of the available materials?

a. Update and authority of the materials.
b. Copyright dates of the materials? Are they new or old?
c. Expert or qualification of the writers of reading materials about your

3. Timeliness and relevance of the topic.

How relevant is the topic?

a. It yields results that are useful in society
b. Related to the present. (Except for pure or historical research)

4. Limitations on the subject. Connect your choice with course requirements.

You need to decide on one topic to
finish your course.

5. Personal resources. Do an assessment on your research abilities in terms

of your financial standing, health condition, mental capacity, needed facilities,
and time schedule to enable you to complete your research. You have to raise
an amount of money needed to spend on questionnaire printing and interview

III. Research Topics to be avoided1

1. Controversial topics.
It depends more on the writer’s opinion leading to biases. Facts cannot support
this topic.

2. Highly technical subjects.

Not advisable for beginners as these topics require an advanced study,
technical knowledge, and skills.

3. Hard-to-investigate subjects.
Happens if there are no available reading materials about it and if such
materials are not up-to-date.

4. Too broad subjects.

It prevents you from to focus on the subject matter of the paper.
Narrow down or limit the subject to eliminate the problem.

5. Too narrow subjects.

Subjects that are so limited where an extensive searching is necessary.

6. Vague subjects.
Titles beginning with indefinite adjectives such as several, many, some, etc., as
in “Some Remarkable Traits of a Filipino” or “Several People’s Comments on the
RH Law,” are vague enough to decrease the readers’ interests and curiosity.

IV. Sources of Research Topics1

1. Mass media communication – press (newspapers, ads, TV, radio, films, etc.)

2. Books, Internet, peer-reviewed journals, government publications

3. Professional periodicals like College English Language Teaching Forum,

English Forum, the Economist, Academia, Business Circle, Law Review, etc.

4. General periodicals such as Readers’ Digest, Women’s Magazine, Panorama

Magazine, Time Magazine, World Mission Magazine, etc.

5. Previous reading assignments in your other subjects

6. Work experience – clues to a researchable topic from full-time or part-time

jobs, OJT (on-the-job training) experience, fieldwork, etc.

Activity: Question and Answer
Directions: Answer the questions in 3-5 sentences only. Write your answers on your
answer sheet. Please be guided with the rubrics given for scoring (refer rubrics p.

1. What are the rules in choosing a research topic?


2. What are those topics to avoid in preventing you to have a clear focus on your
research paper?


C. Engage:
Direction: Identify how a research project is described on the following
statements. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is a good way to find a research topic?

a. Personal experience
b. Getting an idea from your advisor
c. Looking for the next step in the research process
d. All of the above
2. What is a not true of a research title?
a. Read the most, and it is usually read first
b. Least important element that defines the research problem.
c. Contains few words that describe the purpose of the research
d. All of the above
3. What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or
reviews in the initial stages of identifying a research topic?
a. They are readily available.
b. They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic.
c. They are primary sources.
d. They avoid reporting statistical data to interpret the results more

4. Which of the following are excellent sources for research topics?

a. Theory
b. Personal experience
c. Replication of prior research
d. All of the above
5. Mr. Santos identified his research topic as "classroom assessment." He
recognized very quickly his topic was far too broad. Which of the following is
likely to have led to that conclusion?
a. There was far too much written on the topic to understand it all.
b. It was difficult to organize the material collected in an effective
c. The potential problems he began thinking would be next to
impossible to study.
d. All of the above.
6. What is a research project?
a. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory.
b. A choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods.
c. A style in which you present your research findings, e.g. a graph.
d. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data.
7. Which of these would be assured by you when selecting factors for a study
in general?
a. They have been investigated before
b. They are available to investigate
c. They are not of interest to you
d. They do not lead to another question
8. A business student plans a research project; it is called a description of an
online business. On the limited information (the title), which one of these best
applies to the idea?
a. It is too broad.
b. It is a highly technical subject.
c. It has an acceptable method.
d. It has an acceptable purpose.
9. What is the main advantage of producing a written research project?
a. Helps with liability.
b. Helps the society.
c. Informs all interested parties.
d. Helps keep people employed.
10. Good research proposals will always:
a. Focus on the written style.
b. Provides respondent names and addresses.
c. Consider all possible research previously been done on the topic.
d. Focus on addressing the research objectives.
d. They do not lead to another question

D. Apply

Activity: You just learned the rules in choosing a research subject. These
includes topics to be avoided and the sources of where to search. Please be guided
with the rubrics given for scoring (refer rubrics p. 10)

1. What topics you find most relevant in your daily life potential to research? Cite
two issues.

2. How about a writing a good research title? Present (1) one good example of a
research title and (1) NOT so good title. Describe each.

IV. Rubric for Scoring

Rubrics Scoring for a Simple Essay Writing

Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
5 4 3 2
Quality of  Piece was  Piece was  Piece had  Piece had
Writing written in an written in little style no style
extraordinar an  Gives some  Gives no
y style interesting new new
 Very style information information
informative  Somewhat but poorly and very
and well informative organized poorly
organize and organized

Gramma  Virtually no  Few spelling  A number  So many

r, Usage spelling, and of spelling, spelling,
& punctuation punctuation punctuatio punctuatio
Mechanic or s errors, n or n and
s grammatical minor grammatica grammatica
errors grammatical l errors l errors
errors that
with the

V. Reference
Published by the Department of Education– Region X – Northern Mindanao.
Abdullah, S.N. (2018) .Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research [PowerPoint
slides].Retrieved from

Baraceros, E.L. (2016).Practical Research 1. Ist ed. Rex Book Store. Manila
Buenseco, D.B, Dacanay, D.E., Manalo, G.A. (2016).Department of Education
Practical Research 1. Teachers Guide .Ist ed. Lexicon Press, Inc. Pasig

Calmorin, L.P. (2016).Research and Thesis Writing with Statistics and

Application. Rev.ed.Rex Book Store

Cristobal, A.P., Jr, & Cristobal, M.D. (2016). Practical Research 1 for Senior
School. Ist ed.C & E Publishing Inc. Quezon City.

Hollway, W. (2013).Doing Qualitative Research Differently. (2 nd ed.).SAGE


Letherby, G. (2013).Methodological Innovations. (1st ed) SAGE Journals.USA

Palasan, E.B (2018). Qualitative Research: Importance in Daily Life

available online with

Rancome, P (2013).Ethics and Values in Social Research.

Accessed in June 2020

VI. Key to Correct Answers

Engage Apply
Explore Activity 1
1. B Learn
1. D Activity 1
2. A
2. B
3. C 3. B Answer’s may
4. B Activity vary……………
4. D
5. B 5. D …
6. D Answer’s may
6. A
7. A vary…………
7. B

8. B 8. B
9. D 9. A
10. B 10. C

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Checked and Verified by:

SHS Coordinator / MT - 1

Noted by:


Secondary School Principal III


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