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Changing from passive to active voice

First, we identify the performer of the action, the “by” phrase. So we move it to the subject
position, just before the verb.

The test results will be announced next week by the committee.

Look at the verb By phrase

The committee will announce the test results next week.

*If the writer did not name a performer, choose a subject that fits the context.

The test results will be announced next week. (no performer/agent)

We will announce the test results next week.


The researchers will announce the test results next week.

What happens if we have a sentence with mixed passive and active clauses?

We found the lost contract, and the client was notified immediately.

Use active voice instead in the whole sentence.

We found the lost contract and notified the client immediately.

Business writers should prefer active voice for most documents. Active voice is more direct
and concise than passive voice. Passive voice is often awkward and evasive. Readers may
interpret passive voice as an attempt to avoid admitting responsibility, as in the following
A mistake was made that resulted in an overcharge to your account that has now been
corrected and will be shown on your next statement.
Active voice sounds more responsible:
Our data entry clerk made a mistake and overcharged your account, but she corrected the
entry. Your next statement will show the correction.

 When to use passive voice

 If you don’t know who did the action.
The alarm was tripped at 4:30 this morning.

The fence was knocked down for a third time.

 And sometimes you genuinely want to emphasize the object of the action,
rather than the actor

The new assistant was recommended by Jody McCarron. (Where the emphasis
is on the assistant, not on Jody.)

Seating arrangements at the event caused some controversy. Corporate

representatives sat at the lower tables. The main table was occupied by the
mayor and his special guests.

The real issue here is the seating arrangements, rather than the mayor and his friends.

Let’s read some extract about passive voice in business taken from a Forbes article.

Many business writers fall into the habit of depending on the passive voice because they see
other writers doing it. The sound gets into their heads as the proper sound of business and
professional writing, and they simply replicate what they hear. However, active constructions
have advantages over passive ones: they’re shorter, they’re more direct, they’re easier to read,
and they’re more engaging. They sound more personal—that impersonal, businessy, “official”
tone isn’t always what you want—and they create a sense of agency in the sentence: there’s a
person (or a thing sometimes) that’s taking action.

Exercises – Moving on from passive to active voice

1. The report will be reviewed by the supervisor before it is sent to the manager.
2. Errors were found in the self-audit, but steps have been taken to correct them.
3. If you have questions, I can be reached at 712 288-1144.
4. The current status report has been attached, and I have highlighted the important
5. Not before the survey responses have been collected and tabulated will it be possible
to know the opinions of our employees.
6. If most of the opinions expressed by the survey respondents are negative, then more
research may be needed before we can proceed with the project.
7. The recommended guidelines for replacing equipment should be followed.
8. According to the customer service representative, reshipment of these items will be
considered when the customer's need is determined by the company.
9. The participants were welcomed by Joyce Carmen, and the keynote speaker was
introduced by her.
10. Two serious omissions of income were discovered and corrected before the
accounting records were reviewed by the auditor.


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