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Eighth Series, Vol. II, No. 10 Saturday.

Marcb 23, 1985

Cbaitra 2, 1907 (Saka)


(English Version)

Second Session
(Eighth Lok Sabba)

(Vol. II contains Nos. 1 to 10)


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No. }O Saturday, Mllrch 23, 1985/Chaitra 2, 1907 (Saka)


Papers Laid on the Table 1-2

Business of the House 2-5
National Security (Amendment) Bill, 1985- S


General Budget, 1985-86-General Discussion 5-162

Supplementary Demands for Grants (Gencral), 1984-85

Shri Manoj Panday 5-7

Shri Atish Chandra Sinha 7-11
Shri Indrajit Gupta 11-21

Shri Y.S. Mahajan 21-25

Shri Vakkom Purushothaman 25-29
Shri R. Anna Nambi 29-32
Shri K.J. Abbasi 32-34
Prof. Nirmala Kumari Shaktawat 34-38

Shri Amal Datta 38-44

Shri Jagannath Rao 44-48

Shri K. Pradhani 48-50
Shri Tariq Anwar SO-53
Shri Abdul Rashid Kabuli 53-58
Shrimati Basava Rajeshwari 58-62

Sbri Pr*~p Bhanu ~ 62-66

. .'
Shri Raj Kumar Rai 66-69

Shri Rameshwar Neekhra 69-74

Shri C. Janga Reddy 74-79

Begum Abida Ahmed 79-83

Kumari D.K. Thara Devi 83-86

Shri C. Sambu 86-90

Shri Mukul Wasnik 90-94

Shri lanardhana Poojary 94-103

Shri Kadambur Janarthanan 104-106

Shri Tarun Kanti Ghosh 106-108

Shri Amar Roy Pradhan 108-111

Shri Bharat Singh 111-114

Shri P.A. Antony 114-116

Shrimati Madhuri Singh 116-118

Shri K. Ramachandra Reddy. 118-120

Shrimati Kesharbhai Kshirsagar 120-123

Shri Dharam Pal Singh Malik 123-125
Shri Mohd. Ayub Khan 125-127
Shri S.B. Sidnal 127-130
Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao 131-132
Shri C.K. Kuppuswamy 132-135
Shri R. leevarathinam 136-138
Shri Madan Pandey 138-140
Shrimati Sundarwati Na wal Prabhakar 140-143
Prof. Saifuddin Soz 143-145
Shri ,Ram Samujhawan 14S-147


Shri Chandra Shekhar Tripathi 147-149

Shri Ram Pujan Patel 149-152
Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 152-153
Shri Harihar Soren 153-156

Shri Asutosh Law 156-158

Shri H.A. Dora 158-160

Shri A. Charles 160-162

LOK SABHA Minister in Lok Sabba on the 16th
Saturday, March 231 1985/Chaitra 2, 1907 March, 1985, issued under the
Central Excise Rules, 1944. [PJaced
in Library. See No. LT-562/85].

The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock

11.01 hrs.
[MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER in the Chair]
be laid on the Table. Mr. Poojary.
Sir, with your permission, I rise to announce
[English] that Government BUSiness in this House
during the week commencing 25tb MarchI
Notifications under Customs Act 1962 and 1985, will consist of:
Central Excise Rules, 1944
(1) Consideration of any item of
THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Government Business carried over
MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI JANAR- from today's Order Paper.
DHANA POOJAR Y): I beg to lay on the
Table- (2) Consideration of a Resolution seek-
ing approval of continuance or
(1) A copy each of Notification Nos. President's Rule in the State of
G.S.R. 155 (E) to 211 (E) (Hindi Punjab.
and English versions) published in
Gazette of India dated the 17th (3) General discussion on the PUnjab
March, 1985 together with an expla- Budget for 1985-86.
natory memorandum regarding (4) Discussion and voting on ;
Customs Duty changes and exemp·
tions in the context of Budget (a) Demands for Grants on
proposals pertaining to Indirect Account (Punjab) for 1985·86.
Taxes announced by the Finance
Minister in Lok Sabha On the 16th (b) Supplementary Demands for
Grants (Puojab) for 1984-85.
March, 1985, under section 159 of
the Customs Act, 1962. [Placed in (5) Consideration and passing of the
Library. See No. L T -561/85J, National Security (Amendment)
(2) A copy each of Notification Nos. Bill, 1985.
O.S.R. 212 (E) to 281 (E) (Hindi (6) Further discussion OD the Report
and English versions) published in of the National Transport Policy.
Gazette of India dated the 17th
March, 1985 together with an (7) Discussion on the Resolutions seek-
explanatory memorandum regarding ing disapproval or the followina
Central Excise Duty changes and Ordinances together with considera-
exemptions in the context of Budget tion and passing or the Bills. as
proposals pertaining to Indirect passed by Rajya Sabba, replacina
Taxes announced by the Finance those Ordinances :
3 Business of the House MARCH 23, 1985 Business of the HOlUe 4

[Shrl O""am Nab; AZQd] PROP. MADHU DANDAVATB (Raja-

pur) : I would lite to aUllest the folJowiDI
(a) The Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster
Items for inclusion in the next week'. busi-
(Processing of Claims) Ordi-
nance, 1985.
1. The Government should make a state-
(b) The Requisitioning and Acqui-
ment about the reported confiscation by the
sitions of Immovable Property
Customs authorities at Sahar airport, Bomby
(Amendment) Ordinance, 1985.
on 19th March, 1985 of dollars equivalent
(8) Consideration and passing of the to Rs. 48 lakhs carried by represeDtatives of
Handlooms (Reservation of Articles an eminent industrialist from Ahmedabad
for Production) Bill, 1985, as pass .. for depositing in Hong Kong Bank, and
ed by Rajya Sabba. their reported link. with S.L.M. Maneklal
Industries Ltd whose Director is involved in
(9) Consideration of a motion for con-
the espionage activities by staff in the Prime
curring in tbe recommendation of
Minister's Secretariat.
Rajya Sabba (or reference of the
Mental Health Bill, 1981, to a Joint 2. The Government should make a state-
Committee. ment on the reported anti·Indian utterances
by the Station Manager of Lufthansa Airlines
(10) Discussion on the 32nd and 33rd
describing Indians as 'pigs and animals' and
Reports of the Union Public Service
subsequent dismissal of the Indian employees
who protested against these utterances and
SHRI I. RAMA RAI (Kasargod) : Sir, the demand made to institute an inquiry into
the following item may be included in the this episode.
next week's business : -
The plight of about three lakhs of approved text will go on record.
employees known as E.D. employees serving PROF. P.J. KURIEN (ldukki): If this
under P & T Department drawing a meagre is correct ...
amount of Rs. 152 to Rs. 318 as monthly
allowance. They are expected to do hard MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Only those
work in remote villages and hill areas from who have given prior notice are allowed. I
sunrise to sunset. The emoluments they are am not Permitting you. Please sit down.
getting are not even sufficient for two square SHRI ABDUL RASHID KABULI
meals a day for the family. Even if some- (Srinagar) : The following item may kindly
body in their family is seriously ill, they be included in the next week's agenda.
cannot take any leave. Their chances of pro-
motion are very poor. Their plight is no A railway line connecting Srinagar with
better than that of bonded labourers and it the rest of the country can release the people
is the duty of the Government to redress of the valley from an age-Old poverty and
their grievances. backwardness. The railway line to Srinagar
shall boost UP Kashmir's tourist trade "hich
It therefore, put forward the following earns considerable foreian exchange for the
sUlgestions for tbe consideration of the country. Besides It shall bring the prices of
Government : - the essential commodities at par with the
rest of the country. The hoarders aod black-
1. B.D. employees should be consider- marketeers always thrive upon the road
ed at lealt as part-time employees. blockage and closure of the Srinaaar-lammu
2. They should be given a decent Nationa) Highway, taking undue advantage
salary considering the e!calatin. out of it especially in the winter when it
expenses and sky-rocketting prices comes under heavy strain due to landslides
of commodities and the naturo of and snowfall. A railway line to Srinagar is a
their bard and hectic work. great task and challenge before the Ct'ntral
Government with vast reservoirs of resources
l. Promotion opportunity be provided. and technical know-how. I feel it is not
difficult to venture this scheme on priority
4. There 8bou'4 be proviliop for lea vee basis.
S (hnfral Budt.t. 1985-86- CHA}TR.A 2, 1907 (SAKA.) Supplementary Demands 6
O,,,elal DIIClISlioll and lor Grants (General) 1984-85
THE MINISTER OF STATB IN THE come from Champaran, a district of North
MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY Bihar. There are nine lugar mills there, but,
AFFAIRS {SHRI GHULAM NABI unifortunateJy, two sugar mills have been Iyina
AZAD) : All the points which have been closed for the last two years and because ot
mentioned by the hone Members have been this, five thousand workers have been suffer-
noted and they will receive due consideration ing a lot. Five to five and a half crores
of the Government. of rupees are due from these mills to the
farmers as suaarcane arrears. Mr. Deputy
PROF. MADHU DANDAVATB : This Speaker, Sir, through you, I request the
reply should be cyclostyled and laid on the Hon'bJe Minister to ask the Bihar Govern-
Table of the House. ment to get these sick sugar mills restarted.
It possible, the Government of India should
provide money tor restarting these sugar
11.09 brs. miJIs.
NATIONAL SECURITY (AMENDMENT) Sir, you know that about 70 to 72 lakh
BILL*, 1985 tonnes of sugar is consumed in OUI country
every year and during the last few years,
there has been a record production of sugar.
THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS In 1982.83, the production of sugar was about
(SHRI S.B. CHAYAN) : I beg to move for 84 lakh tonnes but today I am surprised to
leave to introduce a Bill furtber to amend find that our Government is going to import
the National Security Act, 1980, in its appli. sugar. In spite at a record production, our
cation to the State of Punjab and the Union country has to import sugar and has to spend
Territory or Chandigarh. Rs. 300 to Rs o 400 crore worth or foreign
exchange on the import of five lakh tonnes
MR. DEPUTY.SPEAKER: The ques- of sugar. Not only this, OUr Government
tion is : propose to import about five or ten lakh
"That leave be granted to intro- tonnes of additional sugar on which huge
duce a Bill further to amend the amount of foreign exchange will be spent.
I( the money we spend on import is used on
National Security Act, 1980, in its appli-
cation to the State of Punjab and the the revival of our sick sugar mms, I think,
Union territorY of Chandigarh." tbat will be more beneficial. Then, not only
our sugar mills run smoothly but we shall
The motion was adopted. not have to import sugar also.
SHRI S.B. CHAVAN: I introduce the Sir, I would like to give one suggestion
Bill. in this regard. WhenevII aaar prices aro
fixed and some policy for sugar mills is
adopted, i.stead ot formulating a short·term
11,10 brs. policy and fixing sugarcane price every year,
we should adopt a long· term policy rtaatd-
ing fixation of prices of sugarcane or sugar.
This will help the farmers in manaaing their
crops and in deciding how much sugarcane
1984-85-Contd. and other crops they have to IfOW.
[English] Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. you wiD recall
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER. Hon. Sbri that whenever the price of sugarcane haa
Manoj Pandey to continue his speech. increased in the country, the farmers have
vied with one another in arowin. moro
[Translation 1 susarcanc and that is why tho paddy and
wheat crops have suffered. Tho farme~
SHRI MANOJ PANDEY (Bettiah) : Mr. started growing sugarcane where tbey used
Deputy Speaker, Sir, yesterday I was trying to grow paddy earlier. Besides, the farmers
to evaluate from the farmers, point of vie", have to face a Jot or dirricultica in t&kina
the 1985-86 Budgct prescnted in this House. I their sugarcane to the mills. One benefit of
-.. -~- ..
.Publiahcd in Gazette of India Extra.ordinary, Part II, Section 2, dated 23,3,1985.
7 General Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demands 8
(JeMral DiscU8s;on and for Grants (General) 1984.85
[SAri Mano) Pandey] Sir, lot of industries have been de-licen-
tbe lool-term policy will be that sugar fac· sed and lot of advatages have also been
tories will know in advance the price of the given to the workers and salaried people.
sugar produced by them and of the sUlarcane The salary limit Rs. 750 has been raised
as well. This policy, I think, will be bene- to Rs 1600 for the purpose of calculation
ficial both to the miUs as well as to the of bonus. This is a welcome step in the
farmers. The molasses can be utilised for Budget. But, Sir, I am at the same time
tbe production of alcohol. In addition to constrained to say that there are some very
tbis, we can produce 'gasol' by mixing alcohol bad points also in the Budget which come
with petrol and thus reduce the internal to our notice.
consumption of petrol. Foreign exchange The first thing that comes to our notice
can also be saved thereby. is the steep increase in the price of petroleum
products. Coupled with the increase in rail.
I would like to say a few words about way fares, this will go a long way in nullify.
energy also. In our villages, even today the ing the good effects of the Budget. I request
farmers burn wood for cooking purposes. the Minister through you to see that the
My submission is that in the modern context, steep rise in petroleum products should be
the importance of bio-gas has increased brought down considerably. During the last
substantially and it needs to be increased in 2 years the prices of petroleum products
future also. It should, therefore, be heavily have increased tremendously. The duty on
subsidised for farmers so that the people petroleum was raised from Rs. 9.50 to Rs.
living in villages could avail of the facility 100 per tonne last year which is more than
of the energy produced through bio-gas and ] 0 times. This year it has been increased
consequently wood could be saved. from Rs. 100 per tonne to Rs.300 per tonne.
I do not know whether successive. Finance
Solar energy should also be made avail-
Ministers have got any grudge against
able to farmers at subsidised rates for
petroleum users. This steep rise in petroleum
cooking purposes.
products, prices does not augur well for the
Regarding spices, I would like to say progress of the country. I request the Minis.
that we should pay more attention towards ter through you to see that the prices of
the cultivation of coriander, chillies, turmeric, petroleum products are brought down, espe-
etc. Whenever we go to market, we find that cially, the price of diesel which is used by
the prices of these spices have risen. It is many poor farmers and a) so for tram,port
true of chillies also which is Produced in purposes and also Kerosene and LPG. These
abundance in our country. are ordinary items used by the poor people
in the country. Kerosene is used by very
As the time is short, I conclude by poor people. LPG gas is used by people in
supporting the Budget. lower income group houses for cooking
purposes. Even if all petroleum prices could
[English] not be brought down, at least, on these three
items namely, Kerosene, LPG and Diesel-
SHRI ATISH CHANDRA SINHA the prices should be brought down drasti.
(Berhampore): Mr Deputy Speaker. Sir, I cally. This is my request, Mr. Deputy
rise to participate in the Budget discussion. Speaker, to the hOD. Minister through you.
I rise to welcome th is Budget which has been
presented to us on March 16. I think this I was surprised to see that in this Bud-
Budget is a very encouraging one and a ver,y get some of the items whicb are consumed
practical one tool. and used by the very rich section of the
people have not been taxed. I would suggest
Lot of advantages have been given so that the Finance Minister shouJd give some
far as income-tax rates and wealth tax rates relaxation in the case of petroleum prices
are concerned. and impose tax on refrigerators, aircondi-
tioners, television VCRs and items like that
Tbere have been other measures which which are used by rich section of the popu-
have been taken also which should go a long lation. This would cover the lap which
way in helping industrialisation of this would be there by giving relaxation in the
country. petroleum prices.
9 G.",ral Budget. 1985.. 86- CHA}TRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands It)
Ge".ral DlscflsaiD,. and for flrats «(fklft!r.f) 1984.65
Then" cigarettes have not been touched. earned as dividend from the units of Unit
Cigarettes are smoked by the richer section Trust of India, and another Rs. 2000 in
of the people. But bid; has been touched. certain special bonds of the Government.
I would request the hone Minister to impose These limits can also be increased. All these
tax on cigarettes and leave aside bid; which measures would give incentive to people for
is consumed by poorer section of the people. more investment in Voil Trust of India,
special bond etc. and the resource constraint
It seems that there is an acute resource
of the Government would be reduced to a
constraint. This is understandable and a
great extent.
right decision has been taken by the Finance
Minister for not going in for new projects, I welcome and thank the Finance Mini.
but to consolidate on the on~going projects, ster for the abolition of t~ Estate Duty. I
which will give dividends and return as was reading a newspaper today and there is
quickly as possib1e. This is a very correct a comment by Shri PaJkhiwala that now
step which has been taken. people will die in a more peaceful manner. I
welcome the measures again. I \\ould also
We have invested more than Rs. 30,000 request the Finance Minister to abolish the
crores in public sector undertakings and the capital gains tax which is another burden on
dividend is only 0.65 per cent. If only we the taxpayers. 1 do not think the capital
could manage the public sector under- gains tax is serving any useful purpose.
takings in a more efficient manner, and
the dividend had been only ten per cent. I do not know exactly how much money
not more. we would hove got Rs. 30000 this particular tax gives to the revenue. This.
crores from the public sector, which is I think, is a very expropriating tax on tbe
equivalent to the deficit financing (hat the taxpayers. The very fact that the prices of
Finance Minister has ta ken recourse to in land and building have gone up over the
this Budget. I would request that a 11 the years should not mean that the owner of
public sector undertakings should be thoro- those lands or the buildings should be pena-
ughly overhauled and every effort should be lised when he sells that piece of land or
made to see that the public sector under- building, by paying a great part of the
takings are efficiently managed and they pay money that he gets out of it, to the govern-
dividend to the Government. If the Railways ment exchequer. He has to meet the expen-
arc made to pay dividend to the General SeS for his daily needs, the prices of which
Revenues to the extent of Rs. 500 crores also have gone up very high in the meantime.
each' year-and I understand, for that reason Not only the prices of land and building of
only, that is to pay dividend to the General which he happens to be the owner, but the
Revenues, railway fares had to be increased prices of every thing, on which he has to
- I do not see any reason why the public spend for his living, have gone up. There is
sector undertakings should not be made to no reason why he should pay the penalty for
pay dividend to the Genenal Revenues also. this land and building price increase. I
request the Fjnance Minister to see whether
Those public sector undertakings which there is any efficacy in keeping .his Capital
have been incurring losses year after year Gains Tax in vogue.
and consuming a good deal of the taxpayers'
money shOUld be wound up. Sir, as there is not time, I conclude by
mentioning only one more tbing and that is
There is a resource constraint in the agriculture. Sir, it is very heartening to note
Budget. 1 do not see any reason why the that agriculture bas been given top priority
Finance Minister has not given more incen- in the budget. It is a known fact that in
tive for savings. Possibly, Rs. 7000 earned India we have about 160 million acres of
as interest from the deposJts in the bank, cultivable land. This cultivable area of Jand
is deducted from the total income for is not increasing year after year and it is a
income tax purposes. This limit should be fixed commodity. In order to increase agri-
increased to Rs. 10000 or Rs, 12000 so that cultural production, we have to make most
there would be morc incentive, and naturally of this Jand either by tw.) or three crops, and
the resOUrces of the Government will incre- for that purpose we need irrigation. I am
ase. Similarly, there is a rebate for income- constrained to say that irrigation is not get-
tax purposes to tbe extent of Rs. 3000 ting the priority that it should get. There are
11 (j,nerai BUIlg,l. 1985.86- MAR.CH 23, 1995 SUPl'l,,."lary J),tnQnQs/.r t2
G.nera! Discussion and GriJ1ftl (0,,,.,,,/) 19S4-BS
[SAri Ati3h Chandra Sinha] to make much of an analysis of this budaet.
many scbemes that I can quote, but rOt wan t I congratulate the Minister for presenting
of time I am not quoting them. There is a budget which is at least transparent. There
one Siddheswari project about which I is nothing much hidden or subtle about it.
mentioned when I had an opportunity to It is enough if I mention briefly some of the
speak on the president'9 address. There are main certificates which have been given to
many such schemes which are not being this budget. One certifier is the head-
given effect to. I do not see any urgency quarters or tbe high Command, I should
on the part of any Government, either West say, of the Indian big business, that is the
Denaal Government or Bihar Government, Federation of the Indian Chambers of Com-
(because tbese two Governments have to merce and Industry. Their executive com-
consult each other for this project) or the mittee which met the other day has called
Central Government to implement this it a bold and imaginative budget. Mr.
project, which would bring ten thousand Palkhivala, our old friend, the apostle of
hectares of land in Birbhum district under the forum of free enterprise and the cham.
irrigation. Not only that, it wlll also prevent pion of the economic policies which are
floods in the place from where I come, generally associated with the late- lamented
Floods are experienced every year and hund- Swatantra Party has gone into such ecstatic
reds of crOtes of rupees worth of crop is phrases in praise of this budget.
damaged more or less every year. These
irrigation projects which give not only flood It seems that he has been practically
protection but also increase crop potential overwhelmed by it ; he does not know what
should be given first priority. I do not think he should say; he has called it an epochmak-
this priority is being given. ing budget for redesigning India; he has
said, it is the biggest economic story of
I read from the Economic Survey tbat Asia in the current year; he has said, it
only 2.6 million hectares of land is coming represents a silent revolution in economic
under irrigation each year. But there is also and budgetary thinking. Whether it will
a clause which says that although the poten- lead to a revolution or a counter-revolution
tial is being created, it is not being utilised. remains to be seen. He has also recommen.
For example, under minor irrigation ded to the Finance Minister regarding de-
schemes, a shallow tubewell will irrigated 20 nationalisation of the 201 enterprises run by
bighas of land. That is what is written in the Central Government. I do not know
black and white in your official papers. whether after a year or so, this recommenda.
But in actual practice you will find that a tion may also be accepted perhaps in part.
shallow tubewclI is not irrigating more than Then another certificate bas been given by
5 bighas of land. So the potential that you the Finance Minister's precessor who has
are showing in your documents is not the written an article calling this "India's new
actual potential that is being carried out in Deal". But, best of all, I came across this
the field. morniDg the news of an editorial which has
According to your survey, the percent- appeared perhaps a couple of days ago in
age of land in India which is irrigated is The Wall Street Journal of New York. In
about 40 per cent. But in actual, you will an editorial-please note the title of the
see that no more than 20 or 2S per cent of editorial-'Rajiv Reagan'. This is what the
land is irrigated. First priority should be Wall Street Journal says:
given to irrigationa} facilities so that agri-
cultural production can be increased. Sir, "The conservative daily said his first
with these words, I conclude. Budget last week slashed taxes and cut
regulations in a way worthy of another
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA (Basirhat) : famous tax cutter (Mr. Ronald Reagan)
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, over the last few we know."
days, we have been hearing many speecbes
in this debate on the budget. And even more People can cut taxes at some time quite In
than that, we have been reading the com- a good way. But we do not want to follow
ments of so many journals, economists and tbe way of Mr. Reagan, which the Wall
others who are considered to be experts in Street Journal bas discerned in this budget.
tbis field. Now, it is not necessary for me It further states as follows :
13 GeMral Budcet, 1985.86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 14
Gd,ral Dilcusslon and lor Grants (G,nera/) 1984.85

"India indeed, is joiniua the bandwagon dous inlationary potential of this Budget.
of ma~J other countries that have admi- There is no need to repeat all tbose things ..
red , and then imitated , East Asia's free- I am glad to see that so many Members on
market success." the other side of this House also who are
generally supporting the Budget cannot but
I think by this 'East Asia, is meant great express their misgivings on tbe question of
countries like Singapore, Hong Kong and the danger of inflation.
Taiwan. Then it further says as follows :
The estimates of the deficit for 1985.86
"The budget amounts to a minor revo- are not accepted as realistic by anybody.
lution for a country long enamoured of Even the spokesmen of the Ministry who
the socialist mirage." briefed the Press after the Budget was i pre-
sented-at least according to Press reports
And finally it says-I cannot quote the which have appeared-began by saying, as
whole editorial-as follows: tbey do every year, that inflation. will be
only marginal. It is nothing. But when they
"Much credit belongs to Mr. Gandhi were pressed for facts and figures, then one
and to the courage of the new adv isers of them ultimately got a bit rattled I think,
he has brought to pOwer." and said, "Well, if inrlation is there, we
have to learn to live with it"!
Who are these new advisers? I do not.
know whether it is proper for me to name So, nobody can deny that there is in-
some of them, though I could. flation. But I am objecting to the way it is
being done. You know that the prices of
AN HON. MEMBER: Finance Minister these commodities which people consume
is one of them. every day are going to rise sharply. They
have already risen, due to tbe new imposts
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Not Minis. and duties that you have imposed. But at
ter. There is a shadow. I do not know least ror those goods which are in the pUblic
what you would call it. There are shadow sector, is it not the job of the Government
Cabinet advisers. Some are advising the to fix bow much the prices will be raised?
Planning Commission; some are advising On the petroleum products the Government
the Ministry of Finance; some are advising is going to get additional reVenue by these
the Ministry of Industrial Development and increased duties, of six hundred crores of
so on. rupees. And the prices which have been
raised already by the oil companies which
There is one thing common to most of
are all in the public sector, the prices of
these advisers and that is they are a]J dis-
petrol, the price of diesel, the price of kero.
ciples of the doctrine of the philosophy of
sene, the price of cooking gas-they have all
the World Bank; that is known-their con-
announced the new prices-those prices will
nections with the World Bank and at least
bring to the oil companies an additional
two of them have stiJI got a lion on the
revenue of Rs. 900 crores. So, the duty
World Bank. It is better I do not name
raised is Rs. 600 crores and the oil compa-
them DOW in this discussion. I would like the
nies cn their own sweet will fixed
Minister, when he replies, to tell us whether
up prices which will raise their addi-
the goal to which he wants to tak e us is
tional revenue to Rs. 900 crores. What
the kind of economy which is being practi-
is the morality in th is- J am not abJe to
sed in Sinaapore, Taiwan or Hong Kong.
understand. These are not private sector
It hurts my pride to read comments like producers. Private sector producers will
this; and a country like India is compared
never ask you, how much prices should be
or is sougbt to be compared with these kinds
raised. They wiH do whatever they like. We
of countries. I have nothing against those know it. But what about this oil sector ?
countries. If tbey choose the economies of
Kerosene, cooking gas, and things like that
their own choice, they are welcome to do so.
are goins to hit every family in this country.
It is their right. They are (ree to raise prices as they want.
Enough bas been spoken and written Take anotber example. Here in para 67
about tbe intlationary potential, tbe tremen.. of the Finance Minister's speech, ho has
15 General Budget, 1985.86- MARCH 23, 1985 SupplelMntary Demalllh/or 16
General Dlscllssion and Grants (General) 1984-85
[Slari lndrlf/il ••pt..] MR.. BBPVTY-SPI!AKER : Three morc
minutes are left for you.
said. "A lump sum of Ra. 300 crores bas
been provided in 1985·86 for payment of SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : I have not
additional instalments of dearness allowance, completed even one-third of what I want to
pensionary reliefs etc., to Central Govern .. say.
ment employees." I would like to know The whole question should be repeated
how this figure bas been asseued, because once again. Why is the tax net not expanded
earlfer in his speech he has admitted that in to include at least more affluent sections in
1984.85 on this item the Government had the countryside? Are they for ever to be
to spend Rs. 71 S crores, due to extra slabg left out when you are so hard up for resour-
or dearness allowance which had to be given ces? You can fix up some kind of a basis
as the cost of living went up. or criterion of ownership. land ownership,
irrigated land and all that. So here you are
Whatever the experts may talk about leaving out a big potential or a reservoir
the rate of inflation, strangely enough, in from which you could collect some money
this country it bears no relation whatsoever at least. The reasons are political and not
to the consumer price index. The inflation anything else ; we know that.
rate is always shown as going down while
the consumer price index is going up. So. This year, in the year of Bhopal disaster,
if in 1984-85 you had to pay seven or nine there was such a good opportunity that you
instalments of dearness allowance, costing could have imposed a levy, anti-pollution
Rs. 715 crores, now after this tremendous levy, on all concerns in this country which
inflationary budget which is going to increase are manufacturing hazardous chemical gases
prices all round, you have provided Rs. 300 and so on. Every day we are reading reports
crores for the coming year. What is the -not on the scale of Bhopal; thank Ood-
logic of it? You know that the figure is that some minor leakages of gas and chemi-
absolutely bogus. It will have to be increased cals and pollution of water are taking place.
considerably. But you do not want to show Here was a good opportunity. Everybody
the actual extent of the defici t which is would support you in the country if you
going to be there at the end of 1985-86. impose a levy which would be collected from
This is only one item. these companies making these hazardous
materials which are harmful to human be-
Then what you have increased on vege- ings. Collect that levy and see to it that
table on products is the price, which has anti-pollution measures and safety measures
now been announced-I think they were are really implemented. I do not find any-
announced yesterday-by the Vanaspati pro- thing imaginative here at all.
ducers for different quantities and varieties
of Vanaspati. Are they justified 1 Did they Out of 101 companies which were so
ask you? Did you sanction those prices 1 long under the purview of the MRTP Act,
Vanaspati is a thing which is going to hit now 49 of them will go straight out. They
every household in the country. I know the never, in their life, dreamt that the limit of
Minister will say, It is very eaSy to pick holes these concessions would be raised to Rs 100
like this, but why do you not suggest Some crores. Many of them admitted that at the
alternatives where could I get resources most they were thinking that it m iaht be
raised to Rs. SO crores or something. This
Hundred crore has staggered tbem also.
THE MINISTER FINANCE AND This is an open invitation to these people
COMMERCE AND SUPPLY (SHRI to go on piling up more assets and more
VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH): I was profits. May I humbly ask: what is going
looking for that. to be the fate of Article 39 (c) of the COns-
titution-the Directive principles of State
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Do not Policy-which has said very clearly tbat tbe
worry. I have not got the advantage or State must regulate the economy in such a
asking the Deputy-Sp~aker to allow me to way that more and more concentration of
speak for one hour; otherwise, I could economic power will not take place? Then
suggest many more things. I have get very let us pass a constitutional Amendment
limited time at my disposal. deleting that clause of the Directive Princi-
17 General Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (StiKA) Supplementary Demands 18
General Discussion and for Grants (General) 1984.85
pies. It is much better tban to do this do not think the Directors have lot any
hypocriticaJ thina. The entire scheme of right to do this kind of things. However,
the Budget is meant to woo big business it is going to have its logical political pres.
and the upper middle classes, the more sures. and all that ... ... (Interruptions).
affluent middle classes. 40 lakhs are taxpa. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please try
yers, as he bas pointed out, out of 70 crores to wind up now.
of people. These 40 lakhs of taxpayers are
going to get some relief and benefit. No SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: I am trying
doubt. But what about others, who have to wind up but I am the only person from
never been able to pay taxes, never come my group to speak, Sir.
within the purview of taxes.and half of them MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Two other
are living below the poverty line? It means persons have also given their names.
that the entire burden of the inrjirect taxes
and the inflationary prices which are going SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Nobody
to come will fall on the poor. It is these else can give his name. Let me clear the
poor, who have always been claimed by the confusion that J am the only Person from
my group.
ruling party as their vole bank. The agri-
cultural labour, the landJess people, the Tht! Minister may challenge what I am
Harijans, the tribal people, all of them have saying about the cut in outlay for all basic
voted for you. Why? Because in the policy development purposes. This is the most
which was followed all these years -though disqUieting thing in the whole Budget. Very
it was not always very consistently imple- rapidly J, will just read out the outlay figures
mented, at least there was something there- for 1984-85 compared with 1985-86. These
there was some recognition of the poor, some figures are all in crores. The outlay for
recogn ilion of social justice, some recognition petroleum was 3,127 in 1984-85 which has
that MRTP company owners could not be now been reduced to 3,08.5. Fertilizers was
treated and should not be treated in the same 573, now reduced to 544 ; coal and lignite
way as poor people, who are below the has been reduced from 1117 to 997 ; drugs
poverty line. Now, you are doing something and pharmaceuticals was 66 which is DOW
which may lead to very serious political and going to be reduced to 51 ; for railways it
social consequences. It is for you to consi- is more or less stagnant at 1650; iron and
der. There is no mention anywhere of steel was 1,340, now it is reduced to 925 ;
completing tbe unfinished land reforms. It non-ferrous metals have been reduced from
should be explained to us how the small 777 to 566; for. Vizag steel plant, as you
and marginal farmers are going to have know, it has been reduced from 650 to 215.
access to the promised new technology. It On the othcr side, welfare of Scheduled Cas-
means that in the countryside, in the rural tes and Tr ibcs bas been reduced from 71 to
society of our country, the dh~paritic5 are 42 ; housing reduced from 84 to 30 ; NREP
going to be aggravated and that will lead to slightly reduced from 236 to 230~but not
social tensions and more-troublc. The propo· incrcac;cd in any way; Khadi and VilJage
sed fiscal measures wiJJ lead not to more Industries reduced from 134 to liS ; Self.
equitable but to more inequitable distribu- employment Scheme for Educated Youth
tion of wealth and income, and further red uccd from 149 to 65 ; desert development
concentration of wealth wHl generate verY reduced from 10 to 8 ; agricultural financial
unhealthy political pressures. Already you institutions reduced from 297 to 155. There
have decided that companies can now openly are only two items on which you can see
resume giving donations to political parties. there is some welcome increase. One or them
I do not know what is the legal position is the Central Power Scheme. That is a very
but Mr. Tarkunde is reported to have raised important infrastructure which is primarily
a very pertinent question whether the share- with the private sector. The outlay for Cent-
hoi ders of a public limited company can be ral Power Scheme has been increased from
committed by the Directors of their com .. 1431 to 2090 ; rural water supply has gone
pany to donate monoy to a pOlitical party up by seven crores from 293 to 300 ; IRDP
whose views the sharehOlders may not sup· gone up by one crore from 214 to 21S. I am
port at all Unless the shareholders autho- chargin& tbis Government with makin. a
rise their Directors that they can pay from cl ean break. It is true, they also claim it
the company's funds to a particular party, I a clean break from the Budgets of the past
19 General Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplem6nlary Demands for 20
(haral DisCllnioll aM Grall" (Gderai) 191U...s,

[SlIrl IndraJit Gllpta] up ; we are solng to follow the path of

Singapore and Taiwan". We do not mind
But tile point is in what direction is the that.
break. So, I will say that in the past YoU
have fousht elections, recently also you have {Translation]
'ought and won them on the assurance to
the people that the legacy that we bave SHRI BABULAL MALVIY A (Shajapur):
inherited from Nehru and Indira Gandhi ..... . On a point of orders, Sir.
(Iifte"uptio1l). {English]
SINGH: Shri Indrajit Gupta has forgotten your point of order?
to mention the hike in State Governments'
share which also includes all these priority (Translation]
SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Yes, you point of order is whether discussion is taking
arc givinl sometbing more to tbe State place on the Budget or on the Congress
Governments. That Is good. I welcome that. Party. How is the Budget connected with
My point is that you told the people very what the Congress Party is doing ?
clearly during the elections that the path, the
road, the policies, on whicb the country has [English]
been advancing all these years, the Indiraji
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: No, it is not
and Nehruji line, we are going to follow.
a point of order. I would request Shri Gupta
It is my complaint that you are hood- to conclude soon.
winking the people because, after having
lot tbe majority and formed the Government, [Translation)
you are making a clean departure from the
past, for this is Dot what Pandit Nehru and
agitated. Leftist parties are criticised daily
Sbrlmati Indira Gandhi stood for. They
might not have been able to implement these on the floor of the House.
thinss in a very decisive way-lot of compro-
mises, vacillation, sometimes retreat and all
that-but the whole thing was geared to PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE (Raja.
a certain broad aim and now, I say, this is pur): I am prepared to offer the Janata Party
tbe beginning of bidding good.bye to all of for attack.
We bad a phrase which said that the
I may say in conclusion that this budget,
public sector should be taken to command- in its entirety, can only be opposed; it
ing tbe decisive heights of the economy. It cannot be supported. There is some sprink.
is Sood.bye now to that, Please read the ling of pepper and salt, I know. You have
budlet proposals. Some kind of discipline
given some relief to the salaried classes. I
is imposed, however loosely, by planning.
must mention one thing in all fairness. He
Planning also lives social priority; we arc
held a round of consultations with the diffe-
now saini to bid good .. bye to that and
rent groups and interests before the budget,
good ..bye to the Directive Principles of State
which is done everY year. In the meeting
Polley. We are bidding good.. bye to all our
he had with tbe trade unio1'1ists. I happened
loa11. to be present, and I mUlt admit that he had
Sarlier, at least we used to speak of the accepted the three proposals which I had
sociaURic pattern of society. Why don't you made-I bad checked up my notes alain. You
say clearly 'cwe 1m' going to give up all are goinl to say that, I know. ODe sU8'CS·
tbeae tbiDgs"? I would not mind it, but say tion was that the Compulsory Deposit Scheme
,~ do not believe in these things ; we arc should be ab0lished. He has done it ; very
lOiDa to live them up ; everything that the good The second was tbat the exemption
CODIfCII PartY and tbe national movement Umit for income-tax sbould be raised; he
baa laid before that, wo arc aoiDi to live bas done it. tboulb some people are Dot
21 O• .,.al Budg~tf 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplem~"tQry Demands 22
a..NII Dl6cusIIOll ad lor Grants (G_".'1I1) 1984-85
satisfied with the limit ; they feel it should ~urage in breaking tbe sbackles of tradi.
be raised to Rs. 25,000. The third was that tlonal thought and making radical proposals
the ceiling on bonus of Rs. 1,6S0 should be for simplification and rationalisation in the
made operative. In fact, he has done all tax: structure. In view of the severe resource
these thinas. But when we made these sug- constraints-and the resource constraint is a
gestions, we never said that they should be grim reality-we cannot deny that he had a
at the cost of the entire economic goals and difficult task to face and his options were
development of tbe country. These are sops few. In my view he had no options. He had
given to somo sections only of the employees to leave uncovered a large deficit of Rs
and the middle class. That is why I say that 3,349 crores in the Budget for 1985-86. Thi~
I cannot support the budget in its entirety. had to be done to maintaill the Centre's
development expenditure at a 51 ightly higher
level next year what it has been during the
Workers wages have been brought pari passu
current year. Even then our Budgetary
with secured debts. resources would fall short of our require-
is only when the company closes down and
. T~e large deficit has caused apprehen.
they are thrown out on the streets ; then slons lD some quarters that it would accele-
you will give them something mure; it is rate inflation which is already there. The
good. deficit is likely to increase further as did the
He has stated that the bad management, deficit of last year. In fact, tbis has been tbe
who declare these industries sick and close case over the years, but this is a risk which
them, should be punished or something the Finance Minjster had to take in a
should be done to them. What is done to calculated manner. There was no other go
them? In future, they will not be permitted for him. The options were almost nil. If he
to take any loans from the financial institu- wanted to avoid the defiCit, then he would
tions. What a great punishment ! There are have had to take one of the t brec courses
companies which are running, which are not The first course be had was to prune dow~
closed down where, according to Govern- the Plan outlay. This would have meant a
menl's own figures, they have misappropria- regression or fall in the growth rate achieved
ted crores of rupees of the workers' provident after herculean effort, a prospect which the
fund and Employees' State Insurance Fund, people would not have tolerated. The second
they have not deposited the money with the option was to go in for still larger borro-
Government. What is done to them? Nothing wings. He has proposed to borrow Rs.
1.000/-crores more for the next year tban tbe
is done to them.
borrowings made during the current year.
Anyway, finally, I Just want to say, my Moreover, the prospect for borrowing from
last sentence, the Prime Minister thought fit abroad is bleak. The sources of concessionaI
to describe the city from which I come, finance are drying up and the rates of
Calcutta, as a dying city. I protest strong1y interest in the commercial fieJd are high . To
against this kind of remark which I do not raise more capital in the home market would
think his mother wou\d have used. He is be possible if tbe rate of savings went uP.
the Prime Minister of the whole country After two or three years the country wiD
and not only of the places outside Calcutta. have to start paying back instalments and
But I say the Budget has already proclaimed interest OD the capital borrowed from the
the death of aU the basic oconomic policies IMF. To avoid getting into debt that he has
that we believe in, of selfreliance, of public decided not to borrow more than Ra.
sector and of social justice. This is the most 5,000 crores next year, which is Rs. 1,000
alarmins tbing in this whole Budget. There- crores more than durina this year.
fore, as far as we are concerned, we have
no option but to oppose it tooth and nall. The third alternative open to him was
to raise taxes sucb as those on income and
SHRI Y.S. MAHAJAN (Jalgaoo) : corporate profits. The high rates of taxes
The Budget presented by tbe bon. prevailing at present have already Ii ven riso
Miniater for Finance is bold, imaainative to the problem of tax evasion and black
aad rull of innovations. It shows his money. Black-mone)' has bocome a caDCOt
23 (Jeneral Budget. 1985-86 -MAlteH 2~, 1985 Supplementary Demands for 24
General Discussion and Grants (Genettd) 1984·85
[Shrl Y. S. Mahajall] he can control the amount of money genera-
ted every year, he will be able to regulate
in the economic life of our country. So,
these are the serious problems resulting in the prices.
the parallel economy, which according to The second aspect of the budget which
some estimates accounts for nearly forty per has escaped the notice or many people and
cent of the value of economic transactions. to which I want to draw the attention of
Various estimates have been made by experts, the House is that the budget enlarges the
but the estimates necessarily pertake of scope of our poverty-alleviating programmes.
guess estimates since reliable data are not It broadens an strengthens the base of our
available. But such a course would not have efforts in this direction. This characteristic
helped him. The total yield of direct taxes is of tbe budget has not received the attt:ntioll
Rs. 4,000 Clores. Out of this Corporation it deserves. It is in conformity with our
taxation yields about 2,000 crores. Even an basic economic policy of garib; hatao.
increase of 10.15% would have yielded ouly
Rs. 200 crores to Rs. 300 crores. First of all, all the well-tried schemes
such as the Integrated Rural Development
12.00 hrs. Programme, the National Rural Employment
It is clear that such a course would have Programme and the Rural landless Employ-
been counter·productive, would have given ment Guarantee Programme have been given
rise to greater evasion and black money and an allocation of Rs. 865 crores with a pro-
therefore, the Finance Minister had no option mise to give morc, if necessary. These
but to leave a large deficit uncovered for the schemes shall not find themselves short of
next year 1985.86. Now, the question which funds, as stated by the Finance Minister
I have posed in the beginning is: Will this yesterday during the COurse of the debate.
cause inflationary rise of prices ? My answer
is, 'Not necessarily'. Under the first programme, viz, the
IRDP, three million families would be assis- 1
If the weather gods do not frown and ted to rise above the poverty line and
industrial production increases as a response further, some of the beneficiaries who have
to the powerful incentives provided by the already been assisted in the Sixth Plan
budget, then it should not be difficult tl) period, but could not come above the
contain inflatioll and prevent its accelera- poverty line would be provided further
tion. The expanding economy should be able aS5istance in the Seventh Plan.
to absorb the deficit even if it increases as
it did last year. In 1980 inflation waS raging The other two schemes, namely, the
at the rate of 21 per cent per annum. In the NREP and the RLEGP are meant to pr0 4

last five years the national income increased vide employment and at the same time create
by S per cent per annum and so we could productive assets for tbe community. These
bring down the rate of inflation to 6 per schemes have been supplemented by social
cent in the current year. security scheme and the crop insurance
scheme. The social security scheme promises
There is another factor which will help that Rs. 3,000 will be provided to the
him considerablY and that is the n:duction dependent of the person who dies in the
in the amount of black money due to tbe accident.
strict measures contemplated by the budget.
The Finance Minister has already said that Another innovative scheme relates to
the Government is determined to pursue its industrial workers. Industrial sickness Is a
socio-economic aoals without fear or favour serious malaise of our economY. As a result,
and those who continue to indulge in tax it is the workers who surfer most due to
evasion or other economic offences will do closure of industrial units. Their dues have
so at their peril. Even a 10 per cent reduc- a low priority so far. As a result of this
\.ion in the amount of bJack money would budget, their dues will:rank above the dues
have a areal moderatina effect on increasioa of the Government.
Sir, the crop insurance scheme and the
Finally, the Finance Minister bas at his accident insurance scheme wHl remove tbe
disposal the powerful weapon of monetary sense of insecurity in the lives of millions or
policy, which he caD wield, lif necessary. If people. Removing insecurity in future is as
2S General Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, t907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands ~6
General DIICU$8101t a"d lar f!lrtllUs (GeMr./) 1984·85
important as the monetary benefits given dimensions. He has studied the basic pro-
DOW. Both the schemes will certainly take blems of this big country and has made an
us further towards the goal of an egalitarian earnest attempt to give a good start to solve
and socialistic economy. them.
Sir , there is another point which I would
In the past, after independence, we have
like to briDi to the notice of the House.
achieved tremendous progress in this Coun-
The public sector is losing money every try, In the agricultural sector, I don't think
year. It is therefore necessary to improve any country bas made this much progress
the management of these units so that they during such a short period as we have. In
utilise their capacity fully and their empJoy~ the industria) sector also, a country which
ment policies are on sound lines. It is repor- was not producing anything at tbe time of
ted that in many units, the marginal produc- jndependence is now producing almost
tivity of labour is minus. If commercial everything that is comparable to that of a
developed country.
principles are followed, I am sure these units
would be able to add something for resour- Sir, due to shortage of time, I don't
ces for Plan requirements. want go into the details of our achievements.
I would like to bring to the notice of Still, the burning problem in the country is
unemployment and under~employment,
the House the serious position in the textile
industry. Government is aware of it and it especially unemployment of the youth. In
has appointed a number of committees to many countries \\ohich claim that there is no
look into the problems of this industry. It is unemployment, either they have only a thin
the first industry to be organised in the population or they are sending the new
country after the British came here. I t is the generation to the agr ;cultural field because
largest industry from the point of view or they have got even now virgin lands for
employment. In my district, there is an old cultivation. But in India, especially in a
textile mill which has been closed for the State like Kerala, due to over-population
Jast six months. 3,000 workers have been and scarcity of land it is not possible. So,
thrown out of employment. The directors tbe only way to solve that burning problem
mismanaged the affairs of the company. of unempJoyment in this country is to give
When it was running well Six years ago a big boost to the development of industries.
this min had a debt of Rs. 80 lakhs but That not only generates employment but
when it became sick, its debt had gone up produces wealth also. So. the present
to Rs. 12 crores. It was the nationalised approach of Our Budget will help a lot to
banks which had given loans to this mill solve the unemployment problem in Our
without considering properly whether the
management was sound or not. I would Whatever be the cr iticism, I congratulate
request the hon. Minister to take steps to this Government on its bold steps to boost
taking oVer of the mill Or put it on sound the growth of Indian industries and to give
basis so that the 3.000 workers who are relief to the poor, low-paid and the farmers.
thrown out of employment could be taken Crop insurance is a long-standing demand
back in 'the mill. of our farmers. Even though there 8re so
many practical difficulties for its implemen-
With these remarks, I support tbe tation, the Government have boldJy decided
Budget. to prepare a scheme for the same.
11.06 hrs. The leaders of the opPosition were also
forced to concede certain very good propo-
SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAMAN sals of the Budget. For example, my bon.
(AJJeppey) : Mr. Deputy.. Speaker, it is with friend, Mr. K,P. Unnikrhhnan has said, "I
great pleasure and pride that I SUPpOlt welcome the crop insurance tor farmers and
this Budget. First of all, I would like to assistance to craftsmen." He has also said
conaratulate our Finance MiDister. Under that it is a sugar-coated pill. I agree with
the dyaamic leadership of our Prime Mr. Unnikrishnan that this Budget is sweet
Minister. Rajivji, he has presented a marve ..
Uous budget which has got very many new
and it will cure many or the diseases now
in existence in the society,
27 General Budget, 1985.86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplt!",.ntary Demands lor 28
G~Mral Dl8culllo" tmtl Grants (General) 1984.85

[Shri ¥okkom Pllrmothaman] Now, when the Railway Budlet came

I)ut, we were all very desperate. But, at the
The former Finance Minister of the
Janata Government, Mr. H.M. Patel, bas
same time, we have given our representation
to the Prime Minister and the Railway
also called it "intrinsically good Budget".
Minister and, I hope, tbat something will
Even Dr. Datta Samant has welcomed the
be done to find more funds for on-gains
increase in the level of bonus for workers
schemes, like. Ernakulam-Alleppey-Kayam-
from Rs ,SO to Rs 1600. But I am extre-
kulam Railway and the schemes pending
mely sorry to note the reaction of our West
Bengal Chief Minister, Mr. Jyoti Basu. with the Government of India.
Referring to the raising of income-tax exemp- I am happy to note that more funds
tion limit, Mr. Basu said that the States have been allotted for the development of
used to get a share of the tax realisation, tourIsm in the country. Kcra)a, as you know,
but now they would be deprived of whatever is a beautiful State where there is much
they had been getting. What does it mean? scope for the development of tourism. After
It means that the West Bengal ChLf Minis- landing in the airport at Trivandrum, you
ter is against the raising of the income-tax can reach the internationally famous beach
exemption limit. resort, Kovalam, within 20 minutes and
after having a sea bath or sun-bath, what-
Since atl the different aspects of the
ever you )ike, you can reach a hill station
Budget have been discussed in detail, I do
Ponmudi within another 1- 1/2 hours.
not want to repeat all those things again.
As Mr. H. M. Patel has put it, it is an My constituency Alleppey is known as
intrinsically good Budget ; it is a progressive the Venice of the East, 5uch a beautiful
Budget ; it is a pro-labour Budget and it is area where you can See the sea, the back
a pro.. farmer Budget. Above all, it indirectly waters, the famous Vembanattu Kayal, etc.
generates employment. If developed, it will b~ a tourist paradise.
In spite of all these th ings and in spite I would also like to request the Govern-
of all this progress and developments we ment that the port of Alleppey should be
have achieved in the past, I would say that developed as a satellite port of Cochin.
we must prepare concrete proposals and .Besides relieving congestion at Cochin port,
schemes to find employment for all and this will provide employment to Alleppey
provide homes ror all tbe homeless. If these labour and would open up fUrther possibi-
two major problems can be solved as a lities of quicker export of coir, commodities
time.. bound programme, we will be far ahead and spices from the hinterland region.
of many of the developed countries.
Coming to my State of Kerala, I request OUf traditional industries in the State

our beloved Prime Minister, the Finance of Kerala are facing a crisis and if sufficient
Minister and other Ministers to have a oxygen in the form of assistance is not
special conside!'ation towards Kerala, taking aiven by the Centre, I fear it will very
into account the present political situation badly affect the livelihood of lakhs of people.
in south India. Although tbe opposition For example, there is lot of unemployment
parties were always criticiSing the Centre by in the coir industry. These traditional wor-
saying that it is having a step-motherly kers who know no other kind of work will
attitude towards Kerala, our people have be put to starvation if they do Dot get a
also stood with our beloved Prime Minister minimum number of days' work. There are
in giving him a massive mandate. many other probJems in the coir industry
which earns Jot of foreign exchan&e to our
PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Now, country, I request the Government to take
it is a step-fatherly attitude! immediate steps to save tbis industry from
liquidation and lakhs of people from star-
I am prouod to say that aU the congress
candidates in my State have been elected You know that lakhs of people trom
by the people. Tbey were having large my State are working in different countries,
ex,ectations that this Go vernment will do especially in Gulf countries. They have a
somethinl for the lood of Kerala State. standing complaint tbat thf air fare they
29 GelltrQ/ Buiget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 30
GtlUlrtU DisCIUsion and lor Graftts (GIIMral)1984..85

pay ror Air India to come to Trivandrum is bon. Members who preceded me pointed
much bigher tban the fare to any other part out that tho prices of essential commodities
of India. I request the Government to will be going UP. I am unfortunately not
rectify this injust ice done to our people. in a position to controvert that, because the
price-hike in petrol will definitely lead to
J also request that Trivandrum air port price escalation. When the transport costs
should be declared an international airport. go uP, the inevitable consequence is increase
in prices. The hon. Railway Minieter had
The bon. Minister for Civil Aviation some premotion about this and he ensured
bas said that there are certain proposals to that the price rise in petrol is reflected in
find a new location for the development of his freight rate. In his Budget he bas cleverly
Cochin airport. Shcrthalai is the most sui- fe-classified the essential commodities like
table place for thi!il airport and I request wheat, pulses, salt, rice etc. enjoying conces-
the Government to take necessary steps to sional freight rales ; this has led to increase
expedite the land acquisition on and other in freight rate for these commodities. As
connected works. I said, the price rise is inevitable in this
environment of hike in freight rate and hike
You know Kerala is a deficit State as in petro) price. I want that the hon. Fin-
far as food production is concerned. We are ance Minister should apprise the House of
not even producing half of our total requ ire· the concrete steps he proposes to take for
ment. But we have got Kuttanad which is containing the price rise.
our granary consisting of about 1 1/2 lakh
acres. The entire area is below sea level I would stress the need for containing
and so the cost of cultivation in this area the public expenditure. The non-plan expen-
diture must be contained. Unless the non-
is very much on the high side. It is to be
plan expenditure is contained, there is no
protected from floods with strong bunds,
The Kerala Government have prepared some
escape from spiralhng inflation; without
curbing inflation, price rise cannot be can ..
schemes to construct permanent bunds so
trolled. I wish that the hon. Finance
that two crops can be cultivated in that area.
Minister bas introduced the ExpendiLure
But now, due to the high cost of produc-
Tax for this purpose. In the place of Estate
tion of paddy, the poor farmers are not in a
duty which has been repealed by him, he
position to repay the cost of construction of
should have brought the legislation for
the permanent bunds and recovery proceed-
containing non-plan expenditure. 1 hope
ings have been started against them. Taking
that he will ponder OVer this and act
into account the peculiar conditions of that
area, Kuttanad, I request the Government
to make a study of Kuttanad cultivation The industrial expansion is retarded be-
and take necessary steps to help these poor cause of paucity of funds, Jf there is no
farmers from their debts by meeting the inordinate delay in tax collection, there wiIJ
entire cost of the permanent bunds by the be funds. Similarly, jf the Government
Central Government. taxes steps for rooting out tax evasion,
smuggling, hoarding etc" through stringent
I once again support this Budget. legislation and rigid implementation of such
laws, then tbe Government will have funds
[Trans/ation] in plenty. Tax arrears are presently more
than Rs. 1200 croces. Effective steps should
.SHRI R. ANNA NAMBI (Pollachi): be taken to collect taxes on a tight schedule.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I thank you very The Government should impose a ban on
much for giving me this opportunity to say takins recourse the tax cases to t he courts
a few words on the Budget for 1985-86 on of law. Along with these steps and tbo
behalf oC my party, tbe All India Anna Expenditure tax, the hon. Minister of Fin-
Dravida Munnetta Kazhagam. ance will have opportunity to present a
surplus budget before this House.
This Budget is blazing a new trail with
many innovations. This has created an aura I welcome the Crop Insurance Scheme
of modernity in economic thinking. Many proposed to be introduced. I am happy that
*Tbe speech was ori.inally delivered in Tamil.
31 Genital Budget, 1985.86- MARCH 23 t 1985 Suppl,mentary Demands for 32
G~".rQl Di$cussion .and Grants (General) 1984-8S
(Shrl R. A.nna Nambi] waters can be stored in irrigation dams. I
the Finance Minister bas taken care of the want that theso reports should be placed
interests of farmers of our country. Our before the House. The Finance Minister
Chief Minister, Dr. Puratichi Thalaivar. must ensure their implementation also by
Thiru M,O R. has been repeatedly stressing allocating runds.
since 1972 that such an insurance scbeD.1e
for the welfare of farmers should be intro- Before I conclude, I would again request
duced. Our hon. Prime Minister, Shrl Rajiv the Finance Minister and his colleagues that
Gandhi has heeded to this request and bas tbe power projects sent by Tamil Nadu
ensured the introduction of Crop Insurance Government are approved by the concerned
Scheme. Presently, wheat, paddy and oil- Ministries.
seed. are being covered under this scheme.
With these words I resume my seat.
I want that sugarcane, coconut, turmeric
and such other agricultural crops also SHRI K.J. ABBASI (Domariaganj) : Sir,
should be covered under this scheme. I am thankrul to you for giving me an
opportunity to speak on the Budget. I
In Tamil Nadu there is acute paucity of
support the 1985-86 Budget, Through you,
electric power. This bas adversely affected
I congratulate the hon. Finance Minister on
the industrialisation of the State. The
Government of Tamil Nadu have recommen- his presenting a Budget which is being appre-
ciated by every section of the society.
ded to the Central Government a few
Atomic Power Project. Thermal Project and Apparently, there cannot be a budget which
Hydel Projects. For instance, the Upper will please all sections of the society but
Amaravathi project in Udumalapettai in my this is a Budget which has been appreciated
by everyone.
Pollachi Constituency is awaiting the appro-
val of the Central Government. I want that I was listening attentively to the speech
the Central Government should not only of my able friend Sbri Indrajit Gupta. He
approve this project imm~diateIy but also said that we were deviating from the pOlicies
approve all other power projects that have adopted by our leader~ like Pt. Jawahar La1
been recommended by the State Government. Nehru and Smt. Indira Gandhi. I want to
If they are implemented expeditiously, Tamil assure him, through you, that the Congress
Nadu will not only become a surplus State Party is committed to those principles and
in power but also supply power to neigh- no one can deviate from them. Therefore,
bouring States. I want that thc power whosover becomes the Prime Minister, our
generated in Atomic Power Plant in Kalpa- principles will remain the Rame as before.
kkam be exclu~ively supplied to Tamil Nadu. They cannot be changed. Mahatmaji had
I take this opportunity to say that the said that before starting any work, we
nutritious meals scheme which has been should think of the poorest of the poor and
introduced by our hon. Chief Minister see whether they were benefited by that work
should be treated as a plan scheme, as has or not. If they are not benefited, then that
been done in other States. work is not proper. Our Finance Minister
For the past ten years, no allocation has has for. the first time thought of those things
been made by the Centre for national high- which had never been thought of earlier.
ways in Tamil Nadu. In tbe absence of Our socialist Government has considered
adequate railway lines, the national high- that the crops of the poor rarmers get ruined
ways are the arteries of industrial develop. by natural calamities and, therefore, crop
mente I want that the Finance Minister insurance should be provided for.
should ex;ert his good offices for getting
One thing I want to say particularly to
allocation for national highways in Tamil
the bon. Minister is about the eastern dis-
tricts of U.P. Every year our district is
The Central Government had constitu- afrected by drought and floods. The crops
ted two Technical Committees -one by the get damaged, lor which, what to speak of
Planning Commission and the other by the giving compensation, even the land revenue
Ministry of Energy - for studying the ques- is not remitted. Tberefore, socialistic step
tion of utilising the waters of west-flowing you have taken this time in this regard
rivers by diverting them towards east. Such deserves maximum appreciation. Then, I
. ":lY'!'_~ ~ ~.~ (,S.4x.4). ...~.~~
',,' "'i~"~;" . ".'i '. I' ': !:~ . ·for QrafJrl (q"",a1l 19U85

, ,,' I '

r,Q,".,·~.~, :~p:~, .~;rQyt&i"Q,P" Qt

",i '. request that·.~ra_eQlCll~ b4 ma401Q to ~OIP.
.j ~', ., "'. ,,~ '.. ~,Cl",.~ ~l . .1~,vltur'l

tho centres open tUl tbe time tbo farmerS

1~"", _,' 0,,","'". '.,' ,'-=,O~,.. V~~.J,l\. Qf waat to ~1I thoir foodarlins. The eppr.o.
~., ~OQ .......ta~_ a step to cb..
~' ~..~. ·pQUc;y.· ,a,,~. _. Unitt'
~~. FI,. .Will,~ imp$tted ~r~ _«QCltion
new .t. ,priate'eourse "ould be to make atraagemeatl
to Uft toodgraiQS rtom the barns tbemselv...

up ~,~"~:,~I09D4at1..I''(o1. 'Pf' th~' .150. . I would aJ$O like to 'Qhmit t~ ' .

~ ~,,~~at~ )'~ YoU. bave pJ;ovide4 many ~ncrease eff~ed ,iD the subsidy aD rertiHse",
f~tJide• •p tlK\ ~th fqr tbelt proc res$ soon IS not sufficient. It should be jDCl'~
~~ .I~ you d_rve' cPd&t'~ltulations. 10 furtber. '.,
~ ot cl~\Uf:I,
Qt, mills and the,
!.~r pt()vi~iq
,.nro. rolief
YQu bavc.,prepafc;d ,tc;b,emes
to them, whictl a is
You have displeased the bouse wives to
some extent. Tbey are crit icising you for
iDcreasing rbe price of cookiDg gas by silt
C<?~IX\eqd.ble st~p. Some tax reliOf. hal ,*n rupees. Tbe prices of vegetable oil aDd
p,fQvl<ic;d to ch.ec1s. tQ evasion in the coun· other oils have increased. The prices of
trx, ~fdoa allQUsl:liol Estate Duty, you toilet soaps and detergents have also re-
h.~ _~tea1l'llitled tbe procedures io- such a
gistered an increase. Due to increase in the
\\;~y tb.t t.x evaders would not be able to
h~" urt4~ b~neftts. In spite of all this, if
prices or
petroleum produpts, diesel aDd
petrol have also 'been ar~ected ; kerosene oil
'9~o ~SO.JlS still indulge in tax-evasion,
price has also increased. With these
. special courts have been provided for them. incr,ases, housewives are in difficulty. There
The funds being provided under schemes
liQ NR2P are, to my mind, in!iuftlcient~
is need to give them some relief.

1'l\e, akouJd be increased. These schemes On 16th March the Budaet was presented
MVO prpvec! to be beneficial in' our "'.y but 00 17th March -when I went to get my
I ar~ ~herefore. tbe more the money pro- vehicle filled with petrol, the price of petrol
vi.s,d for them, tbo botter it would be. bad already. increased. Regarding other
articles, we come to know in advance, as to
I would like to make a submission on rrom which date their priCes wiJI be i~roa­
'~~lf of the farmers. They are not ,etting sed, but in the case of petrol, tbe prices w~
L1{~ for 'tbeir produce. in accordance with increased fortbwith. This aspect sbould alaQ .
t\l~i, c.Qst ot prOduction. This Parliament be looked into.
~~~ft'"Q's 'armets wllo cQnstit'* 80. per cent
tlf ®r I?opulati~. and yet t~se very farmers I tbank you fot increasing the amount
r'Dla~~ ~eprive4 0"
aU .lbe con;essioll. You
~aycr. lb" time rais~ t~e pfoc"uement price
of pension, but, at tho same time, I would
request tbat freedom Gabters' pension should
"r ",\l~(. from~. 152. to Rs. 157 which. I
tbink. is still on tbo lower side. My request
also be increased as t bey are a,ed P~IOns
and tbey may not live lona. We should.
i8 that they should be paid keeping in view therofofC', pay attention towards them.

~'!,Wtco.t 0( production. The support price
~ bl you' wben tbe produce has already
&:MC~e4 ttl, mar·kot. Tilt proper course
With these words, I support the Btidpt
9~. 'be ~q, ~" the IltJoo before its arrival PROP. NIRMALA KUMARI SHAK-
4l. ~~ ~et 10 that the farmers may know TAWAT" (Cbfttorgarh):. Mr ....· Deput"
~. ~y~," tb. price they were tolD a Ito let.
,,~ ""41
_ , \0;1.11, •• the
Speaker, Sir, tbe Budget presetJted by tbe,.
mo.-Itt _
&,,;04 before Pinance MiQister for the year 1985-86 bas
been prepared in a very balanced .rapDel'
. ~~ '~o~ req,., '. wo~ld Uko Jo m,,,e and. relief ha. been provided fn it for' the
_ bebalt .()(. rhe ~artDeri. Whatever CeQtfOl common man. Such a bold Bud_. in wlUcIa
,ou 'prOpOiO to ~poa . for tbe purchaSo or vit,l chan.e, have been Introduced, bad not' '.
,*0 presented duriol tbe' last 37 years.
'~," .f"~,."
01.· "" .
.,' '. "~ :&n;""'_ create... dirficulties ,tor 'ac"
... •.•.
Pri';' it appel.rS that it '.bas beta , ...

t~. .~1l1' .. centres are J2,0t, pared by'" 8a a~l. economist 'fiery' ~
;''','~ eJ ..ct..lIM,.are CIOied t~
'··.·1£ .
' -1¥t:.,
~". tt, tbe ocm... ·:.e
"·tiIne bOcaUIO it provides rdicf to an teCtioDJ" '::ot',: '.
thO society. The pOorer aectiOIlIlike ~.
,.~~.,,,,,':\t( ,~~-, :J. 'tM'''''' ,.....·aM· __..·QO·~·· . ". . . . . .
35 O.,.,.al Budg". 1985-86- ; MARCH 13, 1985 8upplem,nIQry D4mtl11d11fJr 3~
General DJ#U.fsloli and Granti (a,Mt'a/) 1984-85

[Prol Nirmala KlImari Shaktawat] like to make some criticaf commeOts al80.
ted to a lesser e"tent b) it, but the middle
You have shown an uncovered deficit or Its.
3, ores in this Budget. Prom where
income Iroup fam ilies and new Industrialists
will this deficit be covered? It will defini-
have benetlted considerably. Tbe common
tely fan infiation, and the levy of new taxCl
mao has, therefore, appreciated the Budget. to the tune of Rs. 431 crores will indirectly
Most of the -peol)le in the country have have an adverse effect on the cqmmon maD,
welcomed it. I, therefore, welcome this
I would like to .say this particularly in
Budaet whole-beartedly. respect of housewives that due. to this
It was being conjectured till tbe Budget- Budget. an increase of 15 to 20 ptrcent bas
eve that taxes would be levied under it in been effected in their budgets, because gas
the same manner in which railway fares and has become costlier due to increase i" the
freiabtl bad been raised in the Railway prices of petrolfum products; even kerosene
Budlet and tbat the people already suffering and other commodities, such as cold drinks,
due to inflation would be hit hard, but when vanaspati ghee, etc. have also become cost-
this revolutionary Budget was presented. it lier. Hence, I strongly urge upon the Finance
disarmed tbe critics. If t,he Members from Minister to withdraw the inere,ase proposed
the Opposition still indulge in criticism, r on kero~ene oil because the poor and the
will say that they are criticising for the sake jhonpri.dwellers use it for lighting lamps.
of critiCism. The reHef given to middle I request you to please withraw tbis
income group families, reeling under the increase.
impact or price.. rise, cannot be ignored.
b~use income tax limit has been raised I would like to SUbmit that this deficit
from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 18,000. It is a very of Rs. 3349 crorcS is a sword of Dattloclcs
big relief. As. a result to tbe raising of this hanging on our economy. Would you try to
limit, out of 40 lakh income tax-payers, 10 reduce this deficit by curtailing the unnece-
lakh tax-payers have been exempted from ssary expenditure? Apprehensions are being
the payment of income tax. Similarly, honelt ex pressed in th is respect also.
middle class people used to face great hard-
ships due to tbe Estate Duty. Sometimes, Through the Social Security Scheme you
they had to seU their entire property to pay have provided relief to the landless workers
. Estate duty. Tbe Finance Minister has now and marginal farmers, who have been
relieved tbem of this hardship. neglected for centuries together. I welcome whoJe·heartedly. Besides, you have
Sir, th~re is no doubt tbat this Budget Introduced the Crop Insurance Scheme
is the first step towards tbe modernisation wbich is a new year gift for aU the farmers:
of India and is in accordance with the I think it will give considerable relief to
promises made by our young Prime Minister . farmers.
to the people. It is tbe first stt;p towards
the implementation of our declared policy There are five lakh villages in India.
and we expect further relief in the time to N.R.E.P., IRDP and the programme for the
come. This Budget' proves that we believe removal of unemployment formulated by
in mixed economY. We give equal impor- our late Prime Minister, Srnt. Indira Gandhi,
tance to both the public ,sector as well as are very good progt'8mmes. The funds
the private sector. The delay in the .settinl allocated for them are quite ioadequate.
up of Dew units 'in tbe· private sector The Centre sbares 50 percent o( the expendi-
resulted in two disadvantages. One of them ture under NREP. I want that tbe Centre's
was tbat increase in production was staljed s~are shOUld be increased to 75 percent. It
and the other was that it afforded a scope Will provide considerable re) icC to the rural
for corruption in the department concernod~ people.
I, therefore, feel that the relief given by
the hon. Minister will 'help to a great I ,would like to say a few words about
Rajastban, to which I belong. It is the
in rebuildina the nation througb liberal
trade policY and it is a ria ht step in tbat ~nd largest Stat e so tar as tbe area J.
~rned and drink ins water problem i.
directioo. the bi,lest .prob!em or
tbat State.· Tho
While appreciatiDl the Baclaet, I would ar-test need or. b~'maG beina il driakilll'
" G._rat Budg.~. 198$-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands ~8
GeMral Discussion. and . lor Grants (General) 1984.85

water but in Rajasthan it has not been support prioe for opium is very low. It is
. p~ib,~e to solve this problem so rar. The produced with great toiJ. Governments pro-
fWl4. 8Jlocated tQr this purpose are quite curement price may be reviewed so that
inadequate. You talk of problem villages. farmers are not put to any loss.
iii Rajasthan aU the villages arc problem
villases. Water is available thete at a depth Sir, I would also like to submit that the
of 200 to 300 feet and it contains chloride year 1987 is going to be observed in the
which causes tw~stina of differeDt parts of world as the Year of the Homeless. I want
the body. People suffer from ·Naru· disease that rural housing boards should be set UP
there. 'Hence, special attention should be, ror rural people.
paid towards:. providing drinking water in
the villages of Rajasthan.
..:unemployment is a major problem there. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Please wind
u~ now. If yow have some mOre points,
~ We should pay special attention towards
give them to the Minister in writing.
setting up Industries in that State to solve
the problem of unemployment. Tbree types [Trans/ation J
of industries can be set up there : mineral-
based industries, agriculture- based industries PROF. NIRMALA KUMARI SHAK.-
and forest-based industries. There are ricb TAW AT: In the end, I would like to say
deposits of minerals in Rajasthan. A number that the taxes Jevied j n tbe Budget may be
of mineral-based industries can be set up reduced so that the people may get some
thero. Cbittorgarh, to which I belong, is relief.
rich in limestone. The demand for setting
up of ind.ustries there can be met by establi- [English]
IbiDI cement complexes. Broad guage line SHRI AMAL DATTA (Diamond Har-
has been commissioned on Kota-Chiuorgarb bour) : This budget has made the dreams
section. A number of cement factories can of many Presidents of the Chambers of
be set up there. I sUagc)t that Govcrnm~nt Commerce come true. In fact, this has gone
should take a decision for the setting up beyond the dreams of quite a number of
of a public sector' cement factory lhere. them ; ~nd for that reason, if nothing else
Zinc is also available there in large the Finance Minister. is to be congratulated.
They had been thinking about it ; they bad
quantities. A decision has been taken to
been talking about it, discussing it dreaming
set up a Super Zinc Smelter Plant there but
about it. But even in their enormous dreams,
no provision has b~D made in the Budget
they never thought that all this will come
for tbis purpose. I submit that it must be
true by one stroke. This is done by the
set up during the Seventb Plan. Only then
government, by the party which has won an
it wUl be possible to solve the probJem of
unprecedented majority. Therefore, it is not
unemployment in that State.
bound by any precedent, what had gone on
One of the' major reasons for non- in the time of Nebru or Iodira Gandhi ;
development of industries and agriculture tbey are not bound by it. So. tberefore,
in Rajasthan is the heavy power-cut resorted they have made a clean and clear departure.
to there. Thero is acute shortage of power The only thing is that they (orsot to tell
In that State. The atomic power plant there tbe electorate; that they will make lueb a
always remains out of order, as a result of departure.
.. wbleb ,all works have come to a standstill. I They say, they will give a new lead. tboy
request tbat ,.thermal power plants may be will give a new direction to tho country.
set'up in our State. Please look into tbe But, what kind of a new lead tbey will
matter 'at setting uP of thermal power plants give they forgot to, explain. There i. a
in 6ve ~i,vi'ions of Rajasthan. reason why tbey fot,ot to explain. The
'-Sir.. in the end, I would tike to 'lay tbat leader of the partY is a youna man and be
is a 'man of a fow words. So, these thiD'$
in my constitueDCY, there is a large number
arc not properly explained. But, DOW, We
01 oplum~arowtnl farmers. It is lar,ely an
opiUOl-lrO'fina area in the COQDtry. but tho soc wbat is the ~il'ectioll of tbls IO'ICJ.1lIQCQ
39 General Budget, 1985.86- MAkeH 2l~ 1985 SupplerMnrary 'De»aanb lfir ~
G~ntral Discussion and Grants (Gtnera1) 1984;aS

[Shri Amal Datta] tho'l'e was a ptlco hike r6r tbdaO twb 'items.
They understood that it had bit tHe c'omiii'OD
clearly ; and for that reason also the Financc people. Of course, the "te"ss Is 'contrbl1eCt
Minister has to be congratulated. He bas by the capitalists; they
are bririgiOt '60th
given a sum total of the philosophy of tbe kinds of views. Sb, we at~ co-nrused tild I
ltuUDg Party in one document. So, as Mr. think the common people ot the COUntry 'are
Indrajit Gupta, before me, pointed out, we
are going to depart from the socialist prin-
confused as to actly what is the directlon in
which this government js takibs us tbrGiiih
chiles ; we may still go on giving lip this budget. That should be mad', clear.
service to tbem ; we shall liquidate gradually
our public sector although until we have THE MINISTER OF FINANCE ANi>
totalJy done so, we shall go on praising COMMERCE AND 'SUPPLY" tS1Il{1
them; we shall give a goodbye' to the VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH): Only
Directive Principles of State Policy in the one direction forward.
Constitution for which our demand was tbat
tbey should be made justiciable; just the SHRI AMAL 'DATTA : ~ou have taken
reverse is being done now. Tbis is all right a great jutnp. Nodoubt, you bave taken a
if the ruling party believes in it; and they great jump, but whether it Is a forward ot
have believed in it for quite some time a backward jump tbat is our controversy.
There is a deficit of nearly Rs. 4000
From the tenor of the speecbes made by crOTes. There is something Which has been
the members of the ruling party, we find omitted relating to this defiCit, because it Is
that they are in total harmony with the at the cost of the State Governments tbat
budget; here and there some of them may the deficit has been contained at Rs. 4000.
Dot be satisfied with what is not being done Because if the Government had rollowed the
in their owa States or c~nstituencies ; recommendations of the Eighth Finance
acnerally, thl!Y are very much satisfied with Commission and paid the State Governments
tbis budget and they arc heaping praised; what was due to them according to those
sometimes it sounds to me, and I may be at recommendations in the first year, tbat is,
fault for that, like fulsome praises and a 1984-85 tben tbis deficit would have increa-
aisparaaement of what had gone on in the sed by another Rs. 1500 crores. It would
past. thIS is some them tragic. But, anyway, have stood at Rs. 5,500 crOfes approxima.
even that is to be welcomed, If every body tely. So, as a financial manoeuvre it is not
wants to a departure from the past an intelligent endeavour; and what was the
arid go on in the path which has been original estimated deficit? That was Rs.
'blazed by great lum"inaries, great world 1650 crores. So, it is a jump of three and a
leaders like Reagan and That...-:her, they are half times. 1 hope this year's deficit which
welcome to do so. If that is tbe philosopby is Rs. 3349 croreS is nOt going to make such
of tbe party, let them only ma1{e it clear to a jump.
the people tbat is the philosophy because
ihIs budaet document is something which They have been able to contain inflation,
the illiterate people of the country-oO per to some extent. 1t is true. The figur"s slow
cent of our people are illiterate-would not tbat the consumer price hidiret have rlien
be able to read and understand. so much. They have riien by less (bab ~luit
they rose last year and yeair t)erOri. flie
I have seen the papers. Evtrybody has the whOlesale price iridex is also I1ko lblt.
aeon them First day, tbey caDle out heaping But is it re'f.Jectcd in tbe Uves of the itcopl'- ~
praises OD the bud,ct. On the second day, Do they teel that tbbir housc:noTa eXl$~.
,boy came out with' a djfferent Itory. I bi\ve have lorie doWn? Or, are t1i6y 'I0it.t* tip it
'asked the journalists about it, why their tbe same raft, approxl'male1y as 'ID die," yWifi
~pers "have taken this volle lace. They sud, before? I think our 'exf)~r~enCe 'ta ttrtdredt.
wheD we wrote copies on the first day, we ~ut in aDY ca••, ,loiDI by your Ia~, I
~ ~ ~ I.' .. ~
ttlOi&Jht that tax cmemption and all that had
• "" • ...j II /1 \JI" ,/0 ,1.,w
can say tbat )'OU have al~ClID. ,hroe re~uODJ
come; it was very good for us. On ~~
ICIC~ day, in the mornilll, Y!boo We w~nt t:,~at~~~ ci:;c o:~. ~ ~ ~~
lO buy pecrol and keroSODO 'Wo found tbat ~ol oUtput ratc bas "i~, 1,1& ltOli
41 (jeneral ~uiJg41, JrJ85.86- CHAITtt~ 2,1907 (SAKA) Supplementary DemaJs 42
Genlral Discussion and for Grants. (General) 1984...85

i~ 'il big trade sap. lJi. trade lap came foodgrains. We have all ohances of increa-
elsewhere in the Budget, not at the same sing the food production, given the arable
ti~e. But it is a d~fJectionary moasure. land and given the technology, liven tHO
Very ,good. We do not propose to have a irrigation facilities we have, by at lout
~i~ tra~e gap again because the borrowing, twice what we are doing now, But .bere fa
lov~l which we have reached is already quite the machinery and the management of the
excossivc, external debt burden has reached form whk:h it will require ? Where wlll it
such proportions that there is very little come from 1 Not from this kind df a
opportunity of increasing it rurtber. or
course, we can take the path blazed ,by the 13.(Mlbrs.
South American countries like Brazil, Mexico ~udset and the philosophy and the objec.
and Argent ina. I do not know whether we tlves that this Budget bas shown. I just
can let away with it so easily as those made a calculation from the Economic
countries have been able to, apparently Survey that the petroleum gas that we are
because they are in the American spbere of utilising, we are burning away half that
hitluence ; we bave to shift our pOlitical ~uch. And for years, we have been nUbig
aUegiance also. It. If we are destroying our resources In
And then, unfortunately tbe Finance such a manner, then how can we ever hope
Minister t~ n'Ot very optimistic that these to reach that It;vel of self-sufficiency tbat
Arne factors will again come into play, in we always aspire (or talk about and -discuss?
orck:r to contain inflation. to the same extent
In 'the Economic Survey it bas been
as they did in the year 1984·85. There is a
said tbat our installed capacity in the coal
good rcason for sayiog that, because our
sector is 210 MT. I do not know whetbtr
crop increases aod fooograins have shown
that figure is correct, Given that the figure,
a pattern where we have got two good
is cor,rect, we are hoping to produce ISO
successivc years of good crop. Therefore, it
million tonnts. Last year, we produced 130
is likely that there wilJ be no increase. It
million tonnes. Is it not wastage of resour..
will come down; unless tbere is substantial ces? Is it not a fact that less coal production
increase in bow can inrJation be contained ? is hampering power production? I paid a
As for petroleum also, there arc no new
finds for it ; in the existing trend, there is
visit to the SHEL factory at Hardwar. The
person who showed me round, said that all
very little opportunity of increasing the
these turbines and other parts were lyiilJ
outpUt. I just do not know about those there because the State Electdcity Boards
thiblS. did not have the money to pay and tak~
In this budget, as in the previous them away. Here it is not Wost Bengal State
Budlets. there is no imasination. The little Electricity Board. But these are RajasthaD,
cOblmoolOnse which is required of any Punjab, U.P. State Electricity Boards. These
Government has never been displayed. This are the States where agricultural revolution
countr)' is a country which is dependant on has taken place, where income has sone UP
aaricultQl'e. ejahty per cent of the people and \'there you do not have a bad word to
depend on agriculture, and yet the emphasis say about the Governments. Theae Sta,..
is never Siven on agriculture or its infra.. cannot pay and take the machinery wbiola
sttUbtut~t wbl,ch ate necessary for aaricul- is lying there. I request the Plan~iDI
titre. Here asain tbe same thins bas been Commission to do something, to allocate' a
d<:me. We cannot compare ourselves with little more money 80 that the lbaChi-.~
ifeDlk~'ng. Taiwan or SouCb Korea as Shri for pow. ,eneratioD can be installed tbere.
lb4tajit Gupta said. Bnt we ean totnpaie This is the ~jtuation. There is no man....
ootiel_ with China, a big country ; with mont of the economy. There are to maoy
lOG 'mHlion bectares of lu-able ,land theY are pl~ces in infrastructure. in iodUltry" ..
pt()d\leib& 400 milllOb tonnet of fooda,ains. agriculture wbcrc little bOttleneck bas
removed here and there arad a little
'0 be
t Jam ~ that tbe Finance M irilstet' kaows,
,.oance ,bas to be done. And for tbat.
it. Aftd in our case, With two.thirds a.
tnt.kM land area mOR, 166 million hectares
otfaNbte 'Iadd we 'arc prodUcjq-Chis '1fJ8t
we bope to produce- l S3 million tOllllCl of
mcmey bas not been (ortbcomioa· YGQ._
tbat,R.I. 500 crores are beinl _de ...
for rcvamploa thermal powor Itations. 11Pa
43 G~neral Buagl!t, 1985.86- MARCH 2~, 1985 $upp/~mI!"tary
/)tmUIIIJs lor 44-
General> Discussion and Grant' (GeMral) 1984-85

(Shrl Amal Datta] The oxygen supply whicH was there a little
could have been thought of five Or ten years bit, is goin, to be takon away. But I can tell
alo, because all these have now become you that it has come at such a time when
practically junk by constant negligence or everybody was hoping, even the West Bensal
maintenance. was hoping, that some aid will come from
the Centre, the much needed, the much
We have created the public sector belated aid will come to sustain tbe economy
because or our philosophy to which the to a Jevel which it deserves to attain. So,
ruling party obviously did not fully subs- thank you, Sir, for the accommodation liven.
cribe. In the Budget they have shown that
they do not subscribe to that. Earlier they 13.06 brs.
did not do that, but by their conduct they [SHRI ZAINUL BASHER in the Chair]
did tbat, because no maintenance was made
of these public sector plants, whether it is SHRI JAGANNATH RAO (Derham-
power or railway. In the Railway, we know pur) : Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I rise to
that 25 per cent of tracks are over-aged.. support the Budget proposals for the year
wagons are not available and all that. Yet 1985.86. The Union Budget is not a mere
tbey do not have the imagination to remove financial statement of revenue receipts and
this infrastructure bottleneck. We find tbat expenditure but is an instrument of economic
since the beginning of the Sixtb Five Year policies and economic growth. The Budget
Plan the railway wgaons have always been gives on account of the achievements during
in short supply. Although the Railway the last year and projects the policies of the
Minister denies that, the coal and power Government for the future. The policies that
people say that. Because of shortage of have been followed by the Government of
waBon., coal accumulation has taken place India during alJ these years. have made the
at the pithcads resulting in less power economy sound, self.reliant and self.. gene-
leoeration. But when we ask the Railway rating and the thrust that has been created
Minister, he says that the railway wagons by the previous Budgets is now being main-
are there-. Who is managing the economy? tained by this Budget. This year's Budget
Wbether it is one Government or a number is a forward looking BUdget. I do not agree
of aovernments, I do Dot -know. But the with my friend Shri Indrajit Gupta that it
fact of the matter is that by investing onlY is a procapitalist and anti-people Budget.
in those spberes where bottlenecks have to be
removed, where little gaps have to be filled When a Budget is presented, prices natu.
uP, you can increase the capacity of pro- rally rise it is a seasonal affair, an annual
duction of this economy by at least two- affair, and the prices come down in a month
fold if not four-fold. The machinery ia lying or two. In a developing economy, prices are
tbere without producing anything. So, just bound to rise. The prices can maintain the
a Uttle bit of medicine has to be injected. level only when the production meets the
And that has not been done. demand of the people~ Therefore, we need
not get unduly perturbed about the possi-
In conclusion, I say, as Mr. Gupta said, bilities of inflationary pressures being gene-
that our city, Calcutta, has become a slowly rated.
dying city. Your philosophy is that every.
thina that is dying, -let it die. You have said In the field of agriculture, we have done
that you should not be burdened with many very well. Innumerable successes have been
unproductive investments of the past, tbat achieved. The Green Revolution has shown
you sbould throw them out and tbat you to the world that oUr country is capable of
should search for new areas like computers rising to the occasion. We have become not
and electronics. By the way, electronios and only self-sufficient in food but have also
computers can also be applied in aariculture been in a position to build up a buffer stock
and maoy other fields. It is not that com. of 20 million tonnes. But this Groen Revo-
puters are meant for entertainments, toys, lution is confined to the two smaU State of
etc. The little injection tbat was being liven Haryana and Punjab. In other Sta~es which
to Calcutta, I am afraid, is now going to be are traditionally rice growing, lil\e Wes
takeo away because of the new phiJosophy~ Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Ta;n
45 General Budget, 1985.86- CHAITRA 2. 1907 (SAKA') Supplementary Demand" 4&
O.""al Dilcussion and for Grants (General) 1984·85

Nadu, there might have been rise in agri- in the basic industries, the core sector, they
cultural production but it is not matching are not doing well. For instancc, take power.
with the rise in those two States. Why is it We are short of power in almost every
so ? In these States also there is irrigation Statc. But that is the basic infrastrllct ure
potential, there are inputs, fertilizers are •for the establishment of any industry. with-
being supplied to them and are also being out that, we cannot expect to have industria-
subsidised by the Government, but still the lisation ; rather, its pace will come down.
production is not as much as in Haryana Even when wc plan a power plant for J,ooo
and Punjab. This position has to be looked MW, the generation is not even 500 MW ,
into. Secondly, the evaluation should be done less than 50 per cent. So much money is
on Block-wise basis. We should know how locked up and we arc not getting results.
each Block is functioning. We have 5,000 This aspect has to be looked int.o. We have
and odd Blocks in the country. All the pern'itted the industries to have their own
programmes are being implemented in every captive power plants. Yet, no industry has
Block. Some Blocks are doing well because come forward so far 10 instal captive power
of the officers who are sympathetic, sincere units. Even some of the steel plants have
and patriotic. But in other cases the officers not done it. For instance, RourkeJa steel
are very formal and they are not bothered plants has not done it. So, there is a fall
about the implementation of the programmes. in production. If this is the attitude of the
They only look to the financial targets. public sector plants. how C~lf1 they create
Agriculture is the base of the economy and a surplus and cCH)tributc 10 the financial
it is the duty of all tnc State Governments resources for the pJan ? I do !lot know how
to see that their agricultural production the Finance Minister or the Government
improves. It is not necessary that every of Iodia are going to aClivisc and energise
State should produce rice. Wherever they the public sector to come up to our expecta-
have got irrigation potentialities, they can tions ? I hope at least next year the Finance
raise other crops like oil-seeds, pulses and Minister will come forward and say that
other commercial crops which are more pro- the public sector has contrihuted probably
fitable than the traditional rice and wheat Rs. 1,000 crores towards thc plan resources.
crops. It is not correct to say that the budget
In the field of industry we have done has ignored Or forgotten rural development.
considerable progress and have become onc In fact, the rural people are our base and
of the ten industrial nations of the world. IndIa Jives in villages. If there is a slight re-
The industrial base is created by the small duction in the allotment this year compared
scale sector. We started with only two indus- to last year, it does not mean that all those
trial estates in 1958. I remember because I projects are being given UP. In the Sixth
was a Member of this House then. The Plan, while the State Government got Rs.
4000 crores, only Rs. (),OOO crores has been
first one was stated in Okhla and the second
one in Guindi in Madras. Later on, we
since allotted to them, in the current Budget
set up industrial estates at many other places thereby giving a surp~us of Rs. 2000 crores.
These Rs. 2,000 crores will certainly make
also. All those have been doing very well
up the deficit. If necessary the Supplementary
and have become the industrial bases of the
Demands for Grants can also be giving.
country. Oil that basis, industries have
Therefore, there need be no fear on this
coin~ up, including heavy industries, and we
are in a position to export industrial goods, count.
engineering goods, to the· outside world. Coming to income-tax, it is aJ]egcd that
We sbould be proud of that. So, whY should
it is pro-capitalist and my hone friend, Shri
we become pessimistic and say we are going
Gupta, said that it encourages MRTP com-
backward ? We are not going backward we panies. Shri Gupta will remember that last
are going forward. Lok Sabha we amended the MRTP Act
So rar as the public sector is concerned, exempting the MRTP companies for opera-
we Wanted to take it to the commanding tion of sections 20 and 21 which stipulated
heights. There we have recei'Ved a set back. on the enquiry being made, when an MRTP
Bven thouSh heavY investments are made house goes on expanding its 4ctivities or
47 t?e.'J;'1tl! B'!t1iet, 198~.86- MARCH~, 1985 Sup~/6",e"lar)' Demands Itl,r 48
GfMrai DlsClUs/on and Gralttl,., (General) ~!i8~·85

[Shrl Jagannath R~oJ rating. We are now ready to enter the

Seventh Plan with the hope to buJJd up th,e
filr setting new industries. That privilege "base for achicvina the goals set in the S~vc;nth
was given to them already. So, raising the plan.
capital lfmit of M R TP companies to Rs. 1~
crores will not load to mote concentration Pandit Nehru was the architect of mo-
of economic power in the hands of these dem India. He introduced plannio8 in the
houses. We have not bid good-bye to article country; When we· got independence we were
39, (c) of the constitution. We wiJJ sec that not sure in which direction the country
it is implemented. should move. It was with bas farsight that
be devised planned economy aimed at deve-
There is no point in saying that the Japing the economy on the agricultural front.
NRTP companies have grown. If any indus- industrial front and also at developing the
try is successful and prosperous, it will the human personality. The work of this
plough back the profits and try to expand architect of India was followed up by his
tao unit. So. the assets of the company illustrious daughter. I would call her the
iocrease. which are owned by the sharehol- builder of modern India. She followed the
ders. Lot it be understood clearly that the path laid by her IlIu~trious father. She went
object of the MRTP Act is not to strike on building the country, but unfortunately,
the monopoly houses; it is only intended she fell a victim to assassine, bullets and
to regulate the operation of tbese companies. that task of building tbe country bas now
It is not correct to say that there is too much fallen on Rajiv Ji. I am SlIre he will build
concentration of economic power jn the the ec.onomy on its sound edifice. Tberefore,
huds of these companies a.fter this Act was we are optimistic that India is on forward
passed in 1969. march and that we are bound to reach tbe
. goal in the coming years.
Our basic sector both agriculture and
industry, are doing well. So, th£re is no SHRI R. PRADHANI (Nowrangpur) :
reason for any of us to become pessimistic. Mr. Chairman, Sir, I risc to support the
When some relief has been given to some Budget for the year 1985.86.
sectors, some imposts have to be there on
SQme other sectors. So. some section of the First of all I would like to congratulate
~ple h~"e to bear the imposts. E~ery the Finance Minister on having presented
iJ».opsh direct or indirect, will have its the popular Budget. The Budget stands on
eftect OQ tbe price level. sound footings on sound economic thinking.
Agricultural production during the year
It is bound to. Even the prjce~ of vege- 1983-84 as weIl as during the year] 984. 85
table h.~ gone liP because of the rise in was 151.5 million tonnes, Industrial pro-
t~,,< ·",i~ of diesel. It is not that every duction increase~ by 7 per cent, power .
Ve.8~tabl~ V~Adc.r brings them from the mar- generation by 13.5 per cent, coal production
~'~~' .b,v trucks but the prices are bound to by 6.9% and the movement of freight in-
iQc~~~eJ because of this. Because of this creased by 2.3 per cent. Our export trade
fJlc{~as~ we sQoulc1 not foel t~at the Budget increase by 23 per cent while our import was
i$ ~x\flati91l~ry in character. up by 14 per cent.

In the Budget Rs. 3,349 crores deficit has ] welcome the proposal of crop insu-
been left uD~overed and to cover the deficit rance, because it helps the smalI and margi-
OD further attempt has betn· made to raise nal farmers, who are in large number in our
any levl~. Perhaps the Finance Minister country. I also support the social security
feelj t~t it can adjust itself Without caulin, scheme f~r the landless labourers because
itinlti~~ary trends in the country. Theref<?r".~ they too comprise large number in our lower
OD the whole I would call it a good Rudaet strata of society. The raising of exemption
1 dO Dot want to use the term 'hest' because limit in income tax from Rs~ 15,000 to
thti wih' offeJ)d' Mr. Oupt~. It is a lood' Rs, 18,000 is also a ,:"elcome measure. It
~~~~ ~oo~ 'i,ii all i'ts. p~~tS.1 It has "ti.~eq wm bendfit ten laths of income.. tax payers
ca8e of all the aspects of' the economy to who comprise majority of lower middle class
mate it sound,' self..$utfiCient aQd ~~lr.geno. ~oPle. ", '. , ' I '"

49 G'.fal Budg,t, 1985.86- CHAITIlA 2, 1901 (SA.KA) Suppl,mentary Demantb .'0

Genlral Discussion aIId for Grants (G.nlra/) 1984~85

I have got some specific suggestions to Indians, This support price is genetally
make. In the Budget presented to the House, meant for the poor classes of people, speci-
the Government proposes to give free educa- aUy small farmers and marginal farmers.
tion to the gi~ls. In this context, I would Genera])y some Opposition Parties say that
like to draw the attention of the Government this is meant for kulaks, but I mean to say
that in tribal areas, especially in the tribaJ that it is not meant for the big farmers
areas of Orissa, the percentage of drop-outs hecause they can wait for six months to one
is about 92 to 95 per cent at primary school year to see that they glt the better price and
level. The state Government is trying its they gO to the market when they get only
best to construct hostels and is making the higher price. But the small and margi-
arrangement for food and clothing for these nal farmers are ridden witb loans and their
children. The tribal people are extremely personal requirements and so immediately
poor, and proverty prevents these people after the harvest they go to the market and
from educating their children. But due to the seU their produce and become bankrupt, with
constraints or resources the State Govern- lesser prices at distress sales. So, it is
ment has not been able to cope up with the essential that these support prices should be
huge demand of expenditure and therefore, remunerative according to the cost of pro-
the state of affairs continues to be as it is. duction and therefore, I request that the
So, I draw the attention of the Finance prices of these foodgrains should be kept in
Minister to the need to give some Central mind and should be made remunerative.
assistance to this tribal education so that the
dropout percentage. viz, 90 per cent, can be I would draw the attention of the Govern-
reduced to a considerable extent. ment to the (act that during tbe la te Seven-
ties production of sugarcane was at a very
Secondly, I come to drinking water. high level and due to the wrong policy adop-
Drinking water is a basic amenity required ted by the then Janata Government, pro-
by any citizen of this country. We are in duction fell down and so it has to be raised
the" midst of this International Decade for again by giving the farmers rernunera tive
Drinking Water. Surveys were carried out prices. Therefore, let US take a Jesson from
about 1().15 years back and the probJem this and bave good remunerative prices in
viUages had been identified. About 37,000 respect of foodgrains and sugarcane.
villages are yet to be covered as they were
already identified, but, Sir, I would like to [Translation]
draw the attention of the Government to
the fact that the surveys conducted about SHRI TARIQ ANWAR (Katihar) : Mr.
1()"15 years back have become quite outdated Chairman, Sir, the Budget for 1985.86 pre-
because the ground level of water has gone sented by our Finance Minister, Shri Vishwa-
down from 25 metres to 30 metres in most nath Pratap Singh, truly ref1~cts the image
of the villages and I can say that almost all of a strong and self reliant India-· an image
the vi lIagos in -summer suffer from this which we have formed in our minds and
crisis. They face this crisis mainly on drink- about which our Prime Minister has spoken
ing water front. So, I would like to request so often. This kind of Budget was a must
the hon. Minister to just order for a survey (or building such an India and I congratulate
again and find out and identify the villages the hone Finance Minister on presenting
which are suffering from the Jack of this this budget at such a juncture when we are
drinking water and at least provide one tube facing challenges. I shall go still further to
well for each viJ]age so that they can have add that no better and more balanced a
at least drinking water, jf not other thing, Budget could be presented at such a crucial
time and in sucb circumstances. Many
J DOW come to the subsidy in the bud- aspects of the Budget have already been
get regadiog support price and remunerative discussed and I do not want to go into them,
price to the agriculturists. In this year's Being a young man, I would like to draw
budFt we are spending from Rs. 8S0 crores the attention of the hon. Finance Minister,
to lts, '1100 crores for this suQsidy mainly for through you, to tbe roremost and the basic
paddy. Paddy is the main. crop grown in problem being forced by the youth of the
this country and wideJy ~~~um~ by us, country-the problem of unemployment.
51 . . . .1 ButJrtt 198M6- .. MARCH 23, 199' Supplementary DemaNb for 52
(hruwal D(Ic",,81on and' Grants (Ge1U1rai) 1984-85

l SIvl Tariq AlfWQr1 aim at carrying the bene8ts of the program-

The problem of unemployment is not confi- mes to the viIJages, our Implementation
ned to our country only ; it is a wOrld-wide machinary, through which we reach the small
.,henomenon. Unemployment is of two farmers and the landless in the villages,
kinds, so far as our country is coneernec1. needs to be leared up. There has always
In the first category all the youth who are been a complaint that the intended benefits
educated, and tbe second category includes do not reach them.
a vast number of uneducated youth living
in rural areas, who are living below the So far as' the 20-Point Programme is con-
poverty line. cerned, we want that the Budget allocation
. for this programme should be raised. The
I am glad to note that in this budgct the pace of the implementation of this pro..
programme undertakcn by our late Prime gramme arso needs to be accelerated Bro-
Minister. Smt, Indira Gandhi, to make the adJy, this Budget will give a fiUip to indus-
educated un~mployed youth stand on their trial production in the country. Particularly.
own feet by giving them financial assistance. the concessions given to the electronics
Under which it was envisaged to improve industries will lead to modernisation of the
the economic condition of about 600 youths country. We also welcome the concessions
in each district by giving them financial given in income tax. It will provide relief
assistance of Rs. 25,000 each, has been to the middle class peopJe. ..You have raised"
further ex:panded. That amount has nOw the income tax limit from Rs. '15,000 to
been increased to almost doubJe. Obviously, Rs. 18,000, but it will not benefit a large
it will benefit more the educated unemployed section of workers employed in the public
youth. I would like to submit to the hOD. sector. If we really want to benefit them.
Finance Minister that about 30 percent, of This limit should be raised further. It will
our youth are i~ the age group' of 15 to 30 increase the purchasing power of tbe people
years and this is the group which is worst- on the one hand, and on the other, pro-
affected so far as unemployment is con- duction in different fields will also 80 uP.
cerned. If we want to help such a vast
mUltitude, this allocation appears to be too You have withdrawn the annual licence
meagre. fee on radio and television. It want that
similar system should be evolved in respect
At the same time, I would also like to of vehicles, like scooters and mopeds etc.
point out that the major handicap experien- where life Is not more than 10 years and
ced in our programme of helping to unem- which are used particularly by the middle
ployed youth is that no training is impacted class people. In case the amount of tax
to them. In the past also, this aspect was to be charged on such vehicles for the next
Dot kept in view. We do provide financjal ten years is collected at the time of the pur-
assistance to thorn, but no arrangements to chase of the vehicle, the harassment experi-
impact training are made to ensure proper enced by the middle class people in setting
USe of that amount. I want that the hone tax-tokens every, year would be obviated.
Minister mUst pay attention to this aspect. In this manner we can provide reHef to the
However, the other programmes included people of this class. A beginning can be
in this budget for tbo uneducated rural youth made in Metropolitan cities like Delhi,
would go a long way in helpin. them. Bombay, Calcutta, etc. This is my sub-
Especially, the allocation under the agricul .. mission. .
tural rural development programme has been
raised to Rs.932 crores. Similarly, the schemes So far as the question of giving fillip to
for rural landless labour, rural "ter supply, the public sector is concerned, the report
schemeS for scheduled castes and scheduled of the public sector undertakings for the
tribes or the 2O-Point Programme, which year 1983.. 84 has just now been received.
is the programme of our party, have be~ An investment of Rs. 35.411 crores had
accorded priority next only to Dtfel1~. been made in this sector till last year. The
This is the most commenciable step beQause report shows that this capital has yieJcled
whatever we do, we w.ant its direct -bendt
'0 ~ ~ho rural peopb", When" foa:Uy
a net profit of' Rs. 245 crores only, whereas
lit the rate er ~o ~er~~t, the. ~et PfoSt
· 53 G'Mfa/ Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1901 (SAKA) SupplefMn'QrY D~ S4
c;,,,,,.a/ Dllcussion and lor Grants (04MraJ) 1984../Jj
should have been around Rs. 3500 crores. masses of the country had been expecting
If industries in the private sector can earn that you would take revolutionary steps •
.good profit, why can the public sector Our young Prime Minister and his Govern ..
industries not earn profit inspite of getting ment have high ideals and we expected that
all the facilities. We must ponder over it. a basic change would be brought about,
If we get adequate return from the capital because a vast section,of our population is
invested ill the public sector industries. poor and depressed. Lakhs of peopJe sleep
the paucity of resources could be obviated on the roads even today. They have no roof
to a greater extent. The deficit in our to cover their head. MiJljons of youth are
budget can be made good from the public unemployed· in the country. They possess
sector industries alone. This is such a high educational degrees and qualifications,
vital sector that the Government should but they are leaving for European and
pay immediate attention to it. The other countries, because they cannot give
employees of public sector industries are the beneBt of their skill and expertise to
getting such handsome salaries and other this country_ It is because of the fact that
benefits, that nobody can have a grouse there are no opportunities for them and
about it. But if an industry is not showing there are no means to utilise their expertise.
proper production, its employees and mana· For this we need sOcialism, a socialism in
gement should not be allowed to enjoy which there is no place for free enterprise.
all these benefits at the cost of the public We had expectations that you would bridge
exchequer. The responsibility for increasing the gap between the rich and the poor, and
the productivity in these industries should it needed a strong step, ~ut, no such thing
be borne by the management. They is visible in the Budget. As I said, this
should be given freedom to take decisions. is a very good Budget as per the programme
At the same time, they should be made of the congress party, but you wi1l have to
answerable as to why our public sector think not from the point of view of the
industries are running in loss. .congress party but from the point of view
of the entire nation. If this is the inter..
With these words, I once again request pretation of the socialism for which our
the Hon. Finance Minister to allocate more people made sacrifices, the socialism which
funds in the budget especially for the un-' Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had visualised,
employed youth and efforts should be made that the gap between the rich and tbe poor
to solve the problem of unemployment should increase, then it would be a great
which is the basic problem of our country. injustice.

SHRt ABDUL RASHID KABULI In this connection, 1 would like to

(Stinagar): Mr. Chairman, Sir, first of make a submissjon tbat when India
aU I would like to say that the Budget for achieved independence in 1947, 'Sber-E-
1985-86 presented before us is the best as Kashmir', Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah.
compared to the budgets of previous enacted a legislation and the object of that
Governments, so far as the ideology of the legisJation was 'Land to the Tiller'. He
Congress is concerned. The crop insurance brought forward a revolutionary legisJation
policy announced by you is an effective under which the entire land wbich they were
step for the welfare of 80 percent people of cultivating, was gjven to tbe tillers, who
this country who depend on agriculture, and were the tenant and had no ownership
I congratulate you for this. Our farmers rights, the landlords were taking undue
have always been victims if natural calami.. advantage of their hard labour and were
ties. " We have been raising this question keeping them as bonded labourers. At
in Parliament time. and again that a solution that time, we adopted that meuure and
to this problem should be found and,.I the land went to the tillers. Can I ask.tlle
think. this is a timely step. Congress Government whether they ha¥o
taken any such step since 1947 ill r.poet of
I ,also" appreciate the steps taken in agrarian refor:ms? Have you adopted
reprd to women's education. But, at the any measure to weaJ(on the stroDaboldror
same time, I would also submit, that the tbis landlord .aeotrr in tbe oouatry? 1k
55 GlMrtd :Budg,t, 1985..86- MARes 23. 1985 Suppl,mentary Demmub ,S6
O••,.al Discussion tIIId lor G,.ants (G.n,ra/) 1984.85
" ..~
(Slrri Abdul Reuhld Kabul11 caused due to we hearod complaints from
the people that they hailstorm called 'ZaJa-
progress of our country depends OD our wari' • The team was, of courses, sent
agrarian reforms. there. Now, either tbere has been Some
negligence on your part or the amount
At the same timc, I would also like to
given to the State Government has not
point out that you have done injustice by
raising the prices of petroleum products been put to proJ)cr usc. This is for you
to see. Similarly, you should provide
which has resulted in the increase of the
sufficient assistance in tbe matter of tourism
prices of a wide large of products from
petroleum to kerosene. It bas also resulted as w~ll. This task was also entrusted to
the same team. In addition to this, you
in increase in frcights and bas affected
paid Rs. 2S0/- per month to the house-
passengers also. The loss to the people of
boat owners (or six months. I would like
tho country on this account would be far
to submit that if the Central Government is
more tban the income which accrues to you,
really interested in tbe development of
because transport is not a luxury but a
Jammu and Kashmir, which is a backward
necessity. Even today, our entire Commu-
state and a very backward pocket of the
nication net work and our development
country, then these aspects must be attended
depends on motor transport. Therefore,
to. I would like to say without reserva-
I am of the view that the price of petrol
tion that all your schemes in Ladakh, the
should not have been raised because some
Kashmir valley and tbe hilly areas of
people are taking undue advantage of it
Jammu are proving to be a failure and
whereas tbe consumers at all levels would
they are not being implemented at a11. I
be adversely affected and they would
would go further and say that democratic
suiter bea vily.
do not operate tbere and the people have
There is another thing which I want to lost faith in tbe Government. The Central
submit through you. The policy framed Government should take note of the irregu-
by tbe' Central Government is meant for larities committed by the State GovernmCllt
the entire country, for all the states and did there during the ParI iamentary elections.
your programmes have raised some hopes The people of tbe State did not repose
in tbe people, but tbe benefit of the pro- confidence in the Government of Ghulam
grammes launched by you have not reacbed Mohammad Sbah in tbe Parliamentary
throughout tbe cO\l1ltry. I would like to elections and both his candidates lost tbe
bring to your notice that none of the pro- elections there. Tbeir candidates Jost
grammes drawn up for the betterment of tbeir security deposits in all the Assembly
Jammu and Kashmir has been implemented. segments of the Parliamentary Constituencies
The Central Government arc giving sub- 'represented by the Ministers. The people
stantial assistance to the Government of of the State have lost their link wjth the
Jammu and Kashmir and we are grateful Government. The relationship which
to you for tbat, but it has not given anY ought to exist between the people and the
material benefit to the common peop]e in Government does not exist there. That is
tho State and the State Government bas why I went to caution you in this matter.
not been able to give its benefits to those You are. talking of taking the country
who actually deserve it and, instead,
. the forward. It is true that the CODgress Govern-
Government is utilizing the entIre amount ment is striving to create more and more
in an improper way. In this context, I employment opportunities in the country..
would like to say that we have suffered a But, the persent Government 1n OUf State
tremendous loss in respect of tourism last has dissolved the Development Board and
year and tourism has suffered a set-back other constitutional institutions there and
continuously for tbe last two or three they have recruited ten thousand employees
ycars Tho Central Government bad sont within a period or six months. Those
a ~ there. Tho crops were hit by possessfng B.Sc. and M.Sc. dearees have
hailstorm and thousands of farmers were been ilDored in these appointments and
. affected. A few days back, when we were those who have tailed in Matrlc have bee•
going around our constituency, bad not provided with emploYJDent. I am not sayjna
been Biven any compoosatjoD for loss 10 out of a foelina of omnity. It is a fact
51 General Budget, 198$-86- . CHAITRA 2. 1907 (SAKA) SUPp isl1I8Rlary Demands 51
General DisclUslDn and lor Grants (GeMra/)1984.8S

Since the Central Government have close [English]

links with the State of Jammu and Kashmir,
I want that our Finance Minister should SHRI JANAK RAJ GUPTA (Jammu):
lee that our programmes are completed. As the hone Member speaking on the Budget
What is their plight today? All our demo- or is he speaking on the format jon of the
cratic institutions, such as Municipal Com- government?
mittees, District Boards and Panchayats [Trans!ation]
have been dissolved. During Sheikh Sahib's
time the district was treated as a unit for SHRI ABDUL RASHID KABULI:
development in the State. District Develop- There is acu te shortage of power in Jammu
ment Boards were constituted and M.Ps., and Kashmir. It has great potential for
M.L.As., Members of Panchayats, and Mem- power generation. Our State can generate
bers of District Board were associated with 3000 Megawatts of power by which not only
them and the work relating to district the S tate but the country also can benefit.
development used to be done on their advice There is at Uri Hydel Project Scheme in our
and decisions taken accordingly. Now, State. It is very big project by which tbe
Members of PaJiament and even MLAs are entire country will be benefited. I would
not taken into confidence on regard to like to mention that th~ Central Government
whatever expenditure is being incurred on have formulated schemes only on paper.
developmental work there. They are not These are not implemented in the State.
being invited even to the meetings. Our Uri Project is lying pending, Doolhasti,
Sala), Thein Projects are also lying pending,
Our Kalakot Coal Mine is State owned Work has not started on Doolhasti Project
undertaking but there is a firm by the name in Jammu. I would, therefore, like to say
of Tycoon Coal Ltd. in which.* has been that you should give up full assistance for
made the partner. Coal was supplied to completing these projects so that our State
that firm at 25 percent less price due to and the entire country may get the benefit
which the State Government has suffered of this power potential.
Joss to the tune of Rs. 1 crore~ **
MR. CHAIRMAN: He is not a Mem- (Dellary): Mr. Chairman, gir, I am grateful
ber of this House. to you for giving me an opportunity to speak
on the General Budget for 1985-86. I also
[Translation] thank the hon. Finance Minister for pre-
sentation to the House a truely productive
It will not go on record.
budget proposal. I would rather call it a
people's budget planned with a farsighted
imagination. I feel proud while supporting
He is not here to defend himself. these progressive proposals.
The hon. Minister has made a beginning
to give relief measures to the farmers, namely,
SHRI ABDUL RASHID KABULI: crop insurance. But he has covered only
So far as development of the State is con- paddy and wheat. I would like that cotton
cerned I would like to say that the people and groundnut shou1d also be included in
of Ja~mu and Kashmir should also be this scl1eduJe. Cotton and' groundnut are
given the right to have a popular Govern- cash crops which involve heavY investment
ment as is being enjoyed by the people of and they are also sensitive crops. Therefore"
other States in independent India. Today, I would request the hone Minister to includo
there is a Government of defectors in our these two crops under the crop insurance
State. This Government has not ~ acce- scheme.
pted by the people in the Parh~entary
Sir, I come from an area where lot of
•• Not recorded.
j9 G.".'1I1 J1wJ,et~ 1985.86- MARCH 23, 1985 SuppJemMta1', DlJmands 101' 60
a..rlll Di6ellSsion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shrlmatl Ba8QVa RaJeswarlJ Costs and Prices goes into the. economics of
long staple and extra long staple cotton is cost of production and so 00. This bas got
gtown. t,hat is, Bellary and Raichur districts to be considered. This body should also
in lCarnataka under Tungbhadra project. work on the same lines; they should take
The farmers are put to much inconvenience. into consideration the cost of production,
The prices of cotton have fallen and there investment on land, rate of interest aDd also
is no proper purchase in the market. The depreciation managerial cost, etc. All these
Cotton Corporation of India which has to things have to be taken into consideration
purchase at the support price of Rs. 600 per whde fixing the prices for various crops.
quintal are Dot making the purchases effec-
Certain proposals have been received
tively. Therefore, we request the government
from State Government regarding the price
to allow more cotton lint to be exported
fixation of each from. While fixing prices
se that indirectly farmers get remunorative
prices. for next year we request Government to
redesignate this body as Agricultural Costs
THB MINISTER OF FINANCE AND and Pricing Commission and also to have
COMMBRCE AND SUPPLY (SHRI VISH- a representative of the farmers in that body.
WANATH PRATAP SINGH): The mem- They should fix the price as already propo-
bers would be glad to know that we are sed by various State Governments.
allowing export of one lath more cotton
bales. ' I come to Industrial Policy. I would ]ike
to say that each district should have a big
SHRIMATI BASAVA RAJBSWARI: public sector undertaking so that unemploy-
(BelJary): The Cotton Corporation of India ment problem is solved to some extent.
is SUPl'ort to purchase at Rs. 600 per quin- While doing it, Agro.based industries, depen-
tal whereas they are only purchasing at the ding upon avaiJability of raw material,
prevailing market price and that too not should be developed. Due to increased
the entire quantity which comes in the irrigation potential which is available in
market. They are purchasing only a limited various parts of the country now many
quantity. These complaints have been recei- varieties of agricultural produce are grown
ved from the Agricultural Producers Markets .. in various areas, which are vital to various
Therefore, I would request the government industries. Therefore if the raw material is
to look into the matter and try to see that available there and jf each district has a
the CCI purchases the cotton at the support public undertaking there, than, unemploy-
price. ment probJem will be solved to sOme extent.
I would also like to point out that the
cost of production has also increased. So, I would like to say that at Bellary, the
I' would request the hon. Minister to increase Vijayanagar Steel Plant should be immedia-
the support price of cotton by Rs. 100 more tely started. About the need for the setting
and,make it Rs. 700 instead of Rs. 600 per up of the Vijayanagar Steel Plant at Hospet
quintal. Much has been talked about remu. we have had several discussions in this
nerative pri,ccs. But I want to say that the House. I come from that area. We have
Agricultural Prices Commission consists of been told in the previous session that the
only a few people. There was a proposal proposal, In the light of latest technology
to see that farmers' representatives are also and feasibihty, depending upon raw material
included in the APC. I would also like to availability and infrastructure will be recei.
request the Government to re-design it is as ved by the Government. I do not know
AgrIcultural Costing and Prices Commission whether the proposal has been received or
because there is no costing aspect taken into not. But I find from the Budget Papers that
account as far as agriculture produce is con- very little amount is set apart for this
cerned. project. I would like to say that people are
laughing at us. It is not only people who
At the moment it is only a price fixa- arc Jaugbilll but the ore is also laughiq at
tion body. Instead of that there should be us because we have not utilised that ore
a systematic· costing body as in the case of which is there in abundance. Our late Prime
industries where the Bureau of Industrial Minister Shrimati Indira Gandhi laid the
·61 General Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2. 1907 (SAKA) SUppleIMRltuy lHma"ds 62
Gtmeral DlscussioR am:l for Grants (G~naral) 1984-85

foundation stone of this project long. bank. quality of these schemes is maintained aad
I am very much pained and hurt to speak misuse of funds at all level checked properly.
about the Vijayanagar plant. I request the
hone Minister to get the necessary clearance I would further request that all the
from technical experts and to include it in villages should be electrified irrespective of
the 7th Plan. any constraints at the Government level by
the end of the 7th Plan. Only a few villages
So far as tbe power position is concer- remain unelectrified. These should be cove..
ned, the Kamataka power position IS becom- red by the end of the 7th Plan. All the
iog worse.' I hope it will become still worse rural as also urban areas should be provided
during summer season and many of the with sufficient potable drinking water by
industries will be dosed. I would like the the end of the 7th Plan.
OO'femment to take up an intensive survey
As you know, Bangalore is a beautiful
of aJI the mini hydro.electric projects throu- city and a Jot of infrastructure exists there
ghout the main canal areas of each project to decJare it as a science city. I would
and give sanction immediately. request th~ Government to declare Bangalore
as a science city as also convert Bangalore
Regarding Raichur Thermal PJant only aj~port into an international airport.
the first stage has t-.een completed and com-
missioned. The technical report in regard to Government have announced a number
the second and third stage is awaited. I of concessions for electronic industries. I
would like the Government to clear the would give a call to all the entrepreneurs to
second and the third stage and see that the rise up to the occasion and take up an
work is started immediately. If that is done, sorts of electronic industries by making use
Karnataka will be in a better position as of the incentives, and thus present a chal]c.
.far as the power situation is concernod. nge to the electronic industry in other
Karnataka wiJI stand to benefit j( these two countries of the world.
units are cleared and if they come into
With these words, I su pport tile
14.00 m.
I would like to thank the Government
for baving introduced the Social Security SHRI PRATAP BHANU SHARMA
Scheme to cover the risk of deatb by acci- (Vidisha): Mr. Chairman. Sir, I rise to
dent : this would help the poor section of express my views in support of the Budget
the society, landless labourer, sma]] and for the year 1985-86 persented in this House.
marginal farmers etc. In fact, these people First of all, I would] ike to congratulate the
are very mucb affected by accidents a t the Finance Minister on having presented a bold
time of harvest etc. Sometimes they are Budget, which will heJp increase production
bitten by scorpions, snakes etc. I would only in the country and safeguard the interests
make one request that instead of covering of the poor and which is inkeeping with the
only 100 districts, the entire country may aspirations of the peopJe.
be covered by this Scheme.
Most of the Members here and certain
Schemes like NREP, IRDP, RLEGP etc. newspapers also have expressed an appre-
are no doubt very good, but I doubt whether hension that we may have to face great
the quality of work is maintained in respect difficulty due to tbe deficit of Rs 3,,349
of these schemes. The results that we achieve crores shown in this Budget. In tbjs
under these schemes disappear after some connection, I would like to say that a
time for one reason or the other. I would deficit of about Rs. 4.000 crotes was lett
li~e to mention that at the root level, a lot uncovered in tbe last year's Budget also aad
of funds ar" still being misused. There Is the same practical approach bas been adop-
ted by the Finance Minister thia year ..
D.ced for proper check. It is good tbat we
well. So, there is no scope for having the
have liven aD impetus to these schemes in
tho PleaeD.t bud,iet proposals, but I would
apprehension that deficit financing win ran
request tho Oovommont to soc that the inflation and there wUt be all unpr~.-nted
63 G_ral Budg~t, 1985-86- . MARCH 23, 1985 Supple."tary Demands for M
6m,ral Discuasion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shri Pratap Blum" Sharma} benefit the landless, the poor and the margi-
nal farmers about whom we had never
price-rise. The reason is that when there thought of so far. If any accident occurred.
was a deficit of about Rs. 4,000 crores in there was nobody to help 'the aggrieved
the last yearts Budget, the wholesale prices family. It is really a very commendable
of commidities bad increased by about 5 step that our Government will pay Rs. 3,000
per ceot as against the 10 per cent increase per year to such families. I suggest tbat the.
in the year prior to tbat. Hence, I am of Social Security Scheme should be intro-
tbe view that tbere should not be any duced in an the districts of the country
apprehensions in this regard. during the Seventh Five Year' Plan. This
scheme will be implemented in phases, but
I would also like to congratulate the if it is implemented in the entire country
Finance Minister on the steps taken by him during the Seventh Five Year Plan, we sball
for simplifying the taxation procedures and be 'able to provide social security to the
giving relief in taxes. All these decisions workers and farmers.
have been ta ken on the basis of suggestions
received from people for the last 15 to 20 So far as the 20.Point Economic pro.
years. Members have also been pleading gramme introduced by the late Prime Minis-
constantly in this House for reducing the ter, Smt. Indira Gandhi, is concerned, the
taxes and for the simplification of taxation provision of 4,900 crores of rupees shows
procedures. By the proposed changes, about 18.3 percent increase over tbe last year's
10 lakh tax-payers, whose annual mcome budget provision, which indicates that our
is less than Rs. 18,000, will be exempted Government under the leadership of Shri
from the payment of income-tax and there Rajiv Gandhi is committed to implement
will be 50 per cent exemption for those on priority basis all those schemes such as
whose annual income is Rs. 20,000. Th.e lRDP, RLEGP, NREP and TRYSEM which
exemption will become less with the increase had been introduced by the grea t leader of
in income. This shows that the Finance our country and the Messiah of tbe poor,
Minister had this in mind that it was not Smt. Indira Gandhi. Shri Indrajit Gupta has
necessary to give more exemption on higher just now pointed out that the cut effected
incomes. in funds for IRDP, NREP and RLEGP was
a matter of concern. This cut comes to
On the one hand, the interests of con- hardly seven or eight crores of rupees. I
sumers and the common man have been would like to point out that the provision
safeguarded in, this Budget and on the made in this Budget in respect of agriculture
'other, commendable efforts have been made and the allied sector is much higher as
to increase agricultural production and to compared to that made in the Budget for
strengthen the economic base of the country. 1984-85. These schemes have been put
under the bead 'Agriculture'. The Finance
1 would like to congratulate the Finance Minister bas given an assurance that rural
Minister on introducing Crop Insurance employment programme and the programme
Scheme throughout the country. Up till· for eradication of proverty will be imple..
now, there has been provision for life in- mented vigorously.
surance and general insurance but there has
been no provision for the insurance of The provision for self-employment
crops of 70 per cent of our people who schemes has been curtailed considerably in
depend on agriculture. The step taken by comparison with the provision made last
the Finance Minister to remove this disparity year. A provision of 25 crores of rupees
has definitely helped in safeguarding the was made for self-employment schemes in
interests of farmers. The financial loss 1984-85 which has now been doubled. but
suffered by our farmers due to Datural cala. the revised estimates of 1984-85 is RI. 149
mities has also been covered under the Crop crores. This programme of providing employ..
Insurance Scheme. ment to young men has proved very popu-
lar in the entire country. People are get.
The social Security Scheme will be intro- tinl employment, production is increasing
duced In 100 select~ district~. It will and new emt'lo¥~eQ,t opportunities are
65 O'1IIIral Bud,'t, 1985-86-
G,neral Discullion and
CHAITRA 2, 19)7 (SA.KA)
Supplementary De'lnlllUls
Grants (General) 1984-85
being created. ID view of this the amount respector Science and Technol0,y. It indi.
provided should be raised from 65 crores cates that our Government is committed to
to 149 or J50 crores of rupees. It be wm what our young Prime Minister, Shri, Rajiv
a commendable step for giving a new direc. Gandhi, bas said about takina the country
tiOD to our youth. into the 21st century and about adopting a
modern and scientific approach. This
So far as facilities given to the corpo- provision of Rs. 1068 crores made for atomic
rate sector are concerned,. MRTP limit has power, space, ocean development and electro-
been raised from Rs. 25 crores to Rs. 300 nics will definitely yield good results.
crores ; cost limit for machines and plants Similarly, the concessions given to the
in small scale industries has been increased electronics industry wiU prove helpfu] in
from Rs. 20 lakhs to Rs. 35 lakhs and in increasing production, generating employ-
ancillary industries it has been raised from ment opportunities and. providing better
Rs. 25 lakhs to 45 lakhs and some industries services to the common man. This is my
have been given exemption from the licens- belief.
iog system. It certainly shows that in our
economy more attention is being paid to So far as other concessjons given to the
small scale industries and to the develop- electronics industry are concerned, the
ment of employment opportunities. The Minister of Electronics, Science and Tech~
limit appears to have been increased keeping no logy bas made a statement two days ago
in view the price rise. As a result of these, in respect of the electronics policy wherein
the development of small scale industries be said that a target of producing electronic
would be expedited. goods worth about Rs. 10,000 crores by
1990 bas been fixed, If we want to give
You have also given considerable faci- such a high priority to the electronics indus.
lities to the private Sector which will defini- try, and we (eel that it will be very useful
tely speed up the pace of industrial develop- in our country because it wilJ generate
ment. The public sector undertakings, employment opportunities, it will strengthen
wherein about Rs. 35;000 crares have been our economy and it will modernise our
invested, are not getting even one per cent system, then 1 suggest that electronic com-
return. Just now, my colIeague Shri Tariq plexes should be developed in certain
Anwar said that they had earned an annual selected districts of each State and local
profit of Rs. 245 crores only in the last talents and young entrepreneurs should be
year. I would like to draw the attention of encouraged and they should be given train-
the Finance Minister to the fact that the ing (Interruptions). For imparting training to
administrative Ministries of all the public them. training institutes and electronic com-
uDdertakings are different. That is why plexes should be set uP. In every State,
proper monitoring of their performance can- electronic training institutes should be set
not be done. This causes loss to our ceo· up which may give information as to what
nomy and it becomes the responsibility of type of electronic equipment is requIred to
the Finance Minister to meet this Joss. The be produced, which technology should be
Government has to meet the loss suffered adopted and wherefrom that is to be acqui-
by any public sector undertaking. I would red, and bow integrated development can
like to suggest that the Ministry of Finance take place so that the people of the State
'should monitor the capacity' utilisation, pro- concerned may get tho correct technology.
With the hope and confidence that the Bud.
ductivity, profitabilit~ and cash.flow of
get presented by the Hon'hle Finance Minis-
public sector undertakings so that no under..
ter in this House will prove to be a produc-
taking may resort to under-utilisation of
tion oriented Budget and will take tbe
its capacity or incur any Joss. The deficit
country towards and give a
or 3500 crotes of rupees shown in the
Dew direction to the country, I support the
Budget can be covered by public sector
Budget whole.heartedly and tbank you also.
undertakinas alone if th",y earn profit at the
rate or 10 percent.
Mr. Chairman, sir, 1 am thankful to you
Similarly, a prOVIsion of IOfj8 crores of
rupees has been made in tJ le Budget in for, giving me an opportunity to support
67 G••,al Budget, 1985..86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supple""niary Demand, /(1' 68
0'''''01 Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shrl ltaj Kumar Rai] attention of the Hon. Finance Minister.

He has not made any special provision for
the 1985.86 Badget presented by the
it. Thus, eastern U.p. has been neglected.
Hon9 ble Finance Minister. It is my good
It is the policy of our socialist Govern-
fortune that I am supporting a Budget
ment that first of all the downtrodden are
presented by "" Shri Vishwa Nath Pratap
Singh, a person who is giving shape to the to be uplifted. The Hon. Finance Minister,
when he was the Chief Minister of U.P.,
dynamic steps announced by our leader,
used to give priority to the case of the
Shri Rajiv Gandhi, and who is known in
the entire country as a dutiful and practical poor. The condition of eastern U.P. is
the most pitiable today and he should have
person. This is quite a practical and bold
paid attention to it in the first in'stance.
Budget. In this Budget, the Hou 'ble
Finance Minister has tried his best to give The Hon. Minister of State for Finance is
present here and I would request him to
relief to the farmers, the middle class and
pay special attention to the conditions
the lower class people. I am confident
that in the coming days, these categories of prevalent in eastern U.p.
people will get sufficie'nt relief. Mr. Chairman, Sir, the Crop Insurance
Scheme and similar other schemes introduc-
So far as the direct and indirect taxes ed by the Hon. Finance Minister in' this
are concerned, the Hon'ble Finance Minister Budget are commendable and he deserves
has provided considerable relief in them congratulations therefor.
also. Thus, this Budget is for the welfare
of the people at large. In this Budget Mr. Chairman, Sir, I want to draw the
industries too have been provided with attention of the hone Minister, through
incentives and I am sure that it wiJl help in you, to two or three points. It is true
strengthening the base of industrialisation that levying of taxes is very essential for
of the country in the times to come. More any developing country, but the common
facilities will be created by this Budget for man is groaning due to the burden of taxes
jobs to the unemployed, which is the dire on beedis. kerosene~ cooking gas, 'vanas-
need of the hour. The manner on which pati ghee, petrol, diesel oil and other
the Hon. Finance Minister has touched the essential items and we all feel concerned
entire economic set up of the country about his plighL I would request the
through this Budget will go a long way in Hon. Finance Minister that if he wants to
helping all sections of the society. do something for the poor and the
labourers, he should give some relief.
Besides, 1 would like to submit that two
or three more things should have been The Central Government has presented
provided for in the Budget. You know a deficit budget to the tune of about
that U.p. and particularly eastern U.P. is a Rs. 3300 crores this year, which is less
densely populated region. Per capita than last Year's deficit. You know that 80
. income is very low there, employment per cent of the people of this country live
opportunities are so scarce-industries are in villages and they do not get any benefit
almost non-existent-that the people of that of the subsidy given on foodgrains. ,What-
region have to live like paupers 10 other ever the benefit , it accrues to the urban
parts of the country of the world. You people. Mr. Chairman, Sir, you have a
may go to Calcutta, Bombay or any other lpng experience. If you see you will find
part of the country. You will find that that by granting a subsidy of Rs. 1,200
there the rickshaw pullers are from eastern crores we have not been able to benefit
U.p. We were expecting the Hon. the r~ral people. Government give lakhs
Finance Minister to introduce some special of rupees for the implementation of
scheme. for eastern U.P. The Dohrighat programmes like NRBP, RLEGP,
Thermal Power Station in Azamgarh was TRYSBM, etc. but the benefits of thoso
sanctioned some four or five years back and programmes do not reach the poor. I
although other projects sanctioned along.. would like to draw the attention of tho
with it have already been commissioned, Government to the fact that 'Food for
yet this project has not attracted the Work' was fhe Government's policy.
69 General But:lget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Dt1lllllllb 70
General Discussion and for Grants (General) 1984-8S

Similarly, a scheme for landless labourers of such reactions even before the presenta-
had been introduced. If you get all these tion of the budget, you can understand the
programmes monitored, YOll will find that meaning of it. Such things do Dot have
all of them are being implemented through any particular impact on our masses, who
contractors. The Government do not have have given a befitting reply to the opposition
a record of these works. An already cons- parties in the last elections.
tructed road is again shown as constructed
OD the papers. Payment of five lakhs of Members of the opposition parties may
rupees is made instead of five thousand call it a pro-capitalist Budget, but I
rupees, and such payments are being made would like to tell them that previously in
without any fear. I would, therefore, the event of the death of a poor farmer or
suggest that first of all, a record of all a labourer working in the fields or an
. living in a smaJl village, like
artisan ' black...
works may be kept and, if it is not possible
to do so, then all these prOgrammes may smith, carpenter, etc., there was no one to
be suspended for some days and later on look after his famiJy, but in tbis Budget a
they may be restarted only after the whole provision has been made to provide a sum
picture becomes clear. Otherwise the of Rs. 3,000 to such people. The Opposi-
benefits of the funds that you are giving tion should ponder over it whether this Bud.
will not reach the poor and all the funds get is pro-capitalist or pro-poor,
wIll be misused. When you want to
create a socialistic pattern of society, the Our friend from Kashmir was speaking
poor man also should get his due. I would just now. He said that the Crop Insurance
like the hone Finance Minister to ensure Scheme introduced for the farmers in the
that the poor man gets his due. Budget would benefit 80 percent farmers.
This will definitely provide relief to the
With tbese words. I once again congra. poor and support to the small farmers in
tulate the Finance Minister and support faeing natura) calamities. Similarly, our
hon. Finance Minister has given relief to
this Budget.
the industrial labourers and the middle class
people. Licence fee on T.V. and radio bas
been abolished. Wealth tax limit has been
(Hoshangabad): Mr. Chairman~ Sir, at
enhanced which has provided considerable
the outset, I congratulate the Prime
relief to the middle class people. The aboli.
Minister and the Finance Minister for pre-
tion of Estate Duty has also provided relief,
senting the Budget for 1985-86 in this
The cost of houses is increasing with the
House. In this Budget, efforts have been time. The prices of land arc also increasing,
made to provide relief to every section of with the reSUlt, that tbe common man had
the society. Efforts have also been made to bear the burden of paying Estate Duty,
in it to indicate the way in which the but the hone Finance Minister bas liven
Seventh FiVe Year Plan would be imple- him relief by abolishing this Duty.
mented. Besides, special attention has
been paid to ensure tbat inflation does not The hon. Finance Minister has dispensed
increase. The opposition parties have with the licensing system in respect of many
criticised the Budget. Somebody has industries so that mOre industries could be
callod it a pro-capitalist budget and some set up and their production also increased.
others have called it an anti.poor Budget, For this purpose, he has relaxed many rules.
but, Mr. Chairman, Sir, if you see the This will create a better climate for indus-
record of the last 30 years, you will find trialisation and increase employment oppor-
that whenever budgets have been presented, tunities. This way, tbe hOD. Finance
the Opposition had always reacted in this Minister has made efforts to do justice unto
manner. A few days before the presenta. every section of tbe soclely. He bas tried
tion of the Budget, some pressmen met me to understand the problems or the counuy
and told mo that although the Budget was deeply and, particularly, keepinl in view
still to be presented yet the opposition parties the difficulties beiDa faced by the middle
had shown their reactions to the effect that class people, he bas enhanced tbe Income
this would be an anti.poor and procapitalist tax exemption limit from Rs. 15,000 to
Bud&et.. When tho pressmen come to know Ra. 18,000. He deserves coosratuJatioDa
71 O."eral Bud"t, 1985..86- MARCH 2.3. 1985 SupplelfWntary Demands /or 72
General Dl3cu.iofl arad Grant8 (Ge1leral) 1984-85

[$hrl Ramuhwar N eekhra] paisa per bundle of bidis. Although only

one paisa has been increased on a bundle
for thil. With this announcement, more
of 25 bidis, yet the bidi manufacturers have
tban 10 lakh people will be spared from
effected an increase of IS paise since the
filing income-tax returns.
day before Yesterday, with the result that
It will, on the one band, give relief to the poor man who used to smoke bidis on
101akh people and on tbe otber, the Income the occasion of marriage or in an hour of
Tax Department will be saved from the sorrow and thus lighten his burden, IS now
botheration of maintaining tbe records of worried over the fact that Government have
10 tub aasossees and now tbey will be able increased their burden.
to devote their time to detecting tax-evasion
in other cases. But this relief is still not The increase in tax on paper will bit
sufficient. My submission is that this exem- hard the students and others. I will urge
UPOD the Finance Minister not to increase
ptiOD limit may be enbanced to Ra. 2S,OOO
10 that more people may get relief.
taxes on sman items in this way. because
they affect the poor directly. It should be
Tho housewives who had calt their votes withdrawn so that the good image formed
in larae numbers to eJect this GOvernment in the country about the Government that
bave been somewhat disappointed at 'his they are determined to eradicate poverty
Budget. This kitchen expenses have increased and that they will work in the interest of
veey much as a result of the increase in the the poor, is maintained. So, this should be
prices of cooking las, soaps, vanupati abee, withdrawn.
kerosene, etc., causing a heavy burden on
The Finance Minister deserves congra.
tulations for giving more incentives' to small
14.29 hn. scale industries. Government want those
poor persons to come forward who want to
[SHRIMATI BASAVA RAJBSWARI set up industries. They have received educa-
in the Chair] tion by taking stipends from the Government
and have passed engineering and tcchnical
. I bope tbe hon: Finance Minister will
examinations. Government grant 75 pcr
definitely do somethmg to reduce this
cent of the amount required for the setting
up of industries and the remaining 25 percent
Sir, I would like to submit, through you, amount has to be invested by the new
that the poor people living in the far.flung entrepreneurs. How can a poor man who
villages will be severely hit by the increase bas studied by taking stipend from the
in the levy on kerosene oil. They used to Government arrange sucb a big amount for
light a lantern for an bour or two wi th the settlllg UP of an industry? So, I will
kerosene oil, but now they will have to face urge upon the han. Finance Minister to
great difficulty, because electricity has not provide this amount also to him.
reached every village in our country so far.
So, the increase effected in the price of Our HOD. Prime Minister and the
kerosene oU should be withdrawn. Finance Minister have said that black money
will be eliminated, but no concrete proposal
The increase in the levy on petroleum has been made in the Budget to that effect.
products wIll, of course, yield some revenue I would urge upon the hOD. Minister to
to the Government but it will cast heavy endeavour to eliminate black money by
burden on the poor. There are many trans- bringing forward same concrete proposal.
port corporations which operate buses and
there are other bus .. owners and taxi.owners For self.employment scheme, tbere was
also who arc IDcreasing their fares. The a provision of 149 crores of rupees in
increase in tbe Railway fares and the bus ] 984-85, but only 6S crores of rupees have
fares will cast a heavy burden on the poor. been prOvided for this in the Budget for
So, yOU should reconsider it. 1985-86. Our late Prime Minister Shrimati
Indira Gandhi had initiated this programme
Tax on bidis has also been increased and this scheme became very popular. Thoso
This increaso iD mar,inal. It is hardly on~ youosmen who are Dot able to set
13 GeMral Bud,et, 1985-86- CHAfrRA 2. 19()7 (SAKA) Suppl,mentQf, Demand, 74
General DiaCU3sion and for Grants (General) 1984-85

want to talco advantage of tho self·employ- consulting the State Governments, the sales
ment scheme but the funds provided for tax should be abolished. This will be a big
this purpose arc so small that only very relief for tho consumers and the country.
fow Persons will be benefited by this scheme.
Moreover, the responsibility of implement- In our Constitution mixed economy has
ing tho self-employment scheme has been been accepted and I congratulate the hone
entrusted to banks, The banks located in Finance Minister for presenting the most
Tehsils, towns or townships say that they revolutionary Budget with that objective in
have received sanction for subsidy for 15 view.
persons only and they can give loans to 15
persons only and not to all, Therefore, a SHRI C. JANGA REDDY (Hanam.
big question arises before the banks. They konda): Madam Chairmen, the han. Mem·
can give loans to 15 persons against 200 ber speaking before me said that after the
applicants. Delaying tactics are, therefore, presentation of the Budget, the prices of
adopted and opportunities for corruption oils had increased and that tbe prices of
and favouritism are created. I would, there- kerosene oil and vegetable oils should be
fore, submit that you should make maximum reduced. He further said that we should
allocation in the Budget for the self-cmploy. work for the poor, but I want to tell him
mellt scheme and direct the banks that all that it is not a poor man's Budget; it is a
the persons applying for loans for self. pro-rich Budget. While supporting this Bud-
employment should be provided with loans. get, he supported the Finance Minister.
The truth is that instead of expressing his
I would submit that the youth of the country
are having high hopes of our Prime Minister personal views, he said all these things to
please bis leader.
and they have accepted him as their leader.
Today, the unemployed youth is facing such Tho Finance Minister presented tho
a situation that by the time he gets a degree Budget, but he congratulated ShIt Rajiv
or receives technical education, he attains Gandhi. Had Shr; Rajiv Gandhi presented
the age of 24 years and the maximum age the Budget, I would have appreciated his
limit for getting a Government job is 25 praise for him. You should congratulate
yearS. I wou1d request that this age limit be the Finance Minister because it is he who
increased so that an unemployed youth may prepares the Budget. Shri Rajiv Gandhi
be able to enter a Government job. and the Finance Minister do not prepare
the Budget collectively.
I would also request that a scheme
You yourself say that the prices of kero.
should be fomu)atod to provide Government
jobs to the unemployed. Unless the Govern·
sene oil, soaps, etc.• should be brought down
ment create new opportunities and formulate to provide relief to housewives. You also
say that the opposition leaders criticise the
new schemes for providing employment, the
number of unemployed will on increasing. Budget in the newspapers even before it is
Government should. therefore, give them presented. This is not correct,
unemployment aJlowance and create new Madam Chairman, I would only like to
employment opportunities for them. submit that in this Budget it has been said
about farmers :
Government propose to issue lJcences for
2S industries and have given relief to certain [English]
industries to march ahead towards indus- "We also had the benefit of two success-
trialisation. Government have brought down ful crops."
the income tax slab a]so.. The on1y purpose
of these reHefs is to eradicate corruption, [Translation]
but the biggest source of corruption is sales
tax. The consumers have to pay sales tax It has been said in the Budlet : .
but it does not reach the public exchequer. [English]
That sales tax is swallowed collectively by
the officials and the traders. This spreads "More than 70 percent people are far-
corruption. I would request that without mers or cultivators."
75 G,,,.rol Budget, 1985..86- MARCH 23, 1985 Suppl,mentary Demands lor 76
G'Mral Discussion and Grants (G''''lIral) 1984-85

[Shrl C. Janga Reddy] of the Janata Government. They are not

[Tranl/ation1 able to recall the lood deeds of the Janata
Government. Prof. Madhu Dandavate was
Farmers have to raise their voice in the Railway Minister at that time and the
Parliament to demand remunerative prices Railway Budget presented ,him was not a
for their produce keepina in view their cost deficit Budget. We bad reduced tho Railway
of productioD. In Parliament" more than fares, provided first class facilitities in the
70 precent Members belong to the cultivators second class compartments arid even then a
class. They get elected with the votes of the . deficit Budget was not presented, whereas
poor, but they keep in view the interests of you are now enhancing the taxes and trans-
the consumers and forget the farmers. If port charges and even then your Budlet is
a farmers is made the Finance Minister or going into deficit. It is because of the fact
the Prime Minister, even he will forget tbe that your way of functioning is different
interests of the farmers and think of himself and way of thinking is also different. Our
only. (/nte"uptlons) As to what should be .Government had done a lot of things in
done to remedy this situation, that also I two years. you must be knowing it.
wiII tell. Suggestions will also be given. (Interruptions)
Madam Chairman, YOU have also spoken
AN HON. MEMBER: Even then you
about price commission. I support the view do not get votes.
express~d by you. The taxes on inputs used
by the farmers should be reduced. Excise SHRf C. JANGA REDDY: We want
Duty on tractors and fertilisers should be to teU the Congress Members that various
reduced. Shri Charan 'Singh, when he came factors play their part in obtaining votes,
to power, had reduced the excise duty on such as wine ; evoking of sympathy, women,
fertilisers and brought down its price from through mutual distribution of bank money
Rs. 120 to 60, but when the late Smt. Indira etc. It is not that votes arc received merely
Gandhi came to power, she again increased by doing service upto the people. We come
it to Rs. 120. The taxes on tractors, fertili. here to serve the people and not to make
sers and on the other inputs used by the our future votes secure. You have sot
farmers should be reduced and these com- votes and you are sitting. here, that does
modities should be made available at low not mean that People are happy with you.
prices so that the cost of agricultural pro- You know what happened during the
duction is brought down and the farmers Assembly elections held one month after
are not compelled to raise their voice in the Lok Sabha ejections (Interruptions).
Parliament and in the AssembJies to demand
remunerative prices for their produce. You [English]
know that the Price Commission had fixed
the price of SUgarcane at Rs. 165, but the MR. CHAIRMAN: Mr. Reddy. you
Government reduced it to Rs. 140, because address the Chair. Why do you listed to
they wanted to provide sugar to the consu-
mers of lower rates and asked the State
Governments to pay as much bonus as they
liked. Here in Parliament we demanded SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: You anno.
that the sugar mills should be nationalised . unced the elections immediately after the
but instead they handed over 10 or 15 mills death of Smt. Indira Gandhi but you did
back to the miJlowners. Therefore, the
not act the lame number of votes in Assem-
industry Is not at aU at fault. Today,. the bly elections as you got in the Lok Sabha
farmen are sowing less sugarcane because elections.
of itl low price and they are Dot getting a
remunerative price. (Int.rruptlons) During [English]
the Janata regime. sugar was made available
at RI. 2 per kg. and it was made available MR.. CHAIRMAN: We are not discuss.
in abundance even in villages. (Int~,.ruptions) ing the voting pattern, Mr. JaDla Reddy.
Madam Chairman, kindly teU tbe Conaress You speak OD tho Budaet. You will be IOSioa
Mombon wbat havo bocn the achievements your time DOW. •
77 GeMral Budget, 1985..86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supple~ntary Demands 78
General Discussion and lor Grants (General) 1984-85

SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: What can chillies, cotton and groundnut also under
I do, Madam Chairman? I am being interrup- this Scheme. Cotton is produced in a larlle
ted. quantity in Andhra Pradesh. When the STC
wanted to have licence for export, that was
PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE : .refused. Jf I ask the Finance Minister he
Madam Chairman, he is cDjoyin, ladies' will say that a licence for 10,000 bales 'has
harassment. (/nterruptlolls) been given to Andhra Pradesh. Earlier,
the farmers of Maharashtra and Gujarat had
MR. CHAIRMAN: Madam, no inter-
been given licences. but Andhra farmers
ruption please.
have been deprived of it. Telugu Desam
[Translation] M.P.s. had represented in this regard and
they were toJd that 10.000 bales would be
SHRI C. JANGA REDDY: Madam sent from Andhra. Apart from this, tobacco
Chairman, please protect me from these is also produced in Andhra, by exporting
ladies ... (Interruptions) which a Jot of foreign exchange can be
earned, All the commercial crops should
SHRIMATI VIDYAWATI CHATUR· be brought under insurance cover. We
VEOI (Khajuraho): We never disturb any have To)ugu-Ganga project and Kolavaram
Member. This is the reply to what you and Pochampad projects also. A national
laid earlier ... (Interruptions) belt should be created for these irrigation
projects. In Andhra Pradesh, tobacco, paddy,
SHRI C. JANOA REDDY: Yesterday, wheat, minerals and coal are found in
I had asked a question about the banks abundance. We need new collieries to
which were funning in Joss, but my question extract black gold available there. Consi-
was not replied to. derable power potential is availahle there.
So. a number of factories can be set up
[English] there. There j s a shortage of funds witb
It is not only one bank but almost all Andhra Pradesh Government and, therefore,
the banks are bankrupt. the amount of annual loans of 80 crores of
rupees being given for Singrauli colJieries
[Trans/ation] should be increased in order to provide
Our Finance Minister, Shri Poojari, employment to more youth. The claim being
made by you regarding emp10yment throuah
arranges Loan Melas. I want to know how
N.R.B.P. has proved to be totally wrong.
many perso~s have been given loans so far.
Nothing is happening there except that the
More than 80 percent loans are given in
already built roads are being shown as if
cities and about 20 percent are given in
they have been built a new. The Members
_vi1lales. In ear1ier times, taking loans was
from Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and
considered to be a sin but now it is conside-
Karnatka are Complaining about it. (Interrup-
red a respectable deed. For this purpose,
our Prime Minister comes and disburses
the loans. People are befooled and total You do not attend Parliament. (Inttrrup ..
to get loans and not to repay them to banks; tlons)
in our Congress rule, loans are taken but
thoy are Dot repaid. Hotels are also being Government should have a direct
given loans. To my knowledge, loans are control over RLEGP and NREP to ensure
not belna recovered. We should excercise
proper utilisation of funds. M.B. Book
should be maintained for the purpose. Work
control over the banks. the loans being
should not be given to the labour directly.
liven in the rural areas are being recovered
It would be better have a tender system for
but in the case of urban areas, it is not ~o.
that. The funds being given (or RLEOP ...
You will have to look into it.
(Interruptiona) I request the Minister of
Sales Tax should be abolished in the Plannina that RLBGP and NREP should be
States. Por helpfna the farmers, excise duty amalgamated. For digging ponds and COOl..
on fertilisers should be scrapped. You have tructing buildina, each 1abourer il heiDi
introduced Crop Insurance Scheme. You paid Rs. 9 per day. Ten labourers actually
should cover cash crops like tobacco, work but on the pay roll, the signatures of
79 O,,,.,.al Budgl'. 1985-86- MAR.CH 23. 1985 SuppletMntary Demands lor 80
Glneral Discuulon and Grants (Gsnera/) 1984-85

[Shri 'C. Janga Reddy] cultural sector continues on existing Jines,

two new sch'emes are noteworthy. The
twenty persons are obtained.Tbe entire scheme of crop insurance will indeed go a
money is being pocketed by Government long way in mitigating the disastrous effects
Officers. of drought or flood on the livelihood of
(lnt,rruptions) our farmers. The other scheme of social
security envisages a risk cover in case of
Old roads are being shown as baving death by accident in respect of earning
been constructed under RLEGP and NREP. members of poor families comprising land-
Utter negligence is beina observed in this less labourers, smalJ and marginal farmers,
reaard . The Members from U.P. and and traditional craftsmen. Indeed, I welcome
lCarnataka are complaining about it. I these measures. These twO schemes reflect
would, therefore, request you to improve the Government's commitment to rural
the method of planning for letting the entire development, agriculture and above all, to
work completed. Separate funds should be social justice.
provided to undertake big projects. I am
thankful to you for bavina given me ample Agriculture is doing well. Industry needs
time to speak, but I request you to protect an impetus. It is in this background that
me from women when I am speaking. the present Budget has been presented and
it is in this light that it should be viewed.
Investment in industry and industrial
[English] production wi11 pick UP only if a healthy
BEGUM ABIDA AHMED (Bareitly) : cHmate is created. The hone Finance Minister
Madam Chair Person, while presenting the in his speech has expressed Government's
General Budget for 1980-81. the then Finance decisions designed to reduce rigidities and
Minister expressed the Government's firm improve the environment for industrial
resolve to repair the damage and to restore growth. The proposed delicensing of certain
the economy of the countrY to the path of industries so as to cut procedural delays to
stability, progress and social justice. Under a minimum is one such decision.
the able, wise and strong leadership of the
late Prime Minister, Shrimati Indira Gandhi, At existing rates of taxation, the total
this has been achieved. receipts in 1985-86 are estimated at Rs.
47,635 crores whereas total expenditure is
India is predominently an agricultural placed at Rs. 51,295 crores leaving us with
country. This being so, it is essential that a budgetary gap of Rs. 3,660 crores. Surely,
the agricultural sector is in sound health. It the Finance Minister does not lack imagina-
bas also been the experience of many deve- tiOD.
loped nations that unless agricultural pro-
duction reaches a high level, industrial The hOD. Finance Minister could very
progress is not possible at a rapid rate. well have plugged this deficit by ennanced
Agriculture and industry are the wheels on taxation all round. That would indeed have
which the Indian economy runs. If one or put us all under a great burden. It would
the other performs hardly, the economy of have brought upon US gloom and despair.
the country comes to a halt. Fortunately, We would have had a balanced budget all
food production has reached record heights right but at the cost of being consumed by
and industrial production which had slum- taxes.
ped a little has recovered substantially
thouah the average growth rate of about Moreover, there is nothing sacrosanct
60/0 is still below the target for the Sixth about a balaDCed budget. On the contrary,
Plan period. The balance of payments economists have often suggested that in the
situation has also been healthy. Even the case of an under-developed nation where the
higb rate of inflation has been effectiveJ_)' national income is growing at a rate of
contained and controlled. The economy 18 about 6 % and the fate of inflation is
around 4 to S%, greater reliance can be
functioning well.
placed on budget deficit to finance Govern-
While governmental poliCY in the agri- ment outlays as against taxation.
81 a,.ral BudaI', 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA.) Suppltmtnltll'} Demtllltb 82
General DUcIUS/on and for Grants -(G••ral) 1984-8j

Viewed in this perspective,. the deficit of ~ho hope that they would entail an incct:ase
Rs. 31 349 crores after. taking into account ID the tax revenue and a reduction in the
budgetary proposals need not cause much ~ooqual distribution of wealth. Theso obj~ ..
alarm. In fact, the Budget as presented is tl~es have not been realised. Wealth tax
designed to give an impetus to industrial accounts for only 0,4 per cent of the total
growth and consequently to national income. tax revenue whereas gift tax and estate duty
No doubt there wiJI be a mild pressure on yield only 0.04 per cent and 0.09 per cent,
prices but this should be more than counter .. respectively. Together, the three taxes
balanced by an increase in the supply posi. account for only 0.53 per cent of the total
tion caused by the Budget and other 00- tax revenue. These taxes have been unable
vornmental policies. to bring about any measure of egalitarianism
in so far as distribution of wealth is con-
Our dynamic Prime Minister, ~hri R.ajiv cerned. The hon. Finance Minisfer in his
Gandhi has, on a number of occasions speech has recognised this in the case of
expressed the Government's determination estate duty and, therefore. proposes to
to wipe Out black money. and lowering the abolish the same. But the same is true of
rates of personal income taxation is a step the other two taxes also and more SOt of
in this direction. It has been realised that gift tax.
the prevalence of high tax rates is the fitst
and foremost reason for the spread of taxa- Another argument in favour of abolition
tion and build-up of black money. Evasion of aift tax is that lift tax and estate duty
is resorted to when the benefit of evasion is ao together. Without gift tax, estate duty
greater than the cost. As tax rates are would be meaningless as death-bed gjft~'i
raised, the benefits from evasion also would quite easily avoid the liability of
increase and make evasion all the more estate duty. It is to plug this lacuna in
attractive. As a consequence, high tax rates estate duty that gift tax finds itself in the
need not necessarily 1ead to greater tax Statute Book. When estate duty is to be
revenue and in practice have often led to a abOlished, why not aboliSh the gift tax
lower tax collection. The hon. Finance abo 7 In this connection~ I would like to
Minister needs to be congratulated on his quote what the hon. Finance Minister has
proposal to bring down the maximum rate stated :
of income tax to 50% and for abolishing etA tax, however laudable in intent,
the surcharge on personal incomes. Indeed should have no place in the Statute
it is a reflection of the Government's prag- Book, if it has outlived its utility."
matic and realistic approach to economic
problems. Another point to ponder over is that,
both estate duty and gift tax are taxes 00.
15.00 IIr•. transfer of property. While estate duty con~
. {MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER in the Chair]
cern. itself wjth transfer after death, gift tax
is relatable to transfer during the life-time
This reduction in rates of personal of the property-holder. When transfers after
income tax and the raisina of the exemption doath are being exempted, why not during
limit from Rs. 15,000/· to Rs. 18,000/-, the Ure-time ?
,coupled with the abolition of the scheme of
Out of necessity, the Government has
'Compulsory Deposit, have already produced bad to place greater reliance on indirect
waves of relief amongst the' tax"payers,
taxation. Direct taxes have a very small
rhousht it would have been botter if Interest base in developin, countries and particu-
and instalment payment on CDS had not larJy in India. In an advanced economy.
been deferred by one yoar. with a high per capita income, the Govern-
ment i. able to derivo the major Part of itl
Coming to wealth tax. est,ate duty ~d taX foveoue through direct taxation. Bua, on
gift tax, wealth tax ,rat... als9 ~ the other haud, In a developing economy
reduced, esUue duty is piopo~ ,to be ~acted_ by Jow personal incomes and
abQUahed and aift tax haS ~ 10ft O1Uouch- preponderance of .mall producers and
cd. These three taxes we'" introduced iD&O ,'trader.;, tilt c:olloctlon or ,mall amount. of
tbe Indian tax Itructurc it J tb. Fifties With
83 General Budget 1985-86- Supplementary Demands lor 84
General Discus.slon and Grants (GeMral) 1984.85

[Begum Ablda Ahmed] making budget. We have COme accOSt

several budgets after independence. Many
direct tJix from a multitude or low-~ncom~ ..
times due to some j"deological conflicts. We
carners presents insuperable difficuluCi. It IS
only through indirect taxation that revenues were not able to see the reality and to
can be raised to meet government expendi- rectify tbe fiscal position of our country.
ture. This explains the fact that customs
Then why reactions from all sections
duty and union excise duty account for 79
of the society and also from outside and
per cent of the total tax reVenue. The
inside the Parliament about this budget.
Government has, throughout, devised an
Some of them have said that the budget
indirect tax structure so as to ensure a
would help the affluent and rich people.
certain degree of progressiveness such that
Budget has certainly given several concessions
items of mass consumption are taxed at
to the industries. But it would be wrong
lower Tates compared to luxury items.
to say tbat the budget hits the weaker sec-
Through indirect taxation, particular commo·
tions. It has encouraged the production
dities ; and industries can be favoured. In
and given relief to industries. On account
the present budilet, electronics and tbe
of this one cannot say that the budget is
electronic industry have received a favour-
helping the capitalists. Wealth of th~
able treatment. Electronics is the industry of
nation has to be increased and then only it
our times and needs all the encouragement we
would be possible to distribute it equaUy.
can give.
If this step is not taken to increase produc-
rhe small scale sector has made India tion then we can distribute only poverty
feel proud. The han. Finance Minister has among ourselves. The budget has laudable
recognised this fact and has announced a object ives such as increase in the produc-
new and liberalised scheme of exemptions tion, improvement in the efficiency etc. It
for this sector. is result oriented. Therefore, I say that it
is an unique budget and I welcome it whole-
There is some criticism from certain heartedly.
quarters that the Budget as presented would
be highly inflationary. This is not true as Sir, I represent rural area and therefore
time will tell. No doubt, a greater reliance I would like to highlight the conditions
on indirect taxes and deficit financing tends prevailing in the villages. In this novel
to create pressures for the upward movement budget an amount of Rs. 932 crores has
of pricos, but the envisaged increase in the been earmarked for rural development. An
output of industrial goods would more than amount or Rs. 790 crores has been alloca-
counter-balance this tendency. The budget ted to agricultUre and cooperative sector.
bas achieved what it was deSigned to achieve. For the last thirty six years we have achieved
It bas created an environment conducive to some progress in rural planning. We are
an acceleration in the rate of industrial stopping into the 7th Plan after completing
growth. six five year plans. The Government has
tried its best during these plan periods for
Hon. Members, a wonderfuJ opportunity the rural development. 1 regret tbat inspite
has come our way," Jet us seize it. Let us of all these efforts to improve rural life
ride the crest rather than be splashed under poverty has not been wiped out from our
it. society. Many traditional rural industries
have been neglected in the name of moderni-
Thank you very much, sation. A situation bas come where
mechanisation in industry is destroying cott-
[Translation] age industry. Life "In viUaps cannot imProve
if this attitude continues. Unemployment
is on the increase. There are about 45
mangalure): Mr. Deptuy Speaker, Sir, I
million person., in our country who are
firmly believe that our hon. Finance Minister
unemployed. VVe produce only IS3 million
bas sincerely tried to rectify the financial
tonnes or foodgra ins even tbough we have
position of our nation through this epOch
-----------------------,...,.,.-_._-- 165 million hecrtares of cultivable land.
*Tbc speoch was originally deJivered in Kannada.
.-~ -----".-, -"~..
85 General Budget. 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 86
Gen.e,.al Discussion and lor Grants (Genera/)1984.85

AboUI 80% of the population lives in villa- secondary level has been made free. Several
ges. Therefore. it is very essential to give other welfare schemes are there in this
top priority to agriculture and cottage budget, for the emancipation of WOmen.
industries. ..We have to encourage irrigation Therefore on bebalf of the women of our
programme if we have to solve the unemploy- country I congratulate our young and dyna.
ment probJem in rural areas. Similarly mic Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi.
priority shouJd be given to generate more Since women constitute 50% of the popula-
power and to supply it to the rUfal areas. tion of our nation jobs should be provided
If tbis is not done, rural life cannot improve to them accordingly. I would like to stress
inspite of our five year plans. Instead of that the nation cannot progress in the
spending large amount on major Irrigations absence or proper programmes for women.
which will take ten to fifteen years for
completion I suggest tbat minor irrigations Farmers' agitation is gOing on in several
should be given top priority. Therefore parts of the country. Farmers are dissatis-
investment in the small sector and irrigation fied. This agitation may gain strength and
projects should be given priority. Then it may lead to all kinds of disturbances.
only we can expect bumper production. The farmers are demanding the Govern-
Therefore I urge the Minister to give maxi- ment to give the same importance to agri-
mum encouragement to small and cottage culture as they pay to industries. Industries
get all facilities like water, electricity etc.
year after year. But the poor farmers are
On tbe' public sector crores of rupees nOt provided with any concessions in water
are being spent but the expected efficiency electricity charges. The farmers are so
has not been achieved in this sector. I poor tbat they cannot repay the loans to the
welcome the governments efforts to improve banks. Loans are passed on to nC'"t genera-
efficiency in public sector during tbe 7th tion. Hence farmers need aU possible help
Plan period. I urge that steps should be from the Government.
taken to achieve the expected standards of Our late Shrimati- Indira Gandhi was
efficiency. To ensure efficiency in the public the Prime Minister of our country for 16
sector thero should be neither any political years. She has done yeoman service not
intervention nor frequent transfers. Res- only to this nation but to tbe whole world.
ponsibility should be assigned on each public Sbe brought political stability in our coun-
sector otherwise there would be buge finan- try. She was mainly responsible for our
cial losses and ultimately the rural mas5es progress in the fields of science, atomic
have to suffer. It is a matter of sbame that energy, space, evironment etc. The whOle
so far we have not succeeded in stamping world is aware of the magnanimous con·
out poverty from the country insp.ito of tribution of Shrimati Indira Gandhi towards
various discussions in the Assembhes and world peace and to the non-aligned move-
in the Parliament. We bave to take the ment. The coming generations should be
whole responsibility for it. Therefore I enabled to know about the valuable contri-
would like to suggest that srtingent measures butions of our beloved leader. Therefore
have to be taken if the public sector does I demand that the Government should
not work according to tbe responsibility establish study centres in all tbe Universities
assilDed to it. of our country 'in the name of Smt. Gandhi.
The centres should enable the students to
Similarly power projects are also n~t take uP these for their doctorate degrees on
functioning upto the expected level of effiCI- Smt. Gandhi's farsightedness and rich con-
ency. This becomes very clear wben we tribution to the nadon.
look into the Economic Survey. Therefore
I urae that steps may be taken to see that With these words, I tbank you and con-
power projects work properly. clude my speech.
Por the first time in history a new Minis- .·SHRI C. SAMBU (Bapatta): Mr.
try has been created for the welfare of Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would like to speak
women. Education rOt girls upto higher in TelulU .

• The speech was originalJy delivored in Tcluau.

87 General BMd,et. 198$..86- MAllcH 23, 198$ $.,Iemelltary LHmtmdr 88
General DI8cIl8IioIl and lor Grantl (G.".ral) 1984.85

[Shri C. Sambu], this bud. ., it i. atranlt' , that even items

The ,budaet propolOd by the hon. Pin- like Pan Masala arc allo Dot spared. Pan.
. _nee Minister for this year is anti poor and Masala baa become tax masala. Sir. only
pro-ricb. It appears that it hal beeD the af'fJuont use thil pan masala. But in
specifically designed for tbe rlcb people of Southern States like Andbra, Tamilnadu
this country. The party has foraotten the and Karoataka, it is Dot popular~ Instead,
interest of those millions of people who tbey use ICOoted betel nut powder. Scented
have voted it to power. Furtber, this bud. betel Dut poWder is very much popular in
let decreases the revenue of the States but ODe part of the country not only amoD, the
increases the revenue of tbe Central Govern- rich but even among tbe poor. The pre~
1llCDt. This is neither in the ,interest of paration of betel nut powder is being carried
States nor in tbe interest of the Centre. For in a big way as a cottage industry. Thou-
weak States means a weak Centre. Tho aands of' persons depend OD thi, industry
Centre can be strong only when tbe States for their livelihood. '
arc strona. The retardation In the pro- (/nte"uptlons)
BrOSS of States is nothina but the retardation
In tbe progress of tbe nation. The budlot [English]
does not speak of the plethora of promises MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You cannot
that Congress party bad made dUrinl tbe exhibit anything in the House. You J,lave to
recently concluded elections. Por all these take permission.
reasons, Sir, on behalf of my party. TclulU
Dosam, I oppose this budget. (Interruptions)

Sir, ours is a country wbere majority or [Tralll/atlon]

the people like agricultural workers. weavers SHRI C. SAMBU: So it is most unfor-
and others wbo pursue various other occu- tunate that tbe proposed tax on pan masafa
pation live. All these persons arc livinl i, beiDg extended to the scented betel nut
below poverty lioc. But unfortunately this powder, hilting thousands of poor people
budget bas ignored them all. This budlot wbo are enaaled in this cottage industry
was not made keeping tbe farmers especially very badly. It Is injustice. There may be
small farmers in view. There il not even some justification for imposing tax on pan
a sinllc proposal in this budaot which ma.ala as it is consumed by the affluent
benefits the farmers. No concession i. but there il absolutely no justification for
,iven to them. No steps have boon extending this tax to scented betel nut
taken to offer remunerative pricca to the ,powder. Hence I request tbe bon. Minister
(armers. At present farmers are Dot aeUiDa throqb this august House not to extend the
the remunerative prices lor their produce proposed tax on pan masala to scented
wbether it be a cereal or a commercial crop betol nut powder. I hope the hon. Minister
like tobacco, around nut etc. Tho coat or will aaree to this sU88estion and thus wUI
inputs, and .their labour and the risk they not deprive thousands of poor people in the
undertake are not being taken into considera.. Southern region of tbeir lifclihood.
tion while fixing tbo lupport price for their
produce. The Centre is not cariDI to COD- Once alain fishermen and thousands of
suIt the State Governments while fixioa tbe others who are involved in fish ina indua-
support pricos. So the prices are beina try has beeD ignored.. Especially so in the
fixed unilatorally wbich are rwnins tho case of fisbermen living in coastal Andhra.
tarmen of this country. Tbis policy mUit Tbeir problems are many. They are a
change. The States sbould be liVeD suffi- nealtcted lot. They are Jiving in a dark
cient powers to fix the support prices for world now. So far DO Government have
aaricultural commodities since the Stat. shown any interest in solving their problems.
wUl be in a better position to 181110 tbe You bave Dot done any justice to tbese
conditions existing in tbeir areas. Tb1s will 8sbermea. I come from the coastal area
belp 'not only tbe farmers but al.o Che of Andbra and know their problems. These
States. bave DO facilities. They do DOt
have Transport facilities. They do DOt have
SpeakJDI about the tax- imposed ID bOlpitals. They have no educational iDS-
89 C••ral budget, 1985-86- CflAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Detnallih 90
General DisclUlion and for Grants (GeMl'al) 1984.85

titutloos for tbeir childrcn. They do not ports. Thoulh a survey was conducted for
have roads as welL Hence I rcquest tbis this purpose, so far no action has been
Government, through you Sir, to come taken t~ convert them into minor ports.
forward and pull thom out of the their Once again I am bringing this fact to the
miserable pUgbt. In this connection, I also notice of the Government and request to
request to take up the constructional of initiate steps to develop Nizampatnam,
Ichbapuram·Thada road. Chirala, Motupally as minor ports., If these
places are developed into minor ports we
Handicrafts have been totally neglected can export fish, Jute, cotton, tobacco and
in this budget. It too needs ,some sustenance around nut to other countries through these
from tbe Government. ports and earn valuable foreign exchange.

Sir, women constitute 500/ 0 of the popu- I come from Chirala. It is a coastal
lation in the country. But for tbe women, area. Lakbs of people die every year due (0
the Congress party would not have been in cyclones. There are no cy(!lone shelters in
power today. Yet this Government have tbis area. I appeal to tbe Government to
very conveniently forgotten tbe interests of construct cyclone shelters to protect them
women. This Government chose to increase from cyclones. During cyclones, the affected
the coat of all.the cosmetic including hair people must be given timely belp.
oil used by women. Very sad state of
affairs indeed. When Telugu Desam party is Sir, in and around Cbirala there are
trying at the State level to elevate them to many weavers who weave qqality jacquard.
the level of men by providing a share in This item can find a foreign market readily.
property on par with the men here, at the So I request the Government to export this
Centre, the Government is trying to tax item. It will improve the living conditions of
even the cosmetics used by them. It is most the handloom weavers there.
unfortunate. Before concluding my speecb, I appeal
I take this opportunity to request the to the Government to reconsider their deci-
Union Government to abolish tbe contract sion to tax items like kerosene, pan rnasala
labour system.. Instead the Government and scented betel nut powder. I hope the
should make all efforts to encourage self- han. Minister would withdraw imposition
of tax on these vital items and save the
employment schemes.
poor people. I thank you very much for
Sir, ours is a developing country. Majo- giving me this opportunity.
rity of our people Jive below poverty line.
Hence there is every reason to implement [English]
programmes which are beneficial to the poor. MR. DBPUTY SPEAKER: Shri Mukul
In our State, the Telugu Desam Government Wasnik, please try to finish it in five or six
is implementing successfullY the schemes like nlinutes. The Minister would like to make a
mid-day meals to the children, providing statement at 3.30 p.m.
rice at a subsidised rate of Rs. 2 per Kg.
and distributing clothes at cheaper fatos SHRI MUKUL WASNIK (Buldhana~:
through fair price shops. Why don't you First of aU, I thank you very much (or
implement such schemes throupout the living me this opportunity to speak on this
country for tho benefit of the poor? I budget. First, I would like to recollect a
request the Centre througb this august statement made by our Late Prime Minister,
House to take inspiration from tbe perfor- Shrimati Indiraji. Shri said, and I quote-
manee ot Telugu Desam Government and "I believe in acceptinl difficulties
implement the same at the national level.
as a cbaJlengc. Only that nation which
Food, cloth and shelter are tbe basic needs
accepts challenges can grow in strenath.
and the Government should do all to
No nation has Fown to greatness with..
eDlure the same to tho poorest of the poor.
. out lacina hardships with courage."
Sir I come from a coastal area of
And~. Nizam Patnam, and Motu- With these words of wisdom of our late
Prime Minister I now rile to support the
palIi can Very easily be converted into minor
~, {Jeneral Budget, /985.86- MARCH 23, 1985 Suppiementary Demands lor 9~
G~MrQI Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shrl Mukul Wasnik I at a rate of 1.3 Jak.hs per month must be

tackled. The employment opportunities will
budget submitted by our hOD. Finance have to grow. To achieve this the base or
Minister, Shri Viswanath Pratap Singh. the indu.tries whether public, private or
corporate sector must be widened.
It is a good sign that this budget is
welcomed by many. I also accept that there In order to widen the employment
will be some difficulties and there may be opportunities; also rural and cottase indus-
some challenges. But theso difficulties and tries will have to proliferate. May I hope
challenges, we have to face with courage that this budget will lay a foundatio~ stone
determination. Unless and until we face for the structure of gainful employment and
these difficulties and challenges with .courage, towards reduction of unemployment ? The
we cannot 80 towards our aim, we cannot only caution which we must keep in mind
go towards the target for which we are is tbat the budget may not give a rise to
yearning, for which we are hoping and for inflation. With the upward revision of the
which we are aspiring. railway tariff as weJJ as some of the propo-
sals made by tbe Finance Minister. Such as
Sbri V.P. Singh, in his budget, bas the increase in the price of the petroleum
made certajn provisions thereby trying to products is showing an .effect on several
remove tbe ills which bad been plauging consumer items, making them dearer day
our society since so many years last. He has \1y day. If this trend is not checked. we may
put a side many of tho provisions in the have difficulties in realising our cherished
statutes which were creating many problems dream of giving better and easier life to the
in the society and thus tried to create a poor. The needs of the poor are not as
good fiscal policy for the growth and deve. many as that of the rich. They do not
lopment of our nation. ~rtain measures aspire for luxury things ; they do not want
taken by the Finance Minister like reducing comfort; they only want the basic necessi·
the personal tax at all levels to the maximum ties like bouses, food, cloth, communication
"Of SO per cent and also tbe abolition of the and transport facilities. Therefore, I will
estate duty, and restructuring of tbe wealth suggest that these things must be kept in
tax, etc. may give relief. to the affluent but mind so that the poor may 'get these things
that does not make the whole exercise pro- at a choaper rate.
rich, since the aim is to make tax structure
self.generating and free from the disease of EducatioD, which is one of the most
black money. important things. which develops the overall
personality of a person, must also be made
As is the experience in many of the available to the people at a cheaper rate.
countries of the world. we can draw inspira. The budget proposals as proposed by the
tion and hope that the results achieved Finance Minister, I think, are not substan-
elsewhere will also not be difficult for us to tial to meet what we dream today. Education
pin. must be looked as one of the most impor-
tant things. May I hope that the increase in
The concessions given to the corporate the levy of cement wfll not increase the
sector apart (rom meeting the menace of construction cost of the houses for the poor?
black money, will also certainly open new This must also be kept in mind because
vistas which will, no doubt, be Sainful to it is also very jmportaDt~ as far as we look
tho country. towards the poor. Let me add in a hurry
tbat the proposal with regard to an announ-
The biggest problem of our times, I cement to give free education to the girls
personally tbink, is the unemployment pro- up to the higher secondary level is also very
blerD. It bas spread throu.hout the Jength appreciable and I welcome such proposals
and breadth of our country. The problein is at this timo. This policy as announced it
aisantic aa the total re,istercd unemployed has been in practice in many of the States.
are about 24 million. II is our task, it is But, nevertheless, it is very important, as far
our duty to meet this unemployment pro- as education for tho airls is concerned. A~
blem and I request the hon. Finance Minister we look behind. we have .een that education
that the unemployment which is increaling il arowioa day by day. yoar by 'year. Due
93 General Budget. 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA.) Supp/e~ntary Demands 94
General Discllssion and for Grants (Genara/) 1984.85

tbe education bas shown some d iscrimina. grammes to the maSles for whom we
tion between the girls and the boys. Boys are propose them.
getting education, but the girls find it
difficult to get it. But the proposed policy "At the end I would only like to repeat
to give free education to the Girls up to certain words of our late Prime Minister
the higber secondary standard will encourage who said that ·'Nothing worthwhile is
girls to go jn for education. achieved without effort and bard work. It
has been said the builders of joy are the
It is said that this is a rich man's children of sorrow." But this budget,
budget. Many of the opposition members certainly. is that sense may not be a builder
say this. We do not want to quarrel with of joy but we are here to strive to achieve
those people because, sitting in the opposi- tbe dream of our beloved late Prime
tion they have to say something ; they Minister, and make successful the attempts.
cannot say in favour of the budget; they With these words, I once again support the
will have to oppose it. Therefore, we do not Budget which our Finance Minister has
see any point in criticising them or having proposed.
any quarrel with those people.
May I ask as to who will benefit from DHANA POOJARY) : Sir, with rapt atten-
the increase in the exemption limit for tion I have been hearing hon. Members
retrenchment compensation rrom- Rs. 20,000 from this side and from the Oppostion side.
to Rs. 50,000 ? Who will benefit from the making contributions--valuable contribu-
increase in the base for calculating bonus tions-to the Budget discussion.
payment from Rs. 750 to Rs. 16oo? Who
are the other people who will benefit from Every year, when the Budget of the
the tax-free loan Or loan given at a conce- Government of India is presented, there is
ssiona) rate for the housing need ? Who are criticism, and there are also laurels and
they who will benefit from the provision praises for the Budget. We ha ve been hear-
that the salaried employees will no longer be ing constructive suggestions and also cons-
denied of the standard deduction of 25 per tructive criticism from the opposition alao.
cent on their salary merely because trans- and sometimes opposition without any basis.
port faciHties were made avaiJable to them This time. if you kindly look at tbe obser-
by the employers? Will not the poor in the vations that have been made by the Press,
length and breadth or the country benefit by the industry, by the trade and by the
from the concession given in 'f. well as peopJe, we can say that here is a Budget
radio ? Who will be the people who will presented by a sincere, sobre. straight..for-
benefit from Rs. 3000 which wiU be given ward, honest and brilliant Finance Minister
from the social security scheme ? Who are of the Government of India. He has pre-
the gainers from the crop insurance scheme sented a Budget which is a balanced Budget.
proposed in the Budget? Has not the I know that tbere are critics who arc
Finance Minister taken care of the Scheduled sitting on the other side and we have been
Castes and Scbeduled Tribes by pr~viding bearing them. We know that also. lbey
funds for implementing the Special Com- profess themselves to be committed to a
ponent Plan ? Is it not a Budget, oITel'ng particular philosophy and a particular
benefits to the poor by making ~ubsta al commitment to a particular ideology.
provisions for implementing the 20-Point They say that we have been giving
Programme? There are many such schemes up the policy of self-reliance, they bave
which surely are for the welfare of the poor been saying that we are running away from
ror the society and for the nation at large. socialism, tbey have been saying that we
But I would like to say here that however have become anti-poor. anti.labour and that
lood tbe Plan may be, its work depends on we have been giving step motherly treatment
those who implement it. Therefore. one to the States. Tbest- are some 01 the obser-
thing must be kept in mind, that the vations that have been made arter the Pre>-
administration through which we are to sentation of tbe Budget, outside Parliament,
implement this Plan must be made in iuch and also inside Parliament. Here is a Finance
a manner that it can really bring these pro.. Minister of tho Government of Iodi. who
95 G•• rat Budget, 1985...86- MAR.CH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demantls lor 96
Ge"eral Discussion aIUI Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shri Janardhana PODja rl] reliance ? What is the domestic investment ?

It is 25 per cent of G.D.P. What is the
bas to satisfy all sections of society. He bas domestic rate of saving? It is 23 per oent.
to latisfy the State Governments, the trade So, the dependence upon foreian capital is
and industry, the common man, far.era, only 2 per cent. Ir we' take a hYPOthetical
labour and ·his colleagues in tbe Council of position tbat tomorrow some multinational
Ministers as they also come forward with companies are going to. withdraw assistance
demands. The question is whether with tbe or capital from this country, what will
limited resources available, tbe Finance happen? Nothing will happen to the Indian
Minister is able to satisfy all sections of economy or to the country. It is said that
society and whether be has been able to
some small countries are going ahead of uS t
meet reasonably the bona fide requirements but what is the position there? If the foreign
of all sections of society. I may 10 a step companies withdraw their assistance from
further and say that there Is a Finance Mini..
those countries, their economy will fall like
ster, who bas sincerely made attempts to
a house of carda. But here can we say that
improve the functioning of the economy of
selr-reliance is a slogan? Self-reliance can-
this country. This Budget is not only the
not be a slogan. Self-reliance should be
Statement of Receipt and Expenditure, but
attained not by writing on a wall, it should
it Is a Budget to improve the functioning
be attained by performance. The Govern-
of tbe economy. Improvement of the eco- ment of India has been performing well for
nomy lies in the fact that it must create
the Jast so many years. I fully agree with
jobs. Unless the economy picks uP, there
the hon. Members who stated that our
cannot be jobs. Unless jobs are created,
economy was dOing well and that the Per-
unemployment problem cannot be solved.
formance of our economy was very good,
With this background, let us proceed. I do
not want to go into details as to what are , It has been said that we are running
the benefits that have been derived by the away from the public sector and we are
we akers lections and also the trade and encouraging the private sector. How many
industry. It has been discussed in detail botb public sector co m panics were there at the
on the floor of Parliament and outside beginning of the First Five-Year Plan ? Only
also. five public undertakings were there with
an investment of Rs. 29 crores. Today Rs.
To take UP the first point i.e. whether 35,400 crores are invested in the public
we have given up the policy of self·reIiance, sector undertakings. Can anybody say that
bere it bas been stated that we depend we are running away from the public sector?
more on foreign assistance and foreign Some people say that we are anti-labour,
borrowings. We have got the Sixth Five some say we are not for the labour. We
Year PlaD. We have seen that there was a bave heard that on tbe Floor of this House
massive outlay of Rs. 97,500 crores. In the during the last so many hours. If you go
first four years., there was an expenditure througb the speech of the FInance Minister
of morc than Rs. 80,000 crores. For the and if you go through the Budget, YOU will
fifth year the allocation was Rs. 2S,OOO crores find that so many incentives have been
but actuaUy the expenditure would be to the liven to the labour. I need Dot repeat them.

t 10.000
tune of Rs. 30,000 crores. So, the massive But stilI it is said that we are anti-labour.
outlay of the Sixth Plan would go upto Rs. may kindly note that when tbe distin ...
crotes. N ow, what is the share of guiShed hone Member from the opposite
1internal resources and how much Is the side Shri Indrajit Gupta made- his point, ho
dependence on foreign borrowings and assi.... . conceded that he had discussions with tbe
tanCe ? The House will be 8lad to know labour and with the Finance Minister and
tbat tbe dependence on foreign assistance, it was represented to the Finance Minister
whether it is bilateral or multi-lateral or that the Compulsory Deposit Scbeme shOuld
coming from IMF and other sources, is to he withdrawn. It has been done. I do not
the tune of 7 to 8 per cent only. 93 per say In det,n but be mentioned three points
cent bas come from internal rCloul'CCs. Is it wbich he mafje and whicb have been consi-
a mean achievement ? Can we say that our dered. Then are we antl ...labour? If you say
country bas not proar.sed? Can \'ie lay we are anti-labour, you take tho period
tbat w. bav. liVeD up lb. policy or Mlr.. between 1972..84, tb. tOD ;Y"n P.rirl ~r
<'!'~~Itp "
97 General Budget. 1985-86- CHAITRA 2. 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 9S
General Discusslon and • for Grants (General) 1984-85

Indira ji's regime ... (lnterruptions). I have cerned, the transfer from the Centre to the
been hearing them patiently, I have been States has gone up from Rs. 13,176 crores
disciplined also and I never interfered when in 1984-85 to Rs. 17,476 crores in 1985-86.
they were speaking. So, I was saying that an increase of Rs. 4,300 crores. In the
during this ten years period. the wage of current year assistance for state plan is
the labour has been increased by 3! times 4313 crores, which will rise to Rs. 6,000
... {Interruption). crores next year, a sharp rise t)f 39 per cent .
This shows that the opposition want to
SHRI SAIFFUDIN CHOWDHURY: criticise us just for the sake of criticism, just
What about the price rise? for the sake of opposition. That is why
prof. Ranga in the beginning itself suggested
SHRI JANARDHANA POOJARY: Yes, that there should be constructive criticism.
I knew that this question will be put. The
prices have been increasing ... (Interruption). Then I come to what we give to the
farmers. So far as finance is concerned,
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: I request under the IRDP whatever we give to the
the Members not to interfere. Let him finish. farmers, 25 per cent is subsidy. Suppose we
When he is speaking, it is our duty to give Rs. 4.000 to a smaJl farmer. Rs. t ,000
listen to him. If there is any point, you can out of it would be suhsidy, which is borne
note down and ask him after his reply is equally hy the Centre and the State. If he
over. is a marginal farmer, the subsidy wiJI be
33-1/3 per cent. If the amount of loan is
SHRl .lANARDHANA POOJARY: Rs, 3,000, the suhsidy would be Rs. 1,000.
Prices increased by 2·~ times during this In the case or a tribal. the subsidy would
period but the wage-ri~e has been 3~· times. go upto 50 per cent. Yet, it has been stated
The Government of Ind ia under the leader- that we have not done anything for the
ship of Congress Party i~ not against the farmers.
Then, there is no income-tax for the
Now it has been made out that we are farmers, no wealth-tax or estate duty; of
not giving anything to the States, we are course, estate duty bas he<"n removed for
showing step-motherlY treatment to the others also. Then, in every kg of rice supp-
States. At the same time, they say there is lied to the poorer sections, the subsidy is
a cut in the Centra) Plan outlay, we have 60 paise and in the case of wheat it is 54
not provided sufficient funds for the Central paise. The State Governments think that
Plan. Then, for the last twO or tbree days, they have been giving it. No. they arc not
they have been saying that the States have giving. The issue price of rke is Rs. 2 08
not been given sufficient outlay, the Centre paise. But before this issue price, we have
is concentrating everything in its hands, it is been giving a subsidy of 60 paise. Now~
not doing anything for the States. take cloth. Some of the State Governments
have stated that they have heen giving suh-
But what is the real position? The sidy in the case of saree~. Here, I may
central assistance for plan outlay for the inform the Members that in the case of
States has been increased by 39 per cent. It cloth the Central Government is giVIng sub-
bas never happened in the history of Centre- sidy to the tune of Rs. 105 ('fOres. In the
State relationship. We have been able to case of mill-made cloth there is a subsidy
provide more funds to the States and yet element of Rs. 2 per square Metre of cloth.
this complaint is made that we have not In the case of hand loom cloth a rebate of
done anything. Take agriculture, water sup- 20 per cent is given. Now, I \\- ill show what
ply, education etc. They are all in the State we are giving to the farmers. In the case of
sector or State subject for which we have fertilisers for every kilogram of fertiliser,
provided funds. The states have to take care both domestic and imported, we are giving a
of the facmers, the rucal people, particularly subsidy of 95 paise. per kg. In other words
the poorer sections of the people. for every bag of 50 kg. of fertiliser. a
subsidy of about Rs. 50 is being given.
What is the amount that has been given
to the States ? So far as the Plan is con- Now, so far as the post cards arc con-
99 General Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demands for 100
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shri lanadhana Poojary] and the Postal Department. The number of

Central Government employees is 35 Jakhs.
cerned, they are used by the poor people. Two-and-a-half CTores of people are work ..
They are also used by the rural people. ing in the Government sector and they have
Now what is the cost of the post-card? We been able to get some concession. Now
arc ;elling it at 15 paise, but the economic we are to see who are paying the tax. We
cost of production, including the handling have given some concession. To whom
cost, comes to 59 paise. That means a can we give this concession? We can give
subsidy of 44 paise is there in one post-card. this concession to a person who pays the
The Finance Minister has to incur a deficit tax. For others tax concessions could not
of Rs. 187 crores from the postal side alone. be given. How many people are taken out
These are some factors to show that we are from this tax net? Ten lakh employees or
for the poor people and not for the elite ten lakh people, the assessees. Is it a mean
class. This clearly shows that we are for
achievement? And these are the People
the weaker sections of society.
who have been telling, 'Change the tax
Now I come to the Differential Rate structure', and the Opposition Party Mem-
of Intere;t scheme. We are providing loans bers are in alliance with our Janata Party
to the poorer sections of the society at a Members and BJP people. They have been
differential rate of interest of 4 per cent. telling that the corporate tax is the highest.
We are giving a rate of interest of J 1 per and they have been telling, 'Reduce it. When
you reduce it, you will collect more.' That
cent to the depositors of savings for five
WaS your philosophy. You have been tcll-
years. More-over, we have to pay for the
ing this for the last 37 years and you have
cost of the furniture, accommodation and
salary of the employees. That means for been claiming that unless it is done, there
every Rs. 100 of saving collected we have to cannot be any improvement. This IS your
spend about Rs. 13 to Rs. 14. So, while we philosophy. Yes, we have taken the chal-
are giving loans at the DRI of 40/0 to the lenge this year. We have taken a challenge,
weaker sections of society, we are accepting Government is not suppressing any facts,
the deposits at a cost of ] 3 to 14 per cent. we have reduced the tax for the corporate
It is not that we are working for the poorer sector, but with a warning: 'We have
sections of society? About 39 lakhs of reduced your taxes, now be honest and pay
poor people are taking the benefit of this the tax.' We must coUect more. We have
DRI scheme. seriously plugged the loopholes; bottlenecks
ha ve been removed, and stringent punish-
16.00 hrs. ment will be given. And for the information
of the House we can say that 1133 raids
Now, under the IRDP, so many people were conducted during a short span of two
have been given suhsidy. Every year we months. You have been hearing that there
have to cover 600 families, poor people. have been raids, customs raids. Almost
5 011 blocks are there in the country. At daily you have been listening to the reports
tl~is rate a sum of Rs. 3000 crores should about them, they are coming in the TV,
have been taken from cooperative banks in on the radio and through newspaper reports.
the Sixth Five Year Plan. How much have We are very careful and cautious, at the
we been able to give" How many families same time we are moving very fast. We
we have to cover in all? We have to cover have given concessions, We have reduced the
one-and-a-half crores families. Already We tax, but at the same time we have with-
have covered them. By February 1985-the drawn some other concessions. Now, it
target is for March 1985-we have been has been stated that we are going to lose
able to cover all. This is the performance in terms of tax collection rrom the corporate
under tRDP. Can anybody say that we sector. No, we are not gOing to lose. On
are not for the weaker sections? Can any- the contrary the estimate is abOllt Rs. 251
bodf say that we are against the pOor crores that we are going to collect. Not
people? And how many people are there
only that. The Supreme Court judgment
in the labour sector and Government emplo-
is also in OU[ favour. With the help of the
yees? Two-and.a-half crotes of people
Supreme Court decision we are Boing to
arc working in public enterprises, Railways colJect more. 'fIlat is goiqa to happen in
101 General Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 102
General Discussion and for Grants (General) 1984-85

this country. cated unemployed youth. It is for the

weaker section; it is for the middle class.
Sir, it has been stated that particularly
It may be for the children of a policeman;
our Government is in favour of trade and
it may be for the children of a Pressman;
industry. Yes, we have to take care of
it may be for the children of a clerk. if
these people trade and industrY, labour,
tbey are unemployed. He may be a
farmers, common men and the poorest child of.a bidi roller. For them also, we
among the poor who arc living below the
have given some amount. Now, you may
poverty line. How? In the beginning, I have
ask, if there are uneducated unemployed.
stated that we have to create more job. We
how would you face it. You go in
have to improve the production. We must
for some business; go in for some small
have the production in this country. We scale industry. He will be given assistance
must have the productivity. We are going
from the banks. Out of Rs. 25,000, 25<J1o
to enter the 21st century with a definite
would be the subsidy amount. How many
philosophy of growth. Here also, the growth people will be covered? How many people
will be there with the social objective. We have been covered? 2,42,000 people have
are not going to give up the social objective. been covered in the current year. We can
say that about a sum of Rs. 401 crores has
Sir, a referen(;e has been made to our
flowed from the banks and from the coope-
Party, the Indian National Congress. Yes,
we are the members of the Indian National rative sector.
Congress. For the last 100 years, it bas Sir, this would be my last point. About
the history. Indian National Congress the price rise in the petroleum products,
history is the history of the country. We our hone Members and the nation should
had promised to the people of this country understand that there is a change in the
freedom from political slavery. We had exchange rate. The exchange ra tc of dollar
promised to the people of this country fre\!- has gone. UP. We have to pay more. Due
dom from economic bondage. We have to this change in the exchange rate, we
got freedom from political slavery. We are have to give 1,000 crores more, How to
going to get economic freedom from the meet it 1 From where can we get it? Some-
economic bondage. For that purpose, we body should pay; the consumer should
have presented this Budget. It is a Budget pay. Otherwise, there will be more deficit.
with a beginning. It gives the direction. Should we not act? Should we keep quiet 1
It gives the direction to the nation. Here If we had kept quiet, what would have been
is the nation with 70 crores of people. Here the effect?
is the nation with about 31 crore people
living below the proverty line. Now. we I will give you an example. In the
have to look after them. We are looking year 1979-please keep it in mind the year
after these people. We are committed to 1979 when the Janata Government was
it. That is why. our hone Finance Minister there-the inflation was 21.4 per cent.
·has presented this Budget on the floor of Nothing waS done during that period. The
the House. I am making one point very Government of India at that time kept
clear. It has been stated that adequate quiet. Next year, our Government came to
funds are not provided for NREP Pro- power and raised the petroleum prices.
gramme. It has been stated that adequate During the period between June, 1980 and
funds have not been provided for the 1981 the petroleum prices were raised thrice,
IRDP programme. But I would say that ranging froro 25 per cent to 40 per cent.
adequate funds have been provided. We What was the effect? The infla.tion came
are committed to these programmes. We down from 21.4 per cent to 16.7 per cent.
are going to assure the House and the It was said that there would be more infla-
nation that we are going to meet the genuine tion. But the inflation came down. Why
requirements of these programmes. Even I am making this point is that it is a ques-
actuals will be met by us and we are going tion of better management of the economy.
to meet the requirements. We have to see whether there is bad manage.
ment Or good management. If you are gOing
Apart from this. there is one more to manage it properly, the innation will not
proaramme called the programme for edu- be there.
103 General Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demands for 104
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85


(TiruDelveli): Mr. Deputy Speaker t I rise
What is the current inflation? It is to support on behalf of All India Anna
5.5 per cent. There will be inflation and DMK the Budget of Shri Rajiv Gandhi
the prices will rise. To a certain extent, the which is resultoriented.
price rise will be there. We do not say
tbat there will not be any price rise. It will As has been rightly pointed out by the
be there. But what would have bappened ex·Finance Minister, Shri H.M. Pate), the
if we had kept quiet? The deficit would Budget represents various sections of the
have been more. In the year 1979, the People who have given a massive mandate
deficit was to the tune of about Rs. 2,475 to this new Government. This Budget makes
crores. Now also, if we had kept quiet, the the people convinced that whatever judgment
deficit would have been more. Tben, the they made in 1984 in electing this Party to
opposition panies would have said that the power is correct and that this Government
deficit bas been increased to the maximum will make India a new India.
extent. We are now telling the nation to
pay more. We have to pay Rs 1000 crores The hon. Minister of Finance has told
because of the change in the exchange rate. us that the good crops this year will help
We have to pay more. So, we have to make reduce the effects of inflation due to the
a sacrifice. deficit financing. There is an old proverb
that the Indian Budget is a gamble of the
During the freedom struggle, there was mOnsoon. We have to depend upon agricul-
a sense of patriotism amongst the people of tural productivity for our prosperity. Our
this country. What has happened to that? new Prime Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi, has
Can't we contribute something forthe often been saying that this is a farmers'
nation'S economy. The image of the country Government. He did not stop at that.
is involved. The trade has to pay; every- He proved what he has been saying by
body ha.s to pay. The hon. Member, Mr. bringing a new Scheme, the Crop Insurance
Indrajit Gupta, made a point that every Scheme. If this Scheme is implemented with
family has been affected. Yes, I contacted all the technology available, the grass roots
the poorest of the poor. I explained to him of our society will be benefitted. Is it not
and said to him, "You have to pay more," bringing about a revolution which we never
He said, "Yes ; I will pay more. I am a before beard of? Shri Rajiv Gandhi has
~ patriot, It will be my contribution for the introduced this Scheme not on the advice of
I development of the country." That should a mere small group of advisers but on the
~be the spirit amongst the people of aU advice of crores of people whom be happe-
. sections of the society. ned to meet at the time of general elections .
It is the Indian people who had advised
Let us congratulate the Finance Minister. Sbri Rajiv Gandhi to introduce this Scheme.
Under the circumstances, what would have I would, therefore, advise this Government
been the position of any other Finance that the crop insurance scheme should be
Minister? You place yourself in his place. implemented in right earnest.
What would you have done? Here is a
man who has given direction to the economy The crop insurance scheme should be
of the country. Let uS give encouragement implemented first of all in the dry crop
ito him. Let us have more production ; let areas which are at present growing crops
us have more food; let us have efficient by four types of irrigation namely, the rain-
t_administration ; let us have clean adminis- fod crop, well-water irrigation., lake water
crop and underground water crop. Such
areas exist in the States of Vidarbha, parts
With these words, I conclude. of Andhra Pradesh, and Tamilnadu. The
crop insurance, scheme should be introduced
SHRI AMAL DATTA: Did he mako in these areas first.
his speech as a Minister?
The Government has included wheat,
MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Final reply pulses and oilseeds under crop insurance
will come. scheme. I am extremely sorry they have
lOS General Budget, 1985.86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) ,supplementary Demands 106
General Discussion and for Grants (General) 1984.85

forgotten cotton which is the major indige- ment to assist liberally th~ States for this
nous agricultural product and which is AR WSP, so that, by 1990 not even a small
entirely consumed by our textile industry. panchayat will be left without drinking water
Cotton is the major industry of India. facilities.
Cotton is being sold at throwaway prices
in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Once again I say that this IS a result-
Gujarat and Punjab. Even the CCI and the oriented budget except for the small rise in
National Textile Corporation are not giving respect of petroleum but the Finance
good price for cotton nOr are they coming Minister has explained the position.
forward to pay remunerative prices to the
I am sure that the new India will grow
farmers because they do not buy direct
from strength to strength. In 1948 when the
from the farmer but through the interme-
Father of Our Nation, Mahatma Gandhi,
was assassinated, we wept on hearing the
I therefore request the Government to news over the radio. But in 1984 when our
set up a Cotton Board immediately. At late Indiraji was assassinated. we wept
present, there is the Tea Board and Coffee viewing the whOle thing in T.V. That is the
Board but there is unfortunately no Cotton advance India bas made. and I am sure we
Board. As an agriculturist from Tamilnadu, will mareh on and on mak ing more and
I request the hone Minister that Cotton more progress.
Board is very essential for the farmers and
the crop insurance scheme should be imple- SHRI TARUN KANTI GHOSH
mented in right earnest. The crop insurance (Barasat) : Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir,
scheme should not be mismanaged and it first of all ] want to thank the Finance
should not be allowed to go to a few hands. Minister for presenting a Budget which is
very balanced, not from the point of view
When the loans were given in the context of balancing the deficit by earning revenue
of the implementation of the 20-Point Pro- for the expenditure, hut from tbe
gramme, they were given both to the good point of view that it has tried to do good
and the bad people. When the Crop to the different categories of people: it has
Insurance Scheme is implemented, it must done some good for the workers, for the
be implemented properly and the dry crops peasants and for the middle cJa~s ~ also it
should be given the first preference. The bas given some impetus to industry.
cotton crop should be included to be covered
I want to thank the hon. Minister
under this Scheme. You may say that cotton
particularly for introducing the Crop
is a cash crop. But I WOll ld point out that
Insurance Scheme that was being agitated
the entire cotton is used indigenously in the
for a long time. But I would like to make
textile industry. Till 1964 we were importing
a request to the hon. Minister of State who
global cotton for the production of 80 and
is present here, namely, that jute should
100 counts yarn. Now we are producing
also be one of the crops (0 be covered under
everything here; we are not importing even
the Crop Insurance Scheme. Jute is one of
a single pound of cotton. Suvin cotton pro-
the major crops in my State, and tllat is
duced in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
why I make this special request to him.
is producing excellent yarn. eveD 120 counts
yarn. The farmers should be encouraged. I The need for development of our country
request the hone Minister to set uP a Cotton was recognised when India became flcc. and
Board and save the cotton farmers by giving ODe of the major objectives was that India
them proper prices. They can get proper as a whole should be developed equally.
prices onJy if the CCI and the NTC work But may I say that the eastern parts of
properly and correctly. India, not only West Bengal but also Bihar.
Though during the Sixth PJan period the Orissa, Assam the north .. eastern States and
amount spent on Accelerated Rural Water also U.P." if I may include that also, are
Supply Programme was about Rs. 925 crores very backward economically in comparison
as against the original outlay or Rs. 600 to the other parts of our country. I feel
erores, still thousands of villages arc left proud when I see the economic development
OUt. So, it is the duty of the Central Govern- in Punjab because Punjab is also a part of
107 General Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demands lor 108
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shri Tarun Kanti Ghosh] MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER : Please con-

India and I consider Punjab as my State. I
feel very proud when I 80 to Bombay SHRI TARUN KANTI GHOSH: Sir, a
because Bombay looks almost an European word about the position of scheduled castes
city but I would like to plead that more and scheduled tribes. 1 come from a cons-
emphasis on economic development of this tituency where there are lot of people who
backward area of Eastern India should be belong to scheduled castes and scheduled
laid. tribes and when the objective of this govern-
ment is to uplift the downtrodden I feel
The regional facilities that were being something special should be done for this
enjoyed by Eastern India on the dawn of community also.
freedom were taken away by equalisation of
prices of steel and coal. When Dr. Roy Before I conclude I would like to request
was alive he was agitating against this and the hon. Minister to consider about lowering
since then all the State governments inclu- the price of diesel oil because diesel oil is
ding that of Shri Jyoti Basu have been neceSsary for bringing in food and other
agitating against this unfair thing. If there materials in the city. Until and unless you
Is er;Jualisation in respect of all the material lower the price of diesel oil the prices of
we do not mind but would you get cotton other commodities will rise. I don't mind
tn Bengal at the price the cloth mill-owners petroleum prices going up but Government
get it in Bombay and Ahmedabad? Is it not should not allow the diesel oil prices to
a joke that a man who is living within ten increase.
miles of the pit from where coal is drawn
has to pay more than what a man pays for Sir, my last point is about the develop.
the same in Bombay? We are all Indians. ment of Calcutta. As has been said by the
There is no doubt about it and everybody Prime Minister and myself being a man
should have all facilities but this equalisa.. from Bengal I feel sorry that my city which
tion has taken away natural advantages that was once the second best city in the then
were available to Eastern India. I think British Empire has come to this stage. No
something should be done about it. A doubt, it is in bad condition. We shouJd do
committee was appointed to go into this something special to revive this city which
question and they recommended it should was once the pride of not only Eastern
go but no tangible action has been taken so India but also the whole of India.
far about it.
With these words, I thank the Finance '
Sir, I want to stress that there is need Minister for bringing forward a bold and an.
for creating more jobs in West Bengal. I imaginative budget which wi II do a lot of
thank the Finance Minister for presenting a good to our country.
budget which in my opinion wouIa give 16.30 hrs.
impetus to industrY but apart from industry
somerhing special should be done for Eastern [SHRI VAKKOM PURUSHOTHAMAN
India because the jobless, particularly educa- in the Chair]
ted unemployed, in my State and around
are the highest in India. SHRI AMAR ROYPRADHAN (Cooch
Behar): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, 1 have
Then a wO~d about refugee rehabilita- gone through this budget very minutely and
tion. In my State more than one-fifth of I have also listened to the speech of the
our people are refugees. They came from State Minister of Finance, Shri Janardhana
East Bengal which is now Bangladesh. There POojary. It becomes crystal clear that it is a
are many problem~ of these peop) e but budget for the 'haves'. It is a budget for the
there is no Refugee Department here. Until 4kulaks'. It is a budget for the monopoly
and unless We solve their problems the houses. It is a budget for big bUSiness
economy of Bengal cannot be revived. I feel houses. Only there are some crocodiJe tears
very strongly about it and something positive jn this budget for the poor agriculturists,
should be done about them to make them namely, the agricultural labourers and the
economically rehabilitated. share croppers.
109 General Budgtt, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 110
General Discussion al1d for Grants (General) 1984·85

In this budget one finds there is a buge in his Budget speech-'Let us put our
deficit of more tban Rs. 3,600 crOfes and shoulders to the wbeel.' But the fact is, the
the loans from all sources amount to Rs. rural poor are so poor during the last 30
10,900 croreS. J don't know how you will years of Congress administration that the-y
fill up this gap. As it is not a budget for are not able to stand even, not to spe:ik of
the common man. It is a budget for tbe putting their shoulders to the wheel. They
mill owners, black-marketcers and boarders. are now completely Jying down on the
ground and they cannot speak even. This
In his speech the hon. Minister of State Budget is a capitalist Budget. The capitalist
for Finance has said that he would like to wheel is crushing the poor people of this
have some suggestions from the members of country more and more. The hOD. Minister
the Opposition. The first thing] would like said that they are for the philosophy of
to say is that socialism as included in the growth. But, I would like to remind you
Preamble of our Constitution by the 42nd what the Prime Minister said about Calcutta.
Amendment now you have put this word The Prime Minister said 'Calcutta is a dying
'capitalism' in place of socialism. That city.' J am sorry for his rernark but it is a
socialism should be removed. That is my childish remark. (Interruptions)
first suggestion. The wide deficit gap you
have left can be fillIed only througb new you are aware ...
taxation or printing of new currency notes (InterruptioI1S)
which wi1l further add to the sufferings of
the common man. MR. CHAIRMAN: Order, order.


are aware, Mr. Chairman, of the fact that
Calcutta is the heart of West Bengal. Don't
admit that you have mentioned in your
forget that Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami
budget speech that in the last two years
Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Netaji
production has increased very much and, as
Subhas Chandra Bose and Nazrul Islam are
such. you can meet the deficit if the pro-
from Bengal.
duction also increases in the prescnt year.
Can the hon. Minister assure me that pro- (Interruption)
duction will he much more in the coming
year as compared to tbe last year? ) say it
(Howrah): Mr. Chairman, Sir. I rise on a
because our agriculture depends mainly on
point of order. My point of order i:-. this.
nature and if there is flood or a drought
then all our beges will get belied. Supposing He should not make any reference or
for a minute there is more production tben any comment about the remarks made in
what will happen? J would like to give a the other House by the bon. Leader of this
warning. NAFED has said that whenever House. (Interruption) Let me finish my sub-
production increased, it has resulted in dis- mission on my Point of order. I have been
proportionate fall in prices. NAFED further listening to tbe hon. Member very attentively.
said that if this situation was allowed to If tbose things are to he discussed it is better
continue, it might lead to stagnation of to give notice, to examine the script first.
production and impoverishment of agricul-
tural producers as a whole. SHRI AMAR ROYPRADHAN : Sjr, it
is a newspaper report.
Then, regarding Agricultural Prices
Commission, I would like to point Ollt to SHRI PRIY A RANJAN DAS MUNS} :
you that this Agricultural Prices Commission Rajya Sabba is a different House. If it is
is there simply in order to help only the a remark made in the Lok Sabha it is an
industrialists. It is not there for helping the right. But no remark made in the other
agriculturists. It is a white elephant. This House can be commented upon in this
Agricultural Prices Commission may be House without a proper notice havinl been
named as 'White Elephant'. (Illterruptions) given for that purpose. That is not allowed
Nothing is being done for the poor people and tbey cannot l!O on Jike 1his. It is not
of this country. The Finance Minister said proper.
111 General Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplementary De1fl/lllds for 112
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85

MR. CHAIRMAN: It is a fact that government employees, the small scale indus.
what happened in the other House cannot tries and the shopkeepers while formUlating
be discussed here. the Budget. The Finance Minister has ful-
filled the promises made by our par~y in its
SHRI AMAR ROYPRADHAN : I wish manifesto.
to submit that I never referred to Rajya
Sabha. I did not say anything about the The Finance Minister has prepared tbis
other House. Budget keeping in view the 20-point pro.
gramme introduced by our late Prime
MR. CHAIRMAN: I have not expun- Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi and also the
ged his remark. ideas of our young Prime Minister, Sbri
Rajiv Gandhi, for the progress of our
Now1 Shri Bharat Singh, country. A provision fOr Crop Insurance
Scheme has been made in this Budget. Our
Hon. Members from the Congress party poor farmer toils hard round the year but
may kindly bear in mind that the Congress he has to face acute difficulties due to
party bas allowed them only five minutes. hailstorms, floods, droughts, etc. With the
After 4 minutes. I will ring the first bell. destruction of his crops. he himself is
Hon. Members may please wind up within ruined. The question of crop insurance was
one minute. discussed several times in order to save him
SHRI H.A. DORA (Srikakulam): If from ruination, but up till now it was not
you give 5 minutes only, it will amount given a practical shape. I congratulate the
to discrimination, as some other Hon. Finance Minister on introducing the Crop
Insurance Scheme.
Members were given more than 5 minutes.
Mr. Chairman, Sir, you might be know-
MR. CHAIRMAN: The party is com-
ing that the late Prime Minister, Smt.
petent to do that. Now, Shri Bharat Singh.
Indira Gandhi, had nationalised the banks
(Interruption) to benefit the farmers. After nationaJisation,
bank branches have been opened in each
MR. CHAIRMAN : NOw, Shri Bharat and every village. With the assistance pro-
Singh. vided by tbe hanks, the farmers installed
tube-wellS, purchased tractors and got irri-
[Translation] gation facilities and improved varieties of
seeds, as a result of which agricultural pro-
duction increased. Previously, Our produc-
saur}: Mr. Chairman, Sir, while supporting
tion was inadequate and we had to import
the Budget presented by our Finance
foodgrains from abroad to meet our require-
Minister, I would like to congratulate him
ments, but now our production has gone so
for ....... ..
high that we can even export foodgrains.
[English1 With the efforts made by Indiraji, the
irrigation facilities increased, improved
MR. CHAIRMAN: I have called Shri varieties of seeds and good quality fertili.
Dharat Singh or the Congress party. I am zers were made available due to which Our
really sorry If your name is Shri Bharat farmers were able to increase their prod~c­
Singh. tion considerably.

[Trans/ation] You know, lakbs of people were bene-

fited by the 20-point programme introduced
SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI : Probably by the late Smt. Indira Gandhi. PreviOUSly,
you said Bairagi. after school education, Our YOung boys
used to remain unemployed and after fall-
SHRI BHARAT SINGH (Outer Delhi) : ing 'in wrong company they used to indulge
Mr. Chairman, Sir, I congratulate the in undesirable activities, but ever since the
Finance Minister from the core of my heart, IRDP under the 20-point programme has
because be has kept in view the interests
been placed under tbe cbarge of the Deve-
of the poor farmers, the labourers, the lopment Commissioner in Delhi, a Jar.,
113 General Budget. 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 114
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984.85

number of youngmen have been provided D.D.A. may, therefore, be given the said
with employment. Loans were given at an amount of Rs. 16 crores in order to expe-
interest of 4 per cent to people living in dite the works in resettlement colonies.
resettlement colonies in Delhi, to Harijans
in villages and to small farmers. In other I would also like to submit that viJlages
words. people Were given assistance in every are linked with each other by Kacha roads.
way so that they could stand on their own Pucca roads should be constructed there
feet. and the dividing verges constructed in each
village after consolidation of holdings should
I feel that almost all sections 01 the be made pucca.
society have been benefited by this Budget.
For government employees and middle class Mr. Chairman, Sir, I am grateful to you
people, the income-tax limit has been raised for having given me an opportunity to speak.
which has provided relief to about 10 lal{h [English}
people. Radio and Television licence fee bas
been abolished. Licencing system has been SHRI P.A. ANTONY (Trichur) : The
aboHshed for small-scale industties. All most striking feature of the Budget is its
these steps have provided relief to small bold initiative and imaginative character in
farmers, labourers, Harijans, backward planning a long term economic pol icy for
classes and petty shopkeepers. But One the development of the nation. This Budget
thing J must say. Although the farmers is the base of the Seventh Five Year Plan.
have been given considerable reHef yet one Sir, under the present infrastructure, industry
thing is pinching them. The increase of Rs. can grow faster than the previous years so
6 effected in the price of wheat is quite that more employment can be given to the
inadequate in these days of price-rise. The people.
prices of diesel and kerosene oil have
increased. You should look into it and In the year 1950, our food production
check the price-rise so that the poor could was only 50 million tonnes, whereas the
use them. population was about 35 CrOfes. Now, in
J985, our food production is J 50 million
About three and a balf lakh unemploy- tonnes. Whereas our population now has
ed young men have been provided with just doubled, our food productions has
employment. Relief bas been given in tripled. Now, India became self sufficient in
income-tax. You have taken a commendable food and it is the third in the world. That
step by raising the income- tax limit from Rs. is our pOSition today and We have achieved
15,000 to Rs. 18,000. This limit should be it througb democratic means. With all its
raised to Rs. 25,000, as has been pleaded differences and diversities. We are a leading
by my other colleagues also. ' example to aU the other non-aligned coun-
tries. We have got so many engineers. so
many technocrats and we have a good
On account of increasing population in
management system also. So, we can utilise
Delhi, a large number of houses have been
these experts, the entire educated people to
built outside Lal Dora. Lakhs of unautho-
industrialise our country. This is the proper
rised houses have come up, but these are
time and this is the proper direction. I
without electricity on account of which their
congratulate our Prime Minister and the
children cannot study. All the 612 unautho-
most sincere Finance Minister for this move.
rised colonies should, therefore, be elecl:tri-
We are a leading nation and India is the
fied so that children of the poor people
champion of the Third World. Almost aIt
could study we1t. Lakhs of children study
the non-aligned countries are looking up to
there in schools.
us because we bave been able to 80 throuah
the process of democracy with all its diver-
I would like to say one thing more. sities, we find a way to feed our people and
D.D.A. has invested 16 crores of rupees we afe developing very fast and are able to
from its own account in resetlement colonies. compete with the other world powers.
This amount was to be given to D.D.A. by
the Central O~vernment. D.D.A.'s work has The bUdget touchcs the lives of the
slowed down due to shortaae of funds. different strata of people, the entire commu-
.115 GeMarl Bud6~'f 198.5-86- MARCH 23,1985 Supplementary Demands lor 116
General Discussion and GrfJIfll (Gt!1I6rtl/) 1984-85

[Shri P.A. Antony] is 40 per cent t for health 20 per cent. They
ihouJd provide for schools, drinking water
olty the land.les s labourers, the marginal
and dispensaries. Now, there is no industry,
and' sman farmers and the middle class
but the literacy rate is very high. So, please
people who are the government employees
divert industrial investment to Kerala and
and factory workers. Of course in a deve-
also my constituency for establishment of
loping nation witb dynamism, taxes arc
more industries. I am representing my cons-
naturally charged. I do not know why our
tituency, Trichur, for the last 28 years.
Finance Minister is more serious about the
Previously, it was represented by CPl.
running of our public sector companies. Ou~
Guruvayoor temple is the most important
hone Minister of State for Finance, Shn
pilgrim centre in South India where
Janardhana Poojary stated that we have
thousands of people are visiting daily from
invested Rs. 30,000 crores in the public
all over India. Hence, I request the Go ..
sector. We are not getting even minimum
·vernment to extend the railway line from
dividend from it. Suppose if there is ,a pro-
Trichur to Guruvayoor. According to 1981
per managerial set up and proper direction
for this 30,000 crores of rupees, at least 20
census Trichur Constituency has got a high
percen'tage in literacy So, an Indian Insti.
Per cent dividend you will get if you deposit
tute of Technology may be started there
it in the nationalised bank; you will get
because it has got the infrastructure. Deposit
Rs. 3,500 crores as the total dividend. Wh!
is the government not thinking about Jt
money of the nationalised banks in Kerala
serious1y to make it all right? If the govern· is not being spent properly. 80-90 per cent
ment with all sincerity, can change the of the entire deposits are going to the major
cour;e of the management, it will heJp in cities in the North, So, please see that there
the development of the backward areas. should be a regional balance. The State
Finance Minjst~r, Shri Poojary should look
Now, the Managers are the senior into the matter and sec that there should
bureaucrats occupying higher posts and be a regional balance. Thank you.
leading a better and happy life. But that
is not the point. You have to find out the [T'ranslation]
proper people. You have to make our
labourers an organised wing according to
HOD. Deputy SPeaker. Sir, I rise to support
the needs of the country. Let them be
the Budget for 1985·86 presented by the
matured. They have got all facilities com- bon. Finance Minister. This Budget has
pared to the other poor sections; let them
provided considerable relief to the middle
thannclise in a bettcr way, work hard and
class people. Minimum limit for income tax
get more benefits so that they can serve the
has been raisod. The rates of taxes have
been considerably reduced and I welcome
It is a fact that there is a parallel eco- the abo1ition of the surcharge on Income-tax
nomy. For parallel economy, our Finance and the Compulsory Deposit scheme.
Minister has got some proposals. That is Limit for wealth tax has also been increased.
very good. But Jet us face the truth. You It would have been more appropriate had
'cannot stop the black money by the this limit been increased further. I would
measures of the government machinery. Let like to thank the hone Finance Minister ror
us think on the lines of voluntary disclosure aboIishina tbe Estate Duty only a victim
of black money by some attractive way. of tbis cruel Estate Duty, especially on the
death of the head of & middle class family
The most burning problem in India is knows that one had to face numerous
the housing problem. Let the black money unnecessory difficulties .. for a year in the
people construct houses and then rent them normal course and sometimes even for two
out and the government should take some or three years and, as explained by the
percentago out of it so that it can be regu .. Finance Minister, this duty fetched only a
wised. meagre revenu~ to the Government.
In Kerala State, the unemployment pro- This year's Budact symbolises tho
blem is the highest. The 'money spent by development"oriented policies of the new
the Kcrala Government for social upliftment Government in manY' respects. Concession
117 G.Mral Budget, 1985-86........ CHArtR'A 2, l~t7'(SAKA) Suppiemerrtary Demands .f18
General Discussion and jor .Grants (General) 1984.85

has been given in corporate Tax. ''Cohces- of power supply. "EleCtriCity Is in tbe Con-
sian in excise duty or in customs' bas also current List and on this around, I wO\l1d
been given on many articles in tIie ·inteJtest request that tbe central Government shOUld
of industrial development. There'lite many adopt some concrete measures for jncre~sina
other provisions in the Budget which 'would
the generation of electricity in the Bihar
facilitate economic development arid would. State in consultation with the State C,overn-
especially, accelerate industrial 'developrileht. ment, so tbat a ppropriate and lasting
All these provisions have been welcomed by improvement could be brought about in tbe
most of the people in the cout1tty. situati~n. Purnea district of Bihar is my
constituency as also my biItb place, Purnea
It is essential to mobilise ·resources for Jw; a Jarle area and a vast population.
the security and progressive devolopment of Also, it is situated on the international
the country, and hence one can understand border. In the vorth, it toucbe..\ the Nepal
that in that context increase in some of· the border and in the south-cast there is the
taxes is ine.... itable. The proposal made by border of Bangladesh within a few miles.
the hon. Finance Minister to increase some The national hilhway named ., Assam
·taxes, it is hoped, would not attract much Access" passes tbrough Purnea. This hish-
opposition; still, I would like to iay that
it would be appropriate to (:0asider lome
reduction in excise duty proposed to be
way is of great Importance from the point
view of nalioBa) security as also from
the poiot of view of transport in Purnea
levied on paper. The hon. Finance Minister But, it is a matter of regret that
bas increased tbe allocatIon or'centra1 grants tbis highway is in a pitiable condition for
fOr tbe State Plans by 39 per cent as the last so many years. I request tbe central
compared to the current year which will Government to pay special attention to this
prove very helpful in the economic d'eveTop.. highway and improve its condition.
ment of tbe backward states ant! I patti-
cutal1y tbank tbe 'bon. Finance Mrnister With these words. I thank the bon.
for this. Finance Minister for presentilll a balanced
Inflation leads to difficulties in develop-
m~ntal proarammes. It also adversely 17.00 hrs.
affects the normal life of the common roan.
Our Government have kept the wholesale [English]
prices under a reasonable cbeck. Althoui~, SHRIK. RAMACHANDRA REDDY
increase in consumer prices bas been a bit (Hindupur): I risc to oppose the Budget
hi,&h yet it ca nnot be termed al unbalanced. on the ground that it is anti·poor, pro-rich,
AJJ in previous years, this year"s Budget anti.rural and pro-urban. I am not making
also shows a huge deficit. I accept the these allegations merely. There are a number
assurance given by Government tbat tbe of points which can prove that the ullCiil-
provisions made in the Bl,ldgct will~ he~p tions I am makin" are correct.
to keep the in~tion under cbeck and .It Will
be possible to stabilise the ,prices, but it is a Some )'eople may say that the Budget
serious question. is good in parts. But like the proverbial
curate's egg which is good in parts and
:aeing a housewife, I would request the totten in many other parts, being unfit for
Govermnent to keep a strict watch over consumption, this Budget also cannot be
inflation ail4 suggest tha~ con~i~tent efforts commended,
be made t() check the increase not. only in
wholesale prices but also in consumer prices. 'Fhis Government has imposed a lot of
burden on the poor people and given
It will not be out of place to a massive concessions to the rich, One such
mention here. of some of the .problema of thiDg is that the Government .has given
fP.y state and my constitue~, which relate >import duty concessions on certain cOJn-
to tbe c,enter also, ,Bihat has been. t~e PODCIots of pms and jewellery mak[ng
most .de6cit State in the matter of ,ClocCelClty machiocrY but increased the' excise duty On
and there has been a co.mpla~nt for a.lO~8 bid~. Oems andjeweIJeries are .used by the
time reprdinl mismanagement 10 the '.mittel' 'rich' Whereas bidfs are cOQSumed by the
119 General Budget, 1985.80- MAttCH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demands lor 120
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shri K. Ramachandra Reddy1 iron and steel which is used by the agricul-
turists, the allotments have been cut down
poor. This Governo"lent has not imposed. to Rs. 643 crores this year as against Rs.
any tax on cigarettes which are consumed 980 crores last year. Agricultural financial
only by the rich. institutions have been allotted Rs. 165 cror~
as against Rs. 297 crores last year. AJlot-
The Government bas given massive
ment on housing has been reduced to Rs.
concessions in the form of personal income-
39 crores from Rs. 84 crores last year.
tax, surcharge on income-tax, wealth tax
Certain programmes for welfare of Schedul-
exemption to the rich and affluent only. At
ed Castes and Scheduled Tribes and BCs
the same time, the Government has increased
were allotted Rs. 71 crores Jast year Whereas
the duties On crude petroleum from 100 per
this year it is only Rs. 42 crores. Thus a
cont to 200 per cent. The excise duty on
comparison of the allotments of the rural
crude petroleum was only 9.5 per cent in
development show a sizeable reduction for
the ] 983-84 Budget. By increasing tbe price rural development. Many concessions and
of crude petroleum, the prices of kerosene
amenities have been provided to the organi-
and diesel are increased, the expenses of the sed labour but no effort is made to spell
travelling are increased and freight charges out any improvements for the uDorganised.,
on the movement of essential goods are
inarticulate agricultural labour in rural and
also increased. Thus tho burden of common semi-rural areas.
man has increased by Rs. 620 crores
whereas tax concessions to the tune of Rs. Thus the Budget is anti-poor and pro-
467 crores are given to the rich urban rich and I oppose it. I also request the
dwel1ers. Finance Minister to be kind enough to
remove the taxation on articles such as
The Government has abolished the bidis, cotton yarn, pan-masala, soaps,
licence fee on radio and TV but has increa- kerosene and diesel oil, which are extensi-
sed the levy on aerated and soda water and vely used by the poor people.
corks. Government has exempted the com-
pu ters and electronics from import duties [TrQlU/ationj
and at the same time raised the duty on
cement, paper, household and toilet soaps, ·SHRIMATI KESHARBAI KSHEER-
commercial vehicles and cooking gas. Go- SAGAR (Beed) : Mr. Chairman, Sir, I rise
vernment has reduced import duty on raw to welcome and extend my support to the
woo1 and polyester wool but increased the General Budget for 1985.86. I am reminded
duty burden on cotton yarn by 25 per cent. of what our young and dynamic Prime
Government has given exemption from Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi said. ·'The
excise duty on zip fastemers but imposed challenges before our country are many. We
new excise duty on panmasala containing bave to modernise India. We have to change
nuts, lime, copra, menthol. etc. Thus the the thinking of the people of India to look
Government is very benign towards the ahead 'into the future and not to keep
rich and very harsh towards the poor. dwelling on the past. We have to make
India self-reliant in every important sphere.
The Government has treated the rural We have to create a dynamic country that
development with a step-,motherly attitude is equal to any other country in the world. n
and funds allotted to them are very meagre. 1 am glad that hone Finance Minister has
IRDP has been allotted Rs. 215 crores this formulated the best budget keeping in view
year as against Rs. 216 crores last Yr,ar. the main objectives expressed by our Prime
NREP has been allotted Rs. 235 crores this Minister.
year 8S against Rs. 236 crores last year. I also recall at this juncture those
Small scale industries and village industries immemorable words or our great departed
are given Rs. 175 crores this year as against leader Smt. Indira Gandhi who said, "No
Rs. 135 crores last year. Money given to section of our vast and diverse population
fertilisers is Rs. 265 crates this year as should feel forgotten. Their neglect is our
compared to Rs. 452 crores last year. For collective lOIs." I am happy that hon.
-The speech was orisinaUy dolivered in Maratbi,
121 (Jenera I Budget, 1984-85- CHAITltA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 12t
General Discussion and lor Grants (General) 1984.85

Minister has prepared the budget which This budget has given relief to Govt.
intends to give relief to all sections of our employees by increasing the limit of income
society. It is indeed a very comprehensive from Rs. lS,OOO to 18,000. It should be
and progressive budget. further increased to Rs. 20,000 so that no
This budget has made sufficient alloca- class III employee has to pay tax. The Go-
tion (or several sectors such as agriculture, vernment has taken a good step by aboJi-
rural development. sman industry, science shing CDS. The budgetary allocation in
and technology. education etc. It has pro- respect of rural development NRLEP,
vided relief to workers.. farmers, landless science and technology, electronics, forests
labourers, traditional artisans, sick industrial and animal husbandry is adequate. The
units, students and research workers etc. by Government has shown its concern for the
offering several concession$. Sufficient funds welfare of schedUled caste and tribes by
allocating an amount of Rs. 207 crores.
have been earmarked for implementation of
2o.point programme and measures to stop
Small scale industries have contributed
pollution or- the river Ganga. Free education
a great deal in rapid industrialisation. The
(or girls upto 12th standard has been Govt. has increased the limit of capital
announced by the Government. It is a very assets from Rs. 20 lakhs to Rs. 35 Jakhs.
laudable measure. Another significant feature This step will attract many new entcrpre-
of this budget is that it has adopted a prac- neurs. It will also help in solving unemploy.
tical policy regarding estate duty and wealth ment problem. In this connection I would
tax. like to request tha t new industries
Agriculture is the main occupation of should be set up in backward areas only so
70% population of our country. Though that it will generate employment potential
we have attained self.sufficiency in respect in rural areas. The Govt. should provide
of foodgrains duc to several measures. We financial assistance to sick industrial units.
have undertaken in the past, it is unfortu- The Govt's decisioLs to set up a Board for
nate that the condition of our farmers is this purpose is welcome.
very miserable. His fate depends upon
vagaries of nature and cannot sustain him- The Govt's scheme to check tax evasion
self in the natural calamities like droughts, is very effective. Tbe Govt. should set up
floods etc. I am glad that the Government 'special courts' for this purpose in consul-
has decided to implement a scheme called tation with the State Govts.
"crop insurance scheme in selected 100 I request tbe hone Minister to kindly
districts in the country. T request that these withdraw tbe hike in levy on cement and
districts should be selected from the back- paper. Farmers require cement for construc-
ward areas so' that the scheme will benefit tion of wells, repairs etc. They should get it
the poor farmers. As far as Maharashtra is at prescnt price only. The proposed increased
concerned. I want to say that as crops of in the price of cooking gas should also be
Jawar and Bajra are grown by majority of withdrawn to give relief to housewives in
farmers they should be included amongs the this country. The Govt. bas taken an impor-
crops for which insurance cover will be tant step by abolishing licence fee for radio
provided. The Government should make an and TV sets. Radio and TV is no longer a
attempt to give remunerative prices to luxury but essential commodities. From this
agricultural produce. The Government has point of view, Govt's decision IS quite
proposed to introduce a scheme called welcome.
usocial security scheme" to provide compen-
sation to landless labourers, small farmers It has been announced in the budget
and traditional craftsmen in tbe event of an that TV services would be extended further
accident. The amount of compensation ~s to benefit 70% of our population. The
presently fixed at Rs. 3000. I request that It Govt. is going to instaJ) 180 transmitters by
should be raised to Rs. '000. So that the 31st March 198' In variOuS pJaces in tho
effected families are financially helped in country. I request that my constituency
the hour of crisis. The scheme will help the Deed whicb bas been deprived of TV faci.
persoDS who arc not covered under life lities should be provided the same under
inauranco scheme. this programme. I have been makilll efforts
123 General Budget, 1.985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demands lor 124
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984.85

IShrimati Kesharbai Ksheersagar] in Haryana State, 80 per cent of the peoplo

are poor farmers. The country whose
for the last two years for setting up of a farmer is poor is bound to be poor. The
TV centre in Deed district. I request the hon. district has been made a unit in connection
Minister to fulfil tbis long standing demand with this Insurance Scheme. I would like
of the people of this area. to say that this Scheme should he intro-
duced by treating the village as a unit,
Hon. Prime Minister has assured that because the entire wealth of the farmer is
at least one industry should be set up in at the mercy of nature, and natural cala-
each district. I request that an industrial mities, like bail~torms, droughts, etc. do
unit should be set up in Beed district which not affect IP only a district or a tehsil they
is very backward. can affect even a single village. If they
I have also been requesting for starting cause loss in a single village, then that
a new railway line between Ahmednagar. village should be treated as a unit to give
paroli for tbe last four years. I would like it the benefit of the Insurance Scheme.
to point out the progress of this area is
My second suggestion is that the prices
next to impossible in the absence of this
of agricultural commodities should be
railway line. Therefore, I request that hone
determined, keeping in view their cost of
Minister to approve the proposal of this
production so that the farmer gets incen tive
213 Kms. railway line to do justice to the
for producing more and gets remunerative
people of this area.
price to enable him repay his debts under
I would like to conclude by emphasis- the burden of which he lives throughout.
ing the need of setting uP a TV centre and For this purpose, arrangements should be
new railway line in Beed district. With made to supply foodgrains to the Harijans
these words, I thank you for giving me and tbe weaker sections by giving subsidy,
time to speak on the general budget which etc. to the consumers, so that the poor and
I heartily support. the weaker sections could get the cereals
at cheaper rates.
(Soncpat): Mr. chairman, Sir, there are A provision should have been made in
no two opinions that the bon. Finance this Budget to reduce the prices of small
Minister has prepared the Budget for 1985-86 tractors, tube-wells. etc. Haryana is a
keeping in view India's economic realities State where the entire popUlation depends
and national objectives and this is an indica- on agriculture. Tbe size of the holdinas
tion of the firm measures by our popular have shrunk to sucb an extent that they
Prim~ Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhi for cannot purcbase bjg tractors. Therefore,
takins the nation towards a new direction. the price of agricultural implements, especi-
Not only Indian but foreign economists and ally of small tractors" should be reduced.
intellectuals have also admitted it. I con-
With reg~rd to unemployment, I would
gratulate the hone Minister or Finance and
the Prime Minister for this. They deserve like to suggest that unemployed, persons
not only my congratulations but those of should be given unempJoyment allowance
and as long as the name of an upemployed
the entire people of the country also.
youth remains registered with the employ..
Before ] make some constructive criti- ment exchange, he should Dot be treated
cism of the Budget, J join the hone Mem- as overage so that he might not Cace diffi-
bers of this august House in wishing that culty in finding employment.
this Budget may prove to be a great step
towards economic stability, development J would also like to suggest· that 'job..
and social and economic justice. oriented education' should be introduced.
The education system enunciated ~y Maca-
First of all, I would like to say some- ulay, in ~ 0lue since i 88], should be scrap-
thing about the crop Insurance Scheme. I ped.
consider this a courageous step' on the
part of the Government. India is predo- With 1he iBcrease in the prices of Cfiesel,
minantly an agricultural country and even petrol and kerosene and 'with ·'the 'hike 'in
125 General Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demandt; 1'6
General Discussion and for Grants (General) 1984·85

railway freights, the prices of essential come on all of us. The people of the
commodities would go up which would country have reposed such a confidence in
affect the common man, Therefore, I want us and an all-out effort has been made in
the prices of these commodities to be this Budget to live up to that confidence
reduced. and this is a thing of which we all proud.
There has been a tremendous increase in
At the same time, I would also like to our national income and resources. Our
say that the elimination of the licence-permit f oodgrain production has increased from
rule, would infuse honesty in the people and 1300 crore torneS in t 982.83 to 1500 crore
it is quite essential to eC"~ 'rage honesty in tonnes now. 1 Here bas been a growth of
the people. I think, as long as black money 13.6 per cent in Hgricu1ture. Similarly, indus-
is not eliminated frol1l the country, this trial product ion has also gone up conside..
country would not he strong. I think rably. All this has become possible due
even a child is conscious of dhhone~ty today. to the succes~ful efforts of our Government.
You will be surprised to know that when But, I want to point out that although
one day a teacher asked a question in the power generation has gone uP. yet the
class that "If 10 persons completed a work situation rema ins unchanged so far as our
in 10 days, bow long would it take for one Rajasthan is' concerned. The area of
person to complete it?" a long stood up Jhunjhunu which 1 represent here, is pecu-
and replied th<1t first he should be told liar in that in this aroa blood is cheaper then
whether the work was Governmental or nOIl- water. We should provide drinking water
Governmental. So, I want to tell you in to the people of this area. This is an area
this connection that raids are conducted on where 100 per l'ent people join the Army.
the business houses but there is rampant Jf there are three males in a family, all of
corruption among the Income tax officers them join the Army for the protection of
or other categories or Government employees their motherland. I wiil just give an exam-
and therefore, raids should be conduct~d ple, 1 am an ex-servicemen. I had three
on their premises also. I have firm COnvIc- brothers all of whom were on the battle-
tion that as long as dishonesty is not rooted field du~ing thc 1971 war. This is such an
out totally from this country, the country area were people pine for a drop of water
would not become strong. With these sinc\! Adam's time. In our area individuals
words , I support the Budget. rUIl the Government and not the party.
] would request the hOll. Finance Minister,
through yOli. to make separate budgetary
jhunu) : Hon. Chairman, Sir. this i~ my
allocation for this area. Such a provision
maiden speech on the Budget in this augu~t
should be made for the farmers of that
Parliament of my esteemed country. I have
area so that they can get secus, fertilizers
been able to get elected to this House with
and agricultural iml11ements free of cost.
tbe blessings of our Prime Minister. Shri
Thousands of acreS of land are lying uncul.
Rajiv Gandhi, and with the trLlst ~eposed
tivated in this area. The land of this area
in me hy the people of my constituency.
is level but there is acute shortage of water.
Mahatma Oandhi laid the foundation of
Indira Gandhi canal passes through ow'
our sacred motherland, Pandit Jawaharlal
arca. If water is released in that canal, it
Nehru infused life into it, Smt. Indira
will reach our area and make our people
Gandhi laid down her life for it ~nd our
Prime- Minister, Shri Rajiv Gandhl, gave prosperolls.
the slogan of Carrying the country forward, Even today, 'Lakshman Rekha' i"s drawn
Keeping in view that slogan an~ sacrifice in our area. Before going to sleep, people
and also keeping in view the Wishes and draw a line with ash and water in front
aspirations of the beave people of my of their houses. In this area even today,
motherland, our hon. Finance Minister has the people leave heaps of grains in their
repared this Budget. I want to extend my threshing places after drawing a line with
~earty congratulations to the hon. ~inan~e ash and water in the evening and collect
Minister and thank him for presentmg this it the next morning. This is an example of
Budget. the honesty truth and loyalty which exist
It is a fact that a bjg responsibility has there even today.
127 General Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23. 1985 Supplementary Demands for 128
General Discussion and Grants (G~~ra/) 1984-85

[Shri Mohd. Ayub Khan] to express my feeling on this Budget. Sir, I

rise to support the Budget presented by our
Keeping aU these things in view, 1 would hone Finance Minister. I firstly congratulate
request the hon. Finance Minister to look the Prime Minister and the Finance Minis-
into the problems of that area. There is ter on having placed a growth-oriented
no Government college, no I.T.I., no Sainik Budget for this country. Unusually, the
School in that area though 100 per cent of opposition people on that side are having
tbe people join tbe Army at one stage or a high sense of appreciation I really thank
the other. brinking water and educational them for their appreciation. But at the same
facilities sbould be provided in that area. time they have criticised that it is a capital
People have not seen trains in that area. oriented Budget and rich-oriented Budget.
If some train happen to pass through some Sir, I beg to differ with them. It is because,
of the areas the people of that area request the concessions shown and tbe incentives
that at least they must stop there. The given for development definitely show that
area an around my constituency is represen- it is a growth-oriented Budget and job-
ted by Ministers and tha t is why big pro- oriented Budget and it would generate mOre
jects are taken up in those areas. 1 would employment opportunities.
give an example of Loharu Junction which
is in Haryana. Half of it is in Haryana I would like to bring to the notice of
and half of it fans within my constituency. this House that this Budget has really given
you would be surprised to know that the a new direction to this country. So far,
area that lies in Haryana Jooks bright like we had programmes for the poor, They are
broad day light while the other half that still intact like IRDP and NREP. We have
is in my constituency remains engulfed by gone a little ahead to give incentives to the
the darkness of tbe night. I would, there- youth of this country. A lot of concessions
fore request you to pay attention to my bave been given.
area. In the field of agriculture, I really
Lastly, as a soldier I would request you congratulate the Minister on having spon-
to make arrangements to impart mechanical sored the scheme of crop insurance. But I
training to the Army officers and jawans really differ with the Minister because it
for their welfare. Pensioners have to wait will cover only a few items. It should cover
even up to Six months to get their pension. all the other items such as sugarcane, cotton
Keeping in view the soaring prices, provi- and other commercial croPS. I do not know
sion should be made for timely payment of why a partial scheme has been introduced
pension every month to these people so wh~reas a full investment has to be made
that they do not have to face difficulties. by the agriculturists. I request the Finance
Minister to COver aU these crops in the
A T.V. station should be opened in my interest of agriculture. Agriculture is one
area to enable the people there to benefit of the best industries. Unless the agriculture
there by. is developed technically. we cannot expect
You have given conces5j(ln in Income- our industry to develop. To develop aari-
tax. Many rich people of my area are culture, we have made a lot of efforts for
providing irrigation. But we have not pro.
carrying on trade and business in other
parts of the country. They have monopoly vided the technical know-bow to the agricul-
in many fields in the country but they do ture to make best use of water. We have
not set up even a single factory in our area. not made available to them the best techni-
ques. We have not taugbt them bow to use
If the Government issues them a licence
technically tbe latest production of hybrid
for any factory, it should be for setting it
and other quality seeds. Now, the lands
up in our area.
bave become the laboratories of the country.
With these words, J welcome this Unless the farmer becom~ a SCientist, we
Budget. cannot develop agriculture in the country.
Agriculture is the, raw material for the pro.
[English] duction of finisbed goot!s in tbe industry.
SHRI S.8. SIDNAL (Belgaum) : Sir, I Therefore, all over the country, we have to
tbank you for affordins me an opportunity, provide concession in the priCCI or tools and
229 General Budget, 1981.86- CHAITRA 2. 1907 (SAKA) Suppl,m,,,tary Demands 130
General Discussion and lor Grants (Genera/)1984-85

implements used (or agricultural purposes. nowadays for the simple reaSOD that 'they
The tractor is available at a very high cost. have to go in for allied agro-industries. like
We have gone (or land reforms by which dairy farming, poultry, etc. Which are
fragments have been created. Firstly, frag- supporting the main agricultural production.
ments are created by population. Secondly, As we have given a lot of concessions and
fragments have been created by Jaw. So, incentives to the industry, for the urban
we have too many fragments. But we would folk, equally we have to give concessions
like to improve the productivity. Without and incentives to the agriculture. for the
the employment of mechanical farming and rural folk. Then only we can have all round
scientific techniques. we cannot expect to development in the country. Therefore, I
increase the production. When we want to would appeal to the Finane';! Minister to
employ the mechanism, large holdings are give concessions for agriculture.oriented
required. Unless we go for cooperative instruments and also for the inputs like
farming or the cost of production of tractor diesel, pump sets, etc. Otherwise, we will
is made cheaper or any other input is made not get agricultural production according to
available to the poor, we cannot expect a our expectations.
larger production in agriculture. Therefore,
my appeal to the Minister is that the prices Coming to inflation, it is caused by
of tractors, pump sets and machines which several factors. It is always a sign or a
are required for the production of agriculture phenomenon of an under.developed country
should be reduced. Else, they should be and under-developed economy. It cannot be
made free from the taxes. Only then, we independent of that. It is also an interna-
can expect some production. tional phenomenon, We have to share it
as it comes. But whenever inflation is there,
MR. CHAIRMAN: (Shri Vakkon the production has to be boosted UP. I
Purul_i;hothaman) : The hon. Member's time suggest that we should forego all holidays,
is up. except Sundays, and work hard to boost
up the production which will cut inflation
SHRI S.B. SIDNAL : I have just begun. also.
I don't know how your watch is running
fast. About the black money, there are many
things done in Japan. For example, suppo-
MR. CHAIR MAN : It is not my watch. sing 'X' has got a crore of rupees black
You please conclude. money, he has to deposit it in a locker and
one-half or one.fourth is circulated as white
SHRI S.B. SIDNAL: In the field of money for constructive purposes. That is
education, we have promised to revamp the what is done in Japan. Here also, some-
total education. So far, we had an education thing has to be done to dig out the black
ror producing only clerks as conceived by money which bas already been there. As
the British, With all that, we have been my hon. friend from your State, Sic, sugges ..
doing very well 'as far as the technical ted the housing schemes should be started
education is concerned. bec~use these scheme') generate jobs and
employment for the poor people.
But we have not done much in giving
proper education to the rural folk where As regards NREP and IRDP, these
it is a stagnant society. When tbere is a programmes are doing well and we have
stagnant society, we cannot expect a better heen involving tbe people in the economic
economy. We have to give a momentum to progress of the country. Tbese programmes
a stagnant society, that is, the rural areas have also created assets in their own way.
where only the agriculturist class Jives. We These should be continued and more funds
have not J)rovided proper education tbere~ should be provided for the same.
We have to live education in dairy, poultry~
horticulture and asriculture and give diplo- There should be more plantation of trees
mas in eacb viJIalQjt81uk, wblatever it may and horticulture should be given more
be. Unless we give them riailit educatioD. importance.
we cannot expect right prodtIA ction. Proper
education to ~",i(:u1turists i~ ~ry imponan\ With these words, I conclude.
131 Ge'Mral Budget. 1985-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplementary Demands lor 132
Ge,.,al Dilcusslon and Grants (General) 1984·85

SHRI V. SOBHANADREESWARA is getting Rs. 9,5S0 crores. The Government

RA·O (Vijayawada): Mr. Chairman, Sir, I is getting several crores of rupees on several
thank you very much for giving me an other items. It is the duty of Government
opportunity to speak on the General Budget. to provide food and cloth to the people.
I will take only a little time.
Our State Government is spending more
I would like to bring some points to the than what the Central Government is giVIng
notice of tbe Finance Minister. The defici t to help the poor in our State. But, the
financing resorted to in this year'"s Budget leaders of the Congress party are critiCising
is massive. In fact, it is the highest. Never the Telugu Desam party during the elections
before such a massive dose of deficit finan- and even after the eJections, for giving rice
cing has been resorted to, In fact, last year, at Rs. 2/.. per kg to poor p~ople and for
they projected a deficit of Rs. 1773 croreS giving subsidised cloth. I want to bring this
while they ended up with Rs. 3985 crores, fact to the notice of the hon. Minister.
But because of favourable crops and favou ..
rable monsoons, it did not show an adverse Unless the priorities of the plan are
effect. All tbe same, we cannot expect the changed, no appreciable change in the poor
same, this year. I would request the Govern- condition of the people will take place in
ment to be cautious on this occasion and sec our country. Even now, agriculture is a
that unproductive expenditure is kept to means of livelihood for 720h) people and it
tbe minimum in order to contain infJation. contributes 46% to gross national product.
Several concessions have been given to The plan allocation for it is less than 25 %.
industrial ists. In contract to this, only 9 % of the people
depend for their livelihood on big, medium
The bon. Minister has taken great and large industries which contribute only
pains to explain the objective of giving such 15% to gross national product and yet more
concessions to big industrialists. Let us see 25 'J'o of the Budget is allocated to them.
how far the Government will achieve this
objective. In spite of the natlonalisation of banks..
even today (according to the latest figures
Barlier, if a firm, company or trust spent available for June, 1983,~ the banks are
some money (or rural development, it was giving only Rs. 5,356 crores to agricultural
exempted from income tax under Sec. 33 CC. sector whereas the banks are giving Rs. 13
This provision was withdrawn later. crores to the industrial sector.

I therefore request the hon. Minister

I request the hon. Minister kindly to
tbat topmost priority should be given to '
re-introduce it and give this concession.
agriculture and building of rural roads and
A company which is at a remote place may
to house bui'lding aativity which wil1 provide
not like to give that amount to the Prime
more employment to millions of unemployed
Minister'S Fund. In fact, they will be pre-
and under-employed people. I request tbe
pared to spend that money on roads, buil-
hone Minister to change the policy of the Go..
dings, schools and colleges in the areas
vernment accordingly f
where its activities are confined to. I request
the hone Minister kindly to examine this [TranslationJ
aspect. The hone Minister has got a commit-
ment to the cause of the poor and he spoke ·SHRI C.K. KUPPUSWAMY (Coim-
with all his heart on tbis aspect of the batore) : Mr. Chairman, Sir, I rise to say
matter. a few words on the 1985-86 General Budget.
It is really a matter of gratification that 38
OD cigarettes, Government is getting years after independence a Budget bas been
nearly Rs. 1,950 crores by way of excise ,presented, which has ushered in an era of
duties. For every pack of cigarette sold for silent econonlic revolution in the country.
Rs. 2/-, an amount of Rs. 1.45 is coming This Budget has proved this is not ,merely
__G_o_v_er_n_m_e_n_t__a_s_:t__a..:.:te:._m:._e:n:_t of account of revenue and
.n-o speech was ,?ri~inally dc1iv"~d in Ta~i],
133 G'Ml'a/ Budgtt, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) SuppteIMntary DemaNb 134
G~neral Discussion and /01' Grant' (GeMl'QJ) 1984.85

expenditure of the Central Government. It Company and also for Investment cclm.
has proved tha t the Budget can be the panies.
beacon light for ensuring people's welfare.
I wholeheartedly welcome this Budget. Under Prime Minister Indira GandlU '.
20 Point Programme the. District Industries
The hon. Finance Minister has proposed Centre is entertaining applications from
a Board of Rehabilitation for the sick edUcated unemployed for setting up Unit•.
industries in tbe country. My Constituency. Liberally the D.I.C. recommends loan appli-
Coimbatore, has more than 100 textile mills. cations to public sector banks. But the
Several of them are lying closed for many Banks reject in to several applications. The
months. Particularly, Shri Hari Mills, Banks are also delaying the applications. The
Vasantha Mills, Janardhana Mills are out recommended loan is not sanctioned. The
of operation for several months. The D.I. C. should recommend only deserving
workers of these mills are struggling between cases and must ensure that tbe loans are
life and death. The Government must sanctioned by tbe Banks. The Banks should
nationalise these Mills and entrust them to not refuse the loan applications recommen-
National Textile Corporation. They must be ded by the D.I.C.
reopened, so that the workers get their jobs
back. SimiJarly, for the past six months the Last year some restriction was imposed
Tiruppur Cotton Mills is closed and the on the import of smaJl generators. Now,
workers are on the street. The Government the paucity of electric power is widely prc-
must endeavour to fe-o·pen this Mill. valent in Tamil Nadu. The small industries
are afflicted for want of electricity. I demand
The town of Tiruppur, in which J live, tbat the import of quality generators from
is known for the hosiery industry not only Japan, Taiwan and such other countries
throughout India but in many parts of the should be allowed liberally this year. The
world. There are many hosiery manufactur- import licences should be given freely.
ing units. The central excise is levied on
the printed cardboard boxes meant for pack- The Octroi is the biggest bottleneck in
ing, if the value exceeds Rs. 7.5 lakhs. the transport economy of the nation. Our
Previously this ceiling was Rs. 30 lakhs. I late Prime Minister ensured that a uniani-
suggest that the ceiling of Rs. 30 lakhs mous resolution was adopted by the
should be restored for central excise pur- National Development Council for the aboli-
poses so far as printed cardboard boxes are tion of octroi. That has not yet been
concerned. ; implemented. I want tbat tbe hon. Finance
Minister must abolish the octroi and suit-
Sir, I demand that the recognition to ably compensate the States. A Committee
Peerless General Finance and Insurance was constituted under the cbairmansbip of
Company, which has headquarters in our Party's Working President. Pandit
Calcutta and many branches all over the Kamalapati Tripathi for studying tbe ques-
country, because this Company is cheating tion of abolishing sales tax. That Committee
the public everywhere. This Company bas submitted its report. The Government
publicies like L.I.C. and the people are taken must implement the recommendations of
in. They think that it is another L.I.C. The tbis Committee.
L.I.C. is losing business and the people are
losing their money. The Company is In order to ensure rural development,
amassing money. I want that the Finance our former Prime Minister Mrs. Indira
Minister should enquire into the affairs of Gandhi directed the opening of regional
this Company and save the common people. rural banks. According to tbe directives of
Similarly, the Government should also Reserve Bank of India, tbe branches of
enquire into the working of Investment Commercial Banks' sbould not be opened in
Companies which are also exploiting the rural areas. But the State Governments
innocence or the people. I am happy that prefer tbem. This has resulted in harassment
the hone Finance Minister has announced to rural people because the commercial
an inquiry tin the affairs of private compa- banks want guarantee, land document etc
nies whic~ '.. are running lotteries. Similar for sanctioning the loan. Where will the poo;.
inquiries should be ordered for Peerless people go for such suara.D~'? Only the
t1s ae~ral Budget, 1985-86- MARCH 23. 1985 Supplementary Demands/or 1~6
(h",ra/ Di4Cu,ulon and Grants (General) 1984.8S

[Shrl C.K. Kuppuswamy] *SHRI R. JEEVARATHINAM (Ara.

kkonam): Mr. Chairman. Sir, 1 thank you
Regional Rural Banks will help the farmers.
very much for giving me this opportunity
Hence I demand tbat only Regional Rural
Banks should be opened in rural areas, Out
to say a few words on 1985.86 General
0' 450 districts 286 districts bave been
covered by 162 Regional Rural Banks. This
BUdget. I whoieheartedIly welcome this
Budget. For the first time 38 years after
is according to the RBI's Annual Report. I Indepe~den~, this kind of Budget giving
want that all tbe districts should be covered new directIOns to our economic policy has
by Regional Rural Banks. been presented. Under the dynamic leader-
ship of OUf young and ebullient Prime
Sir. 463 large industrial units, which ~inister Shri Rajiv Gandbi, our bon.
have the credlt facility of more than a crore F~nance Minister, Shrj Viswanath Pratap
of rUPees. owe to the Banks as on 30.6.1983 SIDBh • has presented this Budget, Which is
a massive sum of Rs. 1913 crores. They are heralding a new era of economic think ing.
all located in and around metropolis towns.
Recently. the newspapers have highlighted The Crop Insurance Scheme has been
the sanction of loan of Rs. 300 crores to onc the Jong-standing demand of the farming
businessman named Shri Sethia by the community of our country. It has been
Punjab National Bank and Central Banks. introduced in this year's Budget. The entire
Shri Sethia bas been arrested in India for agricultural community has welcomed the
his failure to pay back the money. If such Crop Insurance Scheme. I extend my full
massive financial assistance is extended to Support to this scheme. Without wasting the
rural areas, then the entire country will be valuable time of the House, I would in
benefitted. brief refer to certain issues whicb deserve
tbe favourable consideration of the Finance
Before I conclude, I would refer to the Minister.
non-spending of 50% of Rs. 325 crores
approved by the Government for loa.ns to The hon. Finance Minister has stated
be given by the Banks under tbe scheme for that the compulsory deposit money would
providing self.employment to the educated be repaid only in 1986-87. I suggest that he
unemployed. When there are 2 crores of should pay 50% of CDS money in 1985-86
oducated youngsters, wbo are registered on an~ the remainina 50% in 1986-87. I would
the Bmployment Exchanges, are seeking also str~ss the need, in the interest of higher
livelihood, it is gross negligence on the part productiOn of cement, for abolishing the
of baaks io not helping the successful imple- dual policy in ~ement. The levy cement and
mentation of this scheme. I want that the the non-levy cement arrangement should be
hoD. Finance Minister sl10uld look into this don~ away. This is hampering higher pro-
and take appropriate action. ducllOn. You total the two prices and strike
?ut an average price for the cement. This
There is recurring power cuts during IS very necessary for the building industry
.summer season in Tamil Nadu This has and for construction programmes. This
affected the industrial growth of the State. should be done by the Finance Minister.
DUring the regime of late Shri Kamaraj,
the Hogenakal Thermal Power Project was Salem Steel Plant should be expanded
proposed. Still it bas Dot been approved by and more funds Should be allocated for this
tbe Centre. Similarly, Pandyar .. Punnampuzha purpose by the Finance Minister. I would
pOwer project near Coimbatorc is also pend. no~. draw the attention or
the bon. Finance
Ing approval of the Central Governmeots. M~nlster. that the private s~ctor banks and
These two power projects, along with aU private mvestment companies are offering
otber power projects wbich have been ~5% interest, in some cases even higher
recommended by the State Government of tnterest, on deposits. Naturally tbe people
T_il Nadu should be app.oved by tbe put their money in them. Tho Stale Bank
CeaUal Government. and other pu bUc sector banks give only
4% to 10% on varying amounts. In order
W,it1:~ these words I concJude my speech. to attract depOSits, the State Bank and other
.Tae speecb was orlainally doliverocl in Tamil,
131 G'MraJ /Judg,t, 1985-86 - CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) $upplemtJtitary D,malllls 118
Gm,ral Dilcu$llon and lor Grantl (G,,,.,aJ) 1984.85

public sector Banks should increase the to standstill throughout Tamil Nadu. Bvery
interest rate. Tbe interest rate should be year this is recurring. I demand that a
6% to 120/ 0 on varying amounts. The bon. super Thermal Plant should be set up in
Minister of Finance will then be able to Tamil Nadu in the interest of agriculture in
mop up larger savings in the form of depo- tbe State.
With these few words, I conclude my
Under the 20-point programme, I suggest speech.
that the applicants for loans should be told
whether they will get the loan or oot. TheY
should not be kept io suspense. They are
not able to attend to any other work
because of this. They must be told 'yes' or
'no' at the earliest. The State Bank and Sir, I propose that the time of the House
public sector banks should give loans at low
may be extended by one hour.
rate of interest to Doctors, Engineers, law-
yers and merchants for the purchase of cars. MR. CHAIRMAN: Does the House
agree to it ?
The District Industries Centres are
recommending loans to the public sector SOME HON. MEMBERS: Yes.
banks, along with a feasibility report of the
applicant enterpreneur. Presently, there is MR. CHAIRMAN: So, time is extended
a ceiling for recommending such Joans. I by one hour.
SUggest that this ceiling should be enhanced
to Rs. 2 lakhs, so that the applicants do not [Translation]
run from pillar to post for getting additional
funds. They should be enabled to have the SHRI MADAN PANDEY (Gorakbpur) :
funds required for .the project at one place. Mr. Chairman, Sir, I would like to con-
This will help the establishment of industries gratulate the hone Finance Minister, 00
in rural areas also. behalf of 'INTUC', tbe workers' union
which I represent, for presenting this Bud-
As the quali ty of ~ement produced by get. The Finance Minister has paid atten-
Mini-Cement units is declining, I suggest tion this time towards that class of workers
hereafter no licence should be given for whose interests had never been kept in view
opening mini-cement units. so far. The limit of salary (or the payment
of bonus has been raised from Rs. 750 to
In Tamil Nadu handloom cloth worth Rs. 1600: The limit of gratuity has been
several croreS of rupees is stagnant. The raised from Rs. 36,000 to Rs. 50,000. For
handloom weavers are in distress. The the concession given in the rate of interest
Government must organise exhibitions out- on housing loans, the working class not
side tbe country and explore new markets only congratulates you, but tbey feel obU.ed
for tbe handloom cloth. All avenues for . also.
export fllust be fuHy exploited for ensuring
the disposal of stagnant handloom cloth. Now I would like to say a few words
The Trade Development Authority's func- to the Opposition Members, through, you.
tioning must be revamped so that new export Shri Janardhana Poojary has rep) ied to their
markets are located by this organisation. arguments in a logical way. If we want,
to give relief to workers. if we want to
On the road from Arakkonam to Walaja bring about industrialization of the cCtuntry
5000 acres of land is available. This land is and create a conducive environment therefor.
nearer to SoJingapuram Railway Station. if crops are to be insured aDd the country
Here the Central Government must Set up is to be taken ahead on the path of prG-
a cement factory. In Tamil Nadu already gress and development, then how else would
tbere is cut in electric ~upply to the farmers. resources would be mobilised except by
The summer bas just set in. During peak taking recourse to taxation? Government
summer. the electricity cot goes to 60 CJ'0 ot shall have to mobilise these resources. There
the required supply. The agriculture comes are three alteroatives beforo UI : eicber tbo
j ~9 Generai /Judget, J9~5.86- MAR.CH 2~, 1985 Supplementary Demands IQr 140
G'Mral Discussion tmd Grants (General) 1984-85

, [Shrl Madan Pantky) There arc no mean. left for them to go to

and fro and no place to ease oneself even.
schemes have to be slashed down or loans
I think because these places are inaccesible,
have to be taken trom foreign countries or
our leaders do not visit them and even the
taxation has to be resorted to, to collect
Ministers do not go there as the bureaucrats
more revenue. There is another wa) also
do not take them along. I take this oppor-
which even to Janata Government bad
tunity to draw the attention of the hOD.
adopted and that is to sell the gold which Finance Minister to the conditions of this
our mothers and sisters bad spared for the area.
country and tbus mobilise resources. But
the last source bas already been exhausted. The problem of floods is related to
Without taxation, therefore, we would not Nepal. Uttar Pradesh Government cannot
be able to fulfil our needs. be depended upon. The Malu Dam Project
can taken up with the co-operation of
Mr. Chairman, Sir, I come from that Nepal. Similarly, co-operation of Nepal
area about which Shri Gehmari had once
in the river valley Schemes of Ghaghra and
raised his voice in this House. There are others is necessary. You should remember
in all 14 such districts like Gorakhpur, what Shri Gehmari had said. It is very
Ballia, Deoria, Banaras, Jaunpur , Azamgarh,
difficult to explain the plight of the people
Basti Gonda and Faizabad whiCh are most in that area in such a short time. All this
back;"ard. The 'Patel Commission' was has been due to lack of resourCeS and even
constituted when Shri Gehmari insisted on it after 40 years of Independence, such is the
and that Commission made recommenda- plight of the people there. You cannot leave
tions to the Government. At the moment, tbe people at the mercy of nature. You
the representative of Gazipur is sitting here, should provide the resources and try to
I am representing Gorakhpur and the re· improve the lot of the people there. I
presentative of Azamgarh is also bere, but would like that while replying to the debate,
we find that in spite of all the recommen- tbe hone Minister should reply to these
dations of the Patel Commission, nothing points also.
bas been done till date to improve or change
the picture of these areas. A leader like I hope that tbe request for tbe constitu-
Ashok Mehta had raised this matter but in tion of Eastern District Development Board
vain. would be acceded to, so that the suffering
people of the area could get the much-
I would request the hon. Finance needed relief.
Minister, wbo knows tbat area, to constitute
an Eastern Uttar Pradesh Development With these words, I congratulate tbe
Board on the lines of the Development bon. Finance Minister for presenting a
Board for hilly regions and that existing for balanced BUdget and I feel obliged to the
Bundelkhand and efforts should be made leader of the new Government, Sbri Rajiv
to provide rciief to the suffering people of Gandhi, for creating a spirit of modernisa.
tion in this Budget.
that area.
I would like to teU him, through you. SHRIMATI SUNDARWATI NAWAL
PRABHAKAR (Karol Bagh) : Mr. Chair-
that if an aerial aurvey of the area is under-
man" Sir, I am grateful to you for havina
taken during the rainy season, you would
allowed me to make my maiden speach.
find that whereas rivers like the Ghaghra,
the !tapti and the Ganga have proved to I support the Budget presented by the
be • boon for the upper reaches of the Finance Minister because equal treatment
State they turn furious at Mirzapur a~d has been meted out in it to all sections of
finally cause havoc in the districts of Bailla, tbe society, whether it is capitalists, middle
Gazipur. Banaeas, Azamgarh and Gorakh- class people, farmers of workers.
pur. At the time of floods, tbe whole of
this area virtually looks like an ocean. The At the out set, I would like to say that
pUaht of the people livins in the vi1l~ges on the one hand some Members from the
between the embankment and the rlVer 'Opposition have appreciated the Budpt
duriDI the rainy season can be imaained. . and on the other hand some others havo 4
141 General Budg~t, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1901 (SAKA) Supplementary D,1fItIIUb 142
General DllClUllon and for Grants (O,nera/) 1984-81

opposed it. I would like to ask them what Social and Harijan Welfare BfJ8rd. Morc
they had' done for the poor and the farmers funds should be provided to them. The
in 1977 when they were in power. Today, funds being given by the Departments are
they are showing great sympathy for the negligible. The destitute widows are given
poor and the farmers. When our dear Rs. 300 per year. This amount is quite
1eader late Smt. Indira Gandhi had nationali- inadequate, An amount of Rs. SO Or 60
sed the banks and had abolished the privy is given as pension. I would like to say
purses of the former rulers, they had oppo.. that they should be provided with as much
sed tbese steps. They are now speaking in amount as possible. Training centres should
favour of farmers, but what had they done be set up for women to provjde occupational
for them when there was a bumper crop or training and employment to them So that
sugarcane and they had turned down their they could bring up their children. There
demands? Tbe farmers were at that time is nobody to take care of the children of
compelled to burn their standing crops. a number of widows. I would like to say
Today', the Opposition Members are shedd- that morc and more such centres sbould
ing crocodile tears for the farmers. I under- be set up in slum areas.
stand that the land allotted to the poor
and the farmers during Illdiraji's regime Similar1y, mostly middle class people
had been taken away from them during the take the benefit of the socia-economic prO-
Janata Party's regime. Today, they -have grammes, whereas the poor people are
the temperity to ask what has been done in really the needy people. This scheme should
our regime. The opposition parties arc be given more and more publicity in the
in the habit of just criticising for the sake localities where the lower income group
of criticism. people live because they are not in a position
to bring up their children.
18.00 brs.
Mr. Chairman. Sir, poor families could
Mr. Chairman, Sir, now I would like not so far get the requisite benefit in res-
to express my views on the Budget. Various pect of the nutritious food, prevention of
,chemes arc in the process of implemcn ta- disease, medical check. up, consultancy
'tlon under the Ministry of Social and services and pre-school education progra.
Women's Welfare for which a provision of mmes introduced under the Integrated Child
Rs. 29,78,35,000 has been made in 1985.86 Development Programme, The money aHo-
in the non-plan sector and a provision of tted for giving nutritious food per child i.
Rs. 100 crores has been made under the too inadequate to serve tbe purpose. Per
plan sector. child more provision should be made ror
this purpose.
There are many developmental schemes
under the Social Welfare Programme, under Pre-scbool education centres are gencraJJy
which there is a scheme to provide equip- opened in colonies where middJe cJass people
ments to handicapped persons free of cost. live. The children of poor families are thus
Under this Scheme, persons having a monthly deprived of this facility. Children of those
income between Rs. 750 and Rs. 1500 will women, who work on roads or who arc
be provided with equipments free of cost. engaged in building construction work are
But no provision has been made for those seen moving about like orphans. You should
whose monthly income is less than Rs, 750, ensure that their children are looked artor
when they need the assistance the most. properly. Maximum reSOurces sbould be
It seems that the poor have been deprived mobilised for them so that their children let
of this assistance. The people living in education.
slums do not come to know about such a
scheme. A survey should be conducted in Today our population is increasing.
these localities to identify the problems Poor people come to cities for earning thefr
faced by the handicapped persons so that livelihood and as a result thereof the number
remedial steps could be. taken. of slums is increasing. Some arrangements
should be made so that tbey get such facili.
Mr. Chairman, Sirt the schemes meant ties. Neither drinking water nor electrJclty
for the wclfN'e Qf women come under *he is a~ilable to them. These facilities ,-..f
143 a..,al Batl"t 1985-86- MARCH 23, 19!5 Suppl,,,,,ntll1'1 IRma". /0.' 144
Gen"a! Discussion and Grants (GeMra/) 1984·85

l Slwlmatl Sunduwatl Naval Prabhakm1 intends to apprehend tax-evaders also. A

large number of Members have supported
be provided to them. Some arrangements these five or sht points to please the Minister.
should be made to see that they get employ- These are very good things.
ment at their native places so that they may
not feel the ntcessity of coming over to I would like to say two or three things
cities. With these words, I thank you for more. Poojaryji is our colleague and friend.
siving me five minutes' time to speak. I would request him that after holding
consultations agaiu in the Ministry he should
not try to put off things as has been
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I will not go into
happening hither to fore. Attention must be
details. When I spoke earlier, Shri Janar 4

paid towards two or three things and some

dbana Poojary was sitting here. He did not
relief must be given. For example, you have
oven reply to my pOint. But, now I want an
not imposed more taxes, but people are
assurance whether tbe points I raise here
facing great difficulty due to an indirect tax,
would be considered or not.
more so in my State. The price of petro)
One Member said that Parliament had has increased by 90 paise per litre. It has
become irrelevant. Anger was expressed by increased very much in Srinagar. There is
saying that while giving interview, I had great difficulty of transportation in our
described the Budget as a good one. I again State. You have raised the price of kerosene
say that it is a good Budget. you may feel oil by 40 paise in one stretch. The Price of
that I am emboldened to say so because petrol may be raised because there is no
palkhiwala bas described the Budget as a other alternative, but I request that the
lood one. When Shri Vishwaoath Pratup increase effected in the price of petroleum
Singh was making the Budget speech, I did may be reduced by 50 per cent. The price
ror~ the impression that it was a good
of kerosene may be increased by 10 paise
only, as it is used by the common man.
You have' given the slogan of removing
The Finance Minister had said that now poverty and you have taken certain measures
crops would be insured. It is a good step. in tbis respect in the Budget. When you
I totally agree with him. Wben the crop is give the slogan of removing poverty-some
ready- to be harvested, if there arc rains or of our friends get excited over it and say
severe storms, nobody can imaaine tbe that we do not want to remove poverty-
pUsht of the farmer. Now, the farmer need the increase of 10 paise in the price of
have no such a,prehension any more and he kerosene will be adequate. The price of
will work hard. If his crop is damaged, he cooking gas has been increased by Rs. 6.
can still hope that he will not be ruined. By There is no home delivery system in Srinagar
this Scheme, be will get some psychological and certa in other cities. I had told Shri
relief also. Shiv Shankar that there was no home
delivery system in Sri nagar and other cities
Social security measures have been taken of Kashmir. One has to go to the agent's
up in this Budget for those poor people who godown to colJect the gas cylinder and bas
are killed in accidents. A leaislation should to pay more also. So, the increase in
~ brouaht for such areas also where some Srinagar, BaramulJa and other far off places
sick units are there or where some factories would be Rs. 10 instead of Rs. 6, Gas has
are lying closed. become one of necessities of life. Bven
poor people want to use it by curtailing
I shall say somethins about education other necessities of lire. It has become an
only when tbe Education Minister is present item or common consumption. Hence, I
hero. Education is a matter of vital impor- would like to say that the increase of Rs. 6
taoce. Neither has any attention been paid on a cooking gas cylinder is not justified.
to it Dor any priority liven. The Finance
Min.l$ter has said for the first time that This is a very lood Budaet. Even Nani
edijcatlo"_ will be liven top priority. Whether PalkhiwaJa has described it as a good
iti:s 4~.: not, it will h~ve ~ be ~. Budget .and: a Jot of discussion has taken
but tbe intention SCOlD. to be thor~.:P, place on U. I bave been a student of ccono.
14S Gentra/ Budget} 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demandl 144
General Discussion and for GrQ1f1S (General) J984~85

mics myself. You know that the common agriculture. There is qoed to brin, down
man's budget will get upset by the increase the prices of items like seeds, manures,
in the prices of petroleum, kerosene, gas medicines and other commodities which are
and five or six other. items. So, the hon. used by tbem. There is need to supp1y the
Minister should consider it. This is not a maximum electricity to the farmers. Today
question of prestige ... ... (Interruptions) ... 1 the situation in respect of electricity is such
am concluding shortly. that it goes off within two minutes of its
commissioning. The farmers go to their.
If you see the alabs of income tax, you fields but are unable to irrigate them. Elec-
will find that one category is not going to tricity is supplied during the night, with the
benefit by the proposed exemption. I had result that there remains the possibility of
already said in an interview that the exemp- the farmer falling ill. I want that the farmers
tion limit should be fixed at Rs. 25,000. should be supplied with maximum electrl.
instead of Rs. 18,000 and, if it is not possi- city. Similarly, regarding the provision of
ble to do so it may be fixed at Rs. 20,000. electricity in the Harijan colonies, I have
Those who pr~pare the Budget have their seen in my constituency that the people arc
favourites in mind while giving concessions. inrormed that such and such Harijan colony
You please look· at the second scale of has been provided with electricity but there
income tax. The people in that scale do n01 is no light in sight. The reason is that
get any benefit. Regarding retirement bene- the employees are careless. I think special
fits, you have said that they would be given attention should be paid towards it,
from the next Financial Year. What about
those employees who retired in January Mr. Chairman, Sir, my constituency
1985 ? The Finance Ministry may not agree also falls in the eastern part of Uttar
with it, but can a way not be found out Pradesh. As Shri Rat who spoke before me
whereby messengers, clerks or other low said, the districts in the Eastern region are
paid employees also can gel benefits? They quite backward and away to their being
know that handsome concessions are being densely populated and having less land, the
given from 1st April and the high officials poor people o( that region leave their bomes
are to get many more concessions. Such for taking uP johs in other places Ji,lce
Jow-paid employees as retired between Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Delhi to earn
January and April, 1985 will resent it that their livelihood, It is absolutely necessary
they have been deprived of the benefits. So, that big industries be set up in the rtgion
they should be given the retirement benefits of Gorakbpur, Basti, Ghazipur. }aunpur,
from January 1985, BaHia, etc., for the benefit Of. the po~r
people. There is no big or small mdustry In
our area. So, 1 urge upon the Government~
Mr. Chairman. Sir, the hon. Finance
to pay special attention in this respect, Our
Minister and the hon. Prime Minister deserve
area of Ghazipur and Jaunpur is surrounded
full appreciation for the Budget for 1985·86
bv 17 small and big rivers and it gives a
presented in the House, because the all-
b~rrowing look during the rainy s~a~on. The
round progress of the country has been kept
Ganga, the Gomati and the Sal fivers are
in view in the Budget. Enough funds have
known for causing floods. In that area,
been provided in it for Crop Insurance
there is a place named Ka:a~at. where .the
Scheme, employment and for other schemes
erosion caused by the Gomutl lS mcreaslpg.
Uke N.R.B.P. In one hundred districts, the Th Government have been approached
dependents of those killed in aCCidents will ma~y a time to construct a 'th()ka,~ there,
be given Rs. 3,000. I would urge upon the
but nothing has been done so far. C~nstr~c­
Government to extend this scheme to the tion of a bridge tbere is very eSSential
entire country. because tben the development of the area
Similarly, food subsidy has been increa- can take place and tbe distance to reach
sed from Rs. 800 crores to Rs. 1,500 crores. Azamgarh, Banaras, Jaunpur will b,e sh~rt ...
This step will have a good effect on the coed. So, a bridge should be constructed
production of wheal and paddy. A tong .with tbere.
ft, I want to say that 80 per ceo t of our
peOple live W. vma~cs and ar~ ~,. pend en t 0 Q In our area, iHiaation is done from t~
141 G,rwrol Budget. 1985..86- ' MARCH 23, t 98S Supplementary D,mands lor 148
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984·8S

[Shrl Ram SamuJhawan] 25,000, so that the persons who have mo~ey
but do not want to invest for fear of haVing
Sbarda Canal. The 3S kilometre branch of evaded income-tax may not have to unnece-
the Shard a Canal passes through my cons- ssarily hunt for loans and may have an
tituency but its condition is such that it is opportunity to invest that money in indus-
breached here and there with the result that tries, and hereby stand on their OWn feet
the entire crops are damaged and the and march towards progress. I. therefore,
farmers are not given any compensation for submit tbat this limit must be raised to Rs.
the loss. Therefore, I suggest that ~he 25~OOO,
Sharda canal be made pucca to provIde
relief to the farmers. To remove the regional imbalances and
to ensure tbe progress of the country, tbe
In the end. I we1come the balanced Late Pandit lawahar Lal Nehru had adopted
Budget presented by the Finance Minister mixed economy for the country in which
here. I will urge upon him that taxes on both the private and public sectors were
those items which affect the poor may be given opportunitiet to set up industries. It
reduced. By reducing the prices of kerosene is true that we have made a huge investment
oil. petrol and diesel the farmers should be in the Public Sector. These are the indus-
given some relief. tries having monopoly in certain items;
even then their production is not to the
With these words, I support the Budget.
desired extent, nor have they earned the
DR. CHANDR1\ SHEKHAR TRI- desired profits. I have no hesitation in say-
PATHI (Khalilabad): I support the Budget ing that in the Public Sector, the majority
because this is the first time when relief has of the industries are running in loss to the
been 'provided in it to both the poor and tune of crores of rupees. This should be
the rich. Just now, much criticism has been looked into and efforts made to obViate
made that the upper c1ass people have been the losses and the people sbould also not
provided with more relief. I would like to be burdened wi th taxes to meet the losses.
say that 10 to 80 per cent of the people of The workers in that sector have been pro-
India live in villages and their occupation is vided with all the facilities but in spite or
agriculture. The people who are dependent this they are not increasing the production
on agriculture cannot sustain themsel ves only and~ are bringing the country on the brink
on alriculture. So, for the first time. relief of huge losses.
has been provided to both the small as well
Many problems have been raised in th"
as big the industries which will provide jobs
House relating to different States but I want
to the maXimum number of people. Lakbs
to draw the attention of the hon. Finance
of persons who are engaged in agriculture,
Minister towards a problem which is not
wilt aCt employment opportunities by this
related to any particular State but is related
and the industrialists will get opportunities
to the entire country. No doubt, hill districts
to set up industries and in this way our
are considered as backward keeping in view
country will march towards rapid industriali-
the development of t~e country at large but
sation. Hence, to criticise that industrialists
, I have no hesitation fn saying that Cachhar
have been given more attention, does not
area is a water-logged area of the country
seem to be proper. Our hon. Finance
and remains as such for 5 to 6 months in
Minister bas tried to mop up the untapped
a year. The people there are very poor ;
financial resources so that they arc invested
there are no schools ; drinking water i. not
in the setting up of industries to take the
nation towards progress. avaiJable ; there arc no roads and people
are without houses. I would request the
hon. Finance Minister to set up a separate
I would like to draw the attention of
board (or the uplift of this area so that it
the hOD. Pinance Minister particu)ary to
one point. He has raised the income tax marches ahead along with the rest or the
exemption limit from Rs. 15,000 to Rs.
18,000. For this, he deserves conaratulations. I would also Uke to submit that although
But I thank this is not sufficient. This the maxi:mum )i'1lit or Rs. 20 lakhs fixed
exemption limit should be raised to Rs. in 1980 for ,oHio, up small scale jnd~tri.
149 C,nera/ Budget, J985-86~- CHArtRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supple~ntllTY iHmands ISO
General Discussion and lor Grants (Gene,a/) 1984..85

bas been increased by the hon. Finance his Budget speech that whereas for keeping
Minister to Rs. 35 lakhs to encourage the the inflation under control, curbs on expen-
small scale industries, yet these industries diture and imaginative supply management
are not set up in the villages because and timely imports have their own impor-
transport facilities are not avaiJable and tance, having two successive good crops bas
power is Qot supplied there. Therefore, the also helped in this regard. Thus, the annual
purpose of encouraging small scale industries rate of inflation in wholesale prices on
in rural areas, for which this limit has been 23rd February, 1985 was 5.2 per cent as
increased from Rs. 20 )akhs to Rs. 35 lakhs, compared with J0.00 per cent during the
will be achieved only when trasport and corresponding period last year. Not only
power supply facilities are provided. this, the consumer price index has aJso
shown an incre3se of only 4.4 Per cent in
I would Jike to submit ODe thing more January 1985 as compared with an increase
and this is of national interest. In our of J 3.7 per cent in the corresponding period
country, smuggling is done on a large scale. of the previous year. The farmers of the
Articles worth crOfeS of rupees are smuggled country with their hard work have strength-
from Nepal into India through places like ened the country and I think the Finance
Bhairwa, Krishnanagar, Taulihawa,l& Raxaul, Minister should consider seriously about
adjacent to the Nepal border in collusion giving facilities to the farmers also because
with high officials. Smuggling is not going neither the prices of fertilisers have been
to be stopped by the giving of rewards and reduced nor any other facility provided.
incentives. Certain effective steps should be On the one side, you have given a minor
taken for this. I would, therefore, like to relief but on the other side you have increa.
lay that the squads constituted for this sed the prices of the petroleum products.
purpose should include the M.Ps. also .... and The farmers have neither got exemption in
offenders should be punished so that tnere tbe prices of fertiI isers and machinery nor
is no natural loss. have they been provided with any other
reHef. In the Budget presented before us,
The educational system in the country
the only facility to the farmers is the intro.
should be uniform. If it is possible, a duction of the Crop Insurance Scheme. I
uniform education policy should be imple- want to give two suggestions to the Finance
mented. Minister for the benefit of the farmers. Our
Many hon. Members have asked for Budget is prepared for tbe pt;riod 1st April
reduction in the enhanced taxes on gas, bid is, to 31st March. The money due from tbe
kerosene oil, vanaspati ghee, diesel and pet· farmers is recovered by 31st March and if
roleum products. I shall be grateful jf they do not pay, attachment warrants arc
thele enhanced imposts are reduced so that issued against them. The farmen have to
the people of the country get relief. sell their crops etc. very cheap. I think no
crop is ready by 31 st M arch and even if
SHRI RAM PUJAN PATEL (Phu)pur) : any crOp is rcady that has to be sold at
Mr. Chairman, Sir, I am thankful to you lower rates. I, therefore, want that our
for living me an opportunity to speak on Budget should be for the period 1st July
the 1985.86 Budget. to 30th June. The second reason for change
in the dates is that nowadays by the timo
The hon. Finance Minister has prepared the Budget is passed, the monSOon has
the Budget for 1985-86 with wisdom, care already set in. The rains continue for two to
and farsightedness and I thank him for this three months. During the rainy season, the
and be deserves congratulations because con.~truction works come to a standstiJ).
through this Budget all sections of the society A period of three months is taken for
will be bcnetitcd. I feel however that the passing the Budget. Thus for 6 monthl,
farmers have been neglected, because after there is no construction work in the country.
loina through the entire Budget, I have not For the remaining 6 months, engineer. and
found anytbinl which may benefit the workers do con!iltruction work and they an
farmers directly. My submission is that we asked to complete the works somehow or
sball bave to think seriously about tbe other by 31st March and spend ~bc monq
farmers. The Finance Minister bas said in before that date.
is! (;eMfa/ Budget, 198$-86- MAR.CH 2~, 1985 .Supplementary Demands lor 1~~
General Discussion and Grants (General) 1984-85

[Shrl Ram Pujan Pat.l) banks gets doubled in 6i Years, that deposi-
ted in Post Offices-gets doubled in six years,
This leads to misuiilisation of money
whereas the money invested by the big
and constructIon work is also not done
capitalists Icts doubled in five years. Thus,
properly. 1, therefore, request the Finance
the country's entire money gets accumula-
Minister to consider my suggestion to adopt
ted with the big industrialists and is not
tho period from lst July to 30th June as
tho financial year. utilised for the welfare oC the people. So,
the capital of the private sector industrialists
In our countrY, the education to girls goes on increasing. Consequently, your
up to higher secondary level, i.e.. up to public sector would be lagging behind which
would not be in the interest of the country.
higb school has been made free. For this,
tbe Finance Minister deserves congratula-
With these words, I thank you and
tions. It is a very important provision. My conclude.
submission is that all the children, both boys
and girls, should be given free education SHRI RAMASHRAY PRASAD SINGH
up to high school, and everyone in the (Jahanabad): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I
country should get education uniformly ; am grateful to you for giVing me an
there should not be any disparity. It should opportunity to speak. It is evident from
be taken care of that the education gap the Budget for 1985-86 presented in this
between the rich and the poor does not go House and from the discussion which is
on widening. Everyone should gct un iform going on here as also from Shri Poojary's
education. This was the dream of our late reply that this Budget is a deviation from
Prime Minister Bini lawahar Lal Nehru. our national policy. The policy evolved by
the .new Government is a departure from
We have resolved to eradicate puverty the past.
from our rural scene through Integrated
Rural Development Programme, National Sir, I would 1ike to ask those who claim
Rural Employment Scheme and Rural Land- that this is a progressive Budget and that it
less Employment Guarantee Programme. will benefit the poor whether they have gone
Unemployment is being removed by provid- through the Budget and examined to what
iQI money to tbe unemployed people so as extent it has benefited .the poor and also
to lift them above the poverty line. I would what has been the quantum of benefit and
request the hon. Finance Minister to order concessions to the rich and multi-milJionajres
an inquiry whether the funds spent for this as a result of it. That will tell you the truth
purpose have actually raised the standard A careful scrutiny, of this Budget would
of living of those living below the poverty reveal whether it is in favour of the POOf
line. The people of the Department of or the rich. No doubt, there are certain
Industry in connivance with the bank officials things which WOuld help the poor, but on
somehow procure these funds, but the people the whole, it would do comparatively more
who are supposed to get this money do not harm to the poor who are already facing
let full amount. Your officials indulge in penury. Beetli, soda, kerosene are the items
many irregularitie~ in this reaard. I Would of mass consumption and the Government
request tbe hon. Minister to look into it. should reconsider the hike in the prices of
As a result of bike in taxes on articles being these commodities.
used by the poor, viz., beedi, paao masala,
kerosene, the prices in villages have consi- I belong to a family of farmers and the
derably risen. I request you to fe-consider people of ollr country mainly depend on
the hike in tax on tbese items including agriculture. 70 per cent of our people
cement and diesel. depend on agriculture, but you have ilDored
agriculture. You can claim that YOU have
The bon. Finance Minister has made a set a record in agricultural production. But
J)1'Gvfslon of Rs. 10 crores in tbe Budlet to your production of J 51 million tonnes of
check pol1utinn in the Ganga. This is a foodgrains in 1984-85 cannot be considered
co'mll1cndable step. 8S stable. When thc:re is good monsoon,
the production goes up, but wheg the mqn-
The money of the poor deposited In the SOOD tailS, the produ'ction deClines. There..
i~3 Gentral budget. 1~8$-86- CI:lAITRA 2, 19()7 (SAKA.) SuppleIMntary Demands 1$4
General Discussion and. . lor Grants (Genara/) 1984.85

fore, it cannot be called stable. I can ali ty. He has presented a wen structured
substantiate my point by living an example. and balanced Budaet. Therefore, the peopJe
Before 1982-83, the production was 133 from all sections of the society have conara.
million tonneS, but we had a bad monSOon tulated him.
in 1983.84 leading to drought and famine
conditions in the country and consequently. At the outset, I congratulate our Prim.
the production declined to 126 million ton- Minister Shri Itajiv Gandhi. His intention to
nes. You have adopted a casual attitude provide clean and efficient administration
towards agriculture. I am not talking of has attracted millions of people. Therefore
the entire country. There has been extensive he got massive manadate in the last Genera]
development in agriculture in Punjab, Har- elections. He is determined to make tbe 20
yana and SOme parts of Uttar Pradesh, but point programme of our late Prime Minister
Bihar, Bengal and Orissa are much back\\ard Shrimati Indira Gandhi a areat success.
in this regard. We still have vast fertile During the time of election the Primo
land in our area, and if it is developed Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi had promised
properly and water is made available, it the people to pass the An'tj.defeclion Bi1I.
can produce a rich harvest. Sucb land bas In the first session of the 8th Lok Sabha
been ignored. Had you developed agriculture itself the Anti-defection Bill was passed by
and increased production, you would have Parliament. The 30th January, )985, the
controlled inflation and would not have date of passing the Bill, will therefore
faced deficit. One of our hon. Members bas remain as 'a memorable day in the parlia-
said that we are exporting foodgrains and mentary history of Jndia. Today the whole
we have become self-sufficient. Let me tell nation looks towards the leadership of Shri
you that in 1978 you provided 468 kilograms Rajiv Gandhi.
of foodgrains per head but today you
provide only 438 kilograms. It shows that Sir, it is a matter of great pleasure that
the in-take per head has gone down. We sreater emphasis bas been laid in the Budget
should pay attention to this aspect. on the upliftment of rural areas. The rural
welfare schemes like National Rural Employ-
There is a scheme named' Punpun Irri- ment programme, integrated rural develop"
gation Project' in our area whicb is likely ment programme and rural landless employ-
to benefit Karpi, Kurtha, Jahanabad blocks ment guarantee programme are under imple.
of Gaya district and Massaudi and Dhanrua mentation in the rural areas in different
blocks of Patna disrict. During Lok Sabha parts of the country. As you know Sir.
elections, a joint photograph of Congress India is a country of villaaes. Therefore,
(I) candidate Mahendra Singh, who is called when we talk of the progre~s of the nation,
King Mahendra in the local area, and that we must think of the welfare and the uplift-
of the Chief Minister appeared in the news- ment of the rural people. All the abovo
.paper with the assurance that work on this programmes are meant for raising the Status
scheme is going to be started and that the of the rural people from below the poverty
foundation stone would be laid soon. But, line. I am glad that provisions ba\!c been
that Punpun Irrigation Project has not yet made in the current years budget to alleviate
been cleared by the Centrc. I would request poverty. It should be the main endeavour of
the hone Minister to approve. this project the politicians, Government employees and
and start work on it, so that it may brjng voluntary ofaanisaUons to work unitedly for
prosperity to the people of these areas. the greater success of the rural development
programmes. The co-operation of all sections
*SHRI HARIHAR SOREN (Keonjher): of the people involved in irnpJementin. these
Mr. Chairman, Sir, I rise to suppor.t the pro&rammes is very necessary to achieve tbe
Gene.ral Budget for 1985.86. The. Budget main goal. It is not proper to say tbat the
presented by the Finance Minister is a pro- people working in all spheres are honest
gressive Budlet. It is the hope aDd aspira- and sincere. There are many peOPle, involved
tion of millions of people in tbis country. in implementina these proarammes' who
The Finance Minister is an efficient and misappropriate and misutilise tbe ru~s
honest person. He has lot a strong person. allocated for rural development. I appeal ,to
~The speech was oriainaUy delivered in Ori),a.
15$ General Budge/, 198$-86- MARCH 23, 1985 Supplemliltary b,mantb ior 156
G,ural Discussion and Grants (G,neral) 1984.85

[Shri HarJhfll' Soren] plant was to be located on a triangular

piece of land at Daitari in the border of
the Government to take action against such
Cuttack, Keonjher and Dhenkanal districts.
people. I also sugge~t the Government to The land acquisition work was on progress.
monitor the implementation of rural develop- Daiteri is ideally located so far as the
meat programmes from time to time. The
establishment of steel plant is concerned.
State Governments responsible for imple-
But it is unfortunate that the construction
menting such programmes should be taken
work of the steel plant has not been started
to task if they fail to achieve the target set
so far. The inordinate delay in the establi-
for implementinl such programmes. The
shment of the steel pJant has created great
real benefit should reach the people who
discontentment among the people. The
urgently need it. The beneficiaries lists should
demand for the steel plant is not confined
be checked up and action should be taken
to a few districts of the State, but it is a
against the officials who prepare tbe lists if
demand of the people of Orissa as a whole.
fake beneficieries are found in the lists. All
If the steel plant is established it will gO
these sllggestions, if implemented, will pro.
a long way in prOviding employment to
. vide the real benefit to the rural people and
hundreds of unemployed educated youngmen
the poverty can be removed from rural
in Orissa. As the labour water and raw
materials are easily available near the pro-
posed site selected for the location of the steel
Now I would like to say a few words
plant, there is every justification to set up the
about rural water supply. Sir, there arc
steel plaat at Daitari. The delay in the establi-
many villages in Orissa and other States
shment of the steel plant will result in cost
where drinking water facility is not available.
escalation. Therefore I request the Govern.
The problem villages were identified during
ment of India to expedite the proposal for
the 6th Plan period. All States have not
the establishment of steel plant at Daitari
fulfilled the Sixth Plan target to provide without any further delay.
drinking water. Therefore I request the
Government to provide potable drinking Lastly, thank you very much (or having
water to the problem viUages on priority in given me the opportunity to take part in the
1985·86. At the same time I request the discussion.
hone Minister to put pressure on the State
Government to accelerate the programme to [English]
provide potable drinking water to all the
villaaes by the end of the 7th Plan. The SHR( ASUTOSH LAW (Dum Dum) :
country is facing many problems today. The Mr. Chairman, may I congratulate the hone
unemployment problem is one of those Prime Minister for presenting the most
major problems. The Government of India dynamic growth. oriented and rational
should make all possible efforts to generate Budget ? I also congratulate the hone
more employment in the sphere of agricul. Finance Minister on taking such bold steps
turo and industry. The Government of which could not be taken for the last 20
Orissa had taken a number of steps for the years.
growth of industry in that State during the
The Union Budget has been opposed
last five Years. A good number of industrial
and criticised by the Opposition on various
units have been established in small scalo aspects. May I request them, "For the sake
sectors. But the number of medium and
of criticism or for the sake of opposition,
major industries are microscopic. Therefore
please don't criticise or oppose this Budget" ?
there is a greater need to set up some major This is the only Budget in the history of
industries in the State of Orissa.
Indian Parliamentary democracy wherein
While speaking on the industrialisation the all classes of people have been given
io Orissa I must make the mention of a substantial benefit and/or relief inVOlved.
second steel plant in that State. Sir, the
proposal to set up a steel plant at Daitari MR. CHAIRMAN : He has sot only
in Orissa was taken up as many as five years two or three minutes to speak. Doo't di••
back. The aite has been selected. The steel turb.
157 General Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA m. 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary Demands 158
General Discussion and lor Grants (General) 1984-85

SHRI ASUTOSH LAW: I wiU appeal other side who are shouting so much wo'uld
to you that for Heaven's sake, 'once in your realise if they go through the Budget care-
life, please try to realise that this Budget is fully that exemptions which were previously
for the country's benefit and also for the enjoyed by COrporate sector have been taken
future generation" If you think you have away, by this Budget whereas rate of cor..
suffered and our previous generation had porate tax bas becn reduced. If you consider
suffered then tet not our future generation the impact of this Budget upon the middlo
to suffer again. Let us do something in the class society, yf)u will find that they wj1J be
name of the people so that our future benefitted by way of reduction of tax struc.
generation will derive some resuhs out of ture, recasting of wealth tax structure and
this Budget. This is the budget where three abolition of Death Duty and C.D.S. These
sections, Le. weaker section, middle class are the steps which will give substantial
people and the cooperative sector, have been benefit to the middle class people. There..
given the relief. fore, it cannot be said that this Budget ,s
only for the upper middle class. This is a
Now, let us see what the benefits and Budget for all the people.
reliefs are given to the weaker section in the
Lastly, let me say something about
proposed Budget. Since tim~ is very short, I
proposed petroleum price hike, the keroseno
will be very brief. I f I am permitted to
price hike and also the gas price hike, I
clarity farmers, lower middle class peopte
support this ... (Interruption). You must not
and the unemployed youth under the. weaker
misinterpret my statement. You listen to
section of the society, you will find in the
me. I say, if it is inevitable that the price of
Budget that they have been given benefits
petroleum products, have to be increased
by all means. What are the benefits ? Now
then it is better to have small increase in
let me first consider the claims of the
workers. In the case of a company being the price thiCl year rather having sUff
increase in the price next year which will
liquidated or wound up, previously, after
create more burden on the people. In any
Government dues, the claims of the secured
event I request the Hon. Finance Minister
creditors would come. Workers claims were
to reduce the kerosene price otherwise
placed down. Now the workers wages and
weaker section will suffer. I( necessary, the
claims will be paid first. Now the workers
ta~ abolished on TVs, VCRs and other
wages have been put pari passu with the
luxury items may be re-imposed and intro-
Government's revenue. So, this is one of
duced to give such reI ief to the w~ker
the most important and substantial reliefs
liven to the workers.
SHRI H.A. DORA (Srikakulam) : Mr.
The bonus limit bas been raised from Rs. Chairman, Sir, some of the hon. Members
750 to Rs. 1650. That wilt benefit not only the on the other side contended that the Budaet
workers, not only the weaker section but also reflects socialism ; it invigorates the earn-
the lower middle class people. More money ings of a common man in the street and it
has been allocated for the rural development. is pregnant with progress and revolution.
In the rural development sector, not only the Tbis has al~o been previously said in the
farmers win get the benefit but the unem- same tenor and tone. I am at a loss to
ployed rural youth will also get the benefit. understand as to how much dose of socialism
The crop insurance scheme which has been is imported into the Budget.
envisaged in this Budget is one of the most
revolutionary propositions which has n~er The Directive Principles of State policy
been thought of and the benefit will be given enshrined in our Constitution aimed at
to the 'armers. Even in case, the farmer is socia1ism. 35 years have almost heeD com.
not in a position to pay the insurance pre- pleted. What is the degree of socialism that
mium, then the subsidy bas been provided. has been brought about in this country?
Could it be visible to the naked eye applied
Regardi111 the industrial policy and the with a magnifying glass?
corporate sector, may I submit tbat tbe
corporate sectors have been given substan- What are the a.~sets of Tata, Birta,
tial relief I think, my bon. friend. on tbe Singhania aDd otbers in tho year 1947 and
J.$9 06".ral BuJ~t, 1985.86- MARCH 23. 1985 Suppl,mentary Demands /01' 160
G~wal Discunlo" and Grtplt8 (G,,,,ral) 1984.85

[Shrl B.A. Dora] trifled. The bon. Minister is quite aware of

the sanitary conditions in the villages. In
what are their assets now? How many spite of his being aware of all these condi-
persons were there below the poverty line tions, the provision made towards rural
by 1947 ? What is the increment now given development is only a frachon of a per cent.
to it in the year 1985 ?
I am sorry to say that the Budget is not
Is it that we have achieved socialism in for the people dwelling in the villages who
our country? The Budget is revolutionary live in semi-permanent houses. It is only tor
in t be sense .that it revolves round tbe those who live in mansions.
Industrialists. The Budget spells out maxi-
mum benefits to minimum number of SHRI A. CHARLES (Trivandrmo, ' ) : Sir,
people in this country. I would say : I am happy that I am given a chance to
speak on a Budget which has been widely
The 1'roblettls in this country are plenty, accepted and which has ushered in a new
the Budget is based on principles twenty, era of greater social justice.
but the result is absolutely empty.
We have been Ii'itening to the criticisms
I may be permitted to say that the
made by some of our friends on both sides.
hollowness of the Budget can be seen from
It bas been criticised by the Opposition that
tbe few points which I may be permitted to
this Budget is pro-capitalistic, anti-rural and
present before the House. Tbe gross annual
is a deviation from the path of socialism
requirement for the year 1985-86 is Rs.
which the' country bas been following since
2,12,798.82 croreCJ. Tbe allocation for rural
independence. It is also said that as persons
development is only Rs. 399.95 crores, not
like Mr. Palkhivala and SOme of the news
even a fraction of 1 per cent, not even
media of the West have 'welcomed this
l/SOOth share, of the total gross annual
Budget, it must be essentially pro.capitalis-
reqUirement for the year. May I request the
tic. This is simply illogical. The hon. Member
hoo. Minister to take note of the develop·
in the Opposition Shri Indrajit Gupta
ment ill the rural areas ? There are roughly
himself has admitted that in the course of
5,75,000 villages in this country. About 80
the discussions he had with the Minister of
per cent of our country's population live
Finance, he had suggested three measures
in tbese vjllages and about 70 per cent of
to alleviate some of the difficulties of the
our national income is only from the
middle class and the working class and that
villages. But tbe allocation of amount for
all the three suggestions were accepted by
the development of villages is very me-alre,
the hon. Minister. Does if the argument of
not even 1 per cent. It is only a small
Shri Gupta is accepted can't we say that
fracdon of 1 Pt"I cent. Why is this criminal
this Budget is pro-socialistic since it con-
discrimination made in respect of the
tains some of the recommendations of Shri
villages ? May 1 say that sllch a discrimina-
lndrajit Gupta ? It is real1y a strange ironY
tion had been made, was made, bas been
of fact that the parties which were critici-
made and is also being made ? How can
Sing, opposing and buIJying our late Prime
the Government expect progress in this
Minister Shrimati Indira Gandhi and were
country without rural development ?
bent On eliminating her from public life
I am ready to correct myself if I am during the whole tenure of her office, are
wrong in contending tbat the development now education lamenting that the glory of
in rural areas is wantonly neglected. The socialism has given way with her passing
rural development hitherto achieved is com· away. We are thankful for this belated recog-
paratifely negligible. nition or ratber confession.

Most of the villages in the country are It is gratifying to Dote that our economy
DOt provided even with earthen roads. There is almost OD a sare footing and that there Is
is scareity of drinking water in this country, an overall growth on all sections or
in tbe vUlages part ;cularly . nation's Hre, may it be agricultural, indus-
trial, pOwer generation, coal producti~n or
f!ven ~% of tile vill"fes are not el~. fre'sbt lQoverri~~ br ran, CO\lp1od w'itb tbis
161 General Budget, 1985-86- CHAITRA 2, 1907 (SAKA) Supplementary DS11IQnds t6l
General Discussion and for GrtJnts (General) 1984-85

growth, the numerous benefits and incen- For domestic use and for genuine use of
tives DOW provided in the Budget to a wide small agriculturists, kerosene shall be distri.
ranling section of the population have buted through the public distribution system
instilled greater confidence in the whole on a subsidised rate in case it is not possible
nation and has given a measure of social to reduce its cost.
security to the poorest of the poor.
The proposed enhancement of COSt on
The comprehensive scheme of crop cooking gas (LPG) shall be withdrawn.
insurance, the accident insurance scheme fot' The excise duty now proposed OD cement
all sections of workers who are not covered and soap shan also be withdrawD.
by any scheme, the proposal to raise the
limit of income for payment of bonus, free Schemes similar to tbe IRDP and NREP
education of girls all over the country up to shall be drawn up for the poor sections of
the Higher Secondary level, enhanced retire- the urban areas also.
ment benefits, the proposal to raise the
exemption limit for personal income tax and Steps shall be taken to ensure remunera-
to discontinue the surcharge on income tax, tive prices for all agricultural products to
abolition of the scheme of compulsory tbe farmers.
deposits, abolition of the levy on Estate The problem of housing shOUld be liven
duty, raising the limit of the monthly income utmost priority. Special projects should be
for payment of bonus to employees, top
"repared and implemented on a time-bound
priority given to the workers' dues in the programme for providing flats to the land-
event of an industry being closed and a Jess poor giving priority to the poor living
number of other such progressive measures in the coastal belt and in the slums in the
arc certainly radical measures which take urban areas.
the whole nation to a new era.
This is a time when the whole nation is
However, I am constrained to say that looking forward with high hopes and aspira-
some of the Budget proposals have added to tions on the young leadership given to this
the strain of the middle-class and the poor. country to poineer its destinies to peace and
The increase in the duty on crude petroleum prosperity. The first Budget of the Eighth
and the increase in the cost of cement will Lok Sabha now before us amply proves that
DO doubt increase the burden of the poor the great confidence reposed on the rulio.
and the middle-classos. Increase in the cost Party and especially on the YOUIll Prime
of kerosene will have to be reconsidered lest Minister is not misplaced. The Prime
tbe number of relief measures meant for the Minister in his first message given to the
common man shall be eroded in respect of nation after his unanimous election as leader
tbe poorest of the poor. So also it is tOO has stated in unmistakable terms that
early to assess the total employment poten- honesty, efficiency and time-bound prolra-
tial that will be generated as a result of the mme will be the basis of the new adminis-
many incentives proposed to be given for tration. The first BUdget of bis Government
developing small-scale industries. Housing has amply justified these high ideals. I
is yet another major problem that has to be would, therefore. give my unstintcd support
alven top priority. So also, while those to the Budget with the pledge that we all
below the poverty line in the rural areas shall work together upholding the above
will be very much benefited by schemes ideals in building up tbis great country 10
such as the IRDP and NREP etc. there are that a united India may live and prosper.
DO such measurca for their ill-fated counter-
MR. CHAIRMAN: The House stands
parts in the urban areas. adjourned to reassemble on Monday, March
25, 1985, at 11,00 a.m.
With a view to relieve the sufferinas of
the above secMbns of the people and to 19.01 hrt.
mako the Budiet more meaningful in their The Lok Sabha then adjourned till EleN"
cases also. I would make tbe following of th~ Clock on Monday, Morels, 25,
specific proposals : - 1985lChaitra 4, /907 (Saka).
Samrat Press, 7117/18, Pahari Dhiraj. Delhi-6. ...

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