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Master of

Commerce M.Com-
Field Project (FPJ 501)

Dr. Surendra Patole Dr. Latika Gaikwad

Director Assistant Professor,
School of Commerce and Management School of Commerce and Management
YCMOU, Nashik-422222. YCMOU, Nashik-422222

Prof. Dr. Asha Verulkar Dr. Manish Deshmukh

Ex.Director, J.D.C. Bytco Head, Dept.of Commerce,Dandekar
Institute of Management, Nashik Mahavidyalay palghar (Thane)

Dr. Surendra Patole
Dr. Latika Gaikwad

Dr Archana Pandagale
School of Commerce and Management
YCMOU, Nashik-422222

Shri. Vilas Badhan
Head, Printing and Production centre, YCMOU, Nashik

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik

(First edition of developed under DEB development grant)
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Master of Commerce (M.Com) (M117) is a two-year Post Graduate degree
program offered by School of Commerce & Management, Yashwantrao Chavan
Maharashtra Open University, Nashik. This program is offered as per NEP-2020 from
the AY 2023-24. This programme offers four specializations namely Advanced
Accountancy, Banking and Finance, Business Entrepreneurship and Business
Management. This Programme is designed to enable learners to enrich their
knowledge, enhance their abilities, and develop managerial and commercial skills
while working in their professions.

M.Com Programme offers learners the opportunity to gain hands-on

experience by engaging in real work situations. This academic Programme is
thoughtfully designed to accommodate both working and non-working learners. With
effective time management and unwavering determination, learners can seamlessly
complete the programme while engaged in their current job, profession or other

Field Project

Field project is one of the major components of this program. A field project is a
research or practical work that involves conducting activities, collecting data,
identifying problems, finding solutions to existing problems or performing
experiments directly in real-world environments outside of a traditional classroom.
These projects typically require hands-on work in various fields such as science, social
science, environmental studies, or engineering, and often involve interdisciplinary
collaboration and problem-solving.

The field based project will provide an opportunity to the learners to observe,
understand and analyse various socio economic scenario. This field project will give
learners exposure to various issues pertaining to growth and development in urban and
countryside areas in the field of commerce.

Field projects are essential for advancing systematic information, perceptive real-world
phenomena and addressing functional challenges of industries. Field projects provide
learners with opportunities to apply theoretical concepts in practical settings and
contribute to the solution of real-world problems. Field projects will develop
employability skills of learners and bridge gap between theory and practice. It will
upgrade learners’ skills and abilities to face dynamic business environment. It will also
develop critical, analytical and professional skills.
Significance of Field Project
Field project will develop the overall personality of the learners:
Theory into Practice:
The field project allows the learners to exhibit their problem solving capabilities in
different work scenarios. It will enhance the learners’ ability to apply theoretical
concepts in business, ability to work with peers, building teamwork and group skills.

Practical Experience:
Field projects provide learners with hands-on experience outside the confines of a
classroom or laboratory. This practical experience allows learners to apply theoretical
knowledge in real-world settings, fostering a deeper understanding of the topic matter.

Skill Development:
Field projects help learners to develop a wide range of skills, including observation,
data collection, analysis, problem-solving, teamwork, communication, and critical
thinking. These skills are essential for success in industry, academia and many

Exposure to Diverse Environments:

Field projects often involve studying various environments and ecosystems, exposing
learners to the diversity of natural and cultural landscapes. This exposure broadens
learner’s perspectives and enhances their appreciation for the complexity and
interconnectedness of the world.

Data Collection and Analysis:

Field projects provide opportunities for learners to collect primary data through methods
such as surveys, interviews, observations, and measurements. Analyzing real-world data
allows learners to develop proficiency in data interpretation, statistical analysis, and
drawing meaningful conclusions.

Problem-Based Learning:
Field projects often involve addressing real-world problems or conducting research to
answer specific questions. This problem-based approach encourages learners to apply
their knowledge and skills to solve practical challenges, fostering creativity and

Interdisciplinary Collaboration:
Many field projects require collaboration across disciplines, bringing together learners
and faculty from diverse academic backgrounds. Interdisciplinary collaboration
encourages the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and methodologies, enriching the
learning experience and promoting holistic approaches to problem-solving.

Contribution to Knowledge:
Field projects contribute to the body of knowledge in various academic disciplines by
generating new data, insights, and discoveries. Learners may have the opportunity to
publish their findings in academic journals, present at conferences, or contribute to
ongoing research initiatives, thereby making meaningful contributions to their fields of

Personal and Professional Development:

Engaging in field projects fosters personal and professional growth by promoting
independence, resilience, adaptability, and self-confidence. Learners learn to navigate
unfamiliar environments, overcome challenges, and develop the resilience needed to
succeed in academic and professional endeavours.

Objectives of the field project

The M.Com (M117) field project component's objective is to enable learners in
developing their capacity to utilize multidisciplinary concepts, tools, and approaches to
solve organizational problems.
1. To understand the commerce related concepts through field project.
2. To gain practical knowledge and experience of industry.
3. To develop problem solving and employability skills.
4. To enhance practical research skills in field of Commerce and Management.
5. To bridge the gap between industry and academia.
Learning Outcomes of the field project

After completion of the Field project learner will be able to:

1. Apply theoretical knowledge into practice.

2. Solve industry/business problems systematically.

3. Collaborate with various industries.
4. Work in teams and give better performance.

Details of Field Project

Programme Name: M.Com
Programme Code: M117
Course Name : Field Project
Course Code : FPJ501
Credits 04
Hours 120
Expected number of Pages in Field Project Report: 25 to 30

For successfully completing M.Com program, Field Project (FPJ501) Course in

Semester II is compulsory. It is a 4 credit course carrying 100 marks, out of which, 50
marks are for Internal Assessment and 50 marks are for External Assessment. For
successfully completing field project course, the learners must secure minimum 40%
marks in internal and external assessment separately.

Field Project Evaluation Pattern:

Number of University Continuou Total Passing

Credits Assessment s Marks Marks

4 50 50 100 Secure minimum 40% marks

in University Assessment
as well as Continuous Assessment
Internal Assessment External Assessment Total Marks
Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum
Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks
20 50 20 50 40 100

Internal Assessment
Project Report – 30 Marks

SrNo. Components Marks

1. Relevance of topic/problem identification 05
2. Review of literature and Research
3. Fieldwork and data collection 05
4. Analysis and Data Interpretation 10
5. Feedback to Community/Findings
Conclusions and Suggestions
Total 30

Viva-Voce - 20 Marks
Internal assessment will be done by respective study centre.. Project report evaluation
and viva voce shall be conducted by the external examiner appointed by the respective
study centres.
SrNo. Components Marks
1. Presentation 05
2. Communication Skills 05
3. Ability to answer the questions 05
4. Subject Knowledge and overall
Total 20

External Assessment
Project Report – 50 Marks
External assessment will be done by the University.
SrNo. Components Marks
1. Relevance of topic/problem identification 05
2. Review of literature and Research
3. Fieldwork and data collection 10
4. Analysis and Data Interpretation 15
5. Feedback to Community/Findings
Conclusions and Suggestions
Total 50

Steps in carrying out field project:

1. Allocation of supervisor/guide by the Study Centre
2. Discussion and finalization Of The Topic with the supervisor
3. Carrying out the Field Project by the learner.
4. Preparation of the Field Project Report
5. Submission of the Field Project Report ( 2 hard bound copies at the study
centre and Soft copy to be uploaded on University web portal )
6. Internal Viva voce at the respective study centre.
7. External Evaluation of the Project Report by the University.

Eligibility to be a Field Project Supervisor/ Guide

For M.Com (M117) ,the project Supervisor /Guide must have knowledge of
specialization in various topics, i.e. The Advanced Accountancy, Banking and
Finance, Business Entrepreneurship and Business Management.etc.
A research guide must have either a doctorate or M.phil. Degree in Commerce and/or
A research guide must have teaching experience of at least 5 years at PG level or 10
Years at UG level and any type of research experience for not less than 3 years.
A research guide must be working as a counsellor M.Com/MBA programme of
YCMOU at any centre for at least 5 years .
A research guide can be a practicing CA.
Any industrial professional having 10 years(post PG) of industry experience.

Role of Supervisor/ Guide of Field Project

1. Guidance: Providing guidance of field project objectives, methodology and
implementation to the learners.
2. Support: Offering Support and advice throughout a project duration to
3. Monitoring: Monitoring progress and ensuring adherence to project timelines
and goals.
4. Feedback: Providing contractive feedback on field project deliverables and
5. Problem Solving: Guiding in resolving any issues or challenges encountered
during the research period.

Carrying out Field Project

A field project involves acquiring practical knowledge through observation,
interaction, actual working, collection of information and analysing situations in a
real business environment and finding out feasible solutions to the existing
problems. A learner is expected to visit any industry/firm as suitable for their
specialization where he/she would like to visit and study the situation as many
times as required for gathering information to prepare a final report on it.

Preparation of Field Project Report

After carrying out actual field work, it is expected to prepare a final field project
report as per the guidelines of the University.

Guidelines for preparation of Field Project Report

a. The field project report may be of about 25 to 30 pages. approximately
consisting 8000 - 10000 words. The researcher may use additional pages for appendices
and exhibits. However variation of about 10% on either side is possible.
b. A field project report must contain introduction of the topic, Review of
Literature, Research Methodology adopted in completion of the work, Company Profile,
Data Collection and analysis of data and finally Findings, Conclusions and suggestions.
It is essential that methodology followed must be explained adequately by the
researcher. Suggestion related to feasible solution of problems and as to the future
direction of the research if focused is appreciated.
Contents of the Field Project Report:
A. The Preliminary pages
i. Cover Pages
ii. Acknowledgements
iii. Declaration by the Learner
iv. Certificate of the Guide/Supervisor
v. Company Certificate
vi. Field Project Completion Certificate (by the Study centre)
vii. Table of Contents
viii. List of Tables
ix. List of Figures
B. The Text (Chapter Scheme)
1. Chapter I - Introduction
2. Chapter II - Review of the Literature
3. Chapter III – Profile of the Organisation
4. Chapter III - Research Methodology
5. Chapter IV - Data Analysis and Interpretation of data
6. Chapter V - Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions
Submission of the Field Project Report
1. Submit two hard bound copies to the respective study centre
2. Upload soft copy of the Field Project in pdf format only to the University web
portal. All the necessary certificates duly singed by the concern authorities (scanned
copies) must be attached in the single PDF. Separate guidelines regarding online
submission of the field project report will be provided by the University in due
course of Time.

Detailed Important Instructions

1. The study centre and learners are instructed to take strict note of it, that under no
circumstances the field project report will be accepted after the due date, neither in
online nor in offline format.
2. Begin your field project report with a concise and informative title that clearly
reflects the project's scope and objectives.
3. Provide a brief but thorough introduction, outlining the background,
significance, and objectives of the project.
4. Clearly define the methodology used in the project, detailing the research
methods, tools, and techniques employed.
5. Provide detailed organisations profile.
6. Present the findings in a systematic manner, using graphs, charts, and tables
wherever necessary to enhance clarity.
7. Ensure to include a comprehensive discussion of the results, interpreting their
implications and relevance to the project's objectives.
8. Acknowledge any limitations or challenges faced during the project,
demonstrating a transparent and honest approach.
9. Include a thorough conclusion summarizing key findings and their
implications, as well as potential avenues for future research.
10. Provide a well-organized and detailed bibliography section citing all sources
used in the project report.
11. Adhere to the specified formatting guidelines, including font type, size, and
spacing, to maintain a professional appearance.
12. Submit the report by the designated deadline, ensuring it is free of grammatical
errors and has undergone thorough proofreading.

Guidelines for Drafting Field Project Report :

The field project should be prepared in consultation with the ‘field project
Following are some of the guidelines to draft the field project report.
1. The field project should have a clear title.
2. A concise introduction of the topic should be given.
3. Importance and significance of the topic should be highlighted.
4. Should be based on rational approach.
5. Objectives of the study should be clearly mentioned.
6. Hypotheses (if any) to be tested should be clearly mentioned.
7. Research methodology of the field project to be undertaken should be well
8. Expected contribution of the field project should be well defined.
9. Chapterisation should be given as per prescribed format in the field project
Let’s us discuss the expected content under each head.
1. Title of the Project: The learner should discuss the topic of field project with
his supervisor/guide before deciding the research/organisational problem and the title of
the field project report. The process beings with selecting and defining a existing
problem properly. It is essential here that researcher himself is clear about the problem
that prevails in the organization that he/she intends to carry out the field project. He/she
must have sensed the symptoms of the problem. He/she themselves must be aware that
it exist and is a cause of dislocation of work or causing some unset in the organization.
“Research Problem, in general, refers to some difficulty which a researcher experiences
in the context of either a theoretical or practical situation for the same”. The research
problem exist where:
a) Organizational or individual lives in an environment which is uncontrollable.
b) Where there are more than two alternative solutions or courses of
action &
c) There are more than one outcome
d) Each alternative offers different outcome. That means the comparison,
evaluation and analysis is possible.
The research problem must be reflected in field project title and should not contain any
ambiguous theme. Even by just reading the title of the field project, anyone having
reasonable knowledge of the topics should be in position to make out the theme of the
project. The title of the project should not be too short (Which express the very wide
area of knowledge) or too long (which covers every minute detail of the theme). Title
should be
1. Short but full
2. Concise and clear
3. Expressing the topic
4. Focusing the core area of the research undertaken
5. Containing the period if specific
6. Must reveal the name of the firm/ organization
Chapter-I Introduction: It is the introduction of the topic the researcher has
undertaken or intends to undertake. It is observed that number of learners give the
introduction of the firm or certain aspects of the topic under this sub-heading. In
introduction researcher is expected to give an overview of the topic. The focus here
should be to create awareness about the topic in the mind of the reader. If researcher is
covering different dimensions of the topic, all that must be explain briefly. His/ her
intention must be to give an overview of the topic. By going through it the reader must
get an understanding that researcher is having sufficient theoretical knowledge of the
topic and can explore something in depth. Here the researcher should start with wider
perspective of the topic and should take the reader to the specific problem. The problem
or issue should be explained/ introduced in brief.
Researcher has to explain the importance of the topic here. Why in his opinion the topic
is important is to be explained in brief. Importance of every topic is different, and it is
always based on the place, location, firm kind of firm, product etc. all these aspects are
to be covered under this head. For example; if researcher wants to deal with the topic
working capital, then he/she must explain the concept of working capital by quoting one
or two definitions. Further he should explain how the efficient utilization of working
capital is important for the said industry. And then he should discuss the important
dimension of the topic in brief. If research wants to deal with the topic absenteeism,
then he should explain the concept of absenteeism first and then it is to be addressed in
case of a particular industry.
Significance of the topic changes with time. For example, voluntary retirement scheme
were having different significance 20 years ago. Now it has lost that relevance as the
firms have already shaped themselves rightly and employees have also prepared
themselves for such situations. Same is the case with all cost cutting programme or
devices. So how the topic is significant in current situation is to be explained here. A
peculiar dimension that makes it significant is to be mentioned here. Significance of
absenteeism is different from area to area, unit to unit and industry to industry.
Researcher should cover all these aspects under this head.
Rational is nothing but a thought behind the selection of the topic. What made the
researcher to choose this topic is to be explained here. It is the thinking or academic
thinking which leads the researcher to the selection of the topic for the study. Some
times because the person is working on a particular process thinks that the process need
to be altered. So, why he/she is of the opinion is what he/she should mention here.
Several times a person confronts with some issue in his/her working life or otherwise.
He/she observes number of things around him and wants to find out answer or solution
to it. All these ideas, thought are to be expressed under this head. Of course there should
be some logic behind the selection of the field project topic which needs to be dealt
under this head.

Chapter-II Review of the Literature

In this chapter, the researcher is expected to read and review existing studies on the
topic selected by him/her. He is expected to present his view on the existing studies and
find the gap in the existing research and why this topic is relevant.

Chapter III – Profile of the Company/Organisation

In this chapter, the researcher is expected to present the information of the selected
organisation for the field work.

Chapter IV- Research Methodology

In this chapter, the researcher is expected to present the complete research design in a
systematic manner mentioning the following points.
Objectives of the study: Here objectives of the study under taken are to be
given. At this level three to five objectives are more than enough. Try to keep minimum
and achievable objectives. The objectives are the answer to the question ‘what aspects
researcher wants to know by doing this project? Objectives must address the various
issues researcher is going to deal with in the said field project. For example:
Project title: An analysis of financial performance with special reference to ABC Ltd,
Objectives of the study:
1. To study the profitability position of ABC Ltd,Nashik
2. To know the financial position and performance of ABC Ltd,Nashik
3. To analyse the growth trend of ABC Ltd,Nashik

Hypothesis: Hypothesis is a principle instrument of research. It should be a

statement linked with the title of the study and objectives of the study undertaken for the
field project. The researcher through his field project work attempts to verify or test the
hypothesis. It can be called as a probability statement pertaining to some issue. The
verification and testing of which is the purpose of the project. It is desirable to draft the
statement of hypothesis and test the same.
Hypothesis must be
a. Clear and precise
b. Capable of being tested
c. Limited in scope and must be specific
d. Expressed in most simple terms
e. Must be consistent with known facts.
f. Must be stating relationship between variables.

Research design: Under this head researcher is expected to disclose the way
he/she is going to carry out this field project. Here learner should write about
1. Sample size.
2. Sources of Data Collection
3. Tools of Data Collection
4. Methods of processing the data collected

Sample: it is assumed that the researcher will explain how learner has
determined sample design or sample size. Learners must give logical explanation for
sample size/ design he/she choose. In short there should be some plane for collection of
data the research work needs, how it will be obtained and why this sample size taken.
Further the researcher should give details about the sample. He/she is expected to give
justification for the chosen sample. The sample size should be significant. He/she
should try to reach to maximum respondents.
Sources of data collection: Both primary and secondary data collection sources
which are used for the field project needs to be mentioned under this heading.

Chapter V - Data analysis and interpretation of data: Here it is expected that

researcher will give brief idea of data analysis which has been collected by the
researcher through field work. In this chapter, the data are to be presented in tabular and
graphical form. Further the researched is expected to interpret the data and draw
conclusions. Testing of hypothesis can also be added here.
Chapter VI -Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions:
The researcher should present all the findings of the field project in this chapter. Based
on these findings conclusions are to be drawn and feasible suggessions related to the
research are to be presented in this chapter.
Expected Contribution: The researcher is also expected to discuss how his field
project will enhance the present level of knowledge. He can also suggest further scope
of study related to his research.

Here the researcher is expected to attach all the research instruments like Questionnaire,
annual reports etc.

All the references used to be mentioned under this heading as per APA format.

Drafting specifications of Field Project Report

Software Name Ms Office Word

Page size: A4 and Margin 1.5 Inch for left side and 1 inch for other
three sides
Font Name Times New Roman
Font Size
Project Title Size 18 Bold
Sub-head font size: 16 Bold
Under sub-head sub 14 Bold and running matter font size 12
point size
Line Spacing 1.5
Figures and Table Single line spacing for figures and tables.
Schedule for Field Project
Sr. Task to be completed Date & Month
1. Allocation of Research Guide (at Study 20 to 30 March 2024
2. Selection of topic 31 March to 4 April 2024
Carrying out Field Project 5 April to 25 April 2024
3 Submission of Field Project Report at Study 26 April to 30 April 2024
Centres(Two hard bound copies)
4. Online Project Submission (PDF File only) to 26 April to 5 May 2024
University web portal
5. Internal Evaluation and Viva voce at Study 1 May to 10 May 2024
6. External evaluation at Head Quarters 5 May onwards.

Formats of Preliminary Pages

1. Cover Page
2. Declaration By The Learner
3. Certificate Of The Field Project Guide
4. Certificate Of Study Centre
5. Certificate From The Company
A Field Project on
“Field Project Title”

Submitted to
School of Commerce and Management
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik

In partial fulfilment for the award of

Master of Commerce (M.Com-M117)
By: --------------------------------
PRN No: ---------------------------
Study Centre Name:
Study Centre Code:

Under the Guidance of


Declaration by the Learner
I hereby declare that the field project entitled ---------------------------------------------------

----------------------------- submitted by me for the Master of Commerce programme of

YCMOU,Nashhik is the record of work carried out by me during the period from -------
to under the guidance of
and has not formed the basis for the award of any degree or diploma in this or any other
University. I further declare that the data obtained from other sources has been duly
acknowledged in this field project report.

Date: Signature of the Learner

Certificate of the Field Project Guide

This is to certify that the work incorporated in the Field Project entitled -------------------

Submitted by
of the Master of Commerce
programme of YCMOU, Nashik was carried out by the learner under my supervision/

Date: Research Supervisor/Guide


(Name and Signature)


This is to certify that the Field Project entitled -------------------------------------------------

submitted by Mr/Ms
------------------------------------------ of the Master of Commerce programme of
YCMOU, Nashik was carried out by the learner as per the University guidelines and
two hard bound copies this field project report has been submitted to our study centre
by the learner.

Signature of Study Centre Coordinator Seal of the Study Centre

(To be printed on company letter head)

This is to certify that Mr./Ms.

(PRN ---------------------------------) FY (Semester –II) - M.Com (M117) program of
YCMOU,Nashik registered with -------------------------------------------------------(Study
centre Name and code) has successfully completed the field project work entitled “------
“in our organisation.
The involvement in this field project of the learner is highly appreciable.

We wish him/her all the best in his/her future endeavours.

Authorized Signature and stamp

A learner may visit any Chartered Accountant, Auditors, Bank Managers etc actively
working in the field of Accountancy, banks, corporate, entrepreneurs etc. and carry out
field project as per their specialisation.

Illustrative List of Topics for Field Project

The following is an illustrative list of topics to give an idea as to what kind of topics
researcher may select for field project. A learner may select any other topic relevant to
his/her specialization
A learner may visit any Chartered Accountant, Auditors, Bank Managers etc actively
working in the field of Accountancy and carry out field project..
Specialization Groups
1. Advanced Accountancy

1. A study of Evaluation of Roles of Auditors in the Fraud Detection and

Investigation in Industries.
2. Budgeting and Budgetary Control in Business Organisation. (A Case Study)
3. Internal Control System in the Civil Service a Case Study of Ministry of
Finance Centre Region
4. A study of Effect of Lack of Proper Accounting System on Hotels.
5. Accounting Information System in a Transport Organization. (A Case Study)
6. The study of critical Analysis the Impact of GST On Revenue Generation in
7. A study of Effect of Credit Management on the Financial Performance of
8. Impact of Internet Banking On Profitability of Commercial Banks in India – A
Study of (Bank Name)
9. A study of Impact of Merger and Acquisition on the Performance and Growth
of Banks in India.
10. A study of Analysis of International Financial Reporting Standards
Implementation in Business Corporations"
11. A Study of Corporate Governance Practices and Financial Performance: An
Empirical Study of XYZ Company
12. A Study of Cost Management in the Manufacturing Industry: A Comparative
Analysis of Traditional and Activity-Based Costing
13. Investigation of Environmental, Social, and Governance Reporting Practices
in Corporate Financial Statements
14. Study of the Role of Forensic Accounting in Detecting and Preventing
Financial Fraud in Organizations
15. Strategic Cost Management: Analyzing the Impact of Cost Drivers on
Profitability in the Retail Sector

16. Analysis of Tax Planning Strategies for businesses in the Global Business
17. Evaluation of the Application of Activity-Based Costing in Improving Cost
Management for Manufacturing Firms
18. "Study of Ethical Challenges in Financial Reporting and Corporate
Governance Practices in the Modern Business Landscape
2. Banking and Finance
1. A study on Impact of digital banking on traditional banking models.
2. A Critical Analysis of the role of central bank in economic stability.
3. A Study of Cyber security in the financial industry: Challenges and
4. A study of assessing the effectiveness of financial literacy programs.
5. Study of the Crypto currency adoption and its implications for traditional
6. The Study on role of credit rating agencies in financial markets.
7. A Study on Impact of Federal Government Tax Policies On Economy
8. A critical study on Impact of External Debt on Economy
9. Assessment of Customer Service in Financial Institution
10. Role of Commercial Banks in Financing Agricultural Co-Operative
Societies: A Critical Analysis.
3. Business Entrepreneurship
1. Analysis the on impact of venture capital financing on small and medium
2. The Study on role of manager in small scale business organization
3. A study of effect of entrepreneurial skills on product portfolio development
4. A study of Encouraging entrepreneurship as a way of reducing unemployment
5. A study of impact of electricity on performance of small and medium
6. A study of the effect of social capital on entrepreneurial intentions and start-up
7. The role of leadership in the success of start-ups: A case Study
8. A study on Impact of entrepreneurial skills and leadership styles on firm
9. The critical Analysis on Impact of loan facility on small and medium scale
enterprise development.
10. A study of contribution of insurance companies to the growth of small and
medium scale businesses.

Business Management
1. A study of Leadership and Its Impact on Organizational Success
2. A study of Change Management Strategies for Successful Organizational
3. Effective Team Building and Collaboration in the Workplace: A case Study
4. Strategies for Managing Conflict in Organizations: The Study of Critical Analysis.
5. The Study of Innovation and Its Role in Driving Business Growth ( any
Institutions, Industry’s Name)
6. Effective Communication Strategies for Effective Management: A Case study
7. A Study of Strategic Planning and Execution for Organizational Success
8. A Study of Ethical Considerations in Business Management
9. A Study of Managing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
10. A study of Sustainability Practices and Their Impact on Business Success.

The above mentioned lists of topics are just an illustrative one. A learner may
choose field project based on their interest subject to the topic is related to their
specialisation and gain enriching experience and contribute to the growth of the

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