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Exercises page 112

1- Discuss these questions about extracts a-g from Reading and Use of English Part 8.

Which extracts express ability, which posibility and which obligation?

a- It meant I could not pop into town to do my shopping – possibility, past

b- I had narrowed down my options to just three- ability, past

c- I then had to choose which first degree I should take before starting law school- obligation,

d- I could become an engineer and apply maths at a practical level – possibility, future

e- Ineed not have worried- obligation, past

f- …. Because in the end I did not have to choose!- obligation,past

g- I Will be able to start teaching as son as I qualify- possibility,future

2- Decide if both in each pair are correct.

1- Both are correct. The first sentence is that he has to do something to be able to do
something else and the second means that he wants to do something because he
wants to do it himself.
2- Both are correct. the first sentence is that you don’t need to do something because
you are sure that something else is going to happen and the second sentence is that
you don’t do something because you assume that someone else is going to do it.
3- Both are correct. the first sentence refers to the fact that it is not obligatory to do
something and the second sentence refers to the fact that this cannot be done
because it is limited.
4- a) incorrect
b) correct
5- Both are correct. the first sentence refers to an action he can do if the subject wants
and the second sentence refers to what he could have done if he wanted to.
6- a) correct
b) incorrect

3- Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences below.

1 he must have corrected his work before he gave it to the teacher.

2 The students at the back of the lectura hall became frustated because they could not hear
very well.

3 I think they have lied to you when you bought the TV last week.

4 I’m happy to tell you that we can offer you a place on the degree course

5 Could you tell me the name of the manager, so I will be able to contact him in the future

6 If we can afford the fees, our daughter will apply to this college.
4- Tell each other about the following.

-Things you can do that you are proud of.- I’m proud of myself for being in second grade
English studies.

-Something you could not do for a long time but eventually managed to do.- When I was little I
couldn’t play guitar because I didn’t know but now that I’m older I’ve made it.

-I would like to be able to play the piano.

-I have to study a lot although I don’t have to dance or sing.

- i need not worry about the money

- i really must study for the exams.

Page 116-117

1- Complete the sentences below by writing the correct word.

1-The stadium is a hive of activity with workers hurrying to get it finished before the games.

2-The authorities have asked the pólice to take action against anyone caught scrawling graffiti
on the town hall.

3-The sporting activity I most enjoy doing is sailing.

4- Can you look on the programme to see when the Interval is?

5- For me, one of the most exciting and historic eventsof the last century was the fallo f the
Berlin Wall.

2- Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in
the gap in the same line.

1- Apparently 5- graphic
2- Offence 6- inconsiderate
3- Interviewee 7-availability
4- Daily 8- superiority


1- Has finished
2- Is working
3- Was
4- Has been
5- Miss, Golden
6- Was working
7- Arrived
8- Played

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