Reproduction - Mode of Reproduction - Significance of Pollination

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• Reproduction is one of the most important characteristic of all
living beings. It is the production of ones own kind.
• It is necessary for the continuation of the species on earth and also
to replace the dead members of the species.
• The process by which living organisms produce their offspring's
for the continuity of the species is called reproduction.
Mode of Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction

• Joining of an egg and sperm

Asexual Reproduction

• A single organism replicating genetic material to split into two

identical organisms

• The development of embryo without sexual fusion .

1.sexual life cycle is “short circuited”

2.Genotypes of developed plant are identical to the parental plant

3.Discored by leuwenhock ( 1719) in citrus seed

Significance of pollination
The mode of pollination plays an important role in plant
breeding. It has impact on five important aspects : viz. 1)
gene action, 2) genetic constitution, 3) adaptability, 4)
genetic purity and 5) transfer of genes.

Mode of pollination Examples

Cross pollinated
1. By wind (Anemophily) Conifers, Betula, Alnus, Juglans
2. By birds (ornithophily) Bombax, Butea, Erythrina
3. By bats Anthocephalus, Oroxylum
4. By insects (Entomophily) Sal, Teak, sissu
Dioecious Salix, Mallotus, Taxus, Diospyrus, Cedrus
deodara, Pistacia, Simarouba
Self pollinated (Monoecious) Pinus, Abies pindrow
Polygamous Sterculia, Garuga, Rhus

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