Sharpen My Sight

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Sharpen My Sight

Father in the name of Jesus Christ thank you for forgiving me for making
money an idol, making my boyfriend an idol, being scared loose him because
me thinking that I will never find a guy who will date me without having sex
with them. I know I am not supposed to be here but somewhere in my heart I
have lied and made an inner vows that if I leave him something bad will
happen and I will not be able sustain on myself after my internship, and my
brother will mock me for that and he will not send me money like he is doing
now that I am on an internship. But father now I have the revelation that you
are GOD and so as I tear down those idol of my father’s house, the idols in my
own heart I put you back in your rightful place as my one and only GOD, as my
father, as my LORD and Savior over my finances, and I declare over my life that
no man can share your place in my life and in my heart and no man can shut a
door that you Heavenly Father have opened. There is nobody on earth that can
stop a destiny assignment over my life because you are GOD back over that
place in my life.

Food (prayer)
Father I tear down the idol the love of food, for it has stood in the way of me
obeying you, and I have made an inner vows that if I don’t eat will lose weight
and I will be skinnier and that people will mock just they did when I was still in
school, so father I tear down the spirit of fear and anxiety around losing weight
and I put you back in your rightful place and I want to repent and put you back
over the rightful place, over body, over my weight.

And Father I repent for using the voices of people as my god, I repent for
always wanting to hear them speak so that I can feel that I heard you LORD,
making them my confirmation idols, Father I also repent using music as my
confirmation idol. And father I also repent for making clothes an idol, for
always wanting people to praise me for how good I look on those clothes,
always wanting to look on point. I repent for that in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ and I give back your glory. LORD I put you back in your rightful place, and
let your voice speak the loudest in the powerful name of my LORD Jesus Christ.

Father I also repent making other people’s lives and their marriages I see on
social media an idol. For wanting to have a soft life like them, for I know that
you Heavenly father you have your own definition of soft life about my life, you
have a purpose about my life, for your word says in Jeremiah 29:11 that your
thoughts towards me are peaceful to give me a future and a hope and not evil,
therefore father I thank you for that

2 Corinthians 4:18 KJV

while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are
not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are
not seen are eternal.

Father I put you back as GOD over my ↓

 Finances
 Life
 Body
 Weight
 Skin color
 Love for phone
 Love for food
 Relationships
 My desires
 Love for music

Ezekiel 36:25-30
Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you and, ye shall be clean: from all your
filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.

A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I
will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of

And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, ye
shall keep my judgments, and do them.

And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my
people, and I shall be your GOD.

I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn,
and I will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.

And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye
shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen.

What causes a heart to be stony

 Betrayal
 Unforgiveness
 Disappointments
 Life
It is very easy if you are not vigilant over your heart that mad people
would make you so mad that your heart becomes stony

And you end up making inner vows like

 That you never trust again
 I will never date again
 I will never give away my heart again
 I will never do this and that again
Father I have a stony heart, life has humbled me, my heart is bitter, my heart is
hardened in a lot of areas, I have made lot of inner vows that I will never make
it in life without money and that I will never be able to do anything and that I
don’t trust people, and that other people cannot be good enough for you, only
I can be good in your sight, and I have harden my heart without even not
knowing that I am making it even more harder, and so Father I surrender my
heart to you because I don’t know how to fix it and I ask that you would give
me a brand new heart and a new spirit, LORD I ask that you would take away
the stony heart out of my flesh and give me a heart of flesh. Father I ask that
you put your spirit within me so that I can walk in your statutes, and keep your
judgments and that I can actually do them.

Fear of the LORD

I pray that the fear of the LORD come back upon my own life, my family, my
bloodline, and my nation. And everything I do in my life I do it from the
position of the fear of the LORD, whether it is with
 My relationship
 Social media
 My family
Every time I communicate with people, whether I communicate I
message let it be with the fear of the LORD

I am a daughter of GOD who is led by the fear of the LORD, I have reverence
for GOD, that I fear GOD so much that I do not fear the faces of men, that I
have reverence for that I do not fear anything that the news say or something
is scheduled to hit earth. That the fear of GOD goes before everywhere I go.
I pray that the fear of the LORD comes in my heart, in the hearts of my family,
in the hearts of everyone around me, and the hearts of the people in my
nation that they repent from their evil ways.

Father I pray that you expose everything that is lying dormant (something that
is temporarily inactive or inoperative, something that is in a resting mode
temporarily). Whatever is lying dormant in:
 My walk with Christ
 My finance
 My relationship
 My body
 My bloodline
 My family
 My soul (my mind, my will, and my emotions)
 My dreams
Father bring it to the top and let it be exposed and I ask the Holy Spirit that he
expose what is lying dormant in the soul of the man I am dating these week,
make him malfunction so that I am not ignorant with regards to the man I am
getting ready to marry

Forgetting Dreams
(Job 33:14-17)
For GOD speaketh once, Yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.
In a dream, in a vision of the night, When deep sleep falleth upon men, in
slumberings upon the bed:

Then he openeth the ears of the men, And sealeth their instruction,

That he may withdraw man from his purpose, And hide pride from man

Father any attack against my dreams is canceled in the powerful name of Jesus
Christ. I declare that my dreams be restored back to me and LORD avenge for
me speedily for what the enemy has done to and what he has stolen from me
(my dreams). And judge him, throw everything at him for trying to hide my
dreams. I declare let my dreams be restore and I declare let there be light in
my dreams in the name of Jesus Christ.

Father if the dream is of you then I come into agreement with it according to
Jeremiah 29:11 because you said your thoughts towards are of good and not of
evil to give me an expected end, so based on that scripture whatever you are
revealing to me is for my benefit and I bind myself to it in the name of Jesus
Christ. However if the dream is not from you, if the enemy has caused me to
ignorantly come into agreement with something that is detrimental to my life I
reject, I renounce, I denounce myself from every evil covenant in that dream, I
see where the enemy is trying to block me again but now that I came to this
understanding I break every evil covenant, every evil sacrifice and every evil
voice speaking to my destiny. Father just like you hailed down fire and
brimstone from Sodom and Gomorrah, rain down spiritual fire and brimstone
against every evil act against my life, whatever is hindering, whatever is
delaying me pull up spiritual demonic anchor that has anchored me to a place
of non-progress. In the might and matchless name of Jesus Christ.
Father I ask that you would sharpen my sight in the realm of the spirit and I
declare that in the year 2024 nothing with fly under my prophetic raider, that
my sight is sharp and that I see as GOD shows me and that I have the wisdom
to steward what he reveals to me, and I have the wisdom not to share it with
anyone that the Holy Spirit has given me the discernment not to share it with,
and that the Holy Spirit is my guide. Father sharpen my sight in the realm of
the spirit and blind anybody, any demonic gatekeeper, anybody that surround
us that is trying to pray against anything that you are doing, blind them in the
name of Jesus Christ

What I believe GOD for and scripture support

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