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1. Basic functions of the environment (1)

- Environment refers to a system of natural and artificial physical factors affecting the
existence and development of human beings and creatures
- 5 Basic functions of the environment:
1. Habitable space for the human and biological world
Ex: the aquatic environment for the fish to live
2. A place that contains the resources necessary for human life and production
Ex: air, water, land, rock, mineral...
3. A place containing human-made waste in life and production
Ex: India’s Mount Everest of garbage is taken about 2,000 tons of garbage each day
4. A place to mitigate the harmful effects of nature on humans and organisms
Ex: trees turn carbon dioxide, which may lead to some diseases in humans, into oxygen.
5. The environment has the function of storing and providing information to humans
Ex: ancient people predicted the weather from cloud patterns as well as astrology

2. The causes of air pollution, water pollution (1)

- Air pollution: refers to the release of pollutants into the air that is detrimental to human
and the planet as a whole
+ Human activities: burning fossil fuels such as vehicles, heavy equipment, manufacturing,
coal, oil, and natural gas are released into the atmosphere to generate electricity.
Construction activities like land clearing, changing land and other greenhouse gases from
human economic activities.
+ Natural Sources: volcanic eruptions, lightning, wildfire, and decaying plant and animal
- Water pollution: the contamination of water bodies which include lakes, rivers, oceans,
aquifers, and groundwater. It usually as a result of human activities
+ Artificial: wastewater from residential areas, industrial zones, transportation activities,
fertilizers, pesticides in agriculture ...
+ Natural Sources: melted snow, wind, storm, flood, tsunami, Rainwater can drag
contaminants into rivers, lakes, ... This pollution is also called surface pollution.
3. What is acid rain? Causes and impact (1)
- Acid rain is any form of precipitation with high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids. It can
occur in the form of snow, fog, and even dry materials that settle on earth. This causes
precipitation with PH levels that are lower than normal.
- Causes:
● Human activities: burning fossil fuels, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides such as
vehicles, heavy equipment, manufacturing, coal, oil, and natural gas are released into the
atmosphere to generate electricity
● Natural Sources: Volcanoes, lightning, and decaying plant and animal matter
- Impacts:
1. Make water toxic to insects, aquatic animals, and plants. This drastically alters the
biodiversity, food webs, and overall health of the aquatic environment
2. Harms forests by damaging trees’ leaves and making it hard for trees to take up water
3. Robbing the soil of essential nutrients
4. Increased illness and premature death from heart and lung disorders
5. Damage metals, such as bronze, as well as worse paintwork and stone, such as
marble and limestone that made for homes, cars, vehicles, buildings, bridges, …

4. Indicate 3 characteristics of the environment and explain why environmental

management is an interdisciplinary situation (1) THI RỒI
- Environment refers to a system of natural and artificial physical factors affecting the
existence and development of human beings and creatures.
1. Natural sub-system: Natural ecosystems may be terrestrial (such as a desert, forest, or
meadow) or aquatic (a pond, river, or lake). A natural ecosystem is a biological environment
that is found in nature (ex: a forest) rather than created or altered by man (a farm).
2. Social and Human sub-system: Human ecosystems are complex cybernetic systems that
examine the ecological aspects of human communities in a way that integrates multiple
factors as economics, socio-political organization, psychological factors, and physical
factors related to the environment. For example: ethnicity, law, custom, tradition
3. Economic sub-system: An economic system is the system of production, distribution,
and consumption of goods and services within a society or a given geographic area. Just as:
computer, food products, silk products,...
→ These three systems are intimately related because they all affect each other.
Ex: Population growth leads to the rise of goods that produce a huge amount of trash.
- Every environmental problem has all the components of 3 modules and because of their
close and intimate relationship, environmental management requires multidisciplinary

5. The relationship between the environment & development (2)

- Environment refers to a system of natural and artificial physical factors affecting the
existence and development of human beings and creatures.
- Development is the process of improving people's material and spiritual living conditions
by creating material wealth, improving social relations, and enhancing cultural quality.
Development is a common trend of both individuals and humans in the process of life.
- Environment and development have a very close relationship:
• The environment is the locality and the object of development
• Development is the cause of the changes in the environment
❖ The impact of development on the environment:
• Positive: rehabilitate the natural environment or create a necessary cost;
• Negative: polluting the natural or man-made environment, etc.

❖ The impact of environment on the development:

• Through the degradation of resources that are the subject of development activities;
• Causing natural disasters affecting socio-economic development in a region or the world.
- Environment & development are two sides of the same component.

6. Explain why development affects environmental change (2)

- The exploitation of natural resources is the use of natural resources for economic growth,
sometimes with a negative connotation of accompanying unsustainable development.
+ Resource degradation puts pressure on the environment
+ Development waste pollutes the environment (wastewater from industrial zones, burning
forests for cultivation, smoke from the factories,..)
+ The consequence of the development process
- However, development also create positive environmental impacts such as application of
waste treatment technology, use clean energy instead of permanent resources or non-
renewable resources
7. Explain why poverty growth affects the environment (3)
Poverty often causes people to put pressure on the environment:
● Overpopulation → overexploitation, run out of resources
● Forest area is narrowed due to logging, deforestation for cultivation, opening roads,..
→ habitat loss for other species
● Many people living in poverty are doing farmland but do not have access to training on
how to protect the environment which is the reason for the decline of crop fields
● Limited access to education → not aware of Environmental protection
● Great pressure on natural resources and the earth's environment.
For example: decrease in wildlife quantity due to overhunting or shrinking forest area leads
to a decline in the quality of biodiversity.
● Generates concentrated waste sources that exceed the self-decomposition capacity of the
natural environment

8. The relationship between population and forest resources (3)

- A population is a discrete group of people, animals, population, or things that can be
identified by at least one common characteristic for data collection and analysis.
- Population Growth Situation:
• The rapid population growth, especially in the second half of the twentieth century, has led
to a population explosion phenomenon, but the population growth rate varies from period to
• At present, the population growth rate has decreased, but slowly, the population is still
increasing by an average of one million people per year.
• Rapid population growth has put great pressure on socio-economic development,
protection of natural resources, the environment, and improved quality of life.
- Chứng minh tại sao gia tăng dân số ảnh hưởng đến tài tài nguyên rừng:
+ increase in wood products
+ forest area is narrowed due to logging, deforestation for cultivation, opening roads …
+ infrastructure construction

9. Indicate ‘Demographic Transition Model’ (3)

- The DTM explains the transformation of countries from having high birth and death rates
to low birth and death rates, which shows a country or region going from an early industrial
to an industrial economy.
Stage 1: Hunting-gathering
● >13000 BC, nomadic
● wild plants and animals
● Birth Rate and Death Rate are both high (Lack of family planning, Need for workers in
agriculture, High levels of disease, Lack of clean water, sanitation, and health care)
→ Population growth is slow and fluctuating.
State 2: Agricultural production
● Nomadic → Settlement, domesticated livestock/cultivated crops
● Labour for farming → high Birth Rate
● Improved health care (smallpox vaccine) and Hygiene (water for drinking boiled) →
Death Rate is falling
→ The population begins to rise steadily.
Stage 3: Industrial production
● Industrialization → Increased standard of living
● Economic condition development + woman status + access to contraception
→ The birth rate starts to fall. The death Rate continues to fall. The total population begins
to peak and the population increase slows to a constant.
Stage 4: Post-industrial production
● Service-oriented work
● Family planning + Later marriages + Better health + Reliable food supply + People are
generally living longer
→ Birth Rate and Death Rate both low. Population steady.

❖ As society develops, both the birth rate and death rate will fall, the population will
also be relatively more stable and slightly increase.

10. Present and analyze the formula of the impact of human activity on the
environment ( I=PAT ) (3) THI RỒI
I (Human Impact) = P(Population) x A(Affluence) x T(Technology)
- This formula describes how population growth, wealth, and technology have a synthetic
impact on the environment.

➢ P represents the population of an area, such as the world

- Impacts:
● Increased land use - Results in habitat loss for other species
● Increased resource use - Results in changes in land cover
● Increased pollution - Can cause sickness and damages ecosystems
● Increased climate change
● Increased biodiversity loss

➢ A represents the average consumption of each person in the population

- Impacts:
Ecological impacts of each product are far-reaching; increases in consumption quickly result
in large impacts on the environment through direct and indirect sources.

➢ T represents how resource-intensive the production of affluence is; how much

environmental impact is involved in creating, transporting, and disposing of the goods,
services and amenities used
- Impacts:
● Help human to exploit resources
● make both positive and negative impact on the environment
❖ The indices of this formula have a difference between developed and developing
countries. Developed countries have reason an effective rate of industrialization and
individual awareness of the environment, which positively affects the environment. On the
other hand, the lack of education and economy in developing countries is reasons for not
having the right way to dispose of waste properly.

11. Urbanization (4)

- Concept: Urbanization is the process of developing cities, increasing the proportion of the
urban population, and disseminating urban lifestyles.
- Causes:

➔ Industrialization: creates economic growth, the demand for improved education and
public works agencies that are characteristic of urban areas increases
➔ Modernization: Improvement in the standard of living, Quality of education, better health
care, and availability of services

➔ Commercialization: Modern society has a constant need for the distribution and spread of
products, services, and other commercial transactions. It has encouraged people to build
many marketing institutions and modern exchange methods. Naturally, this has led to the
rapid growth of towns and cities.

➔ Economic transformation in rural areas: Most localities are taking up an urban form of
life. Minerals are discovered, and natural resources are exploited for commercial reasons.
This turns rural areas into growing cities.
- Impact: Urban areas are under pressure of unemployment, infrastructure overload, welfare
and social evils, especially negative impacts on the environment.
 Housing issues
 Loss of farm land and green land
 Changes in microclimate
 increase the amount of domestic waste
 Environmental pollution due to domestic wastewater
 Air pollution
 Aggravating urban traffic situation
 Noise pollution…
 Lack of resources
 Ex: Nam Phuong Resort, after many times of deforestation in Phu Quoc National Park,
built a concrete road from the motel area leading down to the coast, also organized the
construction of many works on the coast. Exploitation, encroachment on forests and beaches
to build works causing degradation of natural resources, loss of habitat of creatures, and
more floods. Creating environmental pollution and loss of biodiversity
12. Climate change concept
- Climate change describes a change in the statistical distribution of weather conditions
lasting for an extended period (>= 10 years).
- Evidence:
● Global warming is driving up the earth’s temperatures. It makes glaciers and sea ice
melting at the poles which causes rising sea levels, producing flooding and threatening
coastal environments through which small island states risk disappearing entirely.
● Extreme droughts
● Heavy rainfall across the globe

13. Concept and characteristics of biofuel?

1. Concept:
- Biofuel is A fuel produced directly or indirectly from organic materials, biomass,
including plant and animal materials (Solid, liquid, gases)
2. Classify:
- Biodiesel
- Biogasoline
- Biogas
3. Characteristics:
- Biofuel is friendly with environment, renewable fuel source,..

14. Positive effect of biofuel

- Less emission: carbon-neutral fuel.
- Use economically and effectively.
- Environment friendly: they are plant-derived, produce less greenhouse gases (a physical
effect that causes the Earth to heat up) and cause less environmental pollution than
transmitted fuels
- Renewable fuel sources: these fuels come from agricultural activities and can be
recycled. They help reduce dependence on traditional nonrenewable fuel resources

15. Impacting mining industries on environment

- Environmental impacts of mining activities include erosion, soil collapse, loss of
biodiversity, pollution of soil, groundwater and surface water due to chemicals from ore
processing. In some cases, nearby forests have been cut down for storage of mines waste.
Besides destroying the environment, chemical pollution also affects the health of local

16. The cause of degradation in Vietnam

♥ Degradation of land resources:
- Erosion soil nutrient depletion fallow (Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan) and drought, poor crop
structure, soil loss production capacity in midland and mountainous areas (Central
♥ Degradation of water resources:
- Rainfall is unevenly distributed by region and by season, causing water shortages in the
dry season and floods in the rainy season in many places.
- Groundwater depletion and groundwater pollution are taking place in big cities and delta
- Surface water pollution has appeared in some rivers and canals in some big cities.
- Some lakes have heavy eutrophication some esturies show signs of pollution of oil,
pesticides, heavy metals.
- Saltwater intrusion into rivers occurs on an increasing scale in many rivers in the Central
region and the Mekong Delta.

⚡ Due to the reduction of watershed forests, abnormal climate changes.

♥ Degradation of biodiversity:
- Change of land use purpose without planning.
- Overexploitation and unsustainable use of biological resources.
- Environmental pollution, forest fires and climate change.
- War.
- Introduction of new varieties and alien (ngo i lai) organ ạ isms.
- Root causes: Population growth, migration, poverty, shifting cultivation practices, forest
development policy, land use policy,…

17. Analysis of modules of sustainable development approaches

KN: Sustainable development
- Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs
- Economically: we need to cover our own reasonable needs at a cost of exceeded income
- Socially: it is necessary to appropriately satisfy the mental, material and human culture –
Protecting cultural diversity
- Environmentally: ensuring the long-term stability and safety of ecological
The coherent and long - lasting balance between the three pillars:
• Environmental Protection: Conservation and management of natural resources
o to preserve genetic diversity
o maintain essential ecological processes
o sustainable utilization of species and
o ecosystems.
• Ecomonic Development: Efficiency and growth
o to maintain production of goods and services
o for development and efficiency
o efficient use of resource
• Social Development: Equity in enhancing the quality of life
o equitable distribution of wealth and material resources.
o adequate provision of social services (health and education)
o gender equity
o political accountability and participation.

18. Negative impact analysis of bio-fuel production, give some ex

- Biofuel is A fuel produced directly or indirectly from organic materials, biomass,
including plant and animal materials (Solid, liquid, gases)
o Land-use change: Deforestation
o Water use: Irrigation (Growing bio-fuel crops in arid regions →irrigation affecting water
supply local activities)
o Emission: machines, transportation, fertilizers
o Production of bio-alcohol from starch sources or food crops is considered unsustainable
due to its impact on food security
o The cost of biofuel production is still much higher than traditional fuels, so the
application and use of biofuel in life cannot be widely disseminated
o Large-scale production capacity is also poor due to the unstable supply due to the
dependence on weather and agriculture
- For ex:
o Brazil: 200,000 people working as slaves at sugarcane plantations
o 85% of the world's food price increases - the cause of pushing 100 million more people
into starvation - are influenced by bio-fuel development
o The poor will lose access to land conflict, violence, poverty.

19. The concept of resource production and the causes of mineral reduction in
- Mineral resources are material accumulation in either compound form or single substance
in the earth, on the ground and dissolved in sea water, which currently humans have the
ability to draw out useful or useful elements used directly in everyday life
- Mineral resources play a very important role in the development economy. The
exploitation and use of mineral resources have an impact strong to the environment.
Minerals are diverse in origin and types, to be classified in many ways
Ex: metallic minerals, non-metals
- Nowadays mineral resources are increasingly exhausted due to the speed of extraction
human. For example: exploiting 130 billion tons of coal / 100 years
- The lack of strict management and limitations in mineral exploitation and processing
technology, technique and capacity of mining companies has caused damage to the
environment and posed risks to the exhaustion of mineral natural resources.
- State mineral protection policy is not strict unreasonable exploitation, indiscriminate use
- Over population and Technological and industrial development led to over consumption
which is main causes of mineral resource degradation

20. Answer the question: are there any limits on population growth and development?
- I agree with the opinion "Are there any limits on economic growth and population growth
Because economic growth depends on population growth in terms of labor resources and
- On the contrary, population growth will affect economic growth. Rapidly growing
population could be a condition for economic growth at the same time, there is pressure on
the economy to solve jobs, people's lives, social evils as well as affecting social welfare.
- In summary, these two factors are mutually dependent and support each other.

21. Analyse the impact of ecotourism on the environment and resource. Give examples.

◼ The positive impacts of ecotourism on the environment and resources:

- Nature conserved
- Increase environmental quality
- Improve infrastructure
- Appreciate the environment
For example: infrastructure such as airports, roads, water supply and drainage systems,
waste treatment, communication can be improved through tourism.

◼ The negative impacts of ecotourism on the environment and resources:

- Affect natural resources.

- Affect water demand and quality.
- Wastewater and garbage.
- Affect the social culture of the community.
For example: littering is a common problem in every resort. On average, 1 tourist generates
about 1kg of waste per day.

22. Analyze the main challenges of sustainable development

- Depletion of finite resources and Over-use of renewable resources: Natural resources are
limited in quantity and self-healing ability for self-healing resources
- Pollution: Climate Change
- Inequity: Economic power and political power are closely related one power increases
the other of human. The poor often have no power. Need for democratization in hunger
eradication and poverty alleviation
- Species loss: The production and turnover capacity of ecosystems can be enhanced by
humans, but such enhancement cannot exceed natural limits

23. Analyze the principles of ecotourism in VN give example

✓ There are education & interpretation activities aimed at improving environmental
✓ Environmental protection and ecosystem maintenance
✓ Protect and promote the Cultural identity of the community
✓ Create job opportunities and benefit local communities
● Environmental Conservation: Maintain environmental diversity:
- Sustainable use of resources
- Recycle locally available building materials or materials
- Reduce consumption and waste and waste
● Cultural Preservation:
- Integrating tourism into planning.
- Combine environmental education and entertainment in ecotourism.
- Preservation of scenic spots, monuments and preservation when visiting.

● Community Paticipation:
- Encourage and support local people to protect the environment and preserve culture.
- Encourage people to participate in activities
- Planning from the ground up
 Hard:
- Knowledge and skills and expertise
→ Training and capacity building
→ Stakeholder consultation
● Economic benefits:
- Generating economic benefits from charges for tours, entrance fees, services for tourists...
→ Environmental conservation, cultural preservation
- Improve local income (jobs, incomes) → Develop local infrastructue.
● Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups:
- Women
- Ethnic groups
- Poor people
 Ex:
Minimize physical, social, behavioral, and psychological impacts.
• Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.
• Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.
• Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.
• Generate financial benefits for both local people and private industry.
• Deliver memorable interpretative experiences to visitors that help raise sensitivity to host
countries’ political, environmental, and social climates.
• Recognize the rights and spiritual beliefs of the Indigenous People in yourcommunity and
work in partnership with them to create empowerment
 Ecotourism in VN
✓ Picnic
✓ Climb the mountain
✓ Adventure travel
✓ Walking in the forest
✓ Visiting national parks, nature reserves
✓ Visiting the garden
✓ Bird watching
Vietnam's ecotourism industry is rapidly expanding thanks to the benefits of untouched
nature, which comprises a variety of priceless plant and animal species also offers
opportunity for growth. It is evident that there are more visitors coming each year, which
has many positive economic effects. At the same time, the growth of ecotourism also helps
some people find employment, which raises their quality of life and condition living.

24. Analysis of the main causes of forest degradation and biodiversity in Vietnam

⚡ Forest degradation:

 The economic value of the forests is very important for the developing countries
 Agriculture: one of the main causes of deforestation
 The incentives to deforest > the incentives to preserve the forests.
The world biodiversity is declining: the number of species is shrinking, the size of the
population can be reduced. For example, from 1600 to present, 162 species of birds have
been eliminated and 381 species are threatened with destruction; 100 species of mammals
were killed and 255 species lost pepper threats

⚡ Cause

 Population growth, migration, poverty, travel habits nomadic cultivation, forest

development policy, land use policy ...
 Over population and Technological and industrial development led to over consumption
which is main causes of forest degradation and biodiversity in Vietnam

25. Sustainable development concept and objectives

- Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
- The coherent and long - lasting balance between the three pillars:
• Environmental Protection
• Ecomonic Development
• Social Development
Environmental Protection: Conservation and management of natural resources
✓ to preserve genetic diversity
✓ maintain essential ecological processes
✓ sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems.
Economic development: Efficiency and growth
✓ to maintain production of goods and services for development andefficiency
✓ efficient use of resource
Social development: Equity in enhancing the quality of life
✓ equitable distribution of wealth and material resources.
✓ adequate provision of social services (health and education)
✓ gender equity
✓ political accountability and participation.

26. Analysis the ownership regime in management natural resources

 State property
- The state owns and controls over the use of resources. Individuals or groups may be able
to make use of the resources, but only at the permission of the state.
- National forest, national parks and military reservations
 Private property
- Any property owned by a defined individual or corporate.
- Both the benefit and duties to the resources fall to the owner(s).
- Private land
 Community property
- It is a private property of a group.
- The group may vary in size, nature and internal structure
- Community forests, grazing fields
 Hybrid property
- Contains more than one of the regimes
- Native vegetation management in New South Wales, Australia: legislation: a public
interest in the preservation of native vegetation, which exist on private lan
 Non- property (open access)
- Ocean
- Hardin (1967): The tragedy of common
✓ No ownership
✓ Non-exclusion: not possible to exclude others from using common property
✓ Rival: one person’s use reduces the availability to others

26. Analyze the following sentence: economic development choices in Vietnam are the
cause of environmental conflicts, for example
a) Concept
Environmental conflicts are the process to form and develop contrasts, disputes and
conflicts among social groups in managing, exploting, using and influencing natural
resources and the environment.
b) Analysis
The relationship between economic development and environmental protection increasingly
shows importance, directly related to sustainable development. Economic development is
also the cause of environmental conflicts, because economic development has led to many
affected sectors, including environmental components.
 Land conflicts
- Relating to land scarcity and the capacity to gain profits from lands
- Unclear property rights: causes of conflicts
 Biodiversity conflicts
- At the national and global levels
-Relating to protected areas and wildlifes
 Conflicts in coastal area
- Industry, transportation, fishing and aquaculture, leisure, recreation, population and
environmental preservation
 Conflicts about toxic waste
- Social justice and the right to live in a healthy environment
- Waste discharge by industries
 Water conflicts:
- Conflicts related to the exploitation and use of water.
c) Example
Vedan used to be a unit of "history" regarding the discharge of untreated wastewater into
rivers. If it is true to the press, the employment of this enterprise has seriously violated the
Law on Environmental Protection. Pollution level caused by Vedan Company accounts for
90% (only 10% is caused by other businesses) with the affected area of about 10 km along
the banks of Thi Vai River. The riverwater of these regions is heavily polluted, fish are dead
massively, the water is foul in color. Severely salty, unable to use for domestic use and
irrigation. This stretch of river is also known as the "dead river".

27. Explanation of judgment: economic development depends on the limitations of the

- Environment refers to a system of natural and artificial physical factors affecting the
existence and development of human beings and creatures
- Development is the process of improving people's material and spiritual living conditions
by creating material wealth, improving social relations, and enhancing cultural quality.
Development is a common trend of both individuals and humans in the process of life.
 Definition:
Economic development is the creation of wealth from which community benefits are
✓ Agree
 Explanation:
• It’s a fact that natural resources are not unlimited. So that we need to depend on
environmental limitations to control the amount of natural resources we are now exploiting
for production.
• If the environment has to serve the increased consumption, we are likely to see costs
imposed on the environment. Moreover, if we run down natural resources, their price will
rise and this will create an incentive to find alternatives.
 So that it’s necessary to make economic development depend on environmental

28. Analysis of climate change impacts on socio-economic activities in Vietnam, give ex

- Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather conditions lasting for
an extended period of time (>= 10 years) a change in global or regional climate patterns
 Impacts of climate change on agriculture and fisheries:
✓ Inundation caused by sea level rise will result in the loss of arable land in agriculture.
✓ Saline intrusion in the coastal area will also narrow the area of agricultural land
✓ Increased temperatures, drought (and lack of irrigation water) will affect crop
distribution, especially reducing yield.
✓ Climate change tends to change the habitats of aquatic species, leadingto changes in the
stocks of aquatic species due to migration or deterioration of habitat quality.
 The impact of climate change on industry:
✓ Raw materials for industry, especially raw materials for food processing, textile and
garment industries, will be reduced.
✓ Increased temperatures increase energy consumption in industries
✓ Unusual storms and sea level rise will negatively affect the operation and operation of
the power transmission and distribution system, leading to the land
 The impact of climate change on some labor and social sectors: The impact on labor
and employment follows two distinct trends:
✓ making agricultural employment more precarious, risky, and working conditions worse
✓ work as a part of the labor force to change jobs, reduce the working time, reduce income
and increase the number of local migrant workers
 Impacts of climate change on technical infrastructure
✓ Sea dyke system: sea level rise can make the sea dyke system unable to cope
✓ The system of river dykes, ring dikes and embankments: sea level rise makes drainage
capacity to the sea decrease
✓ Urban infrastructure: Sea level rise and storm surge will be seriously affected

29. Social goals of sustainable development

- Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

30. What resource ownership mechanism is appropriate for forest management in

Ownership regimes
- State property
- Private property
- Community property
- Non-property (open-access)
- Hybrid property
=> State property is suitable for forest management in Vietnam because of preventing from
loggers and protect forest resources

31. Present the principles of local community participation in ecotourism

- Ecotourism is ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary focus on experiencing
natural areas that fosters environmental and cultural understanding, appreciation and
 Community participation
✓ Local communities are the owners of their local natural resources.
✓ Local communities participate in ecotourism activities to educatetourists to protect
natural resources and the environment.
✓ Contribute to raising awareness for the community and increaseincome sources for the
✓ Encourage and support local people
✓ Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts
✓ Generate financial benefits for both local people and private industry.
✓ Recognize the rights and spiritual beliefs of the Indigenous People in your community
and work in partnership with them to create empowerment.

32. Analysis of sustainable development goals

- Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
The coherent and long - lasting balance between the three pillars:
• Environmental Protection
• Ecomonic Development
- Social Development Environmental Protection: Conservation and management of
natural resources
✓ to preserve genetic diversity
✓ maintain essential ecological processes
✓ sustainable utilization of species and ecosystems.
- Economic development: Efficiency and growth
✓ to maintain production of goods and services for development and efficiency
✓ efficient use of resource
- Social development: Equity in enhancing the quality of life
✓ equitable distribution of wealth and material resources.
✓ adequate provision of social services (health and education)
✓ gender equity
✓ political accountability and participation.

33. Main causes of climate change

- Climate change describes a change in the statistical distribution of weather conditions
lasting for an extended period (>= 10 years).
 Natural causes
-Volcanic eruptions: H2O (97%), CO2, SO2
- Ocean currents:
 Ocean: 80% of the heat in the planet’s ecosystems
 Ocean currents → move vast amounts of heat across the planet + water vapor
- Earth orbital changes:
 More tilt=warmer summers & colder winters
 Less tilt= cooler summers & milder winters
- Solar variation: Changes in the amount of radiant energy emitted by the Sun 11-year solar
 Human causes
• Deforestation: CO2 Forest: Carbon sink
• Coal mining: Forest: Carbon sink, Trees and wood are 50% carbon by weight, CO2, CH4
• Burning of fossil fuels: Burning of fossil fuels Industrial processes  CO2
• Industrial processes
• Agricuture: Fertilizer + pesticides CO2, CH4; Fuels for machine  CO2

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