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Bible Believers’


Vol. 42 No. 2
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17) February 2018

The Pre-Tribulation
By Brian Donovan 4:13-18), and that this event must
The Bible-believing Christian, at precede the great tribulation period,
some point in his Bible reading, comes since the Lord Jesus Christ “deliv-
to the conclusion that the Bible is to ered us from the wrath to come”, as
be taken literally and always tries we “wait for his Son from heaven”
to make the doctrinal application of (I Thessalonians 1:10). The literal
a passage first, before making any return of the Lord Jesus to this earth
spiritual application second. Since takes place at the end of the tribulation
“All scripture is given by inspira- period which is called “the great day
tion of God, and is profitable for of his wrath” (Revelation 6:12-17).
doctrine” (II Timothy 3:16), the Bible The Bible student should notice that
believer will recoil from any teaching this event takes place at the opening
that spiritualizes a verse of the Bible of the sixth seal (verse 12) at the end
while it misses the literal and doctrinal of the tribulation period. The church
meaning of the text. age saints are previously referred to
The same is true when it comes being presented as a “chaste virgin
to the teaching of the pre-tribulation to Christ” during the church age (II
rapture of the body of Christ. When Corinthians 11:2), but by the time of
the verses connected to this subject the second coming of Christ to physi-
are taken literally, the reader can only cally reign on the earth, the church
come to the belief that the Lord Jesus has already been married to him,
Christ will call out the saved of the having been made ready (Revelation
present Church Age, both those who 19:7), by going through the judgment
have already died, along with those seat of Christ (II Corinthians 5:10).
who remain alive (I Thessalonians She is then able to follow behind the
Lord when he returns to clean up and
In This Bulletin rule this earth (Revelation 19:11-14)
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture.............1 at his second coming. The only way
My Friend.........................................2 for this to happen would require that
The Reality of Eternity....................15 the church be caught up to heaven
The Ultimate Fence Straddler........24 before both the tribulation and the
second advent. Unless the Bible is
America’s Mental Decay.................31
Continued on 9

My Friend
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman with God or the Bible, but he took
“His mouth is most sweet: yea, that boy on as his orderly anyway,
he is altogether lovely. This is my as long as he didn’t read the Bible in
beloved, and this is, my friend, O Conwell’s tent.
daughter of Jerusalem” (Song of Russell Conwell had a ceremonial
Sol. 5:16). saber with an inscription in Latin that
The text you just read is the end of translated as: “True friendship is eter-
an answer given by the bride of Christ nal.” One night as Captain Conwell
to a question, posed twice back up in was out of camp on an errand to get
verse 9: “What is thy beloved more his company’s back pay for the men,
than another beloved . . . ?” In oth- the Confederates attacked. When
er words, what makes your Beloved, Conwell got back to his men, the
the Lord Jesus Christ, so special? So camp had been burnt to the ground,
from verse 10 to verse 16, the bride along with a railroad bridge nearby.
describes her Beloved to the ones In the attack, as all the men were re-
who asked her about Him. It is ob- treating across that bridge that had
vious from reading the passage that been set to flames, John ran back to
she is in love. The bride of Christ is the captain’s tent to get that ceremo-
enamored with her Saviour. He is not nial sword. By the time that boy got
only her Beloved, He is her Friend. back across that bridge, it was in full
There are some things I want to blaze, and his clothes were on fire.
say about this Friend and friendship. His buddies put out the fire in the
True friendship is eternal. Back in the creek under the bridge, but that kid
last half of the nineteenth century, was in such bad shape, he had to go
there was a famous (at that time) to a field hospital, where he died two
Baptist pastor named Russell Con- days later.
well. He wasn’t much of a preach- While dying in that hospital, John
er, but he was a great motivational asked to see the captain, but Conwell
speaker who built the largest Baptist didn’t make it there before his aid
work at that time. died. When Conwell got to that hos-
Before he was saved, Conwell pital, he was given his sword and told
served as a captain in the Union what Johnny had said about seeing
Army during the Civil War. He had him before he died. Conwell’s con-
become an “agnostic” (a polite term science just ate him alive over that.
for an atheist) at Yale University, and He remembered cussing that boy out
he was a godless cuss. But when he for reading the Bible in his tent, and
was put in charge of Company D of John in tears said to him, “Captain, I
the Second Massachusetts Artillery, love you, but you are a wicked man.”
he was assigned a sixteen-year-old Conwell looked at the inscription on
boy named Johnny Ring as an aid. that sword and said to himself, “Will
That boy obeyed everything Conwell I ever see Johnny again to beg his
told him to do but one. He had prom- forgiveness for my ill-treatment?”
ised his dying mother that he would No, Captain, you won’t; not in the
pray and read the Bible every night. state you’re in. That boy is in a place
Conwell didn’t want anything to do Continued on 3

My Friend
Continued from 2 John 4:10).
you aren’t going in the state you’re in. We have all sorts of songs about
Six months later, Conwell got hit this Friend: “What a friend we have
by a shell in battle. While he was in in Jesus All our sins and griefs to
the hospital, a Baptist chaplain came bear,” “I’ve found a Friend, oh, such
by to see him. The two talked about a Friend! He loved me ere I knew
Conwell seeing that boy again, and Him,” “Jesus! What a friend for sin-
the chaplain told him the only way ners,” etc. Jesus said, “Henceforth I
would be to trust the Saviour that boy call you not servants . . . but I have
trusted. So Conwell got saved and called you friends” (John 15:15).
told the chaplain, “I must serve God, Back in the early pioneer days of
not only for myself, but for Johnny the Old West, things were rough for
Ring.” And he did. That teenage boy preachers. I have an incident in my
showed true friendship to that god- files of some preacher saying to a
less captain. Because of that friend- bunch of cowboys who could barely
ship, the captain got saved, and the read or write, “Has Jesus got a friend
friendship became eternal. That’s in this house?” After several times of
the way the friendship is between driving that question home, one old
me and Jesus Christ: it’s an eternal cowpoke got up, banged the dust off
friendship. his ten-gallon hat, and said, “Well,
True friendship is eternal: it lasts. me.” That parson thought he had him
When Kennedy died, his widow set a convert. “Are you Christ’s friend?”
up “the eternal flame” outside his asked the preacher. “Not really,” said
grave. It was a gas light. It hadn’t the cowboy, “but any man that ain’t
been burning 24 hours before some- got no more friends than that, I guess
one blew it out. That’s not how friend- I’ll stand up for Him.” That’s the way
ship with the Lord is; no one is going it is today: Jesus Christ doesn’t have
to blow that out. very many friends right now.
I have a photograph at home of an Next, Jesus is a beloved friend. I
oak tree that grew up through a tomb- had rather listen to Jesus Christ and
stone that read: “For time and eter- His words than the pope, the press,
nity.” But that marble slab didn’t last the people, or anybody else. My rela-
through time, much less eternity; an tionship with Jesus Christ is like that
oak busted it in two. A million years of Jonathan and David: Jonathan
from now, I’ll still have my Friend. loved David “as he loved his own
The first thing I want to say about soul” (1 Sam. 20:17).
that friendship is that He was my Folks are always saying, “Ruck-
friend before I was His. Jesus Christ man isn’t very friendly.” You’d be
was known for receiving sinners amazed how many friends I’ve got
(Luke 15:2) and being a friend to that are real friends. They aren’t
them (Matt. 11:19). He died for me friends because they’re blood rela-
when I was His enemy (Rom. 5:10). tives or for political advantage. The
That Bible says He loved us before friends I have are my friends be-
we loved Him (1 John 4:19), and He cause they’re friends of Christ and
loved us when we didn’t love Him (1 Continued on 4

My Friend
Continued from 3 It’s like Orpah kissing her mother-in-
I’m a friend of Christ; they believe the law and saying, “I won’t leave you”
Book and I believe the Book. I have (Ruth 1:9–10, 14). The next verse af-
had friends and loved ones stick ter that says Orpah went “back unto
with me until I made one decision her people, and unto her gods”
with which they disagreed; then they (Ruth 1:15). She didn’t mean any-
dropped me like a hot rock. When a thing she said.
preacher drops Ruckman as a friend, Phoney love; pretend love. “We
you can mark it down that he dropped love Bro. Ruckman; we pray for him.
Ruckman first. I have never dropped He just doesn’t know who his real
a friend of mine first. I don’t take my friends are.” You’d be amazed at
friendship that lightly. what an instinct I have for knowing
I tell my boys all the time, “Make when people really appreciate me
some friends.” Why? You’re going to and when they don’t. You aren’t going
need them. to make a dime with me; I’ve always
A young man went off on his own been suspicious. I’m suspicious of
and wrote back to daddy, “I’m here everybody; I’m suspicious of myself.
in a strange town with no money and I look in the mirror every morning and
no friends. What do I do?” His daddy say, “What are you up to now?”
wrote back and said, “Make some I have been that way for so long
friends.” that when folks treat me mean, I’m
A boy and his daddy watched right at home. It’s when someone
in horror as a woman jumped off a tries to “butter me up” that I think,
bridge into a river below. The boy “What is that dirty dog up to?”
asked his dad, “Why did she do that?” But Jesus Christ is a faithful friend.
The dad said, “I don’t know; maybe He said, “Greater love hath no man
she felt like she didn’t have a friend in than this, that a man lay down his
the world.” That boy said, “She isn’t life for his friends” (John 15:13).
going to find any down there in the A real friend is like ivy: the greater
water, is she?” the ruin, the closer he clings. I have a
God said Abraham was His friend faithful friend in Jesus Christ. An old
(2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8; James hymn says:
2:23). Jesus said, “Our friend Laza-
rus sleepeth” (John 11:11). Jesus “There is an Eye that never sleeps
even called the guy who sold Him Beneath the wing of night;
out, “Friend” (Matt. 26:49–50). Je- There is an Ear that never shuts
sus didn’t sell Judas out; Judas sold When sink the beams of light.
the Lord out. Christ was a friend to
the traitor to the very end. “There is an Arm that never tires
A true friend is hard to find; a faith- When human strength gives way;
ful friend is hard to find. Jesus Christ There is a Love that never fails
is a faithful friend. When earthly loves decay.”
Judas sold Christ out while pro-
fessing to love Him. Judas betrayed Back around 1950, I got in a first-
Jesus with a kiss. Phoney, fake “love.” Continued on 5

My Friend
Continued from 4 Back in 1987, I was in another bad
rate mess. I had a whole town against situation. I thought I was going to
me, two families against me, and a have to sell my house to meet the re-
shrink against me; all of them were quirements of the law. I had already
trying to lock me up in a “nut house” paid the house off. It’s pretty rough to
and take my kids from me. After all have to sell the house once you’ve
that had gone on for a while, some paid it off.
Krauts came over from Elberta, Ala- About that time, a couple of friends
bama. They set some chairs around of mine, from a small town in Texas,
in a circle in my front yard and sat chipped in and paid off that settle-
down and said, “Now Dr. Ruckman, ment in full. You know who got them
we’ve heard all kinds of things about to do that? My Friend! If I can be a
this situation; now we want to hear friend to God, I’m not going to wor-
your side.” I gave them my side. ry much about the rest of the crowd
Those were some of my friends, and that’s against me.
they were sent there by my Friend. Back at Brent Baptist Church, I
One time I was having a hard had a member named John Boscher.
time making payments on a house. He had to go into the Army, and they
I didn’t see any way in the world I were stationing him over in Germany.
could make it. I had a meeting at a He was a former Roman Catholic
church in St. Petersburg, Florida, who had just gotten saved. He was
and the only place the church could in a rough company, and he was wor-
put me up for the meeting was the ried he wouldn’t have any Christian
house of a widow and her two daugh- fellowship and that he would back-
ters. When the meeting was over, the slide. He was in a real “sweat” about
church gave me a pretty good offer- it.
ing, but not enough to take care of Before he left, I had prayer with
the house payment. Before I left the him. I said, “Don’t worry; you’re in the
home where I had been staying, that Lord’s hand.”
widow gave me a check. I thanked He said, “I know, but what of it?”
her and left to go catch my flight at I took him over to the passage in
the airport. I didn’t look at that check Song of Solomon 5 and read him
until I got on the airplane. That check verse 14: “His hands are as gold
was enough to meet the house pay- rings.”
ment. Along with that check was a I said, “You’re in gold hands. And
note from that widow: “This is thank- I read in my Bible where He made
ing God for a preacher who practices the stars with His fingers (Psa. 8:3).
what he preaches.” That woman was Do you think Someone with a hand
one of my friends. of gold, who can create stars with
“A man that hath friends must His fingers, can’t pick you out a few
shew himself friendly: and there is Christian friends?” Sure He can.
a friend that sticketh closer than a Is Jesus Christ your Friend? Are
brother.” (Prov. 18:24). you a friend to Jesus Christ? No real
I don’t know if you have a friend friend of Jesus Christ would ever raise
like that or not. I’ve got one. Continued on 6

My Friend
Continued from 5 takes off the mask of friendship, and
Mary up to a level even with Him. No there’s Satan. He says, “Pal, take a
real friend of Jesus Christ would ever cup of liquid fire and drink a toast to
lie about His birth and resurrection. everlasting despair!” You picked the
No real friend of Jesus Christ would wrong friend.
lie about His second coming. No real But that scene could have gone
friend of Jesus Christ would accuse another way. Another fellow meets
Him of being a fornicator or a polyga- you and says, “I’m your friend. I’m
mist. No true friend of Jesus Christ headed on a trip. Do you want to go
would accuse Him of being a homo- with me?” So you go with Him. The
sexual. No real friend of Jesus Christ first thing He does is cut a big sack
would go through the Gospel of John off your back that had been tied to
and say that 80% of it isn’t true. No you and weighing you down. But then
true friend of Jesus Christ would re- He takes you into a dimly lit room,
duce Him to the level of a fornicating, and you can’t see where you’re go-
murdering epileptic like Mohammed ing. But He’s right there with you,
or a lazy bum like Buddha. leading you. You say, “Do you know
A true friend of Jesus Christ where you’re going?” “Yes,” He says,
wouldn’t do those things. When you “just stick with me, and I’ll lead you
run into some “theologian” or scholar through here.”
or professor or writer who does, mark He takes you through that dark-
it down, that person is NOT a friend ened room, through a door, and into
of Jesus Christ. a blast furnace. You say, “Why are
Be careful how you pick your we going through here?” He says,
friends. You might run into someone “It’s the only way to get where I’m go-
who says, “I’m your friend; follow ing. Don’t worry, I’ll be with you the
me.” So you follow him, and he takes whole way.”
you to a party where there is plenty of So you follow Him through that
booze, plenty of sex, plenty of drugs, fire. On the other side, He puts His
plenty of music, plenty of money, etc. arm around you and opens a door
But then he leads you out a back into a well-lit, air-conditioned room
door of the place, and you find your- with nice chairs and a place to eat.
self in a desert. Pretty soon a vulture You rest a little there. Then He gets
is circling over your head. up and says, “Let’s go a little farther.”
You say, “Where are we going?” You step outdoors and begin climb-
Your friend says, “Never mind; just ing a mountain. You climb higher and
come with me.” He leads you down higher, and the sun becomes brighter
into a swamp, with snakes slithering and brighter. Pretty soon your Friend
all over the place. You push your way says, “We’re almost there now.” He
through there trying to keep up with leads you up one last steep slope,
your friend. You step out onto a preci- and at the top is a city of pure gold,
pice that gives out from under you, 1,500 miles square. You picked the
and you plummet into a lake of fire. right Friend.
You yell up to your buddy and Do you know that Friend? You say,
say, “You tricked me!” He laughs and Continued on 7

My Friend
Continued from 6 out to see what was going on. Lord
“I know Jesus.” Which Jesus? Paul Claverhouse called her over and put
talks about someone preaching “an- a thumbscrew on her. He turned that
other Jesus” than the One in that thumbscrew till it drew blood and she
Book (2 Cor. 11:4). There’s all kinds screamed.
of fake Jesuses running around. John Brown and his wife came out
If I asked you if you knew Teddy of the house, and Brown said, “You
Roosevelt, and you said, “Sure, I don’t have to do that. You don’t have
know him. He had a New Deal and to torture the lassie. I’m the only one
set up Social Security and had the who knows where Mr. Atkins is.”
Hoover Dam built and made it illegal Claverhouse said, “Well, my fine
to own gold.” I say, “No, I mean Ted- fellow, you’ll tell us where he is, or
dy Roosevelt.” else.”
You say, “Why, of course I know John Brown said, “You’ll not get it
him. He had a dog named Fala and out of me.”
a wife named Eleanor. He always With that, Claverhouse took a
smoked a cigarette on a stick and gun and pointed it like a telescope at
had to be in a wheelchair because he John Brown’s head, and said, “You’ll
had polio when he was younger.” tell us, or we’ll blow your brains out.”
You’ve got the wrong Roosevelt. Brown turned to his wife and said,
You’re talking about Franklin Delano “I’m going to leave you, darling. Re-
Roosevelt, not Theodore Roosevelt. member our wedding vows and take
Are you talking about the Jesus care of the children.”
of the Holy Bible when you say you Four soldiers fired at John Brown’s
know Him? I’m talking about the Je- head and blew it all over that front
sus who was virgin born, lived a sin- porch. Mrs. Brown held out her apron
less life, was God incarnate, loved and began gathering the fragments
you, died for your sins, rose again to of bone and brain in it. Claverhouse
justify you, and is coming again—that said, “Now my good woman, how do
Jesus. He’s my Friend. Do you know you feel about your bonnie man now?”
Him? She didn’t look up at Claverhouse;
Back in the seventeenth century she just kept picking up the pieces.
when the Catholics were trying to She said, “I always did think well of
bring the Scotch into submission, him. He always treated me right. I
the papists sent a man named Lord never thought better of him, though,
Claverhouse to the home of a Scots- than I think right now.”
man named John Brown. John Brown I want you to know something:
was a Christian. He was hiding an I have never thought better of my
evangelical preacher named Atkins. Friend than I think right now.
Atkins had been teaching the Bible
all over the country, and the Catho- “How tedious and tasteless the
lics wanted him dead. hours
Lord Claverhouse came to John When Jesus no longer I see!
Brown’s house with a bunch of troops, Sweet prospects, sweet birds, and
and John Brown’s daughter came Continued on 8

My Friend
Continued from 7 get bitter and rebellious because of
sweet flow’rs, the circumstances through which
Have all lost their sweetness to the Lord puts him. He feels that if
me. the Lord really was his friend, He
The midsummer sun shines but wouldn’t treat him the way He has.
dim, But that Bible says,
The fields strive in vain to look gay; “Faithful are the wounds of a
But when I am happy in Him friend; but the kisses of an enemy
December’s as pleasant as May. are deceitful” (Prov. 27:6).
Christian, pray the Lord will make
“His name yields the richest per- up those rough circumstances, not
fume, necessarily by changing them, but
And sweeter than music His voice; by making His presence real to you
His presence disperses my gloom, as you go through them. Where the
And makes all within me rejoice. Lord is real to you, it makes up for
I should, were He always thus almost anything, and where He’s not,
nigh, you can’t take anything. Someone
Have nothing to wish or to fear; once said, “Lord, I can take anything
No mortal so happy as I; with your smile, but nothing with your
My summer would last all the year. frown.”

“Content with beholding His face,

My all to His pleasure resigned; Handbook of
No changes of season or place,
Would make any change in my Manuscript
While blessed with a sense of His Evidence
A palace a toy would appear; Presents arguments for the King
And prisons would palaces prove, James text that have never been
If Jesus would dwell with me there. refuted, including evidence that
the phony “Septuagint” never
“My Lord, if indeed I am Thine, existed before A.D.100. Excel-
If Thou art my sun and my song,
Say, why do I languish and pine?
lent study for those whose faith
And why are my winters so long? in the King James Version has
Oh, drive these dark clouds from been attacked.
the sky,
Thy soul-cheering presence re-
Or take me to Thee up on high, RK-93
Where winter and clouds are no Ringbound.................RK-93RB $1695
Hardbound (Red).......RK-93HR $2195
more.”       John Newton Hardbound (Green)...RK-93HG $2195

Sometimes a child of God can (Plus postage—see pg. 22)


The Pre-Tribulation
Continued from 1 be disowned and damned by Him at
not taken literally and the passages the day of judgment. He then goes
are spiritualized, the pre-tribulation on to apply the kingdom of heaven
rapture of the body of Christ, as well parables and the Sermon on the
as his pre-millennial return, are the Mount doctrinally to the church age,
obvious conclusions of the Bible with his main proof text being Matthew
reader who believes the words mean 7:21 “Not every one that saith unto
what they say. me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
Those who try to refute the literal kingdom of heaven”. The old “if you
interpretation of the Bible, as Origen were really saved” trick is pulled out
(254 AD) with his extreme spiritual- of the hat to teach Lordship Salva-
izing of almost every New Testament tion, or more properly called, “I need
doctrine, as Augustine (400 AD) to have works to prove my salvation”.
who put a stranglehold on millennial All this in spite of the fact that Paul
teaching for a thousand years of tells the Christians at Corinth to turn
anti-church history with his City of a saved brother over to Satan for the
God, as Thomas Aquinas (1250 AD) destruction of the flesh (a Christian
who claimed the spiritual reign of the can physically die when he lives after
church fulfilled the millennium, as the flesh-see Romans 8:13), yet his
John Calvin (1500 AD) who said the spirit is still saved in the day of the
number 666 (Revelation 13:18), the Lord Jesus (I Corinthians 5:5). The
number 144,000 (Revelation 14:1), “apostle of the Gentiles” (Romans
and the number 1000 (Revelation 11:13) is ignored as they run back
20:1-6) are not to be taken literally to James (who is not writing to the
and anyone who did so was in the church, but to the “twelve tribes
world of fiction, must by default, re- which are scattered abroad” James
fuse to take the Bible to mean what 1:1), to apply “Ye see then that by
it says literally. works a man is justified and not
One result of the spiritualizing of by faith only” (James 2:24) and on
the word of God is the belief that and on they go, making the Bible a
there are no dispensations, and every book of contradictions.
passage is directed to the Christian, The most common refutation
including the promises given to the of both dispensationalism and the
nation of Israel. In a book trying to pre-tribulation rapture of the church
refute dispensationalism, an author concerns itself with “historical”, “tradi-
named Gerstner refers to the eternal tional” or even “baptistic” views, rather
security of the believer as an “utter than what the scriptures actually say.
travesty”, and backs up his teaching Opponents of the pre-tribulation rap-
with what he calls “John MacArthur’s ture of the church make a mountain
epochal book”, saying that if a sin- of trying to show that it is a relatively
ner does not take up Christ’s cross new teaching and was not taught in
and follow Him, that person does the early church. Some will attempt
not have saving faith in Him and will Continued on 10

The Pre-Tribulation
Continued from 9 unaware that he was coming to the
to make the teaching originate with same conclusions that Bible readers
a teenaged Scottish girl named Mary had already come to over the previous
McDonald in 1830, when she had a 1700 years of church history. Any Ro-
typical trembling, feverish, charis- man Catholic would be as surprised
matic vision where she supposedly as Lacunza, when it comes to what
saw Christ’s coming in two stages, the Bible actually says, since they
with believers being raptured before are kept in the dark regarding the
the tribulation period. Others try to pin scriptures, as they get a cheap re-
the blame on John Nelson Darby of placement with the traditions of men.
the Plymouth Brethren in 1827, who Lacunza’s book was removed from
wrote in detail of the pre-tribulation circulation by the Spanish Inquisition
rapture of the church age saints and in 1819, and then later placed on the
greatly influenced C.I. Scofield in the Forbidden Index in 1824 by Pope Leo
USA and his reference study Bible XII, certainly good Indicators that he
published in 1909. Darby taught that was on to some scriptural truth. When
the kingdom preached by the Old a Christian is more concerned about
Testament prophets was NOT the whether a belief is “traditional”, or
same as the church age and was to “historic”, or even “baptistic”, instead
be taken literally to be a physical, of what the scriptures actually say, he
Jewish, earthly kingdom. Others back will be led astray by the traditions of
up the origination of the teaching to men, making the word of God of none
1790 with the completion of a three- effect (Mark 7:13). This fear of man
volume work by the Roman Catholic leads to a snare (Proverbs 29:25)
Jesuit Emmanuel Lacunza, which was that will prevent the believer from
called The Coming of the Messiah in getting advanced revelation from the
Glory and Majesty. The most impor- scripture that was previously hidden.
tant information about this “Jesuit” Look at what the apostle Paul would
seems to be conveniently omitted have missed if he took the “historic”
by the proponents of this argument, position. The revelation of a “mystery
particularly the fact that when Pope which was kept secret since the world
Clement XIV banned the order of the began” (Romans 16:25) would have
Jesuits in 1773, Lacunza was forced been denied. The Lord dispensed
to withdraw and begin an intense truth to Paul (Ephesians 3:2) that was
personal study of the Bible, leading made manifest “by the scriptures
him to conclude, among other things, of the prophets” (Romans 16:26),
that the second coming of Christ was proving that there are some hidden
a different event than the end of the truths in the scriptures that as yet have
world and the last judgment, and that still not been revealed. Whenever
his coming necessarily preceded the the Lord begins to reveal some of
thousand year reign of Christ on earth. these “secret things” (Deuteronomy
Lacunza believed that he had made 29:29), instead of seeing “whether
some new and important discoveries, Continued on 12


TR-42 4¢ each
Here is the unregenerate sinner. He is
“dead in trespasses and sin” (Eph. 2:1). He
CROSSES dies IN his sins (John 8:24), with his sins
ON him. This impenitent thief refuses
the Sin-bearer (John 1:29) and trusts his
own righteousness. He dies because “the
wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). He lives
and dies alone in the world without hope
and without God (Eph. 2:12). He can profess
ANYTHING : to be innocent, guilty, holy,
defiled, sincere, wicked, hopeful, confident,
unsure, doubtful, humble, or cocksure.
It wouldn’t affect his eternal destiny one
way or another. He dies unforgiven, unre-
deemed, and unfit to enter the presence of
an almighty, holy, sinless Creator.
Here is the saved sinner. Regardless
“And when they were come to the place, of his profession, religion, race, creed, sex,
which is called Calvary, there they crucified background, education, talent, intellect,
him, and the malefactors, one on the right money, or ethical standards, he dies for-
hand, and the other on the left” (Luke 23:33). given, redeemed, and in fellowship with
his Creator. He cannot kneel to pray, get
The three crosses on Calvary’s hill define baptized, join any church, take the sacra-
every man or woman who has ever lived. ments, or “live it.” He is dying condemned,
There is no avoiding one’s place among those under the wrath of human and divine
three crosses by any means. Everyone will justice, and he can do nothing but believe
find himself on one of those three crosses. on the Saviour whom God sent to atone for

his sins. This he does by faith, at the most every religious “do-gooder” on this earth.
inopportune time. Under seemingly im- Religious “do-gooders” trying to “help hu-
possible circumstances, he confesses Christ manity out” (John 11:48) had Jesus Christ
as a King with a kingdom, when Christ is nailed to the cross. Everyone reading this
dying as a criminal with NO kingdom (Luke print is on either the first cross or the third
23:42). The penitent thief is saved by grace cross. The only “middle ground” is Jesus
through faith in the finished atonement of Christ Himself.
Jesus Christ. He dies with sin IN him, but You can have your sins forgiven like the
no sin ON him. penitent thief. All you have to do is come to
C. THE MIDDLE CROSS Jesus Christ in simple faith and sincerity,
The middle cross presents “the Lamb saying something like this:
of God which taketh away the sin of the
world” (John 1:29). There is sin ON Him “Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner, and un-
but no sin IN Him (1 Pet. 2:24, 3:18). Christ’s less you save me, I am lost forever. I come to you
sinless life was the damnation of this world the best way I know how, believing you died for
(John 15:22–25). By it, He ran Buddha, Mo- my sins and rose again to give me eternal life,
hammed, Mary, and the Popes off the track and asking that you save me. I receive you as
(Heb. 12:1–2). The condemnation of this my Saviour and trust you to forgive and justify
world is that men will NOT receive a sinless me, and present me without fault before God’s
man as their substitute (John 3:16–18). They throne in the day of Judgment.”
will insist on “living it,” “living a good life,”
or on “making the world a better place to
live in.” The middle cross cancels all of their
ambitions and fondest dreams. It shows that
only a sinless man can enter God’s presence
with favor. Without receiving that sinless
Man (1 Tim. 2:5), the “doors to heaven” are
shut. It reveals the depravity in the heart of www.kj

The Pre-Tribulation
Continued from 10 when he was forced out of the Jesuit
those things were so” by searching order and into the Bible. Traditional
“the scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11), Baptists will point out that Lacunza
jealous brethren will cry out because was a Jesuit, unable to answer the
they did not see it. Instead of refuting teaching. Similar to the brethren of
with the scriptures, they will post and the late 1900’s who could only point
tweet and whine, as they cling to their out that “he’s been divorced”, when
“historic” and “baptist” positions. they could not answer with scripture.
Throughout her history, the Ro- Still, others try to credit the origin
man whore has always been careful of the pre-tribulation rapture of the
to prevent her members from finding church to a book by a Baptist pastor
out “what saith the scripture,” and in Philadelphia named Morgan Ed-
instead fills the void with her pagan wards in 1788. Edwards separated
rituals and traditions. This is evi- the rapture from the literal return of
denced in writing, as found preserved Christ to earth as being three and
in the National Library of Paris, Folio one-half years apart. He taught that
No. 68, Volume 2, pages 650-651, the “event that will usher in the millen-
where the Roman Catholic cardinals nium will be the coming of Christ from
warned Pope Pius III, saying, “Of paradise to earth with all the saints
all the advice that we can offer your he had taken up thither about three
holiness we must open your eyes and one-half years before...”. Pastor
well and use all possible force in the Edwards somehow got the idea that
matter, namely, to permit the reading the tribulation period to come would
of the gospel as little as possible in all only last forty-two months and that the
the countries under your jurisdiction. church was not going to be present
Let the very little part of the gospel on earth during that time.
suffice which is usually read in the Other opponents to the teaching
Mass, and let no one be permitted to back it up to 1700 to an English-
read more. So long as people will be man named John Asgill who was
content with the small amount, your removed from England’s Parliament
interest will prosper, but as soon as and imprisoned for blasphemy for
the people will want to read more, your writing that the church saints would
interest will fail. The Bible is the book, be raptured without dying, although it
which more than any other has raised does not appear that Asgill was plain
against us the tumults and tempests about the rapture taking place before
by which we have almost perished. In the tribulation.
fact, if one compares the teaching of Whether the “recent” date that
the Bible with what takes place in our opponents try to use for this “new
churches, he will soon find discord, teaching” is 1830,1827, 1790,1788,
and will realize that our teachings or 1700, they must come to grips with
are often different from the Bible, a number of 4th to 5th century Latin
and oftener still, contrary to it.” This manuscripts that contain a sermon
is what Emmanuel Lacunza found out Continued on 13

The Pre-Tribulation
Continued from 12 the time of the end” (Daniel 12:9).
by a Psuedo-Ephraen Syrius, which The Lord Jesus told the apostles that
contain the following quote of a very there were some things that he could
clear belief in the pre-tribulation not reveal to them at that time, since
rapture of the church where he said, they could not bear them, but would
“all the saints and elect of God are be shown at a later time (John 16:12).
gathered prior to the tribulation that So even if it were true (which has been
is to come and are taken to the Lord shown it is not) that the pre-tribulation
lest they see the confusion that has rapture of the church was a recent
overcome the world due to our sins”. teaching by the dispensationalists,
Yet regardless of how ancient or that fact by itself would not necessarily
recent a Bible teaching may be, the negate the truth of it.
real issue is whether it is according to The pre-tribulation rapture of the
scripture or not. As a Bible-believing church age saints is also required by
Christian, I have little concern for the fact that during the tribulation, a
who believes a certain doctrine, or different gospel will be preached called
how far back it can be traced to being “the everlasting gospel” (Revelation
understood and taught. If you found 14:6), and its message is not simple
out that outdoor street preaching was faith in the death, burial, and resur-
being taught that “it simply does not rection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The
work today” in the “Pastors Schools” tribulation saint must “endure unto
of modern King James Bible believing the end” to be saved (Matthew 24:13),
teachers and preachers, would that and refuse to take the mark of the
amount to anything as to whether beast, or he will be damned (Revela-
it is right and scriptural? If the Lord tion 14:9-10). Refusing to rightly divide
revealed the antichrist to you through the word (II Timothy 2:15), the op-
the scriptures, would you refuse to ponents of dispensationalism simply
acknowledge it because you do not place all of Matthew 24 in the past (70
know of anyone else who believes AD), spiritualize the literal return of
that is possible? Not all prophecy has Christ (Matthew 24:30) to mean that it
been understood throughout both the refers to him coming into the heart of
Old Testament times and the Church the believers during the church age,
Age, and the fact that the Holy Spirit and then fall back on their cute little
teaches revelation of scripture in anti-scriptural sayings such as, “If you
stages as the body of believers can are really saved then you will endure
handle them does not negate the truth to the end and will not take the mark
of any teaching. For instance, Daniel of the beast.” But all this does is make
was given prophecy that covered an the Bible contradict itself since it is
enormous amount of future time and obvious that during the tribulation, a
even as the author of the writing, he sinner’s salvation hinges on him DO-
asked what the revelations meant and ING something to stay saved, which
was told, “Go thy way, Daniel: for the definitely is NOT true of the sinner’s
words are closed up and sealed till salvation during the church age.

Bad Attitude
Baptist Blowout
— February 15–18 —
Speakers for this Blowout:
● David Walker   ● Andrew Saucier
● Adam Trosclair
Evening Services—6 P.M.
Morning Services (Beginning Fri.)—10 A.M.

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1175 Jo Jo Road Pensacola, FL 32514
For more information call (850) 477-8812 / 476-2945

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The Reality of Eternity

By Zack Colvin You see, what the Christian has to
As most people go about their day in remember is that everything he does
these times, the thought of eternity or has an eternal consequence or re-
any eternal things is very distant from ward. Everything the Christian plans,
their minds. With all of the physical and everything he or she does throughout
material duties of life, such as jobs, the day, every word that is spoken,
families to take care of, going to the every bit of it is to be done in light of
grocery store, running errands and so things that will take place after this life
on, there just isn’t much time to think is over: the rapture of the church, the
about eternity. Often the thoughts of Judgment Seat of Christ, and the mil-
eternity get smothered by these duties lennial reign of Jesus Christ. Honestly,
of life, even for a Christian, and the most Christians give more thought to
reality of eternal things doesn’t seem the condition of their bank account,
very apparent. It often seems that the the condition of their retirement plan if
material things are what really matter. they have one, or whether or not the
Yet we are told in 2 Corinthians 4:18, improvements they are making to their
“While we look not at the things house are a worthy investment or not.
which are seen, but at the things They will spend hours at the computer
which are not seen: for the things researching what type of vehicle will be
which are seen are temporal, but the best investment to make or what
the things which are not seen are type of career to plan for, one that will
eternal.” bring them the most income in life.
So the Christian who intends to All of these things are certainly im-
make eternity a reality in his own life portant things to consider in this life, and
will have a constant struggle to make by no means am I reproving somebody
sure he doesn’t get so entangled with for researching something before he
material things that the eternal things makes a decision. As a matter of fact,
can’t be seen. There will need to be it would be foolish not to, since you are
a steady diet of the eternal book, the to be a good steward of the money the
KJV 1611, in his life. There will need Lord allows to pass through your hands.
to be a steady dialogue between him But so often, these considerations are
and the Lord Jesus Christ through the only ones given attention. The real-
prayer. (Remember, true prayer is ity of eternity, the fruits of the Judgment
not just over meals, or just when you Seat of Christ, and the thought of laying
have a need, or even just one time a up “treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20)
day. True prayer is a steady dialogue seldom enters the mind. Yet it’s these
between you and your Saviour [“Pray latter considerations that are not just
without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17); “… more important, they are really the only
men ought always to pray, and not to things that matter.
faint” (Luke 18:1)].) Without these two The surprising thing about many
forms of spiritual engagement, there Laodicean Christians is that they live
will be no reminders of eternal things, much like an atheist when it comes to
and therefore no attention given to the practical everyday life. They think that
things that matter the most, as you go just because they don’t think about
through life: eternal things. Continued on 16

The Reality of Eternity

Continued from 15 pleted. Prioritizing responsibilities is the
eternal things throughout the day, that way that most people avoid being too
eternity is not even real. Yet eternal distracted from their purpose.
things are what need the more atten- Dr. Ruckman used to say repeat-
tion. Arguably, the main reason eternity edly, “Duties never conflict!” This is
is not a reality to many Christians is that obviously somewhat of a paradoxical
there is very little engagement of the statement because duties always con-
spiritual sources the Lord has given us flict. But the statement is designed to
to set our “affection on things above” make you think, which worked on me
(Col. 3:2): the Bible and prayer. for quite some time. The idea is that if
But there is one major device of something is a true duty, it will never
Satan, used especially in these last conflict with something that isn’t a true
days, to keep the Christian’s attention duty. It will always take precedence over
on temporal things of this life, and that is those things that aren’t as important.
simply through distraction. Throughout In other words, you’ve got to set your
history, there have always been things priorities straight!
to distract men and women from their But there are a few things that have
true purpose for existence. become real problems in the Christian
Revelation 4:11 says, “Thou art life. They have taken many Christians
worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and from being fruitful in their Christian life
honour and power: for thou hast cre- and have literally given them a “crop
ated all things, and for thy pleasure failure” in as little as just a few years.
they are and were created.” These things are certainly tools used
According to that verse, every man by the devil to derail the Bible-believing
and woman born on this earth has one Christian, distract him from his true pur-
purpose for existing: in this life and in pose, and keep him from bringing the
eternity, they are to bring pleasure to Lord pleasure and glory. This is Satan’s
the Lord God Almighty. Anything that main purpose in the life of a Christian,
detracts from that one purpose should since he can no longer destroy his
be labeled as a distraction from the soul once he is saved. But trying to
reality of eternity and a thief of God’s get Christians to realize the danger of
pleasure. this is like trying to get a politician to
Distractions in life are a very normal stop lying. It’s just not going to happen.
part of life that must be faced and must Satan’s devices for distracting
be avoided and even fought against if their attention from eternal things and
one intends on accomplishing even conforming them to the world have
the basic duties of life. If the student become very subtle in these last days
plans to learn his subject, he has to of Laodicea. The Laodicean is pleased
fight off daydreaming and distractions with himself as long as others are fooled
that would keep him from paying at- by his superficial walk with the Lord and
tention. If the laborer plans to get his don’t recognize his spiritual blindness
work done, he often needs to lay aside and nakedness. His own lukewarmness
his mobile phone, free his hands of deceives other lukewarm Laodiceans
any extra weight, and get to work; or pretty easily because both are so fo-
he won’t be able to get his work com- Continued on 17

The Reality of Eternity

Continued from 16 and has given him distractions by the
cused on the outward appearance and thousands. From sunrise to sunset,
this temporal life that they don’t even there is something beeping at your
recognize it, or else don’t dare “call side to make sure you are notified of
the baby ugly,” as they say. But while the latest updates and reminders. If it’s
this man is so focused on making sure not a computer at your desk, it’s a cell
to clean the outside of the platter and phone on your hip or in your purse. If
ensure that the average Laodicean is it’s not a cell phone, it’s a “smart” tablet
fooled, he doesn’t realize, or maybe in a convenient case for you to keep
doesn’t even care, that he has allowed by your side all day long. If it’s not a
the devil to distract him from his pur- cell phone or a tablet, it’s a “smart”
pose for existence and from the reality watch that you can wear around your
of eternity. wrist, for those who don’t want to have
In the Old Testament history of the the inconvenience of having to reach
Jews, there were constantly things ris- in their pocket and pull out a phone
ing up to distract them from the Lord (that’s a lot of work, you know). Pretty
and keep them from His pleasure. If it soon you will have the opportunity to
wasn’t their own hearts lusting after the have your smart device installed on
ways of the other nations and desiring your person somewhere, possibly in
to be like them, it was the idol worship the hand or forehead so you don’t ever
and wicked practices of the heathen have to part with it. It will even have the
that distracted them and lured them into capability of paying for things directly
temporal pleasure instead of eternal from it, just as your “smart” phones have
reward. The devil, capitalizing on the today. These devices are designed “for
impatience and dissatisfaction of their your convenience” in order to keep you
hearts, lured them to instant gratifica- abreast of important things like news
tion through idol worship and conformity (most of which you would be better off
to the nations around them, just as the not knowing. There is nothing “new
devil does today. For the most part, under the sun,” Eccl. 1:9), weather
men are impatient. They are in large updates, new software updates, credit
number dissatisfied because they are card charges, bank account deposits,
constantly trying to be satisfied with app updates, game scores, Facebook
temporal things, and no man can ever updates, tweets, emails, text mes-
be completely satisfied with temporal sages, reminders, calendar notifica-
things. The wisest man who ever lived tions, alarms, and depending on how
aside from Jesus Christ proves this truth involved a person is in all of the latest
through the entire book of Ecclesiastes. technology, the list could literally go on
So Satan capitalizes on these faults of forever. You know, the kinds of things
impatience and dissatisfaction in men that really matter in this life!
today and tempts them with distractions With all of these beeps and no-
of instant gratification to keep them from tifications, there is no time for your
being fruitful for Jesus Christ. mind to wake up in the morning with
The technology industry has re- thoughts of the Lord and what can be
ally capitalized on the impatience accomplished for Him. If you do get up
and dissatisfaction in modern man Continued on 18

The Reality of Eternity

Continued from 17 or to make sure you set your alarm so
early enough to take time to read the that the little devil can wake you up
greatest book in the world and spend in the morning. So instead of being
some time in prayer, you will be inter- able to close your day with thoughts
rupted continuously by a little beeping of the Lord and His goodness toward
devil at your side so that you can’t you that day, or to think of where you
focus your attention long enough on failed Him and what it’s going to take
what you’re reading or praying about the next day to keep from failing Him
for the Lord even to be able to speak again, or to simply clear your mind and
to you. It’s no wonder Christians are let the Lord speak to you, the little devil
so ignorant of the Bible these days. If once again has distracted you from fruit
you manage to get some scripture in bearing for Jesus Christ and from the
your heart and get your thoughts es- reality of eternity.
tablished by committing your works to Enough already about all of the
the Lord through prayer, as you begin things that man can do nowadays as
your work day, you won’t be able to a result of modern technology! Very
think spiritually about the matters at few of the things that most people brag
hand, the circumstances surrounding about being such a convenience are
you, or the people you come across things that the Lord could care less
because the little devil at your side about. But what does that matter as
will continue its beeping notifications long as you get a little temporal plea-
or you will be driven to consult it for sure, right? Enough already about “old-
some kind of information that you timers” not wanting to keep up with the
can’t remember because you’ve got times of technological advancements!
your entire life wrapped up in the little The “old-timers” got a lot more done
devil. So instead of being able to apply for the Lord than any five modern men
the scriptures that you just read that you know, guaranteed. They had time
morning to the situations of your work to talk to the Lord throughout their day
day, and instead of being concerned and let the Lord guide their thoughts
enough about the people around you without something interrupting them
to get the truth to them (saved or lost), every thirty seconds. They had time
and instead of thinking about the one to think about the eternal souls they
that deserves your attention more than came across and weren’t in a hurry
anybody else (the Lord Jesus Christ), to keep up with the schedule that the
your thoughts and your actions are little devil has mapped out for them.
completely distracted because of a And to think that much of the claims
little devil at your side or in your pocket for the importance of the computer
or on your wrist. If you manage to get and smartphone are that more can
through the day with a spiritual mindset be accomplished in a lesser amount
and with some type of fruit bearing for of time! More what? More distraction
Christ, when you finish the day and at- from what really matters, that’s what!
tempt to get some rest, you will need Here’s a really deep thought to
to consult the little devil for what news consider: being busy is not always
you missed that day, or for an email being productive. Furthermore, simply
that was supposed to come through, Continued on 20

Bro. Donovan’s Meeting Schedule

February 9–11 April 6–8
Blessed Hope Baptist Church Bible Baptist Church
9754 University Ave. NW 619 Albemarle Road
Coon Rapids, MN 55448 Asheboro, NC 27203
Pastor Kyle Stephens Pastor Tom Cochran
(763) 783-8195 (336) 625-6095

March 9–11 May 4–6

Red Lion Bible Church Lakeside Baptist Church
105 Springvale Rd. 3055 Bacom Point Road
Red Lion, PA 17356 Pahokee, FL 33476
Pastor Steve Schmuck Pastor Ted Hines
(717) 244-3905 (561) 924-7592

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Brian Donovan Collection (Vol. 42).....................................................DC-DD42 $14.95
Brian Donovan Collection (Vol. 43).....................................................DC-DD43 $14.95
The Influence of the KJV (Brian Donovan).............................................DD-KJV  $8.95
How to Miss a Blessing....................................................................DVC-080413 $9.95
Rightly Defining the Words of Truth (Michael T. Wolski)........................ KJ 1843 $13.99
Allan’s Pocket Concordance..................................................................RF 1633 $5.00
Questions and Answers About Your Future (2 x 25/8 in. - 31 pgs.)..........TR 97 15¢ ea.
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (2 x 25/8 in. - 31 pgs.)...........................TR 96 15¢ ea.

The Reality of Eternity

Continued from 18 themselves with what the Lord thinks
being productive doesn’t always mean about these modern advancements
producing the right things. All you have and have lazily adapted themselves
to do is sit down at the end of a day to “that which is highly esteemed
and write down everything you did that among men” and have forgotten that
day. Then, judging by the truth of the when man highly esteems something, it
scripture, mark how many of those “is abomination in the sight of God”
things were done with eternity in mind. (Luke 16:15).
You will know right away whether your It doesn’t take a D.D. or a Ph.D. to
day has been simply busy, or if it’s been discern whether these improvements
productive, and whether or not what matter to the Lord. It just takes a Bible.
has been produced was really what But who reads the Bible anymore?
matters. If you do that for a few days Who reads books, period? I am very
in a row, that will be enough to show conscious of the fact that as I write this
you how real eternity is to you. article, very few people will even read
Enough pretending already that you it. Not only is it not in an electronic for-
are satisfied and that God is pleased mat or on an app that can be accessed
with the results of what all of your lat- with the touch of a button, but it’s not
est technology has done for you. The in video format where it can be viewed
fact that you keep updating to the lat- like some loser’s YouTube video. But
est version of whatever it is you own for those who do read it, I trust there is
proves you aren’t satisfied. And the enough concern about eternal things
steady increase of self-gratification, for you at least to consider what Satan
along with the steady decline of spiri- is accomplishing through his “devices”
tual fruit produced for the Lord, ought to distract you from God’s pleasure.
to be a good indicator that the Lord The eternal scriptures tell of some
isn’t pleased, but you may be too events that will take place in the fu-
distracted to notice. The methods of ture, and they are written as if they
fruit bearing for the Lord never have have already taken place. The God
to be updated or improved, yet they of the Bible is the God of history, and
are always more satisfying and more He knows history before it even takes
pleasing to the Lord. place. That’s why He words these
Apostate Christians always think events in the scripture as if they’ve
that advancements in technology, already taken place.
communication, and transportation are There is coming a day really soon
evidences of God’s blessing and im- where the church will be raptured out
provement. Daniel 12:4 says, “…many of this world and will be carried to
shall run to and fro, and knowledge the Judgement Seat of Christ. The
shall be increased.” But not all knowl- individual works that we as Christians
edge is good knowledge in the eyes of have done for the Lord will be placed
the Lord. Romans 16:19 says, “…but into a purifying fire where all of our
yet I would have you wise unto that selfish works will be consumed as
which is good, and simple concern- wood, hay, and stubble. Only the things
ing evil.” The real issue is that many that were of the right sort, done with
Christians have stopped concerning Continued on 23

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The Reality of Eternity

Continued from 20 Shortly thereafter, the Groom, “the
the right motive of bringing pleasure King of kings, and Lord of lords” (1
to Jesus Christ, will pass through Tim. 6:15), the Lord Jesus Christ, will
that fire and will be brought forth and step out of the third heaven once more
made into a crown. The One who sac- to descend to the earth and take over
rificed everything through His life and the kingdoms of the earth. Once His
His death on the cross will take that enemies are defeated, He will sit down
crown and place it upon the head of on His rightful throne in Jerusalem.
an unprofitable servant who sacrificed Those in the body of Christ who suf-
very little for His sake. At that point, fered for His sake in this life will reign
the overwhelming thought of how with Him during His millennial reign
worthy Christ is to receive that crown from Jerusalem. And those who forsook
will cause the receiver of the crown to the reality of eternal things and chose
fall down and lay it at His holy feet. rather to gratify themselves for a few
After each individual member of the days will be naked and ashamed before
bride of Christ has gone through that the whole world for one thousand years.
time of judgment and has been made It is these future historical events that
ready, the corporate bride of Christ, the Christian is to be concerned with.
“as a chaste virgin” (2 Cor. 11:2), These future events are more real and
will then be presented to the Groom, far more important to the Christian than
who has long awaited His bride and any temporal thing that has distracted
will be taken up in His arms and be your attention from God’s pleasure and
married to Him. the reality of eternity.

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The Ultimate Fence Straddler

(Part Two of Two) words God wants us to have in Eng-
[Editor’s note: The following ma- lish. “Ruckman” taught that upon that
terial is taken from correspondence Book being completed, God Almighty
from PBI graduate Art Barton as part breathed life into it (Heb. 4:12) just
of the requirements for his Master’s as He “inspired” Adam (Gen. 2:7 cf.
of Theology degree. The material Job 32:8)
from Dr. Ruckman is taken from, but “Some, like Mr. Peter Ruckman
not limited to, his works Why I Be- . . . .” “Ruckman” had an earned
lieve the King James Bible is the doctorate from Bob Jones Universi-
Word of God and Bible Babel.] ty, issued by the founder of that in-
We have been examining an un- stitution; that’s “Doctor” to you, bub.
published copyrighted work by a Rev. “. . . have gone so far as to suggest
Jerrold Thomas, a Professor in the that we should correct the Greek and
department of Bible and Christian Hebrew on the basis of the KJV text.”
Ministries at the former Tennessee “Ruckman” didn’t “suggest” any-
Temple University. The work starts thing of the sort. He demonstrated
out by telling you there is no inerrant, to the tune of at least sixty cases (in
infallible Bible which you can read and ten articles) where the Authorized
hold in your hand. It ends by transfer- text did exactly that (see Vols. 1 &
ring the authority of God’s Book into 3 of Twenty-two Years of the Bible
the hands of a bunch of sinners who Believers’ Bulletin). Every English
think they are smart enough to cor- Bible corrects “the Greek” in Mat-
rect what God said. thew 28:1; none of them translate
Now although this excerpt of Pro- the plural word for sabbath (sabba-
fessor Thomas’ is part of a larger ton). What does he mean “suggest”?
work on “Bible Study Hermeneutics,” Page 1 of this “Ruckmanitis” trea-
it actually has nothing to do with tise—“I know this is God’s word be-
how to study or interpret the Bible cause it speaks to me . . . This posi-
(“hermeneutics”). The Rev. Thomas tion has led to the more radical KJV
is fixated on one man: Peter S. Ruck- only groups, some of whom (i.e.,
man. He has “Ruckmanitis.” “Jerry” Peter Ruckman and his followers)
says in his letter to Bro. Barton, “Un- have gone off into downright heresy
fortunately, for reasons touched on by supposing that only their chosen
in the attached material, some advo- Bible translation is inspired and iner-
cates of the KJV as an English text rant.”
have gone on to affirm that the KJV Three lies right in a row. “Ruck-
was directly inspired by God . . . .” man” never taught the KJV is God’s
“Ruckman” never taught the King word because it “speaks to me,” he
James Bible “was directly inspired by never “chose” any “Bible translation”
God” in the sense of being inspired to be “inspired,” and he never said
exactly as the “originals” were. What “only” the KJV was inerrant. “Ruck-
“Ruckman” taught was that the Holy man” has given you, in writing, three
Spirit led the AV translators in their times, his reasons for believing the
choice of words so that the words King James Bible is the word of God:
of the Authorized text are the very Continued on 25

The Ultimate Fence Straddler

Continued from 24 modern versions don’t do that; they
once in 1964 (Bible Babel), again in lead you to believe that every word
1983 (Why I Believe the King James comes from the “originals.”
Bible is the Word of God)—a ser- 6. The dishonesty, pride, and in-
mon preached at least thirty times consistency of the AV’s critics con-
through a 62-year ministry), and vinced “Ruckman” it is the word of
finally in 2011 (“Why I Believe the God. You can tell something about
King James Bible is the Holy Scrip- a man or a book by its enemies as
tures” in Happy Birthday, KJV). Not much as its friends. “Ruckman” may
once did “Ruckman” ever say he be- be a negative critic of the ASV, the
lieved it because it “spoke to him.” RSV, the NIV, the NKJV, and the
1. “Ruckman” gave the fact that, ESV, and the men connected with
in the providence of God, it was pub- translating and promoting those per-
lished before English deism, French versions of the holy words of God;
skepticism, and German rationalism. but isn’t it amazing that after over
The “learned men” that translated it 150 times through that Book (AV
hadn’t been infected with infidelity 1611), he never managed to find one
from Christian education yet. mistake in it. Professor Thomas must
2. It was the only Bible translated be a great deal more critical and
under the authority of a king (Eccl. negative than “Ruckman” to be able
8:4). to profess having found mistakes in
3. It has no copyright. A man’s the greatest Book ever written.
words can be copyrighted; not God’s Rev. “Jerry” tries desperately to
words. find a “middle ground” between “pre-
4. It has the promise of preserva- ferring” the KJV and his fellow faculty
tion (Psa. 12:6–7). Psalm 12:7 has members (Afman, Robinson, et al.)
been changed in the new versions who think he is full of beans. It is this
so that it is no longer a promise that kind of wishy-washy fence straddling
God will preserve His words. that refuses to take a stand (if we are
5. “Ruckman” believes the King to believe some of the graduates of
James Bible is the word of God be- TTU) that eventually led to the de-
cause of the honesty of its trans- mise of Tennessee Temple. Thomas’
lators. Not only were they better “middle ground” ends up being the
equipped, scholastically, than the re- “middle ground” taken by every apos-
visers and translators of the modern tate Fundamentalist who preceded
versions to fulfill the task to which him: “use” the King James, without
they were appointed, but they actu- believing it, because you “prefer” it,
ally believed that they were dealing and reserve to yourself the right to
with the words of God. Whenever change anything in it with which you
they had to add words for clarity that don’t agree. That is the exact posi-
weren’t in the Greek and Hebrew tion of John R. Rice, Gary Hudson,
texts with which they had to work, Bobby “Scumner,” R. L. Hymers Jr.,
they were honest with their readers Bob Jones Jr., Bob Jones III, Stewart
and indicated what they had done Custer, Fred Afman, James Combs,
by putting those words in italics. The Continued on 26

The Ultimate Fence Straddler

Continued from 25 definitive passages for their respec-
et al. Of course, they all might not tive doctrines. But the AV will give
agree to the number or type of chang- Christ the preeminence in both pas-
es to be made, but every one of them sages when the ASV, NASV, RSV,
will correct the Book somewhere, be- NIV, and ESV won’t. Ditto in Mat-
cause that is how to become “recog- thew 1:25, 16:13; Luke 2:33, 23:42,
nized” as a “scholar.” 24:51–52; John 1:18, 3:13, 16,
7. That Book (the AV 1611) dem- 18:36; Acts 4:27, 30, 9:5–6; Colos-
onstrates itself to be the word of God sians 1:14; etc. The mark of a Bible
by its chapter and verse system. You version or translation chosen by the
can see this illustrated over and over Holy Spirit (not “Peter Ruckman and
again throughout scripture in such his followers”) is that it testifies of Je-
passages as Genesis 5 and Acts 5 sus Christ, not deny Him or dishonor
and Romans 5, Genesis 13 and Rev- Him (John 15:26).
elation 13, Genesis 10 and Acts 10 “Ruckman” didn’t believe that
and Romans 10, etc. But nowhere Book because it “spoke to him”; that
is it more pronounced than in the is the Neo-orthodox position taken
book of Isaiah. There are 66 chap- by apostates like Jerrold Thomas
ters, matching the 66 books of your who “prefer” it rather than believe it.
King James Bible. There is a division Page 3 of this mess: “Dr. Peter
in style (so much so that the higher Ruckman claims” “the KJV is the in-
critics invented a “deutero-Isaiah” for errant representation of the Original
chap. 40–66) between chapters 39 Manuscripts.” He does?! Would the
and 40 like there is between the 39th Reverend Professor care to docu-
book in your Bible (Malachi) and the ment that statement with “chapter
40th book (Matthew). John the Baptist and verse” from any of Ruckman’s
shows up in Isaiah 40 (vs. 3) just as 120-plus works? Surely with that
he does in book 40 (Matt. 3:3). Chap- much material in print, “Jerry” can find
ter 66 matches book 66 (Revelation) where “Ruckman” actually said that.
with “new heavens” and a “new No? Of course not. “Ruckman”
earth” (Isa. 66:22 cf. Rev. 21:1). is not daft enough to claim to know
8. And finally, “Ruckman” believed what “the Original MSS” said when
the King James Bible to be the word he doesn’t have them and can’t find
of God and the holy scriptures be- them or read them because they
cause it is the only version on the don’t exist. As the Professor very
market that consistently gives the well knows, “the original manuscripts
preeminence to Jesus Christ (Col. . . . HAVE ALL PERISHED.” What
1:18). Old “Jerry” tries to dismiss “Ruckman” claims is to have the
the fact that the modern translations words of God in his own language,
(and the Greek texts from which they the words which God wants him to
come) attack the doctrine of the Trin- have, and that those words are with-
ity in 1 John 5:7 and the doctrine of out proven error.
the Incarnation in 1 Timothy 3:16 “Jerry” runs on ten pages (twelve
by saying neither verse is a “central if you count the letter to Bro. Bar-
proof text.” That’s a lie; they are the Continued on 27

The Ultimate Fence Straddler was two years old. That, in all like-
Continued from 26
ton) without ever giving you a ref- lihood, was an unsaved man who
erence where the King James has had more spiritual discernment than
a mistake. Surely a Professor of a saved professor at a Fundamental
Bible could discuss the mistakes university.
in a Bible if he thought it contained Then for good measure, in the
errors. If you don’t believe it, check November 1989 Bulletin (“Hym-
out Satan’s Masterpiece, the New ers’ Fraud and the Baptist Bible
ASV, where Ruckman will give you Tribune”), you were given a citation
77 pages on what’s wrong with that from Theodore Letis where “Wood-
“Bible.” Ditto the 56 pages in About bridge and Balmer admit ‘it is true
the New King James Version, the 33 that in the 17th century a good num-
pages in About the New Scofield Bi- ber of Christians esteemed that the
ble, and the 41 pages in The NIV: An Bibles they held in their hands were
In-Depth” Documentation of Aposta- infallible . . . .’ Whitaker used the
sy. If “Ruckman” ever tells you there word ‘originals’ interchangeable for
are errors in a Bible, you might as both the autographs as well as his
well sit down and get comfortable, present copies.” And then, to rein-
because he is going to be a while; force that last observation with a def-
he won’t stop at any less than fifty inite example, John Bunyan (1680)
(and it will usually be more). “Jerry” was quoted as saying he believed
is trying to “buffalo” his ministerial his English Bible to be a true copy of
students; he’s just “blowing smoke.” the original.
Here’s an old “chestnut” Jerrold Evidently, Mr. Jerrold Thomas
Thomas drags out of Bobby Hym- is not too well read. The typical re-
ers’ bag of tricks: “Nobody until Peter sponse of Alexandrian apostates like
Ruckman who had any acquaintance Thomas is go to Christian men who
with the text of Scripture held Dr. expressed belief in the King James
Ruckman’s position; he is the first.” Bible and appeal to the Adamic na-
The Professor is taking a page out of ture in all believers that seeks to ex-
Adolf Hitler’s playbook: repeat a lie alt its authority over the authority of
long enough and loud enough, and God’s word: men like W. B. Riley and
people will come to believe it. This David Otis Fuller “did not hold Dr.
was dealt with way back in May 1989 Ruckman’s position.”
in the Bulletin. A quote was given “Ruckmanism in 1919,” Bible Be-
to Bro. Thomas from William Lyons liever’s Bulletin, May 2012: “Back in
Phelps, Professor of English Litera- 1920, W. B. Riley believed the King
ture at Yale University, 1923: “Our James Bible was ‘parachuted’ down
English translation is even better from Heaven by God.” (I add that it
than the original Hebrew and Greek. was typed on a German typewriter.)
I have no theory to account for the You can find that in George Dollar’s
so-called inspiration of the Bible. But work The History of Fundamental-
I am confident that the Authorized ism. You reckon Jerrold Thomas
Version was inspired.” That state- agrees with W. B. Riley on that one?
ment was made when “Ruckman” Continued on 28

The Ultimate Fence Straddler

Continued from 27 than the differences that may divide
And it might surprise the Rev. us. I recently told someone criticiz-
Jerrold Thomas to learn what David ing ‘Ruckmanism’ that they can rest
Otis Fuller actually believed about assured of one thing, Peter Ruck-
the King James Bible and “Ruck- man WILL NOT ROB SOMEONE OF
man.” From a letter to “Ruckman,” THEIR BIBLE.”
December 3, 1967 (cited in The Jerrold Thomas will. He will steal
Last Grenade, 1990, pg. 79): “I be- the only thing that “unites us” and re-
lieve THERE ARE NO MISTAKES place it with himself. How’s that for a
OR ERRORS IN THE KJV.” Is that church splitter?
clear? Does that match “Jerry’s” “IN- “Peter Ruckman’s view . . . squeez-
TRODUCTORY PREMISE” (see part es out true evangelism.” Ah, blow it
1 of this article)? Of course not. The out your nose, fella! If you want to
Professor is too lazy to find out what know how much “true evangelism” for
Fuller actually believed. which “Ruckman” was responsible,
Fuller continuing: “God bless just get any report of his summer
you, Peter. Keep up the ‘good fight prison “junkets,” in which hundreds of
of faith.’” Ah! So David Otis Fuller grown men, women, and teenagers—
wasn’t quite at odds with “Ruck- some of whom had committed three
man” as Jerrold Thomas would have felonies before they were thirteen
you believe. These fellows are so years old—got saved by the preach-
crooked that if they fell into a barrel ing of the old black Book by a man
of fish hooks, they’d never get stuck. who believed it from cover to cover,
Back to page 4 of Thomas’ work: including the cover (“Holy Bible”).
“Peter Ruckman’s view fosters a Hundreds (literally!) came to faith in
critical, argumentative spirit which Christ without ever having their faith
splits churches . . . .” No, what splits in the Book shaken one time.
churches are preachers who, while “One of the problems which has
in Bible school, have been talked out led to positions like that of Dr. Ruck-
of their faith in the Book that saved man has been the lack of alternatives
them and got them in the ministry, available.” Nuts! Pecan nuts, cashew
who in turn talk their congregations nuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts!
out of their faith in the Book. Any- What led to the “positions like that of
one who still stands on the Book is Dr. Ruckman” was the abandonment
considered a “church splitter,” but it of the Reformation text in English
is the “scholarship-only” cultists who (AV 1611) for the Dark-Age Roman
introduced multiple authorities and Catholic text of the Jesuits (RV, ASV,
split their congregations down the RSV, NASV, NIV, ESV, etc.). With the
middle. NKJV, it was the correction of your
Here is a quote from a pastor in King James Bible with Syrian Greek
Grayling, Michigan (cited in The instead of Egyptian Greek; the Alex-
Last Grenade, pp. 116–167): “Dear andrians simply switched the authori-
Dr. Ruckman, Praise God for your ty they substituted for the King James
stand on the old KJV! The Bible Bible.
which UNITES US . . . is greater Continued on 29

The Ultimate Fence Straddler

Continued from 28 if “Ruckman” never taught them such
There are only two “alternatives”; heretical radicalism, who did? In the
there is no “middle ground.” You will end, you only have two choices: God
either accept the Book as the final or the devil. Only R. L. Hymers was
authority, or you won’t. If you choose brave enough to say the devil does it.
the latter, ultimately man becomes That is, if these radical heretics were
the authority. You will change the led by the Holy Spirit, they would re-
Book based on your opinions or the alize no Bible is infallible. There are
opinions of others—humanism, pure “radical heretics,” and then there are
and simple. “Ruckman’s position” is radical heretics.
to take the authority away from man Now we will leave things right
(any man, including “Ruckman”) and there. In the end, Rev. Jerrold Thom-
put it back where it belongs: in God’s as has no authority higher than his
Book. own “noodle.” “Ruckman” may be
“Jerry’s” problem is the same as a critical, divisive, negative, argu-
his fellow “professors”: he equates mentative, radical, heretical “church
“Ruckman” with the Book, or at splitter”; but there is one thing “Ruck-
least with belief in the Book. Under man” has never professed to be. He
“Objections to the KJV,” he gives: has never professed to be smart
“The KJV is the choice of heretical enough to correct that Book. As far
radicals like Peter Ruckman.” That’s as he is concerned, “let God be
someone who is scared out of his true, but EVERY MAN a liar” (Rom.
wits by a red-neck mullet fisherman 3:4); especially a “good, godly, dedi-
and hockey player from Pensacola, cated” man. “Ruckman’s authority is
Florida. There are literally hundreds the words in a Book—the scriptures
of people who believed that Book be- in English.
fore they ever heard of “Ruckman.” P.S. “ALL SCRIPTURE is given
Are they all “radical heretics”? Well, by inspiration of God.”

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America’s Mental Decay

By Robert Militello America has been under the
“Thou wilt keep him in perfect preaching of “the gospel of the
peace, whose mind is stayed on grace of God” (Acts 20:24) since
thee: because he trusteth in thee” long before it declared indepen-
(Isa. 26:3). dence in 1776. Churches here num-
A 1992 study by the National In- ber more than all the rice paddies
stitute of Mental Health found that in Asia. No nation on this earth in
Jews suffer from certain mental ill- the last 2,000 years has heard the
nesses at higher rates than others. call to get right with God more than
These illnesses included major de- these United States. There are con-
pression, dysthymia, schizophre- sequences to ignoring that call, just
nia, and simple phobia. Jews have as there are consequences for a be-
pioneered the fields of psychology liever who walks after the flesh and
and psychiatry. Peace of mind and not the Spirit.
fellowship with the one, true God “For to be carnally minded is
cannot be purchased by the riches death; but to be spiritually minded
of men. There is a peace only God is life and PEACE” (Rom. 8:6).
can give. A mind at rest and at peace with
“And the peace of God, which God is a rare thing today. Ignoring
passeth all understanding, shall the One who created you and is
keep your hearts and MINDS seeking fellowship with you, leads
through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7). ultimately to a depression of mind
Why did I bring up this point about and soul that is making the pharma-
Jews and mental disorders? The Jew ceutical companies rich.
was to play the key role in God’s plan “Now consider this, ye that for-
to restore fellowship with the human get God, lest I tear you in pieces,
race. Israel was made a priestly na- and there be none to deliver” (Psa.
tion unto God. They fell from their 50:22).
spiritually exalted status, and they Our society is being torn to pieces
fell hard. There is something in their right before our eyes. TV news at
DNA that goes back to their forefa- night amply confirms this.
thers and binds them to God in a A few years after I retired from
most unique way. Jesus, as a Jew, New York City government, I re-
was connected to Almighty God like ceived a notice that my retiree’s
no other man who walked this earth. health coverage was expanded to
“For in him dwelleth all the ful- include a wide array of psychotro-
ness of the Godhead bodily” (Col. pic drugs. My first thought was that
2:9). it took New York City quite a while
Jews were made to be connected to acknowledge that many active
to their God like freight cars to a die- and retired employees were “nut
sel locomotive. Fellowship brings jobs” who needed to be medicated.
peace, and a mind and heart discon- Believe me, the stress of the “Big
nected from the God of peace is a Apple” and the subway commute
field where only weeds will grow and can push many normal people over
mental disorder follows. Continued on 32

America’s Mental Decay

Continued from 31 children sense a rapidly diminishing
the edge. Although I was thought influence of the word of God in our
of by many as a “religious nut,” my land and a growing spirit of compro-
sanity was never doubted due to the mise among God’s elect. Soon, the
quality and consistency of my work. body of Christ must be removed.
Getting things done in a timely and “When I was daily with you in
professional manner turns critics the temple, ye stretched forth no
into admirers, albeit grudgingly. For hands against me: but THIS IS
those who were “burned out” by liv- YOUR HOUR, and the power of
ing and working in New York City, the darkness” (Luke 22:53).
chemists working feverishly on new Thanks to smart phones, comput-
compounds offered hope. Psychoac- ers, tablets, and every device that
tive drugs were marketed as a great connects our society with what is
new blessing for those who seemed called social media, we have become
to have lost their way in life. Anything a nation of narcissistic children. I
but Jesus, that is what this world will like the Mayo Clinic’s definition of
ceaselessly promote. Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It
Psychotropic drugs change brain says this is a MENTAL DISORDER
function and lead to alterations in in which people have an inflated
perception, mood, consciousness, sense of their own importance and a
and behavior. Anti-anxiety and anti- deep need for admiration and a lack
depressant pills are now the big of empathy for others. It goes on to
moneymakers for the drug manu- state that behind this mask of ultra-
facturers. Valium, Xanax, Librium, confidence lies a fragile self-esteem
Klonopin, Prozac, Zoloft, etc., are that is markedly vulnerable to the
the big sellers for a growing popu- slightest criticism.
lation of bipolar, hyper-anxious, ab- You are living in the Laodicean
normally depressed, and borderline church age and the spirit of “me”
neurotics who largely believe that has infected Christians dramatically.
taking God’s word literally is a form The more you hear Christians ask-
of mental illness. If you don’t believe ing other Christians, “What do you
that our God plays with the minds think?”, you know immediately that
of those who hold His word in con- the word of God is not being stud-
tempt, you know little to nothing of ied—very sad! Who cares what
the spiritual world enveloping the you think or what President Trump
material creation. thinks, or what any fool on TV or in
The powers of darkness affect- Hollywood thinks? What does the
ing American social life and people’s scripture say about this or that mat-
minds are much more active now ter? That’s what counts. Men’s opin-
than ever before. These powers ions and judgments are polluted by
were dramatically energized when sin and self love. They stink worse
our Supreme Court redefined God’s than an open trash container in the
law on marriage. Sodomites and sex back of a Chinese restaurant.
perverts rejoiced. They were signifi- Man doesn’t have any solution
cantly emboldened. All the devil’s Continued on 33

America’s Mental Decay

Continued from 32 to many evils besides road rage, is
to the anxiety epidemic that engulfs becoming more and more noticeable
our society. The Mayo Clinic offers across our nation. I believe cable
this advice for counselors: “If you TV and now social media have con-
recognize aspects of narcissistic tributed enormously to the growing
personality disorder, with feelings stress people experience daily.
of attendant sadness, recommend a Life being lived in the fast lane
mental health provider. Getting the is too much for most people to deal
right treatment can help make the with. Peace of heart and mind has
client’s life more rewarding and en- become so elusive. God’s word
joyable.” won’t help if the Book He left us re-
There it is, anything but Jesus. mains closed and His preachers ig-
Megachurch pastors specialize in nored. There’s a fearful price to pay
positive messages that make their for stopping your ears to the Holy
congregants feel better. These men Spirit. Lightning often causes fire,
are not ministers of the gospel. As and America is a spiritually dry and
narcissism spreads, their “church- parched land right now. So what can
es” will grow. Your Best Life Now by our leaders look forward to?
Joel Osteen, a Houston televange- “And the LORD said, My spirit
list, helped multiple thousands allay shall not always strive with man”
fears that their covetousness was an (Gen. 6:3). Thank God, my Saviour
impediment to realizing the peace is longsuffering. The fact that Ameri-
that “passeth all understanding” ca still stands is evidence of that at-
(Phil. 4:7). The devil uses “Pastor tribute. Nevertheless in Psalm 103:9,
Joel” to pour cold water upon any the Bible says, “He will not always
hint of conviction a Christian may chide: NEITHER WILL HE KEEP
experience in his soul. It’s all about HIS ANGER FOREVER.”
feeling good about yourself, right? The percentage of Christians who
After all, doesn’t God want me to be actually believe the AV 1611 is God’s
happy? pure word has shrunk dramatically
Dr. Ruckman often said that light since “Christian” TV came on the
rejected becomes lightning. Well, scene in the early seventies. King
the evidence for this being so is all James pastors and teachers are few
around us. When I left Brooklyn for and far between, even among the
Florida in 2000, road rage was a millions who claim to be Baptists.
growing problem. Drivers with short With the church losing its saltiness,
fuses were breaking under the stress America lost its fear of God. Sin,
of getting to or from some place in judgment, and hell became words
the shortest amount of time. Now, to be avoided. With pulpits filled
with the Holy Spirit allowing more by men who were afraid to offend
and more demonic spirits to play on anyone, the peace that passeth all
the minds of countless thousands understanding was unknown to mil-
of motorists, road rage is a national lions professing faith in Jesus Christ.
nightmare. The frenetic pace of life Christianity that wishes to appear re-
in New York City, which gives rise Continued on 34

America’s Mental Decay

Continued from 33 when you reject the effort of a soul-
spectable in a society becoming in- winner exhorting you to be recon-
creasingly more degenerate has no ciled with God. There is no place
real peace to offer anyone—young, in America where you can escape
old, or in between. gospel broadcasting on TV or radio.
“There is no peace, saith the Roadside billboards, tracts left in re-
LORD, unto the wicked” (Isa. strooms, family members, friends,
48:22). and coworkers not afraid to witness
On the contrary, there is a reap- show the passion of the Holy Spirit in
ing of stress, anxiety, narcissism, striving with lost sinners. How does
and mental derangement appear- one run away from all this and yet,
ing more and more frequently in our with determination, seek for peace of
fast-growing population of pill-happy mind?
neurotics. Psychotropic drugs are The practice of psychiatry has ex-
a mainstay in prison infirmaries. ploded in the last forty years. “I have
Ask any correction officer in a state an appointment with my therapist” is
prison. Years ago, Pastor Lester commonly heard among prominent
Roloff characterized America as an people, celebrities, and those who
insane asylum run by the inmates. don’t mind revealing the secrets of
He should see this place now. Thank the heart to an overeducated quack
God, he can’t. rather than opening the scriptures
Back in the seventies, some of my and crying out to God for help. Amer-
coworkers were regular users of Va- ica is like a dog track where speedy
lium. Also, many smoked pot when greyhounds race after a mechani-
the opportunity afforded itself. I won- cal rabbit (peace of mind), but never
dered how someone could drink two catch it. Life without Jesus Christ
or three cups of coffee when arriving ends in hell; exhausted dogs eventu-
at the office and later smoke weed to ally lay down and die—who is better
relax. Often, I would hear someone off?
say, “I’m stressed.” This served as a “And he said unto them, Take
justification for poisoning one’s brain heed and beware of covetousness:
by inhaling a burning weed. Ironical- for a man’s life consisteth NOT in
ly, many who behaved this way were the abundance of the things which
gym members fixated on “staying in he possesseth” (Luke 12:15).
shape.” It is not hard to detect the There is a covetousness in the
plague of irrationality that affects our natural man that, even with the
minds due to the effects of sin and new birth, is hard to contain. Put-
the ongoing rejection of Holy Spirit ting televisions in living rooms and
conviction. bedrooms across America did for
Life in America in 2018 is becom- the desire to possess what gasoline
ing increasingly torturous for those does for a fire. Images on a screen,
who are lost and without hope. “The first on small black and white tubes,
way of transgressors is hard,” but now on giant, color flat screens
saith the scripture (Prov. 13:15), but presented to our eyes things that we
oh, how much harder it becomes Continued on 35

America’s Mental Decay

Continued from 34 patients brought their fears to Jesus.
ought to purchase in order to make Have you ever heard of a “Christian”
our lives more enjoyable. Like chil- psychiatrist? Is there a “rap” music
dren in a candy shop, we get excited station in China?
over sweets, and the desire to pos- Living in America in 2018 is far dif-
sess more of life’s dainties inflames ferent from what it was in the fifties
our souls. Jesus did not overstate and sixties. Two of the fastest grow-
the threat to the health of one’s soul ing manifestations of mental degen-
when He said, “beware of covet- eracy, transgenderism and pedophil-
ousness.” Paul grasped the gravity ia, were hardly known. If they existed
of the Lord’s admonition in Philippi- (and most likely they did), they were
ans 4:11. well buried in the darkest corners of
“Not that I speak in respect of family and community life. Did you
want: for I have learned, in what- know that after World War II the FBI
soever state I am, THEREWITH TO produced short educational films on
BE CONTENT.” the dangers posed by homosexuals?
Imagine the pastors of these pros- What everyone of them understood
perous megachurches preaching to be perversion has now achieved
this stuff. What about 1 Timothy 6:8? social acceptability. How did this
“And having food and raiment happen?
let us be therewith content.” The accepted yardstick for deter-
There are places in the New Tes- mining what is sinful and what is not
tament where the man in the pulpit, was God’s word, EVEN FOR THE
with few exceptions, would have to LOST. That is certainly not the case
ignore if he wants to “succeed in the today. Hollywood, academia, sci-
ministry.” Laodicean Christians have ence so-called, and the mass media
no room on their menus for spiritual waged unrelenting war against God’s
food that is not loaded with fructose moral compass. Elected officials
and other sugars. fearing for their jobs started to sign
“Acquaint now thyself with him, on to the satanic dictum that what is
and be at peace: thereby good good and what is evil is in the eye of
shall come unto thee” (Job 22:21). the beholder. The church of God, us-
As our society drifts further and ing corrupt “Bibles,” could not stem
further away from the knowledge of the assault of immorality. Termite
God, it will rely more and more upon damage takes a while to show up.
education, science, and to some de- Now, it is everywhere in evidence.
gree, religion (not the new birth) to Big cities are hothouses for the
allay the growing anxiety and fear spread of psychotics, but suburbs
God puts into the hearts of those have caught up. Thanks to internet
who scorn His Son. Lost people, access, even rural communities are
though loathe to admit it, are often hatching their share of screwballs.
disturbed with thoughts of judgment. God help Christians who have chil-
Anxiety does not appear out of thin dren that will soon have to deal with
air. Psychiatrists would not be able to this world. These children will face
fill up their appointment calendars if Continued on 36

America’s Mental Decay

Continued from 35 The conscience obviously can be
challenges and experience situa- seared in youth. Teaching middle
tions that my parents did not have to school in Pensacola some years
give much thought to. back helped me to realize just how
“This know also, that in the last open the minds of even pre-teens
days perilous times shall come” (2 are to suggestions of evil. The word
Tim. 3:1). “seared” appears only one time in
Well, they are here. For children the King James Bible—1 Timothy
around the world, these days pose 4:2. There, it is connected to the con-
threats to their safety and well-being science. Our God-given conscience,
that ought to cause their parents or which animals do not have (so much
guardians to cry out to God and to be for the theory of evolution), can be
ever so vigilant. burned away very easily when the
Only God knows what is going on will yields to evil. Mental aberrations
in houses across our nation where do not take root overnight. A turn-
souls with unstable and morally ing away from the law written on our
bankrupt minds sit in front of screens hearts by God rots the mind like can-
that display filth and perversion con- cer in the bones. There is too much
tinually. Imaginations get stimulated, idle time in the lives of most of our
and the minds of these sick souls population. “The devil’s workshop”
become more and more diseased. (idle time) is a very busy place these
We are harvesting a bumper crop days.
of mentally damaged people ruled “And I gave my heart to know
by base instincts that will only get wisdom, and to know madness
worse. Right now, society’s only de- and folly: I perceived that this also
fense is incarceration and psycho- is vexation of spirit” (Eccl. 1:17).
tropic drugs. That’s what happens Why did Solomon want to know
to a nation that has light and puts it madness? Curiosity is often a great
out. Singing “God Bless America” is danger. Eve brought down the whole
becoming a chore for those who see human race because she wanted to
things from God’s point of view—His know good and evil.
word. “This is an evil among all things
Mental dysfunction can appear that are done under the sun, that
at an early age. Sometime ago, I there is one event unto all: yea,
watched a report of a boy taken into also the heart of the sons of men
juvenile custody for torturing pet ani- is full of evil, and MADNESS IS
mals. There is more of this going on IN THEIR HEARTS WHILE THEY
than you would imagine. When the LIVE” (Eccl. 9:3). Nine times (fruit-
boy was questioned as to why he bearing number) the word “mad-
thought to do such things, he replied, ness” appears in God’s word, five
“I was bored.” God puts a conscience times in Ecclesiastes. Sin is mad-
in our minds to help regulate our be- ness, and the fruit of sin is death. All
havior as we grow. Where was this men are born spiritually deranged.
boy’s conscience? Surely, he knew Nicodemus had trouble with that.
what he was doing was evil. Continued on 37

America’s Mental Decay

Continued from 36 ten law like a Jew, I had it written on
Jeremiah wrote that the heart is not my heart, and I broke it every time
just wicked, but “desperately wick- I felt like it. In case you didn’t know
ed: who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9). it, the pleasures of sin swiftly silence
Madness was one of the curses put the voice of conscience.
on those Jews who disobeyed the “For God hath not given us the
law; see Deuteronomy 28:28. Dr. spirit of fear; but of power, and of
Ruckman called that chapter the love, and OF A SOUND MIND” (2
most terrible chapter in the Bible. Tim. 1:7).
The curse of the law was upon me God’s Holy Spirit enables us to act
before Jesus saved me. Although I’m rationally and wisely. We now have
a Gentile and did not have the writ- Continued on 38

1. There is no final authority but God.
2. Since God is a Spirit, there is no final authority that can be seen, heard, read,
felt, or handled.
3. Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth that is the final
and absolute authority on what is right and what is wrong, what constitutes truth and
what constitutes error.
4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been put into a
BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD HAVE constituted an infal-
lible and final authority by which to judge truth and error.
5. However, this series of writings was lost, and the God who inspired them was
unable to preserve their content through Bible-believing Christians at Antioch
(Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts 13:1), and where the first missionary
trip originated (Acts 13:1-52), and where the word “Christian” originated (Acts 11:26).
6. So God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and philosophers
from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called His Son OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2),
Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis 49), Israel OUT of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph’s
bones OUT of Egypt (Exodus 13).
7. So there are two streams of Bibles. The most accurate—though, of course, there
is no final, absolute authority for determining truth and error; it is a matter of “pref-
erence”—are the Egyptian translations from Alexandria, Egypt, which are “almost the
originals,” although not quite.
8. The most inaccurate translations were those that brought about the German
Reformation (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, et al.) and the worldwide
missionary movement of the English-speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey,
Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Wesley, and Chapman used.
9. But we can “tolerate” these if those who believe in them will “tolerate” US. After
all, since there is NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY that anyone can read,
teach, preach, or handle, the whole thing is a matter of “PREFERENCE.” You may
prefer what you prefer, and we will prefer what we prefer. Let us live in peace, and if we
cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one thing: THERE IS NO

This is the Creed of the Alexandrian Cult.


America’s Mental Decay

Continued from 37 sue your parents in court. The in-
access to the peace that “passeth ternet, more than any other inven-
all understanding” (Phil. 4:7). If we tion, has brought upon us the days
do not regularly feed on God’s word, of Noah. In those days before ca-
that peace will continue to elude us. tastrophe struck, God said of man,
The new birth may not completely “and that every imagination of the
cancel the potential for madness thoughts of his heart was only evil
which we all have. continually” (Gen. 6:5). The next
Paul said that in him “dwelleth verse tells us that our Creator was
no good thing” (Rom. 7:18). Sin sorry He made man.
is present with us until death or the In our lifetime, we have seen the
rapture. If we yield to it and allow potential for evil and mayhem grow
it to reign over our mortal bodies, wildly, even overwhelming law en-
could not God allow our madness forcement agencies and threatening
to bring us to a very sad end? Yes, national governments. The restrain-
He can, and I have seen it happen ing hand on evil, a work of the Holy
to saved people. Some that I have Spirit, is being relaxed more and
known were driven to suicide by more each year. A nation with nucle-
madness. ar weapons and led by a borderline
Can the devil get your mind after psychotic can throw the entire globe
you are saved? Obviously he can. into a panic. Fear and anxiety can
Psychotropic drugs, psychiatric help, cause even rational minds to leave
and twelve-step programs won’t help the path of common sense. How
a believer who will not abandon a much longer will the Lord refrain
filthy lifestyle. Paul told the Corinthi- from afflicting the nations with mad-
ans that he would turn “such a one ness?
over to Satan for the destruction Only a Christian can have hope
of the flesh” (see 1 Cor. 5:5). Sadly, in a world such as this. Ours is the
for many Laodicean believers, the Blessed Hope of Titus 2:13. When
madness of sin will only end with our Lord left this world, He promised
death. If you are a King James Bible His disciples He would not leave us
believer, wonderful, but there is no comfortless. As we see things spin-
special immunity given you if you are ning out of control in 2018 and the
slow to practice holiness. How can years following, if we are still here,
our society not pay dearly for all the Titus 2:13 will be constantly on the
light God has generously poured out minds of God’s people everywhere.
on our nation? We should live in a state of expec-
In just 25 years, the internet has tancy. This will cultivate a spirit of
connected billions of souls around holiness and keep up from losing the
the world like nothing before it. Sick- fear of God. We need that!
minded souls with runaway thought “And that, knowing the time,
lives now have all kinds of perverse that now it is high time to awake
images available to them on their out of sleep: for NOW IS OUR SAL-
screens. The internet has sites that VATION NEARER THAN WHEN WE
can teach you to make bombs and BELIEVED” (Rom. 13:11).

RADIO LOG TV & Satellite

Huntsville-Decatur Andalusia–Ch. 63 10:00 AM Sun.
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   Correctional Facility Times Vary
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Theo. Seminar of the Air 9:30-10:00 A.M. Sun.


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