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Design Phrase 1

Team: Andrzej Krzyśków, Szymon Maksymowicz, Zuzanna Słapek

Must Have
1. As a customer, I want to have a personalized shopping experience, so I can easily buy
2. As a store manager, I must be able to add, edit, and delete products so that the store
inventory is always up to date.
3. As a customer, I need to be able to search for products by name or category so that I
can easily find what I'm looking for.
4. As a customer, I must be able to securely checkout and make payments so that I can
complete my purchase confidently.
5. As a customer, I need to see high-quality images and videos of the game components
and gameplay so that I can get a good sense of what the game is like.
6. As a customer, I must be able to register for restock noRficaRons for out-of-stock
games so that I can purchase them when they become available.

Should Have
1. As a customer, I should receive email confirmaRon aSer placing an order so that I can
have a record of my purchase.
2. As a store manager, I should be able to set up promoRons and discounts for products
to encourage sales.
3. As a customer, I should be able to view product reviews and raRngs to make
informed purchasing decisions.
4. As a customer, I should be able to filter products by price, raRng, and popularity to
find what I need quickly.
5. As a customer, I should have access to game manuals and playthrough guides to help
me understand game mechanics before purchasing.
6. As a customer, I should be able to compare different board games directly on the
website to help with my purchasing decision.

Could Have
1. As a customer, I could have the opRon to save my favorite products in a wishlist for
future reference.
2. As a store manager, I could use analyRcs tools within the plaUorm to understand
sales trends and customer behavior.
3. As a customer, I could have the opRon to buy pre-owned games at a discounted
price, providing a more affordable opRon.
4. As a customer, I could receive personalized product recommendaRons based on my
browsing and purchase history.
5. As a customer, I could receive noRficaRons about local gaming events or
tournaments sponsored by the store to engage with the community offline.

Would Like to Have

1. As a customer, I would like to have a subscripRon box service that sends me a new
board game every month based on my preferences.
2. As a store manager, I would like to integrate social media plaUorms to enhance
product visibility and engagement.
3. As a customer, I would like to see a feature that suggests games based on my play
history and rated preferences.

Backend (.NET):
The .NET framework is a versaRle and robust plaUorm for developing scalable and high-
performance applicaRons. With its extensive class library and support for mulRple
programming languages, .NET provides a solid foundaRon for backend development. Its
modular architecture facilitates easy integraRon with various components, ensuring
flexibility and maintainability. AddiRonally, .NET offers strong security features and seamless
compaRbility with other MicrosoS technologies, making it an excellent choice for building
reliable and secure backend systems.

Frontend (Bootstrap):
Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that simplifies the process of designing
responsive and visually appealing user interfaces. Its grid system, pre-designed components,
and CSS styling make it easy to create a consistent and professional-looking frontend.
Bootstrap's mobile-first approach ensures that your applicaRon will be accessible and user-
friendly across different devices. Furthermore, it offers a wide range of customizaRon
opRons, allowing your team to tailor the frontend to meet specific design requirements
while maintaining a responsive and modern user interface.

Database (MicrosoC SQL Server):

URlizing the database provided with ASP.NET framework ensures seamless integraRon with
the backend, promoRng efficient data management and retrieval. ASP.NET offers support for
various database systems, including MicrosoS SQL Server, making it adaptable to different
project requirements. Leveraging the built-in features of ASP.NET for database connecRvity
simplifies development tasks and enhances overall system performance. AddiRonally,
ASP.NET's EnRty Framework provides an object-relaRonal mapping (ORM) system,
streamlining database interacRons and reducing development Rme.

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