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Applied Stochastic Differential

Equations 1st Edition Simo Särkkä And

Arno Solin
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c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

Applied Stochastic Differential Equations

Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin

Applied Stochastic Differential Equations has been

published by Cambridge University Press, in the
IMS Textbooks series. It can be purchased directly
from Cambridge University Press.

Please cite this book as:

Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin (2019). Applied

Stochastic Differential Equations. Cambridge
University Press.

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Friday 3rd May, 2019
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
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c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.


Preface ix

1 Introduction 1

2 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations 4

2.1 What Is an Ordinary Differential Equation? 4
2.2 Solutions of Linear Time-Invariant Differential Equations 6
2.3 Solutions of General Linear Differential Equations 10
2.4 Fourier Transforms 11
2.5 Laplace Transforms 13
2.6 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations 16
2.7 Picard–Lindelöf Theorem 19
2.8 Exercises 20

3 Pragmatic Introduction to Stochastic Differential Equations 23

3.1 Stochastic Processes in Physics, Engineering, and Other Fields 23
3.2 Differential Equations with Driving White Noise 33
3.3 Heuristic Solutions of Linear SDEs 36
3.4 Heuristic Solutions of Nonlinear SDEs 39
3.5 The Problem of Solution Existence and Uniqueness 40
3.6 Exercises 40

4 Itô Calculus and Stochastic Differential Equations 42

4.1 The Stochastic Integral of Itô 42
4.2 Itô Formula 46
4.3 Explicit Solutions to Linear SDEs 49
4.4 Finding Solutions to Nonlinear SDEs 52
4.5 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions 54
4.6 Stratonovich Calculus 55
4.7 Exercises 56

c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

vi Contents

5 Probability Distributions and Statistics of SDEs 59

5.1 Martingale Properties and Generators of SDEs 59
5.2 Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov Equation 61
5.3 Operator Formulation of the FPK Equation 65
5.4 Markov Properties and Transition Densities of SDEs 67
5.5 Means and Covariances of SDEs 69
5.6 Higher-Order Moments of SDEs 72
5.7 Exercises 73

6 Statistics of Linear Stochastic Differential Equations 77

6.1 Means, Covariances, and Transition Densities of Linear SDEs 77
6.2 Linear Time-Invariant SDEs 80
6.3 Matrix Fraction Decomposition 83
6.4 Covariance Functions of Linear SDEs 87
6.5 Steady-State Solutions of Linear SDEs 90
6.6 Fourier Analysis of LTI SDEs 92
6.7 Exercises 96

7 Useful Theorems and Formulas for SDEs 98

7.1 Lamperti Transform 98
7.2 Constructions of Brownian Motion and the Wiener Measure 100
7.3 Girsanov Theorem 104
7.4 Some Intuition on the Girsanov Theorem 111
7.5 Doob’s h-Transform 113
7.6 Path Integrals 116
7.7 Feynman–Kac Formula 118
7.8 Exercises 124

8 Numerical Simulation of SDEs 126

8.1 Taylor Series of ODEs 126
8.2 Itô–Taylor Series–Based Strong Approximations of SDEs 129
8.3 Weak Approximations of Itô–Taylor Series 137
8.4 Ordinary Runge–Kutta Methods 140
8.5 Strong Stochastic Runge–Kutta Methods 144
8.6 Weak Stochastic Runge–Kutta Methods 151
8.7 Stochastic Verlet Algorithm 155
8.8 Exact Algorithm 157
8.9 Exercises 161

9 Approximation of Nonlinear SDEs 165

9.1 Gaussian Assumed Density Approximations 165
9.2 Linearized Discretizations 174
9.3 Local Linearization Methods of Ozaki and Shoji 175
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
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Contents vii

9.4 Taylor Series Expansions of Moment Equations 179

9.5 Hermite Expansions of Transition Densities 183
9.6 Discretization of FPK 185
9.7 Simulated Likelihood Methods 192
9.8 Pathwise Series Expansions and the Wong–Zakai Theorem 193
9.9 Exercises 196

10 Filtering and Smoothing Theory 197

10.1 Statistical Inference on SDEs 198
10.2 Batch Trajectory Estimates 203
10.3 Kushner–Stratonovich and Zakai Equations 206
10.4 Linear and Extended Kalman–Bucy Filtering 208
10.5 Continuous-Discrete Bayesian Filtering Equations 211
10.6 Kalman Filtering 216
10.7 Approximate Continuous-Discrete Filtering 219
10.8 Smoothing in Continuous-Discrete and Continuous Time 223
10.9 Approximate Smoothing Algorithms 228
10.10 Exercises 231

11 Parameter Estimation in SDE Models 234

11.1 Overview of Parameter Estimation Methods 234
11.2 Computational Methods for Parameter Estimation 236
11.3 Parameter Estimation in Linear SDE Models 239
11.4 Approximated-Likelihood Methods 243
11.5 Likelihood Methods for Indirectly Observed SDEs 246
11.6 Expectation–Maximization, Variational Bayes, and Other
Methods 248
11.7 Exercises 249

12 Stochastic Differential Equations in Machine Learning 251

12.1 Gaussian Processes 252
12.2 Gaussian Process Regression 254
12.3 Converting between Covariance Functions and SDEs 257
12.4 GP Regression via Kalman Filtering and Smoothing 265
12.5 Spatiotemporal Gaussian Process Models 266
12.6 Gaussian Process Approximation of Drift Functions 268
12.7 SDEs with Gaussian Process Inputs 270
12.8 Gaussian Process Approximation of SDE Solutions 272
12.9 Exercises 274

13 Epilogue 277
13.1 Overview of the Covered Topics 277
13.2 Choice of SDE Solution Method 278
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

viii Contents

13.3 Beyond the Topics 279

References 281
Symbols and Abbreviations 293
List of Examples 305
List of Algorithms 309
Index 311
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.


This book is an outgrowth of a set of lecture notes that has been extended
with material from the doctoral theses of both authors and with a large
amount of completely new material. The main motivation for the book is
the application of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) in domains such
as target tracking and medical technology and, in particular, their use in
methodologies such as filtering, smoothing, parameter estimation, and ma-
chine learning. We have also included a wide range of examples of appli-
cations of SDEs arising in physics and electrical engineering.
Because we are motivated by applications, much more emphasis is put
on solution methods than on analysis of the theoretical properties of equa-
tions. From the pedagogical point of view, one goal of this book is to pro-
vide an intuitive hands-on understanding of what SDEs are all about, and if
the reader wishes to learn the formal theory later, she can read, for example,
the brilliant books of Øksendal (2003) and Karatzas and Shreve (1991).
Another pedagogical aim is to overcome a slight disadvantage in many
SDE books (e.g., the aforementioned ones), which is that they lean heavily
on measure theory, rigorous probability theory, and the theory of martin-
gales. There is nothing wrong in these theories – they are very powerful
theories and everyone should indeed master them. However, when these
theories are explicitly used in explaining SDEs, they bring a flurry of tech-
nical details that tend to obscure the basic ideas and intuition for the first-
time reader. In this book, without shame, we trade rigor for readability by
treating SDEs completely without measure theory.
The book’s low learning curve only assumes prior knowledge of ordi-
nary differential equations and basic concepts of statistics, together with
understanding of linear algebra, vector calculus, and Bayesian inference.
The book is mainly intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate
students in applied mathematics, signal processing, control engineering,

c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

statistics, and computer science. However, the book is suitable also for re-
searchers and practitioners who need a concise introduction to the topic at
a level that enables them to implement or use the methods.
The worked examples and numerical simulation studies in each chapter
illustrate how the theory works in practice and can be implemented for
solving the problems. End-of-chapter exercises include application-driven
derivations and computational assignments. The M ATLAB R source code
for reproducing the example results is available for download through the
book’s web page, promoting hands-on work with the methods.
We have attempted to write the book to be freestanding in the sense
that it can be read without consulting other material on the way. We have
also attempted to give pointers to work that either can be considered as
the original source of an idea or just contains more details on the topic
at hand. However, this book is not a survey, but a textbook, and therefore
we have preferred citations that serve a pedagogical purpose, which might
not always explicitly give credit to all or even the correct inventors of the
technical ideas. Therefore, we need to apologize to any authors who have
not been cited although their work is clearly related to the topics that we
cover. We hope you understand.
The authors would like to thank Aalto University for providing the
chance to write this book. We also would like to thank Robert Piché, Petteri
Piiroinen, Roland Hostettler, Filip Tronarp, Santiago Cortés, Johan Westö,
Joonas Govenius, Ángel García-Fernández, Toni Karvonen, Juha Sarma-
vuori, and Zheng Zhao for providing valuable comments on early versions
of the book.
Simo and Arno
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.


The topic of this book is stochastic differential equations (SDEs). As their

name suggests, they really are differential equations that produce a differ-
ent “answer” or solution trajectory each time they are solved. This peculiar
behaviour gives them properties that are useful in modeling of uncertain-
ties in a wide range of applications, but at the same time it complicates the
rigorous mathematical treatment of SDEs.
The emphasis of the book is on applied rather than theoretical aspects of
SDEs and, therefore, we have chosen to structure the book in a way that we
believe supports learning SDEs from an applied point of view. In the fol-
lowing, we briefly outline the purposes of each of the remaining chapters
and explain how the chapters are connected to each other. In the chapters,
we have attempted to provide a wide selection of examples of the practical
application of theoretical and methodological results. Each chapter (except
for the Introduction and Epilogue) also contains a representative set of an-
alytic and hands-on exercises that can be used for testing and deepening
understanding of the topics.
Chapter 2 is a brief outline of concepts and solutions methods for deter-
ministic ordinary differential equations (ODEs). We especially emphasize
solution methods for linear ODEs, because the methods translate quite eas-
ily to SDEs. We also examine commonly used numerical methods such as
the Euler method and Runge–Kutta methods, which we extend to SDEs in
the later chapters.
Chapter 3 starts with a number of motivating examples of SDEs found
in physics, engineering, finance, and other applications. It turns out that in
a modeling sense, SDEs can be regarded as noise-driven ODEs, but this
notion should not be taken too far. The aim of the rest of the chapter is to
show where things start to go wrong. Roughly speaking, with linear SDEs
we are quite safe with this kind of thinking, but anything beyond them will
not work.

c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

2 Introduction

In Chapter 4, we reformulate SDEs properly as stochastic integral equa-

tions where one of the terms contains a new kind of integral called the Itô
integral. We then derive the change of variable formula, that is, the Itô for-
mula for the integral, and use it to find complete solutions to linear SDEs.
We also discuss some methods to solve nonlinear SDEs and look briefly at
Stratonovich integrals.
The aim of Chapter 5 is to analyze the statistics of SDEs as stochas-
tic processes. We discuss and derive their generators, the Fokker–Planck–
Kolmogorov equations, as well as Markov properties and transition densi-
ties of SDEs. We also derive the formal equations of the moments, such as
the mean and covariance, for the SDE solutions. It turns out, however, that
these equations cannot easily be solved for other than linear SDEs. This
challenge will be tackled later in the numerical methods chapters.
As linear SDEs are very important in applications, we have dedicated
Chapter 6 to solution methods for their statistics. Although explicit solu-
tions to linear SDEs and general moment equations for SDEs were already
given in Chapters 4 and 5, here we also discuss and derive explicit mean
and covariance equations, transition densities, and matrix fraction methods
for the numerical treatment of linear SDEs. We also discuss steady-state
solutions and Fourier analysis of linear time-invariant (LTI) SDEs as well
as temporal covariance functions of general linear SDEs.
In Chapter 7, we discuss some useful theorems, formulas, and results
that are typically required in more advanced analysis of SDEs as well as
in their numerical methods. In addition to the Lamperti transform, Gir-
sanov theorem, and Doob’s h-transform, we also show how to find so-
lutions to partial differential equations with Feynman–Kac formulas and
discuss some connections to path integrals in physics. This chapter is not
strictly necessary for understanding the rest of the chapters and can be
skipped during a first reading.
Although the Itô stochastic calculus that is derivable from the Itô for-
mula is theoretically enough for defining SDEs, it does not help much in
practical solution of nonlinear SDEs. In Chapter 8, we present numerical
simulation-based solution methods for SDEs. The methods are based pri-
marily on Itô–Taylor series and stochastic Runge–Kutta methods, but we
also discuss the Verlet and exact algorithm methods.
In many applications we are interested in the statistics of SDEs rather
than their trajectories per se. In Chapter 9, we develop methods for ap-
proximate computation of statistics such as means and covariances or prob-
ability densities of SDEs – however, many of the methods are suitable for
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

Introduction 3

numerical simulation of SDEs as well. We start with classical and mod-

ern Gaussian “assumed density” approximations and then proceed to other
linearization methods. We also discuss Taylor and Hermite series approx-
imations of transition densities and their moments, numerical solutions of
Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equations, simulation-based approximations,
and finally pathwise Wong–Zakai approximations of SDEs.
An important and historically one of the first applications of SDEs is
the filtering and smoothing theory. In Chapter 10, we describe the basic
ideas of filtering and smoothing and then proceed to the classical Kushner–
Stratonovich and Zakai equations. We also present the linear and nonlin-
ear Kalman–Bucy and Kalman filters and discuss their modern variants.
Finally, we present formal equations and approximation methods for the
corresponding smoothing problems.
The aim of Chapter 11 is to give an overview of parameter estimation
methods for SDEs. The emphasis is on statistical likelihood-based methods
that aim at computing maximum likelihood (ML) or maximum a posteriori
(MAP) estimates or are targeted to full Bayesian inference on the parame-
ters. We start with brief descriptions of the ideas of ML and MAP estimates
as well as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Parameter esti-
mation in linear SDEs is then discussed, and finally we give approximate
likelihood methods for parameter estimation in nonlinear SDEs. We also
discuss some parameter estimation methods for indirectly observed SDEs.
Chapter 12 addresses the somewhat less traditional topic of connections
between machine learning and SDEs. The aim is to discuss links between
Gaussian process regression, Kalman filtering, and SDEs, along with appli-
cations of the methods across the fields of signal processing and machine
Finally, Chapter 13 concludes the book with an overview and gives
some hints where to go next. We also discuss additional topics such as
fractional Brownian motions, Lévy process driven SDEs, and stochastic
control problems.
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

Some Background on Ordinary Differential


The chapter provides background on deterministic (nonstochastic) ordi-

nary differential equations (ODEs) from points of view especially suited
to the context of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). As SDEs are in-
herently inhomogeneous differential equations (i.e., they have an input),
we will concentrate on solution methods suitable for them. Furthermore,
as linear and especially linear time-invariant (LTI) ODE systems are im-
portant in applications, we review the matrix exponential– and transition
matrix–based methods of solution. We also discuss Fourier– and Laplace
transform–based solution methods for LTI ODEs and for computing matrix
exponentials. For more details on ODE methods and theory, the reader is
referred to the books of Kreyszig (1993), Tenenbaum and Pollard (1985),
and Hairer et al. (2008), although the same information can be found in
many other books as well.

2.1 What Is an Ordinary Differential Equation?

An ODE is an equation in which the unknown quantity is a function, and
the equation involves derivatives of the unknown function. For example,
the second-order differential equation for a forced spring–mass system (or,
e.g., a resonator circuit in telecommunications) can be generally expressed
d2 x.t/ dx.t /
C C  2 x.t / D w.t /; (2.1)
dt 2 dt
where  and are constants that determine the resonant angular velocity
and damping of the spring. The force w.t / is some given function that
may or may not depend on time. In this equation, the position variable x is
called the dependent variable and time t is the independent variable. The
equation is of second order, because it contains the second derivative and
no higher-order terms are present. It is linear, because x.t / appears linearly

c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

2.1 What Is an Ordinary Differential Equation? 5

in the equation. The equation is inhomogeneous, because it contains the

forcing term w.t/. This inhomogeneous term will become essential in later
chapters, because replacing it with a random process leads to a stochastic
differential equation.
Here a solution to the differential equation is defined as a particular
solution, a function that satisfies the equation and does not contain any ar-
bitrary constants. A general solution on the other hand contains every par-
ticular solution of the equation parameterized by some free constants. To
actually solve the differential equation, it is necessary to tie down the gen-
eral solution by some initial conditions. In the preceding case, this means
that we need to know the spring–mass position x.t / and velocity dx.t /=dt
at some fixed initial time t D t0 . Given these initial values, there is a unique
solution to the equation (provided that w.t / is continuous). Instead of ini-
tial conditions, we could also fix some other (boundary) conditions of the
differential equation to get a unique solution, but here we only consider
differential equations with given initial conditions.
Note that it is common not to write the dependencies of x and w on t
explicitly, and write the equation as
d2 x dx
C C  2 x D w: (2.2)
dt 2 dt
Although it sometimes is misleading, this “ink saving” notation is very
commonly used, and we will also employ it here whenever there is no risk
of confusion. Furthermore, because in this section and in this whole book
we mainly consider ordinary differential equations, we often drop the word
“ordinary” and just talk about differential equations.
Time derivatives are also sometimes
ı 2 denoted with dots over the variable,
such as xP D dx=dt , xR D d x dt and so on. In this Newtonian notation,

the previous differential equation would be written as

xR C xP C  2 x D w: (2.3)
Differential equations of an arbitrary order n can (almost) always be
converted into vector differential equations of order one. For example,
in the preceding spring model, if we define a state variable x.t / D
.x1 .t/; x2 .t// D .x.t/; dx.t/=dt /, we can rewrite the previous differen-
tial equation as a first-order vector differential equation:
dx1 .t/= dt 0 1 x1 .t / 0
D C w.t /: (2.4)
dx2 .t/= dt  2
x2 .t / 1
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ … „ƒ‚…
dx.t /=dt f .x.t // L
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

6 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

The preceding equation can be seen to be a special case of models of the

D f .x.t /; t / C L.x.t /; t / w.t /; (2.5)
where the vector-valued function x.t / 2 RD is generally called the state
of the system, f .; / and L.; / are arbitrary functions, and w.t / 2 RS
is some (vector-valued) forcing function, driving function, or input to the
system. Note that we can absorb the second term on the right into the first
term to yield
dx.t /
D f .x.t /; t /; (2.6)
and in that sense Equation (2.5) is slightly redundant. However, the
form (2.5) turns out to be useful in the context of stochastic differential
equations, and thus it is useful to consider it explicitly.
The first-order vector differential equation representation of an nth-order
differential equation is often called the state-space form of the differential
equation. Because nth order differential equations can (almost) always be
converted into equivalent n-dimensional vector-valued first-order differen-
tial equations, it is convenient to just consider such first-order equations
instead of considering nth-order equations explicitly. Thus in this book,
we develop the theory and solution methods (mainly) for first-order vector
differential equations and assume that nth-order equations are always first
converted into equations of this class.
The spring–mass model in Equation (2.4) is also a special case of linear
differential equations of the form
D F .t / x.t / C L.t / w.t /; (2.7)
which is a very useful class of differential equations often arising in ap-
plications. The usefulness of linear equations is that we can actually solve
these equations, unlike general nonlinear differential equations. This kind
of equations will be analyzed in the next sections.

2.2 Solutions of Linear Time-Invariant Differential Equations

Consider the following scalar linear homogeneous differential equation
with a fixed initial condition at t D 0:
D F x; x.0/ D given; (2.8)
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
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2.2 Solutions of Linear Time-Invariant Differential Equations 7

where F is a constant. This equation can now be solved, for example, via
separation of variables, which in this case means that we formally multiply
by dt and divide by x to yield
D F dt: (2.9)
If we now integrate the left-hand side from x.0/ to x.t / and right-hand side
from 0 to t, we get
log x.t/ log x.0/ D F t; (2.10)
which can be solved for x.t/ to give the final solution:
x.t/ D exp.F t / x.0/: (2.11)
Another way of arriving at the same solution is by integrating
R t both sides
of the original differential equation from 0 to t. Because 0 dx=dt dt D
x.t/ x.0/, we can express the solution x.t / as
Z t
x.t/ D x.0/ C F x. / d: (2.12)

We can now substitute the right-hand side of the equation for x. / inside
the integral, which gives
Z t  Z  
0 0
x.t/ D x.0/ C F x.0/ C F x. / d d
Z t Z t Z  
0 0

0 0
D x.0/ C F x.0/ d C F x. / d d

Z tZ 
0 0 0

D x.0/ C F x.0/ t C F 2 x. 0 / d 0 d: (2.13)

0 0
Doing the same substitution for x. / inside the last integral further yields
Z tZ  " Z 0 #
x.t/ D x.0/ C F x.0/ t C F 2 x.0/ C F x. 00 / d 00 d 0 d
0 0 0
Z tZ 
D x.0/ C F x.0/ t C F 2 x.0/ d 0 d
0 0
Z tZ  Z 0
C F 3 x. 00 / d 00 d 0 d
0 0 0
Z tZ  Z 0
D x.0/ C F x.0/ t C F x.0/ C 2
F 3 x. 00 / d 00 d 0 d:
2 0 0 0
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

8 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

It is easy to see that repeating this procedure yields the solution of the form
t2 t3
x.t/ D x.0/ C F x.0/ t C F 2 x.0/ C F 3 x.0/ C   
 2  6
F 2 t2 F 3 t3
D 1CF t C C C    x.0/: (2.15)
2Š 3Š
The series in the parentheses can be recognized to be the Taylor series for
exp.F t/. Thus, provided that the series actually converges (it does), we
again arrive at the solution

x.t/ D exp.F t / x.0/: (2.16)

The multidimensional generalization of the homogeneous linear differen-

tial equation (2.8) is an equation of the form
D F x; x.0/ D given; (2.17)
where F is a constant (i.e., time-independent) matrix. For this multidimen-
sional equation, we cannot use the separation of variables method, because
it only works for scalar equations. However, the series-based approach
works and yields a solution of the form
F2 t2 F3 t3
x.t/ D I C F t C C C    x.0/: (2.18)
2Š 3Š
The series in the parentheses can now be seen as a matrix generalization of
the exponential function. This series indeed is the definition of the matrix
F2 t2 F3 t3
exp.F t/ D I C F t C C C  (2.19)
2Š 3Š
and thus the solution to Equation (2.17) can be written as
x.t/ D exp.F t / x.0/: (2.20)
Note that the matrix exponential cannot be computed by computing scalar
exponentials of the individual elements in matrix F t . It is a completely dif-
ferent function. Sometimes the matrix exponential is written as expm.F t /
to distinguish it from the elementwise computation, but here we use the
common convention to simply write it as exp.F t /. The matrix exponential
function can be found as a built-in function in most commercial and open-
source mathematical software packages such as M ATLAB R and Python. In
addition to this kind of numerical solution, the exponential can be evaluated
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
personal use only and must not be adapted, sold or re-distributed.

2.2 Solutions of Linear Time-Invariant Differential Equations 9

analytically, for example, by directly using the Taylor series expansion, by

using the Laplace or Fourier transform, or via the Cayley–Hamilton theo-
rem (Åström and Wittenmark, 1997).
Example 2.1 (Matrix exponential). To illustrate the difference between the
matrix exponential and the elementwise exponential, consider the equation
d2 x
D 0; x.0/ D given; . dx=dt/.0/ D given; (2.21)
dt 2
which in state-space form can be written as
dx 0 1
D x; x.0/ D given; (2.22)
dt 0 0
„ ƒ‚ …

where x D .x; dx=dt/. Because F n D 0 for n > 1, the matrix exponential

is simply
1 t
exp.F t/ D I C F t D (2.23)
0 1
which is completely different from the elementwise matrix exponential:
1 t exp.0/ exp.t / 1 et
¤ D : (2.24)
0 1 exp.0/ exp.0/ 1 1
Let us now consider the following linear differential equation with an
inhomogeneous term on the right-hand side:
D F x.t / C L w.t /; (2.25)
where x.t0 / is given and the matrices F and L are constant. For inhomo-
geneous equations, the solution methods are numerous, especially if we do
not want to restrict ourselves to specific kinds of forcing functions w.t /.
However, the following integrating factor method can be used for solving
general inhomogeneous equations.
If we move the term F x.t/ in Equation (2.25) to the left-hand side and
multiply with a term called integrating factor exp. F t /, we get the fol-
lowing result:
exp. F t/ exp. F t / F x.t / D exp. F t / L w.t /: (2.26)
From the definition of the matrix exponential, we can derive the following
Œexp. F t / D exp. F t / F : (2.27)
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10 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

The key thing is now to observe that

d dx.t /
Œexp. F t/ x.t/ D exp. F t / exp. F t / F x.t /; (2.28)
dt dt
which is exactly the left-hand side of Equation (2.26). Thus we can rewrite
the equation as
Œexp. F t/ x.t / D exp. F t / L w.t /: (2.29)
Integrating from t0 to t then gives
Z t
exp. F t/ x.t/ exp. F t0 / x.t0 / D exp. F  / L w. / d; (2.30)

which can be further rearranged to give the final solution

Z t
x.t/ D exp.F .t t0 // x.t0 / C exp.F .t  // L w. / d: (2.31)

In the preceding solution, we have also used the identity

exp.F s/ exp.F t/ D exp.F .s C t //, which is true because the ma-
trices F s and F t commute. The expression (2.31) is the complete solution
to Equation (2.25).

2.3 Solutions of General Linear Differential Equations

In this section, we consider solutions to more general, time-varying linear
differential equations. The corresponding stochastic equations are a useful
class of equations, because they can be solved in (semi)closed form quite
analogously to the deterministic case considered in this section.
The solution presented in the previous section in terms of matrix expo-
nential only works if the matrix F is constant. Thus for the time-varying
homogeneous equation of the form
D F .t / x; x.t0 / D given; (2.32)
the matrix exponential solution does not work. However, we can express
the solution in the form

x.t/ D ‰.t; t0 / x.t0 /; (2.33)

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2.4 Fourier Transforms 11

where ‰.t; t0 / is the transition matrix which is defined via the properties
@‰.; t/
D F . / ‰.; t /;
@‰.; t/
D ‰.; t / F .t /;
@t (2.34)
‰.; t / D ‰.; s/ ‰.s; t /;
‰.t;  / D ‰ .; t /;
‰.t; t/ D I:
The transition matrix ‰.t; t0 / does not have a closed-form expression in
general. Nevertheless, given the transition matrix we can construct the so-
lution to the inhomogeneous equation
D F .t/ x C L.t / w.t /; x.t0 / D given; (2.35)
analogously to the time-invariant case. This time the integrating factor is
‰.t0 ; t/, and the resulting solution is
Z t
x.t/ D ‰.t; t0 / x.t0 / C ‰.t;  / L. / w. / d: (2.36)

2.4 Fourier Transforms

One very useful method to solve inhomogeneous linear time-invariant dif-
ferential equations is the Fourier transform. The Fourier transform of a
function g.t/ is defined as
Z 1
G.i !/ D FŒg.t/ D g.t / exp. i ! t / dt; (2.37)

where i is the imaginary unit. The corresponding inverse Fourier transform

Z 1
g.t/ D F 1 ŒG.i !/ D G.i !/ exp.i ! t / d!: (2.38)
2 1
Multidimensional transforms are performed componentwise. Note that
there exist many conventions for writing the Fourier transform, but this pa-
rameterization will be used throughout in this book. The usefulness of the
Fourier transform for solving differential equations arises from the prop-
erty that for a nonnegative integer n we have
FŒ dn g.t/=dt n  D .i !/n FŒg.t /; (2.39)
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12 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

which transforms differentiation into multiplication by i !. Furthermore,

the convolution theorem says that convolution gets transformed into multi-
FŒg.t/  h.t / D FŒg.t / FŒh.t /; (2.40)
where the convolution is defined as
Z 1
g.t/  h.t/ D g.t  / h. / d: (2.41)
To apply the preceding properties to solving ODEs, it is required that the
initial conditions are zero. However, this is not a restriction in practice,
because it is possible to tweak the inhomogeneous term such that its effect
is equivalent to the given initial conditions.
Example 2.2 (Fourier transform solution to spring model). To demonstrate
the usefulness of Fourier transform, we consider the spring model
d2 x.t/ dx.t /
C C  2 x.t / D w.t /: (2.42)
dt 2 dt
Taking the Fourier transform of the equation and using the derivative rule,
we get
.i !/2 X.i !/ C .i !/ X.i !/ C  2 X.i !/ D W .i !/; (2.43)
where X.i !/ is the Fourier transform of x.t /, and W .i !/ is the Fourier
transform of w.t/. We can now solve for X.i !/, which gives
W .i !/
X.i !/ D : (2.44)
.i !/2 C .i !/ C  2
The solution to the equation is then given by the inverse Fourier transform
1 W .i !/
x.t/ D F : (2.45)
.i !/2 C .i !/ C  2
However, for general w.t/, it is useful to note that the term on the right-
hand side is actually a product of the (Fourier domain) transfer function
H.i !/ D (2.46)
.i !/2 C .i !/ C  2
and W .i !/. This product can now be converted into a convolution if we
start by computing the impulse response function
1 1
h.t/ D F
.i !/2 C .i !/ C  2
D b 1 exp. a t / sin.b t / u.t /; (2.47)
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2.5 Laplace Transforms 13

where a D =2 , b D  2 2 =4 , and u.t / is the Heaviside step func-

tion, which is zero for t < 0 and one for t  0. Then the full solution can
be expressed as
Z 1
x.t/ D h.t  / w. / d; (2.48)

which can be interpreted such that we construct x.t / by feeding the signal
w.t/ through a linear system (filter) with impulse response h.t /.
We can also use the Fourier transform to solve general linear time-
invariant nonhomogeneous equations
D F x.t / C L w.t /: (2.49)
Taking Fourier transforms componentwise gives
.i !/ X.i !/ D F X.i !/ C L W .i !/: (2.50)
Solving for X.i !/ then gives
X.i !/ D ..i !/ I F/ L W .i !/: (2.51)
Comparing to Equation (2.31) and recalling x.0/ D 0 now reveals that
actually we have
F 1 ..i !/ I F/ 1 D exp.F t / u.t /; (2.52)
where u.t/ is the Heaviside step function. This identity also provides one
way to compute matrix exponentials.
Example 2.3 (Matrix exponential via Fourier transform). The matrix ex-
ponential considered in Example 2.1 can also be computed as
   "    1 #  
0 1 .i !/ 0 0 1 1 t
exp t DF 1
D :
0 0 0 .i !/ 0 0 0 1

2.5 Laplace Transforms

Another often encountered method for solving linear time-invariant differ-
ential equations is the Laplace transform (see, e.g., Kreyszig, 1993). The
Laplace transform of a function f .t /, defined for all t  0, is
Z 1
F .s/ D LŒf .t/ D f .t / exp. st / dt (2.54)
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14 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

and the inverse transform is f .t / D L 1 ŒF .s/.

Just as for the Fourier transform, the usefulness of the Laplace transform
comes from its property of reducing several often encountered “hard” dif-
ferential equations into a “simple” subsidiary form that can be solved by
algebraic manipulations. By inverse-transforming the solution of the sub-
sidiary equation, the solution to the original problem can be retrieved.
The Laplace transform also has a similar derivative property as the
Fourier transform (cf. Eq. 2.39), except that we can also take the initial
conditions into account. If x.0/ D given, then
L D s X.s/ x.0/; (2.55)
where X.s/ D LŒx.t/. If we apply this n times, we get
d x.t/ n n 1 dx n 1
L D s X.s/ s x.0/    .0/: (2.56)
dt n dt n 1
The Laplace transform is especially useful with zero initial conditions, and
it leads to a very similar solution method as the Fourier transform.
Example 2.4 (Laplace transform solution to spring model). We use the
Laplace transform to solve the following differential equation that we al-
ready considered in Example 2.2:
d2 x.t/ dx.t /
C C  2 x.t / D w.t / (2.57)
dt 2 dt
with the initial conditions x.0/ D 0, . dx=dt/.0/ D 0. Taking Laplace
transforms of both sides gives
s 2 X.s/ C s X.s/ C  2 X.s/ D W .s/; (2.58)
where W .s/ D LŒw.t/. The solution to the differential equation is given
X.s/ D 2 W .s/: (2.59)
s C s C 2
We can also identify the Laplace domain transfer function as
H.s/ D ; (2.60)
s2 C s C 2
and by using the convolution property
LŒh.t/  x.t / D LŒh.t / LŒx.t / (2.61)
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2.5 Laplace Transforms 15

of the Laplace transform, we can write down the solution to the differential
equation as
Z 1
x.t/ D h.t/  w.t / D h.t  / w. / d; (2.62)

h.t/ D L 1 ŒH.s/ D b 1
exp. a t / sin.b t / u.t / (2.63)
is exactly the impulse response that we already obtained in Equa-
tion (2.47).
Let us now consider the vector differential equation
D F x.t / C L w.t / (2.64)
with a nonzero initial condition x.0/ ¤ 0. Taking the vector-valued
Laplace transform of the equation and using the derivative property leads
s X.s/ x.0/ D F X.s/ C L W .s/; (2.65)
where W .s/ D LŒw.t/. Solving for X.s/ gives
1 1
X.s/ D .s I F/ x.0/ C .s I F/ L W .s/; (2.66)
which can be seen to correspond to the solution in Equation (2.31) with
t0 D 0. We can now see that the matrix exponential has the representation
exp.F t/ D L 1 .s I F / 1 (2.67)
for t  0. As with the Fourier transform, this expression is sometimes
useful for computing matrix exponentials, as can be seen by the following
Example 2.5 (Matrix exponential via Laplace transform). Consider again
solving the matrix exponential in Example 2.1. We can now compute
1 1=s 1 s 2
.s I F / D ; (2.68)
0 1=s
which should Rbe the Laplace transform of the matrix exponential.
R1 Recalling
ı LŒ1 D 0 exp. s t/ dt D 1=s and LŒt  D 0 t exp. s t / dt D
1 s 2 , gives
1 t
exp.F t / D : (2.69)
0 1
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16 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

2.6 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations

For a generic nonlinear differential equation of the form
D f .x.t /; t /; x.t0 / D given; (2.70)
there is no general way to find an analytic solution. However, it is possible
to approximate the solution numerically.
If we integrate the equation from t to t C t , we get
Z tCt
x.t C t/ D x.t / C f .x. /;  / d: (2.71)

If we knew how to compute the integral on the right-hand side, we could

generate the solution at time steps t0 , t1 D t0 C t, t2 D t0 C 2t iterating
the preceding equation, which would give a series of solutions:
Z t0 Ct
x.t0 C t/ D x.t0 / C f .x. /;  / d;
Z t C2t
x.t0 C 2t/ D x.t0 C t / C f .x. /;  / d;
t0 Ct (2.72)
Z t C3t
x.t0 C 3t/ D x.t0 C 2t / C f .x. /;  / d:
t0 C2t
It is now possible to derive various numerical methods by constructing
approximations to the integrals on the right-hand side. In the Euler method,
we use the approximation
Z t Ct
f .x. /;  / d  f .x.t /; t / t; (2.73)

which leads to the following algorithm.

Algorithm 2.6 (Euler method). Start from x O .t0 / D x.t0 / and divide the
integration interval Œt0 ; t into M steps t0 < t1 < t2 < : : : < tM D t such
that t D tkC1 tk . At each step k, approximate the solution as follows:
O .tkC1 / D x
x O .tk / C f .Ox.tk /; tk / t: (2.74)
The (global) order of a numerical integration methods can be defined to
be the largest exponent  such that if we numerically solve an ODE using
M D 1=t steps of length t , then there exists a constant K such that
jOx.tM / x.tM /j  K t  ; (2.75)
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2.6 Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations 17

where x O .tM / is the approximation and x.tM / is the true solution. Because
in the Euler method the first discarded term of the Taylor series is of order
t 2 , the error of integrating over 1=t steps is proportional to t . Thus
the Euler method has order  D 1.
We can also improve the approximation by using a trapezoidal approxi-
Z t Ct
f .x./; / d  Œf .x.t /; t / C f .x.t C t /; t C t / ; (2.76)
t 2

which leads to the approximate integration rule

x.tkC1 /  x.tk / C Œf .x.tk /; tk / C f .x.tkC1 /; tkC1 / ; (2.77)

which is an implicit rule in the sense that x.tkC1 / appears also on the right-
hand side. To actually use such an implicit rule, we would need to solve
a nonlinear equation at each integration step, which tends to be computa-
tionally too expensive when the dimensionality of x is high. Thus here we
consider explicit rules only, where the next value x.tkC1 / does not appear
on the right-hand side. If we now replace the term x.tkC1 / on the right-
hand side with its Euler approximation, we get the Heun method.

Algorithm 2.7 (Heun method). Start from x O .t0 / D x.t0 / and divide the
integration interval Œt0 ; t into M steps t0 < t1 < t2 < : : : < tM D t such
that t D tkC1 tk . At each step k, approximate the solution as follows:

Q .tkC1 / D x
x O .tk / C f .Ox.tk /; tk / t;
t (2.78)
O .tkC1 / D x
x O .tk / C Œf .Ox.tk /; tk / C f .Qx.tkC1 /; tkC1 / :

It can be shown that the Heun method has global order  D 2.

Another useful class of methods are the Runge–Kutta methods. The clas-
sical fourth-order Runge–Kutta method is the following.

Algorithm 2.8 (Fourth-order Runge–Kutta method). Start from x O .t0 / D

x.t0 / and divide the integration interval Œt0 ; t  into M steps t0 < t1 < t2 <
: : : < tM D t such that t D tkC1 tk . At each step k, approximate the
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18 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

solution as follows:

x1k D f .Ox.tk /; tk / t;

x2k D f .Ox.tk / C x1k =2; tk C t =2/ t;
x3k D f .Ox.tk / C x2k =2; tk C t =2/ t; (2.79)
x4k D f .Ox.tk / C x3k ; tk C t / t;
O .tk / C .x1k C 2x2k C 2x3k C x4k /:
O .tkC1 / D x
The preceding Runge–Kutta method can be derived by writing down the
Taylor series expansion for the solution and by selecting coefficients such
that many of the lower-order terms cancel out. The order of this method is
 D 4.
In fact, all the preceding integration methods are based on the Taylor
series expansions of the solution. This is slightly problematic, because in
the case of SDEs the Taylor series expansion does not exist and all of the
methods need to be modified at least to some extent. However, it is possible
to replace the Taylor series with a so-called Itô–Taylor series and then work
out the analogous algorithms. The resulting algorithms are more compli-
cated than the deterministic counterparts, because the Itô–Taylor series is
considerably more complicated than the Taylor series. We will come back
to this issue in Chapter 8.
There exists a wide class of other numerical ODE solvers as well. For
example, all the aforementioned methods have a fixed step length, but there
exist variable step size methods that automatically adapt the step size.
However, constructing variable step size methods for stochastic differen-
tial equations is much more involved than for deterministic equations, and
thus we shall not consider them here.

Example 2.9 (Numerical solution of ODEs). Consider the spring–mass

model given in Equation (2.1). Let the parameters be  D 2 and D 1,
and the forcing term be zero. When we write this equation in state-space
form (2.4), we get a differential equation dx=dt D f .x; t /, where
0 1
f .x; t/ D x: (2.80)

In the following, the solution is approximated numerically on the inter-

val t 2 Œ0; 10. Figure 2.1a shows results for the Euler method, the Heun
method, and the fourth-order Runge–Kutta (RK4) method with step size
t D 0:1, where the effect of a too long step size for the Euler method is
c Simo Särkkä and Arno Solin 2019. This copy is made available for
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2.7 Picard–Lindelöf Theorem 19




Absolute error, jx



0 2 4 6 8 10 10 3
10 2
10 1

Time, t t

(a) Simulated solution paths (b) Error plots for the methods

Figure 2.1 Comparison of the Euler, Heun, and fourth-order

Runge–Kutta method from Example 2.9. In (a), the step size of
t D 0:1 is clearly too big for the Euler method. In (b), the effect
of the step size on the absolute error is visualized.

clearly visible. Figure 2.1b demonstrates in more detail the effect of step
size versus error in the simulated path.

2.7 Picard–Lindelöf Theorem

One important question in differential equations is whether the solution ex-
ists and is unique. To analyze these questions, consider a generic equation
of the form
D f .x.t /; t /; x.t0 / D x0 ; (2.81)
where f .x; t/ is some given function. Integrating both sides from t0 to t
Z t
x.t/ D x0 C f .x. /;  / d: (2.82)

We can now use this identity to find an approximate solution to the differ-
ential equation by the following Picard iteration (see, e.g., Tenenbaum and
Pollard, 1985).

Algorithm 2.10 (Picard iteration). Start from the initial guess '0 .t / D x0 .
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20 Some Background on Ordinary Differential Equations

Then compute approximations '1 .t /; '2 .t /; '3 .t /; : : : via the recursion

Z t
'nC1 .t/ D x0 C f .'n . /;  / d: (2.83)

The preceding recursion, which we already used for finding the solution
to linear differential equations in Section 2.2, can be shown to converge to
the unique solution
lim 'n .t / D x.t /; (2.84)

provided that f .x; t/ is continuous in both arguments and Lipschitz contin-

uous in the first argument.
The implication of this recursion is the Picard–Lindelöf theorem, which
says that under the preceding continuity conditions the differential equation
has a solution and it is unique in a certain interval around t D t0 . We
emphasize the innocent-looking but important issue in the theorem: the
function f .x; t/ needs to be continuous. This is important, because in the
case of stochastic differential equations the corresponding function will be
discontinuous everywhere and thus we need a completely new existence
theory for them.

2.8 Exercises
2.1 Consider the initial value problem
D 1 .2 x.t //; x.0/ D x0 ;
where 1 and 2 are constants.
(a) Derive the solution using the integrating factor method.
(b) Derive the solution using the Laplace transform.
2.2 One way of solving ODEs is to use an ansatz (an educated guess). Show that
x.t/ D c1 sin ! t C c2 cos ! t is the solution to the second-order ODE
xR C ! 2 x D 0; ! > 0: (2.85)
2.3 Solve the differential equation
D y2 1
with initial condition y.0/ D 0 using the method of separation of variables.
2.4 In classical ODE literature, ODE systems are typically characterized by the
nature of their fixed points (roots of the differential equation). Find out what
is meant by this, sketch the behavior of the following ODEs, and classify all
their fixed points:
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Exercises 21

(a) xP D 1 C 2 cos x.
(b) xP D x y and yP D 1 e x .
(c) xP D x y and yP D x 2 4.
2.5 Study the behavior of the following differential equation

xR C xP .˛ x 2 / x D 0; ˛  0;

as follows:
(a) Rewrite the problem in terms of a first-order ODE.
(b) Find the fixed points of the ODE.
(c) Characterize the nature of the fixed points.
(d) Sketch the behavior of trajectories in the .x; x/
P plane.
2.6 We wish to find the Laplace domain solution to the equation

d2 y dy
a Cb C c y D u;
dt 2 dt
where y.t/ is an unknown time-varying function and u.t / is a given function.
Solve the equation by following these steps:
(a) Calculate the Laplace transform of the equation.
(b) Solve the Laplace domain equation for Y .s/.
(c) Take the inverse Laplace transform and provide a solution for y.t /.
2.7 We wish to find the matrix exponential exp.F t /, where t  0 with
0 1
0 1 0
F D @0 0 1A :
0 0 0

(a) Solve it using the series expansion definition of the matrix exponential
(note that the matrix is nilpotent).
(b) Solve it using the Laplace transform as in Example 2.5.
2.8 Use a computer algebra system (e.g., M ATLAB R ) to compute the matrix
0 1
exp t :

How can you extract the impulse response (2.47) from the result?
2.9 Consider the initial value problem xP D x, where x.0/ D 1.
(a) Solve the problem analytically. What is the exact value of x.1/?
(b) Implement the Euler method for this ODE. Using a step size of 1, es-
timate x.1/ numerically. Repeat this for step sizes 10 n , where n D
1; 2; 3; 4.
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Other there were that this ill humour fed,
To neyther part that had good will or mind,
The duke of Yorke our cosin most vnkinde,
Who keeping close a title to the crowne,
Lancaster’s house did labour to pull downe.


The stay whereof hee tooke to stand in mee,

Seeing the king of courage nothing stout,
Neyther of witte great perill to foresee,
So for purpose, if hee could bring about
Mee to displace, then did hee litle doubt
To gayne the goale, for which hee droue the ball,
The crowne (I meane) to catch ere it should fall.


This hope made him agaynst mee to conspyre

With those which foes were to ech other late,
The queene did weene to win her whole desire,
Which was to rule the king and all the state
If I were rid, whom therefore shee did hate,
Forecasting not, when that was brought to passe,
How weake of friendes the king her husband, was.


The dukes two, of Excester, and Buckingham,

With the marquise Dorset therein did agree,
But namely the marquise of Suffolke, William,
Contriuer chiefe of this conspiracy,
With other moe, that sate still and did see
Theyr mortall foes on mee to whet theyr kniues,
Which turnde at last to losse of all theyr liues.

But vayne desire of soueraynty and rule,
Which otherwise (ambition) hath to name,
So stird the queene, that wilfull as a mule,
Headlong she runnes from smoke into the flame,
Driuing a drift, which after did so frame,
As shee, the king, with all theyr line and race,
Depriued were of honour, life, and place.


So for purpose shee thought it very good,

With former foes in frendship to confeder,
The duke of Yorke, and other of his bloud,
With Neuills all, knit were then altogether,
And Delapoole, friend afore to neither:
The cardinall also came within this list,
As Herode and Pilate to iudge Ihesus Christ.


This cursed league too late discouered was

By bayardes blinde, that linked in the line,
The queene and cardinall brought it so to passe,
With marquise Suffolke maister of this myne,
Whose ill aduise was counted very fine,
With other moe which finely could disguise,
With false visours my mischiefe to deuise.


Concluding thus, they poynt without delay

Parliament to holde, in some vnhaunted place,
Far from London, out of the common way,
Where few or none should vnderstand the case,
But whom the queene and cardinall did embrace:
And so for place they chose Saint Edmondsbury,
Since when (some say) England was neuer mery.

Somens was sent this company to call,

Which made mee muse, that in so great a case
I should no whit of counsayle bee at all,
Who yet had rule, and next the king in place,
Me thought nothing my state could more disgrace
Then to beare name, and in effect to bee
A cypher in algrim, as all men mought see.


And though iust cause I had for to suspect

The time and place apoynted by my foes,
And that my friendes most playnly did detect
The subtil trayne, and practise of all those
Which agaynst mee great treasons did suppose:
Yet trust of truth with a conscience cleare
Gaue mee good heart in that place to appeare.


Upon which trust with more haste then good speede,

Forward I went to that vnlucky place
Duty to show, and no whit was in dread
Of any trayne, but bold to shew my face
As a true man, yet so fel out the case
That after trauayle seeking for repose,
An armed band my lodging did enclose.


The vicount Beaumont, who for the time supplyed

The office of high constable of the land,
Was with the queene and cardinall allied,
By whose support hee stoutly tooke in hand
My lodging to entre with an armed band,
And for high treason my person did arest,
And layde mee that night where him seemed best.


Then shaking and quaking, for dread of a dreame,

Halfe waked, all naked, in bed as I lay,
What time strake the chime of mine houre extreame,
Opprest was my rest with mortall affray,
My foes did vnclose, I know not which way,
My chambre dores, and boldly they in brake,
And had mee fast before I could awake.[727]


Thou lookest now, that of my secret murther,

I should at large the maner how declare,
I pray thee, Baldwine, aske of me no further,
For speaking playne, it came so at vnware,
As I my selfe, which caught was in the snare,
Scarcely am able the circumstaunce to shew,
Which was kept close, and knowne but vnto fewe.


But bee thou sure by violence it was,

And no whit bred by sicknes or disease,
That felt it well before my life did passe,
For when these wolues my body once did cease,
Used I was but smally to mine ease,
With torments strong which went so nere the quicke,
As made mee dye before that I was sicke.


A palsey (they sayd) my vital spirites opprest,

Bred by excesse of melancholie black,
This for excuse to lay, them seemed best,
Least my true friendes the cause might furder racke,
And so perhaps discouer the whole packe
Of the conspirers,[728] whom they might well suspect
For causes great, which after tooke effect.


Dead was I found by such as best did know

The maner how the same was brought to passe,
And then my corps was set out for a show,
By view whereof nothing perceiued was:[729]
Whereby the worlde may see as in a glasse,
Th’vnsure[730] state of them that stand most hye,
Which than dread least, when daunger is most nye.


And also see what daunger they are in,[731]

Which next theyr king are to succede in place:
Since kinges most part bee ielous of theyr kynne,
Whome I aduise, forewarned by my case,
To beare low sayle, and not too much embrace
The people’s loue: for as Senec sayth truly:
O quam funestus est fauor populi.

G. F.[732]
[The good duke hauing ended his wofull tragedy, after much talke
hadde concerning discention among those that bee magistrates:
“Good Lord,” quod one, “what mischiefe and destruction doth priuy
grudge and malice rayse among all sortes of people both hye and
lowe? but especially among magistrates being the head and guide of
the commonwealth: for what mischief did the discention betwene
these two persons (being both of hye estate) bring after to both
realmes:[733] yea and the vtter ruin of most of them that were
workers[734] of this duke’s death.” “You say troth,” quoth I, “and now
for that, if I may craue your pacience a while, you shall heare what I
haue noted in the duke of Suffolke’s doings, one of the chiefe
procurours of duke Humfreye’s destruction, who[735] by the
prouidence of God came shortly after in such hatred of the people,
that the king himselfe could not saue him from a straunge and
notable death.[736] For being banisht the realme for the terme of fiue
yeares, to appease the continuall rumours and inward grudges, that
not only the commons, but most part of the nobility of England, bare
towardes him for the death of the sayde duke, he sayling[737]
towardes Fraunce, was met with a ship of Deuonshire, and
beheaded forthwith the first day of May, Anno 1450. And the dead
corps throwen vp at Douer, vpon the sandes, which may lament his
death after this maner.”]
How Lord[738] William De la pole, Duke
of Suffolke, was worthely banished,
for abusing his King, and causing the
destruction of the good Duke
Humfrey,[739] Anno 1450.[740]

Heauy is the hap whereto all men bee bound,

I meane the death, which no estate may flie:
But to be banisht, [be]headed, and than drownd[741]
In sinke of shame from top of honors hie,
Was neuer man so serude, I thinke, but I:
Wherefore, Baldwine,[742] amongest the rest by right,
I clayme of thee my woefull case to write.[743]


My only life in all poynts may suffise,

To shewe how base all baytes of fortune bee,
Which thawe like yse, through heate of enuie’s eyes,
Of[744] vicious deedes which much possessed mee:
Good hap with vice, long time cannot agree,[745]
Which bring best fortunes to the basest fall,
And happiest hap to enuy to bee thrall.


Called I was William[746] De la Pole,

Of Suffolke duke, in[747] queene Margeret’s dayes,
That found the meane duke Humfrey’s bloud to coole,
Whose worthy actes[748] deserue eternall prayse,
Whereby I note that fortune cannot rayse
Any one aloft, without some other’s wracke:
Fluds drowne no fieldes before they finde a bracke.


But as the waters which doe breake the walles

Doe lose their[749] course they had within the shore,
And daily rotting stinke within their stalles,
For faut of mouing which they found before,
Euen so the state that ouer high is bore,
Doth lose the life of people’s loue it had,
And rots it selfe vntill it fall to bad.


For while I was but earle, ech man was glad

To say and doe the best by mee they might:
And fortune euer since I was a lad,
Did smile vpon mee with a chearefull sight,
For whan my king had doubed mee a knight,
And sent mee forth to serue at warre in Fraunce,
My lucky[750] speede mine honour did enhaunce.


Where, to omitte the many feates I wrought

Under other’s guide, I doe remember one,
Which with my souldiers valiantly was fought,
None other captayne saue my selfe alone,
I meane not now the apprinze of Pucell Jone
In which attempt my trauaile was not small,
Though the duke of Burgoyne had the prayse of all.

[But] the siege of Awmarle is the feate I prayse:

A strong built towne, with castels, walles, and vaultes,
With men and weapon armde at all assayes:
To which I gaue nigh fiue times fyue assaultes,
Til at the last they yeelded it for naughtes:
Yet lord Rambur’s, like a valiaunt knight,
Defended it as long as euer[752] hee might.


But what preuayled it these townes to winne,

Which shortly after must bee lost agayne?
Whereby I see there is more glory in
The keeping things, than is in their attayne:
To get and keepe not, is but losse and[753] payne:
Therefore ought men prouide to saue theyr winnings
In all attempts, els lose they their beginnings.


Because wee could not keepe the townes we won,

(For they were more then wee might easely wyeld,)
One yeare vndid what wee in ten had done:
[For] enuy at home [and] treason abroade, did yeelde
King Charles his realme of Fraunce, made barrain field:
For bloudy warres had wasted all encrease,
Which causde the pope helpe pouerty, sue[754] for


So that in Tourayn at the towne of Toures,

Duke Charles and other for their prince appered,
So did lord Rosse and I than earle, for oures:
And whan wee shewed wherein ech other dered,
Wee sought out meanes all quarels to haue clered,
Wherein the lordes of Germany, of Spayne,
Of Hungary, and Denmarke, tooke exceeding payne.


But sith wee could no finall peace induce,

For neyther would the other’s couenauntes here,
For eyghteene monthes wee did conclude a truce:
And while as friendes wee lay together there,
Because my warrant did mee therein beare,
To make a perfite peace and through accord,
I sought a mariage for my soueraigne lord.


And for the French kinge’s daughters were to small,

I fancied most dame Margaret his niece,
A louely lady, beautifull, and tall,
Fayre spoken, pleasant, a very princely[755] piece
In wit and learning, matchlesse hence to Greece,
Duke Rayner’s daughter[756] of Aniow, king by stile
Of Naples, Ierusalem, and[757] Scicil ile.


But ere I could the graunt of her attayne,

All that our king had of her father’s landes,
As Mauntes the citty, the county whole of Mayne,
And most of Aniow duchy in our handes,
I did release him by assured bandes,
And as for dowry with her none I sought,
I thought no peace could bee to derely bought.


And whan this mariage throwly was agreed

Although my king were glad of such a make,
His vncle Humfrey abhorred[758] it in deede,
Because thereby his precontract hee brake,
Made with the heyre of the earle of Arminacke,
A noble maide with store of goodes endowed,
Which more than this with losse, the duke allowed.


But loue and beawty in the king so wrought,

That neyther profite,[759] or promise, hee regarded,
But set his vncle’s counsaile still at nought,
And for my paynes I highly was awarded:
Thus vertue starues, but lustfoode must bee larded:
For I, made marquise, went to Fraunce agayne,
And brought this bride vnto my soueraygne.


At home[760] because duke Humfrey aye repined,

Calling their mariage aduoutry (as it was)
The queene did moue mee, erst thereto enclined,
To helpe to bring him to his requiem masse,
Which sith it could for no crime come to passe,
His life and doinges were so right and clere,
Through priuy murder wee brought him to his bere.


Thus righteousness brought Humfrey to rebuke,

Because hee would[761] no wickednes allowe,
But for my doinges I was made a duke:
So fortune can both bend and smoth her browe
On whome shee list, not passing why or how:
O Lord how high, how soone shee did mee raise,
How fast shee filde mee both with prayes and praise.

The lordes and commons both of like assent,
Besought my soueraigne kneeling on their knees,
To record my doinges[762] in the parliament,
As deedes deseruing euerlasting fees:
In which attempt they did no labour leese,
For they set not my prayse so fast in flame,
As hee was ready to reward the same.


But note the ende: my deedes so worthy deemed

Of king, of lordes, and commons, altogether,
Were shortly after treasons false esteemed,
And all men curst queene Marget’s comming hither:
For Charles the French king, in his feates not lither,
Whan wee had rendered Rayner, Mauntes, and
Found meane to wyn all Normandy againe.


This made the people curse the mariage,

Esteeming it the cause of euery losse:
Wherefore at mee with open mouth they rage,
Affirming mee t’haue[763] brought the realme to mosse:
Whan king and queene sawe thinges thus goe a crosse,
To quiet all a parliament they called,
And caused mee in prison to bee thralled.


And shortly after brought mee forth abrode,

Which made the commons more than double woode:
And some with weapons would haue laide on lode,
If their graund captayne, Blewberd, in his moode
Had not in time with wisedome beene withstoode:
But though that hee and more were executed,
The people still their worst against mee bruted.[764]


And so applied the parliament with billes,

Of haynous wronges and open trayterous crimes,
That king and queene were forst against their willes,
Fro place to place t’adiourne[765] it diuers times,
For prince’s power is like the sandy slimes,
Which must perforce gieue place vnto the waue,
Or sue the windy sourges whan they raue.


Their life was not more deare to them than I,

Which made them search all shiftes to saue mee still,
But ay my foes such faultes did on mee try,
That to preserue mee from a worser ill,
The king was faine full sore against his will,
For fiue yeares space to send mee in exile,
In hope to haue restorde mee in a while.


But marke how vengeaunce wayteth vpon vice,

To shun this storme, in sayling towardes Fraunce,
A pyrat’s barke, that was of litle price,[766]
Encountred mee vpon the seas by chaunce,
Whose captayn there tooke mee, as in a traunce,[767]
Let passe my shippes with all theyr frayt and loade,
And led mee backe againe to[768] Douer roade.


Where vnto mee recounting all my[769] faultes,

As murdering of duke Humfrey in his bed,
And how I had brought all the realme to naughtes,
Causing[770] the king vnlawfully to wed,
There was no grace but I must lose my head:
Wherefore hee made mee [to] shriue mee in his bote,
And on the brinke my[771] necke in two hee smote.[772]


This was mine end: which was by reason due

To mee, and such as other’s deaths procure:
Therefore bee bold to write, for it is true,
That who so doth such practise put in vre,
Of due reward at last shal be most sure,
For God is iust, whose stroke delayed long,
Doth light at last with paine more sharpe and strong.

W. B.[774]
[Whan this was sayd, euery man reioysed to heare of a wicked
person so righteously punished:[775] for though fortune in many
points bee iniurious to princes, yet in this and such like she is most
righteous: and only deserueth the name of a goddesse, whan she
prouideth meanes to punishe and destroy tyrantes. And when we
had a while considered the driftes of the king and queene to haue
saued this duke: and yet they could not: “It is worth the labour,” sayd
one, “to way the workes and iudgements of God: which seeing they
are knowen most euidently by comparing contraries, I will touch the
story of Iacke Cade in order next following, whome king Henry, with
all his puissaunce, was no more able for a while to destroy (yet was
hee his rebellious enemy), than hee was to preserue the duke of
Suffolke his dearest friend: by which two examples doth appeare
howe notably God disposeth all things, and that no force stretcheth
farther, than it pleaseth him to suffer. For this Cade being an
Irisheman but of meane parentage, of no ability,[776] and lesse
power, accompanied with a fewe naked Kentishemen, caused the
king with his army at all poynts appointed, to leaue the field, and
suffer him to do whatsoeuer hee lusted [for a time, but in the end hee
was slaine at Hothfielde in Sussex, and caried thence to London in a
cart, and there quartered.][777] In whose behalfe, seeing he is one of
fortune’s whelpes, I will trouble you a while to heare the processe of
his enterprise, which hee may declare in maner following.”]
How Iacke Cade naming himselfe
Mortimer,[778] trayterously rebelling
against his King, in Iune, Anno 1450,
[779] was for his treasons and cruell

doinges worthely punished.


Shall I call it fortune[780] or my froward folly,

That lifted[781] mee vp[782] and laide mee downe belowe?
Or was it courage that made mee so ioly,
Which of the starres and bodies grement growe?[783]
What euer[784] it were this one poynt sure I knowe,
Which shall be meete for euery man to marke:
Our lust and willes our euils chiefly warke.


It may bee well that planets doe encline,

And our complexions moue our mindes to ill,
But such is reason, that they bring to fine
No worke vnayded of our lust and will:
For heauen and earth are subiect both to skill:
The skill[785] of God ruleth all, it is so strong,
Man may by skill guide thinges that to him long.


Though lust be sturdy,[786] and will enclined to nought,

This forst by mixture, that by heauen’s course,
Yet through the skill[787] God hath in reason wrought
And geuen man, no lust nor will to[788] course,
But may bee stayed or swaged of the sourse,
So that it shall in nothing force the minde
To worke our woe, or leaue the proper kinde.


But though this skill bee geuen to euery man[789]

To rule the will, and keepe the minde aloft,
For lacke of grace full fewe vse it can,[790]
These worldly pleasures tickle vs so oft:
Skill is not weake, but will strong,[791] fleshe is soft,
And yeeldes it selfe to pleasure that it loueth,
And hales the minde to that it most reproueth.


Now if this hap whereby wee yeelde our minde

To lust and will, bee fortune as wee name her,
Than is shee iustly called false and blinde,
And no reproach can bee to much to blame her:
Yet is the shame our owne when so wee shame her,
For sure this hap if it bee rightly knowne,
Commeth[792] of our selues, and so the blame our


For who so liueth in the schoole of skill,

And medleth not with any worlde’s affayres,
Forsaketh pompes and honors, that doe spill
The minde’s recourse to grace’s quiet stayres,
His state no fortune by no meane appayres:
For fortune is the folly and plague of those,[793]
Which to the world their wretched willes dispose.

Among which fooles, marke, Baldwine, I am one,

That would not stay my selfe in mine estate:
I thought to rule but to obay to none,
And therefore fell I with my king at bate:
And to the end I might him better mate,
Iohn Mortimer I caused my selfe bee called,
Whose kingly bloud the Henryes nigh had thralled.[794]


This shift I vsed, the people to perswade

To leaue their prince, on my side more to sticke,
Whereas in deede my father’s name was Cade,
Whose noble stocke was neuer worth a sticke:
But touching wit I was both ripe and quicke,
Had strength of limmes, large stature, comely face,
Which made men weene my lynage were not base.


And seeing stoutnes stucke by men in Kent,

Whose valiaunt hearts refuse none enterprise,
With false perswasions strayte to them I went,
And sayd they suffered too great iniuries:
By meane whereof I caused them to rise:[795]
And battayle wise to come to Blacke Heath playne,
And thence their griefes vnto the king complaine.


Who being deafe (as men say) on that eare,

For wee desired release of subsedies,
Refused roughly our requestes to heare,
And came against vs as his enemies:[796]
But wee to tary[797] him sought out subtilties,
Remoued our campe, and backe to Senocke went,
After whome the Staffords with their power was sent.


See here how fortune setting vs a flote,

Brought to our nets a portion of our pray:
For why, the Staffords with their army hote,
Assayled vs at Senocke, where wee lay:
From whence aliue they parted not away:
Which whan the kinge’s retinue vnderstood,
They all affirmed my quarell to bee good.


Which caused the king, and queene, whom all did hate,
To rayse their campe, and sodainly depart:
And that they might the people’s grudge abate,
To imprison[798] some full sore against their hart:
Lord Saye was one, whome I made after smart,
For after the[799] Staffords and their hoast was slaine,
To Blackeheath fielde I marched backe againe.


And where the king would nothing heare before,

Now was hee glad to send to knowe my minde:
And I thereby enflamed much the more,
Refused his grauntes, so folly made mee blinde,
For this hee flewe and left lord Scales behinde,
To helpe the towne and strengthen London tower,
Towardes which I marched forward with my power.


And found there all thinges at mine owne desire,[800]

I entred London, did there what I list:
The treasurer, lord Saye, I did conspire
To haue condemned: whereof when I mist,
(For hee by lawe my malice did resist)
By force I tooke him in Guyldhall fro the heape,[801]
And headed him before the crosse in Cheape.


His sonne in law Iames Cromer, shriue of Kent,

I caught at Mile end, where as then he lay:
Beheaded him, and one a pole I sent
His head to London where his father’s lay,
With these two heades I made a prety play,
For pight on poales I bare them through the streete,
And for my sport made ech kisse other sweete.[802]


Then brake I prysons, let forth whom I wold,

And vsed the city as it had beene mine:
Tooke from the marchaunts money, ware, and gold,
From some by force, from other some by fine:
This at the length did cause them to repine,
So that lord Scales consenting with the mayre,
Forbad vs to theyr city to repayre.


For all this while myne hoast in Southwarke lay,

Who whan they knewe our passage was denied,
Came boldly to the bridge and made a fray,
For in wee would, the townes men vs defied:
But when with stroakes wee had the matter tryed,
Wee wan the bridge and set much part on fire,
This done to Southwarke backe wee did retyre.


The morow after came the chauncellour,

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