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Father who Writes


2 Tweets • 2023-10-31 •  See on 

A few things to teach your son:

- Chess
- Hiking
- First aid
- Resilience
- Leadership
- Astronomy
- Persuasion
- Networking
- Adaptability
- Self-esteem
- Self-defence
- Cooking skills
- Assertiveness
- Managing time
- A good attitude
- Public speaking
- Problem solving
- Self-awareness
- Gardening skills
- Personal hygiene
- How to negotiate
- Living off the land
- Basic home repair
- Starting a business
- Money management
- Calm under pressure
- Good communication
- Don’t watch the news
- Emotional intelligence
- How to manage stress
- Basic car maintenance
- How to make a decision
- How to influence people
- How to experiment/adapt
- Importance of lifelong learning
- Mental frameworks for thinking
- Understanding healthy relationships
- Express emotions instead of bottling them
- Building others up, not tearing them down
- Discipline and duty in the pursuit of your calling
- Instil bravery and protect those who can’t protect

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