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JNNCE Shivamogga

Region and Segment wise Dashboard: Interpretaion

Region wise sales:
In This Region wise sales dashboard first Region central sales is 53,78,260
second in Region North sales is 3,05,47,358 and Region South is 1,19,79,546 in
this compare to all Region More Sales is Region North 3,05,47,358 is heighest
sales in this Region.
Segment Wise sales :
In This Segment wise sales Dashboard First Segment is Cosmetics Sales is
74,18,513 second segment is Electronics Sales is 51,66,077
Third Segment is Fashion sales is 1,72,67,376 and fourth segment is Groceries
sales is 1,80,53,198. Copmare to the all segment is heighest sales is Groceries is
Region and segment wise sales :
 The sales data reveals regional performance in Central, North, and South,
across four segments: Cosmetics, Electronics, Fashion, and Groceries.
 Fashion emerges as a dominant segment, contributing significantly to
overall sales in all regions, with the highest total in the North at
 The North region leads in total sales, driven by substantial figures in
Cosmetics and Groceries, making it the highest-performing region
 Central excels in Electronics sales, generating $9,08,040, contributing
notably to the region's total sales of $54,78,260.
 Groceries perform well in both North and South regions, reflecting
consumer demand for essential items.
 Cosmetics sales are notable across all regions, indicating a consistent
market for beauty products.
 The South region, while having the lowest total sales, demonstrates
balanced performance across all segments.
 Overall, the data suggests opportunities for businesses to tailor strategies
based on regional preferences and segment-specific demands.
 A holistic approach considering regional strengths and weaknesses could
optimize sales and market presence.
 Continuous monitoring and analysis of such sales data will be crucial for
adapting and refining business strategies to maximize profitability.

Location Wise sales Dashboard

In This dashboard State wise sales is more in Haryana 6,82.080 and Lowest
sales is Arunachal Pradesh 60,396
In Top 10 states sales is heighest sales is Haryana 682.080 Lowest Sales is
Madya Pradesh is 11,088
In Bottom 10 state sales in heighest is Daman and Diu 2,27,001 and Lowest
sales is Arunachal Pradesh 60,396
In top 10 profit States in this heighest profit is Rajasthan 38,804
Lowest profit is West Bengal 5,692
In Bottom 10 profit States is heighest Arunachal Pradesh 14,924 and lowest
profit is Chattisghar 2,546
Overall State Wise profit and Loss is More profit and loss is Rajasthan is 38,804
and lowest is Arunachal Pradesh is 14,924

Product wise sales

1.Product wise sales
On the basis of Graph we can to know that the highest product was selling
is western wear 4045356 and lowest is Eve lash 8820 and on the basis of
product selling we can know which product is demand in market and
which is not.
2.Top 10 Product wise sales
On the basis of Graph we can know the top 10 products demand of
customers in the market .
3.Bottom 10 Product wise sales
On the basis of Graph we can know the Bottom 10 products demand of
customers in the market Where we can not buy more or carring inventory
because the demand of customers is very less so.
4.Top 10 product wise profit
On the basis of Graph we can conclude that top 10 products which is
making profit.
5.Bottom 10 product wise profit
On the basis of Graph we can conclude that Bottom 10 products which is
making Very less profit .
Yearly Dashboard
1.Yearly sales
On the basis of graph we can say that 2018 has highest sales Comparing
Other 3 years . 2015 to 2016 there is increase in sales but 2016 to 2017
there is decrease in sales and 2017 to 2018 there is increase in sales there
is no consitance in yearly sales of the company.

2.Yearly Quarter sales

On the basis of graph we can say that 2018 is consitance where sales is
increasing there is no downfall of sales in that year but in other years there
is increasing and decreasing of sales .

3.Monthly wise sales

On the basis of Graph we can to come to know that August has highest
monthly sales that is 16.72% and next to august june is second highest
12.90% and the Lowest is January which is 2.83%.

4.Monthly sales over year

On the basis of Graph we can to Know there is no Consitance in Monthly sales
over year the sales line is increasing and Decreasing
Oyo case
Booking Analysis dashboard :

1.Monthly Booking Trend

On the basis of Graph we can Know that December Month where year end
is there so in this month the highest booking has happening 7223 and
January is the Second highest 6380 and lowest is March and July 1874 &
1898 where in this time there is Exams of school and college students so in
this month’s there is lowest booking happing.

2.Monthly average discount trend

On the graph we can know that the Highest discount is given in the month
of july where in this month bookings also less so to attract the customer
giving highest discount.

3. Booking Platforms
On the graph we can come to know that highest customers is choosing
website to booking 54.28% people choosing website and rest people
45.72% choosing apps for Booking.

4.payment mode
On the graph we can come to know that highest customer preferring
post check in payment mode 91.81% rest people prefer pre check in payment
mode 8.16% .
Location Wise analysis dashboard :

1. count of booking id by state wise bookings

On the graph we can come to know that the highest state in Booking
wise is Maharashtra 5709 and second is Delhi 3709 and lowest is
Chhattisgarh 26.

2. Top 5 State by booking wise

On the graph we can come to know that top 5 states by booking wise
first State is Maharashtra which has highest booking.

3. Bottom 5 states by booking wise

On the graph we can come to know that bottom 5States by booking
wisewhere Company want to concerenect on this states .

4. Top 5 cities by booking wise

On the graph we can come to know that top 5 Delhi by booking wise
first City is delhi which has highest booking 3709.

5. Bottom 5 cities by booking wise

On the graph we can come to know that bottom 5cities by booking
wise where Last city is Raipur where Company want to concerenect
on this states.

Customer Analysis dashboard

1.Most preffered Hotel type
On the graph we can come to know that Rooms are most preffered hotel
type and second is premium and last is Home stays .

2.Most preffered booking time

On the graph we can come to know that most preffered time is 18;00to
21;00 where people will stay night so it is most preffered time and least
time is 3;00 to 6;00.

3.preffered payment mode

On the graph we can come to know that highest customer preferring
post check in payment mode 91.81% rest people prefer pre check in
payment mode 8.16% .
4.Customer material status
On the above graph we can come to know that highest customer is married
customers 79.89% where unmarried is only 20.32%.

5.Couple booking
On the above graph we can come to know that only couple bookings is
35.11% rest of the customer are non couple 64.89%.

Hotel’s Dashboard
1.Avg rating
Avg Rating for the hotel is 3.42 is the highest that capital O and second is
studio stay 3.16 rating and least is Home stays where company want to
concerenect on least rating to improve the customers

2.Avg price
Avg pricing on the graph we can come to know that Studio stay is first
where people choose studio stay most and least choosen was flashship.

3.Booking platform
On the graph we can come to know that highest customers is choosing
website to booking 54.28% people choosing website and rest people
45.72% choosing apps for Booking.

4. payment mode
On the graph we can come to know that highest customer preferring
post check in payment mode 91.81% rest people prefer pre check in
payment mode 8.16%.

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