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M e d i c a l P hy s i c s a n d I n f o r m a t i c s • R ev i ew

Shetty et al.
Computed Radiography Image Artifacts

Medical Physics and Informatics

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Computed Radiography Image

Artifacts Revisited
Chandrakant Manmath Shetty 1 OBJECTIVE. Computed radiography (CR) has provided a ready cost-effective transition
Ashita Barthur from screen film to digital radiography and a convenient entrance to PACS. This article revis-
Avinash Kambadakone its artifacts encountered in CR systems. These artifacts may obscure abnormalities, mimic a
Nilna Narayanan clinical entity, or hamper image quality.
Rajagopal Kv CONCLUSION. With the new-generation CR systems, software- and hardware-related
artifacts have decreased, making operator errors more evident. The purpose of this study is
Shetty CM, Barthur A, Kambadakone A, to establish the current trend of CR artifacts and the new facets in identifying and resolving
Narayanan N, Kv R problems quickly that will help prevent future occurrences. This article also brings to light
the importance of constant review required of this extensively studied topic to avoid diagnos-
tic misadventures.

omputed radiography (CR) sys- tems [2]. Unlike digital radiography systems,
tems based on photostimulable a multiple cassette size option is available in
phosphor (PSP) image detectors CR systems. Even though digital radiography
(i.e., imaging plates) were first is gaining in popularity, CR will continue to
introduced commercially in 1983 [1]. Such play a significant role in an emergency setup.
systems are widely accepted in radiology de- After performing cost analysis and capacity
partments because they are cost-effective so- utilization of general radiography, CR still
lutions to the shift from conventional film- scores over digital radiography [3].
based imaging to digital imaging, whereby In today’s era of CT and MRI, radiography
the existing radiography equipment can be still remains the primary imaging technique.
retained and used. The transition to digital Hence, it is imperative to improve the quality
imaging is completed by installing CR read- of radiographs by constant advancements in
ers and replacing film-based cassettes with technology. However, even with technolog-
image plate–based CR cassettes. ic improvements in CR systems, we contin-
In our hospital, as in most major hospitals ue to encounter artifacts that degrade image
in India, the CR system is used for most of the quality, leading to misdiagnoses that may
hospital’s general radiography work flow. Un- have medicolegal implications. In this arti-
Keywords: artifacts, computed radiography system
like the competing digital technology, CR is cle, we discuss and illustrate the various CR
DOI:10.2214/AJR.10.5563 particularly suitable for bedside radiograph- artifacts encountered in our clinical practice,
ic examinations, which usually are the worst along with their remedial measures.
Received August 13, 2010; accepted after revision images in general radiography because of the
September 14, 2010.
emergency conditions under which the exam- Workflow of CR Systems
All authors: Kasturba Medical College Manipal, inations are performed. The wide latitude of CR Readout Process
Madhavnagar, Manipal, Karnataka 576104, India. CR improves the consistency of good-quality Image acquisition is made using an imag-
Address correspondence to C. M. Shetty bedside radiographs. The image quality of CR ing plate, which is a PSP-based plate made
on large body parts, such as the chest and ab- of barium fluorohalide (Figs. 1 and 2). One
WEB domen, is better than that of digital radiogra- imaging plate is used for each exposure. The
This is a Web exclusive article. phy, whereas digital radiography is preferred imaging plate is enclosed in a cassette, which
for small body parts and extremities. Also, is similar to a screen film cassette. The plate
AJR 2011; 196:W37–W47 the CR system has the advantage of position- is now exposed to x-rays using standard ra-
ing flexibility for difficult views, because CR diographic equipment. During the exposure,
cassettes can be placed in any position, which electrons in the phosphor plate are excited to
© American Roentgen Ray Society is not possible in digital radiography sys- a higher energy state; these excited electrons

AJR:196, January 2011 W37

Shetty et al.

are trapped and form a latent image. This la- scatter radiation, errors in cassette care and To prevent this artifact, the delay between
tent image is processed and retrieved by plac- carelessness, and the light bulb effect. exposure and the readout process should be
ing the imaging plate in a CR reader, which is kept to minimum. This principle should be
also called a digitizer. Twin Artifacts (Double Exposure) inculcated in radiographers by proper train-
The exposure technique during radiogra- ing and knowledge about CR technology in
Processing of Image phy plays a very important role in preventing general and the imaging plate in particular.
The following steps are used to process the erroneous diagnosis. If the radiographer acci-
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image (Fig. 2), First the cassette is opened dentally takes two subsequent exposures, one Exposure Through the Back of the Cassette
in the CR reader with release of the imaging during inspiration and another during expira- Understanding of cassette orientation by
plate from the cassette. Second, the imaging tion, it will lead to duplication of images (Fig. radiographers is important. Cassettes are de-
plate is moved by the rollers for scanning by 3). Double exposures can lead to errors in in- signed and constructed in different ways by
the laser beam. Third, the laser light stimu- terpreting the position of line and catheters [4]. different vendors, so any exposure through
lates the trapped electrons to become free and Such erroneous diagnoses resulting from im- the back of the cassette will leave its own pat-
return to a lower energy state, which results proper exposure can have medicolegal impli- tern of artifacts [9]. In our case (Fig. 6), the
in the release of light photons. The two lights cations. Double exposure is an operator error artifact could have been mistaken for a tra-
(laser light and the released light photon) have that accounts for 2% of all rejected images [5]. cheostomy tube if we had failed to recognize
different wavelengths, which forms the ba- Proper knowledge of the usage of x-ray equip- its artifactual nature. Proper education of ra-
sis for image retrieval. This helps in identifi- ment is necessary to prevent such errors. diographers in handling of cassettes should be
cation of the light photons of higher energy performed to prevent this type of artifact.
and shorter wavelength by the photomultiplier Uncollimated Images
tube (PMT), because the image signal is sep- Because the imaging plate is very sensi- Inappropriate Exposure Factors
arate from the laser light, which is of a longer tive to scatter radiation, primary beam colli- Overexposure—A wide range of respons-
wavelength and lesser energy than the signal mation is very important not only to prevent es to various incident exposures is character-
from the CR digitizer (or reader). Fourth, the radiation exposure but also to prevent un- istic of CR systems, whereas film is optimal-
light released from the imaging plate is col- sharp images (Fig. 4). If the image collima- ly sensitive to a restricted range of exposures.
lected by the fiber-optic light guide and strikes tion is not parallel to the imaging plate, prop- This is because the acquisition and display
a PMT, where it produces an electronic signal. er borders will not be recognized, resulting events occur separately so that compensa-
Fifth, the electronic signal is digitized and in bizarre or nondiagnostic images [6]. Prop- tion for under- and overexposures is possi-
stored in a display monitor and later sent to a er collimation should be done in accordance ble with the algorithms applied to the digital
PACS. Sixth, the image plate is then exposed with the cassette size and the body part be- data. However, like any other electro-optical
to a high-intensity halogen lamp, which eras- ing imaged. system, CR has a fixed dynamic range and,
es any residual energy remaining from a prior hence, a limit of adjustment [10]. Although
exposure. Finally, the image plate is returned Delayed Scanning CR is more tolerant of incorrect exposure
to the cassette, which is ready for reuse. The imaging plate contains PSP, which is factor selection, it cannot compensate for ex-
Artifacts can be generated at each step of sensitive to x-rays. The PSP changes to an in- tra noise, loss in subject contrast, and a sig-
the CR image work flow. CR artifacts are termediately unstable state after receiving nal out of its range of adjustment. Overexpo-
broadly classified into image acquisition ar- energy in the form of x-rays. This state is not sure of the imaging plate leads to irreversible
tifacts (Table 1) and image-processing arti- stable, and if the phosphor remains unstim- darkening of the image, obscuring minute
facts (Table 2). ulated, it returns to its normal state after a details (Fig. 7A).
prolonged delay through spontaneous phos- Underexposure—In cases of marked un-
Image Acquisition Artifacts: phorescence. Thus, a delay between acqui- derexposure (Fig. 7B), the image will appear
Operator Errors sition and processing of the image will lead grainy owing to quantum mottle. Such imag-
Image acquisition is performed by radiog- to fading of the image (Fig. 5). Twenty-five es can be identified by looking at a high sen-
raphers with the use of an imaging plate. As percent of the stored signals will be lost in sitivity number in the parameter display area,
in film-based imaging, operator errors in CR about 10 minutes to 8 hours after exposure, and these images must be read with caution,
systems contribute to image acquisition arti- and more slowly afterward [7]. One study because subtle findings may be masked by
facts. Operator errors are all the more likely concluded that statistically significant degra- the reduced signal-to-noise ratio [11].
if the technique is new to the radiographer. dation of gray-level values and contrast oc- Proper exposure factors should be used
The cassette with the imaging plate needs to curs in plates scanned half an hour or longer according to the body part and patient’s
be safely kept away from heat, humidity, and after exposure [8]. In our experience, fad- build, to prevent poor image quality. Radiog-
any source of radiation. If the department ing was evident after a delay of 24–36 hours. raphers should be conversant about the dy-
has multiple-vendor CR systems, CR cas- The possible reason for this fading is that the namic range and limitations of CR systems.
sette orientation is important, because cas- central primary beam consists of high-ener-
sette designs and constructions are different. gy photons, whereas the low-energy photons Improper Grid Usage: Moiré Pattern
Operator errors include twin artifacts, uncol- are in the periphery. Hence, the fading starts Selection of grid frequency is important, be-
limated images, delayed scanning, exposure from the periphery, a point that distinguishes cause grids with low grid line rates are known
through the back of the cassettes, inappro- this kind of fading from that which occurs to cause a moiré pattern, resulting in subopti-
priate exposure factors, improper grid usage, because of underexposure. mal image quality [9]. The moiré pattern is

W38 AJR:196, January 2011

Computed Radiography Image Artifacts

seen in images caused by using a grid with a Care and Carelessness ed portions of the image, potentially making
frequency of 33 lines/cm, which are orient- CR cassettes with imaging plates must be abnormalities unclear [11, 12]. Reducing
ed with grid lines parallel to the plate reader’s stored and handled carefully. Negligence with backscatter by lowering the kilovoltage or by
scan lines (Fig. 8). Grids with 60 lines/cm or imaging plates is one of the primary causes of more precise collimation will limit the prev-
more should be used, and the grid lines should artifacts. Buckling occurs as a result of mis- alence and impact of this artifact.
also run perpendicular to the plate reader’s la- handling of imaging plates by radiographers
ser scan lines [9]. during the cleaning process, which causes Image-Processing Artifacts
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kink marks (Fig. 10). Such marks tend to oc- Image-processing artifacts can arise from
Scatter Radiation cur at the sites where the imaging plate is bent the imaging plate, the rollers in the CR read-
The imaging plate is highly sensitive to and can imitate pathologic conditions. To pre- er that carry the imaging plate, and the plate
scattered radiation (Fig. 9). Therefore, cas- vent this artifact, cassettes and image plates reader, in which a laser is used to scan the
settes should be kept away from radiation should be handled with care. imaging plate. The light photons thus emit-
fields, because radiation leads to a deterio- ted are collected by the plate reader or light
ration of image quality. No object should be Light Bulb Effect guide and are converted into electrical sig-
kept on a cassette when it is in a radiation Artifactual darkening of the lower and nals, amplified, digitized, and used to form
field, because the object will be imprinted on outer portions of an image relative to the the image. Image-processing artifacts are
the image, leading to unwarranted repeating remainder of the image is caused by back- further subclassified into hardware- and soft-
of the radiograph. Hence, the cassette must scattered radiation entering the PSP imag- ware-induced artifacts.
be protected from all sources of ionizing ra- ing plate from the patient’s bed (Fig. 11). The
diation, including scatter radiation, as well as source of this artifact can be attributed to an Hardware-Induced Artifacts
heat and humidity [9]. increased exposure for obese patients or un- CR cassettes use storage PSP imaging
A cassette seen to be lying unidentified in collimated x-ray beam. This increased expo- plates instead of conventional films and inten-
the radiography room should be erased be- sure is due to the wide dynamic range and sifying screens. Imaging plates use the prin-
fore use. If the cassette was previously ex- high sensitivity of the imaging plate. When it ciple of phosphorescence. As the name sug-
posed or kept in a field of radiation, it has to occurs in a chest radiograph, this artifact can gests, they do not emit light immediately
be put through the process of erasure before be misread as a pneumothorax or pneumo- after x-ray exposure; instead, they store x-ray
reuse because it will hamper the quality of peritoneum in a supine patient. It can also al- energy in the form of a latent image. The la-
the image and cause erroneous artifacts. ter the contrast and brightness of the affect- tent image is later read in the CR machine

TABLE 1: Image Acquisition Artifacts

Artifact Causes Appearance Remedy
Twin artifacts Two subsequent exposures on same Duplication of images Proper knowledge of usage of x-ray
imaging plate or double exposure equipment
Uncollimated images Improper collimation Unsharp images Proper collimation in accordance with
cassette size and body part
Delayed scanning Delay between acquisition and Fading of image Proper knowledge of radiographers to check
processing of image that no delay occurs between acquisition
and processing
Exposure through back of Poor basic knowledge of construction of Various patterns of shading according Proper education of radiographers in handling
cassette cassettes to cassette design of cassettes
Inappropriate exposure factors
Overexposure Improper exposure settings Darkening of image Proper exposure factors to be used based on
body part and patient build
Underexposure Improper exposure settings Grainy image owing to quantum mottle Knowledge of dynamic range and its
limitations in computed radiography system
Improper grid usage Usage of grids with low grid frequencies Different types of moiré pattern Usage of grids with 60 lines/cm or more; grid
lines should run perpendicular to plate
reader’s laser scan lines
Scatter radiation Cassette placed in vicinity of scattered Deterioration of quality of image and Protect cassette from any unwanted radiation
radiation imprints of objects placed over and erase cassettes before using
Care and carelessness Mishandling of imaging plate during Kink marks Cassettes and image plates should be
cleaning process handled with care
Light bulb effect Back-scattered radiation entering Darkening of lower and outer portions Reduce back scatter by lowering the peak
imaging plate from patient’s bed due to of an image relative to remainder of kilovoltage or by more precise collimation
increased exposure for obese patients image
or due to uncollimated x-ray

AJR:196, January 2011 W39

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using a laser. Hardware-induced artifacts can In some cases, artifacts are the result of Disparity artifacts are due to malfunction-
be due to the imaging plate, rollers, plate dust particles on the imaging plate. The im- ing of rollers in the digitizer, which causes
reader, and cassette. age in Figure 13 shows focal radiopacities defective scanning. The defective scanning
Imaging plate artifacts—Imaging plate overlying the soft tissues that are due to dust alters the image contrast in the upper and low-
artifacts can be attributed to cracks resulting over the imaging plates, which mimics cal- er half of the image, because the laser beam
from aging of the imaging plate and roller- cification or foreign bodies embedded in power determines the fraction of the stored
induced artifacts. As the imaging plate pass- the soft tissue. Regular cleaning of imaging energy released, which in turn is influenced
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es through the plate reader, the imaging plate plates is the key to a good radiograph. Some by the scan time. Higher laser power can re-
bends over the rollers. Over a period of time, manufacturers recommend the use of ethyl lease more of the trapped electrons, but this
the plates show signs of mechanical stress in alcohol for cleaning imaging plates. Paper happens at the cost of loss of spatial resolution
the form of cracks. These cracks usually first towels or gauze should not be used because as a result of increased depth of the laser beam
become visible on the edges of the imaging they leave fibers on the plate; instead, the use and increased spread of the stimulator light in
plate, where they do not hinder image inter- of lint-free cloth is advisable. After cleaning, the phosphor layer [7]. Thus, in the example
pretation for diagnostic purposes. As the de- leave the plate to dry for approximately 10 shown in Figure 14, the lower half of the im-
terioration progresses, cracks appear closer minutes. Once weekly cleaning is advisable. age was exposed to the laser beam for a longer
to the central imaging plate area (Fig. 12). Roller artifacts—Rollers are used within time, resulting in a brighter image output that
If screens are not cleaned on a regular basis, the CR reader to transport the imaging plate rendered the image suboptimal. This artifact
bent, or handled without cotton gloves, the for scanning of latent images by the laser and can be prevented by periodic cleaning of the
aging process is hastened [6]. Artifacts due subsequent erasure by the high-intensity hal- rollers in the CR reader machine.
to cracks can be prevented by changing im- ogen lamp. During this process, the imaging Imaging plates can be damaged by the roll-
aging plates. A properly maintained imaging plate is constantly in contact with the rollers, ers as well. Focal radiopacities, which appear
plate can last for 5 years, after which the im- which transport the imaging plate within and as dots, are caused by mechanical damage of
aging plate needs to be changed. outside the CR reader. the imaging plate during its transport through

TABLE 2: Image-Processing Artifacts

Artifact Causes Appearance Remedy
Hardware-induced artifacts
Imaging plate
Artifacts due to cracks on imaging Damaged imaging plates during Cracks Change imaging plate
plate frequent transportation
Artifacts due to dust particles on Dust particles wedged over imaging Focal radiopacities Regular cleaning of imaging plates with ethyl
imaging plate plate alcohol
Roller artifacts
Disparity artifact Malfunctioning of rollers in digitizer Defective scanning resulting in Periodic cleaning of rollers in computed
alteration in image contrast radiography reader
Damage of imaging plate due to Mechanical damaging of imaging plate Focal linear radioopacities Warrants immediate cleaning of rollers
rollers during transport through rollers
Dust over rollers Dust deposited over imaging plate Multiple localized radiopacities Maintenance and cleaning of rubber rollers by
during transport through rollers company service personnel twice yearly
Malfunctioning rollers Slipping of feed rollers from transport Half-read image Periodic cleaning and recalibration of feed roll-
assembly ers
Plate reader artifact Dirt over light guide or beam deflector Linear radiopaque line Periodic cleaning of light guide by service
Cassette-related artifact Cracked or weakened lead coating on Linear radiolucent lines Replacement of cassette
back of cassette
Software-induced artifacts
Image transmission errors
Communication error artifact Power failure during image transmission Missing lines or pixels in Radiograph should be repeated
resulting image
Data cable malfunctioning artifact Failure of data cables in the power unit Alternating radiopaque and Replace data cables
of digitizer or computed radiography radiolucent lines
Artifact due to improper erasure Wrong body part selection or Residual image is left in imaging Proper selection of body part for appropriate
setting malfunctioning halogen bulbs plate radiograph or halogen vapor bulbs must be

W40 AJR:196, January 2011

Computed Radiography Image Artifacts

the rollers. In the chest radiograph shown in weakened [9]. These lines can mimic frac- accomplished by inspection of CR cassettes
Figure 15, linear radiopacities are seen in the tures unless they are traced beyond the mar- and imaging plates, quality control of equip-
right hemithorax, over the soft tissues and in gins of the involved bone. Figure 19 shows a ment, and continual training of radiographers
the lung field; unless one is careful, one can lead foil artifact mimicking a hairline frac- and radiologists to use this technology effec-
easily misdiagnose the opacities as calcified ture of the head of first metacarpal bone. tively to produce diagnostic-quality images.
granulomas in the lung. This artifact warrants This type of artifact can be remedied by
immediate cleaning of the rollers. changing the cassette. References
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Dust on the rubber rollers is another source 1. Chotas HG, Ravin C. Digital radiography with
of artifacts. The radiograph of the pelvis in Software-Induced Artifacts photostimulable storage phosphors: control of de-
Figure 16A shows linear radiopaque lines Software artifacts can be due to image trans- tector latitude in chest imaging. Invest Radiol
that can be traced outside the pelvic region. mission errors and improper erasure settings. 1992; 27:822–828
These lines are due to dust on the rollers, Image transmission errors—Artifacts as- 2. Smith R. DR and CR, today and tomorrow. Imag-
which is deposited over the imaging plate sociated with image transmission errors can ing Econ 2004; December. Available at www.
during its transport through the rollers. be caused by either communication errors or
The multiple localized radiopacities seen data cable malfunctioning. With a communi- asp
overlying the soft tissues of the left upper ab- cation error artifact, the image, after digiti- 3. Reiner BI, Salkever D, Seigel EL, Hooper FJ, Sid-
domen in the chest radiograph in Figure 16B zation, gets electronically transferred to the diqui KM, Musk A. Multi-institutional analysis of
could probably be the result of soft-tissue cal- display station computer. If there is a pow- computed and direct radiography. Part II. Eco-
cification. However, these opacities actually er failure during this image transmission, the nomic analysis. Radiology 2005; 236:420–426
were caused by dirt over a localized area on resulting image may get corrupted and can- 4. Volpe JP, Storto ML, Andriole KP, Gamsu G. Ar-
the rubber rollers. To prevent this type of arti- not be further edited. This artifact is seen as tifacts in chest radiographs with a third-generation
fact, maintenance and cleaning of the rubber missing pixels [5] (Fig. 20). A repeat radio- computed radiography system. AJR 1996; 166:
rollers by the manufacturer’s service person- graph must be obtained. 653–657
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Artifacts can be caused by slipping of the the data cables take control signals to vari- misadventures in digital radiography. Appl Radiol
feed rollers, resulting in images being half ous modules of the CR reader, such as the 2004; January 1: 11–20. Available at faculty.
read. For the same reason, in the example in laser gun, galvanometer jitter (beam deflec-
Figure 17, the anterior half of a lateral skull tor), and PMT, and are also responsible for Supplemental%20Readings/Artifacts%20
radiograph is not seen. The linear radiopaque the power supply to the laser gun and PMTs. and%20Misadventures%20in%20Digital%20
line over the lateral skull radiograph, found Failure of transmission through these cables Radiography.pdf
incidentally, is a plate reader artifact caused to different modules can cause an artifact 6. Oestmann JW, Prokop M, Schaefer CM, Galanski
by dirt in the light guide. Periodic cleaning (Fig. 21). The solution is to recheck and re- M. Hardware and software artifacts in storage
and recalibration of the feed rollers is of im- place the data cables. phosphor radiography. RadioGraphics 1991; 11:
mense importance to prevent slippage of the Improper erasure setting—The erasure set- 795–805
feed rollers. The light collection guide also tings for different body parts are differently 7. Seibert JA, Bogucki T, Ciona T. Acceptance test-
needs to be cleaned, but only by authorized calibrated. Before inserting the cassette into ing and quality control of photostimulable phos-
service personnel of the manufacturer. the digitizer, the body part should be select- phor imaging systems. Report of task group 10.
Plate reader artifact—The light guide col- ed properly, because this setting determines Version 3.1. College Park, MD: American Asso-
lects light emitted from the beam deflector the right erasure cycle time for the body part. ciation of Physicists in Medicine, 1997
when it is scanned by the laser, which then If either the body part is erroneously select- 8. Akdeniz BG, Grondahl HG. Effect of delayed
strikes the imaging plate. This information in ed or the power of the erasure halogen lamp scanning on storage phosphor plates. Oral Surg
the form of photons is taken up by the PMT is weakened, a residual image is left on the Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2005;
for further amplification and image readout. imaging plate (Fig. 22). This is confirmed by 99:603–607
Dirt over the light guide is seen as a linear ra- another exposure on the same imaging plate, 9. Cesar LJ, Schueler BA, Zink FE, Daly TR, Taubel
diodense line over the skull lateral radiograph where an image resulting from the previous JP, Jorgenson LL. Artifacts found in computed
(Fig. 17). Similar lines are also seen in Figure exposure overlaps the new image. Proper se- radiography. Br J Radiol 2001; 74:195–202
18, which is a lateral radiograph of the knee lection of the body part for the appropriate ra- 10. Willis CE. 10 Fallacies about CR. Imaging
joint, where linear radiopaque lines are not- diograph should be done, and the halogen va- Econ 2002; December. Available at www.
ed overlying the femoral condyles. The light por lamps must be changed if they are weak.
guide inside the scan unit should be cleaned In conclusion, it is necessary to identify and asp
by the manufacturer’s service personnel. pinpoint the source and type of CR artifacts 11. Solomon SL, Jost RG, Glazer HS, Sagel SS, An-
Cassette-related artifacts—The back of because they can cause diagnostic errors with derson DJ, Molina PL. Artifacts in computed radi-
the cassette consists of lead foil, which pre- medicolegal implications. The people behind ography. AJR 1991; 157:181–185
vents scattered radiation. Scatter radiation the machine are important, because most arti- 12. Tan LTH, Ong KL. Artifacts in computed radiog-
through the back of the cassette produces facts are due to operator error. Hence, it is nec- raphy. Hong Kong J Emerg Med 2000; 7:27–32.
black lines. These lines are analogous to the essary to have a practical guideline to monitor Available at
place where the lead coating was cracked or the quality control program. This goal can be Journal/2000-2/p27-32.pdf

AJR:196, January 2011 W41

Shetty et al.

Fig. 1—Flowchart shows workflow of computed

radiography system.
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beam splitter
Light diverging lens

Laser source Photomultiplier tube

Amplified electrical signal

A/D digitization
Imaging plate

Plate readout
direction 10110101

Digital data output

Plate movement direction
Driving rollers Fig. 2—Flowchart shows computed radiography
readout process.

Fig. 3—Twin artifacts.

A, Postprocedure radiograph of kidney and upper
bladder of patient with ureteric calculus for whom
double-J stent was placed on left side shows two
double-J stents (arrows) resulting from double
exposure, one during inspiration and other during
B, Repeat radiograph taken to reconfirm shows single
double-J stent (arrows).

W42 AJR:196, January 2011

Computed Radiography Image Artifacts

Fig. 4—Uncollimated image resulting from lack of

primary beam collimation.
A, Radiograph of pelvis shows increased density
over midportion and to right side of pelvis because of
improper collimation.
B, Subsequent pelvic radiograph with proper
collimation shows uniform density over pelvis.
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Fig. 5—Delayed scanning.

A and B, Radiographs of neck (A) and abdomen (B).
Radiographs were subject to delayed readout (after
48 h). Both radiographs show decreased density in
periphery as compared with center of images, as
fading of image starts from periphery (arrows).

AJR:196, January 2011 W43

Shetty et al.

Fig. 7—Inappropriate exposure factors.

A, Radiograph of hands shows darkening of image
that obscures image details. Artifact is result of
B, Image shows underexposed grainy radiograph of
kidney and upper bladder in which quantum mottle is
evident and image quality is degraded.
C, Control radiograph of same patient as in B using
proper exposure factors.
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Fig. 6—Exposure through back of cassette.

Radiograph of neck shows rounded radiopaque
ring shadow (arrow) on right lower part of neck,
which if overlooked, can be wrongly diagnosed as
tracheostomy tube.


Fig. 8—Improper grid usage leading to moiré pattern. Fig. 9—Scatter radiation. Cassette was kept Fig. 10—Kink artifact due to buckling of imaging plate.
Radiograph of pelvis shows wavy radiolucent lines, accidentally in radiography room with pen over it for Excretory urography radiograph shows curvilinear
resulting in suboptimal image, that were caused by some time. Radiograph of abdomen shows fading of marks (arrows) adjacent to right upper and lower
usage of grid with frequency of 33 lines/cm. image with image of pen overlying lumbar spine. pole calyces, which can mimic pyelosinus contrast
extravasations. Other kink marks are seen in course
of left ureter, which can be mistaken for calculi.

W44 AJR:196, January 2011

Computed Radiography Image Artifacts
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Fig. 12—Artifacts due to cracks on imaging plate.
Fig. 11—Light bulb effect. Chest radiograph shows curvilinear opacity overlying
A and B, Radiographs of chest (A) and abdomen (B) show darkening (arrows) in lower and outer portions of left clavicle (arrow), which suggests cracks due to
radiograph, obscuring details of image. Darkening occurs because of either high peak kilovoltage technique mechanical stress. Opacity can be misdiagnosed as
used in obese patients or improper collimation. parasitic calcification.

Fig. 14—Disparity artifact. This artifact occurs
Fig. 13—Artifacts due to dust particles on imaging plate. because of malfunction of roller in computed
A and B, Radiographs of right elbow joint (A) and left thigh (B) show radiopacities (arrows) overlying soft radiography reader, causing defective scanning and
tissues, which mimic soft-tissue calcification or foreign bodies but are actually due to dust over imaging plate. resulting in alteration in image contrast (arrows) in
upper and lower half of chest radiograph. Lower half
of chest radiograph was exposed to laser beam for
longer time, which resulted in brighter image output
that rendered image suboptimal.

AJR:196, January 2011 W45

Shetty et al.
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Fig. 15—Damage of imaging plate due to rollers. Chest

radiograph shows linear radiopacities (arrows) along Fig. 16—Dust over rollers.
right lateral chest wall. One can easily misdiagnose A, Radiograph of pelvis shows horizontal radiopaque lines (arrows) that can be traced outside margins of pelvis.
opacities as calcified granulomas in lung. B, Chest radiograph shows multiple scattered radiopacities (white arrows) overlying soft tissues of left upper
abdomen due to dirt over localized area on rollers. These can be misdiagnosed as soft-tissue calcification.
There is another radiopacity (black arrow) overlying right hypochondrium mimicking gallbladder calculus,
which is actually caused by roller damage to image plate.

Fig. 17—Malfunctioning rollers. Anterior half of Fig. 18—Plate reader artifact. Lateral radiograph Fig. 19—Cassette-related artifact. Vertical linear
lateral skull radiograph is not visualized because of knee joint shows horizontal thin radiopaque line radiolucent line (white arrows) seen over head of first
slipping of feed rollers, resulting image being half (arrows) overlying supracondylar region. Artifact is metacarpal simulates linear fracture (black arrow)
read (black arrow). Radiopaque line (white arrow) is attributed to dirt on light guide in plate reader. unless traced beyond margins of bone. Artifact is
plate reader artifact resulting from dirt in light guide. caused by cracks in lead foil in back of cassette.

W46 AJR:196, January 2011

Computed Radiography Image Artifacts
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Fig. 20—Communication error artifact. Lower part of Fig. 21—Data cable malfunctioning artifact. Fig. 22—Artifact due to improper erasure setting.
radiograph (arrows) of knee joint was not visualized Lateral view radiograph of lumbar spine shows Radiograph of kidney and upper bladder shows
because of missing lines or pixels. Transmission alternating radipaque and radiolucent lines obscuring superimposed residual chest radiograph image,
of image was truncated because of sudden power image details. Problem was narrowed down to which is seen in form of ribs and clavicle shadows
failure. malfunctioning data cables in computed radiography (black arrows). Artifact was due to inadequate
reader. erasure setting for chest radiograph. Also note two
side markers (white arrows).

AJR:196, January 2011 W47

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