Second Grade The S-Squad Reading Comprehension Activity

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The S-Squad

Sarah, Samantha, and Stephen were best friends. They were in the same
class and played on the same soccer team. They created a friendship
squad called the S-Squad. They wore special wristbands and decorated
Samantha’s tree house with "S-Squad Only" signs.
When the three friends moved into third grade, Samantha and Sarah were
placed in Mr. Fain’s class, but Stephen was in Mrs. June’s class! At recess,
Stephen was alone and had no one to play with. Later, a girl named Uma
asked if he wanted to play with her soccer ball. Stephen and Uma had a lot
of fun playing soccer together.
Stephen was happy to tell Sarah and Samantha about his new friend, Uma.
Samantha and Sarah were surprised! They argued that the S-Squad was
only for them.
Stephen was so confused. He didn’t want to lose his old
friends, but he didn’t want to hurt Uma’s feelings either.
When Stephen got home, he asked his brother for
some advice. His brother thought Uma would be a
great new friend and that he shouldn’t leave Uma out.
On Thursday, Uma came to soccer practice. Uma
passed the ball with Sarah and Samantha. They
all laughed and had a great game.
After practice, Samantha, Sarah, and Stephen
asked Uma to come to the tree house. They
made new wristbands and new signs with the
title "US-Squad." They said it was more fun if
everyone could be friends in the US-Squad.

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The S-Squad
1. Why was Stephen confused?
His new teacher gave him a new book to read.
He couldn’t understand a math problem.
His old friends didn’t welcome his new friend right away.
His old friends didn’t want to be his friend.
2. What did the “S-Squad” stand for?
Summer Squad
Spring Squad
Silly Squad
Sarah, Samantha, and Stephen Squad
3. How did Stephen meet Uma?
in math class
accidently bumping into her
at recess when he felt alone
on a trip with his family
4. Who did Stephen go to for advice?
his brother
his father
his sister
his mother
5. What would you have told Samantha and Sarah if you were Stephen?

6. Why is it important to include others so they don’t feel left out?

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The S-Squad
1. Why was Stephen confused?
His new teacher gave him a new book to read.
He couldn’t understand a math problem.
His old friends didn’t welcome his new friend right away.
His old friends didn’t want to be his friend.
2. What did the “S-Squad” stand for?
Summer Squad
Spring Squad
Silly Squad
Sarah, Samantha, and Stephen Squad
3. How did Stephen meet Uma?
in math class
accidently bumping into her
at recess when he felt alone
on a trip with his family
4. Who did Stephen go to for advice?
his brother
his father
his sister
his mother
5. What would you have told Samantha and Sarah if you were Stephen?
Answers will vary. A sample answer is: I would have told Samantha and Sarah that
it is fun to meet new friends.
6. Why is it important to include others so they don’t feel left out?
Answers will vary. A sample answer is: It is important to include others so they
don’t feel left out because we want to treat others as we want to be treated.


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