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As social work student, the seminar on “Technical Writing for Social Work
Students” has been one of the most eye-opening and valuable experiences for me. I've
learned a lot as well as thoughts and takeaways from different topics that were
discussed by the speaker.

To start with, the speaker introduced us to basics of technical writing. He pointed

out that it is all about clear and concise communication in professional settings. .
According to what I learnt, a good technical document should be accurate but brief at
the same time while maintaining clarity. This session made me appreciate why effective
communication is important particularly in social work where conveying information
correctly can greatly influence service delivery.

The second part dealt with mechanics involved in writing processes such as
grammar rules, punctuation mark, and spelling words right among others like choosing
appropriate tone or style when expressing ourselves through texts . What stood out for
me during this phase was realizing how small mistakes can ruin everything especially if
they create confusion due to being taken wrongly because someone didn’t follow
instructions well enough or pay attention closely so as not make such careless typos
again which might seem insignificant at first glance but later on find out they cost
dearly since now need more time re-reading everything so carefully.

Next the seminar progressed to the 7 C’s of Communication: Clear, Concise,

Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete and Courteous. Every single one of these was
discussed in depth and backed up with examples that could be easily understood. This
bit of the training was very hands-on as there were activities individually like we'll be
answering before the speaker would discuss. It was an excellent way to comprehend
how these principles can be applied practically within our area of study.

The most useful part of the seminar involved formatting business letters. We
were shown a standard format for a business letter as well as the types of business
letters and told about what each part does – from the sender’s address through to the
recipient’s address all the way down to the main body text itself. I realized that you can
tell so much about someone by just looking at how they have laid out their letter, this
shows attention to detail which is key when writing anything important.

Another thing that we were taught during this course was how to write memos (or
memorandums). These include why we use them, what sections should be included in
one and what type of language should generally be used when writing them. The
speaker stressed that memos are designed for communicating within an organization
therefore they must be clear, brief straight-to-the-point.

The seminar ended with the topic about how to write case study reports. This was
important for us, who are studying social work, because we have many case studies as
part of our course. The speaker taught us the structure of a case study report and
stressed presenting only facts without bias and making conclusions based on them.

Basically, the seminar comprehensively showed technical writing methods relevant

to social work students particularly me.Through this, I gained knowledge on how best to
communicate in writing within a professional environment while also reminding me that
such abilities are required especially in this course. I am excited about using what was
shared,that will be later on helpful for my studies as well as in my career in the future.

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