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Department of Mission Shakti , Government of Odisha
SIRD & PR Campus, Unit – VIII, Bhubaneswar – 751012, Odisha
Tel : (0674) 2560166/ 2560126, E-mail:

Groundnut, popularly known as the peanut is a leguminous crop cultivated for edible purposes. The
oil content in the seed is estimated to be around 44-50%. The useful part or the part of economic
importance within the crop grows under the ground as pods. These crops contain nitrogen fixing
bacteria in their roots and that is the reason behind their low nitrogen fertilizer requirement. Being a
leguminous crop, groundnut also grow in crop rotation as it synthesize atmospheric nitrogen and
adds about 100-120 kg of nitrogen in the field per hectare per season. It maintains the fertility of soil
and helps in reducing soil erosion. Groundnut oil cake is used as animal and poultry feed as well as
an organic fertilizer. In this connection, recognizing its multifarious significance, OLM will be
promoting Groundnut sub sector in potential areas acting as a catalyst for securing livelihoods and
achieving the ambitious goal of doubling women farmers' income.


The sub-sector approach is an improved model, using benefits of value addition and promising
higher returns to the harvesters. Sub-sector approach is more technology driven and would also
require higher investments at community level enterprises.

In this regard, the focus of the Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM) has shifted to a more demand-
driven approach to integrate the products/services into existing marketing channels. The decline in
groundnut area has been mainly due to unstable markets and climatic factors. The non-availability of
quality groundnut seeds to sow immediately after the harvest of autumn rice has been largely
responsible for the poor area allocated to groundnut in coastal Odisha during the Rabi season.


1. Area of coverage:- One Acre

2. Seed Requirement in Kg.: Line Sowing 75-80 kg

3. Pre Sowing stage: Seed Treatment

Treat the groundnut seeds with Rhizobium/ PSB/ Mycorrhiza (5 gms /kg of seeds) mixed with cool
rice gruel and shade dry for 30 minutes before sowing.
There is chance of seed coat tearing hence seed treatment should be done with care.
4. Farm Yard Manure (FYM):- 2 tons of FYM applied in soil before seed sowing the treated seeds.
5. Compost: Apply Vermicompost or Ghanajibamruta one quintal on soil. The compost should be
mixed with Trichoderma viridae, PSB, microbial culture @ 1 kg each and keep for 24 hours before
use. We can mix Amritajal/ WD/ Jibamrita with compost.
6. Spacing in Line Transplanting:- 60 cm x 30 cm
7. First Intercultural Operation: Weeding and hoeing
10 litre of Jibamruta with 20 litre water. Otherwise 200 litre waste decomposer can be used (20 to
30 gms WD + 200 litre water + 2 Kg Jaggery).
8. Second Intercultural Operation: Application of Jibamruta before flowering stage.
9. Micronutrient solution: The micronutrients are used for the enhancement of the photosynthesis
process for better yield. Application of micronutrients solution @ 50ml/ litre / 3 times . Timing of
apply - before flowering and fruiting stage. At 3 rd Week - Jibamruta + Micro nutrients and 6 th Week
10. Plant protection: Plant Protection (Handikhata/Agneyastra/Neemastra/ Mahualastra
(Trichoderma+ Pseudomonas = Sanjibani)= 2nd WK- Agneyastra + handikhata(20ml-30ml each)
4th week Agneyastra + handikhata (20ml-30ml each)
5th week -Mahulastra
6th Week-Agneyastra + handikhata (20ml-30ml each)


I. A Cluster is defined as a geographical concentration & should cover at least 10 – 15 Gram

Panchayats within the block or beyond the block of a district of targeted groundnut
II. The households included in the sub sector must be a member of the SHGs and
involved in any farm activities
III. Each groundnut sub sector must comprise of a minimum 500 and maximum 1000 members
who will be registered under ideally minimum 05 PGs and maximum 10 PGs based on which
the numbers of PGs are to be decided
IV. Blocks and Districts where the poultry sub sector is proposed should have the dedicated
human resource for farm livelihood activities.
V. Groundnut sub sector should have the marketable surplus produce to ensure market linkages.


I. BMMU will identify the feasible patches of land for suitable groundnut sub sector
II. Mapping of suitable agriculture land for groundnut cultivation
III. Households may grow any type (i) the bunch or the Spanish variety, (ii) the semi-spreading
or Virginia bunch variety and (iii) the spreading or Virginia runner variety of groundnut as
per their suitability.
IV. Continuous GPs or Contiguous GPs may be selected for practicing of Groundnut cultivation.
V. One Block level Coordinator (BLC) at Block level will be assigned as Block nodal person for
implementation and monitoring the overall activities of groundnut sub sector.
VI. Capacity building of PG members to understand new technology prospect and follow better
management practices for production enhancement.
VII. For sub sector cluster plan development by using livestock mapping will done by the PG
facilitators or by the dedicated CRP-CMs before start the intervention.


I. Livelihoods subcommittee of GPLF will responsible for proper monitoring of groundnut unit.
II. Concerned HH will responsible for submitting production and marketing details to GPLF
III. Krushi Mitra/ CRP-CM of that concerned locality will responsible for documentation of good


Management of groundnut sub sector has three major aspects

I. Financial Management:-
At District level a technical committee should be constituted under the chairmanship of CDO-
Cum-EO, Zilla Parisad having other members such as DSWO, DPC-Mission Shakti, DPM-OLM, Dy-
CEO-ORMAS, Chief District Agriculture Officer, DPO, PM-Livelihoods & MGNREGS. This
committee will approve the technical feasibility of the groundnut sub sector proposal. The
committee should take initiative regarding the possible convergence with MGNREGS &
Agriculture department. Later a District level procurement committee should be formed with the
inclusion of aforementioned members for finalization of procurement accessories under
groundnut subsector. Then nodal GPLF will distribute materials among the other GPLF as per

After approval of poultry sub sector proposal budget will be sanctioned

a) The fixed cost of Groundnut sub sector will be sanctioned to concerned Block

b) The variable cost of Groundnut sub sector will be sanctioned to the concerned PG

II. Input supply and marketing management

 District level procurement will be done for required input/ materials either directly from any
authorized dealer’s point or steps may be taken to avail possible government subsidy to
procure the desired materials

 Under the supervision of Agriculture officer, planting materials and seeds must be brought
from a permitted vendor or a licensed nursey. Then GPLF will distribute materials to the

III. Marketing management:-

 Support PG members on access and availability of production inputs lobbying for good
market price
 Organisation of buyers and sellers meet for better marketing support
 The Groundnut and the value-added products can be marketed at following places :

a) Local market - They can sell their produce in the local market.
b) Distant market - They can contact the wholesaler for marketing in distant market.
c) Agri mall - Agri mall is also an option for selling the groundnut products
d) APC (Agriculture Production Cluster) - APC is also a feasible option for marketing
e) RMC (Regulated Market Committee) - RMC can also be an option for selling of products.

 Each member of the PG involved in groundnut cultivation should coordinate with each other
for smooth management right from the cultivation stage to value added product sell at
market level
 There should be a common understanding among the members of different patches in a
 BMMU officials along with Krushi Mitra (KM) and Livelihoods Support Personnel (LSP) should
monitor the weekly progress of groundnut cultivation at various GPs and coordinate with all
line departments for technical support as and when required for better productivity.
 lnput requirement indent should be submitted to concern GPLF at least one week before
weekly meeting.
 Krushi Mitra (KM) and Livelihoods Support Personnel (LSP) will provide day to day
handholding support.

Tentative Budget for Groundnut Activity sub Sector Plan

for One(01) Cluster(Number of PGs can be varied)
( Not less than 500 Mahila Kisans)
Sl.No Particulars Total Cost (In Rs Lakh)
1 A (Per PG)
i Working Capital 200000
ii Equipment Cost 100000
2 B (Per Cluster)
i Value Addition 150000
ii Market Linkages 100000
iii Branding &Packging 150000
3 C (Lumpsum)
i Capacity Building 150000
Grand Total 850000
Rupees Eight Lakh Fifty Thousand Only

1- Working capital Cost
i- Procurement of seed and seedling.
ii- Land Preparation and Mulching
iii- Fertilizer, Nutrient and Plant Protection cost
iv- Harvesting Cost
2- Equipment Cost
i- Procurement of Groundnut harvester
ii-Procurement of Groundnut decorticator
i- Roasted salted/flavoured Groundnuts
ii-Peanut Butter
iii-Peanut oil
iv- Peanut cookies and chocolate
v- Peanut Chikki bar
vi- Peanut Pakoda and bhujiya
4- Market linkages Cost
i-Organising buyers sellers meet
ii- For establishment one stop shop
iii-Marketing campaign
iv-Sales tie ups
5-Branding & Packging cost
i- Branding & Packging of value aded products
ii- Packging design
iii-Brand image with Mission Shakti Logo
6- Capacity Building Cost
i- Capacity building for value addition
ii- Branding and packging
iii- Market linkages

Time line Activities for Groundnut sub sector promotion

Sl. Activity Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
01 Orientation to District & Block staffs √
on sub sector orientation at SMMU
02 Groundnut subsector identification & √
03 Orientation to Block staffs on sub √
sector orientation at District
04 Training to Groundnut PG √
facilitators, CRP-CM & Krishi Mitras &
PG EC Members under sub sector
05 Groundnut PG Household √ √
06 Approval of proposal from Technical √
team at District & possible
convergence with MGNREGS &
Agriculture Dept
07 Proposal review & funds sanctioned √
at District level

08 Funds transferred to Groundnut PG √

& Block under Groundnut sub sector

9 Input procurement & supply under √

Groundnut sub sector
10 Training Groundnut enterprise √
11 Training of value added product and √
new technology intervention
12 Organization of Buyers and sellers √
meet at Sub- sector level
13 Product development and Value √ √
addition activities

14 Marketing support √ √

15 Enterprise promotion √ √

16 MIS & data management √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

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