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Pis-anan, Sibalom, Antique

Concept Notes in Practical Research 1

Q3- Week 1
Definition of Research

Over the years, many experts have given their own definition of the word “research.”
Different perspectives on the subject have been adopted that resulted in the following

1. Research follows a step-by-step process of investigation that uses standardized

approach to answer questions or solving problems (Polit & Beck, 2004).
2. Research plays an important role in tertiary education. Though there are many
problems confronted by higher education, developments are realized through
research. After all its main purpose is to answer a question or to solve an issue
(Palispis, 2004).

3. Research is a continuous undertaking of making known the unknown (Sanchez,

2002). It entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery of new ideas,
methods, or improvements. It is an attempt to widen one’s outlook in life. It always
proceeds from the known to the unknown. Thus, the end of research is to arrive at a
new truth.

4. Research is an investigation following ordered steps leading to a discovery of new

information or concepts (Sanchez, 1999).

5. Research is a very careful investigation of something that purports the contribution

of additional or new knowledge and wisdom (Basseyy, as cited by Coleman &
Briggs, 2002).

1. Research is a tested approach of thinking and employing validated instruments and steps in
order to obtain a more adequate solution to a problem that is otherwise impossible to
address under ordinary means (Crawford, as cited by Alcantara & Espina, 1995).


1. Research provides a scientific basis for any practice or methodology in any field
or discipline.
This is important since the entire system or operation and all the
stakeholders of an institution or organization are at stake. Without
scientific basis, someone may be affected or may suffer. For example, in
the field of medicine, a new drug must first be tested to determine its
efficacy in curing sickness before it can actually be prescribed.

2. Research is undertaken for the continuous development and further productivity

in any field. Any system that will be utilized in any organization must be first
tried to determine its value and it must be better than the previous system used.
Simply, research is the result of advancing knowledge from the past.
3. Research helps develop tools for assessing effectiveness of any practice and
operation such as psychological tests, intelligence quotient tests, psychological
assessments, among others. This importance of research is observed in
behavioural science, physical science, and others as well.

4. Research provides solutions to problems concerning at most all issues

encountered in the different areas of work. Some issues include the tardiness of
employees, incentives given to the staff, sportsmanship among school athletes
and implementation of a “clean and green” program in school. This all applies to
higher level problems.

5. Research impacts decision-making. It is a common mistake for people to make

decisions without solid information to back them up. It requires time, effort,
money to gather evidence needed for making a sound decision. For example,
for a teacher to change his or her teaching methodology for the first-period and
last-period classes, he or she must conduct a study considering the time
element, enthusiasm to teach, academic standing of the students, instructional
aides used, and several other factors.

6. Research develops and evaluates alternative approaches to the educational

aspects of any discipline. This enables the students to gain broad knowledge
and specialized skills for safe practice. For example, research can help
determine whether lecture is a better method than experiment in teaching

7. Research aims to advance the personal and professional qualifications of a


8. Research provides solutions to problems concerning at most all issues

encountered in the different areas of work. Some issues include the tardiness of
employees, incentives given to the staff, sportsmanship among school athletes
and implementation of a “clean and green” program in school. This als applies
to higher level problems.

9. Research impacts decision-making. It is a common mistake for people to make

decisions without solid information to back them up. It requires time, effort,
money to gather evidence needed for making a sound decision. For example,
for a teacher to change his or her teaching methodology for the first-period and
last-period classes, he or she must conduct a study considering the time
element, enthusiasm to teach, academic standing of the students, instructional
aides used, and several other factors.

10. Research develops and evaluates alternative approaches to the educational

aspects of any discipline. This enables the students to gain broad knowledge
and specialized skills for safe practice. For example, research can help
determine whether lecture is a better method than experiment in teaching

11. Research aims to advance the personal and professional qualifications of a

Lifestyle Lounge also lists down seven importance of research. It says
that “contrary to popular belief research need not only pertain to science.”
Research is important in all spheres of life. (“Importance of Research,“ 2017)
Research is important:

1. to gather necessary information

2. to make changes
3. to improve standard of living
4. to have a safer life
5. to know the truth
6. to explore our history
7. to understand the arts
Q3- W1
Practical Research 1- LAS 1

Name: _________________________ Grade& Section: _____________


Fact Check

Directions: Read the sentences. Put a check (√ ) on the space before the number if you
think that the sentence is true about research. Put a cross (X) if you think that it is not.

1. Research begins with a problem.

2. Research is merely gathering information.
3. Research is transporting facts from one place to another.
4. Research is rummaging around for hard-to-locate information.
5. Research is a creative and systematic work undertaken to get
additional information.


As you work on this module you will encounter difficult words. These words play very
important role in understanding this lesson. Can you help me unlock the words?

Use the Clues

Directions: Fill out the following “word shapes” by referring to the clues and guessing the word being

1. to try to find out the facts about something

2. a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education

3. the act of asking questions to gather information

4. meaning conveyed, professed, or implied

5. done in an organize way that agrees with the methods and principles of science

Congratulations! You have unlocked some new vocabulary words. Good luck on your next

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if it is incorrect.

1. Research starts with inquiry.

2. Research is mere information gathering.

3. All efforts of improvement are research-based.

4. Research is not an important aspect of any organization.

5. Research is needed to investigate and expose the truth.

6. One of the goals of research is to produce results-based practice.

7. Only through research can new inventions and discoveries come to life.

8. Research is an apolitical activity intended for the betterment of the society.

9. Research has improved the life expectancy and health conditions of human race in
all parts of the world.
10. Research entails an investigation of new facts leading to the discovery of new
ideas, methods and improvements.

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