Las 4 Research I Q3

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Pis-anan, Sibalom, Antique

Concept Notes in Practical Research 1

Week 4


What is Qualitative Research?

When we talk about our world views, we usually can not measure this
since it’s not in a quantity. Besides that, it’s more of a view or a perspective
and technically not the standard. However, we may gather these views and
calculate the people who have the same perspective. Obtaining world
knowledge in this manner directs us to do a research called Qualitative
Research. This is a research type that puts high value on the views,
perception, and opinions of people.

A qualitative research can also be subjective, especially if you are trying to

prove a point as a researcher. In a qualitative research the reality is
conditioned by society and people’s intentions are involved for cause-effect
relationships. Let’s have a dose on the characteristics of this type of
research. Take a look at the infographic on the next page.
Do these characteristics draw you more into qualitative research?
Well, every type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Though it’s
practical, it has pros and cons. Let’s take a look at them.
Advantages/Strengths of Qualitative Research
1. It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject matter. The subjects of the
research will base it to what they think is meaningful.
2. It promotes an understanding of human behavior.
3. It is instrumental for positive societal change.
4. It revives the value of respecting people’s individuality.
5. It is a way to interpret social interactions.
6. It increases the researcher’s interest since it involves his attachment to the subject.
7. It offers multiple ways or methods to conduct a study.
Disadvantages/Weaknesses of Qualitative Research
1. It involves the researcher’s subjectivity.
2. It is hard to know the validity or reliability of the data.
3. Its open-ended questions yield “data overload” that requires long-term analysis.
4. It is time-consuming.
5. It involves several processes, which results greatly depend on the researcher’s
Did you already grasp the different strengths and weaknesses of
qualitative research? Keep in mind that most things have their own pros and
cons. It doesn’t mean that they are ineffective.
It was mentioned that one of the characteristics of a qualitative research
is that you can go on with multiple methods and procedures to do it. Let’s
have a look at the types of qualitative research.

Research studies take place in different fields of discipline like

Anthropology, Business, Communication, Education, Engineering, Law, and
Nursing. These areas of knowledge include huge number of research studies
which mirror varied interests of people. People working under these fields use one
of the three basic research approaches in conducting their studies: positive or
scientific, naturalistic, and triangulation or mixed method.

1. Positive or Scientific Approach

- focuses on measurable and observable facts rather than personal views,
feelings, or attitudes;
- is done through collecting data in a form of questionnaires or structured
interviews; these types of data are recorded in numerical or statistical forms and
are known as the quantitative data.
- can be used in researches under the hard sciences or STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, Medicine) and natural sciences (Biology, Physics,

2. Naturalistic Approach
- data collected reflect personal views, attitudes, thoughts, emotions, and
other subjective traits of people in natural setting;
- pays attention to the discovery of the real concept or meaning behind
people’s lifestyles and social relations.
- uses verbal language (words) in presenting and analyzing things;
- is after qualitative data and is done through the use of unstructured
interviews and participant observations;
- can be used under the soft sciences like Anthropology, Business,
Education, Economics, Law, Politics, and all subjects aligned with Business and all
those focused on helping professions such as Nursing, Counselling, Physical
Therapy, and the like (Babbie 2013).

3. Triangulation/ Mixed Method

- a combination of the quantitative and qualitative research
- allows the mixture of research designs, data collection and data analysis
techniques used in the first two methods.
Three Main Methods of Data Collection:
1. Interactive Interviewing- people share and describe their experiences through
words (speaking)
2. Written descriptions by participant- people are asked to write description of
their experiences of phenomenon
3. Observation- descriptive observations of verbal and non-verbal behaviors

The table below shows the differences between quantitative research and
qualitative research and the areas of knowledge under them.


Studies natural data driven phenomenon Studies human behaviour in a scientific
Objective Subjective
Tests Theory Develops Theory
Numbers Words
Cause and Effect Relationship Knowing meaning and discovery
Statistical Analysis and Generalizations Researcher’s interpretation
Examples: Examples:
 Biology  Sociology
 Chemistry  Psychology
 Physics  Political Science
 Astronomy  Economics
 Earth Science  Anthropology
 History

 In Humanities, man’s social life is also subjected to research studies but

instead of focusing on man’s social life itself, it highlights the study of
meanings, significance, and visualization of human experiences in the fields
of Fine Arts, Literature, Music, Drama, Dance, and other art-related

1. Literature And Art Criticism – with the use of well-chosen language
and appropriate organizational pattern, depends greatly on their
interpretative and reflective thinking in evaluating the object of their study
2. Philosophical Research – the focus of inquiry is on knowledge and
principles of being and on the manner human beings conduct themselves
on earth.
Historical Research – focuses on events and ideas that took place in man’s life at a
particular period.
Practical Research 1- LAS 4 Quarter 3 Week 4

Name: ______________________________________ Grade& Section: _________________________

Activity 1

Name the type of research best suited for the following topics
1. Grade 11 Science Text Book
2. Student Activism Since the Marcos Era
3. Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic to Students’ Mental Health
4. Social Media as a Learning Tool
5. The Mangyans’ Burial Practices.

Activity 2

TRUE OR FALSE: Read each item below and tell whether the statement
is true or false.
_ 1.People working under each field of discipline use the same
research approach in conducting studies.
_ 2. Verbal language is used in presenting things under Positive
_ 3. Naturalistic approach is people-oriented.
__ 4. The focus of studies in Humanities is mainly about man’s social

_ 5. Qualitative research can also go hand in hand with quantitative


Activity 3

Identify the area of knowledge in which the research topic belongs. Write the
letter of your answer on the answer sheet.

1. Anti-social Personality Disorder A. Economics
2. Ancestors B. Psychology
3. Why are Nicholas Sparks’s novels popular? C. Anthropology
4. Multiple Intelligences D. Education
5. Puppet Government in the Philippines E. Literature
6. Life after Death F. Sociology
7. Colonization G. Art
8. Demand and Supply H. Political Science
9. Race, Nationality, Ethnicity I. History
10. Art of Ancient Egypt J. Philosophy

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