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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

‘TOO’ and ‘ENOUGH’
With Adjectives and their Opposites
old dangerous long interesting slow
dark healthy easy expensive large
noisy cool near heavy dirty

 Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

1. We can’t have a picnic. It’s too hot outside. It’s not ___________________ enough.

2. Tell Sharon to hurry! She’s too ___________________. She isn’t fast enough.

3. Kevin can’t drive a car. He’s too young. He isn’t ___________________ enough.

4. Those apples are too ___________________. They aren’t cheap enough.

5. I don’t like that movie. It’s too boring. It isn’t ___________________ enough.

6. I can’t study here because it’s too ___________________. It isn’t quiet enough.

7. The exam was too difficult. It wasn’t ___________________ enough.

8. Mr. Stewart says flying is too ___________________. It’s not safe enough.

9. I don’t like my apartment. It’s too small. It isn’t ___________________ enough.

10. The room is too __________________. It isn’t bright enough. I can’t read my book.

11. I’m sorry, but your paragraph is too short. It isn’t ___________________ enough.

12. Thomas has to wash his car. It’s too ___________________. It’s not clean enough.

13. Don’t go to work. You’re too sick. You’re not ___________________ enough.

14. This box is too ___________________. It isn’t light enough. I can’t lift it.

15. Jack’s house is too far. It’s not ___________________ enough. We’ll have to drive.

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Very – Too - Enough

A) Fill in the gaps with either VERY, TOO or ENOUGH.

1. This coffee is _______________ hot, but I can still drink it.

2. This coffee is _______________ hot. I cannot drink it.
3. This coffee is cold. It’s not hot _______________.
4. Jenny is _______________ young to drive. She isn’t old _______________.
5. A: This cake is _______________ sweet, but it’s nice. B: No, I think it’s too sweet.
6. A marathon is _______________ long. Charles is _______________ old to run it, but William is
young _______________.
7. The suit was _______________ expensive so he bought a shirt instead.
8. It’s _______________ cold outside right now but tomorrow it will be _______________ cold to go
outside at all.
9. There are _______________ many students for this class. The classroom is _______________ small,
and there aren’t _______________ desks.
10. They were _______________ poor. They didn’t have _______________ food to eat.

B) Answer the following questions using VERY, TOO or ENOUGH.

1. Why don’t you eat fast food three times a day?

2. What is the weather like in Antarctica?
3. Why don’t you buy a mansion in Hollywood?
4. Why can’t a child drive a car?
5. What are some good things about your city?
6. What are some drawbacks about living in your city?

C) Rewrite the sentences, using either VERY, TOO or ENOUGH.

1. I’ve had so much to eat today that I couldn’t eat another bite.
2. I can’t see anything, turn on the light.
3. This room is hot. Maybe we should open a window.
4. That movie was so sad. I almost cried.
5. This curry is so spicy. I can’t eat it.

Photocopiable © 2011 Rob Woodward – - Classroom and Personal Use Permitted
Present Simple Tense „Wh” questions A1
Czas Present Simple „Wh” pytania

Make questions:

Zaimek pytający znaczenie

What? Co?
Where? Gdzie?
Which? Który?
Why? Dlaczego?
When? Kiedy?
Who? Kto?
Whose? Czyj?
How? Jak?
How old? Ile lat?

Zaimek pytający + czasownik + podmiot + reszta zdania

1. Where/Susie?..........................................................................................................

2. Where/we?..............................................................................................................

3. Who/ she?...............................................................................................................

4. Who/they?...............................................................................................................

5. Whose/dress?..........................................................................................................

6. When/it?..................................................................................................................

7. Where/you?.............................................................................................................

8. How old/she?...........................................................................................................

9. Whose/bike?............................................................................................................
10. Why/you/ here?.......................................................................................................

11. Where/she/from?....................................................................................................

12. When/you/here?......................................................................................................

13. Where/a boy?...........................................................................................................

14. Who/that woman?...................................................................................................

15. Who/it?....................................................................................................................

16. How old/your brothers?...........................................................................................

17. Whose/bag?............................................................................................................

18. Whose/pen?............................................................................................................

19. Where/your aunt?....................................................................................................

20. Where/his uncle?.....................................................................................................

21. Where/grandfather/from?.......................................................................................

22. Whose/T-shirt?........................................................................................................

23. Where/a child?........................................................................................................

24. How old/your daughters?........................................................................................

25. How/son?.................................................................................................................

26. How old/cousins?.....................................................................................................

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