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I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. language B. cultural C. interact D. landline
2. A. cyber B. typhoon C. dry D. funny
3. A. multimedia B. landline C. video D. communicate
4. A. conference B. nonverbal C. social D. body
5. A. cultural B. music C. fuel D. communicative
1. A. coughs B. laughs C. ploughs D. photographs
2. A. cause B. increase C. advertisement D. decrease
3. A. liquid B. lightning C. litter D. spicy
4. A. disaster B. transmit C. translate D. mudslide
5. A. sting B. system C. whistle D. almost`
6. A. spend B. space C. outstand D. respect
7. A. emoji B. smartphone C. social D. holography
II. Choose the word with a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. degree B. message C. network D. smartphone
2. A. agree B. Chinese C. language D. trainee
3. A. future B. people C. webcam D. payee
4. A. guarantee B. translator C. Taiwanese D. Japanese
5. A. telephone B. conference C. awardee D. cultural
I. VOCABULARY: Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. Many people add _____ to their text messages to express their feelings.
A. emojis B. words C. letters D. presents
2. I send _____ messages when I don't feel like typing.
A. group B. text C. picture D. voice
3. Many teenagers like to meet on social _____ rather than face to face.
A. television B. networks C. projects D. calls
4. By using _____, you can attend a meeting with your 3D image instead of being there in person.
A. holography B. voice messages C. social networks D. group call
5. Email, and chat rooms let children _____________ with friends and family members.
A. talk B. say C. speak D. communicate
6. Luckily, there are many communication techniques to help overcome _____________.
A. foreign languages B. culture shocks C. language barriers D. sound barriers
7. Internet _____________ via broadband offers many advantages.
A. relation B. connection C. connectivity D. link
8. We should not _____________ passwords with anyone.
A. share B. send C. bring D. lend
9. Scientists are __________ experiments to test the effectiveness of the new medicine.
A. doing B. making C. bringing D. taking
10. Face __________ is everywhere from social media tagging to airport security cameras.
A. agreement B. information C. realization D. recognition
11. I usually have __________ lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.
A. contact B. touch C. communication D. zoom
12. All hand luggage has to be __________ at the airport security.
A. read B. scanned C. watched D. seen
13. The problem can be solved by using __________ teachers because they can teach anywhere and won’t
get stressed or tired.
A. device B. tool C. machine D. robot
14. Do you like ____________ products?
A. home-growing B. home-grew C. home-grown D. home-grow
15. Never buy things you don’t need just because they are on ____________.
A. sale B. sell C. selling D. Sold
Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. She is very tired; __________, she has to finish her homework.
A. therefore B. so C. and D. however
2. He was tired, __________ he took a rest before continuing the work.
A. so B. and C. but D. if
3. He is going to the post office ( bưu điện)__________ he wants to send a letter.
A. because B. but C. and D. moreover
4. They learn English __________ they intend( dự định) to go abroad.
A. and B. or C. so D. because
5. His hobbies are playing soccer __________ collecting stamps.
A. and B. but C. however D. although
6. I'd love to play volleyball __________ I must complete my homework.
A. since B. moreover C. but D. and
7. It is a beautiful place. ______________, the people are not very friendly.
A. Therefore B. Although C. Because D. However
8. I want to buy some food ……………….I am going to the market.
A. therefore B. so C. and D. however
9. She‘s working late next Friday; ...................., she can’t come to the party.
A. therefore B. so C. and D. however
10. I always take a bath _______________ I go to bed.
A. before B. while C. during D. although
11. Will you wait here _______________ I am ready?
A. as long as B. because C. until D. so
12. I was not at home _______________ he came to see me.
A. since B. for C. when D. so that
13. Do not disturb me _______________ I am busy with my work.
A. however B. while C. at the moment D. but
14. _______________ she finished that project, she started working on the next.
A. Still B. As soon as C. Or D. And
1. She is helpful, so everyone likes __________.
A. her B. hers C. them D. she
2. Mai has a new pair of shoes. They are __________.
A. hers B. she C. hers D. yours
3. I forgot to bring __________ compass.
A. my B. I C. me D. mine
4. He does __________ homework at 8 p.m. everyday.
A. me B. him C. he D. His
5. My children are playing in __________ room.
A. them B. they C. their D. theirs
6. She loves working on __________ computer.
A. hers B. her C. its D. she
7. We ride __________ bikes to school every morning.
A. our B. we C. us D. ours
8. The tiger is in __________ cage in the zoo.
A. I B. they C. its D. it
9. We should brush __________ teeth twice a day.
A. ours B. us C. we D. our
10. This motorbike belongs to Mr. Anderson. It is __________.
A. his B. he C. him D. yours
1. There are some pictures ______________ the wall.
2. The students are ______________ the school library now.
3. We go to school ______________ the bus.
4. Is there any juice ______________ the glass?
5. There is a coffee table ______________ the middle of the living room.
6. I live ______________ 30 Cau Giay Street.
7. The bakery is ______________ the right.
8. They live ______________ the fifth floor.
9. My mother is cooking ______________ the kitchen.
10. I saw them _____________ the station.
V. Choose the correct answer.
1. During our lessons, our teacher puts us into………for group discussion.
A. online class B. computer screen C. breakout rooms D. internet connection
2. We shouldn’t throw away ………products but recycle them.
A. pollution B. single –use C. carbon dioxide D. reduce
3. We called the forest guard unit …….. we saw the bush fire.
A. as soon as B. while C. until D. before
4. Do you like ………products?
A. home – growing B. home grew C. home - grown D. home-grow
5. How …… you return things you buy online?
A. often B. never C. usually D. rarely
6. By using…..,you can attend a meeting with your 3D image instead of being there in person.
A. holography B. voice messages C. social netwok D. telephones
7. What natural disaster involves ash and gas?
A. flood B. earthquake C. volcano D. landslide
8. Do you often send……..messages to your friends?
A. translation B. private C. language D. words
9. Choose the word(s) which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
Our English exam was a piece of cake. I got full marks on it.
A. hard B. difficult C. happy D. easy
10. Marie Curie and Pierre Curie……..radium and polonium.
A. invented B. created C. experiments D. discovered
11. We _________TV at 9 p.m last night.
A. watched B. was watching C. were watching D. watching
12. Our English exam was a piece of cake. I got full mark on it.
A. difficult B. hard C. challenging D. easy
13. They always sit ______each other in a chess game.
A. behind B. opposite C. under D. between
14. Thomas Edison _______the light bulb in 1880s.
A discovered B. found C. invented D. thought
15. Yesterday, a terrible storm ________the rural area of Ha Giang Province.
A. raged B. erupted C. stroke D. happened
16. Lan: “Many people died in the accident.” - Mai: “____________”
A. Thank you B. Awesome C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. How nice!
17. Julia said that she _______there at noon.
A. is going to be B. was going to be C. will be D. can be
18. Many people add _________to their text messages to express their feelings.
A. emails B. words C. letters D. pictures
19. Flood, drought and mudslide are _ _____________.
A. natural disasters B. natural resources C. natural reserves D. natural landscapes
I. Read and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the passage. (1.0pt)
Email, and chat rooms let children communicate (1)_____ friends and family members. They can also
allow children to connect with people that they have never met in person. Knowing a little about each of
these communication services can (2) _____ parents keep children safer while online.
Through e-mail, (3) _____ can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have text,
audio, and picture files attached. Signing up for an email account is simple (4)______ most services offer
them for free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate contents, so parents should
warn children to be wary of email from unknown people.
Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyone can talk about (5) ______ - current events, books, and
other common interests. Users often do not know each other in real life, so it is important that parents keep
a close eye on the content of any conversations.
1. A. to B. with C. for D. through
2. A. helped B. helps C. to help D. help
3. A. receivers B. messengers C. users D. partners
4. A. despite B. because C. because of D. in spite of
5. A. every B. something C. nothing D. anything
II. Read the passage and then choose the correct answer to each question. (1.0 point)
Environmental pollution is term that refers to all the ways (1)______ which man pollutes his surroundings.
Man dirties the air with (2)______ gases and smoke, poisons the water with chemicals and other
substances, and damages the (3)_____ with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also (4)_________his
surroundings with various other ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty by (5)_____ junk and litter
on the land and in the water.
1. A. with B. by C. in D. on
2. A. thick B. natural C. exhaust D. influent
3. A. soil B. forests C. streets D. beaches
4. A. pollute B. polluted C. polluting D. pollutes
5. A. scatter B. scatters C. scattering D. scattered
III.Read the passage and tick True or False.
The twenty-first century is known as the age of Information Technology. IT has evolved tremendously
in recent decades and has revolutionized the way humans connect and work. Everything from computers
and the Internet to e-commerce and cellphones are the results of information technology. Advancements in
technology and better information systems provide lots of possibilities in communication and connectivity.
After the invention of the computer and the Internet, the world has changed a lot. Just a press of a button or
a swipe can get you many things that you want. You can talk to those living miles away or see people in
different countries through video conferencing. You can even buy groceries and food from websites, just
by sitting at home. Sharing knowledge and gathering information has become much easier, faster, cheaper,
and enjoyable. All these are the greatest advantage of IT and it had made the world a better place to live in.
True False
1. The twenty-first century is the age of IT.
2. IT is an acronym for Information Technology.
3. IT doesn’t have any influences on the way humans connect and work.
4. Through video conferencing, you can see the people who are talking to
you although they are very far from you.
5. It is not easy to share knowledge and gather information now.
6. Our world has become better because of IT.
III. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to fill in each blank in the following passage.

About 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs became extinct. The hot, dry climax of the Cretaceous Period
quickly changed as a result of an asteroid hitting the Earth. This collision sent dust and debris (1)
____________ the atmosphere which blocked sunlight from reaching the Earth's surface. The dinosaurs
could no quickly adapt to the Earth’s colder climate and eventually became (2) ____________
While the dinosaurs are no longer with us, today a number of plant, insect, and animal species are finding
their habitats being destroyed, and they too are in danger of extinction. Human activities that are
destructive to the (3) ____________ such as the development of industry, housing, and farming _(4)
___________________destroying the habitats of many species. For example, in the Amazon Rainforest,
thousands 0 hectares of forest are being destroyed as (5) ____________ are being cut down to make way
for cattle farms, logging and housing.
Scientists warn that many plant and animal species from this area of the work will become extinct soon
unless we quickly stop (6) ____________ their habitats.
1. A. onto B. into C. under D. out of
2. A. survise B. extinction C. extinct D. appeare
3. A. environment B. sea C. ocean D. forest
4. A. is B. are C. be D. was
5. A. flowers B. trees C. vegetables D. waterfall
6. A. destroyed B. disapear C. appearing D. destroying
Pasage 2
Email, and chat rooms let children communicate with friends and family members. They can also allow
children to connect with people that they have never met (1)______________
person. Knowing a little about each of these communication services can (2) _____ parents keep children
safer while online.Through e-mail, (3) _____ can easily send and receive messages. These messages may
also have text, audio, and picture files attached. Signing up for an email account is simple (4)______ most
services offer them for free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate contents, so
parents should warn children to be wary of email from unknown people.Chat rooms are online hang-out
spots where anyone can talk about (5) ______ - current events, books, and other common interests. Users
often do not know each other in real life, _(6) ______________ it is important that parents keep a close eye
on the content of any conversations.
1. A. to B. for C. in D. through
2. A. helped B. helps C. to help D. help
3. A. receivers B. messengers C. users D. partners
4. A. despite B. because C. because of D. in spite of
5. A. every B. something C. nothing D. anything
6. A. as B. so C. and D. or
. Read the following passage and then answer True or False
Nothing on earth is more majestic than a tall, spreading tree. Trees are our friends in our fight for a
healthier planet. This is how they help us.
First, trees are the Earth’s lungs. They remove pollutants from the air and significantly improve air
quality. Research shows that with billions of trees, we could remove two-thirds of all the carbon dioxide
created by human activities. Second, trees reduce the runoff of rainwater, so they can reduce flooding.
Moreover, if you enjoy sitting in the shade of a tree in the summer, you know that trees can also lower air
temperatures too. Trees growing beside a home can cool the roof and the air around the house. Therefore, it
reduces air conditioning costs. And don’t forget that trees create habitats for many species of plants and
animals. If you want to plant trees to help save the planet, there are simple ways to get started. Plant trees
around your house. If enough people did that, it would make a big difference
1. Trees help remove pollutants from water.
2. Trees help remove carbon dioxide from the air.
3. There is less flooding thanks to trees.
4. You pay less for air conditioning if you plant trees.
5. If everybody plants trees around their homes, it will improve the planet.
Read the passage and tick True or False.
The twenty-first century is known as the age of Information Technology. IT has evolved tremendously in
recent decades and has revolutionized the way humans connect and work. Everything from computers and
the Internet to e-commerce and cellphones are the results of information technology. Advancements in
technology and better information systems provide lots of possibilities in communication and connectivity.
After the invention of the computer and the Internet, the world has changed a lot. Just a press of a button or
a swipe can get you many things that you want. You can talk to those living miles away or see people in
different countries through video conferencing. You can even buy groceries and food from websites, just by
sitting at home. Sharing knowledge and gathering information has become much easier, faster, cheaper, and
enjoyable. All these are the greatest advantage of IT and it had made the world a better place to live in.
True False
1. The twenty-first century is the age of IT.
2. IT is an acronym for Information Technology.
3. IT doesn’t have any influences on the way humans connect and work.
4. It is not easy to share knowledge and gather information now.
I. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. (1.0pt)
1. Lily’s house is to the left of her school. The kindergarten is to the right of her school.
Lily’s school is ……………………………………………………………………………
2. He is one of my friends.
He is a…………………………………………………………………………………….
3. “I often help my parents do the housework every day.”
She said ………………………………………………………………………………….
4. I saw him while I was waiting for the bus.
When I …………………..…………………………………………………………………
5. “ I will send him your letter tomorrow.”
Peter said to Mary that……………………………………………………………………….
6. “We don’t open the laboratory today” Mr.Minh said.
 Mr. Minh said ……………………………………………………………
7. “Where does your brother work?” she asked me.
She asked me ..……………………………………………………………
8. Minh’s school is behind his house
 Minh’s house .……………………………………………………………
9. Her bike is blue. My bike is red.
 Her ………………………………………………………………………
10. It is necessary to brush your teeth before you go to bed
 You need ………..………………………………………………………
VI. Do as requested
1. “I am a member of the IT club.”
-> Minh said that………………….........................................................................................
2. “ I will send him your letter tomorrow.”
Nam said to Hoa that……………………………………………………………………….
3. The teacher said, “Mai is reading about Thomas Edison now”
-> The teacher said that………….. ...........................................................................................
4. “ I am reading an interesting book now.”
She said that……………………………………………………………………….
5. Jack is one of his cousins
-> Jack is a……………................................................................................................................
6. He is one of my friends.
->He is a……………………………………………………………………………………...........
V. Find the mistakes:
1. I will be in the countryside on two weeks this summer holiday.
2. Mr. Nam said that he would visit Singapore next year.
3. Mike said that he can design a robot in the future
4. He said that Isaac Newton discovers gravity when an apple fell on him.
5. They go sometimes to the cinema to watch comedies.
6. The film is starting at 8 p.m. tonight.
7. They always go on holiday by summer.
VII. Combine these sentences, using the word in brackets
1. I finished my homework. I went to bed. (after)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
2. The tornado hit. There were only a few houses left standing. (after)
→ ______________________________________________________________ .
3. My sister is doing her homework. I am reading books..(while)
→ ______________________________________________________________
4. We were having dinner. Mary came (when)
5. Vietnamese women often conical hats. They work in the field. (when)
→ ____________________________________________________________________ .
6. We were planting trees. Our friends were collecting rubbish, (while)
→ ____________________________________________________________________
7. We have to follow the steps. We make a conical hat.(when)
→ ____________________________________________________________________
8. Everyone ran right after the tsunami Siren went off.
 As soon as _______________________________________________________________
9. I arrive at the station. I will call you right after.
→ As soon as __________________________________________________________________

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