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Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219

Mass transport in the membrane air-stripping process using

microporous polypropylene hollow fibers: effect of
toluene in aqueous feed夽
Hassan Mahmud a , Ashwani Kumar a,∗ , Roberto M. Narbaitz b , Takeshi Matsuura c
aInstitute of Chemical Process and Environmental Technology, National Research Council Canada,
1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1A 0R6
b Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1N 6N5
c Department of Chemical Engineering, Industrial Membrane Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont., Canada K1N 6N5
Received 5 November 2001; received in revised form 10 June 2002; accepted 17 June 2002

Membrane air-stripping (MAS), using microporous polypropylene hollow fiber membrane modules, is one of the most
promising processes for removal and recovery of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from water/wastewater. In this work,
aqueous feed containing VOCs was allowed to cross-flow on the shell side, whereas air flowed through the lumen of fibers.
Chloroform, toluene and their mixture were used as model VOCs. The effects of presence of toluene alone and in mixture
with chloroform in aqueous feed on the mass transport of VOCs through the membrane are reported. It was found that Henry’s
law constants (HLCs) for toluene as well as chloroform did not change significantly in mixtures. The tests showed that higher
toluene adsorption than that of chloroform on the fibers. It appeared that toluene blocked the pores partially, due to its strong
affinity for the membrane material, resulting in substantially reduced mass transport.
© 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Membrane air-stripping; Organic separations; Water treatment; Microporous membranes; Partitioning

1. Introduction adsorption, advanced oxidation, anaerobic/aerobic

biological methods and distillation. All these tech-
Conventional treatment methods for removal and niques, in general, have at least one major disadvan-
recovery of volatile organics include air- stripping, tage [1] and have been reviewed in detail by Mahmud
et al. [2]. Liquid-phase adsorption is economical only
at low part per billion (ppb); volatile organic com-
Abbreviations: CI, confidence level; HLC, Henry’s law con-
stant; GC(P&T), gas chromatograph (Purge & Trap); GC6890, gas
pound (VOC) concentrations due to the high cost
chromatograph (HP 6890 series); MAS, membrane air-stripping; of adsorbent replacement and/or regeneration, while
ppb, parts per billion; ppm, parts per million; PTA, packed-tower distillation is economical only at higher VOC con-
aeration; TC, total carbon; TOC, total organic carbon; VOC, centrations. The effectiveness of advanced oxidation
volatile organic compound is compound dependent and it can form new products
夽 NRCC No. 44383.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-613-998-0498; that could be more harmful than the original ones.
fax: +1-613-941-2529. Packed-tower aeration (PTA) is the most economical
E-mail address: (A. Kumar). and hence the most widely used process for removal

0376-7388/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 6 - 7 3 8 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 2 0 - 4
208 H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219

Nomenclature Qw water flow rate (m3 /s)

a surface to volume ratio (m2 /m3 ) rin outer radius of the center tube (m)
CV coefficient of variance rout inner radius of the membrane module
C∗ liquid-phase concentration that would (m)
be in equilibrium with the air phase R stripping factor = Qw /Qa H
concentration (ppm) Re Reynolds number (do uw /ν)
Caa concentration of the VOC in the system Sc Schmidt number (ν/Dw )
after adsorption (ppm) Sh Sherwood number (kL do /Dw )
Cba concentration of the VOC in the reservoir t time (s)
before adsorption (ppm) ua air velocity in the lumen of the hollow
Cf final concentration of the loss test after fiber (m/s)
24 h (ppm) uw aqueous solution velocity on the shell
Ci initial concentration of the loss test (ppm) side of the hollow fiber (m/s)
Co estimated initial concentration of the Va volume of the air (m3 )
VOC in the liquid-phase after loss (ppm) VL volume of the liquid (m3 )
Ct VOC concentration in the reservoir at VT total volume of solution in the system
time t (ppm) (m3 )
C0 VOC concentration in the reservoir at Vw reservoir volume (m3 )
time 0 (ppm) X equilibrium mass concentration of the
C1 measured initial concentration (ppm) component in the air phase (ppm)
di inner diameter of the hollow fiber (ppm) x fraction of the pore filled with air
do outer diameter of the hollow fiber (m) (1 − x) fraction of the pore filled with water
Dw diffusion coefficient of compound in
water (m2 /s) Greek letters
Dc continuum (ordinary) diffusion δ pore length, m
coefficient of compound in air phase ε fiber porosity (dimensionless)
(m2 /s) ν kinematic viscosity of air/water (m2 /s)
Deff effective diffusion coefficient of τ pore tortuosity (dimensionless)
compound in air (m2 /s)
DKn Knudsen diffusion coefficient of
compound in air (m2 /s) of ppb levels of VOCs from drinking water and re-
H dimensionless Henry’s law constant garded as the best available technology (BAT) for the
h length of the hollow fiber module purpose. However, in many cases PTA needs off gas
compartment (0.5 l) (m) treatment before releasing to the atmosphere. Thus,
k rate constant (min−1 ) PTA is not very effective at higher VOC concentra-
ka local air-phase mass transfer coefficient tions and recovery of VOC is difficult due to the re-
(m/s) quirement of high air-to-water ratio. Large size of PTA
kL local liquid-phase mass transfer also makes it unacceptable in populated areas. A part
coefficient (m/s) of the VOCs is air stripped during aerobic biodegra-
km membrane mass transfer coefficient (m/s) dation process [3]. In addition to these conventional
KL a overall volume specific mass transfer technologies, there has been active research on mem-
coefficient (h−1 ) brane processes, such as membrane pervaporation,
KL overall liquid-phase based mass transfer membrane distillation and membrane air-stripping
coefficient (m/s) (MAS), for the removal/separation/concentration of
L hollow fiber length (m) organics from aqueous solution [4–14].
Qa air flow rate (m3 /s) Separation of VOCs from liquid streams by MAS
is being considered as an alternative that may help
H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219 209

overcome some of the shortfalls of the conventional aqueous solution across the liquid boundary layer to
treatment methods. It is reported that MAS offers the membrane surface. Second, it diffuses through the
an order of magnitude higher overall volume spe- air-filled pores. This diffusion step does not exist in
cific mass transfer coefficient (KL a) than that of packed-tower air stripping. Third, it diffuses through
packed-tower air-stripping and needs much lower the air boundary layer outside the membrane into the
air-to-water ratio to achieve the same degree of re- stripping air. Thus, the overall mass transfer resis-
moval due to its multi-pass nature [14]. The bene- tance is the combined effect of these three separate
fit of lower air-to-water ratio facilitates the use of mass transfer resistances. As mass transfer resistances
close-loop system to avoid transferring VOC from are considered to be proportional to the inverse of
aqueous phase to air phase [10], either by destroying the corresponding mass transfer coefficients, the over-
or trapping the VOCs. MAS research had focused all liquid-phase based mass transfer resistance (1/KL )
mainly on the removal of halogenated aliphatic hy- can be expressed as follows:
drocarbons, normally encountered in contaminated 1 1 1 1
ground/drinking water at ppb concentration levels = + + (1)
KL kL km H ka H
using microporous polypropylene hollow fiber mem-
brane modules [2]. Thus, further studies are needed where KL is the overall liquid-phase based mass
with other VOCs of alicyclic and aromatic groups for transfer coefficient (m/s), kL the local liquid-phase
their importance as pollutants. Treatment of wastewa- mass transfer coefficient (m/s), ka the local air-phase
ter containing higher VOC concentration levels needs mass transfer coefficient (m/s), km the membrane
investigation as VOCs are widely used as solvents in mass transfer coefficient (m/s), H the dimensionless
industry and need to be either recovered or removed HLC, i.e. a ratio of the mass concentrations.
from these wastewaters. The individual mass transfer coefficients can be pre-
The objective of the present study, was to evalu- dicted for MAS using liquid cross-flow on the shell
ate the simultaneous removal of an aromatic and a side and air flow in the lumen side of the hollow fibers
halogenated aliphatic compound at parts per million using the following mass transfer correlations based
(ppm) concentration levels. Chloroform, toluene and on dimensionless numbers.
their mixture were used as model VOCs. This paper The local liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient, kL ,
presents, the effect of the presence of toluene alone can be predicted based on the following correlation
and in mixture with chloroform in aqueous feed on developed by Kreith and Black [15] for cross-flow in
the mass transport of VOCs through the microporous closely packed tube bank heat exchangers
polypropylene hollow fiber membranes during MAS.
This paper also provides the results from the adsorp- Sh = 0.39Re0.59 Sc0.33 (2)
tion tests on toluene and chloroform on the polymer where Re is the Reynolds number (do uw /ν), Sh the
surfaces as well as experimentally determined values Sherwood number (kL do /Dw ), Sc the Schmidt number
for Henry’s law constant (HLC) of the VOCs. (ν/Dw ), do the outer diameter of the hollow fiber (m),
uw is aqueous solution velocity on the shell side of
the fibers as given by Eq. (7) (m/s); ν the kinematic
2. Theory viscosity of water (m2 /s), Dw the diffusion coefficient
of compound in water (m2 /s).
Mass transfer fundamentals for the transport of The air phase mass transfer coefficient, ka can be
VOCs in MAS systems have been reviewed in detail estimated by using a correlation for laminar flow in a
by Mahmud et al. [2,5]. VOCs are transferred from cylindrical tube [16–18]. In this work, the following
water to air through intimate contact of the two phases equation, derived from Lévéque’s [16] correlation, is
at the mouth of the air-filled pores. The driving force used by incorporating HLC, as the boundary layer is
for the mass transfer is the difference in concentration gaseous
between the two phases.  
Mass transfer in membrane air stripping involves 1 0.617 Ldi 0.33
= (3)
three sequential. First, a VOC diffuses from the bulk ka H H ua D c 2
210 H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219

where ua is the air velocity inside the hollow fiber The values for the parameters in Eq. (6) are avail-
(m/s), di the inner diameter of the hollow fiber (m), able numerically from the experiments. The only ex-
L the length of fiber (m), Dc continuum (ordinary) ception is R, as it depends on H, which was obtained
diffusion coefficient of compound in air (m2 /s). experimentally at 23.0 ± 0.2 ◦ C. The water velocity
Membrane mass transfer coefficient, km can be pre- outside the hollow fiber, uw for the present study was
dicted using the equations developed by Mahmud et al. estimated using the following equation [5]:
[5], Qi and Cussler [19] or Kreulen et al. [20]. In this (Qw /2π h)(1/(rout − rin ))ln(rout /rin )
work, the equation developed by Mahmud et al. [5] uw = (7)
void fraction
has been used as the pores appeared to be partially air
filled and partially water filled [5,21] where h is the length of each compartment, half of L
(m), rin the outer radius of the center tube (m), rout
1 δτ δτ
=x + (1 − x) (4) the inner radius of the membrane module (m).
km H Deff εH Dw ε
where x is the fraction of the pore filled with air, (1−x)
the fraction of the pore filled with water, δ the pore 3. Experimental
length (m), Deff the effective diffusion coefficient of
Materials for this study were of analytical grade and
compound in air (m2 /s), τ the pore tortuosity (dimen-
were used without further modification. Chloroform
sionless), ε the fiber porosity (dimensionless).
and toluene with purity of 99.8% (BDH Inc., Toronto,
The estimation of the experimental overall mass
ON, Canada) were used to prepare the feed solutions
transfer coefficient for the batch MAS system has
and the standards for the gas chromatographs. The
been reviewed by Mahmud et al. [2]. According to
diffusion coefficients of the compounds used in this
this review, the change of organic concentration of
study are given in Table 1.
the solution in a completely mixed reservoir of a
batch MAS system with time, can be described by
3.1. Analytical equipments
the following linear relationship [12]:
C0 Three types of analyzers were used to analyze the
ln = kt (5)
Ct samples: (a) a total organic carbon (TOC) analyzer
(Model TOC-5050, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto,
where C0 is the VOC concentration in the reservoir Japan) equipped with an auto-sampler (Model ASI-
at time 0 (ppm), Ct the VOC concentration in the 5000, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) was used
reservoir at time t (ppm), k the rate constant (min−1 ). to quantify the VOC concentration in the samples col-
A value of the rate constant, k is obtained, using lected from experiments involving aqueous solutions
Eq. (5), as the slope of the plot of ln(C0 /Ct ) versus
t. Substituting the value of k in the following equa- Table 1
tion will provide the overall liquid-phase based mass Physicochemical properties of compounds used in this study
transfer coefficient, KL , for the system when air and Compound Temperature Dc × 105 DKn × 104 Dw × 109
liquid solution streams are on the lumen and shell (◦ C) (m2 /s) (m2 /s) (m2 /s)
side, respectively [2] Chloroform 23 0.923a 2.29b 0.893c
   Toluene 23 0.816a 2.61b 0.855d
uw Qw
KL = (1−R)−1 ln (1−R)+R a D , continuum diffusion coefficient of the component in air
aL (Qw −Vw k) phase, calculated using the correlation given by Fuller et al. [22].
b D , Knudsen diffusion coefficient, calculated using the cor-
(6) Kn
relation given by Cussler [23].
c Diffusion coefficient of chloroform in water, calculated using
where L is the effective length of the fiber (m), a
the correlation given by Wilke and Chang [24], multiplied with a
the surface to volume ratio (m2 /m3 ), R the stripping
factor of 0.9 to match the observed deviation by Smith et al. [25]
factor, Qw /(Qa H), Vw the volume of the solution in and Roberts and Dändliker [26].
the reservoir (m3 ), Qw the solution flow rate (m3 /s), d Diffusion coefficient of toluene in water, calculated using the

Qa the air flow rate (m3 /s). correlation given by Wilke and Chang [24].
H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219 211

of a single VOC. The total carbon (TC) values were constant at 3.33 × 10−5 m3 /s. Initial chloroform and
directly converted to chloroform or toluene concentra- toluene concentrations in the feed solutions were 680±
tions by multiplying TC values by a factor of 9.9483 30 and 170 ± 30 ppm, respectively when MAS tests
or 1.10, respectively. (b) A gas chromatograph (Purge were conducted with a solution of single VOC. The
& Trap) GC(P&T), referred to as GC(P&T) here- temperature of the solution as well as the air was
after, included a gas chromatograph (Varian—Vista kept at 23.0 ± 0.2 ◦ C. The pressure drops for the air
Series 6000, Varian Instrument Group, Walnut Creek side and solution side were 1.2–3.0 and 10.0 kPa, re-
Division, Walnut Creek, CA) that had a flame ioniza- spectively. The total duration of a typical test was
tion detector (FID), a packed column (Carbopack B 160 min.
60/80 Mesh, 1% SP-1000, 8 ft by 1/8 in. SS, Supelco A TOC analyzer was used to quantify the VOC
Canada Ltd., Oakville, ON) and to which a liquid concentration in the samples collected from MAS
purge and trap sample concentrator (Tekmar- LSC -2, tests involving aqueous solutions of a single VOC.
Tekmar Company, Cincinnati, OH) and an integrator Periodically, samples were also analyzed using both
(Waters 820 Chromatography Data Station, Water TOC analyzer and GC(P&T) or GC6890 to identify
Chromatography Division, Millipore Corporation, any compounds other than chloroform or toluene in
Milford, MA) were attached. (c) A gas chromato- the solution and to know their contribution to the TC
graph (HP 6890 series GC System, Hewlett-Packard, values. It was observed from the GC analysis that the
Wilmington, DE), referred to as gas chromatograph peak related to organic impurities in samples contain-
(HP 6890 series) (GC6890) hereafter, had a FID, a ing chloroform as single solute, remained unchanged
capillary column (SPB-5, 30 m × 0.53 mm, 1.5 ␮m from the beginning to the end of a run. No other
film, Supelco Canada Ltd., Oakville, ON) and was compounds were detected in the aqueous solutions
connected to an integrator (HPGC Chem Station, of toluene single solute tests. The samples collected
Hewlett-Packard, Wilmington, DE). For analysis by from the tests with binary mixtures of VOCs were
GC6890, the VOCs were extracted in n-pentane be- analyzed by GC6890 only.
fore injection into the GC column.
3.3. Determination of Henry’s law constants
3.2. Removal of VOCs from aqueous solution
by MAS Although HLCs can be determined by many ex-
perimental methods [27–31], the method proposed by
The MAS experimental setup included a reservoir Munz and Roberts [28] was used in this study. Ac-
(volume = 6.675 × 10−3 m3 ), a hollow fiber mem- cording to this method, H is determined directly by
brane module, an aqueous solution feed circulation the measurement of the liquid-phase concentration of
line and an air-stripping line. The shell side of mem- a VOC that is in equilibrium with the air phase in
branes was kept in contact with the aqueous phase a closed system. Gas tight syringes (Hamilton Co.,
for 48 h prior to the start of the tests to reach a steady Reno, NV) adapted with “Luer Lock” plugs were used
wet state. The detailed description of the setup and for this experiment. The plugs were prepared by bend-
the method of testing are given elsewhere [5]. A ing “Luer needles”. The 10 ml of stock solution was
Liqui-Cel® Extra- Flow 2.5 in.×8 in. laboratory-scale transferred into a syringe. The solution was left in the
membrane contactor (Separation Products Division, syringe for 1 h before determining its concentration,
Hoechst Celanese Corporation, Charlotte, NC, USA), which was recorded as measured initial concentration,
made of polypropylene microporous hollow fibers C1 . Then, the solution volume in the syringe was re-
(Celgard, Hoechst Celanese Corporation, Charlotte, duced to 5 ml. Subsequently, 5 ml of air was intro-
NC, USA) was used. duced into the syringe. A 24 h period was allowed to
The samples were collected from the reservoir for reach the equilibrium. During this period, the syringes
analysis every 10 min in the beginning of each run were shaken four times, for 2 min at each time. The
but the interval was increased at later stages. Strip- liquid-phase VOC concentration was measured after
ping airflow rates were varied from 3.33 × 10−5 to the 24 h equilibration period and was recorded as the
8.33 × 10−5 m3 /s, while the liquid flow rate was kept equilibrium concentration, C∗ .
212 H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219

Although, the syringes were gas tight, the possibility (a) The total volume of the liquid in the system,
of losses of VOCs during this 24 h period should not be which includes the reservoir, the pump, the ro-
ignored [32,33]. To take into account any loss of VOCs tameter, the shell side volume of module, connect-
from the syringe during this 24 h period, loss tests ing tubes and valves, was first determined to be
were conducted [21]. C1 was multiplied by the ratio 7.03 × 10−3 m3 .
of Cf /Ci to obtain the estimated initial concentration, (b) Module air inlet and outlet were sealed tight with
Co . Where, Ci and Cf are the initial concentration and glass plugs to avoid any air circulation.
the final concentration of loss test, respectively. This (c) The system was filled with water, which was cir-
ratio accounts for the loss of VOCs in the syringe. culated in the system for some time.
The mass balance of the VOC for the system could (d) The circulation of water was stopped. Feed circu-
be expressed as follows: lation line’s inlet and outlet valves were closed,
Co VL = C ∗ VL + XVa (8) thus the pump, the rotameter, the module and the
connecting tubes were isolated from the reser-
where Co is the estimated initial concentration of the voir. Then, the water from the reservoir was partly
VOC in the liquid-phase (ppm), VL the volume of drained.
the liquid (m3 ), C∗ the liquid-phase concentration that (e) A VOC solution was prepared in a separate flask
would be in equilibrium with the air phase concentra- and was transferred to fill the reservoir (volume of
tion after 24 h (ppm), X the equilibrium mass concen- the reservoir was 6.675 × 10−3 m3 ). The solution
tration in the air phase (ppm), Va the volume of the was stirred with a magnetic stirrer. A sample was
air (m3 ). collected from the reservoir for analysis.
Solving the above equation for X and substituting in (f) The reservoir was connected to the system by
the following Eq. (9), which is a dimensionless form opening the valves. The solution was circulated in
of HLC based on mass concentrations, developed by the system for 60 min. The final sample was col-
Munz and Roberts [28] and Roberts and Levy [34] lected from the reservoir for analysis.
will yield Eq. (10)
Samples were analyzed by a TOC analyzer when the
X adsorption tests were conducted for chloroform, while
H = ∗ (9)
C the GC6890 gas chromatograph was used when tests
(C0 − C ∗ )VL were conducted for toluene. Experiments were con-
H = (10) ducted at four different concentrations for each VOC
C ∗ Va
at 23 ± 0.2 ◦ C.
As VL = Va , the above equation can be rewritten as: The mass of the VOCs adsorbed on the polymer
C0 surfaces were calculated via a mass balance
H = ∗ −1 (11)
C mass of VOC adsorbed = Cba Vw − Caa VT (12)
Thus, only initial and equilibrium liquid-phase con-
centrations were needed for calculating H. The chlo- where Cba is the concentration of the VOC in the reser-
roform samples were analyzed by the TOC analyzer. voir before adsorption (ppm), Caa the concentration of
The toluene samples were analyzed by the GC6890. the VOC in the system after adsorption (ppm), VT the
Experiments for binary chloroform/toluene solutions total volume of solution in the system (m3 ).
were conducted by the same methods. The samples
were analyzed via the GC6890 analyzer.
4. Results and discussion
3.4. Adsorption tests
4.1. Results from adsorption tests
Adsorption tests were conducted to determine the
amount of VOC adsorbed on the polymer surfaces that The results from the chloroform and toluene ad-
were in contact with the feed solution. The experimen- sorption tests are shown in Fig. 1. It was found that
tal steps are mentioned as follows: the mass of chloroform and toluene adsorbed varied
H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219 213

Fig. 1. Adsorption of VOCs on membrane Matrix.

from 76 to 227 and 306 to 722 mg, respectively de- 4.2. Henry’s law constant
pending on the initial concentration of the solutions.
It should be noted that the system tested consists of The H was determined for chloroform in three
polypropylene hollow fibers with an effective surface series of experiments. Each series consisted of eight
area of 1.4 m2 , a module housing made of polypropy- syringes. In each series, H was obtained for eight dif-
lene and connecting tubes made of Teflon® . It was ferent chloroform concentrations. The average value
likely that VOCs would be sorbed on the surface of of H was calculated for all the 24 samples from these
the housing and majority would be sorbed on the three series. The results from HLC determination of
matrix of hollow fibers, which had a much larger chloroform are presented in Table 2. The final value
surface area. Consequently, we have calculated the of H for chloroform obtained from averaging all 24
sorbed mass of VOCs per mass of hollow fibers. The samples at 23 ◦ C with 95% confidence level (CI) is
masses of toluene adsorbed were much higher than 0.1512 ± 0.0115. All experimental data are presented
those of chloroform at equivalent initial concentra- in Fig. 2 as dimensionless HLC, H, versus initial
tions. This indicates that toluene has greater affinity chloroform concentration. The figure shows that the
for polypropylene/Teflon® . The amount of VOCs initial chloroform concentration in the concentration
adsorbed was linearly related to the initial solution range studied, does not affect the value of the HLC.
concentration. This indicates that if the adsorption is The results from H determination of toluene are also
fully reversible and the adsorption and desorption pro- presented in Table 2. Unlike chloroform, one single
cesses are relatively fast, the VOC adsorbed at the start toluene solution was used to fill all the syringes when
of a MAS test, when the concentration was higher, H for toluene was determined. The average H value,
might be desorbed at later stages, as the concentration obtained from averaging all 22 samples at 23 ◦ C for
decreases. toluene, with 95% CI is 0.2305 ± 0.0195.

Table 2
Experimental values of Henry’s law constant
Experiments No. of points Mean Cv 95% CI
Chloroform as a single solute 24 0.1512 0.1795 0.1512 ± 0.0115
Toluene as a single solute 22 0.2305 0.1907 0.2305 ± 0.0195
Chloroform as chloroform/toluene mixture 8 0.1507 0.2388 0.1507 ± 0.0301
Toluene as chloroform/toluene mixture 8 0.2356 0.1996 0.2356 ± 0.0393
214 H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219

ous solution of chloroform/toluene. Thus, the H of

one VOC was not impacted by the presence of another

4.3. Removal of VOCs from aqueous solution

Experiments were conducted for MAS of VOCs

from aqueous solutions under wet conditions as de-
scribed in our earlier work [5,21]. The rate constants
obtained for toluene removal by plotting the ln(C0 /Ct )
Fig. 2. Effect of initial chloroform concentration on its Henry’s
versus time, were lower than those observed for chlo-
law constant.
roform. A typical example is presented in Fig. 3, which
shows a significantly lower rate constant (slower re-
The literature values of H obtained for chloroform moval) for the toluene test than that for the chloro-
and toluene at temperatures close to 23 ◦ C are sum- form test under identical operating conditions. The
marized in Table 3. Comparison was also made in diffusion coefficients for toluene in the air phase and
Table 3 between H values, obtained in this study, in the water phase are lower than those of chloro-
and those estimated by using HLC versus tempera- form by 11.6 and 13.8%, respectively. Thus, the re-
ture correlations. The agreement of data seems rea- moval of toluene and the mass transfer coefficient
sonable with the literature values and the estimated should be slightly lower than that of chloroform and
values.The results from the experiments conducted to not the 50% observed in Figs. 4 and 5. The observed
determine HLC (HLC) for the mixture of chloroform overall mass transfer coefficients, KL , were calculated
and toluene are also presented in Table 2. The eight from the rate constants using Eq. (6) for chloroform
syringes were filled with the same solution. These and toluene and compared with the values predicted
results indicate that there was no significant effect of by using qs. (1–4 with x = 0.75 in Figs. 4 and 5,
one compound on the other in respect of partitioning. respectively.
The H for chloroform alone was 0.1512 ± 0.0115 It was found that the observed values of KL for
compared to 0.1507 ± 0.0301 when measured from toluene are far smaller than those predicted. It is stated
a binary aqueous solution of chloroform/toluene. The above that, adsorption of toluene on the hydrophobic
H for toluene was 0.2305 ± 0.0195 alone versus surface of the system including the membrane was
0.2356 ± 0.0393 when measured from a binary aque- higher than that of chloroform. When adsorbed onto

Table 3
Comparison of the H values for chloroform and toluene
Chloroform Toluene

Temperature (◦ C) H Reference Temperature (◦ C) H Reference

23.0 0.1512 ± 0.0115 Present study 23.0 0.2305 ± 0.0195 Present study
22.0 0.1446 [27]a 22.7 0.2298 [27]a
24.9 0.1508 [27]a 23.0 0.2539 [27]a
19.9 0.153 [33]a 25.0 0.263 [35]a
29.8 0.185 [33]a 25.0 0.24 [31]a
20.0 0.224 [28]a 19.9 0.189 [33]a
23.0 0.2369 [35]b 29.8 0.375 [33]a
23.0 0.1593 [33]b 23.0 0.2372 [35]b
23.0 0.1486 [27]b 23.0 0.1973 [33]b
23.0 0.1475 [36]b 23.0 0.2417 [27]b
a Experimental value.
b Estimated using correlations.
H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219 215

Fig. 3. Comparison of rate constant of chloroform and toluene (air velocity = 0.13 m/s and solution velocity = 5.95 × 10−3 m/s).

Fig. 4. Comparisons between predicted and observed KL for MAS of chloroform.

Fig. 5. Comparisons between predicted and observed KL for MAS of toluene.

216 H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219

hollow fibers, toluene probably swelled the polymer 4.4. Removal of mixtures of chloroform and
matrix, resulting in the reduction of the pore size. toluene from aqueous solution
Hence, the membrane transport resistance possibly
increased. Wang and Cussler [37] reported that the re- The partitioning of one VOC was not affected by
sults from their stripping experiments of toluene were the presence of another VOC. This indicates that if
not reliable. They have attributed it to the swelling there was no influence of external factors, the mass
effect of toluene on polypropylene hollow fibers. It transport of one VOC should not be affected by the
was also reported that toluene increased the weight presence of another VOC. Thus, the rate constants
of polypropylene by 11% after a contact period of 10 were calculated separately for chloroform and toluene
days as a result of swelling [38]. The gradual des- by plotting the ln(C0 /Ct ) versus time similarly as
orption of the adsorbed toluene at the later stage of done for single solute. The rate constants for toluene
experiments likely contributed to the higher toluene were similar to those obtained from experiments with
concentration in the solution and had a negative im- single toluene solute. But, the slopes observed for
pact on its apparent air-stripping rate. the removal of chloroform were much lower than
The main factor behind this deviation was likely those observed from experiments with single chloro-
the reduction of the effective pore diameter, which form solute. A typical example is presented in Fig. 6,
was directly related to the adsorption/swelling by which shows a lower rate constant (slower removal)
toluene of the membrane. On the other hand, this for the test with chloroform/toluene mixture than that
adsorption was dependent on the toluene concentra- for single chloroform test under identical operating
tion in the solution. For the batch system used in our conditions. KL values were compared between sin-
study, the toluene concentration decreased with time. gle and mixed solute systems for chloroform and for
Thus, it is difficult to account for the changes of the toluene in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The decrease
pore shape and size over the period of the experi- in KL of chloroform in the presence of toluene might
ment to model it properly. It can be concluded that have been caused by the reduction of the pore size as
the interactions between the membrane and toluene a result of toluene adsorption/swelling. On the other
in terms of adsorption/swelling played an important hand, the slight increase in KL values for toluene
role during mass transport of toluene and should be might have been caused by the competition between
taken into account during design of MAS process toluene and chloroform for adsorption sites, which
for such VOCs. Precise quantification of swelling inevitably reduces toluene adsorption/swelling and
effect by toluene is out of scope of this study. A hence the degree of pore size reduction. This also
further investigation regarding this phenomenon is might have reduced desorption of toluene at the later
needed. stages.

Fig. 6. The ln(C0 /Ct ) vs. t plot for aqueous solutions involving chloroform as a single solute or as chloroform/toluene mixture (air
velocity = 0.13 m/s and solution velocity = 5.95 × 10−3 m/s).
H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219 217

Fig. 7. Comparison of KL for MAS of chloroform from aqueous solutions involving chloroform as a single solute or as chloroform/toluene
mixture (solution velocity = 5.95 × 10−3 m/s).

4.5. Effect of low air velocity on mass transport flows in a cylindrical tube, when the Graetz numbers
(di2 v w /LDw ) are less than 4, the experimental values
In these MAS experiments (Figs. 4, 5, 7 and 8), deviate from those predicted by Lévéque’s [16] cor-
the liquid velocity was constant while the air velocity relation [39]. Such deviations have been observed for
was changed. Thus, the liquid film resistance should hollow fibers by a number of researchers [12,40–43].
be constant. The mass transfer resistance due to the Analogous deviations have also been reported in heat
membrane should not change with the change of air transfer studies [17,44]. The Graetz numbers for air
velocity. The overall mass transfer coefficient, KL , in- flows on the lumen of the fibers in this study ranged
creased with the increase of air velocity as expected from 3.08 × 10−3 to 6.93 × 10−3 , which are much
by the reduction of the gas film resistance. However, lower than 4, i.e. the lower limit for the applicability
the sensitivity to the variation in air velocity was much of the Lévéque’s [16] model [40]. Thus, the devia-
stronger than predicted by Eq. (3) based on Lévéque’s tions of the experimental values from those predicted
[16] correlation. It was reported that at low liquid by Lévéque’s [16] correlation are not surprising.

Fig. 8. Comparison of KL for MAS of toluene from aqueous solutions involving toluene as a single solute or as chloroform/toluene mixture
(solution velocity = 5.95 × 10−3 m/s).
218 H. Mahmud et al. / Journal of Membrane Science 209 (2002) 207–219

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