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The lack of standardized healthcare records in Libya

Why does
this matter?
This problem matters because
it hampers the accuracy,
accessibility, and continuity of
patient information, leading
to compromised healthcare
quality, safety, and outcomes
for the population.
Who does
this affect?
One group impacted by this
problem is patients with chronic
conditions, as their medical
histories are often incomplete or
inaccessible, leading to
difficulties in managing their
conditions effectively, increased
risk of medical errors, and
compromised health outcomes.
Direct Indirect
This problem impacts Indirectly, it affects healthcare
patients directly as they providers, researchers, and public
face challenges in receiving health officials who require
appropriate and accurate and comprehensive
continuous healthcare. medical data for their work.

Cite: Report on Libyan Health Information System

Historical Context
Historically, the fragmented
governance, limited financial
resources, inadequate human
resources and shortages of basic
life-saving medicines and
equipment has reduced the
capacity of health system in Libya.

Cite: Comprehensive assessment of Libya’s health information system 2017

Doctors often make up or guess
data, which can lead to:
misdiagnosis and incorrect
treatment, erosion of trust, or
even Compromised patient safety

Cite Article on misleading data

Analyzing the problem
Using the McKinsey Frame

What is the problem? Who is affected? Where and when does

1 The absence of a standardized
3 Healthcare providers are
5 the problem occur?
electronic health record (EHR) affected by the lack of
system in Libya, leading to standardized healthcare records In healthcare facilities
challenges in accuracy, as it hampers their ability to throughout Libya, impacting
accessibility, and continuity of access and utilize accurate patient care and outcomes on
patient information. patient information. an ongoing basis.

Where and when does What will make a

2 the problem occur? 4 solution successful?
In healthcare facilities A successful solution would
throughout Libya, impacting involve the nationwide
patient care and outcomes on implementation of a standardized
an ongoing basis. EHR system in Libya
Possible Solutions
Solution 1

Implementation of a Nationwide Electronic

Health Record (EHR) System
Develop and deploy a comprehensive EHR system
across all healthcare facilities in Libya within the
next two years. This system should include
standardized data entry protocols, secure storage,
and interoperability features to ensure accurate and
accessible patient information. Measurable
outcomes include a significant increase in the
percentage of healthcare facilities utilizing the EHR
system, improved data sharing and continuity of
care, and reduced medical errors.
Possible Solutions
Solution 2

Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions:

Introduce mobile health applications and platforms
that enable patients to access and manage their
health records using smartphones or other mobile
devices. These solutions should provide secure and
user-friendly interfaces for patients to view their
medical information, book appointments, receive
reminders, and communicate with healthcare
providers. The goal is to have at least 75% of the
population using mHealth solutions within three years,
leading to improved patient engagement, adherence
to treatment plans, and better health outcomes.
Possible Solutions
Solution 3

Blockchain Technology for Secure

Health Data Exchange:
This platform would enable healthcare
providers, patients, and researchers to
access and share medical records securely
while ensuring data privacy and integrity.
The implementation should be achieved
within five years, with measurable outcomes
including increased trust in data security,
streamlined data exchange, and enhanced
collaboration among healthcare
User Example
As a healthcare provider in Libya, I want Success criteria
to access accurate and comprehensive
patient information easily and securely 1. The EHR system provides a user-
to deliver high-quality care. friendly interface with intuitive
2. I can search for a patient's record
by entering their name, unique
identifier, or other relevant
3. The system displays the patient's
medical history, including
diagnoses, medications, allergies,
and previous treatments.
Measuring Solution
Adoption Rate:

Measure Meathod
Percentage of healthcare Collect data on how many
facilities in Libya that have times the EHR was used
implemented and actively through in app tracking. This
use the EHR system. data can be collected
periodically, such as every six
months, to track the progress of
adoption over time.
Restating the problem

Problem Solution
The lack of standardized healthcare By implementing a standardized
records in Libya is a pressing problem EHR system, healthcare providers
that directly impacts the population will have access to accurate and
seeking healthcare services in the comprehensive patient information.
country. It hampers the accuracy, This will enable them to make
accessibility, and continuity of patient informed decisions, deliver
information, resulting in significant personalized care, and ensure
challenges for healthcare providers continuity of care, ultimately
and patients alike. leading to improved healthcare
quality and patient outcomes.
Appendix #1
1 2
Interoperability Challenges International Standards
Implementing EHR systems faces The International Organization for
the challenge of achieving Standardization (ISO) has developed
interoperability, which refers to the standards for health informatics,
ability of different systems and including the ISO/HL7 10781:2015
software to communicate and standard that specifies the
exchange data accurately. requirements for electronic health
Overcoming this challenge often record systems. Adhering to
involves the development and international standards ensures
adoption of standardized data compatibility and interoperability
exchange formats and protocols. between different EHR systems.

Cite 1: Report on Libyan Health Information System

Cite 2: ISO/HL7 10781:2015
Appendix #2
healthcare providers, healthcare facilities, and
Target Demographic patients within the country's healthcare ecosystem.

Name Dr. Fatima Ahmed (F) Proffession Has access to a personal laptop
and smartphone, and she is
comfortable using technology for
professional purposes.

Age 35 years Annual Income $40,000

Educational Medical School Relevant Dr. Fatima recognizes the

history graduate with a Information challenges of paper-based medical
specialization in records, such as difficulty in
family medicine accessing patient information
quickly and securely.

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