Assignment Solu-Of Mth100 - 2024

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Assignment solution of Mth100

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Certainly! Let's work through each question step by step:

Question No. 1:-


 Given \(z = 1 + 3i\), we need to find the modulus of \(z\).

The modulus of a complex number \(z = a + bi\) is given by \(|z| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}\).

For \(z = 1 + 3i\), the modulus is:

\[ |z| = \sqrt{1^2 + 3^2} = \sqrt{1 + 9} = \sqrt{10} \]

Question No. 2:-


 Given \(A = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 5 \\ 1 & -5i \end{pmatrix}\), we need to find \(A^2 - 5I\),
where \(I\) is the identity matrix.

First, calculate \(A^2\):

\[ A^2 = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 5 \\ 1 & -5i \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 2 & 5 \\ 1 & -5i \end{pmatrix} \]

\[ A^2 = \begin{pmatrix} 2*2 + 5*1 & 2*5 + 5*(-5i) \\ 1*2 + (-5i)*1 & 1*5 + (-5i)*(-5i) \end{pmatrix} \]

\[ A^2 = \begin{pmatrix} 4 + 5 & 10 - 25i \\ 2 - 5i & 5 + 25 \end{pmatrix} \]

\[ A^2 = \begin{pmatrix} 9 & 10 - 25i \\ 2 - 5i & 30 \end{pmatrix} \]

Now, calculate \(A^2 - 5I\):

\[ A^2 - 5I = \begin{pmatrix} 9 & 10 - 25i \\ 2 - 5i & 30 \end{pmatrix} - 5 \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \

end{pmatrix} \]
\[ A^2 - 5I = \begin{pmatrix} 9 & 10 - 25i \\ 2 - 5i & 30 \end{pmatrix} - \begin{pmatrix} 5 & 0 \\ 0 & 5 \
end{pmatrix} \]

\[ A^2 - 5I = \begin{pmatrix} 4 & 10 - 25i \\ 2 - 5i & 25 \end{pmatrix} \]

Question No. 3:-


 Given \(z = 1 - i\), we need to find the modulus of \(z\).

\[ |z| = \sqrt{(1)^2 + (-1)^2} = \sqrt{1 + 1} = \sqrt{2} \]

Question No. 4:-


 To prove that \(f(x) = x^2 + 9x\) is an odd function, we need to show that \(f(-x) = -f(x)\) for all \

\[ f(-x) = (-x)^2 + 9(-x) = x^2 - 9x \]

\[ -f(x) = - (x^2 + 9x) = -x^2 - 9x \]

Since \(f(-x) = -f(x)\), the function is odd.



 Given \(f(x) = 3x^2 + 7\), we need to find \(f(y)\).

Replace \(x\) with \(y\) in the function:

\[ f(y) = 3y^2 + 7 \]

All Answers :-
 So, the answers are:

1. Modulus of \(z = 1 + 3i\) is \(\sqrt{10}\).

2. \(A^2 - 5I = \begin{pmatrix} 4 & 10 - 25i \\ 2 - 5i & 25 \end{pmatrix}\).

3. Modulus of \(z = 1 - i\) is \(\sqrt{2}\).

4. \(f(x) = x^2 + 9x\) is an odd function.

5. \(f(y) = 3y^2 + 7\).

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