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NIM : 1860406233171

A. Definiton Of Stock Market

The definition of shares marks capital participation in a company or limited
Liability company. Shares are also defined as a unit of accounting value in various
Financial instruments that refer to the ownership of a company.

B. Types of Shares
There are only two types of shares according to KUHD and UUPT, namely shares in
name (opnaam) and shares by appointment (aantoonder). Shares in name are shares that
include the name of the holder or owner. The name of the person listed on the shares is
confirmed as the owner. Designated shares are shares that do not include the name of the
holder or owner. The person who can show the shares is considered the owner. In Law
No. 40 of 2007, companies can only issue shares in name, with the aim of legal certainty
regarding share ownership. It seems that both regulations view the types of shares in
terms of how they are transferred.
The types of stocks in terms of trading performance are as follows:
1. Blue chip stocks
2. Income stocks
3. Growth stocks

C. How Students Own Shares with Little Money

Every individual will always be faced with the problem of how much money is received
and spent. In some cases there is a problem that the money received or generated by
someone is smaller than the expenditure, this is due to how the individual’s financial
behavior. Individuals with good financial behavior tend to be wiser and smarter in using
their funds or resources, such as controlling spending, recording expenses, and investing.
Financial behavior and investment decisions are two things that are interrelated
The role of financial behavior when someone makes an investment decision is very
important because in their research it was found that a person’s psychological aspects
greatly influence investment decisions to what extent the person can maximize their
investment returns besides that it is stated that it is very difficult for someone to behave
consistently this is because they will make every different assumption based on the
financial and investment information obtained.

D. Relevant Stock Applications

There are many stock applications that have been created and each has its own
advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, for a beginner who wants to start
investing in stocks online, he must be careful in choosing a stock application. Make sure
the stock application that has been used is under the supervision of the OJK to avoid
Unwanted things. The following are recommendations for the best stock applications
2023 that are relevant to use as follows:
2) Seedlings
3) RTI Bussines
4) Motion Trade

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