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Scrum 3.

Stakeholder - investors - end users
Product owner - brain

project manager
business analyst
business architech

agile coach
scrum masters

development team
testing team
support team
production team

delivery manager ( internal stake holder )


software development life cycle

requirement gathering -
requirement analysis -
sign off document
design -ui/ux desing

software testing life cycle
requirement analysis
test planning
test case design
test enviroinment
test execution
test cycle closure
development :

frontend :
html, css, php , angular
react js ( java script ) - black & white

backend :
java , pyhton
data base :
oracle ( sql ) , salesforce , MongoDb

mobile app:

Testing :
manual test ( no codes )
automation ( selenium )
api - application programming interface

unit testing - development team
regression testing - testing team
UAT testing ( user acceptance testing ) - client

Git Hub - code storage

Jenkins - server pipeline
Methodologies involved in project development


lenear sequential model
defined process
project development team only moves to the next level/phase of development or
testing if the previous step completed successfully
business team only involved in the planning and end release of the product

back tracking is not possible
clients are not into the process
testing done at the last stage
requiremnts will be freezed
more of document work
Verification and validation model - V-Model:
execution of process happens in a sequential manner in the v-hape
testing done at the each stage of the process
risk management that combines the iterative development process model

BigBang :
do not follow any specific process, the developemnt just stats with the
required money and efforts as the input
extremly risky model

emprical process
iterative approach
specific approch for planning, managing and executing the work
light weight approach
**business team works along with the development team to get the project
/product success

lot of changes
less documents

Scrum Master:
facilates the team, meeting, process
connector between the team
bridge between the team

the scrum-team leader, also reffered to as the scrum master is a person who
takes care of to and for communication between the product owner and the entire

Roles of scrum:
Product owner
server new or difficult team
free lancer
organization development
multiple projects

qualities of scrum:
problem solving
quick leaner
knowledge end -to - end process

*protecting the team
*tool maintanence
*meeting facilitation
*agile coaching
*support the team
*remove impediments / blockers

Product owner > Requirement > AGILE > project success
the state of being ( not just doing ) agile, which means going beyond its "well-
known" practices.

The Stacey Matrix:

Uncertinity of requirements :
level of uncertainity of WHAT you have to do or build

Uncertainity of Technology:
level of uncertainity of HOW you build a project

close to certainity & aggrement -- simple - waterfall

far from certainity & aggrement -- complex - agile
What is AGILE ?
It requires you to understand that there's always room for improvement to
tailor your products / services to todays dynamic enviroinment

Doing Agile:
means practicing all the processes and guidelines of agile methodology
withour understanding or absorbing the rationale and the spirit of these guidelines

Being Agile:
An individual or an organization is AGILE when they're able to quickly adopt
or evolve in response to changing circumstances
Agile is a general term for various approaches to developing software that have
emerged in response to the dismal results of the waterfall approach

Agile Manifesto :
* Individual and interaction over process and tools:
connecting with the PO, people
PO working with the team
face to face meeting
* Working software over comprehensive documentation
working software is the primary key
less documents
* customer collabration over contract negotation
connect with the customer
customer should be involved in all the process
* responding to change over following a plan
responding to the changes
accept the changes and do the needful
Agile Principles:
*customer satisfaction
when expections are met
early delivery/ continous deliverables
*welcome changes
changes in the requirements are accepted
*Delivery frequently
continous deliverables
*work together
business team and development team work together , to get the product success

*trust and support

trust them to get the job done
support them , giving the data
*face to face conversation
effective way of conveying the information
*working software
working software is the primary key
*sustainable development
constant development in the process
*continous attentation
*maintain simplicity
simplicity is the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential
*self organizing team
*reflect and adjust

Scrum :
3 pillars
5 values
3 roles
3 artifacts
5 ceremonies

product owner :

brain of the product

managing the product, project
vison of the product
the person who represent on behalf of the customer
he person who creats backlogs
business domain skills
decides the process
defines the release date
prioritizes the work

one person
authority over the product decision
accountable for the product process
brain of the product

proper requirement sharing
on-going vision
optimize the developer work
ensure team has proper data
co-ordinate with scrum master

backbone of the project
servant leader - leads in serving
remove obstacles
resolves impediments
motivates the team
problem solving
protect the team/ support the team
co-ordinate btw the team
encourage team in decision making
timely deliver the project
status reports
owns the process
not the boss
leads by influence

" leader who servers "
no authority
role model - scrum values
not a manager
not an admin
system thinker

helps people understand scrum
increase the visibility
faciliates as needed ( meeting )
improve the system ( organization )

//Scrum team :
Developer, tester
self organizing
cross functional team ( dev + test )
participating in all the ceremonies ( meeting )
Dev team ( dev + test )

self managing team
cross functional team
no - sub team
full time , dedicated

decide how to do the work
track the progress in the sprint
estimate the work
collaborate with PO, Stakeholder, to maintain backlogs


Scrum Team :
5 -9 member team

Scrum Definition:
Scrum is a generic framework for solving complex problem such as project
planning, development , project creation

Is a framework for project management commonly used in other field including

research, sales, marketing , finance and advanced technologies
currently the most popular agile framework is SCRUM

3 pillars:

everybody knows whats going on
giving visibility in the process
"meetings" helps with the transperancy
check the progress towards the sprint goal
a process to evaluate the work done by the developer & tester

adapt to the feedback
adapt to the results by the inspection

Scrum Values
5 values:

focus on the work, on the team ,
requirements, goal, process
open to the team
being transperant
transperant to the PO, Stake
the challenges in the work
team member should respect each other in the team
independent people
commit to the work,
complete the work
courage to face the situation
do the right thingand work on the tough situation
courage to aggree / disagree


Planning :
Capacity plan
User story ( lined up )

product backlogs
A prodct backlog is a list of valuable things to accomplish
When PBI ( product backlog item ) is delivered,some value is created

the requirements
a list of all desired work on the project ideally expressed such that each
item has value to the user or the customers of the product

these reuirements are prioritized by the product owner and also reprioritized
at the start of every sprint

Sprint review meeting :

* every sprint once

* iterative review

Team, Scrum, PO, Stake , delivery manager ( internal stake )

team checking,
Backlogs are done status
discuss on the sprint goal
review the status ( RAG -- red amber green )
demo to the team
value delivered --- client & team
velocity chart
impediments ( risk identified )
reports ( burn up, burn down , cumulative )
get the feedback from the team

each sprint end will give demo on the working software to the client team
*inspect and adopt the product
*only show the working software
*no ppt/ no docs
*get the feedback from the team on the current status of the product


Sprint Retrospective Meeting

as a SM, we have to figure out what went wrong, what went right in the
current sprint

insect and adopt the process

how we are working as a team?
1-2 improvement actions should be applied
scrum values should be applied
last event of the sprint
Developer, Tester , SM
45 min for a sprint

what went wrong?
what went right?
what could have been done better?


Start doing
Stop doing
Continue doing

Sprint Grooming Meeting
product backlog refinement meeting

backlogs are refined

product backlog-- sprint backlog
scrum master should have the capacity plan ready
We do user story estimations ( planning pocker, relative estimation )

Agile Metrics :

lead time measures the time between the customer order and order fulfillment.

cycle time measures the time it takes for a team to make a product
the time between when your team starts work on a feature and when it goes to the
end users

capacity planner
a process that involves determining the capacity of a scrum team for a particular
sprint. It's also known as capacity-based sprint planning or commitment-based
sprint planning.
Capacity in Agile represents the amount of work that can be completed within a
given time frame. It's based on the number of hours a person or team has available
to complete that work.

Velocity is a key metric in Scrum that measures how much work a team can complete
during a Sprint. It's calculated by adding up the points for all fully completed
User Stories at the end of a Sprint.

Defect density :
Defect density is a metric in software engineering and quality assurance that
measures the number of defects or issues found in a software product. It is
calculated by dividing the total defects by the total lines of code.
importance :
Measuring a company's testing effectiveness
Highlighting different defects within a program
Helping identify key code improvement areas
Emphasizing higher-risk program components
Providing insight into production timelines
Improving overall program performance
Enhancing developer productivity

Other topics :
Agile Vs Scrum

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