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Criminal Revision No. _____________ / 20

Name , S/o, D/o Father Name , resident of




1. Muhammad Afzal Son of Muhammad Aslam Resident of House

No. 22, Street Gull Rukh Taj Bagh Scheme Phase-III, Lahore.
2. Judicial Magistrate P.S. Ghaziabad, Lahore.

REVISION under section 439-A Cr.P.C. against the Order

Dated 21.03.2014 passed by the Mr. Jehangir Ali
Gondal Judicial Magistrate Section 30, Lahore

Case FIR No.: 772/12 dated 02.10.2012

Offence : U/S 392 PPC
Police Station : Ghaziabad, Lahore.

Respectfully Sheweth:-

1. That the above titled case / FIR was lodged by the respondent

No. 1 against the present petitioner and he was arrested in the

above titled case.


2. That during the investigation no recovery was effected from

the petitioner and the local police also found the petitioner

innocent and the complainant / respondent No. 1 also

recorded his statement before SP that the petitioner is not his

culprit and police declared the petitioner innocent.

3. That the petitioner filed an application under section 249-A

Cr.P.C. for his acquittal from the case before the Judicial

Magistrate / respondent No. 2 who refused to agree with the

local investigation and dismissed the application of the

petitioner vide order dated 21.03.2014. Copies of application

and order dated 21.03.2014 are attached herewith.

4. That the petitioner seeks revision of the impugned order on

the following:


(a) That the impugned order dated 21.03.2013 passed by

Mr. Jehangir Ali Gondal, Judicial Magistrate, Section 30,

Lahore Cantt, is against the law and facts of the case.

(b) That the learned Trial Court did not go through the

record and did not consider the statement of the

complainant as well as material available on the record.

(c) That the learned trial court completely ignored the

police investigation and illegally and malafidely passed

the impugned order.


(d) That the impugned order has been passed without

application of judicial mind & without going through the

record of case.

(e) That the petitioner is totally innocent in the above said

case and he has malafidely involved in this case.

(f) That the impugned order is nullity in the eye of law.

It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that

impugned order may kindly be revised and the
petitioner may kindly be released from the said false




As per instructions of my client this is first revision
petition in this matter.


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